A Love called Myra: Raj and M...

By catwritesalot

198K 7.5K 90

The love story of a playboy turned good and a sweetheart who had her heart broken. Will they ever be able to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23

Chapter 22

6.3K 222 3
By catwritesalot


I checked my messages and there seems to be a dozen calls from home. One message was from Leela: "Jiju! You missed it! I saw your baby! Okay, call back as soon as possible. Didi really misses you. Okay, bye!" It was late into the night. I had just come back from a hectic day. Being director of a movie is a lot harder than on a TV set. The schedules are more irregular and if even one person doesn't show up or one thing goes wrong, the whole thing can get messed up. This morning when I called Meera, she sounded upset but I'm sure she understands. I'll get to see our baby when I get back in another week. I can't believe how my life picked up after acting. It's crazy. Marrying Meera was the perfect thing to do. It was the right time and place in my life. I can't believe we're becoming parents. I can already imagine her with her pregnant belly. I don't know why but thinking of her with a big belly seems to turn me on. She's surrounded by people she loves though. She won't miss me too much. I couldn't call this late. I wanted to know what happened at the appointment so badly. Leela sounded so dramatic about it. I guess I'll call in the morning.

I give a call to my house before heading back to our shooting the next morning. I love the movie's set, cast, story - everything! Hopefully, this movie becomes a success. This is the best job ever except for the fact that I'm away from my family. Shylaji picked up and forwarded the call to Meera's room. So she's awake now. Leela picked up - "JEEEEEJUUUUUU!!!!!!!! GUESS WHAT? GUESS WHATT?" I ask her what but she says I need to ask "DIIIIIII" and then a few seconds later, "Di said to tell you that she's busy and won't talk right now." "Oh come on, is she mad at me for yesterday?" Leela told me how Meera was ranting to her and I heard her yell "Di, stop throwing pillows at me, I'll tell Jiju." I chuckled as she came back on the line. "Leela, how come you didn't send me pictures of yesterday?" "Only if Di let me! She's mad at you for not skyping with us. But, I'll send you the pictures of your baby." I video chatted with her. I saw her sitting beside Meera who looked a bit upset at me. She was beautiful. I have a feeling Leela's been toying with my wife. She wore a sparkly pink saree, her hair in curlers and her makeup done well. She wouldn't look at me directly but I saw her glancing my way. "Okay Jiju, I sent the pictures to your phone." I look up from my laptop and at my vibrating cell phone. I opened the file. I heard Leela dragging Meera to sit beside her who met her with protest but sat anyway. I looked at the pictures which didn't make sense at first but beside it was written 'baby'. I looked up at the video chat. I saw a small smile on Meera's face and I knew she forgave me. "Meera! You have made me the happiest man alive. I love you so much darling." "AHEM - Jiju, I'm still here!" I had tears spring up in my eyes. I chatted with Meera for a while and I made sure that all was forgiven about yesterday before going to work. I'll be seeing her in another week.

The movie is starting to develop quickly. I got an invite to a party which I guess I'll be attending without Meera. We both agreed that we won't bring news about the baby out until after he or she is born. I don't want the whole world at my doorstep. The day I got back Meera was sitting calmly at the table. I noticed at dinner that Manav and Leela had a few sparks going on. This was interesting. Meera hadn't said too much to me. I was a bit disappointed. I liked that she was wearing sarees again. I noticed how it floated off the small belly she had grown. After dinner, I bid good night to everyone. I heard Meera's dad calling for his tea and then her mom asked her about packing up a bunch of stuff. Meera shows up at our bedroom an hour later. Her parents are making her do a lot of work. I see why she's so traditional and always listening to them but she has to live for herself a bit. I like the Meera I see without her parents' block. She's so restricted when they're around. She had told me she grew up listening to them all her life and when she finally got with me that she feels like she's leaving the old Meera behind. I'm glad she's doing that. Now, she took out the pins from her saree and was about to come into bed with me just to be called for another five minutes.

I found out that Leela's next door, in the small bedroom in this wing of the house. She wanted to be in there. I still haven't had a chance to talk to my wife. She comes back in, her hair strewn around her shoulders and the clips she was wearing in it were gone. She had on the bangles which were not supposed to be taken off until the next ritual came around. Whenever she moved her hands, you'd hear the noise of bangles. I laid on the bed watching her move around the room huffing and puffing. She's losing her breath too. She is doing way too much work than she should be!

"Hey, aren't you going to talk to your husband?" I ask her. "Okay husband, what do you want?" "First, I want a hug from the beautiful women holding my child." She sat on the bed and I wrap my arms around her. She laughs before turning away. "Too bad, I'm mad at you.", she says. "Oh, come on you said you forgive me." "Please, you have to try harder than that." She moved to her side of the bed lying on her back breathing heavily still. I kiss her cheek. "Raj, go to sleep now." "Kyun? (why?)" "Because we're both tired and need to sleep." "Without a goodnight kiss?" "No, Raj, not today. You know what those kisses become. Raj, stop, don't get any closer. I told you, I'm still mad at you, be serious. No kiss for you..." "I want to kiss our baby." "What?" I pat her belly and move the saree over a bit. "Hey! I said no hanky panky! What are you doing?" "Kya hua?" said another voice. Her mom was at the door. I turn to Meera and ask "Do you want me to tell her that you're not letting me kiss my baby?" "Nahi, nahi. Raj, please, chodu mujhe. (let go of me)" I replied to her mom, "Kuch nahi auntyji." Meera gave me an exasperated look, rolled her eyes and said - "Fine, do whatever! I don't care!" I turn to face her belly pulling the saree back.

I looked at her swelled up belly. I couldn't believe that inside was part of me. She gave me her pointed stare still. I kissed the belly and a protest came out of her but I asked her if she really wants me to tell her mom. "Raj, please. Stop, please. It's ticklish!" She was laughing and there's me leaned over her belly laughing with her. Leela walks in, "why aren't you two sleeping? Jiju? What are you doing? Oops, I think I caught you both at the wrong time." We both doubled over again and Leela walked back after telling us to shut up. I gave her belly another kiss before moving up to her face.

I was leaned over her and I could tell she was breathing hard again. Her panting gave it away. I kissed one cheek and then the other before I felt her hand push me back and she turned to face me as we laid on our sides. "So, this is called kissing baby?" she giggles and then asks me "Raj, tell me how is the movie coming along?" I had already answered this question from everyone else so I began the same answer. "No! I meant, how are you with it? Is it making you too tired? I know it'll be a big success. I'm just worried for you health" "Meera, I thank God everyday for this opportunity. I thank him for you. It was only after marrying you that all these good things are happening. My dream of being a director is finally coming true." I kissed her forehead. "Anyways, I want to know how my wife is doing? What do you when you're not taking care of mama and papa?"

"You know the foundation, I've been working with them still but now I create small lessons for their school centres. I have notes from old lessons that I taught at the old school." She seemed pretty excited. I'm happy for her. I told her that she can do whatever she likes. She nestled closer to me. "Okay, Mr. director, whatever you say so." Soon, she had begun to breathe lightly and I admired the sleeping beauty in my arms. My wife. She was still beautiful, I loved the fact that she's pregnant but she looks really tired.

I don't like the fact that her parents are making her do things like she used to do. I want MY Meera back. The closed off girl I first met is becoming a mother. She can't go back to being that shy person that does whatever her parents want. I understand they're older and need help. But I don't want to see her running behind them. She has too many people to take care of. Shylaji wasn't available, her nephew was getting married. Manav took Leela with him as his date, I remember seeing them off. While Shylaji was helping with wedding preparations, Manav was still in the house. I think it's time for the house to go back to the way it was. I need to talk to Meera about this.

The next morning I find Meera awake and wrapping herself in another saree for the day. My shooting didn't start until 9. I have another 2 hours. "Meera, what are you doing up already?" "Oh man, I'm busy today honey." "Come on, you've been too busy. Cut yourself some slack." "Raj, I like being busy. Challo now, breakfast is in another hour. I have to go prepare chai for everyone. I told the cook to make dosas today. I wanted to help mom make her famous chutney." "Hey Meera, slow down. We need to talk first." She turned around walking towards me. "Raj, is everything alright? Am I not doing something right?" "Nai, nai" - I told her that I've noticed that she's working around the clock and she doesn't give herself enough time. (Really, she doesn't give me enough time). I told her how I've noticed her getting tired and maybe it's time to send her parents back. First she had her listening face on and slowly her angry side came out. "Raj, I'm not complaining about it am I? I enjoy doing this thank you very much. My parents are my life. Without them, I wouldn't be here now." This was not how I expected her to react but it got worse. I saw the tears jump into her eyes as she ran out of the room. I tried to go after her but she told me to leave her alone and that she needed to be away from me then. I ended up not getting my morning kiss. I had a dosai and chai away from the family. I showed up about half an hour early and I wasn't the happiest man at shooting.

Things have been icy for a whole week. Meera has not talked to me normally. I've been given the silent treatment except when her parents are there. I ended up going to the party by myself. She didn't even help me fix my tie that day. She has been upset for a while. The other day I caught her vomiting - pregnancy symptoms again. I went to go help her by holding her hair but as soon as she finished, she moved away giving me that leave me alone face. Of course, there was media at the party and pictures were taken and rumours were made. I found a crazy one that one of the crew showed me the other day. "Raj Malhotra cheating on his wife with actress?" I had to laugh with the actress about that one. It's impossible for us to get together. We're both just good friends. The snaps the media took were of us standing next to one another just having a good time.

A few days later, Meera's family leave as the time for their stay was up and Leela was going to start school again. I asked her if she wants any help telling her parents about Manav. She gave me a scared look - "Please Jiju, don't tell them!" "Okay, I was just joking." At least Leela is okay with me. Manav looked sad about saying goodbye to Leela. They told each other to write emails to one another and I even saw them hug before Leela went to go get her bags. I walked into the servant's quarters to ask Manav about how his mom's getting back and I saw the two. It was sweet. I decided to leave them alone. That was one part of the house I rarely entered. I lived on the opposite end. It's almost a separate building except for the fact that the door of the entrance is in the kitchen.

After her family left, I was able to corner Meera and asked her for her forgiveness for the 500 millionth time. She turned around. "You want me to forgive you for what? For saying bad things about my family? For going to a party and enjoying yourself with other women? For cheating on me?" I was confused at first. Then I realized that she probably saw the rumours flying around. "Meera please listen." She had begun to sob. "Meera please, it's just a rumour. I've already told you I'm sorry about your parents. I was just looking out for you. You're pregnant and you're not supposed to be doing a lot. I just want the best for you and our baby. Please understand. And that actress is just a friend, I swear over the child you're holding that I will never stray from you." As soon as I said that, her face with tears streaking down her cheeks had a small smile on it. All was forgiven as she came and gave me a hug. "I'm sorry my darling." "I'm sorry too. I should've asked you first before believing the tabloids." I kissed her on the lips and felt her smile.

It was great to have her back in my arms. "So, what do you want to do the rest of today?" "I want to eat lots of fruits and then watch one of your old movies." During the movie in our home theatre, Meera put her head on my shoulder and soon fell asleep. I kept my arm around her before kissing her forehead. I hear her gasp - "Oh!" "Hey, are you okay?" She looks up at me smiling. She took my two hands placing them on her belly. This time, I was able to feel the kick that happened inside of her. I couldn't resist giving her another big hug and kiss. We got our very first kick at 5 months.

Soon after the departure of Meera's family from the house, Shylaji returned and Meera was giving lessons for the orphanage under the foundation. She was doing several different grades at once. They offered her a position to work there as a head teacher but she declined and her reason was being pregnant but of course she couldn't tell them and said that she'll apply later when she's ready. She'd rather stay the anonymous teacher for now. The movie has come along great. Meera is now 8 months and her belly has grown very big. There isn't a day that she does not breathe heavily as she walks around. She looks damn sexy even if she's rounder. I like her no matter what. The premiere is two weeks before she's due. I told her that I don't think she should go no matter how much she argued.

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