Die With You

By nickinacpattywack

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i don't have a reason to be, if i can't be with you. More

Die With You


573 43 5
By nickinacpattywack

"i don't find a thing you said funny." i sat back in my chair and folded my arms. sitting in the medium sized meeting room, i kept my eyes on the russian women in front of me.

"it's not a joke beautiful. we find you more than attractive and feel as though we could work together. possibly work on each other. if you know what i mean."

i raised an eyebrow and smirked. partners wanting to do more than work is never a surprise. there's always at least two out of my day. but i'm deeply in love, so that would never happen.

"take my card and we could possibly get somewhere....what's our deal right now?" i sighed.

"there's a truck of women out back. they're worth some money and have much to give you."


"their bodies. what they can do with them."

"mmm. this meeting is over. i'll let you know how your women do me. thank you." i pressed the button beneath me and watched as they were escorted out.

my job isn't my favorite, but it was passed to me. it keeps my family fed and helps me with life. i wasn't introduced to it until i was the age of 16. being 26, i've learned a lot about life and the way things go. i've changed things and made them better for my workers' good.

life has taken me through a lot in my years, but it's done me good. there's always a negative to a positive unfortunately.

i stood from the table and made my way to the back.

Cole followed close behind me, he rarely let me do anything alone. he was ordered by my mother to be my protector and he does just that. does one hell of a job that at times, i get annoyed. he's watched me grow.

"be careful. let me check first." he blocked the door of the huge trunk and i let him take over. watching him unload the women and check them personally. they didn't look in the best condition, but it's my job to make sure they're safe.

getting them together and prepared to work for me. with me, they're free. having the freedom to live life under a minimum of conditions. i would never control a woman in a way that i wouldn't want to be controlled. it's out of respect for myself and my girl. i wouldn't dare disrespect her by treating women in a way she wouldn't approve.

"hi, i'm Heiress. i'll be you guys'.....whatever it is we're called. things won't be the way they were. i'm much more understanding and will be sure of your safety. you'll go with that woman right there, Jhene. she'll get you all together and make sure you're stable. when you get to the house, you will be assigned a room and given clothing. then we'll go shopping tomorrow. the place you're being taken to isn't your permanent home, it's a holding house until you're given your assigned spot of living. cool?"

"yes ma'am." they spoke in unison and i frowned.

"please don't call me that." it made me feel like my mom.

"um...i have a daughter. i haven't been in contact with her in two months...could i please call her, make sure she's fine? please."

"yea sure that's fine. is there anything you need as far as your daughter?"

"i want her with me...if it's safe like you say."

"ok that's fine. everything will be fine and better than what you're used to. the child will be just fine at the house. you'll see when you get there and if it isn't up to the way you would like her to live, let me know. get with Jhene on contacting her.

i have to go but if any of you need me, once again, Jhene. see you guys bright and early tomorrow." i walked back inside the building and made my way to my office.

seeing those women made me beyond thankful for the way my mother raised me. kept me away from the things my father exposed her to. i would be right in their position if she hadn't. those girls were sold to russians by their parents. looking for a better life but running into the wrong crowd of people.

"hi my baby." i spoke lowly to beyoncé. she was laying across the couch with a frown. another bratty way because i wouldn't allow her to sit inside. i didn't want my baby to see those women. she's sensitive and will become fragile. "i take it that you're still upset with me. not like i care but okay my love." i sat at the desk and pulled out files.

scanning the names of the women already inside my homes. figuring out which girl will go with who. a knock was at the door and I allowed their entry. Jhene handing over the box of folders that held the new women's information.

"thank you. please make sure the woman with a child gets in contact with the baby. make sure to ask the others if they have any children they're concerned about. you know if they have a child, they're sent to the home with the girls that have children as well. but before you do any of that, let me know who."


i nodded as she walked out and focused on what i had to do.

"can we go home?"

"when i'm finished we can my love."

"i wanna go now."

i sighed softly in attempt to keep my frustration down. she knew when she was bothering me in a way to upset me. i've grown since a child and have learned to ignore her, but she makes it hard at times.

i'm really chill and rarely say much, so i have no idea why she makes things hard. she knows how i am, and still does things like this.

"i said i wanna go home onika."

"i hear you baby." i spoke softly. step 1.

"so why are we still sitting here?"

"i have things to do baby. this is why i asked if you wanted to stay home my love. you said you wanted to come." step 2.

she didn't say anything so i figured she was done. i clicked on my computer and began to search the women who gave me these girls. making sure their background is what they told me.

"oh my gosh."

"beyoncé...please chill." step 3. if asking her to calm down doesn't work, she's asking for it. i calmed my twitching eye and kept my focus. it's been a minute since i've had to react in a way that i know will hurt her feelings.

"i'm saying i want to leave and you don't care."


"don't ok me. take me home."



"ok love." i sighed and continued my work. no matter what, i'm not leaving. before we left home, i made her assure that she wanted to come. even telling her she wouldn't be sitting in before we came. so she knew.

all of this is unnecessary bullshit.

"i'm leaving."

"that's fine baby. i'll see you at home. kiss my baby for me."

"come home when you told her you would and don't disappoint her like always."

i looked at her and blinked. she knows that that's a close place and hit at home for me. this is why i question the way she loves me. any time she expresses it, i second guess it. it's things like this. she knows what will hurt me and make my mind race more than it already does.

what she said was true, but it's the moment she's said it in. if it was any other day, her just telling me the truth, i would be fine and understanding. but she only said that because she wants to get under my skin.

"bye beyoncé." i swallowed the lump in my throat while clearing my throat. i'm guessing she didn't think i would react that way, so she came towards me. "go home bey. i love you and i'll see you later."

"i'm sorry baby...i didn't mean to say that."

"but you were thinking it, which means you've thought it before."

i didn't give her my eyes for a second. she didn't deserve it.

"i didn't mean it."

"bye beyoncé."

"i love you."


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