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By RoseMalachi

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By RoseMalachi

perzyssy licking ānogar bē iā suvion iōrves prūmia
flames licking blood upon an ice cold heart

How much pain could one heart take?

Naerys did not know but as she stared at her husband throwing her sister over his shoulder in the midst of chaos despite Rhaenyra's protests, she was sure her heart had iced over. All Naerys could feel was the burning rage that consumed her soul as her husband so easily rescued another woman and never even came back for her, his wife. Instead, in a mystifying twist of fate her uncle had pulled her from the midst of the crowd and into a darkened corner of the hall. She couldn't stop the tears that escaped her eyes as she stared in abject misery towards her uncle who for once displayed uncharacteristic, yet real, concern and understanding towards his niece.

"I'm sorry."

Two simple words and yet they caused her to burst into incontrollable sobs as years of pent-up humiliation, misery and unworthiness finally escaped the empty shell that was once the mighty Naerys Targaryen.

Daemon clutched her to his chest and pressed gentle kisses to her forehead all the while gently shushing his heartbroken niece. If there was one thing Daemon knew it was to be the second-best sibling, the spare, the overlooked until it benefits those around them. Daemon understood it all. He also understood the conflict of both loving and hating your more beloved sibling. Whilst he had never loved his wife and neither of them cared for each other Daemon could see and acknowledge just how much his niece had adored her husband. Afterall, she had married far below her station under the guise of love and happiness, whereas Harwin, the fool, had married far beyond his own station and had the audacity to allow his eye to wander.

"All you need do is say. It'll be a quick death. You will be free once more."

Daemon meant it. He would have her husband killed swiftly and quietly if that was what she so desired so long as it made her happy again. Afterall, who was Strong in comparison to a Valyrian Princess?

"Daor kepus." No uncle.

It was unnecessary and as much as it pained her heart, she did still love her husband.

Her fury and the fire that licked at her skin would no longer be contained.

The Second Name-Day of Prince Aegon

Naerys was bored witless. As she sat in the rocking carriage the tense air that filled it truly suffocated her. Why must she endure such a horror when she truly had nothing to do with the matters at hand?

She did not hate Alicent for what she had done. Was it sneaky, underhanded, and downright backstabbing? Yes. Was it anything no other lady at court including their twelve name-days cousin was doing? No. So what that Alicent was successful in becoming the next queen it made no difference to Naerys whose arse would never have sat atop the iron throne in any scenario. In fact, Naerys was glad Alicent became queen and not any other scheming harpy.

At least Alicent had some loyalty to the Princesses.

Although, how long that loyalty would last really did depend on whether Rhaenyra could open her eyes and see that she truly needed Alicent by her side. But this was Rhaenyra and politics was never her strong suit. Despite being the realms delight Rhaenyra had no interest in abiding by the customs of society so as to gain her allies and their favour. Instead, Rhaenyra bucked so harshly against tradition that she was driving her closest supporters away from her.

Their father was at his wits end and blessed the Gods everyday he endured a Rhaenyra filed headache or tantrum that his second born was far more amicable and willing to do anything to secure the future of their house. It was why he saw fit to bless her with a marriage she desired. Afterall, Viserys may have been weak, but he wasn't blind he could see what being a constant second place was doing to his daughter and, wanting to rectify past mistakes made when dealing with his brother, allowed for her to have the one thing she desired. A love match.

Truly, the match wasn't all that bad politically either. It rewarded one of his most loyal small council members, Lyonel Strong but did not allow the house to become truly anymore politically powerful than they already were. Many had thought Naerys, much like her sister, should have gone to a Great House. Whilst this may have been true, he hadn't ever seen his daughter glow more brightly or smile any wider than she had on the day of her wedding to Ser Harwin Strong.

Such a shame that smile dimmed so quickly over the past few months that Harwin had taken control of the City Watch.

As the painfully awkward carriage ride came to an end Naerys thanked the Gods for small mercies and immediately descended the carriage after her father and the queen. Fully ignoring her sisters hurt filled words exclaiming that no one was here for her.

That much was in fact true. Nobody was here for her. Not even Naerys at this point.

As she descended for steps Naerys spotted her husband who was clapping along the side with those offering cheers and well wishes to the Princeling. Upon spotting her the hulking figure quickly approached and offered his wife his arm.

"Lady Wife."

A charming smile followed the statement and Naerys couldn't help but beam back.

"Thank you, Lord Husband."

A chuckle followed her statement as the two moved away from the open door of the carriage.

"Is your sister not joining us, my love?"

The smile was gone. Brittle and hollow were Naerys' eyes once more at the mention of the woman she was sure her husband was admiring from afar.

An affair she could take. She was a woman and whilst she may have been a princess, she was not fool enough to believe that she would be treated better than the other wives of the realm. However, Naerys had hoped that her husband loved her in the same capacity with which she loved him. Yet, each day her soul was becoming crushed more.

"It appears not."

With those words the princess removed her arm from her husband abruptly and hastily made her way to the royal tent. All the while her husband was left behind confused, terrified, and slowly concluding that perhaps he had not been as subtle in his admiration as he had thought.

Harwin did not know why he did it. Truly he didn't. He loved his wife, in fact, he adored her and would lose himself entirely if he ever lost her. But for some damnable reason Rhaenyra shone so bright it was often hard to tear his eyes away. She was a wildfire that raged and burned without care. Whilst Naerys was a soothing flame that warmed you slowly and filled you with eternal comfort.

Harwin would soon come to realise just how wrong that assessment of his wife was.

Naerys collapsed gracefully into the chair beside Alicent. A simple smile and nod from the princess allowed for the conversation to continue once more. Although Naerys would hear from Larys Strong, her good-brother, that Rhaenyra had scolded lady Redwyne quite deliciously and no matter her contempt Naerys was sad to have missed the dressing down of the cake sodden woman.

"How are you Naerys?"

It was Alicent whom posed the question, although in a tone so quite it was obviously meant to be a private conversation. But with a simple look from the Princess the queen immediatly understood Naerys current mood. A frown covered her own face as she struggled to contain her upset at the actions of her dearest friend's husband.

For while Alicent and Rhaenyra's relationship may have strained, Naerys had expressed no dislike nor maltreatment towards her long-time friend. She was far more supportive and simply adored her brother.

Quite frankly Naerys did not believe Rhaenyra should be queen. Her father had had a son and that was the order of things. After all, if Viserys wanted Rhaenyra to be queen when he is dead and gone than he should label himself a usurper and give the throne to the rightful heir in Princess Rhaenys but since he had not done that and had a male child, she did not see the need for Rhaenyra to remain heir. She did not think it fair to expect the same lords who had voted for her father over a woman to now expect a queen one generation later when there was a viable male candidate, one straight from the king's own seed.

"I have rapidly realised that in life I shall forever be Naerys the Ghost. For even my own husband is blinded by the greatness that is my elder twin."

At those words Larys cringed. He had great admiration for his good-sister and the courage she covered herself in each day but also for her acknowledgement that the best way to prevent war and unrest was for Aegon to be king.

Precedent had been set at the Great Council who was Viserys, the man who had benefitted from the results, to attempt and change it now?
Whilst Larys continued he sneaky observations of the gossip the ladies shared within the circle, Naerys noticed her sister run off in another rage-filled storm. Heaving a deep sigh, the princess stood and excused herself before briskly leaving the tent in search of her sister only to witness her galloping past on her white steed straight into the Kings Wood.

With a deep frown Naerys decided to keep her father company finding him deep in discussion with the Lord Hand and Aegon playing behind him.

A bright smile covered the face of Viserys at the sight of his daughter.

"Naerys, my sweet, come I must have your opinion on the matter of your sister's future marriage."

Surprise filled Naerys she had not expected her father to ask for her opinion on such a matter.

Otto Hightower smiled at the mild Princess and rose from his seat to accompany her to her own. With a smile of gratitude, she sank into her seat winking cheekily to her brother before turning to her father.

"With what do you need my assistance, father?"

A brow raised in curiosity followed her question the disbelief not quite hidden enough that her father did not hear it. Cringing Viserys realised just how little he had utilised his second born and elected to fix that matter. It was the Lord Hand that answered the princess' query.

"I was merely suggesting that Prince Aegon should be betrothed to the Princess as a means of securing both bloodlines of the King."

Naerys was impressed by the tenacity of the Lord Hand for Aegon was a mere babe and yet Otto had ambitions for him to seat the throne. This was clearly his attempt at doing so politically.

"The babe is all but two Otto-

"Aha! Exactly as I said daughter-

"- that being said, father, it is not the worst idea. In fact, I find it rather favourable. It would settle any unrest the Lord of the Realm may feel now that you have an eligible son and have not declared him your heir. Whilst Rhaenyra would still be Queen in her own right."

The idea was sound Viserys could not deny that. But he needed heirs now not in over a decade's time, besides why should Rhaenyra have a child-groom?

"But for the good of the realm and my reign is it not best for Rhaenyra to produce heirs now?"

"Father if you had been thinking of the realm, you'd have wed Laena Velaryon."

This caused the King to stop short and the Hand to shift uncomfortably in his seat for both knew the Princess was correct. However, both Otto and Naerys could see a betrothment between the Prince and Princess would not be happening.

Soon after the Princess exited the tent and found her husband not far seemingly awaiting her presence.

Harwin beamed as his wife left the tent and immediately found himself at her side. The day was growing late and the two would hent to their own private tent for the night soon.

"Has it been a good first day, husband?"

Harwin, eager to restore the goodwill between the pair, answered with an almost animalistic grin.

"Aye, it went very well, my love, although I am unsure how much the little Princeling shall remember from this day."

This caused a laugh to leave his wife's lips and delighted the Harrenhal heir.

"Come husband, we must find out tent, surely you have some energy left to spend?"

A cheeky brow raised stirred Harwin's loins, and the man was eagerly leading his wife to their tent. Their giggles and risqué touching leaving joy in their wake.

The next day was bright and full of love. Naerys had lost her anger at her husband after a night well spent together. This feeling, however, was extremely short lived. For as the sun reached its peak in the sky her sister galloped into camp drenched in blood.

As Rhaenyra strode through the camp covered in blood and appearing as a vengeful goddess Naerys felt her heart plummet to the ground. For as she slowly dragged her shocked eyes away from her sister to look upon her husband's face, she could not help the scowl that overcame her own. Side-eyeing her good-brother who merely shook his head with a sorrowful face Naerys brought her look of disbelief firmly back onto her husband.

Her husband who was now eagerly smiling and nodding his head at the Princess. It was until he turned to dispose of the skin off the meat, he had caught, did he witness the look on his wife's face. Behind the look of utter rage, he saw the heartbreak. As he made this conclusion his wife immediately turned and stormed away to the tent the queen was known to inhabit. Harwin felt the air leave his lungs and his own stomach twist and the look of utter disgust and betrayal upon the face of his wife.

As Naerys walked with rage coating her entire being Rhaenyra had the unfortunate idea to speak with her twin upon noticing her distress.

Rhaenyra should have not done so.

"Sister, what ails you?"

Vicious like a cloying harpy unable to control herself Naerys turned and spat unfathomable venom upon her now despised sister.

"You, sister, you ail me so. You cause me such misery and misfortune. You, who has it all and yet cannot help but to take more. Even when you are not trying!"

A hysterical laugh left the younger twins' lips as a tear left her eye. Rhaenyra stood in shock. With another look of derision followed by a scoff of disgust Naerys turned once more and found herself in the company of the queen. The company in which she wept.

Naerys was unaware but she would weep more tears and her coin would bend more in the side of madness as the years progressed.

For the hunt of Aegon's second name-day would be the beginning of the end.

The Tarnishing of a Reputation

Rhaenyra had been caught in a whore house.

Naerys could not believe it. not in the sense that she did not think Rhaenyra would do it. only simply she did so brazenly and with their uncle no less.

"Did you know?"

Harwin turned already sporting the face of a guilty, wounded dog.

A humourless laugh fell from her lips.

"Of course, you knew. You must think her adventures fun and a cause of no harm?"

"Naerys please –

"Do not speak! You have no right to speak to me, Ser Harwin. Not when your desires spread so plainly across your features."

Silence fell before the couple. Tense and unspoken. But before things could escalate the Princess once more left, her husband to stare at her back and wallow in his shame.

The Wedding of Rhaenyra and Laenor

Naerys stared at her reflection.

"You look beautiful, dear friend."

The Princess turned to face the queen with a look of worry across her face. Alicent came behind her and, much like she had done to a princess before Naerys, hugged her from behind.

"She lied to us both. She may not have fucked her uncle, but she fucked her guard and swore on the memory of your dead mother. There is nothing more disgraceful than that, sweet Naerys. The fucking I could have gotten over had she of been truthful and not made us to look fools. But she used your mother, she never should have done that."

Naerys nodded, rage filling her once more at the audacity of her sister to use their mother in such a vile and disgusting way.

"I am sorry. About your father... no matter how power hungry, he is still your father."

Alicent felt tears come to her eyes as her smile trembled. She had defended Rhaenyra to her father only for her father to be correct after all.

With that the two women left the room.

The kings voice could be heard as they neared the entrance of the feast hall. They knew how late they were it was by design.

Naerys grabbed Alicent's hand when she noticed her picking at her fingers. With one final smile the two let go, raised their heads, pushed their shoulders back and once announced began the slow descent into the hall.

The gasps could be heard everywhere.

Decked in brilliant Hightower green the Queen and Princess walked with synchronized steps towards the high table. Looks of disbelief and shock filled the hall.

Naery's dress truly was resplendent the green glittered in the low light and the crown that adorned her head shone from the emerald jewels that encrusted it. Her dress was a shade lighter than the queens complimenting her silver curls and brightening her violet eyes.

Before long the Hightower's of Oldtown rose from their seats in respect of their queen and their Princess who had so blatantly aligned herself with the cause of her stepmother.

As she passed the table in which her husband's family could be found she could see his absolute shock at her open declaration of war. Larys on the other hand nodded with respect and sly smirk on his face.

Naerys smirked back and turned once more to the front ignoring her husband.

They walked around the top table with only Daemon refusing to stand.

Unsurprising as that was. Although, he seemed highly amused at the declaration being made especially from his niece who had been so dutiful to her house till now.

Rhaenyra could not catch her breath. She knew her actions would have consequences, yet she had not expected them to be too large. Nor did she expect her words to cast such a long shadow.

"Blessings, step-daughter."

The words filled with malice despite the smile upon her face. Alicent then kissed her husband cheek.

The attention was now upon the younger twin.

The malice filling her face could not be hidden.

"What a joyous day for you, sweet sister. I am sure your marriage shall be filled with joy and an early child soon enough."

With that the sister took her seat beside her queen and her metaphorical place as the queen's right hand for years to come.

This is an introduction into Naerys and her motivations for what she shall do in the future. Obviously it's not too detailed as of yet for this is a prologue but the book will continue from episode five. Just after the chaos of the wedding crush.


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