The Dark Side

By MultiFandomizedHuman

32.8K 535 604

So in this is a mix between the movie and series universe. Lloyd felt everything was perfect ... He had great... More

The Patrol
The Darkness
Betrayal and darkness
Green ninja no more!
Weapon Hiest
The Big Reveal
the assult
Ninjago City Destroyed
The death of an elemental
Uhh Lloyd ??
The Amulet part1
The Amulet part2
Date and Failed Escape
School Day
Guilty and Helpless
The end

The new Master

1.8K 25 40
By MultiFandomizedHuman

Tdl : Lloyd we need to talk

Lloyd : Yes my lord

Tdl : Earlier when you asked me what I meant by you having great potential in darkness .. i only told half of the whole story

Lloyd : ok soo what's the whole story then

Tdl : After i tell you this will you still be loyal to me

Lloyd : Yes i promise my lord

Tdl : Lloyd you do know the prophecy of the golden master right ?

Lloyd : yes i do you were the golden master.

Tdl: well i was not , the true golden master is one of the golden bloodline and can handle the power of the golden dragon.

Lloyd : Ok but i still don't understand

Tdl: Lloyd the prophecy was never meant for me it was meant for you

Lloyd : What me ?!?! I can't be the golden master

Lloyd walked out and everyone was standing outside .

Aspheera : Well?

Lloyd : I don't know how to put this in words and i dont know if i should

Harumi : well Lloyd will this make you speak *gives peck on cheek*

Lloyd : * blushing * well uh you see umm I'm the urm golden master

Pythor : Golden master ?!?! But how i thought it was the overlord .

Lloyd : *rolls eye* that's why I wanted to leave that part out but anyways the true golden master is the one from the golden bloodline and is the one who can handle the whole power of the golden dragon.

Morro : Huh Sense Making bro (in this Morro and Lloyd are brothers )

Lloyd : Hey bro when did you turn

Morro : i should be asking you that

Lloyd : Well *angry groan* betrayal very simply .

Morro : Oh i see

Lloyd : Now guys we have an attack to plan don't we

Harumi : Haha yes do blondie *wispers* wait back

Lloyd : Guys go ahead I'll be right there


Lloyd : blondie ? Rumi blondie?

Harumi : yes you call me rumi i call you blondie

Morro : Awww looks like someone's in lo...

Lloyd : Ok stop stop and also Do you mind

Morro : Fine *leaves*

Lloyd : So what did you wanna talk about rumi ?

Harumi : Well Lloyd i l..lo....lov... *Quickly* i love you

Lloyd pov

Uhh did she just say that she likes me . I..i..don't know what to say i like her too she is smart and amazing . Heck she is a one man army.

Lloyd : You what ?!?

Harumi : Ye i do

Lloyd : Like you mean it mean it

Harumi : *blushing* Yes

Lloyd : I love you too rumi

Lloyd and harumi hug for solid 5mins and then go ahead to continue work on planning . After planning for 1week tdl was training Lloyd to be the golden master.

In the monaster/warehouse (1 week later )

Cole : * happily*wait so your telling me Lloyd just gave up his role

Garmadon: Yes i am

Jay : That's amazing right

Kai : Yes but the reason he gave doesn't sound like a genuine one

Zane : So what are you proposing Kai

Kai : i mean to say there is more to this than what meets the eye .Plus crime has been silent for too long almost a week and no crime at all . Other than the occasional shoplifting but nothing serious.

Jay : You don't think Lloyd turned right ?!

Cole : Nah he won't be accepted

Lloyd as golden master : i wouldn't say so (his voice is very deep and dark and looks sort of like this )

Thank you @Rafox02 for the link ...

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