Making The Rain Mine

By maichinggg

10.1K 265 19

Rain is the school nerd and Phayu is the school hottest boy. One day, Rain decided to confess his feelings to... More

One shot

10.1K 265 19
By maichinggg

Phi! Phi Phayu!" Phayu turned around at the mentioned of his name. He saw a small boy, with thick glasses running towards him. It's the nerd of the school. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Did you call for me?" Phayu asked when the boy already reached him. The boy nodded his head.

"Okay.. What do you want?" Phayu asked with a straight face

"Umm.. I.. Phi, I..."

"You're what?" Phayu asked impatiently. That boy took a deep breath before speak up.

"The truth is.. I like you, Phi." The boy confessed and made Phayu shocked.

"Excuse me, what?"

"I like you. I really really like you since the first time I saw you, Phi. You have a really pretty smile. I thought I need to confess to you because this is your last year here and-" The boy was cut off by Phayu.

"I don't need to know about your confession, you freak." Phayu said.

"I mean I know everyone is dying to date me but you.." He eyeing the boy from head to toe.

"Are clearly disgust me." Phayu's words made the boy's heart shattered into pieces. Who wouldn't especially that person is your crush. Everyone around them started to laugh at him.

"Get out of my sight, freak." Phayu's last word before he bumped into the boy's shoulder and made the boy fall to the ground from the impact. People around him started whispering and make fun of him.

"Who does he think he is?"

"Wow. Did he just confessed to the hottest guy in our school?"

"P'Phayu's mine!"

"What a nerd."


"Ew! Disgusting!"

The boy couldn't take it anymore. He stand up and run out of the school and never look back.

3 years later

"Yo! Phayu!"

"Hey, Tho. How's it going?" Phayu fist bumped with Tho.

"Meh. Nothing new. I knew I'd find you here. Checking out the first years eyy?"

"You know me like an opened book, dude." Phayu laughed.

"Found anyone interesting yet?" Tho asked him.

"No." Phayu replied as he looked at the first years.

"By the way, why are you alone? Where's Aek and Pai? " Phayu's turn to asked Tho.

"Aek's at the cafeteria to buy drinks. I don't know about Pai. He said he's meeting up with his boyfriend. Scared that the seniors might try to snatch his small boyfriend away. " Tho joked made Phayu chuckles.

"Oh, yeah. His boyfriend is the first year right?" Phayu asked and Tho nodded for confirmation.

"I wonder how's Pai's boyfriend looks like that made the playboy so whipped." Tho laugh.

"I was wondering about it too." Phayu replied then turned to look at those first years again. Suddenly, his eyes caught something, someone to be exact. That person made his way to the registration desk to to fill in everything he needs.

'Gorgeous.' Phayu thought as his eyes couldn't leave that person. Tho looked at Phayu and looked at where he was looking.

"Finally you found someone interesting eyy?" Tho teased.

"Dude, shut up. Seriously he's gorgeous. My heart is beating fast." Phayu said, eyes still glued to the person.

"Wuuu.. Is the heartbreaker Phayu finally fell in love?" Tho teased. Phayu ignore him and keep on staring at the boy for sometime until the person is done with his registration and turned to walk way.

"Phayu, go! Don't just sit there. Introduce yourself to him." Tho said and Phayu don't need to be told twice. He ran after the person until caught up with him.

"Hey. Wait up." The person turned around and looked at Phayu. Phayu stopped for a while to catch his breath before he speak out.

"Hi. I'm Phayu. I'm the third year here." Phayu introduced himself as he stretched his arm for a hand shake. The person looked at the hand and then to him. Uninterested.

"Umm.. What's your name?" Phayu asked as he pull his hand back, embarrassed. The person scoffed and walked away leaving Phayu dumbfounded.

"Hey! I was talking to you." Phayu said as he once again ran after the said person.

"And clearly I am not interested in any of it." The person said as he continue to walk without glancing at Phayu which made the older taken aback. No one has rejected him before. Everyone is dying to be with him. This little person is the first person who rejected him.

"Now, if you'll excuse me. I'm clearly bu-"

"No one has rejected me before. You made me interested in you, little one." Phayu cut him off as he grabbed his arm.

"Let me go, jerk! And I'm not little! You are just huge!" Said the person feeling offended. Phayu smirked.

"And cute." Phayu teased.

"Urgh!" The person turned around and walked away.

"Hope to see you later, little one!"

"Hope not!"

At the first year's dorm.

The person enters the dorm and accidentally closed the door a little bit too loud which startled the make out couple on the couch.

"Oh.. H-hey, Rain." Said the other person, who clearly with his flushed cheeks and abused lips as the other one just stand there, scratch his unitchy scalp and grinning.

"Seriously, Sky? Oh and hi, P'Pai. How are you? Sorry for interrupting your make out session." Sky blushed as for Prapai, he just smirk. Sky quickly change the topic.

"So.. What made you bang our door?" He asked as Rain made his way to the single couch.

"I met him." Rain said.

"Him? Who?" Sky couldn't help but asked.

"Him. P'Phayu." Sky wide open.

"He went to this college?! Did he do something to you? Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. Rain just nodded.

"Yeah. He didn't recognized me which I'm thankful of."

"Wait. P'Phayu? Phayu as in my best friend?" Prapai asked. Rain and Sky looked at Prapai as if he just grow an another head.

"He's your best friend?" Sky asked his boyfriend. Prapai nodded.

"Why didn't I know about it?" Sky question.

"Yes. I did mentioned him and the others few times. How did you guys know him?" Prapai asked back.

"He's our high school senior, Phi." Rain started.

"And he's a real mean piece of shit." Sky added with his face scowled which made Prapai couldn't help but peck his cheek.

"Relax, babe. But, what did he do? If you don't mind me asking."-Prapai.

"You see. Rain here used to be a nerd and had a crush on P'Phayu. I expected him to reject him in a gentle way but no. He even insulted him." Rain explained to Prapai.

"Oh wow. He doesn't look like that kind of person."- Prapai

"Yeah. But I'm okay now so no worries alright." Rain said to reassure Sky that he's really okay.

"And I just left to the registration hall for a while and you two even have the time to make out?" Rain said teasing them.

"Well.. Er..." The two tried to explain but was cut of by Rain.

"I was just teasing you. I know both of you miss each other so much." He said, smiling.

"But make sure to be in your room if you wanna make out, alright. I've see too much the past 2 years since both of you started dating." Rain added and make his way inyo his room. Sky blushed like crazy beet red this time. As for Prapai, he just smirk and started to pull his boyfriend into another make out session.

Back to the registration hall.

Phayu made his way to the place where he left Tho to catch up with Rain.

"So, how's it going?"

"He rejected me." He answered.

"He what?!" Tho asked a little bit louder.

"He rejected me." Phayu once again repeat.

"Are you kidding me? No one has rejected you, bro." Tho said, shocked.

"Yeah. He's the first one who rejected me and I like it. It was like he's playing hard to get. And I'm gonna make him fall for me." Phayu said smirking.

"And then what? You're gonna break his heart?" Someone interrupted their conversation which made the two turned to the source of voice.

"Here's your drink." The person is Aek, Tho's older twin.

"Thanks, Phi." Tho said to his twin.

"So, Phayu. Are you gonna break this person's heart?

"No. I think I like him and I'm gonna make him mine, Aek."

"Possessive for a person who is not even yours yet." Phayu just rolled his eyes at Aek's remarks. Aek then turn to Tho.

"Let's eat outside? He said.

"Alright. As long as you're paying. ." Tho replied his twin.

"When did I never pay for you, brat?"- Aek.

"Wanna come, Phayu?" Tho asked.

"No. I'll passed. I need to be somewhere else today."- Phayu.

The twins nodded as they bid their good bye to Phayu and made their way to their preferred destination. Phayu packed his stuff and walked towards his car and drove off.

The next day.

Rain is struggling carrying a box that is pretty much bigger than his body.

"Urgh.. What did I even packed in this?!" He grunted. Suddenly, the box was taken away from his arms.

"Oh thank-" Rain look at the person who took the box from him.

"-you again?! Give me that!" Rain tried to take the box from him but the person swing to the other side to prevent him from taking the box from him. Rain scowl at him.

"Whoa, baby. What's with the frown? I was just tryna help you." Phayu stated.

"Well no thanks I obviously don't need your help. Give it back." Rain said once again fail with his attempt to take the box from the taller.

"Tell me your name, little one." He said.

"No! Now give it back. You're getting on my nerve." Rain said with warning.

"That's cute." Phayu teased made him grunt.

"Ai'Rain!" They both turned to the source of voice.

'Great. Perfect timing, Sky.' Rain thought rolling his eyes.

"What took you so long?" Then Sky realized that Rain is not alone.

"Oh.. Um.. I'll take that from you." Sky said taking the box from Phayu. Then he turned around and walk to their dorm with Rain following suit.

"See you later, nong Rain!"

"Go to hell!"

Phayu continue to court Rain until a month later.

"Hey, nong Rain." Rain sighed and glare at him.

"What do you want? He asked.

"Dinner with me." Phayu said.

"No." He said walk towards the cafeteria.

"Oh come on. Just a dinner."

"No! I don't want to be around a playboy like you." Rain explained.

"So you've heard?" Phayu asked.

"Yeah. Your fan should really shut up."

"Okay. I swear I'll change. Just give me a chance. I liked you since the first time I laid my eyes on you." Phayu desperately said to him.

"That was a month ago!"

"I know. But there's something about you that makes me attracted to you." phayu explained which made Rain's heart skipped a beat.

'Not now.' Rain thought.

"So. Would you like to give me a chance?" Phayu asked.

'Actually it's a perfect time to make him feel what he did to me.' Rain smirked in his thought. Then he nodded.

"Alright." Rain said smiling.

"Yes!" Phayu pumped his fists in the air.

"Whoa.. Calm your bulls down."- Rain.

"I'm sorry. I'm just to happy that you're finally agreed with me."- Phayu.

"Yeah. Anything to shut you up." Rain said and Phayu pretended to be hurt.

"Ouch. Anyway, 7pm tonight? I'll pick you up at your dorm."- Phayu.

"Alright." Rain said.

Skipped to dinner time.

There was a knock on Rain's and Sky's dorm. Sky was chilling on the couch with Prapai while watching Love In The Air got up to answer the door. Once he opened he door and revealed the none other Phayu.

"Oh. Hey, Phi." Sky greeted with a confused look, wondering what's he doing here.

"Yeah. Hey.. I umm.. I'm here to pick Rain up." Phayu said made Sky furrowed his eyebrows.

"O.. kay.. Let me get him for you. Please come in." Sky said hesitated as he lead Phayu to the sitting room before he scurried headed towards Rain's room and knock on his door.

"Yo." Prapai greeted.

"Pai? What are you doing here?" Phayu asked might as well shocked to see his best friend there.

"This is my boyfriend's dorm. Prapai said, while sipping on a drink.

"Boyfriend?" Phayu question.

"Yea. The one just opened the door for you." Prapai answer.

"Aa.. I see. That's how he looks like."- Phayu.

"Yeah. Ain't he cute? But he's mine so back off."- Prapai.

"Chill, bro. I don't do my best friend's boyfriend."- Phayu

In Rain's room.

"Come in."

Sky got inside and close his door. He watched as Rain getting ready for whatever he's going to do that night.

"Are you dating P'Phayu?" Sky blurted out.

"What? No!"

Then what is he doing here? He said he's picking you up."

"Oh.. That. We were just going for dinner. That's all."

"Dinner? Ai'Rain, have you ever forgotten what he did to you back in high school? You even moved to other school because of that!" Sky said with anger and worried.

"Sky, calm down."

"How can I calm down if my best friend is going to have a dinner with a person who humiliated him?" Sky said, worriedly.

"Sky, that's the point." Rain stated out.

"What do you mean?" Sky confused.

"I'm gonna make him taste his own medicine." Rain smirked.

"Don't worry, Sky. I'll be alright." Rain said and walk out of his room.

Sitting room.

"Hey, Phi. You're ready?" Phayu turn around to the source of voice and his eyes landed on Rain.

'God! He's cute.' Phayu thought.

Rain is wearing a black ripped jeans and a white shirt topped with a blue jacket.

Rain blushed as Phayu keep staring at him.

"Phi, let's go."

"Yeah. Let's go." Phayu said as he snapped out of his thought. They both went out of the dorm.

"P'Pai, I'm worried." Sky said as his eyes still staring at the closed door where Rain and Phayu disappeared to. Prapai got up from the couch and snaked his arms around his smaller boyfriend slim waist as he back hugged him and planted kisses down his neck.

"Don't worry. I know Phayu very well. I know when he take things seriously. Phayu really like nong Rain." Praipai said reassure him.


"Just trust me." Prapai said cutting him off and pull him into a kiss as he lead their way into Sky's room.


They made their way towards Phayu's Range Rover. Phayu walk to the passenger's side to open the door for Rain.

"Phi, you don't have to." Rain said chuckling.

"I want to." Phayu smirked.

Rain got into the car as Phayu closed the door for him and walk to the driver's side. He turned on the engine and drove off to their dinner place.

At the dinner place.

Rain look at the surrounding.

"Phi, isn't this place for those who are on a date?" Rain asked.

"Exactly." Phayu said shortly.

"Um.. Phi, we're not dating." Rain said.

'Yet.' Phayu thought.

"Come on." Phayu said as he lead the way.

"Welcome to Love In The Air. Any reservation, sir?"

"Yes. I have a reservation under the name 'Phayu's Rain'." Phayu said. Rain blushed. Phayu smirked as he sees the expression on Rain's face.

"Follow me, sir." They got lead to the table by the waiter and the waiter gave them a menu.

"I'll come back once you're ready to order." The waiter bow and walk away. As Phayu flipped through the menu, Rain couldn't help but ask.

"Why 'Phayu's Rain'?" He looked at Phayu.

"Because I'm going to make you mine." Phayu answered waiting for his reaction. Rain blushed as realization hit him. Phayu smirk in satisfaction.

'This guy. Does he not have shame at all?' Phayu thought as he also flipped through the menu while covering his red cheek.

Once they decided and their food has arrived.

"So, Rain." Rain look at Phayu.

"Tell me about yourself." Phayu said.

"Me? There's nothing much to say, though."

"Just tell me anything."

"Okay. If you're insist. My name is Rain. I'm 19 years old. My mom is Korean and my dad is from Thailand. I can speak Korean fluently but I don't do well in writing. I love collecting action figures. I have a white cat. Um.. What else? Oh! I love to sleep when I have spare time. Also I love sweet things." Rain finished. Phayu smile at the chatter box.

They talk a lot more about themselves that evening.

Infront of the dorm.

"Thanks for tonight, Phi." Rain said.

"No. Thank you having dinner with me. By the way, give me your phone number." Phayu said as he pass Rain his phone. Rain took the cellphone from his hand and key in his phone number. He gave his phone back.

"Thanks."- Phayu.

"Goodnight."- Rain.

"Yeah.. Goodnight. Dream of me." Phayu said out of shame. Rain rolled his eyes and laugh. He exited Phayu's car. He winked to Phayu before he close the door and he headed to his dorm. Phayu bit his lips and waited until Rain is out of sight. He then drove off.

Few days later.

"How's it going?" Aek asked.

"How's what going?" Phayu asked back.

"You, the hot guy from third year, courting nong Rain, the most adorable first year." Tho said sassily.

"Nothing new actually. I was planning on confessing to him today." Phayu said.

"That's my bro!" Prapai cheered. Phayu just laugh then his eyes caught Rain who is walking with his two other friends, Sky and Ple.

"That's him. What are you waiting for?" Tho encouraged him.

"Okay okay. How do I look?" Phayu asked.

"Perfect now go!" Phayu nodded and mke his way towards Rain.

'It's now or never, Phayu.'

"Rain!" Rain turned around as he heard his name being called.

"P'Phayu? What's up?" Rain greeted him.

"I.. I have something to tell you." Phayu said. Rain tilt his head to the side.

"What is it?"

"Rain, the truth is.." Phayu took a deep breath.

"I like you. No.. I love you. I love you, Rain." Rain was shocked by the sudden confession. He was in Phayu's position 3 years ago.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Phayu asked. His heartbeats is driving him crazy. Seeing Rain doesn't say anything making him prepare himself just in case Rain going to reject him.


"I'm.." Rain suddenly speak up.

"I'm sorry, Phi. But what you did to me 3 years ago still hurts me." Rain said making him confuse.

"3 years ago? Wh-what do you mean?" Phayu asked. Rain look at him.

"You rejected me, remember?" Rain said.

"Rejected you? What are you saying? I've never seen you before." Hearing that, Rain took out his wallet and show Phayu the old picture of him. Phayu widened his eyes.

"Ring a bell, P'Phayu?" He asked.

"That.. That's you?" Phayu questioned.

"Yes, Phi. That disgusting nerd is me." Phayu is taken aback.


"Still want to confess to me, Phi?"

"Rain, I'm sorry." Phayu try to seek forgiveness from him. Rain scoffed and walked away.

"Wait! Rain, wait!" Phayu ran after him and grabbed his arm.

"Let me go." The smaller try to release his arm from Phayu's grip.

"Hey! Don't hurt him!" Sky said as he try to push Phayu away from his friend with the help of Ple. Prapai stepped in, scared that Phayu might accidentally hurt his small boyfriend.

"Rain, please. Listen to me. The day you confessed to me was a bad timing. I was not in a mood. I tried looking for you the next day because I want to apologize to you but I couldn't find you. I swear, Rain. I'm telling the truth." Phayu desperately explained. He is telling the truth.

"I love you, Rain. Please.. Please forgive me."

"I'm sorry, Phi. But this hurt so much." Rain said finally escape Phayu's grip and walk away with Sky and Ple trailing behind him. Prapai look at Phayu then to his boyfriend who's getting farther away. Sky turned around and glared at him.

"You okay, Phayu?" Prapai asked. Phayu nodded.

"Yeah. Go and be with nong Sky. I don't want you to be in trouble. He might misunderstood everything." Phayu said to Prapai. Prapai nodded and thanked Phayu for being reasonable.

7 hours later. 11pm.

Rain has been receiving phone calls from Phayu for the past few hours.

"Are you not going to answer that?" Sky asked. Rain sighed.

"Just let it be." He said.

Then he received a chat from him

From: P'Phayu 🌪
Zhan, please answer
the call.

From: P'Phayu 🌪
I'm sorry. Please. I really
love you.

From: P'Phayu 🌪
I'm at the garden in front
of your dorm. I won't go
anywhere until you talk
to me.

Rain widened his eyes.

"No way." He got up and walk to the balcony door to take a peek to the garden. Phayu is not kidding. He is indeed there. Kneeling.

"He's insane!" Sky said as he joined Rain peeking at Phayu. Rain sighed again. He's on the way to go into his room.

"Are you seriously gonna ignore him?"

"He'll be gone once he's tired. Good night, Sky."

But Rain is so wrong. Phayu keep on kneeling on his spot, waiting for him.

5 hours later. 4am.

Rain woke up because his throat felt dry. He go to the kitchen to get a drink when suddenly he remember about Phayu.

'I hope he's not there kneeling like an idiot.' Rain thought. He make his way to the balcony and peek through the curtain. His eyes widening. There Phayu still kneeling unmoved from his previous spot.

'What the fuck is he thinking?! It's freaking 4am in the morning!' Rain hurriedly made his way to the garden.

Phayu look up at the sound of footsteps approaching.


"Phi, what were you thinking?!"

"You..." Phayu weakly said. His eyes are red. He slowly got up from his position but almost collapse but Rain is quick to catch him.

"Phi, are you okay?" Rain asked worriedly as his hand travel to Phayu's forehead to feel his temperature. He gasp.

"Phi, you're burning!"

"I'm okay, Rain. I need to explai-"

"Explain later. Now let's go to my dorm." Rain said as he hold onto Phayu's waist to prevent the taller guy to fall as he lead the way to his dorm.

Once they arrive, Rain carefully place Phayu on his bed and cover him with his comforter. He went to the bathroom to take a small pail of water and a towel. He also got a pill and a glass of water.

He wet the towel and squeeze the water out of it. He then drap the towel on Phayu's forehead. Phayu smile to him.

"What are you smiling at?"

"You're worried about me."

"What do you expect me to do? To leave you there. Gosh you're insane." Rain said made Phayu chuckled.

"P'Phayu, I-" He was interrupted again.

"Talk later. Now take this pill." Rain said as he helped Phayu. He thanked him but Rain just stay quiet.

'What am I doing?' Rain sighed as he went to his closet and take out his spare blanket and was about to go out from his room.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to sleep on the couch."

"No. I'll take the couch."

"Phi, you have a fever. Just stay in the bed."


"No buts, Phi, or I won't talk to you ever again." Rain threatened and Phayu shut instantly.

"Stay. Don't pout you're ugly." Rain teased. Phayu gasp.

He heads to the living room. He make himself comfortable on the couch and finally dozed off.

"Rain? Ai'Rain, wake up." Rain stirred from his sleeps and opened his eyes.

"What time is it?" Rain asked.

"Minutes passed 7. Why are you sleeping here?" Sky questioned.

"You're worried about P'Phayu?" He question again as he make his way to the balcony and take a peek to the garden.

"His car is still there. But where is he? Is he sleeping in the car?"

"He's in my room." Rain replied shortly as if it's nothing.

"What?! How come?"

"I woke at 4 in the morning to get a drink. Then I went to take a peek and saw he's is till there kneeling on the same spot."

"He's insane!"

"Told him that." Rain stand up and stretched his body before he make his way to his room to check on the older. He enter his room and straight to his bed and sit on the side of it. He take the wet cloth on the sleeping Phayu's forehead and feel his temperature.

'His temperature is getting better now.' Rain thought to himself. He wet the cloth again and put it back on Phayu's forehed. As he was about to get up, Phayu caught his wrist. He turned to look at the hand that wrapped around his wrist then to Phayu.

"You woke up?" Rain asked as he sit beside Phayu again. Phayu nodded.

"Don't go. Stay with me. It feels nice if there's someone taking care of you while you're sick." Phayu said.

"You can go home, you know? I bet your parents are worried." Rain said. Without he realize, his hand caress Phayu's hand.

"My parents are not here. They moved to Korat. It's just me and my younger twins here." Phayu explained which made Rain nodded softly.

"I see." Rain said looking down.

"I'm okay now." Phayu said to reassure him.

"I want to apologize." Phayu pulled Rain's hand and kiss the back of his palm.

"I know I've hurt you before and I regretted everything about it. I'm disgusted by my own attitude and I am truly sorry. Please don't hate me. I'm still guilty about what I did and I decided to look for you after that but I never found you." Phayu plead.

"Phi, I don't hate you and I couldn't hate you. My feelings towards you are still the same." Rain blushed as he confessed.

"I know you're sincere about apologizing to me because you stayed unmoved for many hours just to get me to talk to you." Phayu looked at him.

"So that's mean you're.. My boyfriend now?" Phayu asked. Rain lean in and pecked his lips which made Phayu eyes widened.

"I just gave you my first kiss.. Yeah, you're my boyfriend now." Rain said smile sweetly to him.

"Yes!" Phayu suddenly sit up and cheered which made Rain laughing at him. Phayu then pulled him into his embrace and hug him tight.

"You're hyper for someone who is sick." Rain teased as he wrapped his arms around him.

"I'm feeling much better now thanks to you." Phayu said. They stayed like that for a few minutes before Rain pull away.

"You need to eat before you take your pill. I'll cook porridge for you is that okay?" Rain asked.

"Anything you make will be fine by me." Phayu replied.

"Alright. Now lay back down and rest. I'll be back." The smaller got up and walk out of the room. He then walk into the kitchen and see Sky is having a toast as breakfast.

"How is he?" He asked.

"He's getting better now. Can you do me a favor, Sky?"


"Tell the professor that I'm not going to attend his class for today."

"Sure. But why?"

"I need to take care of my boyfriend." Rain simply said and winked at him.

"Okay." Sky nodded. Then realization hit him.

"Wait. You're what?!"


After stuffing Phayu with food to consume his pill, they're now in Phayu's car on the way to Phayu's house. They were holding hands all the way only letting go when Phayu needs to shift the gear and turn the wheel.

They stopped at the red lights when Phayu speak up.

"I feel like I'm the happiest person in the world now." He said made smile.

"But still the gred 1 A-hole though." He added.

"Stop saying things about yourself, Phi. Well, I couldn't agree more to that part but we're even now." He said as he caress Phayu's hand with his thumb.

"Let's just start a new chapter in our lives and relationship, okay?" Rain said smiling to him. Phayu couldn't be happier. They looked into each other's eyes lovingly.

They were snapped out from their thought when a car honked them from behind. They laugh together and continue their way to Phayu's house.

Once they're arrived at Phayu's house, Rain were amazed.

"You're rich!" Rain exclaimed.

"Is it a good or a bad thing?" Phayu asked as he drove towards his garage.

"Of course it's a good thing." Rain said.

Once he parked his car in the garage, they got out.

"So you won't like me if I'm not rich?"

"I love you for who you are. I always knew you are a good guy, Phi. Everyone liked you. You're not arrogant and treated everyone as your friends. It's just the time I confessed to you is a bad timing. I guess I was too sensitive back then." Rain said to him and made him smile. Phayu lean in to kiss his cheek.

"Im not rich, Rain. If you're talking about rich people here it's my parents. I still live under his roof. He still sending money to me and my twin. He's still the one feeding us so.. I'm basically still have nothing." He said as he turn to look at Rain.

"But I cannot assure you that I will be rich as my father but I can assure you that I can give you better life in the future. I'll marry you one day and give the life you wanted using my own hard work." Phayu's word made Rain smile.

"Don't you think it's too early to talk about marriage? We just became boyfriends 3 hours ago."- Rain.

"I made up my mind. I'm marrying you. I'll make you my wife."- Phayu.

"Hearing you're saying that you'll marry me one day makes me happy, P'Phayu. But I'm not gonna let you work alone. I'm gonna work too. Let's do things together." Rain said.

"You are so stuck with me your whole life and I'm not gonna let you go, nong Rain. I'll change your surname to mine one day." Phayu said playfully with a hint of seriousness.

"I'm not planning on going to let you go too." Rain said grinning.

They walk hand in hand to the main door but Phayu is struggling to unlock the door with one hand. Rain chuckle.

"You can let go of my hand for a while you know." Then the door is unlock.

"Still can unlock the door while holding your hand." He said. Rain just laugh and let Phayu pull him into the house.

"I'm amazed." Raib blurted as he eyeing Phayu.

"About what?"

"For someone who lived in a big house like this, you sure are tidy." Raib said. Phayu chuckled.

"We have a maid who came every day and leave in the evening so yeah she took care and do all the cleaning in this house." He explained.

"I see."

"Come. Let's go to my room."

They headed towards Yibo's room.

"Where's your twin, Phi?"- Rain.

"Probably have morning class. He's studying at a different university."- Phayu.


"By the way, I'll introduce you to him if he comes back later. Also you are very welcome here. You can come anytime you want. By the way, do you have driving licence?" Phayu asked. Rain nodded.

"Great. I'm letting you drive my other car. It will be easier for you to go anywhere you like."



"You're acting like my sugar daddy." Rain joke which made Phayu laugh at that.

"I'm not acting like a sugar daddy, Rain. Rather than the car being unused, it's better you driving it." He walk to his table and open a drawer and took the car key in it. He went back to Zhan and gave him the car key.

"Fine." Rain said as he took the car key from Phayu.

"Make yourself comfortable. I'm gonna take ashower, alright?" Phayu said and kiss his lips.

As Phayu walk to the bathroom, Rain sit on the bed looking around.

'It smells like P'Phayu.' Rain thought.

As Phayu is done with his shower, he walk out of bathroom and see that Rain is laying down on the bed. Rain turn to look where Phayu was and gulp as he was amazed by the human in front of him

'Damn those abs though.'

"Like what yo see, nong?" Rain was snapped out of his thought and blush. Phayu chuckled and walk to his closet to wear some clothes.

Phayu is all covered up, he walk to where Rain is and sat next to him.

"So, what you wanna do today?" He asked the smaller boy.

"I don't know, Phi." Rain answered as he rolled on his tummy.

"Wanna watch movie?" Phayu suggested.


Phayu went to his desk and pick his laptop up then walk towards the bed again. He switch it on then go to Netflix.

"Go on and choose a movie you wanna watch. I'll head downstairs to find us something edible." Phayu said.

"Alright." Rain said.

They cuddle all through the movie until the movie ended.


"So, what do you wanna do now?" Phayu asked Rain as his hand playing with his soft hair.

"I don't know. Cuddling with you is nice." Rain chuckle.

"Phayu, I'm home." The door suddenly swung open and revealed a man who looks like Phayu just only that his hair is short.

"Oh? You have a guest?" The man smirk. Rain who is still in Phayu's arms look at Phayu and the newcomer back and forth.

"Wow.. You both look almost identical. " He said. Phayu smile and they both sit up in the bed.

"Rain, I want you to meet my twin. This is Saifah."

"Hello, P'Saifah." Rain Wai at Saifah and Saifah return the Wai.

"Hello, nong. Hello."- Saifah.

"Saifah, this is nong Rain. My boyfriend." Phayu introduce Rain to his twin.

"He finally agreed to be your boyfriend, huh?"

"Lucky me."

"It was nice to meet you, nong Rain. Please take care of my brother. He's never been this happier."- Saifah.

"I will, Phi." Rain reassure the other twin.

"Alright. I'm in my room if you guys ever need me. Have fun." Saifah wave at the couple and close the door.

A year later.

Rain received a text from Yibo.

From: P'Phayu 🌪❤
Hei baby, what are you
doing? I missed you 😞

To: P'Phayu 🌪❤
Just lazying around.

To: P'Phayu 🌪❤
I miss you too 💞

From: P'Phayu 🌪❤
Let's meet up.

To: P'Phayu 🌪❤
You sure, Phi? It's
pretty late.

From: P'Phayu 🌪❤
I don't care, baby. As long as
I can have you in my arms.

To: P'Phayu 🌪❤

To: P'Phayu 🌪❤
Where do we meet up?

From: P'Phayu 🌪❤
I'll come to you. I'm on
my way.

To: P'Phayu 🌪❤
Okay, Phi. I'll wait for you.

From: P'Phayu 🌪❤
I love you, Rain.

To: P'Phayu 🌪❤
I love you too, P'Phayu.

It was almost an hour later when Phayu arrived at Rain's dorm. He knocked on the door and the door opened revealing Rain.

"Phi~" Rain said as he hugged him. Phayu wrapped his arms around him returning his hug and carry him. Sniffing into Rain's neck, filling his lungs with his wonderful scent. Rain wrapped his legs around Phayu's waist and let the older carry him.

"Hey, baby." Phayu greeted as he kissed Zhan's nape and. He closed the door with one hand while the other one is for supporting Rain's weight. He carried the smaller to his room and close the door. He put Rain on the bed and got on top of him.

They were staring at each other. Rain's hand caress his cheek lovingly before pulling him into a passionate kiss.

They kissed for a while until Phayu pull away. He looked at his wrist watch and see the time struck 12am. He then turn to look at Rain.

"Happy 1st anniversary, baby."

"You remembered." Rain said.

"Of course. That's why I'm here." He then sit up and Rain followed suit.

"I have something for you." Phayu said as he slide his hand into his pocket and pull out something and show it to Rain. Rain gasp. It's a ring.

"I am proposing to you with this promise ring." Phayu explained. He slide the ring on Rain's ring finger. The smaller  look at the ring on his finger then to Phayu's finger. He got the same ring just slightly bigger.

"You don't like it?" Phayu asked feeling worried.

"Are you kidding me? I love it!" Rain said and hugged him.

"It's wonderful." He said as he examine the ring.

"I have something for you too." Rain got up and walk to his wardrobe take the thing he mentioned.

"Here. Open it."

Phayu opened it and revealed a couple bracelet. Both of the bracelet has a symbol of rain and storm.

"It's beautiful, Rain." Phayu said. Rain smile and pick the one with rain symbol on it and slide it on Phayu's wrist. Then he took the other one with storm and slide it on his own wrist.

"Now wherever you go, I will always be with you." Rain said. Phayu pulled the smaller into his embrace and hug him tight.

"Thanks for everything, Phi. You never fail to make me happy." Rain added.

"I'll do anything for you. You are my happiness. My forever love. I swear I'll never let you sad." Phayu said.


"Promise. I love you.

Rain smile lovingly as he caress Phayu's cheek.

"I love you too, P'Phayu."

And they leaned in and sealed it with a kiss.

The end.

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