Mad Sounds, Alex Turner

By sweetadoring

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'AM' based story More



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By sweetadoring

It was now March (February had flown by and, for most of it, Olivia once again had been working). She hadn't seen any of the band since the 'Suck it and See' release. Their schedules never lined up and from what she had heard they were busy working on setting up a tour for the album. However, the planning for the tour and Olivia's modelling seemed to quieten down at the same point and they had already planned to meet up again.

For the first time Olivia wasn't meeting the band at a club. Instead they were all going to Miles Kanes' house, who she already knew from the song 'Rearrange', that he dad was obsessed with - as well as during her stalking on the band where she came across the album that him and Alex made. It wasn't even Katie or Breana who invited her this time. She got a text from Alex saying that 'he had a friend that he wanted her to meet'.

Lauren had work that day so Olivia was arriving alone, she knocked on the door and heard some shouting coming from inside 'Piss off' and 'Don't worry I'm not going to say anything'. Eventually after a moment of silence the door opened up with Miles grinning widely and Alex looking annoyed behind him.

"Hello, you must be Olivia." Miles said gesturing for her to enter.

Olivia nodded, taking her coat off and brushing her hand through her hair, trying a little to neaten it from the wind outside. "Yeah, it's nice to meet you." she said whilst shaking his hand before smiling at Alex, "Lighten up Alex, if I'd known that showing up would've upset you this much I would've stayed home." Alex shook his head with a small smirk at this causing Olivia to smile proudly.

Miles laughed and patted Alex on the shoulder, leaving his hand there whilst he told Olivia, "He's just being a grumpy old git, aren't you Al?" Olivia smiled at the interaction.

Alex huffed narrowing his eyes at Miles as he explained through gritted teeth, "Miles just thinks he's hilarious is all."

"It's 'cause I am." Miles defended.

Alex rolled his eyes shrugging Miles' hand off his shoulder before looking at Olivia and, whilst he still look irritated by Miles who seemed to be intently watching Alex, said, "Nice to see ya, Olivia."

It was the first time seeing her since she had stayed over and he was happy to be reminded of how she looked - only having the vague memory of her asleep on his settee to keep his mind occupied - as he studied her intently. He wavy long brown hair, her dark green eyes, her red cheeks and lips - it was all committed to memory as she stood there in-front of him.

Olivia nodded politely with a smile, "You too, Alex."

Miles gestured his head down the hallway, "Well everyone's in the living room if you wanna come through." Olivia followed him with Alex walking behind her.

Everyone was sat around Miles' living room drinking and watching the movie that was on - they had eventually decided on watching 'Barbarella' mainly since Olivia had dressed up as her for Lucy's birthday party where they had all met and they thought it would be hilarious to watch considering (sort of a celebration of their friendship and a toast to Olivia).

"You dressed up as Barbarella?" Miles asked her.

Alex had told him about a night out where he had met this 'unbelievably attractive girl dressed up as Barbarella'. He had just failed to mention that Olivia was that girl. He could tell what Miles was doing straight away and that he had connected the dots. He tried sending him a glare to tell him to stop but Miles just laughed at him.

"Yeah for this 60s party. I loved this film growing up, though I think I was far too young to be watching it."

"Hmm, I think Alex mentioned that party. Didn't you Al?"

Alex could feel Olivia now looking at him and he sent a quick glare to Miles. "Might of done." Thankfully, Miles didn't continue.

Whilst it didn't feel like she had met them that long ago she supposed two months was quite awhile. Still she felt more comfortable with them than she had expected.

Olivia was sat next to Alex not by choice, since she was the last to arrive to only seat left was next to him - she saw Katie laughing from across the room and sent her a glare. Though she wasn't terribly upset by the seating arrangement. Out of everyone not coupled up she was most comfortable being around Alex - she had only just met Miles and hadn't talked much to Nick since they had met a couple months ago.

"I've got to say your costume was great. I mean, I think yours may of had a bit more fabric but it was still great." Katie said to Olivia as she watched the film. People laughed at her and Olivia smiled.

"I thought I'd leave a little to the imagination." Olivia replied causing everyone to once again laugh.

They continued to joke and laugh throughout the movie and once it ended it was midday. The change in weather was drastic from winter to spring. It was now a bright yellow outside as the sun set illuminated the living room in a warm golden light. Matt and Breana had fallen asleep and everyone was trying to be quieter so that they didn't wake them up.

Olivia went to the kitchen not only for a drink but for a chance to talk to Miles more. She grabbed a can of coke from the fridge. Miles was leant against the counter opening a beer he had just gotten. "So how long have you known Alex?" Olivia asked whilst she opened her can.

Miles contemplated for a moment looking up as he tried to calculate the answer. "I've known him since 2005, I think, so what that's like 6 years now?"

Olivia nodded, "So a long time then. I've listened to the album you guys made together. I also tried to watch the music videos but I was a little distracted by the whole Beatles haircuts." She told him and Miles groaned.

"Oh god, don't remind me." He cringed as Alex walked into the kitchen with a confused expression. "Olivia watched our old music videos." Miles explained.

"Oh, really. Any good?"

"She's said our haircuts were shit."

"They were a bit shit." Alex admitted.

Olivia gasped in anger at Miles trying to make it sound worse than it was, "I never even said that! I just said that they were distracting. However, I must say I did love the cornerstone video." She thought it was the perfect opportunity to bring it up. She had been wanting to for a while but hadn't been able to since she hadn't seen Alex.

"Oh god, I hate the internet." Alex complained, grimacing.

Olivia laughed - one that was uncontrollable even though she tried to stop and if Alex wasn't so embarrassed then he probably would have laughed too, "I'm being sincere." She claimed, "It was a really good video. I think I watched it three times and it was still just as funny - that's difficult to achieve."

"I regret coming in 'ere now." Alex said bleakly

Miles laughed and rolled his eyes, "Cheer up, Al. At least she bothered to watch your videos."

"I think I'd rather she didn't." He stated and Olivia laughed at how dramatic he was being - which this time Alex did smile at acknowledging the fact that he wasn't actually that annoyed and was just pretending.

"Well I'm gonna go see how everyone else is doing, I'd be a shit host if so just hid in the kitchen all night. Don't stay in here too long or I'll assume the worst." He told them winking at Alex before taking his beer and leaving.

"I like Miles, he's like a nicer version of you." Olivia told him with a sly smirk, something she did every time she teased or insulted him. Alex just shook his head with a laugh. She opened the fridge since she was leaning on it whist talking to Miles and passed him a beer from inside. "So how is the tour stuff going?"

"Yeah it's good. Think we're planning to start sometime in May." Olivia easily disguised the fact at how bittersweet the news was. She was obviously happy that they were going on tour - since by the way they talked about performing it was something that they are very passionate about - however, she would miss them whilst they were gone.

"That's soon then, Have you got any shows planned for London?" She asked hopefully.

He raised an eyebrow at her, "You know there are some perks to being friends with the band."

She playfully gasped, "So you finally admit that we're friends."

He rolled his eyes though he was smirking, "Only for the convenience." He told her.

Olivia sighed, "It's fine to admit that you like me, at least a little. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone that has a heart."

"It's arrogant to assume that I like ya." It was like there was a switch that had turned the conversation from being friendly banter to now having a sexual tension. He seemed closer than he was before even though there was still a large distance separating them. His eyes seemed to darken and his face turned serious.

"And it's ignorant to pretend that you don't." Olivia replied trying to lighten the mood again and to ignore the way Alex stared at her - which seemed to work as he laughed and clicked his tongue behind his teeth.

"Fine. You're alright. That better?"

Olivia smiled and nodded proudly, "Much." She was aware that 'alright' was the best compliment she would probably get from him. She grabbed her coke from where she placed it on the counter and began to return to the living room. "Hey wait, you've got a hair out of place."

The gel made it easier for her to slick her hands through his hair and get it back into place. They were now extremely close and whilst Olivia didn't seem phased - more focused on sorting out his hair - Alex felt his breath get caught in his throat. He could smell her perfume and her lips were so close that he was tempted to just kiss her right there. He hadn't even noticed that he had been staring at her lips until she back away slightly with a proud smile.

"I should seriously consider being a hairdresser." She said as she admired her work and as if she wasn't just inches away from him left him standing in the kitchen as she returned back to the group. Alex watching as she rejoined everyone.

As the night progressed Olivia learnt more and more about Miles. He was a very friendly person and was more extroverted than Alex. He was easy to talk to. She had moved from sitting next to Alex to sitting by Miles as they entered a conversation about his first album (since she mentioned her Dad's, and subsequently her, love for it).

Katie spotted Alex watching the two and nudged her head towards the kitchen. He had been watching Olivia talk to Miles with a glum expression. He wasn't worried about Miles 'stealing' Olivia from him (mainly because she wasn't him to steal) but he was more jealous about the fact that she would rather talk to Miles than him. He knew it was irrational since she was obviously just getting to know Miles like she had done with the rest of them - but when has jealousy ever been rational.

Alex ignored Katie so she gave Jamie a kiss before dragging Alex from the sofa to the kitchen.

Hearing Katie yell at Alex for 'being heavy' as she tried to pull him up off the sofa made Olivia turn around to watch. Katie finally managed to get him up as Olivia watched with a smile at Alex's annoyed face as he was being dragged away, he turned around to give her an exaggerated sigh and eye roll, which she laughed at before turning around back to Miles.

Once in the kitchen Katie scolded him, "You're acting like a child."

Alex groaned, "I'm not having this conversation with you again."

"I'm not delusion.", Katie immediately protested after hearing that from both of them, "I have eyes. Come on Alex! You know this would all be settled if you just asked her out."

Alex knows that he could ask her out.

However, he still couldn't figure out how she felt. She was enigmatic in the way he couldn't decipher what she was thinking - she was always so happy and calm. Not only did he not know how she felt he wasn't confident on his feelings either. He wasn't sure if he actually wanted to date her or if he was just bored so he filled his mind with images of her. Perhaps he just liked the idea of being in a relationship.

"I don't want a relationship." He decided to tell her.

Katie sighed, "Yeah but you want her."

"I'll live." He shrugged, he didn't even bother to try and conceal the fact that he was attracted to her (it felt like a useless debate).

"You're insufferable, you know."

"I know."

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