Izuku: The Ultimate Weapon

By CotyMeanor

53.4K 865 567

What if deku was kidnapped at the age of 4. What if he was experimented on and was made into the ultimate wea... More

Chapter 1: Birth of the Ultimate Weapon
Chapter 3: New Beginning
Chapter 4: Enter Izuku Kayama
Chapter 5: My Hero Academia
Chapter 6:Life at U.A
Chapter 7: The Boys Are Back
Chapter 8: Assault on the USJ
Chapter 9: Burst Mode
Chapter 10: Season 1 Finale
Season 2 preview
Chapter 11: The U.A sports festival
Chapter 12:The calvary arrives
Not a chapter
Chapter 13: Shadow vs Mystique and Tournament battles
Chapter 14: The boy born with everything vs The boy who lost everything
Chapter 15: Last Man Standing
Chapter 16:Names
Chapter 17: Internships, Villains, and the Family
Chapter 18: Stain and Terra
Chapter 19:Shadow v Stain and Terra
Chapter 20: Shadow vs Sabertooth
Chapter 21: Sending A Message
Chapter 22: Wanted
Chapter 23: Shadow vs ALL!
Chapter 24: Battle of the Ultimates
Chapter 25: Poison of the Past
short stories
Chapter 26:Shadow vs Pyro
Chapter 27:Shadow and Bullseye
Chapter 29: Agents of Trinity
Chapter 30: Rings off
Chapter 31: Who is Izuku Kayama?
Chapter 32: Finals

Chapter 2:Awakening

4.8K 81 67
By CotyMeanor


Nemuri Kayama aka the +18 pro hero Midnight stood in a cemetery on cloudy day where many grey clouds were in the sky and the sun was blocked off. She was standing right in front of the gravestone of the late Inko Midoriya and Hiashi Midoriya the parents of Izuku Midoriya the boy she promised to find. Today was the ten year anniversary of Inko's death and Izuku's kidnapping. She comes here every year in front of the parents graves, to apologize to them for still not finding their son yet.

She stills remembers that night. It was the night that she made a vow to find Izuku and bring Inko's killer to justice. For the last ten years Midnight has moved heaven and earth to find Izuku.

Midnight went to the Midoriya house with the police to help in the investigation on the murder and kidnapping. She'd gather all the pictures of Izuku, knowing that the young boy would look different after all these years. Nemuri would even say to herself sometimes that Izuku is quite the cute baby especially in the All Might onesies.

Even when she accepted her job as a teacher at UA she would still continue her investigation, she searched through all child abduction databases. It shocked Midnight how missing children there are and most of them are still missing to this day. Midnight called some favors from other pro heroes like **Eraserhead** and **Present Mic** in her search for the lost child.

She hoped with the other heroes help that she could a get a clue to find Izuku or even Inko's killer but nothing came up. Ten years Midnight couldn't find anything evidence linking to Izuku, **until today**.

* * *


"Hello Inko." Midnight no not Midnight, but Nemuri Kayama dressed not in her hero costume, but in a black dress suit. As she wasn't on duty as hero at this instant and right now she was standing in front of the gravestone of Inko Midoriya. "Honestly I don't know what to say to you. I could say that I'm getting close to finding your killer, or that I'm close to finding your son."

Nemuri had a frown on her face and tears were falling from her eyes. "I had promised you. Promised you that I would find your son, but now I'm afraid that I may never find Izuku. Through all my investigations looking for him they always end with a dead end." Nemuri voice began to break as she kept talking to the gravestone.

"You must hate me right now and I would understand. I was in area when you were killed and when Izuku was taken. If only I was little faster I could've been there and done something. Maybe you would be still alive and Izuku would be with you still. I'm suppose to be a hero and yet I wasn't there when you and Izuku needed me the most." Nemuri was completely sobbing at this point, a waterfall of tears were coming down from her eyes and snot was falling from her nose.

"You're wrong." Nemuri turned to her left where the direction of the sound came from. When she cleared her watery eyes she saw that it was Inko's best friend **Mitsuki Bakugo**.

The middle age blonde haired woman is was best friends with Inko. It devastated her when she heard of her friend's death. "Inko wouldn't hate you nor would she blame you. The woman never had a bad bone in her body, a true saint." A smile graced Mitsuki lips as tears were falling down her eyes now thinking about her deceased friend.

Mitsuki walked up to Inko gravestone and laid some flowers down. She then bowed her head and said a quiet prayer. Once she was done she went to Nemuri and gave the poor heroine a hug. Nemuri hugged back and once they both let go Mitsuki had something to say to Midnight.

"You know what Inko wouldn't like though." Nemuri looked at her confused. "She wouldn't like to see you like this and I damn sure Izuku wouldn't either. That boy looked up and believed in heroes more than anyone I ever met. So, pick yourself up and get back out there. Don't let one failure stop you from finding Izuku." Nemuri knew she was right, she shouldn't be acting like this. She was a hero for god sake and a hero is someone who can get a tough situation and she'll find a way out this one.

"Thank you, Mitsuki. If I didn't know better I think you'd be a great guidance counselor to the kids at UA." Mitsuki started to laugh at Nemuri statement. "Haha working at hero school full annoying brats, sounds like a lot of work to me. Especially when I have deal with my own son."

' That's right Mitsuki son is Katsuki Bakugo. He has an explosion quirk and has a quick temper like his mother. He will be a handful for any hero school he goes too.' Nemuri thought the last sentence with a sweat drop. "Which hero school is your son going to Mitsuki." Nemuri asked the blonde as they both began to leave the gravestones.

"He decided that he wants to go UA. He always tell me that as the strongest in his school he should to the strongest hero school in the world." ' _Strongest in the school, sounds like a cocky kid.'_ Nemuri was hoping Mitsuki wasn't going to be mad at her for asking this."Hey Mitsuki do you… I don't know... maybe-"

"Just say whatever the hell you have to say!" Mitsuki yelled, she was getting tired of Nemuri stringing the question along. Nemuri flinched back, she wasn't prepared for loud tone. "Sorry, it's just that don't you think that Katsuki might to cocky and overconfident." Nemuri braced herself the verbal blow that Mitsuki about to give her, but nothing came.

Instead Mitsuki had a small smile on her face. "Yeah, he is to overconfident for own good. He even dubbed anyone weaker than him as extras." Nemuri had a massive sweat dropped at students being called extras.

"I know all of that. I know he wants to surpass All Might and be the strongest in the world. I know he picks fights with all the boys in his school and beats them. But what people don't know that there is a reason for that."

This actually caught Nemuri interest. "You see, Katsuki sees all these fights that he's been in as a test to keep pushing himself. If he wins he'll continue to get stronger, if he loses he'll get back up and fight again. Never will he ask for anyone's help because he doesn't want to appear weak. He doing all this so one day he'll be strong enough to find Deku and avenge Inko." Nemuri eyes widen even at, but was confused on the name Deku.

'Deku, who's that?' Nemuri thought as she asked Mitsuki on who Deku was.

"Mitsuki, just who is Deku?" Mitsuki laughed at the question, which confused Nemuri more. "Deku is Izuku." Nemuri was shocked by that. "But doesn't deku mean useless."

"Yeah, it does and yet it can also mean you can do anything, but for those two it's sign of friendship. You see while my son gave Izuku the name Deku, Izuku gave Katsuki the name Kacchan."

Nemuri busted out in laughter at the nickname for Katsuki son. "Hahahaha!"

"I know it's hilarious, and adorable. On the day those two boys gave each other their names they both became Deku and Kacchan." Nemuri kept on laughing about the boys nicknames, but when her laughed died down she notice that Mitsuki smiled died and turned into a frown.
"When Katsuki heard what happened to Inko he was just as devastated as I was. Inko was like an aunt to him. Hell, he would even sometimes call her aunt Inko when no one was looking and Izuku-" Tears started to come down Mitsuki as she thought about the boys relationship. "both him and Izuku are best friends, almost brothers in everything except blood." Nemuri had a frown on her face now to. After hearing more about young Katsuki more she could understand where he's coming from.

"They grow up loving and adoring All Might. Both wanted to be heroes, so badly. When Katsuki got his quirk, it was the beginning of his journey and he couldn't wait for his sidekick Deku to get his." Mitsuki smiled at the sidekick part remember a fond memory of the arguing boys on who was the sidekick. "But things changed when Izuku got kidnapped and Inko died. So he made a vow, that he will continue to get stronger and beat everyone he goes up against. So that one day he will have enough strength to go after the murder of his beloved auntie and rescue his friend.

Nemuri was moved to tears by Katsuki promise, it was similar to hers and every way. "You know what Mitsuki," Nemuri caught Mitsuki attention. "I think your boy will be a heck of hero." Mitsuki smiled.

"Yeah I know he will, he just have work on that attitude of his." Nemuri laughed, then paled at what Mitsuki said next. "Well I know the teachers at UA will be good for that. You guys will have a great time teaching him for three years." 'God have mercy on us all for when Katsuki enters UA.'

* * *


"Achoo, meh someone must be talking about me. Must be that old hag. Now back to looking for some extras to fight."

* * *


"Mitsuki, I can put a recommendation in Katsuki so he can bypass the exam." Without hesitation Mitsuki told her no. "Thank you Nemuri, but no. Katsuki would throw a tantrum if he didn't get to test himself against other extras that are going to UA." Nemuri again sweat dropped at hearing people being called extras, but understood her completely. Both women reached the gate to exit the cemetery.

Before they said their goodbyes Nemuri phone went off. "Work calling." Mitsuki asked.

"Yeah, looks like it. It's a text message from Eraserhead." Nemuri looked at Mitsuki and said her goodbye. "Listen Mitsuki I got go, but we should hang more often I like talking to you."

"Yeah we should and don't forget what I said earlier don't let one dead end stop you. You're going to find Izuku I know it." Nemuri nodded and gave the woman a hug goodbye.

As Nemuri headed back to her car she read the text message from Eraserhead. 'Now let's see what does Aizawa want. "Get to the police station in Mustafa."

'What's going over there and Aizawa isn't type to do team ups either. ' Nemuri decided to head over to the police station still wondering what's going on. Once she got she knew something big was going down.

* * *

**Mustafa Police Station**

When Nemuri got to the police she quickly changed into hero costume officially becoming the pro hero Midnight. Once she was done she ask officers where Eraserhead was and they told her he was in a detective office. She asked who and the answer made put a smile on her face. Midnight reached the office of the detective and knock twice.

"Come in." Midnight walked in doing a sexy pose with a smile on her face. "Well hello there Detective **Smoker**."

Detective Smoker was middle aged man with pure white hair and a man who loved two things. Smoking cigars which he was doing right now and wearing no shirts, also which he wasn't wearing right now. He was wearing a white jacket and had his badge on hit belt buckle. Once he saw Midnight he took a sigh and addressed her.

"Midnight, must you come in doing that."

"I can't help it's part of my personality and the reaction I get out people is also a bonus too." Smoker shook his head and Midnight also saw Eraserhead looking tired as usual.

"Hey Eraser, what's up." Eraserhead was a medium built man with long black hair and always wearing a bandage scarf around his neck. He also wearing his patten yellow goggles. "Meh." Eraserhead mumbled.

"Awesome, how's the cat by the way." Midnight asked the lazy and always tired hero.

"I wish he go out more instead of sleeping all day." Eraserhead answered Midnight.

"You know they sometime say pets are a representation of their owners. So what does say about you." Midnight said with a smirk. Her joke and even got grumpy Smoker to give a small smile.

"Alright enough with my personal life, we have work to do." Eraser said with some annoyance. "Eraserhead, right we have work do." Smoker followed up as Midnight got serious now.

"Follow us to the conference room. Once we get there I'll explain everything cause I don't feel like doing it for second time." Once the trio left Smoker office Midnight asked Eraser if he knew what's going on and Eraserhead replied with a nod.

* * *

**Conference Room**

Once the trio reached the conference room Midnight was in shocked at who was inside of it. There was Present Mic who was trying to talk to his best friend Eraserhead and Eraser was trying to get away from him. There was also two of the top 10 heroes in the room which really shocked Midnight and not just the top 10 but top 5. One was the number 4 hero **Best Jeanist** and other was the number 2 hero **Endeavor**.

' _Why the hell are the two of the top 10 here. Just the what the hell is going on today.'_ Luckily Midnight wouldn't have to wait long to found out what's going on.

"Alright everyone take a seat so we can begin." Came the voice of Smoker. Everyone quickly took a seat. "Alright I bet you all have questions as to why you're all here."

' _Yeah that's definitely on my mind.'_ Midnight thought as Smoker began to speak again.

"Eraserhead already know's the details of the mission." Everyone looks to Eraserhead who had a neutral expression on. "What's the mission?" Endeavor asked with impatience.

Smoker ignored it though. For some strange reason to the heroes he went to the door and made sure it was locked. He then went to the windows and close the blinds. ' _Sheesh paranoid much.'_ Midnight thought as Smoker went back to the table and handed out folders to heroes in the room.

Each hero got a folder even Eraserhead. After he got done handing out the folders he went back to the table and officially started the mission briefing.

"There have been a number of disappearances in the number years. People have been taken from all over Japan maybe even the world. No one has been safe. Not man, woman, or child. People with quirks and people without them have been taken." Smoker spoke until Jeanist interrupted him. "I hate to say this but we do the best we can Smoker, but heroes can't save everyone." Came the calm voice of Best Jeanist.

"I know Jeanist, I lost people that I couldn't save too, but that's not the point. At first people believed that these the incidents were random, hell so did the heroes. But that was far from the truth." The heroes eyes widen at this.

"WAIT, WHAT ARE YOU SAYING SMOKEY." Mic said and Midnight echoed the loud hero statement.

"Yeah, what are you talking about." Midnight said making their presence in the room known. "I mean what said that these incidents aren't random." Jeanist interrupted again. "Are you saying that this is a more organized version of human tracking." Smoker shook his head.

"No in human trafficking people are taken and sent to a different location. What I'm saying is that these people are being taken by some unknown organization and from what I gathered these people have gone through experimentation." The whole room got deathly quiet and all eyes were wide at this time.

"How did you get this information." Eraserhead finally says bringing himself into the conversation. "I'm guessing you didn't find this out on your own. If this unknown organization did take these people and leave no evidence as to where we can find them, so this begs the question how did you find this out." Eraserhead ask Smoker looking directly into his eyes. Smoker looked back at him and took a sigh exhaling some smoke to.

"You're right, I did have someone tell me this information. I have a contact on the inside of this organization and no, I did not send one of my officers in there. The contact reached out to me from inside the organization. I suspect he may be a member." Now this got everyone to attention.

"Who is the contact?" Midnight asked. "That is complicated he didn't give me a name, but a codename instead. The codename is December." Smoker told the pros the name of the contact.

"DECEMBER? WHAT KIND OF CODE NAME IS THAT?" Present Mic was confused just as all other heroes including Eraserhead this time. ' _Looks like he didn't know about the inside man.'_ Midnight thought.

"Look, I know this seems sketchy but this person is trying to do right. He says that they have a powerful weapon that they are planning on unleashing soon." This caused everybody eyes to widen even more.

"A weapon? What kind of weapon?" Endeavor asked and Smoker gave the flame hero his answer. "In his words the kind that could possibly destroy anyone and anything in its path." Everyone became pale at this, Smoker took noticed of this and put out his cigar.

"I don't need to tell you the massive panic people will cause if they find out that there is some kind of WMD in the city and how bad this makes the heroes look. Imagine the headlines: Heroes fail, Weapon kill millions. We need to put stop to this as quickly as we can. Also on an another note, we do not a need a repeat of what happened three years ago." After that last sentence everyone understood the gravity of the situation and what he meant.

' _I do wonder what happen to that villain All might fought, which also makes me wonder why isn't All might with us when Endeavor and Jeanist are. I just hope he's doing alright after his injury, losing a stomach must've been terrible and painful._ Midnight thought, then returned her focus to the task at hand.

"Alright now you know what the mission is. Open up the folders to know what the plan is." Once Smoker said that everyone open them up. "From what my contact gave me this is their base of operation." Everyone looked in the folder in saw a picture of a Spa.

"A SPA? THEY COULDN'T PICK SOMEWHERE MORE... I DON'T KNOW MENACING." Mic said, the pro always voicing his opinion. "The spa is just a front to lure away suspecting people. Think about it, a spa in a nice district of town who would ever suspect a thing. No, the real thing is underneath it." This caught everyone's attention. "The base is hidden underneath the spa where no can one see it and nobody can track it."

Before Smoker continued he took out an another cigar from his jacket and lit it. "Once we the get past the front door my contact will rendezvous with us at the hidden base entrance. From there December- Mic stop laughing at the name! December will take us through the base to the location of the weapon. Once we get there we shut it down and they try to use we stop it. Along the way we may encounter some resistance."

"What kind?" Jeanist asked wanting to everything and anything possible about the mission. "From what December has told me, it was going to be some robots that will be able to put bullet holes in us. Also might be some low level villains that we should be able to handle." Smoker exhaled some of his cigar smoke.

"Alright you all know the plan, the mission starts five hours from now at 8pm. Go over the rest folder or come to me if you have anymore questions." Smoker told them as he was done speaking of the mission.

After that Smoker dismissed everyone, but before Midnight left the room he called her over. "Hey, Midnight."

"What is it Smokey?" Smoker eyebrow twitch at being called smokey. "Don't call me that." Midnight smirked, she loved getting a rise out Smoker.

"When you quit smoking I'll stop calling smokey. By the way when are you ever going to quit smoking those things. You know they cause cancer right." Smoker looked at her, he took a big puff of his cigar and exhaled it from his noise this time. "I guess I got my answer." Midnight said, waving her hand to get the smoker away from her.

"Alright enough with my bad habit. Eraser's been telling me that you've been looking for a kid these past ten years." Midnight face donned a frown when Smoker told her that.

"Yeah, his name is Izuku Midoriya. He was kidnapped while his mother was murder in front him. I been searching for him for the ten years." Smoker had frown now too. He felt sorry for the boy, to lose your mother and be taken somewhere you don't know for the last ten years.

"Why are you asking by the way?" Then Midnight realized something the base could have prisoners. "Wait are saying that there is possibility that Izuku could be there!" Smoker took another inhale of his cigar and spoke to the pro.

"I'm not saying anything, we don't know what's really going on down there. He might or might not be there. But since he was taken and the base is in his home country, who knows. I'm just giving you a heads up." Midnight nodded and thanked him. Midnight began to walk away from the conference room to go over the folder. ' _I hope Izuku is in there, then I get him somewhere far from that hell.'_

* * *

**Outside of the Spa**

"Alright is everyone ready." Smoker said and boy was he right. All the heroes were prepared for the mission. Endeavor flames were blazing, Mic voice was ready, Eraserhead had his yellow goggles on, Jeanist flexed his fingers, Smoker had his sliver jitte on his back and a cigar in his mouth, but Midnight she looked the most prepared.

Midnight didn't have the sly smirk that she would give to men or women, no today her facial expression was serious. Her whip in her hand and ready to crack at the first thing she saw that was villain. "We're ready, now let's get this done." Midnight had said. The heroes took notice of this. This wasn't same old Midnight that would flirt, no this was the dominatrix that break anyone she sets on eyes on.

"Alright lets go."

* * *


Smoker walked in the spa in saw that there was one person in there and it was a young girl who had to be at least 20 with red hair at the register. "Hi, welcome to days inn spa. What can I do for you tonight?" The woman spoke to the heroes, not at all fazed the five pros just walked in the spa.

"We got report that there was suspicious activity going on in this spa. We would like take a look around." The girl strangely still kept her smile and it wasn't the ok smile. It was the girl may be crazy smile. "Of course just let me tell the manger."

"We rather you not miss." Came Jeanist voice. "B-But the manager must know everything that happens in the store." The girl began to lose her smile and mind. Her eye and body began to twitch uncontrollable. "OK... THIS GIRL IS DEFINITELY CRAZY." And for the possibly first time in Eraserhead life, he finds himself agreeing with Present Mic.

"Miss clam down so we can help-" Smoker didn't get to finish his sentence because the girl fell to the side with blood falling down from a protruding bullet hole in her head. "She's dead." Midnight said in shock.

"The question is who shot her." The question was asked by Eraserhead who looking for the shooter until a voice came and answered. "That would have been me."

The heroes to turn to a room where the sound was coming from. "Hello heroes, I am Dr. Rebecca Holiday. You may also know me as December." The revealed Dr. Holiday said wearing a white lab coat, brown button shirt, and black skirt.

"Well, we find found your contact smoker." Eraserhead said as he and everyone else looked the Doctor.

"SO MISS... YOUR DECEMBER." Mic has ask the lady, looking at her vigilantly and the gun she had in her hand. The gun was a UsP 45 with a silencer attached. Mic wasn't the only keeping a keen eye her, the other heroes were ready as well. The good doctor did just murder a girl in front of all of them.

"You just murder someone!" Endeavor said furiously and he looked like he ready let loose the flames.

"Yes and no. Check behind the desk and be quick about it, we need to go before they find out that you're all here." The heroes did as they were told, though they didn't like it . As they were walking Best Jeanist checked the desk and what he found surprised him.

"Her.. her body it's attached to something." The body was attached to wires that went underneath the ground. "That's right her body is mechanical with fake blood to make it realistic. She was distracting you heroes with her spazz attack to call for backup, but I prevented that and your welcome for that by the way. Now come on." They quickly went to the back of the spa where an elevator was. Dr. Holiday went to the elevator panel and put her eye close to the down button.

"What are you doing?" Asked Midnight seeing the doctor put her eye on the elevator panel. "This elevator won't be able to take us to our destination without a retina scan from someone with high level access." Holiday told the heroine.

"And how high of level are you." Asked Endeavor still suspicious about the doctor. "Doctor Holiday access level Omega." The elevator had said. "My access is the second highest in the organization. You could say I'm the number two around here." Holiday said with smirk that pissed Endeavor off.

"Now all you get in." The doors open up and all the heroes step in. The elevator was quite large to hold 7 people. "Where to Holiday?" Smoker asked her. "Where going to level 4." Holiday told the Smoker as she pushed the button for floor four.

"Is that where the weapon is." Eraserhead was next to asked and Holiday quickly responded. "No, Level 4 is where the prisoners are." Holiday told them all.

"Prisoners?" Midnight asked hoping that is Izuku is there. "Yes the organization keeps them for test subjects." This got Midnight blood to boil, thinking what this organization could've done to Izuku.

"What level is the weapon on?" Eraserhead asked again. "He's on level five. It's the last level and the most secured."

' _Did she just call the weapon a HE!'_ Was the thought of everyone in the elevator.

* * *

**Control Room**

"Sir, we have a problem." A soldier came to a man sitting in chair with monitors showing various locations of the base. "Heroes have arrived haven't they." The soldier was surprised that he knew what happen.

"Y-Yes sir. What is our plan of action?" The soldier asked the mysterious man.

"You must delay them. I will lend my creations for support. The heroes must be distracted all at cost, they can not reach level 5 no matter what." The man told the soldier and nodded understanding his mission.

"Yes! It will be done.. _._ **Doctor Gero.** " The soldier saluted and then left to gather his forces.

_'How did the heroes found out about our base. We've been hiding from them for years unless... unless we've been betrayed.'_ The now named Gero thought furiously.

_'_ _Damn that bitch! I knew she couldn't be trusted. She was growing close to the weapon over the years and not to mention she took my greatest creation. The chairman will not be pleased.'_ Gero thought as he walked to a control panel. The doctor entered a long code and 8 robots were released from a room. **(think regular battle droids from star wars)**

"Assist the soldiers in their defenses against the heroes." Gero order the machines and they responded.

"Understood." The machines said together in a monotone voice. _'I must get to level 5 quickly. You will not let him out Holiday.'_ Gero thought as he made his way to elevator that will take him to level 5.

* * *


"WAIT THE SO CALLED WMD IS A HE!" Present Mic exclaimed and for once no could blame him. All the heroes had their mouth agape, including smoker whose cigar looked like it was about to fall out. "Yes, the weapon is a he and we need to get him out of here." Holiday told them see their faces.

"Wait you told me that it would bring massive destruction and we needed to stop it." Smoker said hotly and Holiday looked him in dead in the eye with no fear.

"I know what I said and he will if we let this organization keep him any longer. He is there most powerful creation." Holiday fired back at Smoker

"So doesn't it make more sense to destroy him if he's that powerful." Endeavor said as gave a look of his own at the doctor.

"NO!" Holiday replied quickly. "I don't usually agree with Endeavor, but from what you told us about the weapon he's too dangerous to out in open. We should move him to a secure location." Jeanist replied, giving a logical response to the situation.

"So put him in an another prison. I thought you people are suppose to be heroes. You save lives don't you, then you need to save his life. It's not his fault." Holiday said tryin to reason with the pros.

"Who is the boy?" Eraserhead asked the question, though he already he had a feeling he knew why the doctor was protecting the weapon. Holiday lowered her head and her words stopped everything.

"H-H-He's my **son.** " The doctor told them sadly and the pros couldn't believe what they heard. "WHAT!" Everyone shouted from what Holiday told them.

"You turned your son into a-a WEAPON!" Midnight said furiously and she was about to strangle the doctor if Mic wasn't holding her back. "Mic let me go!" Midnight told her friend and Mic tried to reason with the pissed off dominatrix.

"EASY THERE TIGER. I KNOW YOU WANT HER HEAD OFF BUT REMEMBER WE DON'T KNOW THIS PLACE, SHE DOES." Midnight would eventually calmed down, but she was still glaring a hole at the doctor as well as everyone else in the elevator.

"Once we're done here you are going in a jail cell." Smoker said with a tone that left no room argument. "I'll go no fuss or fight, and I'll continue to give you information on the organization. It's the least I can do for my daughter and son."

"What happen to your daughter was she turned into weapon as well." Jeanist asked, but gone was the calm tone. Right now he was mad as well at this woman actions. "Not now, we're here at level 4." Holiday told them as the elevator had come to a stop.

"Fine, but we will be coming back to this." Endeavor ending his glare to focus on the elevator door about to open.

* * *

**LEVEL 4**

As the doors began to open the doctor and heroes got out quickly. They began to the follow the doctor down a large hallway with many doors leading to offices, but their target was a larger door at the end of the hallway. Holiday reached the door and open it with her code, once the door was open a barrage of bullets was let loose.

"Look out!" Eraserhead screamed and used his scarf to grab her and pull her to safety. "Thanks" Holiday said to the Eraser hero. "Don't mention... it at all." Eraserhead didn't really want to save the woman, especially after finding out what she done to her son, but alas he was hero and that was the job.

"THOSE GUYS ARE FIRING AT US... AND ARE THOSE ROBOTS OVER THERE WITH THEM." Mic said taking cover from the barrage of bullets.

"Damn, Gero activated his pet machines." Holiday said in an annoyed tone. "Gero?" Smoker asked confused, wondering who this man was.

"Gero is the lead scientist in robotics and cybernetics in the organization. He also has a grudge against me because I'm smarter than him and took something that belonged to him." As she was talking the robots were still firing and moving closer to them.

"Endeavor take out those machines!" Smoker yelled. "ARGH! Jet Burn!" Endeavor blasted fire at the machines that was melting and destroying them. "There are still soldiers with guns over there." Holiday warned the pros. "We'll handle them." Smoker said as he and the other took off running.

**Play: You say run the my hero music**

"Let's go and show them what heroes are made of." Smoker said as he led the team down the hallway. "Mic give them a concert." Smoker commanded Present Mic.

"GOT IT SMOKEY. YAHOO!" Present Mic let loose his voice that made all the soldiers disoriented and they dropped their guns. Smoker saw that there were some robots left.

"Jeanist use your fiber wire to cut through the machines." Smoker told the number four hero. "Understood." Jeanist used his fiber to to turn the bots into swiss cheese.

"Midnight, Eraserhead, the three of us will deal with the villains and soldiers."

"Got it." They both said as they grabbed their own weapons.

Smoker used his left hand to grab his jitte and threw a punch with his right hand. "Whiteout!" Smoker yelled as right arm began stretched thanks to his to quirk that allows him to control smoke and allowing it to extend from his body. Smoker punched a muscular villain right in the mouth. He then ran over to the knocked down villain and swung his jitte at his the face thus knocking him out.

Midnight cracked her whipped at a few soldiers spreading them around for Eraserhead to take them out and she did a leg sweep at a charging villain. Once the villain was knocked down she kicked him in the face with her high heel.

"You're not getting past us hero." A villain sneered at Eraserhead, though looked at him a bored expression. The villain tried to use his quirk, but it wasn't working. "What the hell is going on why can't i light up?" The villain said confused as he tried to use his light his hands on fire.

"Obviously you forgot who you're dealing with." Eraser told the villain as he then used his scarf to pull the villain to towards and spun him around hitting two other soldiers who were trying to get up.

"Alright thats the last of them." **(Stop playin you say run)** Smoker said relieved that the battle was done with no casualties.

"Come on, the elevator to level 5 is this way." The doctor and the rest heroes began to run towards the elevator and before they got there they saw something that made them freeze.

"Oh my God." Midnight whispered as she and the others were frightened at what they saw. There were people trapped in cages. Men, Women, even children were locked in here. There were 20 if not 40 cages with people inside. Holiday went to the computer near the wall and began to enter commands. The cells began to open and people were being let out by heroes.

"Go! Get out here you're free. You're not slaves any longer, you don't belong to them no more. Go!" Holiday screamed. The pros were going to cells to help as many as they can even the captives went to help others that needed assistance. Once the cells were empty and the prisoners were free Smoker decided to get them out of here and call for backup.

"You guys follow the Holiday to level five, I'll get these people to safety." Smoker said as he saw that these people were going to need help getting out of here.

"There is a stairwell down by the hallway we passed on the way here. Take it level to level 1 and you'll be all set." Holiday told Smoker in which he nodded. Before the captives were being led to freedom by the Smoker, they all thanked the pros for saving them. Even Endeavor who was not well liked by the public was getting thank you's and even a hug a by a young child, which really shocked him.

' _All these people were kept here for so long, how could anyone do this.'_ Midnight thought, but realized something. None of the captives had green curly hair.

"Wait, before you all go is there a Izuku Midoriya here. He should be around 14 years old and with green curly hair." The captives were looking around, but none match the description until a man walked up to Midnight. "There was a boy that fit your description here a long time ago." Midnight had soon gained hope after hearing that.

"The people that took us, also took him. But-" The man didn't get to finish as Midnight interrupted him. "But what!?" Midnight interrupted the man. "But-But". The man was afraid to tell Midnight what happen to Izuku.

"What did they do to him?" Eraser asked knowing Midnight was on edged. "We don't have time, we need to get to level five." Holiday reminded the heroes that time was of essence. "Guys, Holiday is right. You need to get to level five. We all get answers soon. Now go." Smoker order the pros as he got the people to safety.

The pros began to follow Holiday to the elevator. ' _Damn it! Izuku wasn't there, but the man said that he was here once. I just hope and pray that they didn't do anything to him, for the doctor sake as well because I will peel her flesh apart with my whip.'_ Midnight thought darkly as everyone was following behind the Doctor.

"We're coming up on the elevator now." Holiday said. "You said you have a daughter." Endeavor brought topic back up. As the elevator was coming up and Holiday looked lowered her head when Endeavor mentioned her daughter.

"Yes I... **had** daughter." Holiday replied sadly and everyone caught her tone. "She was taking, murdered by her _father_." Holiday hissed the word father like it was a forbidding word, while the pros just couldn't believe what they heard.

_'Who would be so cruel to kill their own child.'_ Midnight thought angrily. "My husband is the chairman the organization and is a monster that needs to stopped. I'm no angel and I will accept whatever punishment you give me."

The elevator had arrived and they all stepped in. Once they were all in Holiday continued her story of her tragic family.

"He killed her because of his greed and lust for power. She was weak in his eyes. You see my daughter was born quirkless and his precious weapon was growing attached to her. So close that he tried to escape with her and runaway. They were both close to escaping and I was happy for it, but he caught them. And-And-" Holiday took a moment to recompose herself brushing away small tears. "I despised that man ever since. He needs to be stopped, him and this damn organization." Holiday told the heroes.

"What is this organization name?" Eraserhead asked curious to know what this organization is.

"Their name is **Trinity**." Holiday replied looking directly at all the heroes.

"Shadow is the only one able to stop Trinity. He was created to be the ultimate weapon, to defeat all the enemies that Trinity has. Villain or Hero. Now I'm giving the you all a fighting chance. Trinity is powerful and with a vast amount of resources. They have agents with powerful quirks at their disposal, but shadow can stop them. He can be hero, I know it. That's all he ever wanted to be since he was child, please help my son. I don't care what happens to me but let my son be a hero." Holiday said begging the pros to save her son and help him defeat Trinity.

All the heroes in elevator didn't know what to say at this point. A man killed his daughter because she was growing attached to his weapon, a boy who was forced into becoming a weapon, and to top it all off this is some secret organization named Trinity that has agents with powerful quirks and possibly an army of robots.

' _Is that what I'm turning into, a monster that would kill their own child.'_ Thought a certain flame hero after hearing the story of the doctor's husband. As the doors opened the pros didn't know what to expect next. Though they did know this, this will be a night to remember and **nothing will ever be the same again.**

* * *

**LEVEL 5**

"Shadow is through these doors." Holiday said, as Mic whistled when he saw the doors. "THOSE ARE SOME BIG DOORS." Mic said as he marveled at the size the doors. The doors were so big that they look like doors into a throne room in a kingdom.

"It's for security reasons that if he ever tried to escape agents, soldiers, and machines of the organization would have time to get here." Holiday explained as she was working getting those doors open. "THAT IS A LOT SECURITY FOR ONE GUY. WHAT IS HE SOME KIND ONE MAN ARMY?" Mic asked wondering why would they need all that security for one man.

"Yes." Holiday replied nonchalantly. The heroes looked at her confused as she was still working on getting the large doors open by using the computer.

"Project Shadow is what I said, the ultimate weapon. He has been trained in combat, weapons, stealth, interrogation, espionage, tracking, and so on. He was also born with a keen mind, I never seen someone breakdown quirks like him before, always taking notes even to the smallest detail. Studying his enemy or ally and learning about them to find a weakness." The pros were starting to get worried if they'll be enough to stop this shadow person.

"When was this... project shadow created because from what you are telling us these types of skill takes years if not decades to master." Jeanist asked as the doctor as she was starting to type faster.

"He was created ten years ago on this day. We sent one of our agents to retrieve him and he was brought to us so we could begin the procedure. After the procedure we began his training and it was nonstop after that." Holiday told them.

"Procedure? What kind of procedure?" Jeanist asked again. "Shadow was a young quirkless boy when our agent brought him to us. The procedure was to transfer quirks to him." The heroes eyes were as wide as dinner plates. The ultimate weapon was originally quirkless and not only that they transferred quirks to him, but Midnight mind was elsewhere

'Ten years ago on this day, the day Izuku was kidnapped. Also she said that this shadow guy was quirkless also like Izuku.' Midnight thought as her mind began to tell that this Shadow could be the boy she was looking for, but is was cut short as the doors were beginning to open.

* * *


"There we can go in now, I had to deactivate the inner security systems." Holiday and the rest of the pros walked through the large doors. The room lights came on, the room was a large white room with only thing in it. The pros saw a what looked to be a metal pod in the center of the room. The pod looked oval shaped, with metal layers covering it, and with a green glow to it. They couldn't see what was inside, but they knew it had to be Shadow. Holiday walked to computer in front of the metal pod but before she could do anything she was shot in the stomach.

"Did you really think that it will be that easy traitor." The heroes turned to see Dr. Gero and he had two more robots ( **think super battle droids from star wars**.) with him, but this time they bigger. "Ger-Ger-Gero." Holliday said weakly as she coughed up blood.

"You will not release him Holiday. He is our weapon, the one who will be bring true peace to the world. I knew you had become weak. Why the chairman let you live all this time is beyond me, but I will fix that." Gero said as gave his machines an order.

"Kill the pros and that traitor, then take the weapon to the chopper." Hoilday widen her eyes when she heard that.

"YOU WILL NOT TAKE MY SON!" Holiday screamed to the mad doctor, Holiday would not let her son be taking... not without a fight. "THAT THING IS NOT YOUR SON! You never gave birth to him. He is a weapon for Trinity." Gero fired back to the Doctor.

"You're right he isn't my biological son and I am the one that made him what he is, but he opened my heart." Holiday began say as he placed a hand on her wound and got up from the floor.

"He and his team made me realize that Trinity has to be stopped. I also gave him something that Trinity stole from him and that is a mother! So you can say whatever the hell you want, **Shadow IS my SON** and I'm am his mother as well as the team's mother. They are all my children, **not his** and I'll be damned if I let you or the chairman take them from me again." Holiday proclaimed at the top of her lungs, while blood was coming out her mouth.

' Damn this wound.' The heroes were inspired by this woman especially a certain flame hero. She may have done inhuman things, but she was trying to make amends and atone for her sins. ' _Is there a chance for me to survive this.'_ Holiday thought weakly as her vision started to blur.

The machines were about to fire and there nothing the heroes could do. There was no cover in this room to and they were sitting ducks until Holiday formed a plan. "Mic! Fire at the pod." Holiday order Present Mic and he was confused at what she wanted to do.

"WHAT, I THOUGHT YOU WANTED TO SAV-." Holiday interrupted mic with a vicious yell. " **Do it**!" Holiday screamed and Mic fired at the pod.

"SHOWTIME!" Mic yelled unleashing his voice at the pod. "NO! WHAT have you done you fool." Gero panicked when he saw the pod be struck by Mic voice. The pod began to make noises and all attention was now on it. Nobody move, not the doctors, not the machines, and not the pros. Sparks were flying everywhere and the machines got hit and short circuited.

Then everything stopped and the metal lids began to open, releasing a large amount of smoke. The metal lids then went up to show who was inside the pod. Once the lids we're all up, it showed a boy inside the green water. The pod made another noise and this time the water began to drain. Once the draining was the complete the computer was only thing to make a noise. "Awaking complete."

**(You may play any kind of music thats fits this scene. I personally did blood / water by grandson. But it's your choice.)**

The pod lid open also releasing some more smoke and it revealed a green haired 14 year old boy whose hands were encased in some kind circular sphere. He was wearing nothing but black tight shorts **(think wolverine)** **.** Nobody still moved, because they were in shocked when they saw the boy face. Midnight eyes look like they would fall out of their sockets at who project Shadow was.

Preset Mic and Eraserhead couldn't believe it either, Gero was sweating bullets, Endeavor and Jeanist were confused and shocked that this kid was the ultimate weapon. After all this time, after ten long years, she had finally found him.

"I-Iz-Izuku." Midnight said aloud.

Once the name was said, Izuku quickly snapped his eyes open. He is out, he is awake, and most importantly he is free. Trinity ultimate weapon **Shadow** has awoken.

* * *

**DBZ english dub narrator voice and music** : Camera is on Midnight looking directly at Izuku in the pod.

**After ten long grueling years, Midnight has finally found Izuku**. Camera goes to Izuku.

**But will she and the other heroes be able to make out the base alive to celebrate her accomplishment.** Izuku eyes begin to scan the room. He breaks his cuffs and lunges at one of the pros.

**Find next time on Izuku the Ultimate Weapon.**

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