Assassin Love ✓

By sihle0071

71.6K 3.3K 432

[COMPLETELY EDITED AND FINISHED] What happens when you fall in love with your enemy? Well you do know what ha... More

Phone call?
One night stand?
Big Case?
Old friend?
Heartbreak Anniversary?
That's a wrap?
Why her?
Why me?
I need your help?
Retail therapy?
New boss?
Yah neh life?
Virtual meeting?
Roles reversed?
Shoot now ask later?
Moving out?
Surprise shawty?
The Mole?
Annual Mafia Gala?
Way bigger than we thought?
Secret Admirer?
Flirtatious conversations?
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?
Baby daddy?
Your type?
Sorry not Sorry?
Non-paid actor?
Justice was served?
Huge thunderstorm?
Family reunion?
Made life easier?
Miss me already?
Step two?
Remember where home is?
Special Treatment?
Body party?
After glow?
Beg for it?
Kiss and Make up?
Tension and Anger?
Free man?
Final Verdict?
Getaway Trip?
Late night conversations?
Appreciation date?
Bonnie and Clyde?
Lights out?
Death bed?
Unwanted visitor?
Snoop Around?
Role model?
Critical Piece?
Alternative plan?
Shake the world?
Special Delivery?
Let the games begin?
Spare my life?
Innocent boyfriend?
Small world?
Thinking about him?
Block them out?
Trust fund?
We need to talk?
One step closer?
Regret your desicion?
Clear message?
Meant to be?
Source of happiness?
Lines blurred?
One last time?
Revenge? (part 1)
Revenge? (part 2)
Assassin Love?
Out Now!


556 21 0
By sihle0071

Amukelani's POV

"Meetings for today after court?" I ask. "You have a new client." says Jessica. "What did this client do?" "Murder." "Gender?" "Female." "I think I'm going to like this case." "Who did she kill?" "Her husband duh." "I wonder what the douchebag did that led him to his death."

"Or maybe the woman is psychotic." she says. "I still stand with the fact that the guy contributed into his own death." I say and she laughs.  "Which police station is she kept at?" "The one near the mall." "Okay. I'm so excited for this one."

"Why the enthusiasm?" she asks. "For the first time in 2 or 3 years i get to tackle a murder committed by a woman." I say. "I know we have been dealing with these jerks for far to long." "I'm glad you understand my excitement." She smiles.

"What's her name?" I ask. "Her name is Bulelwa Nkosi." she says. "She's swati?" "Yes she is." "How old is she?" "Between her late twenties and early thirties." "Okay. Do you know when the bail hearing is?" "It's on Friday at 11:00."

"Who is the prosecutor?" I ask. "It's Melissa Maxwell." she says. "Is she a big fish?" "She has created a nice name for herself but with you it can come crumbling down." "Okay. Hopefully she has a good reason why she killed that guy."

"So Michelle told me you took Slindo out despite certain circumstances." she says. "I did. I felt like those circumstances were made to look like a big issue when its not and if she has a problem, the boxing ring is available." I say and she laughs.

"You a badass." she says. "I'm a go getter but I'll work with bad ass for now." I say and she chuckles. "Let me leave you to work." "Please entertain me I'm too lazy to work." "Some of us have work." "Is this you now?" "Karma is a cow." I roll my eyes.

"You can leave my office I have plenty of work I have to do unless you want to do it on my behalf." I say. "Don't worry I'll be there to entertain you after this." she says. "Don't waste your time your services are no longer needed." She laughs and leaves.


I take my stuff and go to Kuhle's car. I hope this case can end soon so we don't have to go in the same car anymore. We get inside and drive off to court.

"By the looks of things do we have a chance of winning?" asks Michelle. "It's a 50/50 situation. We have evidence that proves that he didn't commit it and then we have evidence that proves he committed it. I'm surprised they didn't ask him to do a DNA test cause if they did that we wouldn't be here today." I say.

"At this point when we give our final statement we will try prove how circumstantial this case is and that the witness story does not make sense at all." says Kuhle. "Let's hope for the best then." says Jessica. "But it was nice working with you guys on this case." I say. "I also enjoyed myself. Hopefully we can get more cases where it requires two lawyers and they hire us." he says and i smile.

"We will need another OJ Simpson trial in order for that to happen." I say and we chuckle. "Let's find our south african version of OJ Simpson then." he says and we laugh. We get to court and the paparazzi are doing what they famous for.

We wear our gowns and get out of the car. "Is your client guilty?" "Justice for the victim!" "How are you guys?" "Are you two dating?" "You would look cute together." "Told you." whispers Jessica. "Not now you little cow." I whisper. "I hope you guys win this case."

I roll my eyes and we get inside. We approach Manqoba's family and we greet each other. We go and sit down at our designated seats. "The couple." says Manqoba. "Fokof." I say. "She's blushing." "It's your face thats blushing because you want Michelle." He keeps quiet.

Wait hold up?! Nevermind I shall pursue this investigation later on in life. "All rise." says the policeman. We all stand up and the judge walks in. "Case number 224466. Motaung vs Vilakazi. You may sit down." We sit down and he gives the judge the docket.

"May we bring in the witness for the defendant." says the judge. The witness stands up and he walks to the stand. The police brings the bible to him and he puts his hand on it. "Do you promise to speak the truth, nothing but the truth so help me God." says the policeman. "I promise." "Prosecutor." Kananelo stands up and walks to the front.

"May you introduce yourself to the court and tell us what you do for a living." says Kananelo. "My name is Lufuno Mudau and I'm a truck driver." he says. "Who do you work for?" "I work for Mr. Manqoba Vilakazi." "How long have you worked for him?" "For over two years now."

"What do you do for him?" asks Kananelo. "I deliver minerals to the companies." he answers. "Has he ever asked you to deliver illegal goods for him?" "No." "Have you ever witnessed him do illegal activities." "No." "Do you know the victim?" "No." "That will be it your honour.

"Defense." says the judge and Kuhle stands up and walks to the front. "Can you describe your relationship with Mr. Vilakazi." says Kuhle. "Our relationship is strictly professional." he says. "How would you describe him as a person?" "He is a good man and a funny one."

"Has he ever ill treated you or any of the workers?" asks Kuhle. "No he has never ill treated me." he answers. "Do you think he killed the victim?" "No." "Why do you say so?" "Because Mr. Vilakazi is a good man and he would never harm a human being to that extent." "No further questions your honour."

"Your honour can we have DNA tests to identify the unknown strand found on the victim." says Kananelo. "Granted if the defendant gives you permission." says the judge and i see Kananelo smirk. "You have to give your DNA." I whisper. "Okay it's fine." "Your honour the tests can be done." "Okay we will set a date for the tests to be conducted and in the next session the results will be read and we will move on from there." We nod.

"Next court session will be on the 27th of August at 12:30. Case dismissed." says the judge. He hits the gavel and stands up and leaves. We all stand up and walk out.

"I can't believe that we still have to come back here." says Manqoba. "Imagine how tired we are." I say. "But don't worry i think his slowly starting to give up which is a good thing on our side and his bringing the DNA so he can win." says Kuhle. "So let's hope for the best and pray the results come back inconclusive." We nod.

"We shall see you guys." I say. "Okay sharp." says Manqoba. "Expect a call from me." "I didn't do anything." "I never said you did." "Okay." We say our goodbyes and leave.

We get inside the car and we drive back to work. "Hai shem uKananelo had my hopes raised up for nothing." says Michelle. "Angisho he is under payroll." I say. "We all under payroll but we make sure we deliver." "Ours is a legal one."

"What's the difference? They trusted him with the case and now his fucking up. If I was him I would just pack my bags and dissappear cause the shit his doing isn't right." says Jessica. "I know but we don't care." says Kuhle.

"We should care. They put two people on this case because Kananelo was handling it but now it was a waste of our time." says Michelle. "Our salaries and bills aren't agreeing with what you saying." I say. "True that." says Kuhle and we chuckle.

"So he became dumb over night?" asks Michelle.  "Thing is if he did his proper research and he got all his information then he would have a chance but he walked in with his eyes closed. That witness was supposed to know what actually happened to the victim." he says.

"It's just that the evidence that he brought to the table wasn't substantial. But one thing that has me thinking is the fact that they didn't go through the system to look for a match." I say. "I'm surprised too cause surely they would have found Manqoba's DNA somewhere." says Kuhle.

"So is that supposed to be a red flag?" asks Jessica. "That's the biggest mistake they could ever make on their side. They would have had the case if they actually tried to search for matching DNA in the system. I don't know how they skipped that part." I say.

"The police were probably too lazy to look for the actual match." says Michelle. "These people are definitely working for someone that knows that Manqoba is guilty of this crime hence they didn't do a thorough investigation. If this was a pure investigation from the beginning Manqoba would be in jail." I say.

"Whose payroll are they under?" asks Kuhle. "It's a big shot I guess and the big shot was also targeting Sthembiso." I say. "Really?" "Yeah. The witnesses on both these cases are siblings." "And these siblings aren't that rich and well known to take down such powerful men unless they working for someone." says Michelle.

"Exactly." I say. "So will you search the person thats behind everything?" asks Kuhle. "No its up to the families and if they want. I don't have time to do such things." "Okay."

We get back to work and we go our separate ways. "Can I talk to you?" he asks. "I have to be somewhere now so we will talk over the phone." I say. "New Case?" "Yes." "Okay sharp I'll call you later." I nod.

I eat my lunch and after eating i go to the police station. I get there and ask to see Bulelwa Nkosi and they let me go see her. I get there and sit down.

"Hey." I greet. "Hi." she says. "Uright?" (Are you okay?) "Ngiyaphila wena." (I'm good and you.) "Nami ngiyaphila. Are you nervous?" (I'm good too.) "Kind of. I didn't think you would come, I thought you were going to give this case to another person."

"I wouldn't do that. I need a break from guys committing crimes." I say and she chuckles. "Why were you arrested?" "I killed my husband." she says. "Why did you kill him?" "Self defense." "He was trying to kill you?" "Yes and he deserved to die."

"It's okay I'll help you." I say. "Thank you." she says. I look at her arms and i see bruises  on them. "How did you kill him?" "I shot him in the head." she says. "Did you get into some sort of altercation or was it planned?" "Both."

"Tell me more." I say. "I was in an abusive marriage and that night we got into a fight. I was surprised he didn't hit me or anything but I was tired of being abused so while he was sleeping I took a gun and shot him in the head." she says. "Are those the bruises he caused?" "Yes." "Can I take a picture. This will be part of the evidence." She nods.

I take out my phone and take pictures of her arms. "Your bail hearing is on Friday at 11 so your family has to fetch you here." I say. "Okay." she says. "Do you have anybody that will support you through out the case?" "Yes it's my family." "Okay please tell them that."

"So it was planned?" I ask. "Yes I will explain everything and what was my breaking point and all of that." she answers and i nod. "I'll see you then." "Thanks for coming." "Okay. Bye." "Bye." I take my things and leave.

I get inside my car and drive back home. I pass by at work so I can get some files I can go through at home. I stop by Mc Donalds and buy a Mc Flurry and i drive home.

I get back home and i eat my Mc Flurry. After eating i change into pjamas and make myself some dinner. I make some quesadillas with a spicy salsa on top. I need to visit Mexico so I can eat the food again.

I sit down and start working on the files i took at work. While working I get a call from my dad. What a lovely surprise, I bet he wants something from me.

"Baba." I greet. "Congratulations on winning the case." he says. "Thank you baba. Is everything okay?" "Everything is okay here." "Then why did you call?" "I can't call to check up on you." "You do that for Asanda not me. The only time we call each other is when there is a meeting or we both want something from each other."

"I do want something from you." he says. "You can say it." I say. "So you said that you want to put step two on hold cause you were still busy with the case so now that it's over start working on it." I roll my eyes. "How will I get the information?" "You have to make a plan."

"I get your step two and all that but the only way that plan would work out is if i had access to the house and all their warehouses." I say. "Ask Aphiwe for help then." he says. "Just give me time baba I'm under a lot of pressure at work." "I gave you time so now i need it done."

"Baba I just told you I'm under pressure at work so I need time." I say. "How much time do you need?" he asks. "A lot of time." "That's what we don't have. We all have a lot of things to do in life but you need to find a way to juggle it cause i want them out by the end of the year."

"Why the rush?" I ask. "Ngithe get it done." he says. (I said get it done.) "Baba there is pressure at work which part of the sentence don't you understand so I can make you understand!" "Don't talk to me like that." "No! I have to talk to you like this. I said I'm under pressure but you not willing to hear that."

"Amukelani Mngomezulu just do it and don't tell me about pressure since when are you incapable of multi tasking and doing what i asked you to do." he says. "Since you want us to go after the most dangerous family in the country!" I shout. "You better get that thing done cause my new years resolutions aren't to finish them up." He drops the phone and i scream.

Why did I agree to seducing him? Things are harder than I thought they would be and now I have pressure from him. Why doesn't he understand that I need time before I get moving. I take a few deep breaths in to calm myself down and it works. Fuck my dad and his pressure...

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