Loving Him is Grey (50 shades...

By MaddiMellark

346K 7.9K 476

A cleaner version of 50 shades of Grey. Anastasia Steele is a new journalist, falling for the mysterious, att... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
The End

Chapter 12

9.3K 229 15
By MaddiMellark

 "I'm here everyone, no need to be worried!" A female's voice echos through the dining room.

Christian stills next to me and I whip my head around to see Elena. The same Elena who insulted me before she even knew who I was. The same woman who is business partners with Christian. The same woman who is a lot closer to him than I want her to be. Who the hell is this woman?

"Elena," Mrs. Grey rises from her seat to embrace Elena in a hug.

Mia peers over her wine glass, taking in the sight of Elena. Her face shows no sigh of how she feels towards her. Christian, on the other hand, smiles warmly at Elena. Jealousy surges through me despite my conflicting feelings towards emotions. How can he smile so sweetly at her but it's like pulling teeth to smile at me? Elena obviously is someone special to him. I want him to smile at me like that, like I mean something to him. Right now I feel like a child walking in on their parents kissing as Christian gets up to kiss Elena on the cheek. She smiles radiantly at him like he's the only man in the world.

Sit down; he's mine.

I look down at my place setting, eying the food. Perhaps it's too high school, but I have a strong need to mark my territory. If I don't do it, Elena will assume that she can walk all over me. Not today. I take Christian's hand in mine, setting them on the table in plain sight. Mia takes notice of our hands and gives me a malicious smile. Elena glances our way and her mouth goes into a smirk disgust. She pulls out the chair seated next to Christian's. The food is probably getting cold now because everyone was too wrapped up in embracing thee Elena Lincoln.

"Anastasia, lovely dress." Her smirk is evil and I know she's trying to get me riled up.

I smile brightly at her, "thank you."

A silence wraps around us as we pass the bowls of food around the table. Mia keeps glancing between Elena and I. Elliot sits quietly at the end of the table, swirling his fork in the mashed potatoes. I eat my food in small bites even though I am at the stage of anger where I want to eat everything in sight. I have a feeling the Greys would not approve of my lack of table manners. At home I can eat chips out of the bag. I bet they don't even have chips in their cupboard unless they're some fancy organic chips you can buy for like fifty dollars at Whole Foods.

"So," Mr. Grey looks my way, "Anastasia, have you found a job yet? Christian mentioned you were into journalism and publishing."

"You can call me Ana, sir. And no I haven't found a job yet. I have an interview tomorrow actually at Seattle Independent Publishing."

Christian puts his wine glass down with force that makes the table look his way. "You didn't mention that to me."

I open my mouth to respond, but words escape me when I meet his narrow gaze. "I didn't think it mattered."

"Really, Anastasia? You didn't think it mattered so you just didn't tell me?"

"Christian," I Whisper, "can we not do this here?"

"Damn, someone must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Mia raises her eyebrows at Christian.

"Mia, Christian," Mrs. Grey scolds.

The table goes into another round of silence, this time more awkward than ever. Elliot clears his throat. Mr. Grey glares at Christian. Christian stands up hastily, excusing himself from the table. I watch as Elena's eyes follow him out. Then she excuses herself too. She follows Christian out of the room. The grip on my fork tightens, threatening to bend it. I cross my arms around my waist, alone with the rest of the Grey family. This may be the most awkward dinner I have ever sat through. More awkward than when my mom announced she was pregnant eight months ago. I have a feeling tonight will end up in another fight between Christian and I. At least this time I will be prepared to battle it out. I better start writing the speech in my head while I sit here in silence, awaiting Elena and Christian to come back from whatever they're doing.

"Sorry about that, Ana." Mrs. Grey smiles at me, but it doesn't quite meet her lips.

"Not a problem," I say, lying through my teeth.

At least I got steak out of this awkward adventure. I can't even imagine what the ball will be like in two weeks. Hopefully Christian will get his life together by then. I would not be able to handle angry Christian throughout the ball. My glass of wine is empty and I could really go for chugging a whole bottle by myself.

Elena comes back into the dining room. Christian is nowhere in sight. She probably knocked him unconscious with her witchcraft. Pushing myself from my seat, I excuse myself next. Maybe if I can coax Christian back into the dining room Elena will get the hint and back off. That'll sure to ensure that I mean business.

Glancing around the large kitchen, I see Christina emerging from a shed-like building in the back. Opening the back doors, I make my way towards him. He doesn't notice me at first but when he does, his face becomes stoic. As I near closer, I realize the building is not a shed but a cottage house. It overlooks the Sound, creating a storybook image. I dream about having one in my back yard when I randomly become famous for no reason. A girl can dream.

Or maybe you can marry the hot, angry CEO.

Shaking my head, I walk to where Christian has stopped. He pushes his hands into his pockets. "First Elena, now you. You women can't leave me alone."

I know he meant to be arrogant and funny, but I am fifty shades of annoyed. I want to smack the amused smirk off his face. Unfortunately that would probably not end well for either of us. A screaming match is more likely to be appropriate in this situation. I am a professional yeller from sassing back to my mom as a teenager. I step in his personal space, hands on my hips. I know I don't look intimidating, but if he could see the person I see myself as in my head, he would be intimidated.

"Funny Christian. I am so freaking amused."

"What the hell is your problem?"

I put my finger against my lips. "Where do I even begin to answer that? Hmm...let's start with Elena. Is there something going on between you to?"

Christian looks taken aback by my question, making me even more suspicious. "No."

"Simple answer for such a complex question. Spill it Mr. Grey. I want the nitty and gritty."

"There's nothing to tell. We have strictly a business relationship. What happened in our pasts is just that, the past. I feel no need to disclose any information regarding Elena with you."

"Unbelievable!" I throw my hands in the air out of frustration.

"It is unbelievable that you're so obsessed with her," Christian says to me, walking past me.

If I wasn't wearing a dress, I would so jump on his back in anger like a teenager. Fortunately for him I am trying to be classy tonight. I am sure yelling at him and accusing him of an affair isn't exactly the definition of classy. "You got me; I am so obsessed with her. I want to go home. Now."

"How about you?" he turns towards me, eyes flashing with annoyance.

Now he wants to turn this on me? "What about me?"

Christian runs his hand through his hair, "you get a job interview and you don't mention it to me."

"Sorry but I don't think that's in the handbook for fake boyfriends. My bad; maybe you should write one and I could consider it for publication."

"Don't get smart with me."

I stomp towards the door. "I said I wanted to go home!"

I whip around and crash into a body. I realize that who I crashed into is the last person I want to see. Elena looks at me with amusement. She looks between Christian and me, trying to depict the scene.

"Lover's quarrel?"

"None of your business," I snap at her, darting back into the house.

I go back into the dining room where the Greys have seemed to disappear from. Mia is still sitting in her chair, eyes glued to her phone screen.

"You wanna slip some mashed potatoes into Elena's purse?"

I look at Mia who is still typing furiously on her phone, an evil smile on her.

"What?" I ask.

"There's a lot of potatoes left over and it would be kind of funny to give Elena some. Don't you think? I can just tell you like her a lot." Mia gets up from her seat, grabbing the bowl of potatoes.

"As much as I want to slap her across the face, we really shouldn't."

Mia scrunches her nose at me. "Well if you're not going to do it, I might as well.Whoops!" Mia dumps the potatoes into Elena's purse. She laughs evilly and I can't help but join in.

As we continue laughing, Christian walks in. He looks at us curiously, ignoring me as he grabs his suit jacket. I roll my eyes at his back and Mia nudges me.

"Tension is so thick," she whispers to me.

"If only you knew."

Mia laughs, "I grew up with him. He's a bigger baby than a girl on her period. Trust me, he's not all so bad. He only acts like this when he cares about you. Ana, I think he likes you!" she giggles like a teenager.

I roll my eyes at her this time. "Mia, Mia, Mia..."

"Let's go Ana." Christian hugs his sister quickly before walking out of the dining room.

"Good luck," Mia sings as she sets the bowl back onto the table.

"Thanks, I'll need it."

After saying our good byes to the rest of Christian's family, we exit. Cole is waiting for us in a sleek, black car. I guess Christian didn't want to ride in Charlie Tango tonight. Knowing him he only uses that as a reward for me when I am behaving. Obviously I am not up to his standards tonight. Then again, when am I ever?

"Miss Steele," Cole greets me with a smile.

I smile at him, grateful for a friendly face. Christian gets in after me, putting at much space between us as possible. Funny how I assumed having my first boyfriend would be different than this. For one, he would actually be a real boyfriend and like me because he wanted to. Not because he wanted to prove something to his family and friends. Second, I had the ideal image that we would do cute couple things. Like go on picnics, go for walks around the Sound, go to a bookstore....The possibilities are endless and all we have managed to do is fight. Not very romantic in my opinion. Perhaps that's what Christian prefers. What a twisted man.

About an hour and a half later, we arrive back at my apartment. My eyes are heavy with fatigue. I have to be up early for my interview tomorrow so there's no chance of replenishing my energy. The interview that managed to ignite the flame with Christian.

"I-um.." I start to say because I don't exactly know what to say. I am still incredibly so mad.

"Anastasia, let's just forget everything that happened tonight. I don't want to be mad at you."

"I don't want to be mad either. I am so sick of fighting."

Christian laces his hand through mine, his eyes going soft. "Me too. About your interview tomorrow, I want a full report on how it goes. You'll knock them dead and offer you the job on the spot."

His sincerity takes me by surprise, but it also makes my heart melt. He can be so wishy-washy. I just wish he could be this sweet all the time. "I doubt that but I appreciate your confidence in me, Mr. Grey."

"Get some rest." He kisses me lightly on the lips.

My breath catches at the light pressure against my lips. I could kiss this man forever.

"Bye," I whisper.

"Laters, Miss Steele."

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