Izuku: The Ultimate Weapon

By CotyMeanor

53.4K 865 567

What if deku was kidnapped at the age of 4. What if he was experimented on and was made into the ultimate wea... More

Chapter 2:Awakening
Chapter 3: New Beginning
Chapter 4: Enter Izuku Kayama
Chapter 5: My Hero Academia
Chapter 6:Life at U.A
Chapter 7: The Boys Are Back
Chapter 8: Assault on the USJ
Chapter 9: Burst Mode
Chapter 10: Season 1 Finale
Season 2 preview
Chapter 11: The U.A sports festival
Chapter 12:The calvary arrives
Not a chapter
Chapter 13: Shadow vs Mystique and Tournament battles
Chapter 14: The boy born with everything vs The boy who lost everything
Chapter 15: Last Man Standing
Chapter 16:Names
Chapter 17: Internships, Villains, and the Family
Chapter 18: Stain and Terra
Chapter 19:Shadow v Stain and Terra
Chapter 20: Shadow vs Sabertooth
Chapter 21: Sending A Message
Chapter 22: Wanted
Chapter 23: Shadow vs ALL!
Chapter 24: Battle of the Ultimates
Chapter 25: Poison of the Past
short stories
Chapter 26:Shadow vs Pyro
Chapter 27:Shadow and Bullseye
Chapter 29: Agents of Trinity
Chapter 30: Rings off
Chapter 31: Who is Izuku Kayama?
Chapter 32: Finals

Chapter 1: Birth of the Ultimate Weapon

6.7K 88 66
By CotyMeanor

Izuku was having a bad day, the worst day of his life. He had just found out he was quirkless, and now he'll never get the chance to live his dream to be a hero like his idol, the number 1 hero: All Might. You see Izuku lives in a world where 80% of the earth population has powers that they call quirks. Through these unique gifts people started to become heroes and villains, thus the never ending battle had begun: Heroes vs. Villains. Izuku was one of the unlucky 20% dubbed quirkless.

"I'm sorry, but you should give up." Came the voice of the doctor that Izuku and his mother Inko had visited to see if what quirk her son would have. Inko couldn't believe her ears, she was in shock at what she heard. "But doctor, are you positive that my son has no quirk at all. My late husband had a quirk that allowed him to breathe fire and I can pull small objects with telekinesis". Inko is a young and slim 25 year old woman with straight green hair who was pulling Izuku All might action figure to her as she talked about her and husband powers.

The doctor took a sigh and began to explain that Izuku was born with two joints in his toes which made it impossible for him to have a quirk. Izuku couldn't believe it, he had waited four years for this. Ever since he had seen that All Might video.

All he had ever wanted was to be a hero, but now that was impossible. Inko had thank the doctor for his time and took Izuku home. Unknown to them the doctor had a made a phone call as soon as they left his office.

"Hello put me on line with the chairman. Sir yes I'm sorry for interrupting you at this time, but please understand" The doctor had began to sweat nervously and look pale, whoever this chairman is was putting the fear of death in him.

"I'm intrigued by what you told me. Bring the boy to one of bases in the city." The doctor began to regain his color, but the sweat was still there. "It will be a little bit difficult sir." And just like that the doctor began to look like a ghost and sweat even more because to him it felt the chairman was in his office glaring at him. "The boy has a mother."

The chairman listen to the doctors problem and once he finished the chairman smirked. "My dear doctor that's not a problem, only minor inconvenience. I'll send one of our associates to deal with it. Once the boy mother is dealt with we will have young Izuku and then we can begin the project." The doctor had stopped sweating and color had to returned to his face.

"Excellent work doctor I see a big raise in your future." Now the doctor had a smile on face that would make him look like a four child who had just found out what their quirk is.

* * *

_ **Midoriya House**_

Inko had gotten Izuku home and her son had gone to where the computer was in house. Izuku got to the computer and went on youtube to watch the video of All Might saving lives with a smile on his face. ' _Why? Why, Why, Why, Why?!'_ was all that Izuku was repeating in his mind.

All he wanted was to be a hero like All Might and save people with a smile, and now his dream has come to a short end. As Izuku was re-watching the video he began crying, he noticed his mom calling him. Izuku turned around and ask his mother a question "Mom, can I still be hero?"

When Inko had heard her son question she was devastated. All she could do is go hug her son and tell him that she was sorry. "Izuku I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Was all that she was repeating to him. There was nothing else she could do that could give him a quirk or make a him a hero.

With the booming voice of All Might laugh from the computer echoing through their house. Inko decided that it wasn't good for her son and took him to a nearby to store to get ice cream. Unfortunately this would be the final time that she spent with her son.

When the mother and son left for ice cream it was late. The sun had officially gone down and the moon was up in full force and, Inko and Izuku were on their way the store to buy ice cream. Inko decided that it would be quicker if they cut through the alleyway to get the corner store.

As the family was walking through the alley way they both noticed a man at the end. The unknown man was wearing black clothing and had a blue baseball cap that had a bullseye on it. The man began to walk towards the family.

Inko began to worry, her motherly instincts were telling her that this man was dangerous and her son was in danger. She began to turn around and run. "Izuku co-co-come on we need to hurry." Izuku who was still had a young mind did not realize the danger they were in, but nodded and followed his mother words and began to run with her.

As Inko and Izuku were running the mystery man began to smile sadistically as he was enjoying watching the family run terrified from him. Before Inko and Izuku could make it out the alley the man had pulled out gun and shot Inko in her back. ***BANG***

All Izuku heard was a loud bang and the young child saw his mother fall to the ground. "Iz-Izuku, ple-please you have run and get away. Please leave me and **Run**!" Inko was pleading with her only child to run while tears were pouring out of Izuku eyes. His mother, the only family he had left in the world was on the ground bleeding, and Izuku wanted so desperately to do something, anything.
When the mother and son left for ice cream it was late. The sun had officially gone down and the moon was up in full force and, Inko and Izuku were on their way the store to buy ice cream. Inko decided that it would be quicker if they cut through the alleyway to get the corner store.

As the family was walking through the alley way they both noticed a man at the end. The unknown man was wearing black clothing and had a blue baseball cap that had a bullseye on it. The man began to walk towards the family.

Inko began to worry, her motherly instincts were telling her that this man was dangerous and her son was in danger. She began to turn around and run. "Izuku co-co-come on we need to hurry." Izuku who was still had a young mind did not realize the danger they were in, but nodded and followed his mother words and began to run with her.

As Inko and Izuku were running the mystery man began to smile sadistically as he was enjoying watching the family run terrified from him. Before Inko and Izuku could make it out the alley the man had pulled out gun and shot Inko in her back. ***BANG***

All Izuku heard was a loud bang and the young child saw his mother fall to the ground. "Iz-Izuku, ple-please you have run and get away. Please leave me and **Run**!" Inko was pleading with her only child to run while tears were pouring out of Izuku eyes. His mother, the only family he had left in the world was on the ground bleeding, and Izuku wanted so desperately to do something, anything.

Why, Why, can't I do anything, mom is gonna die and I'm standing here doing nothing. If-If only I had a quirk I would be able to do something. I'm just a quirkless nobody that can't do anything.'_ As Izuku was going through panic attack, the mysterious man began to walk towards Izuku.

The man grabbed Izuku forcefully and with a cloth he pulled from his jacket he put the it into the young boy face knocking him unconscious. Izuku kicked and tried to scream but what ever was in the cloth stopped all of that. Once Izuku was secured the man put the boy on shoulder and began to walk away.

Inko, who was face down had to watch helplessly as this happened. She wouldn't let her son be taken without a fight, so she grabbed the man boot.

"You will not take my son away from **me!** " The man looked down at Inko with an uninterested face.

"Your still alive huh?" ***BANG***

Another shot was fired at Inko's back and with that she then let go as strength began to leave her body. The pulled out a phone and called a number.

"I got the kid and his bitch of a mother is done with, so bring the car around."

"Understand, I'll be right there. Once we get this boy to the chairman he will be very pleased. I might be able to get my raise sooner than I thought."

"Whatever you say doc, just hurry up." The black clothed man said with a roll of his eyes after hearing the doctor talk about his raise.


Nemuri Kayama also known as the +18 hero **Midnight** was a 22 young heroine with a slim body that will make most men drool on the spot when they see her. She was having a great day and wanted to finish it off with no trouble. The principal of her old hero school UA, had offered a teaching job to her and she was ecstatic. The chance to teach the next generation of heroes how could she turn this down.

"I must thank Nezu one these days for giving me a job at UA. The chance to teach young boys and girls to become heroes is an opportunity of a lifetime."

_'And the chance to give most males students wet dreams doesn't sound so bad either.'_ Midnight said to no one but herself with a smirk on the last thought.

As she continued patrol she heard a loud bang. Midnight had been a hero long enough to know that was a gunshot. She began to run towards location. ***BANG***

She heard another gunshot and began to sprint to the location of the gunfire. _'I need hurry up over there, someone could be hurt or worse.'_ Midnight began to banish those thoughts, right now her main priority is to get to the alleyway.

Present time**_

A car had pulled up to the alleyway. The man went to the backseat and put Izuku in there. "The kid is in the back. Let's get out here, I'm hungry could go for a… well, well, looks like we got hero coming." The man said as he saw Midnight running towards the alleyway.

"WHAT?!" The doctor began panicking. "If they catch us our plans we'll be ruined and the heroes will begin to know of our organization. Not mention the chairman will have our heads if where caught!"

The assassin was acting the exact opposite of the doctor, he was relaxed. "Relax doc, the pro won't be worrying about us since there is a civi in that alleyway bleeding to death. She'll be more worried about that than us, now shut up and drive to the base." The car then began to take off leaving track marks in the street.

Midnight got to the alley but she was too late the car had already took off. When she looked into the alleyway her eyes widen, in there she saw a young woman face down bleeding. Midnight ran over to her and kneeled down to see if she was alive.

"Miss can hear me, I'm gonna call for help." Midnight took out a small communicator from her hero costume, but as soon as she could call for help Inko grabbed her arm.

"W-W-Wait, my son they took...my son" Midnight eyes widen at what the woman told her. "P-Please find my son he is...all...that matters." Inko body was getting weaker and she knew there wasn't much time left for her. "What is your son name?" A question ask by the heroine.

"It's Izu... Izuku Midoriya." That was the last sentence Inko said as her eyes became lifeless.

'Izuku, I'm sorry that you I couldn't see you become a hero. I know for a fact that you would still try to become a hero quirkless or not. I'm sorry I won't be there to see grow anymore, find a girlfriend, and succeed. I'm gonna to go be with daddy now. I hope you know that I and your father will always be with you and that I will always love you.' That was Inko last thought before she entered her eternal sleep.

Midnight watched as Inko died and began to cry for mother who will never see her son again and the boy who lost her. Her eyes narrowed and a fierce look of determination came on her face.

'I promise Miss Midoriya I will find your son and I will bring the person who did you to justice.'_ Nemuri made the promise of lifetime on that night. I promise that she will never break. She will find Izuku no matter how long it takes.

* * *

_ **Hidden Base**_

The drive to base was quiet and no sound was made. The doctor and blue capped man sat in the front of the vehicle while Izuku was tied up and gagged in the back seat. "We're here." The doctor had announced that they have officially arrived at the base.

"Finally, I'm tired as shit. Can't wait to hit the bed." The man said as he took his feet of the dash broad. Once the doctor parked the car, they both got out of it. The man went to the backseat and pulled Izuku out, as he was doing this Izuku began to stir. Whatever that the man put in his face was beginning to wear off.

"The brat is waking up, doc. What do you want to do?" Man the asked the Doctor.

"Tie him to the gurney and I'll take it from there." The man nodded and did as he was told. "Alright my job is done. I got the kid and is momma is dead. I officially earned myself a burger and a nap." The doctor nodded quickly and dismissed the man.

"Thank you agent, **Bullseye**. I will make sure to tell the chairman of your contributions." The man named Bullseye nodded and walk off. The doctor began the push the gurney that Izuku was on and as he was doing so the child woke up.

'Wh-What happened¦Where am I? ' Izuku thought as he was currently still gagged.

I barely remember what happen, isn't that the doctor from earlier today.'_ Izuku thought as he looked around the base and what he saw scared him to death. There were people in cells, some even were chained up. He saw what looked to be glass doors preventing people from being free.

Where the hell am I?'_ Izuku thought and he will come to realize like the people kept prisoners here that this is place is exactly what he thought; it's **Hell**. Eventually the pushing stopped and Izuku was in the center of a clear white room. He was surrounded by people wearing scrubs and masks, soon and became terrified.

_'Wh-What are they going to do to me?'_ He noticed that there were knifes and needles with different labels. The doctor joined two people that were discussing something, what Izuku did not know.

Izuku saw that one of them was a young woman with black hair, fair skin and green eyes. She had her hair in a bun by the looks of it and was wearing a scrub and mask like the rest of the people surrounding him.

The second was a man who had on a black trench coat and had short blonde hair. He was tall and for some strange reason he was wearing black shades.

"Chairman, I have the boy." The doctor began to talk to the chairman.

"I see, well done doctor. I trust there was no issue in retrieving him."

"Not at all sir. There were no witness when we grabbed him and his mother was killed by Bullseye." Izuku eyes were as wide as dinner plates. His mother was murdered.

_'N-N-No NO! NO! NO! NO! She can't be gone...she just can't.'_ The tears began to pour out of Izuku eyes, his mother was gone...forever.

"Excellent than doctor, you did very well." The Chairman congratulated his associate as he put a hand on his sholuder.

Thank you, sir." The doctor had smile as wide as a kid on Christmas.

"Also I did talk to you about a raise if you succeeded and I am a man of my word." The doctor smile widen even more. "You will have an expensive paid vacation to anywhere you want in the world." The doctor was excited as he had a paid vacation to anywhere.

"I heard Greece is lovely this time a of year." The Doctor said picking his destination and the chairman smiled, a smile that had other intentions behind it.

"That it is my good doctor…and when you leave for Greece, enjoy it. Take as much time as you need to relax your body and mind. I'll send for you when I have need of you." The Chairman told the man.

"Yes, of course chairman." The doctor shook the chairman's hand and left the area.

After the doctor had left, the female doctor made her presence known. "You have no intention of bringing him back do you." The chairman smirked and turned to her.

"Let's just say... he won't make it to his plane." The Chairman told the woman as he looked to Izuku, bringing his full attention to the boy.

"Now enough of that loose end." He turned to Izuku and began to walk towards him, the woman following closely behind. Once reaching Izuku he began to speak.

"Ladies and Gentleman all our hard work these past years will finally come to fruition. With the quirks we have spent years to retrieve and with young Izuku here our dreams will come true." The Chairman took a deep breathe before continuing.

"Today we will create the **Ultimate Weapon**. A weapon that cannot be stopped by the governments of the world! A weapon that can not be defeated by the likes of **All Might** , **Yakuza** , **the** **Liberation Army** , or even **All for One** himself! A weapon that will **destroy** all those he fights, overcome every **obstacle** he will face! You!" The chairman points down at Izuku. "You Izuku, you will be our weapon, our hero, our villain, our greatest creation."

The chairman takes a deep breath from his speech and took Izuku gagged off. "I'm begging you please don't do this. You don't have to do this. I don't want this." Izuku was pleading with his captors, but they would not listen. The chairman grabbed an oxygen mask, that was pumping anesthesia.

"Izuku you said you wanted to be a hero, this procedure will you make something better than a hero and stronger than a villain." The Chairman told the frighten boy.

"Sir, shall we begin the procedure." The brunette doctor spoke again.

"Yes, forgive me doctor Holiday. I lost myself there, this is a moment we all have been waiting for." The now named doctor Holiday nodded. She doesn't show it but she too is excited for this moment. The chairman smirked and put the mask on Izuku as he was creating a waterfall of tears from his eyes, and this would be the last thing he would hear.

"Now let us start... **Project Shadow.** "

With that Izuku eyes began too close and when he awoke he will no longer be Izuku Midoriya, but the **Ultimate Weapon Shadow.**

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