Of Roses and Daisies | Rawoon...

By likeasky21

738 39 21

Everything is ready in the Kingdom of Roses to host the most important sword tournament of the year but the p... More

A Kiss
A Chance
Just This Once
Rose Petals
My Love
A Wish

A Beautiful Knight

87 4 2
By likeasky21

Hello my beautiful people ❤ Another chapter, another amazing fan art created by my incredible friend D! Here's the link to the full, uncensored drawing (sometimes I had to due to Wattpad's rules): https://www.deviantart.com/shineunderthemoon/art/OF-ROSES-AND-DAISIES-fic-on-Ao3-Chapter-5-925229894 Please, always support artists like this

⚠️This story is full of music and ambience videos I carefully chose, that's why you are going to find links scattered here and there from chapter to chapter. Please, click on them when you see them to let me drag you in the best mood for of the scene! ❤


Hwanwoong abruptly threw his father's letter in the fireplace of his room, kicking the nearest chair and making it fall on the ground with a loud thud. The king of the Kingdom of Daisies had just shared with his son his well-planned attack to the Kingdom of Roses in which Hwanwoong would have played a fundamental role. According to his father's words, to kill Prince Youngjo wasn't his priority anymore but his son would have had the key part of gaining the prince's full trust instead. The king of Daisies had ordered Hwanwoong to do everything in his power in order to become Youngjo's new lifeguard so that he could have reported to his father every piece of useful information he could get.

The prince of Daisies stared at his father's written words burning in between the flames and he couldn't help thinking about what he had actually been doing during the last couple of months. He had been meeting the royal knights every day and he had always had individual training sessions with Prince Youngjo that had usually ended up becoming something more when no one was around and they had found themselves in the hollow space of the armory again. He had even stopped swearing to himself he wouldn't have allowed the other to even touch him the next day because the truth was that his body always ended up pressed against Youngjo's, no matter how hard he tried to hold back.

Hwanwoong remembered the way he had felt when he had fallen sick once, when he was way younger. He had caught a bad kind of fever and he hadn't been able to move at all for at least two weeks. He had felt drained of all his strength, deprived of his own will even. To be close to the other prince made him feel the exact same way. At the time, he had healed thanks to the skillful doctors working at his royal court but... What could have cured his body from Youngjo's disease? It was stronger than a fever, more insidious than a virus and it was slowly taking over his soul.

The prince of Daisies massaged his own temples, trying to calm down ending up panicking instead. If he hadn't followed the king's orders, he would have certainly sent someone to kill him, to kill his own son, Hwanwoong had no doubts on that but, on the other hand, if he had followed them...

"I hate you." He messed up his hair, cursing right after when he recognized the scent of Youngjo's skin on his own as if the other were constantly and involuntarily reminding him his existence.

Yeo Hwanwoong was the one and only prince of the Kingdom of Daisies and he had duties and responsibilities to carry on. If the king wanted him to be his spy, then Hwanwoong would have become his best informer. He just needed to be careful and to keep his heart from getting as involved with the prince of Roses as much as his body was already becoming.


Hwanwoong was sleepy and annoyed. As his white horse was happily carrying him through the woods, the prince of Daisies couldn't help wondering why on earth Youngjo had asked him to wake up at the first lights of the day to train together somewhere more 'challenging' as he had defined it. Hwanwoong didn't mind the level up of his training but he really wasn't a morning person, so much he had fallen asleep several times during their journey, lulled by the constant movements of his horse.

"We arrived!" Youngjo joyfully said, smiling when he noticed the knight was sleeping on his steed. "Ser Yeo?" He called him, getting off his own horse to get closer to him. "Hwanwoong..."

When Hwanwoong woke up, he found himself kissing the prince back lazily. "Y-Your..." He didn't finish his sentence because the need to yawn hit him stronger than anything. "Your Majesty..."

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." Youngjo caressed the other's back, helping him get off his horse. "C'mon, we have to go now or we are going to miss it!"

Hwanwoong rubbed one of his eyes, feeling as slow as a sloth: "We are going to miss what-?" His words were cut off when the prince took his hand and he dragged him along like a happy dog.

The prince of Daisies silently let the other lead him to wherever he wanted him to go, his eyes widened as soon as he realized where they actually were: the Lake of Roses was right in front of them in all its majestic size, the sun was rising at the horizon and its pastel shades of yellow, orange and pink were reflecting on the surface of the water like a magic mirror, the birds chant echoed in the air like the tenderest kind of music, all the signs nature was awakening. Hwanwoong gasped at the beautiful scenery displaying in front of him, feeling very much awake as well. He had no idea about how long it had been until he realized he was still holding the other prince's hand.

"You're the first person I bring here." Youngjo suddenly spoke, turning his face to him. "Isn't it absolutely breathtaking?" He asked and Hwanwoong could see the colors of the dawn in the other's hazel eyes as well. "Hwanwoong?"

"Y-Yeah... Breath..." He got lost in the other's eyes for a moment. "...Breathtaking."

Youngjo's smile was so bright the rising sun looked less brilliant in comparison.

They stood there, hand in hand, watching the night slowly leaving its place to the kingdom of the sun until Youngjo finally let go of the knight's hand, leaving him alone for a moment. If someone would have asked Hwanwoong, he wouldn't have been able to explain what he was feeling. He was just frozen where he was while looking at how beautifully the sky and the water seemed to meet and mix perfectly only for that special moment, despite they were so different and usually so distant.

"You must be hungry." He heard Youngjo's voice behind his back at some point.

Hwanwoong turned around and he found himself quite speechless again when he saw the prince was comfortably sitting on a wide towel on the grass. There, he had placed different kinds of food and beverages for them to enjoy as if they had just come there to have an intimate picnic.

"Come, sit." Prince Youngjo called him, patting the empty spot beside him, and Hwanwoong's body moved on his own as he started wondering if he was still sleeping on his horse's back. "Orange juice?" Youngjo asked, offering a golden cup to the other. He couldn't help laughing when he noticed the knight's utterly surprised face. "In case you were wondering, I didn't bring you here for an early training session, Hwanwoong."

Hwanwoong. Whenever the prince of Roses called the other by his real name, Hwanwoong knew he was talking about them, whatever "them" was. He should have seen that coming and yet the prince of Daisies was finding so hard to believe the fact the other had just tricked him to spend some time together and alone, far from anyone's eyes like too young men in a secret relationship.

Hwanwoong shook his head, trying to knock some sense back in as he took the cup from the other's hand and he looked at its content as if he had never seen orange juice in his entire life.

"We should make a toast." Youngjo said, pouring himself some as well.

"A toast?" Hwanwoong asked.

"Yes, a toast." Prince Youngjo smiled, making their cups slightly collide. Hwanwoong started drinking as the other kept speaking: "To my new personal lifeguard, Ser Yeo Hwanwoong-" His words got cut off when the knight abruptly spat out the juice he had in his mouth at the other's face.

"Your what!?" He asked, immediately reaching out for a towel to dry the prince's cheeks.

Youngjo laughed with his eyes closed, letting the other help him. "Well, I would have waited for you to drink before giving you the news if I knew you would have reacted like this..."

"I'm- I'm sorry, Your Majesty..." He apologetically said. "I was... I wasn't expecting this."

Youngjo finally managed to open his eyes: "I know, that's why I wanted to surprise you."

Hwanwoong's hand froze on the other's face at those words. Prince Youngjo, the only prince of the Kingdom of Roses, had organized such a surprise to a knight like him just to give him the news. His father would have been so proud of Hwanwoong, from that moment on he would have always been by Youngjo's side, watching over him therefore discovering all his secrets and useful details he could have reported to the king of Daisies. It was a good thing for the prince of Roses to believe he could have trusted Hwanwoong: he was one step closer to destroying their long time enemy for good.

"What's with that face of yours?" Youngjo asked when he noticed how surprisingly disappointed the knight looked. "We are here to celebrate!" He instinctively put one of his hands on Hwanwoong's head, gently messing his hair up. "You should be honored to be my new personal guard, Ser Yeo!"

Hwanwoong blinked twice, taken aback by the butterflies that had suddenly started flying around in his stomach as soon as Youngjo's fingers had intertwined with his hair. He couldn't believe the other had actually read his face before he could have done it himself because the prince of the Kingdom of Daisies wasn't happy indeed and he couldn't understand why.

"Are you feeling honored, Ser Yeo?" Youngjo insisted, using his free hand to poke the knight's hips. "You should answer your prince whenever he asks you a question!!"

Hwanwoong's reflexes allowed him to avoid the other's hand but he couldn't help laughing. When he was little, his mother used to tickle him quite the same way to make him laugh and to cuddle him and that still remained a simple gesture that warmed his heart uncontrollably. "I-I am! I am!!" He turned his head towards the other prince when he realized Youngjo was determined to make him cry out of laughter, the other's smile looked so genuine Hwanwoong's eyes instinctively fell on his lips.

"Do you surrender?" The prince of Roses whispered closely before he attacked again, enjoying how sweet Hwanwoong's laugh echoed in the quietness of the forest. "Do you? Hwanwoong?"

Hwanwoong kept on laughing until he couldn't take it anymore: "N-Never!" He stood up on his shaky legs to start running as far as possible from Youngjo and from what he was making him feel.

Youngjo chewed on his own bottom lip: "Never? I will have to change your mind then..." He stood up as well and Hwanwoong started running for real, playfully laughing out loud as the other was chasing him like a hunter with his prey. "Where are you going, Ser Yeo? Come here!! Surrender!!"

"I said never!!" He turned around to smile at the prince before running around a tree to avoid him.

"C'mon, Hwanwoong!!" Youngjo called his name and his voice sounded so sweet, so tender.

"Try to catch me if you can, Your Majesty Prince of Leeches!" The prince of Daisies mocked him.

Hwanwoong wasn't that fast while running but the other was barefoot on the grass and that made him slower so, by the time the prince of Daisies had stopped near the lake to catch his own breath, Youngjo was no longer behind him. He took that brief moment of peace to enjoy the view of the wonderful water mirror in front of him and to try and steady his own heartbeat that was going crazy.

"Gotcha!!" Youngjo said, suddenly behind him and Hwanwoong jolted out of surprise, losing his balance and ending up falling in the lake. The prince of Roses genuinely laughed because of how funny Hwanwoong's face had looked but his smile faltered when he saw the other's head barely coming out of the water while he was clearly having trouble floating.

"Y-Your Majesty—" Hwanwoong sank for a moment before emerging again. "I-I can't swim—"

"Ser Yeo!" The prince gasped, immediately throwing himself in the lake to swim towards the knight. "Give me your hand!" He said to the other, outstretching his arm. "Don't worry, I'm here-" His words got cut off when Hwanwoong pulled him towards himself and he pushed his head underwater.

"You got distracted, Your Majesty!" He smirked, quoting the prince's words as soon as he watched him emerge from the water, panting and as soaked as him.

Youngjo unexpectedly surrounded Hwanwoong's hips with one of his long arms, dragging him close: "I'm sorry if I wanted to save this beautiful damsel in distress..."

Hwanwoong's hands reached the back of the other's neck: "I didn't know I was a damsel."

"That's because you are not." The prince replied, his eyes falling on the other's lips. "You are a knight, my beautiful knight." He tightened his grip around Hwanwoong's body and the prince of the Kingdom of Daisies had to look away because Youngjo's eyes were able to pierce through his soul. "You are going to stay by my side every day from now on..." The prince of Roses couldn't help pointing out because he was so inexplicably excited at the thought. He didn't know why, he just was. He could already picture himself teasing and kissing the knight in between his boring royal duties.

Hwanwoong found himself thinking that the prince really had the ability to say those sappy sentences he probably used to make every lady of the court fall at his feet a bit too spontaneously for his tastes. The prince of Daisies could almost believe he was indeed beautiful for a moment, although he knew he wasn't. He might had been beautiful on the outside but he was a snake, a rotten puppet inside.

"Hwanwoong... Look at me." The prince ordered but the knight ignored his words as he always did. "Look at me." He took the other's chin in between his index and thumb to make their eyes meet again. "Why did you look away? Are you..." Youngjo suddenly felt uncharacteristically unsure about himself. Maybe Hwanwoong had wished to be one of the king's guard instead and Youngjo had just given himself too much importance. "...You don't want to be one of my lifeguards?" He softly asked.

Hwanwoong couldn't believe how insecure the prince of the Kingdom of Roses had just sounded. He instinctively caressed the back of his neck. "N-No, I didn't say that. I'm... I'm happy to be your guard. It's just that I'm not... I'm not what you said." Hwanwoong could feel his ears heating up. "I'm not beautiful."

The prince of Roses sighed: "You are. I'm your prince. When will you listen to what I say to you?"

"I will when you will say the truth. I'm not, Your Majesty." Hwanwoong replied in all honesty.

"Are you implying that I was lying to you? I could leave you in the stocks for a week for this." Youngjo warned him, covering the knight's cheeks with his hands. "I truly think you are beautiful."

"I know I am handsome, Your Majesty." Hwanwoong rolled his eyes. "I'm just not... I'm not as beautiful as you think, I'm just saying that." He said, looking down as he wondered why he was suddenly speaking so honestly with the other prince when he shouldn't have.

Youngjo wasn't completely sure about what the other was talking about but the knight's wet fringe deliciously framing his pretty big eyes was distracting him so much. "You really have no respect..." He told Hwanwoong before connecting their lips. "Do you want me to teach you a lesson?"

Hwanwoong was thankful the other's kiss had just woken all his senses up, making him feel aware of how hot their bodies were against each other. "So, I'm an ugly damsel and you are a failed teacher?" He asked back, breathing out on the prince's lips, teasing him with a smirk.

Youngjo's blood started burning out of the desire to really make him regret being so disrespectful. "You really hate remaining inside the box, don't you?" He asked as his hands traveled underwater towards the knight's firm ass cheeks to squeeze them over his trousers.

Hwanwoong silently gasped although he enjoyed how easily he was able to trigger the other so much. "What can I say? I simply hate to be told what I have to do..."

They suddenly moved at unison, Hwanwoong skillfully jumping to surround the other's waist with his legs and the prince lifting him up in the water helping himself with his hands on the other's bottom.

They kissed as passionately as they had always had back in the armory, but their initial rush soon died down the moment they realized they were alone in a wide space: for once, no one would have said anything to them even if they had screamed out loud. Hwanwoong's tongue broke the other's lips apart to meet Youngjo's and start dancing, slowly, languidly. When they parted, the prince's eyes were already on Hwanwoong's chest frenetically rising up and down as he was untying his own shirt.

As soon as the prince of Daisies had thrown his shirt at the shore of the lake, Youngjo's lips were closing around one of his nipples, stealing a moan from him. "Y-Your Majesty..."

Youngjo purposely sucked at it eagerly, making him whine loudly: "Now I can finally hear you scream my name, Hwanwoong." He said before addressing the same attentions to the other nipple and the knight couldn't keep himself from screaming his name indeed. A beast woke up inside Youngjo's body, burning out of his desire to mark the other's skin and it was exactly what he did, sinking his teeth in the other's neck. "Say it again, my beautiful knight..." He groaned.

"Damn it, Youngjo—" Hwanwoong threw his head back in ecstasy, loudly moaning each time the other would mark his skin until his neck had become a beautiful starry night sky.

Youngjo licked his own lips while looking at his work of art. "Beautiful..." He couldn't help commenting again as his fingers brushed the crack of the other's ass. "I wish I could..." He bit his own tongue before saying too much. Prince Youngjo wasn't the kind of young man who acted shy, especially when he knew what he wanted, but there was something about the way he felt when he was close to the knight that made him wish to treat Hwanwoong as if he were made out of porcelain.

The prince of Daisies was panting when he held the other's face with both his hands. He couldn't believe Youngjo had just voiced out his own deepest desire: "What?" He couldn't keep himself from kissing him again before continuing. "Do you want to..." He reached the other's hands using one of his own to make Youngjo's fingers brush his entrance. "Youngjo... Do you want to...?"

"God, yes..." Youngjo confessed with no hesitation although the other noticed the tip of his ears becoming red. "I wish that more than anything right now..." He added before they kissed once again.

When they parted, their forehead touched and they stood silent for a moment before Hwanwoong whispered on the other's lips: "Did you bring any oil with you by any chance?"

Youngjo opened his eyes, reading the other's intensions in his big dark ones. "I did." He replied and, before he knew what he was doing, he had lifted the other up, immediately carrying him in the same position back to the place they had left their picnic and their horses. Youngjo carefully made the other lie down on the towel and he fumbled in the bag he had brought with him until he pulled out an ampoule of the finest oil they were supposed to enjoy on a slice of freshly cooked bread instead.

Hwanwoong's eyes were focused on the other prince as he kneeled in between his legs to pour half of the oil all over the crack of his ass. Youngjo felt glad towards the knight who had got rid of his own trousers and spread his thighs. He took a moment to undress himself as well, revealing how hard he had become just because of their steamy make-out session in the water. "May I?"

"Please." Hwanwoong wanted to cry out of frustration. Why on earth the other always asked for his permission before doing anything? Why Youngjo had to be so sweet and romantic and to prepare surprises that made his heart beat so fast he became unable to think straight? Why did it felt so right when Youngjo's index finger had penetrated his ass hole covered in oil, making Hwanwoong gasp?

"How does this one feel?" Youngjo thoughtfully asked, using his free hand to massage one of the other's thick thighs. When the knight moaned in response, he inserted his middle finger as well.

"Youngjo—" Hwanwoong squeezed his eyes shut, trying to get used to that strange feeling he had never experienced before. "I'm..."

The prince gently caressed the other's hair: "Does it hurt if I move my hand?" He asked, slowly moving his fingers up and down inside the other's body. He remembered Ser Yeo had already confessed him that it was the first time for him to experience all of that with another man so, he wanted to take things slow and to help him figure out what he liked and what he didn't.

"N-No, I'm fine. It's- Y-Youngjo—" Hwanwoong suddenly moaned when the other's fingers had brushed a certain spot inside him, sending electric waves throughout his entire body. He grabbed the other's forearms to hold onto something before he finally managed to speak: "W-What was that?"

Prince Youngjo smiled: "I found it." He simply said, pushing his fingers in and making the other feel the same incredible side effects, stealing another whine from him. "I have been looking for it."

"Youngjo—" The prince of the Kingdom of Daisies was breathless.

"Does it feel good now?" Youngjo softly asked.

"S-So good..." Hwanwoong replied, his lips parting in the attempt to breathe properly. "Hmmm..."

Youngjo suddenly bent down until his nose brushed the other's earlobe: "Now, imagine how good I will make you feel as soon as I will get inside of you."

The prince's voice along with another wave of pleasure made Hwanwoong squeal desperately in response, his nails digging tiny crescent marks on Youngjo's back. "P-Please— Do it now..."

Youngjo softly shushed him: "You are not ready yet, my beautiful knight." He said before adding his ring finger along with the other two, penetrating the other's tight hole and going straight to the right spot again, making him scream his name.

"Youngjo—" He felt so inexplicably full and aroused at the same time.

"Does it hurt?" The prince of Roses asked, keeping his fingers still.

"A-A bit but... Hmmm—" Hwanwoong moaned when the other pushed his hand enough to hit the right spot again. "I-It's s-so good..."

As Youngjo slowly started moving his fingers in and out the other's hole to make sure it was stretched to take his own hard shaft, he couldn't take his eyes off his beautiful knight. The prince of the Kingdom of Roses was so glad he had taken part in their last sword tournament for once, because he had had the chance to meet a great opponent as Ser Yeo as well as... What was Hwanwoong for him?

Youngjo suddenly realized he had never thought about it until that very moment. He was young and he was a prince, it was normal for him to have physical needs and to spend quite some time with many different ladies of the court whenever he had felt like it. If he thought about it though, he hadn't been with anyone since he had started training with Hwanwoong. Well, training and doing whatever they had done every time they had found themselves alone in the armory but that was just because Youngjo liked to have fun, right? He liked to play around and to flirt. Hwanwoong was truly a pretty knight who made him hard quite quickly but he wasn't any different from any lady of the court, right?

"Y-Youngjo—" Hwanwoong suddenly squeezed the other's arm to catch his attention. "I... If you keep doing this, I'm afraid I won't last that long..." He said and his voice sounded so wrecked already.

The prince of Roses shook his head to focus on what was going on instead of spacing out. He let his fingers slip away from Hwanwoong's hole and he used all the oil they had left on his own member before he slowly penetrated the other's entrance, groaning while holding onto his firm thighs. When Youngjo saw the knight's face contracting in distress, he made sure to stay still to help him adjust.

Hwanwoong couldn't help thinking it hurt so much because the prince's member felt way bigger inside him than his fingers had but the feeling of getting filled by other's hardness was incredible. His lips parted but no sound came out as pain and pleasure mixed perfectly, making Hwanwoong incapable to express himself. Thankfully Youngjo came in help, massaging his legs and then caressing his chest until he reached his nipples with both his hands and he started playing with them helping himself with the oil on his hands. To be stimulated elsewhere allowed Hwanwoong to finally distract from pain and to simply feel overwhelmed by how pleasant it was.

"A-Are you feeling better now, Hwanwoong?" Youngjo asked, trying to steady his own voice and to focus on the other's wellbeing rather than on how tightly his hole was clenching around his member, making him feel lightheaded. He needed the other to be ready, he couldn't move, not yet.

"You..." Hwanwoong took a moment to breathe properly. "Y-You are so big..."

A smile appeared on the prince's face. "I know, my beautiful knight..." He closed his fingers a little too hard on the other's nipples making him moan loudly. "You are so tight for me."

"I-Is is a good thing?" Hwanwoong couldn't help asking although his ears were already red.

Youngjo bent down enough to face the other and whisper on his lips: "Very good, Hwanwoong."

They kissed, slowly and deeply, for so long they both almost forgot they were connected in the most intimate way they had ever been. "May I...?" Youngjo softly asked between a kiss and another one.

Hwanwoong finally managed to open his eyes and meet the other's: "Move? Yes, please..." He honestly said, he felt much more relaxed at that point and he thought he could have taken what was about to happen. He hadn't been expecting the other's member to brush his prostate as soon as he moved slightly in and out of him. "Youngjo— Ah—"

The prince immediately froze: "Did I hurt you?"

"N-No..." Hwanwoong really couldn't breathe. "No, it's... Keep going, please—"

So, Youngjo moved in and out, noticing from the other's reactions he had been hitting the right spot. "If you want me to stop... Anytime. Please, tell me, okay?" He asked and the other nodded to him without speaking because he hadn't actually been able to understand what he had said.

Youngjo swayed his hips again, going deeper and enjoying the other's screams. Then, he did it again, putting a bit more intensity into it. Then, he tried to do it a little bit faster, Hwanwoong's voice scanning each and every one of his movements with his desperate sounds. The prince couldn't help going down on him at some point to make their lips collide as he was finally setting a constant pace, not too fast but enough to trust into him and mute his own groans with the knight's tongue because of the delicious pressure he was providing for the prince's member.

"Y-Youngjo..." Hwanwoong's legs crossed behind the princes back before he even realized what he had done. "C-Can you go... F-Faster?" He finally managed to ask the other because his slow pace had just become almost unbearable for his painful hardness in between their bodies. "Please..."

The prince moaned in response, his voice coming out so raspy and unusually high when he set the palms of his hands well on the ground at Hwanwoong's sides and he fastened his movements, trusting hard inside the other, letting his own desire take over for the first time. It felt so incredibly good to be inside Hwanwoong, in that world they had just created where only the two of them existed along with their bare bodies moving at unison. Somewhere Youngjo was just being himself and making him feel good because he wanted to and because he was free to do what he wanted to do, differently from what actually was his daily life as the prince of the Kingdom of Roses.

Hwanwoong's legs tightened around the prince's body while water, sweat and oil made their chests easily slide on each other, their moans joining the chant of the birds in the air and the peaceful sound of the lake beside them. Hwanwoong had never felt as high as he was feeling while having the other inside him and it was such a brand new feeling because up until then, to fight with his sword had been the only activity that had helped him stop thinking about his father and his responsibilities. Youngjo was making him feel so appreciated and precious and other things Hwanwoong was honestly scared to explore in the back of his mind instead of simply enjoying that physical connection with the prince.

"Y-Young—" Hwanwoong barely managed to moan before he came untouched in between their chests, his body shaking out of utter pleasure for the most memorable orgasm of his entire life.

Youngjo kissed the other again as he realized he couldn't take that intense pressure on his member anymore, hopelessly coming inside the other while performing one last strong trust. He immediately tried to steady himself on his hands not to collapse on the other's body but the knight pulled him close with both his legs and his arms around his neck. Youngjo couldn't move but he surprisingly found himself wishing he could have never moved from that position. There was something about the way the other was holding him tight, as if the prince were his whole world, he couldn't help kissing him.

Hwanwoong barely responded to the contact, floating in that river of satisfaction and relax as easily as he had previously done in the lake. He had no idea it could have felt so good to go all the way with another man and that he would have enjoyed so much being on the other side for a change. Youngjo had been so patient with him, so sweet and kind. He definitely needed to stop those thoughts.

"Don't ever say that you are not beautiful in front of me or..." Youngjo took a deep breath when they parted, slowly letting his member slip away from the other's entrance while delicately caressing Hwanwoong's soft, red cheeks. "...Or I won't be as gentle as I was today."

Hwanwoong bit his tongue before he could reply that he would have loved to see that and he chose to close his eyes, pretending to have fallen asleep. His heart sank when Prince Youngjo surrounded his hips, pulling him closer while closing his eyes as well. What did they had just done?

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