Marigold fell into the Yander...

By Fuzzyninjacat

104K 2.7K 179

Korean MTL, not my own story. If you like this kind of story please follow me Full and comprehensive Transla... More

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147 Ending

Chapter 128

110 3 0
By Fuzzyninjacat

"I see you, the Little Sun of Aserian, His Majesty the Crown Prince."

As expected, the Crown Prince did not turn down Lillian's audience.

"Come on."

The Crown Prince himself got up from his seat and escorted Lilian.

As the two sat facing each other, the attendants came in and served refreshments.

After a while, the servants left and the Crown Prince took a cup of tea and drank tea.

"I have heard of Prince Shabini's trial."

At that relaxed attitude, Lillian felt a little sad.

Now that his father has been convicted and detained, how can he be so carefree?

In fact, when I found out about my father's trial, I naturally thought that the Crown Prince would actively come forward.

He was always a person who recognized his difficulties before he even spoke and comforted them with kindness.

But this is something

The Crown Prince did not take any action until the trial was over.

He didn't even comfort himself. Is that all? Isn't it the first thing he asked for today's meeting?

The more I thought about it, the more sad I felt and the more I felt depressed.

[Lily, you must not resent Your Majesty. Your Highness also has plans. So trust me and wait.]

Had it not been for the words of my father, I might have poured out my resentment towards the Crown Prince right here.

he knows How busy the Crown Prince has been since His Majesty's fall.

The fact that the stability of the empire was threatened because of Duke Crawford.

'If it's the Crown Princess, you should prioritize the safety of the empire rather than the family and deal with it.'

He struggled to endure the emotions that rose up in his chest by exposing himself.

However, as my father had said, I did not intend to wait without hands.

I don't know what the Crown Prince's plan is, but there's nothing wrong with moving it a little bit earlier.

If the father was released, it would have been beneficial to the Crown Prince, because there would be no harm.

Lillian pretended not to know anything and lowered the corners of her eyes.

"Your father has been convicted. I don't know what the hell this is."

Even his trembling voice seemed perfect.

"I can't believe it either. I thought it was just Duke Peyton's misunderstanding... ... ."

"My father would never do that. The oracle has already designated me as the Crown Prince, so there is no reason to act recklessly."

Yeah. Why did your father do that? It would have been oracle done without even trying to bring down Payton.

For a moment I had that thought.

In addition, the resentment against the father who made the crumbs by scraping rose again.


"Yes, the oracle said that the Crown Prince would be my companion."

There was no reason to hide the details of the oracle as the Crown Prince had already promised to welcome him as the Crown Prince.

Rather, I thought that revealing the oracle might give me a cause to acquit my father.

"Can you tell me exactly what kind of trust you got?"

The prince asked in a soft tone.

Lillian spoke candidly about her oracle.

"It will be the most gorgeous flower loved by butterflies, but it will only bloom under the shade of the strongest and most beautiful tree in the world."

"There is no one stronger and more beautiful than Your Majesty, so it means that Your Majesty will be my companion."

So, My Majesty, you must release my father. Because the Crown Prince of this Empire is me, not Evelynn.

He didn't say it out loud, but he believed that the meaning had been sufficiently conveyed to the Crown Prince.

The Crown Prince lowered his gaze as if lost in thought, quietly savoring only tea.

Lilian also followed the prince and picked up the teacup. Even if they thought about it, the conclusion would be the same, so there was no need to rush.

"From the moment I first saw you, I felt the pull of fate, but I was not mistaken."

"Your Majesty and I were destined to be together from birth."

"Yeah, hearing your oracle makes it clearer. You were the owner of the jewels mentioned in my oracle."

"Yes, that is correct."

Ah, a lover bound by fate. what a beautiful story this is

It was clear that God loved the prince and himself.

Lillian forgot her sadness for the Crown Prince and quickly fell into emotion.

"Lilian, without the trial, you would have been chosen as the Crown Princess by now. Just as I promised you."

The Crown Prince gently squeezed Lillian's hand and whispered.

As if floating on a cloud, my excited heart sank in an instant.

There was something strange about the prince's words.

"Aren't you saying that the outcome will be different because of the trial?"

Haven't you just confirmed that each other is destined to be? But why are you saying that?

Lillian looked at the prince anxiously.

"The results will not change."

The prince lightly patted the back of Lillian's hand as if to be relieved. At that moment, Lillian exhaled the paused breath.

"However, as a result of the trial, the selection process could no longer be carried out. If you proceed like this, you will lose your qualifications as a candidate."

"My father was framed. Your Majesty can relieve your father's injustice. right?"

Lillian held the Crown Prince's hand with both hands and sent an earnest gaze.

"I don't think Prince Shabini would have done such a thing either."

I don't think the smart prince will know the truth.

Nevertheless, to say that he trusted his father meant that he was willing to save them.

Lilian's sky-blue eyes shone with anticipation. However, the following words turned cold.

"No matter how much I am, the decisions made by the Hana High Court, especially the High Court of Huangdao, cannot be overturned."

"But your Highness is no less than His Majesty the Emperor now. There is nothing you cannot do."

"Even if you are an emperor, there are certain things that you cannot be involved in."

lie. The expression he had been managing up until now collapsed in an instant.

What can't the emperor's power do?

The High Court was also an institution belonging to the empire and was under the power of the emperor. So the Emperor's power cannot work.

The high court's ruling says that even the emperor cannot intervene, but that's just to show the public, isn't it?

Who in the empire can go against the will of the emperor?

So now the prince's words were only an excuse.

"Sir, you promised. You're going to make me the Crown Prince. You will protect our family."

"That promise has not changed. I will welcome you as my rain."

"Then why did you say you can't proceed with the selection process?"

"I can't choose you as the Crown Prince right now because of the outcome of the trial. So I was going to tell you to wait."

The final step in the selection process is only for the Crown Prince to examine and select candidates.

It was a trial or something, and in fact, it was something that could be pushed by the Crown Prince's authority.

Lillian did not understand the Crown Prince's choice.

"The war is urgent right now, so I plan to close the Crown Princess issue after the war is over."

Should I wait until the war is over? What's going on with your father in the meantime?

My mind has become complicated.

"When the war is over, when the rice paddies are peddled, if the Shabini family pays for the duke and pardons them, we will be able to welcome you in the rain."

According to Nielsen, the family that currently has the largest supply of war supplies was the Duke of Shabini.

The Crown Prince recognized it as a contribution and was going to release his father.

However, there was a problem with his plan.

Even receiving a pardon does not erase the fact that you have been convicted.

That fact will follow you like a tag not only to your family, but also to yourself, who will become the Crown Prince.

The Crown Princess and, furthermore, the Empress herself, must be completely impeccable.

No one to blame and blame. You have to be able to rule it perfectly.

By the way, do you carry your father's sins as a tag?

No way. It was absolutely unacceptable.

Also, who can predict the outcome of a war?

Of course he wants the Empire to win, but Duke Crawford was a really scary and strong man.

Besides, you can even control monsters, right?

Maybe the war will be long, but wait patiently for it?

Lillian's head turned cold.

For the first time, his love and trust in the Crown Prince, who was as strong as a rock, was shaken.

'Now, you're not going to cut Shabini as an excuse for a trial, are you?'

I hope it can't be If that had been the case, I wouldn't have said that it was a fateful opponent.

I tried to deny it, but the anxiety that climbed up my back was not completely gone.

'I don't care what your sire is thinking. The Crown Princess will definitely be me.'

If my position has been jeopardized by my father's convictions, I can give you an excuse to offset it.


For the nobles of the Empire, oracles are absolute, so as long as their oracles are known, they will be able to gain support.

As soon as Lillian returned home, she was determined to spread her oracle in the social world.

'Yes, God is on my side.'

When I put it together like that, I felt much calmer.

"In my mind, I want to release the Shabini ball right now."

The Crown Prince lowered his eyes as if he was sorry. But strangely, those words didn't feel sincere.

"But what if the Supreme Court's decision is overturned at will when you have just been delegated the powers of Abamama?"

The Crown Prince appeased Lilian.

"There will be words that criticize me. There will also be controversy over the quality. That's not good for you either. Do you know what I mean?"

Lillian nodded.

He did not want the Crown Prince to be criticized. When he announces, his position will be solid.

But why does that sound like an excuse?

"Now we need to strengthen the imperial power and forge internal solidarity. Only then can I win the war and prove that there is no problem even if I take over the throne."

"I can give you strength, my father. You know."

"So I'm sorry too. Why did it happen at this time?"

The Crown Prince sighed as if he was truly upset.

"I also witnessed the trial, but the evidence was too clear. There was no room for objection."

Lilian seemed to understand the prince's thoughts now.

He had no intention of saving his father right now.

I felt sad and betrayed even though the Crown Prince had promised him that he would make him the Crown Prince.

Until I came here, I was thinking of begging the Crown Prince to cry for help and to save his father.

The Crown Prince was weak against his own tears, so there was no doubt that he would fix it.

But hanging on here seemed to make no sense any more.

[Lily, you should always be careful with your words and actions in front of His Majesty the Crown Prince. He is a man with a deep heart.]

I remembered something my father once said.

At that time, I thought it was too much of a concern, so I listened with one ear and let it out through the other.

I think I can understand a little bit of that now.

'Do you think you like me?'

Maybe that was also a mistake. Suddenly, one side of her chest felt cold.

"Your Majesty, your promise to welcome me in the rain hasn't really changed, have you?"

Lilian asked, staring straight into the prince's green eyes.


The prince nodded his head broadly.

"Then, I will trust you and wait for you."

"Thank you, for understanding."

"Your Majesty and I are companions that God made directly."

No matter how hard a person tries, he cannot escape fate.

So even if the Crown Prince tries to escape from that fate, he will not be able to escape.

The Crown Princess was hers.

Lillian gave the Crown Prince the most beautiful smile he could ever make.


After finishing the conversation with the Crown Prince, Lillian left the Crown Prince's Palace and walked towards the garden.

It was time to cool off for a while and organize my thoughts.

At that moment, Evelynn, who was walking from the other side, met eyes by chance.

"Evelynn, long time no see."

Lillian was the first to say hello.

I was thinking of meeting Evelynn because I couldn't get the Crown Prince's help, but it was just a coincidence.

"Yeah, it's been a while."

As usual, a hard answer came back.

"I heard that your eyes hurt, are you okay?"

Contrary to the rumors that she couldn't go out, she looked fine.

"It's all right."

"Are you all right?"


The sequelae of Akaide's disease are almost impossible to cure, so how do they get better?

Wasn't his hair bleached silvery white because he was also caught in arcade?

"How are you better?"

"Does that matter to you now?"

Evelynn asked in a nonsensical tone.

"I might be able to restore my hair color, but of course it matters."

"Hey, you're the same."

Evelyn smiled and shook her head.

As usual, he was angry with his disrespectful attitude.

"If you were well, you wouldn't have to go to trial. Did you really want to disgrace our family like that?"

I felt a little sorry that Evelynn couldn't even go out, but there was no need to worry.

Why are you still pretending to be a victim when you're well? because it's really ugly

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