The Princess's Guard ✔️

By Midika

381K 13.3K 1.3K

*Formerly His Desire* "You think you want me, but I don't think you could handle what I would do to you." His... More



6.6K 228 18
By Midika

Word Count: 2023


I stare down at my feet, leaning against the frozen tree trunk.

I don't even know if my mate is going to show tonight. There's no way for me to contact him without revealing what I know, so for the last few nights I've stood wistfully out at our usual meeting spot, hoping he may venture out.

And sure enough, after five nights, he appears through the trees, advancing on me.

I straighten.

This is Ark. It has to be.

"You're here..." I say, heart thundering in my chest. I see Ark everyday, but seeing him with a hood and mask concealing his face, aligned with a group who want me dead is terrifying.

He nods, folding his arms over his chest.

"You need to take your hood off. I need to see your face," I command.

He shakes his head once, like I suspected I would.

If he's bothered to dress up in all this shadowy attire, when we both know what is behind the hood, he's not going to take it off now.

But why? I look around and cannot see anyone nearby who may be watching on, but perhaps I'm just being naïve. Maybe Ark knows there is a chance someone will be close enough to witness, which is why he is not stepping away from this charade.

"Why don't you at least speak to me? What are you afraid of?" I hiss, wanting him to admit it, to tell me that there is more he fears than just me knowing who he is.

My hands roll up into fists. "I think I know who you are. And I think you are aware of that."

He shakes his head again, taking a step toward me.

"I'm not going to come out to speak to you again. I'm done," I tell him firmly. If he wants to speak to me, he's going to have to do it without the outfit, when he's willing to be honest.

He takes yet another step at me, and this time, a streak of fear passes through me.

All of a sudden, I'm aware that I'm alone out here, with a man who claims to protect me, but is clearly a danger to me.

In one swift movement, he lunges at me.

My scream rattles through the trees as he gets a hold of my arm, yanking me toward him. As my body collides with his, his arm wraps tightly around me while his other arm reaches behind him to grab something from his pocket.

He's not going to kill me...he's going to kidnap me and take me back to his leader.

Forcing my body weight back, I rip one of my arms from his hold, pulling at his arms, at his clothes...anything to get away.

He's strong, so strong. Rope brushes against my arm, terror shocking my body into panic as I realise he's going to wrap that around my wrists.

Using my adrenaline, I lift my knee into his stomach as hard as I can.

He lets out a strained grunt, his grip loosening enough for me to fight my way out. I don't wait around, turning to run straight at the manor.

My legs burn as I fight through the soft snow, cold wind whipping at my face. I don't stop until I'm at the back entrance, even though he hasn't followed me.

Shouldering through the door, I brace my hands on knees, forcing as much air into my lungs as I can.

A chilling thought hits me. That wasn't Ark.

They were too weak. In fact, they were sloppy, and considering I've fought Ark myself many times, I know what his style is like.

Was it him trying to kidnap me, he would have been successful.

Standing up straighter, I wipe the back of my hand over my forehead, feeling the sweat that has gathered there.

Whoever that was, they know about Ark and I. They must have noticed me lingering in the forest for the past few nights and took their chance. I wonder if they are related to the rebellion, or whether they have other intentions...

Rushing up the stairs, I head to my door, only to see a different guard standing there, not Ark.

His eyes widen at the sight of me outside my door.

The trellis outside my window has been repaired with newer materials, so I feel much safer scaling up and down it at night.

"I need to find Ark," I tell him quickly, turning on my heels to rush back down the hallway.

He could pursue me, but he won't. Even the mention of Ark's name around here is enough for people to submit.

No one wants to question his word...

I find his door in the west wing. It's strange, being at his room instead of mine...It almost feels wrong.

Knocking as loud as possible, I wait for him to come to the door.

He's going to be mad. I just know it.

After at least a minute, he doesn't answer. I try again, and nothing. He's out, which is rare, considering it's the middle of the night and he's mentioned to me about how apprehensive he is about leaving me with other guards for the night.

Frowning, I rest my ear against the door, half expecting to hear him bedding another woman in there.


Shaking my head, I make my way back to my room. I'm not sure why I thought Ark would take another woman to his bed...He's my mate, and it was only a week ago since we slept together.

The new guard lets me into my room without a word. At least something has gone my way tonight.

I quietly get ready for bed.

There is no one I can talk about what just happened. I was almost kidnapped, and I'm certain it wasn't Ark, which means someone I don't know attempted that...

A tear slips from my eye as I clamber into bed. I can't take this anymore. As much as I don't want to, I need to get out of this place, whether that be to marry Caspian or something else.

A moment later, my door opens a crack.

I stuff my head back into the pillow, already knowing who it is. No one else would come into my room without notice in the middle of the night.

"You should be sleeping," Ark murmurs, closing the door gently behind him.

I turn my head to look at him. "It's kind of impossible when you're showing up in the middle of the night."

It's strange, seeing him dressed like a normal citizen and not like a mercenary. He wears a dark jacket and shirt...I wish I could stare at him endlessly, his beauty unlike anything else I know of.

"I was told you came knocking at my door." He rubs his gloved hands together, concern hidden in his expression.

I sit up. "Where were you?"

"I was out tonight, in the village." He sits on the edge of the bed, looking over me.

I don't have a single mark on me from the attempted kidnapping, which is a relief. I'm too tired to tell Ark about it, considering his keen eye would quickly seek out any strange mark on me.

"You left?"

"I figured it was safe and I wanted a few hours out of this place." He rolls his shoulders around, as if shaking off the physical weight of this place.

I draw my knees up to my chest, hugging them. "If you feel suffocated, imagine how I feel."

His gaze softens, and for a moment, it looks like he wants to touch me. He doesn't though, although his hand is inches away from my leg.

"Were I able to take you out, I would have," he reminds me gently.

I know he would, but even if my father allowed it, he knows it's too much risk. Although it seems I'm most at risk in my own home.


Ark holds my gaze. "You can leave at any time, you know. If being a Princess doesn't interest you-"

"It's not happening. I'm stuck here," I snap back.

I don't mean to be harsh. I'm frustrated, and I can't talk to him, because there are too many lies between us. If he knew I almost got kidnapped, he would either be unreasonably angry, or he would know it's a rebellion member who he is aligned with.

"I can take you away," he tells me.

It's tempting. Stupidly tempting, in fact.

If he is what he claims to be, I could see myself starting a life with him elsewhere, where we could be free. There is a chance, though, that if we leave these grounds, Ark takes me to his leader and I'm killed or worse...

"I don't know anything about you, Ark. How am I supposed to run away with you?" I question hopelessly.

He rubs a hand through his dark strands. "If we get away from this, you can learn anything about me you like."

My eyes narrow. I don't like the potential hidden meaning behind that.

Sinking back down under the sheets, I draw them up to my chin, glaring at him.

"Just go. Please," I grumble.

He doesn't move, staring me down. "What did you come to my room for?"

He's good at digging into my emotions, forcing me to reveal what problems haunt me. He's so good at it, I fear in my vulnerable state I'll admit more to him then I should.

"Maybe I came to seduce you."

He shakes his head a little, although a small smile quirks at his lips. "Is that so?"

I shrug coyly. It's an easy lie because I've spent every night since that first time thinking about calling him into my room, or going to his. These sinful thoughts have even plagued me during the day...even during training with him.

Sitting up to meet his eye level, I lean forward, my gaze flickering down to his tempting lips.

"I guess you shouldn't have left."

He tilts his head slightly, something burning in his eyes. If he kisses me right now, I'm done for.

Reaching out, he brushes my hair from the side of my face, leaning forward to whisper in my ear.

"What are you hiding from me, mate?"

I pull back, frowning. "Hiding? I'm not hiding anything."

He smirks, amused by my poor attempt to conceal my lie, although something darker lingers in his eyes. "You didn't come to my room to fuck. Something scared you."

"What could have possibly scared me, huh?" I push at his chest, even though he doesn't budge.

Ark draws in a breath. "Your future husband is visiting in a couple days. I'm not sure what he would think about your late night visits to my room."

I scowl at him. Is he threatening to tarnish my reputation to Caspian? I doubt he would, but I know Caspian would refuse to marry me if he knew my guard was seducing me.

"Then I suppose you should stay out from now on," I exclaim.

He gets to his feet. "No chance."

"Whatever. Get out." I wave him away. The longer he stays in here to taunt me, the more likely it is that I'm going to invite him into my bed...

Even if I know it's wrong.

Leaning over, he kisses forehead, sparks fluttering where his lips touch my skin.

My eyes flutter closed for a moment. I love that feeling.

"I hope you enjoy Caspian's visit," he murmurs, stepping toward the door. "He can flatter you all you like, but don't forget who your mate is."

Gritting my teeth, I go to hurl an insult at him, but he swiftly steps from the room before I get a chance.

With a groan I fall back into bed. How am I going to survive Caspian's visit?


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! and as always it is available 10 chapters ahead on Radish!


~Midika 💜🐼

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