High School DxD - Finding Lov...

By TRUExtremeSamX

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Waking up as a baby in a new world was jarring. I just hope I can find a special someone this time around. Se... More

Chapter 1 - New Life, New Love
Chapter 2 - So Tired of Waiting
Chapter 3 - First Date

Chapter 4 - Two Sides of a Coin

463 13 2
By TRUExtremeSamX


After school, I sit in the Occult Research Clubroom at Kuoh Academy. Despite not going to this school yet, I still come to meet up with Rias, Akeno and Yuuto after school

My mind's still focused on other things, though.


When we first met, I had stupidly dropped my ice cream. It was made even worse considering I had waited a while for it.

Yet, Issei, not knowing me at all, bought me a replacement.

He kept stealing glances at me, making me think he was just as perverted as the guys here...

...but he wasn't.

He introduced himself and left. Nothing else came of the meeting.

A week later, we met again, under similar circumstances to last time. But this time, the roles were reversed.

I wanted to sit down after buying ice cream, and decided to sit next to him. He was on the bench I usually sat on, after all.

We talked a bit, while eating our ice cream, and that was that.

Then, we met again some time later. This time, both of us meeting one another on the way to the ice cream stall.

The old man's story about being nervous about love clearly stuck a chord with Issei. I didn't know why, until he asked me out.

I've been asked out before, usually by creeps or perverts attracted to... smaller girls. But there was something about Issei. I still don't know what is it, either.

Maybe it's just because he's the first guy I've met here that hasn't lusted over me in disgusting ways...?

Of course, it helped that he is kind of attractive.

He's quite observational obviously, figuring out my pension for sweets and cats. Though, I doubt he realized my love for video games.

The date was wonderful, he was really nice and took me to some nice places. That sunset, while cheesy, was beautiful.

...I still can't believe I mustered up the courage to call him my boyfriend.

I'll admit, it doesn't feel bad.

Heat rushes to my face, as I think about that.
One thing I am curious about Issei, is how he doesn't have any friends. He's clearly a nice guy, even wanting to walk me home, despite how cheesy it was.

"Are you okay, Koneko?" Rias asks me, perhaps noticing me being distracted by my thoughts.

"I'm fine."

"Hmm... It wouldn't have anything to do with that cute boy you were with yesterday?" Akeno teases me.

"N-No..." I protest weakly, inwardly chastising myself for even answering. Akeno then says her usual 'Ara ara~' at that. I can practically feel my face heat up.

"Boy?" Rias asks.

"Yes, our little kouhai went on a date yesterday." Akeno says.

"R-Really?" Rias looks at me, her blue eyes wide in surprise.

"He asked and... I didn't see why not." I explain simply.

"That's wonderful, Koneko." My king praises me, likely pushing her own feelings toward me. She's in an arranged marriage, after all.

"Who did you go out with?" Yuuto politely asks.

"Hyoudou Issei." I tell them his name.

"Hyoudou?" Rias asks, trying to place the name.

"I believe that he's a first-year." The queen says.

"I think he's in the other class." The knight explains. "I've never met him, but I have heard of him."

"Ara?" Akeno asks. "And what have you heard about boyfriend-kun?"

Okay, all this teasing is really starting to get uncomfortable...

"The only thing I know is that he's kind of a loner. I'm not sure if that's by his choice or not." Yuuto explains.

"Really?" Rias asks.

"Yes." I say, wishing to stop this conversation.

"Well, if he was able to get a date with you, he can't be all that bad." Akeno reasons. "Now then, tell us all about the date, Koneko-chan."

The two older girls look at me, expectantly.

...I'm not getting out of this, am I?


I pack up my books once more as the school day ends. I still can't get Koneko out of my mind! It's driving me crazy!

"You okay there, Issei?" Aika asks, a hint of concern on her face.

"Yeah, why?"

"You've been staring into space all day, Issei." She says, seriously.

My eyes widen at the revelation. "Was I really?"

"Yeah. What's wrong, date go wrong?" She asks with a grin.

"No, it was great, actually. We even agreed to go on another."

"Well, that's nice to hear." She praises. "But it clearly ain't what's got you so distracted. So, spill."

"...Fine." I say, with a sigh. "She called me her boyfriend as we parted ways."

"That's it?" She asks, deadpan.

"Did you forget that you're the only person my age I've even interacted with on a level beyond basic social interactions?" I ask, rhetorically. "I was already nervous as hell about going on a date with her, the boyfriend thing just made things ten times worse."

Humans are social creatures, by nature. We aren't designed to be alone. A person can die from loneliness alone.

Hell, I remember reading that story about the baby test that happened after World War II.

I think it was two groups of twenty babies. One group was raised normally, the others were only interacted with when necessary. They weren't shown love or anything.

The babies raised normally grew up fine.

The babies raised without love and frequent interaction all died.

We're definitely a strange species.

"Well, it'll be fine." Aika says with a shrug, pulling my from my thoughts. "Just spend some more time with her, and you'll get used to it. Simple as that."

"Well... I can't argue with that logic." I sling my bag over my shoulder. "Thanks, Aika."

"Anytime, Issei. Good luck with the girlfriend." She says, getting up and walking out of the classroom.

People really ought to give her a chance. Despite the perversion, she's nice.


That evening, I rest in a bath of warm water. I know cats aren't supposed to like water, but this really helps every now and again.

My whole body is submerged under the water, as is some of my face, the water covering my mouth.

The two older girls of the peerage kept asking me more and more questions about Issei. I was beyond happy when they finally relented. I immediately went home and drew a bath to rest in. It's become a sort of ritual for me, staying in the bath for a while to relax.

My mind keeps going back to yesterday. I still have trouble believing that I wanted him to be my boyfriend. It's the same with how he asked me out just after asking for us to be friends.

My body just... acted on its own. Or rather, my mouth did.

I don't know why, either. I've had trouble getting too close to people after...


...after all of that, it took me a while to trust Rias and the others. Even then, a part of me still keeps them at arm's reach. But not Issei.
Somehow, he wormed his way into my heart after just a few interactions.

Is there just something between us that clicked? Could it be something else? If so, what?

I spend a while longer in the bath, my mind still racing over Issei. What the hell's going on?


After getting back from school, I relax on my bed, laying down for a little while.

Before, I had class to distract me somewhat, but now that I'm alone? My thoughts are even more prevalent.

Why am I so drawn to Koneko?

I know I asked myself this after we met, but still. I just can't get her out of my mind.

Her short, white hair. Her beautiful, golden eyes. Her small, yet impossibly bright smile. Her cute face. Her quiet, calming voice, relaxing to the ears.

She's fucking driving me crazy! I rub my palms on my hair quickly, almost as though to rid my mind of these thoughts.

I let out a sigh. I need to fucking calm down...

How about some video games?

Yeah... that sounds nice right about now.




These two are clearly figuring out their feelings for one another. Though, it does feel like something strange is going on...

I hope I've written good romance here. I'm not exactly an expert in the field, having been single all my life.

Edit: October 4, 2022: Made some changes.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and look forward to the next!

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