Fighting For The Freak (Secon...

By strangergvf0423

109K 3.6K 9.9K

"You're going to fight for him, right?" "It'll be difficult, but I'm going to try." How hard could it be? I... More

The Munson Curse
Unsolicited Advice
Stormy Weather
Sarcastic Pleasures
Sweet Creature
Flirtatious Invitations
Corroded Coffin
Can I Believe You
A Blast From The Past
Hopelessly Devoted To You
I Wanna Be Yours
Love of My Life
Men In Black
The Haunting of Creel House
Arsonist's Lullabye
Captured and Tortured
The Massacre (Pt.1)
The Massacre (Pt.2)
Turning Page
Trip the Light Fantastic
Somebody Else
Let You Break My Heart Again
Unholy (Pt.1)
Feeling Good
Since I've Been Loving You
Paralysed (Pt.1)
Paralysed (Pt.2)
Paralysed (Pt.3)
Slow It Down
Same Mistakes
I Can't Go On Without You
Big Ideas
Forever and Always
Quick Message

Unholy (Pt.2)

2.1K 67 230
By strangergvf0423

(Y/N)'s POV

All throughout dinner, I kept my lips sealed shut and my mind completely blank. I could feel the worried stares on me, but I ignored them all. I barely touched a thing on my plate from how lost I felt. The only thing I could do is watch Veronica in the corner of my eye. I watched as she glanced over at Eddie a million times, smirking like the devil as she peaked over at me. She was planning something, I could feel it. 

"You barely touched your food, darling." Eddie spoke in a low voice as he pushed my hair to the side with his finger. I could feel his hand snake its way to the back of my neck as he tried to grab my attention. "You have to eat something." 

"I'm not very hungry." I told him as I watched everyone dig into the dessert that was recently placed in front of us. It all looked amazing, but I couldn't get myself to eat. My stomach growled in an attempt to make me eat, but the thought of food made my mouth water in a nauseous way. 

"Are you sure?" Eddie's voice became more worried, so I looked over at him in reassurance. I nearly started frowning the moment I saw the creases on his forehead as he bit his bottom lip from the nerves. 

Without saying a word, I lifted up my hand to his face and rubbed the creases out with my thumb before I brought it down to his lip. I lightly touched it and, in response, Eddie released his grip and allowed his lip to pout once again. I gave him a soft smile before leaning in and placing a small kiss on his worried lips. As soon as I pulled away, Eddie's whole body released the tension that built up inside of him, allowing him to finally relax. 

"I'm completely fine, my love. There's no need to worry." I looked back into Eddie's eyes as he gave me a soft smile. He nodded his head then rested his arm on the back of my chair after pulling me closer. I rested my head on his shoulder as I looked around at the calming features on both Jonathon and Steve's faces. The only person who didn't look very happy was Veronica, but I wasn't worried at all. I actually felt amazing right now thanks to Eddie and I'm going to feel a hell of a lot better after I beat that bitch's ass. 

Jessica's POV

There was a deep pit inside of my stomach from the anxiety that I could thank Veronica for. I have no idea what goes through her mind to where she thinks this is okay to do. Is she insane? 

"Did you see them at the table? I wanted to throw up." Veronica said in a nasty tone as we stood in the corner of the yard, watching everyone interact with one another as the sun went down. Luckily, someone hung up string lights, allowing us to stay outside with music and cool breeze. If Veronica wasn't here to ruin things then I would be the happiest I could ever be. I would even try to make friends with everyone, but I can't do that with Veronica around. She'll just cause a scene from the jealousy. 

"Veronica, whatever you have planned, please just think about it before you do it." I begged as I ignored her previous comment. I know she isn't going to listen to me, but I can always try. I am asking a lot out of her, though, when I tell her to think. The poor girl might hurt herself doing that. 

"Oh, just shut up, Jessica." Veronica snapped. "If you were an actual friend of Marley's then you would be okay with it."

"Marley doesn't give a shit about (Y/N) anymore. She knows she can't have Eddie, so why are you still trying?" I gave her attitude right back. I'm tired of Veronica's idiotic ways that make no sense. 

"Maybe I want him for myself then." Veronica smirked as she shrugged her shoulders. "I'm sure Marley wouldn't mind."

"It's not Marley you have to look out for." I warned her as I glanced over at (Y/N). She was leaning against Eddie as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. They were talking to their friends and seeming to be happy after being worried all dinner. I could only imagine what was going on in (Y/N)'s mind with how silent she was. She must know something and I really hope she does. 

"You're worried about her?" Veronica threw her head back as she cackled. "(Y/N) couldn't beat me at anything if she tried. That includes looks, fights and Eddie."  

I'm not sure why, but her words made my hands wrap into fists as I glared off into the bushes that stood beside the house. I hate other women who try to slither their way into other's relationships like both her and Marley. Marley wasn't as bad a person anymore after (Y/N) humbled her with that fight, but still, they're both terrible people. 

"Do you not remember the way Marley looked after that fight?" I asked Veronica as if she were stupid and, quite frankly, she is. 

"That's Marley." Veronica kept that disgusting smirk on her face that I wanted to smack off. "Here comes my chance." She rubbed her hands together as she watched Eddie leave a kiss on (Y/N)'s head and walk into the house. As soon as Eddie was gone, (Y/N) turned into a totally different person; she was blank once again. It was as if Eddie was her lifeline - the only way she kept sane and glued to the ground instead of drifting off with the wind. It was a beautiful thing seeing a relationship like that. They bring out the best in each other even in hard times. 

"Hey, is everything alright, babe?" Gareth came up behind me and rested his hand on my lower back as he gave me a worried look.

"Yeah!" I almost cringed from the overexcitement that I forced out. "Yeah, um, I think Veronica wanted to talk to you, actually." 

"Oh, really? Where did she go?" Gareth looked around in confusion as I kept the fake smile plastered onto my face. 

"She went inside." I gave him a slight shove, forcing him to hurry inside. I let out a sigh as Gareth chased after Veronica, giving me enough time to warn (Y/N). I took a deep breath in before making my way over to her. Here goes nothing.

(Y/N)'s POV

"(Y/N)?" I turned around to the unfamiliar voice and my eyes slightly widened as I noticed Jessica standing right behind me. "Hey, sorry to intrude, but could I possibly talk to you for a second?"

"Um, sure." My eyebrows furrowed as my heart quickened. All of that anxiety from earlier was rushing back inside of me, making me feel hot even though it's cold outside. "What's going on?"

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm not like Marley or Veronica. I don't have anything to do with their humiliating antics and I would never do anything like that to anyone." That was a terrible beginning to whatever she was about to tell me. It only made me more anxious as I waited. "I don't know what Veronica has planned, but she's about to do something stupid, so I thought I would warn you before it happens."

"What do you mean she has something planned?" I unfolded my arms and straightened my back in response to Jessica's words. 

"I'm not totally sure what it is, but Veronica told me she was going to take advantage of the moment when Eddie went off into the house just now. I think you should-" I never let Jessica finish as I stomped inside of the house as fast as I could without grabbing the attention of anyone else. 

I kept quiet as I looked inside of every room, looking for the dumb blonde that was about to get her shit rocked. I wasn't playing games and I don't think I've ever been more angry in my life than at this moment; that's including anything between my father, mother, Brenner, and Marley. How could I not be this angry after learning that she put her hands on Eddie while he was intoxicated and he said no? She can go rot in Hell for all I care. 

I flexed my aching fingers, giving them a break from their previous curled position. As I made my way to the backyard, I rolled my neck and grabbed the baseball bat that leaned against the house and wrapped my hand tightly around the handle as I marched over to the unexpecting blonde. 

"What the-" Veronica never got to finish what she was saying before I slammed the bat as hard as I could against her knee, causing her to scream in pain as she hit the floor. "What is wrong with you?" I ignored her and swung the bat down at her gut, but she twisted her body out of the way. "Get the fuck away from me, you psycho." 

"You know what your problem is, Veronica?" I spat her name with as much venom as I could muster up as I moved closer to her body. I pointed the bat in her direction, watching her every move as she stood up from the grass, already limping. "You think that you can do whatever the hell you want in life and get away with it." I swung the bat again and, this time, hit her in the stomach. 

"What are you even talking about?" Veronica gasped as she fell onto her knees, gripping her abdomen as she tried to collect air into her lungs. 

"Don't act stupid." I shook my head and rested the bat on my shoulder. "You know exactly what you did and now I'm going to make sure it never happens again." Without warning, I kicked Veronica right in the chest, forcing her onto her back. She looked up at me in horror, driving my lust for revenge to an ultimate high. "You don't take advantage of people." I grabbed the collar of her shirt and leaned down as I hissed my words through my gritted teeth. "You're a fucking whore and you'll never be any more than that." 

I pulled back my elbow and swung my fist full of rings right into her cheek. Veronica's head faced to the side as she spit out the blood that pooled inside of her mouth. As soon as she turned to look at me again, I shoved my fist back into her cheek. 

"If you ever talk or think or look or even breathe near Eddie, I will fucking end you." I warned her with the rage that took over every ounce of my body. It felt as if I were shaking from the amount of anger that consumed like a fire. "Do you understand me?"

"Fuck you." Veronica hissed. I threw my elbow back, ready for a third punch, but suddenly I was hit with something hard. I winced and backed up as I held my head from where the blow landed. Veronica had hit me with the bat I had used earlier, allowing her to have time to stand up once again. 

"You're going to regret that." I laughed as I held my hand slightly out, enough for me to use my powers, but not enough for her to see what I was doing. I twisted my hand to force the bat out of her hand, but nothing happened. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked down at my hand. My powers weren't working; I don't even feel a spark inside of me. 

Veronica saw that I was distracted and walked over with the bat, swinging it my way, but I dodged it right on time. I quickly grabbed the bat and ripped it out of her hands, forcing her to step closer to me and give me the advantage. I moved quickly with my hand and grabbed her throat tightly as I walked her backwards into a tree. Her head nearly slammed onto the hard wood as she gasped for air. I watched her face turn red and tightened my grip, making sure to hit all of the pressure points. 

"(Y/N)?" I heard Eddie's voice behind me. I turned my head and saw his shocked expression as he stared at me with fear behind his brown eyes. This distraction caused me to loosen my grip, allowing Veronica to reach out and yank my hair. I yelped from the sudden jerk that my neck made as she clawed my face. 

"Hey!" I heard Alyssa yell in anger. I didn't pay much attention to her as I punched Veronica's arm, making her cry and let go of my hair. I then tackled her to the ground and sat on top of her struggling body. I was back on top and felt the power course through me, giving me the 'go' for my secret weapon. 

Eddie's POV

"What is that?" Steve's panicked voice rung out over the crowd as we watched (Y/N) pull out a switch blade in lightning speed. 

"Shit." I mumbled under my breath as I ran over to the fight. I made it just in time and watched as (Y/N) pressed the sharp knife against Veronica's throat. She screamed as (Y/N) pushed the knife deeper into her skin, causing blood to flow out. I wrapped my arms around (Y/N) before it she sliced Veronica's throat open and pulled her back. "(Y/N), what are you thinking?"

"What is going on?" Hopper came running out of the house and looked over in horror as Veronica cried. She touched her throat then looked down at her bloody fingers, gasping at the sight. 

"You crazy bitch!" Veronica screamed. "You could have killed me!"

"That's the whole fucking point, you dumb whore." (Y/N) yelled back. Veronica took offense to (Y/N)'s words and stood up, charging towards (Y/N). I quickly tried to hide (Y/N)'s body behind mine as she kicked at Veronica. I waited for the blow to my back, but it never came. 

Alyssa's POV

"Oh, fuck no." I said loudly as I stomped over to Veronica. She had a bat in her hand and was about to swing it at Eddie, but I grabbed it before punching her right on her bruising cheek. I winced and tried to shake the pain out of my knuckles as I kicked the bat away. 

"Alright, that's enough." Hopper announced as he stood in front of me. I watched Gareth run over to Veronica and help her up, pissing (Y/N) off more. 

"Fuck you for helping her, Gareth. You're a terrible fucking friend to Eddie." She screamed while squirming in Eddie's tight hold. He was trying his best to contain her as he walked her back into the front yard, away from the scene.

"Holy shit, are you alright?" Robin rested her hand on my shoulder as she stood next to me, staring down at my swollen knuckles. "Let's go get those iced." I nodded my head and followed behind to try and numb the pain. 

Steve's POV

"Did that really just happen?" I asked in shock as I ran my hands down my face. It felt like I was in a movie after witnessing that brutal fight. I don't think I've ever seen (Y/N) that angry before and it scared the shit out of me. 

"Can't forget this." Elizabeth announced herself as she walked to my side. She was wiping off the switch blade on her jeans in a calming manner, freaking me out more about the whole thing. "What?"

"I don't think that's very important." I shook my head with a grimace. I looked back up at Elizabeth as she shrugged nonchalantly. 

"Is it bad that I'm a little turned on?" Nancy laughed a little too loud as Chrissy giggled beside her. I watched Jonathon and Luke roll their eyes, their faces looking beyond stressed. Thankfully, the kids were inside for the whole thing, but I had a feeling they were going to be asking a lot of questions. 

"Woah! What happened?" As if they knew I was talking about them, the herd of children came stomping out of the house, standing right in front of me. I threw my head back and groaned in frustration as I prepared myself to explain everything. 

(Y/N)'s POV

"Darling, you have to calm down." Eddie's voice was low as he spoke into my ear. He was still holding me close to his chest, his arms wrapped around my body as I stared off at the woods. 

"How am I supposed to calm down?" I complained as my heart continued its race. It wasn't stopping any time soon to take a break, only encouraging the adrenaline to pick up. "Eddie, let me go." 

"No." He softly said. I groaned and rested my head back on his shoulder before squirming again. I could feel his muscles flex as he tightened his grip on me. 

"Eddie, please." I begged, but it was no use. He wasn't letting me go and instead of getting angry at my constant fighting to get away from him, he remained calm. "Eddie-" He cut me off by whispering sweet nothings into my ear. I closed my eyes and breathed through my nose as I tried to focus on his words. I wanted to come off of this high, but it wasn't letting me go. It enjoyed my suffering a little too much. 

"I love you so much and I hope you never forget that." Eddie's grip loosened as soon as he felt my heaving chest slow down. "Remember that day I told you that I would be your protector?" I nodded my head and felt him smile against my ear. "Well, it took me long enough to notice, but you're mine, too. You protect me, make me feel safe, you love me no matter what and I couldn't be more thankful for you. I love you so, so much." Eddie kissed my temple to end his confession, notifying my nerves that I was safe now. I let out the last breath I was holding inside of me and opened my eyes. 

"Hey." We both turned around to find Jessica with a shy smile. "I'm really sorry to both of you about that. I-" She shook her head from the loss of words. 

"It's not your fault." I calmly told her. 

"I feel like it is, though." Jessica frowned at me before looking up at Eddie. "I was there that night. The night it happened." I stood there in silence as I transitioned myself to be on Eddie's side. I grabbed his hand tightly in mine and gripped his arm with my other hand, just like how I did at the table. It was a sense to prepare myself for the worst; to lean on the man I loved most in the world to protect me. 

"I knew Eddie was going through it, so I told him to go sit in the room backstage that they usually relaxed in before their shows. I told him that I would be right back and to not do anything stupid." Jessica's eyes landed back on mine and this time they were full of tears. "I thought I was helping Eddie, but really I ended up putting him right in Veronica's trap. I was the one that caught Veronica on top of Eddie when he was out of it, almost passed out on the couch. I pushed her off of him, I swear. Nothing happened besides her sitting on him, at least that I know of. Eddie would never do that to you, (Y/N), and I'm so sorry for playing a part in this. Gareth knew nothing, I swear. Veronica knew she could persuade him to come to the party and since he didn't know anything, he didn't see why not. I tried my best to keep her at a distance, but-but, I'm sorry." 

Jessica broke down in front of me, instantly breaking my heart. The poor girl was probably carrying that around to herself for a long time, not knowing what to do. It's not a very good thing to be friends with Veronica or to not tell anyone about what happened, but at least she was there to stop it. Even before Veronica tried to take advantage of Eddie, Jessica put him in a space that seemed safe so that he would stay out of trouble for me. She had my back with Marley when she didn't even know me and earlier she had my back when Veronica was up to no good. 

"Thank you." I took a step towards Jessica and looked deeply into her eyes. "Thank you for looking out for Eddie and thank you for looking out for me. I do agree, you should have let someone know and maybe told Gareth when she invited herself, but you still did the right thing in the end, so thank you." 

"Thanks, Jess." Eddie spoke up behind me. "That was nice of you to have my back." Jessica gave Eddie a wide smile and sniffled as she wiped away her tears. "I hate to cut off the moment, but I think we should get home."

"Can you let Juliet know that I went home? She's staying here with the Byers', so she won't need a ride home." Jessica nodded in agreement to my request before turning around and disappearing behind the house. I sighed and walked back to the car with Eddie. He offered to drive us, so I agreed and handed over my keys before taking the passenger side where I watched the dark world go by. 

It was silent inside of the car; the only noise came from the quiet music on the radio and the wind whipping by. I loved having the windows down in the car whenever it was cool outside. The smell of fresh air hitting you in the face was heaven for me. It was also a nice contrast to Eddie's warm hand that claimed it's place on my thigh. His hand never left me until we arrived home where he ran around the car and opened my door. Both of his hands were on me at that point and I loved the way they felt. 

"I'm exhausted." I mumbled as I dragged my feet to our bedroom. I listened closely as Eddie locked the front door before walking into the room and finding me on the bed with my legs dangling off. "Can you help me please?"

"Of course, darling." Eddie's soft voice made me feel more at peace as he grabbed my left ankle and placed my shoe on his thigh. He then began to untie my shoe and gently slid it off before moving to the right. Once he was done with that, he took his off with ease then disappeared into the bathroom. 

I closed my eyes and lifted my arms up to stretch my body out. I could already feel myself cramping up and bruising from the fight. I had forgotten that I was scratched, too, until now when the burning settled in. I ignored it, though. I had no energy to get up and clean it. 

"Much better." Eddie sighed as he walked back into the room. I let out a small laugh and kept my eyes closed as I listened to him rummage through his drawers. I'm guessing he's getting himself dressed and ready for bed.

I thought about it and convinced myself that I should get up to get ready for bed, too. If I didn't get up now then I wouldn't want to get up later. I groaned to myself before opening my eyes to find Eddie standing in front of me with only his boxers on. 

"What's up, sexy?" I tiredly wiggled my eyebrows at him, making him chuckle before pulling me up into a sitting position. I rested my head on his stomach as he helped me undress out of my dirty clothes. "I should probably take a shower. I smell gross." 

"Come on, I'll help." Eddie pulled me onto my feet before guiding me to the bathroom where he had me sit on the sink as he started the shower. I gave him a soft smile once he looked over at me, enticing him to stand between my legs and smile back. "You're so beautiful."

Before I could say anything back, Eddie hooked his finger under my chin, his thumb keeping my head in place, as he leaned down to kiss me. I felt my heart skip a beat as I kissed him back, my hands snaking their way around his neck, pulling him closer. Eddie smiled against the kiss and rested his hands on my thighs, moving them up to my hips then back to my knees. 

"Ready?" Eddie mumbled against my lips. I nodded as I leaned closer, sealing our lips tighter. Eddie chuckled and unclipped my bra, tossing it to the floor. He then stepped back and pushed his boxers down, shoving them to the side, before hooking his fingers in my panties. I bit my lip as I felt his fingers slide against my skin, teasing me. 

"Eddie." I groaned, making him chuckle again.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." Eddie stepped back with a smile and helped me down before I pulled my panties off and threw them in the pile beside us. He then stepped into the shower and held out his hand to assist me inside, making the moment more romantic. 

I thought it wouldn't get more romantic than that, but then Eddie surprised me by washing my body for me. He took his time as he felt every curve and dip in my body, occasionally leaving a kiss on my skin before cleaning the spot. Eddie then gently cleaned out the cuts on my face before kissing my forehead. 

"I love you, Eddie." I whispered into the steam. 

"I love you, darling. More than you'll ever know." Eddie's eyes gleamed in the lighting as he stared at me with the most beautiful smile. He then planted a soft kiss onto my lips before pulling away and washing his body. I insisted to return the favor and kept trying to grab the soap, but he was too quick. 

"I can dry myself, Eddie." I giggled as he used the white towel to dry me off. 

"I know, but I want to do it." Eddie told me. I playfully rolled my eyes and allowed him to do what he wanted. I loved the way he was taking care of me, so I really didn't mind. 

As we walked back into the room, Eddie went to search for a shirt of his that I could wear to bed. Once he found it, he dropped it onto the bed beside me and dropped my towel. I chewed on my bottom lip and waited for him to get the shirt ready as I stared at my name on his chest. I smiled and leaned over, planting my lips right on the ink. 

I pulled back and looked into Eddie's eyes as they stared adoringly at me. He then threw the shirt onto the bed and cupped my cheeks with his hands. I waited patiently as he looked at my lips, licked his own then kissed me in the most loving way. We weren't in a rush to get it over with, but instead, we took our time to show each other how much we loved one another. It was the most beautiful experience.

Eddie dropped his towel before laying us down onto the bed where he hovered over me. He looked over my face once more as his hand drifted down to my center and began rubbing. My eyes fluttered shut as my mouth slightly gaped open from the pleasurable feeling. 

I could feel Eddie's stare on my face as he slipped his fingers inside. I listened to him moan from the already soaked feeling between my legs, only encouraging him more. As he kept a steady pace, Eddie leaned down and kissed my bottom lip at the same time I let out a moan. I could feel his smirk as he leaned down, leaving sloppy kisses on my neck. I gripped his shoulder in return, wanting more than anything to grab his curls, but his hair was in a neat bun and I didn't want to ruin it. 

Eddie made his way back up as he slipped his fingers out. They were soon replaced as he slid into my wetness. We both moaned against each other's lips as he slowly thrusted into me. As he did this, I sent my hands down his biceps and felt the definition of his muscles before moving up to his cheeks, where I lightly held his face close to mine. 

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" Eddie breathed heavily against my lips, making me smile and shake my head. 

"Eddie." I laughed before moaning. He chuckled and moved his lips back to my ear as he rested his hands in mine, holding them tightly. 

"I love the way you smile, the sound of your voice, your moans, your personality, your-"

"Eddie." I giggled, making him smile against my skin. 

"Look, all I'm saying is-" Eddie cut himself off with a moan as he slid himself in all the way, causing me to moan his name. "I can't wait to marry you." He finished his sentence and carried on his movements. "Mrs. Munson. I love the sound of it. (Y/N) Munson." 

"Is this really the right time?" I giggled again.

"Every second of the day is the right time to tell you how much I love you, darling." Eddie kissed my cheek, making me smile as he continued to kiss all over my face, leaving my lips for last. Once he was there, he kept kissing me with that perfect passion as he stretched our arms higher above my head. 

Eddie's pace quickened for a good amount of time before we both finished at the same time, moaning each other's names into the night. Before pulling out, Eddie left more kisses on my face, leaving his sweet compliments on my skin. 

We then used the bathroom one last time before climbing into bed where Eddie held me tight to his chest. I could feel his thumb rubbing against my skin as it rested beneath my shirt and his warm breath hitting my ear. It didn't take him long, either, to begin his light snoring, telling me that he was fast asleep. 

I could feel myself drifting off to sleep, as well, but I didn't want to. I wanted to hold onto the feeling of Eddie's kisses and listen to his compliments on repeat in my head. The only way to fall asleep was to remind myself that he would make me feel this way for the rest of my life, so there is no need to hold onto the memories now. I've found the man of my dreams, the person who loves me most in this world. 

What more could I ask for?


Author's Note

Sorry for the delay!! I ended up being terribly busy the past couple of days and did not expect it at all. I really, really hope you all enjoyed the chapter! 

I knew I wanted to make it long, but the amount I wrote is a hell of a lot more than I though lmao! 

Thank you all for your patience!! I have so much love for every single one of you beautiful beings <3 

With much admiration,

- E


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