𝐇𝐎𝐓 𝐍' 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐃 | 𝘒𝘢𝘪...

By -sireness

24.4K 1.4K 391

❝ Rule no. 1 - No secret dating. ❞ ❝ The problem is that I don't know what problem I have with him! ❞ When th... More



786 76 16
By -sireness

🌼 Vote if you want Y/n to end up with Kai.

“ let's go to sleep, my dear girlfriend.”

He smirked as he sat at the edge of bed, slowly leaning and indicating that he wasn't joking about what he said earlier. In an reflex, my legs kicked out from inside the blanket and hit his behind, making him to fall down the bed to the floor.

He broke his fall with his hands holding onto the mattress, thanks to that his face was safe but he still landed hard onto his butt and his sulking made me laugh.

If he expected me to actually get flustered and intimidated, well he's delusional.

He shot me a sharp gaze, his hand cupping his back in an attempt to ease the pain. His face showed that he's was very angry that I kicked him off the bed. He deserved it though. We're fake dating, not a real thing.

“ My bad. Does it hurt, kai? ” I faked an innocent voice, my eyes showing tinge of worry and he gritted his teeth at my sentence.

“Why bother hiding your satisfaction seeing me like this by that fake worry? It's not like I can't tell what's going on in your mind. I know you too well. ” He scoffed, dusting his white loose pants and standing up again.

“ You know me too well? ” I repeated his words and he gave a subtle nod in agreement. I threw the silky blanket aside and grabbed his hand to make him sit on the bed in front of me as an amazing idea occured to me.

“ What are you doing? ”  he demanded, but I maintained my silence, and just kept writing something down on a paper which was on the table.

“ Let's play a game. I'll ask you ten questions about me, if you can answer any eight of them correctly then it means you really know me but if you fail, then you're gonna buy me anything I ask. ” I proposed, he stood there thinking to himself for a second before giving me a subtle smirk and sitting on the bed again to face me, his eyes glimpsed at the clock and looked back at me.

“ Deal. So, what's the first question? ” He plopped his chin onto his palm, looking at me with half lidded eyes, clearly drowsy because of the tiring day but he'll get to sleep after this game. I cleared my throat before asking the first question.

“ How do I spend my weekends or days off? ” I wiggled my eyebrows, his eyebrows knitted with his eyes closed in concentration to remember anything he could to answer it. His face looked too soft like a baby who was about to fall asleep in a second.

His eyes snapped open at sound of camera clicking and his mind couldn't contemplate what happened, his eyes whipped to the camera in my hands and he held an unpleasant expression, as I just laughed at the messy look of his. This was a first picture of him in my phone, there is no way I'm deleting this. I was so lost into looking at it that I forgot we were playing the game.

I lifted my eyes from the screen to see him looking in admiration, his eyes were now fully open however they glowed like a warm fire. I expected him to argue to delete the picture because he doesn't them being taken but instead he just stared at me calmly.

“ You like reading books with coffee and muffins. Sitting in your bed all day, watching drama till late nights, and occasionally pick fights with me because I didn't knock when I entered your room. ” He phrased each word with ease and concluded with a smug smile and I covered my mouth with my hand in shock.

“ How do you know all of this? Were you spying on me, you cre—”

“ Okay, next question. ” he intervened, I huffed a little before moving onto the next question.

“ What's my middle name? ” I asked and he didn't even blink or took a second to think to himself before responding with,

“ You don't have one. ” I blinked in surprise before skipping onto the third question.

Dang, he was right again.

“ Things that pisses me off. ”

“ Pizza with pineapples, mint chocolate ice cream and me. ” He shot me a wink at the last part but I brushed it aside and continued.

“ What's my most used emoji? ”

“ Knife or 😒 ” I knit my eyebrows in confusion, he seriously assumes I'm a bitch to everyone, doesn't he?

“ Nope, its the shit and laughing emoji. Your score is 3 to 1.” i showed him the paper in which I wrote his score. He gave me the look ‘seriously’ but urged me to continue.

“ Do I like maths or not? ” This question made him to rub his chin in thought.

“ You hate it. ”  he concluded, confident about his answer until I failed to keep my laugh inside.

“ You're two questions down, another one and you lose. ” I smirked in satisfaction, this was the second one he got wrong and any other wrong answer and he loses. I knew he would have assumed I hated maths because most of students does.

“ You the hell likes maths, you're a weirdo. ” He scoffed in grumpiness, stretching his veiny arms and adjusting his posture. His pulled his legs up on the bed and sat at the ends of my legs, his eyes didn't look drowsy anymore.

“ Whatever. What's my pet's name? ”

“ How am I supposed to answer that? I don't know what kind of fetish you—” he started in confusion, but I had to stop before he says something nonsense again

Kai, I meant my pet cat's name that I adopted last week. ” I clarified, his eyes went huge and he just cleared his throat before nodding in understanding, his hair bouncing with his head.

“ It had green eyes, didn't it? Greeny. ” he concluded and this time his hunch was correct but there was a tension lingering in the air. It was not too much but it did made my breaths accelerate and the heat was killing me. Ugh, why aren't there any ACs in here? Oh right, we're in the middle of a forest.

What are my favourite season or weather? ”

“ Winter. You don't like the heat too much, so I'll go with winter days with warm sunlight. ”

“ Okay, next. What am I afraid of? ” his eyes shut for a split second and they looked more darker ashe opened them again, a different glow in them now.

“ Darkness. You hate darkness. ” his voice was thick, he pinched his nose and his eyes trailed upto my face as he looked deeply into my eyes as if he was analysing and reading my emotions through my eyes.

His eyes were so goddamn beautiful.

What's my favourite flower? ”

“ Easy, dandelions. ” he said in like it was  a knee-jerk action. I clearly underestimated this guy, he was a real deal after all.

“ What's my favourite desserts? ”

“ Cinnamon roll, mochi and macaroons. ” I bote my lower lip in nervousness, thinking of something that he can't answer but nothing came up to me.

The temperature of my body was rising up alot and I kicked off the blankets to let the cool air hot me but it eas a wrong move. His eyes scanned me as I wore the large white t-shirt with a black silk shorts. I cursed myself for forgetting but I couldn't stuff myself back into them now.

“ I'm waiting, Y/n .” he urged me, his voice was smoky and I felt him shuffle in his seat and his thigh was near my legs, just another closer and his skin would be touching mine and I don't know how my body will react. He was however, held a amused expression and was smirking subtly to himself, his face  was still a little fade despite the little lamp beside me.

Stop thinking about these stuffs and focus on the game.

“Last question, what's my ideal type of guy? ” I let out in a breathy voice, by this time my heart was accelerated, my eyes filled with nervousness het excited to hear his answer. If he answers it correctly, then I'm done for. I prayed that he doesn't, but the growing smirk  made my stomach dip lower.

“ Ah, I didn't expect such a question. Impressive, Y/n.”

“ Just answer it. ” I was getting irritated with his teasingly slow responses, igniting my impatience.

“ Your ideal type of guy is me. Strong, arrogant, tall, and you definitely have a thing for my muscles, don't you? ” His smirk robbed of my last breath, this was what I feared but I quickly pushed it down, backing myself up with fake smirk and lying to him that he was wrong.

“ You're definitely not my type, kai.  That means you lose—”

It just took him a second, and I felt him grabbed my ankles and pulled me harshly to drag me to him, but instead my body lay down the bed with my hands upwards trying to catch the headboard in an reflex.

My heart almost jumped out of my chest when I felt his hands around my skin, cold but warm at the same time, the feeling his touches gave me was indescribable. I was paralysed in there, my mind was blank as I looked at him in shock, his body towering mine and his alluring eyes peering down at mine.

“ Get off of me.” I managed to grit out, it was hard to look annoyed when my body was about to melt in seconds, not from the anger but from the things he was doing to me. It was a very alien feeling, and this time it wasn't in my stomach or in my heart but my whole body was engulfed by this sweet rush of adrenaline.

“ If I'm really not your type then how do you explain this reaction of yours? ” He lets out in a gruff voice, his hands now slowly riding up my torso and reached in between my chest before it cupped my jaw and grabbed my face to not let me break the eye contact.

He leaned closer, his other hand tucked my hair behind my ear as he lips ghosted around them when he whispered, “ Admit it, or if you refuse then I'll just continue until I make you confess the truth. Choice is yours. ”

I could hear the smirk in his voice as he waited for my answer, his mouth near my ear as I just closed my eyes to register the words he just said. Not hearing any response, he leaned in more and nipped onto my earlobe. I felt the tingling sensation before he actually nipped it harder making me gasp before I smacked his upper shoulder, stopping him and making hin to retreat into the earlier position.

His gaze didn't falter at all, as he stared me with my face heating the more I looked at him. I needed to admit it if I want to get away from him. I drew in a long breath to calm more leaping heart and turned my head to the side.

“ Fine, you're my ideal type. ” I admitted, as soon as the words left my mouth I wanted to get inti a rocket and fly far away from this earth. I closed my eyes shut, waiting for him to get off of me and then let out a cocky laugh and satisfaction but none of them happened.

I felt him dip his head more low and near my neck, but before I could ever turn my head or open my eyes, I felt him kiss the skin very gently and I waited for more but he just stopped. I realised how much he was enjoying toying and teasing me but he won't get off too easy, I'll make sure of it.

“ You know, that means I win, right? ” His eyebrows raised, and I just nodded slowly before he let go of my hand and his body lifted away from mine. I was finally able to breathe when his weight lifted off mine and say back upright amd the first thought was to burst out of his room as soon as possible.

“ Not so fast. ”  he said, halting me by an arm on my wrist. I scrunched my eyebrows at him in co fusion, I admitted to him, didn't I?

“ You won, didn't you? Now let go. ” I hissed at him, his eyes now getting more darker as he sat just in front of me on his bed.

“ You didn't mention any condition for my win which means I get to decide what I want from you. ” his words made me rethink and I cursed to myself for being so stupid to focus on my win that it didn't even cross me if he'd win, he would also get to ask or wish for something.

  So I want you to kiss me. ”

A/n:—   *author drops dead from nose bleed*

Rip to all the readers because I don't think anyone of you'll be alive by now, however please dont die until after commenting your thoughts and voting if you liked the chapter.

It took me a while to update because *coughs* exams results were out *coughs gains loudly* and your author chan barely made it in physics. I hope you don't get mad for the looonnggg break I pulled. In a way to forgive me i wrote this spicy chapter, however I doubt it is actually even considered to be spicy, ok now I'm rambling again like some clown again.

Oh, at last thank you all for 2k reads!!! 💜💜💜

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