Roses Wilt, Bites Scar [boyxb...

By FKNichols17

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Insanity was bred in the pits of Hell. Emeri Marcello was a deep believer in that. His sole empire clawed awa... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XX

Chapter XIX

510 39 2
By FKNichols17

~Saturday 11th June 2011~

Emeri often found himself smiling as he watched Arlo sleep, finding that the boy had a way about him whilst he slumbered that the man found interesting. Something peaceful, relaxed, that he wouldn't have ever expected anyone to feel around him. Never had a human felt calm enough to sleep around him before. Usually, they were skittish, constantly flinching, tense. Yet, Arlo was the complete opposite.

Curled up against Emeri's side, with his head resting in the man's lap, Arlo slept perfectly. With gentle breaths leaving his lips, and quiet snores being the only sound gracing the man's ears, Emeri felt calm too. His muscles unwound, eyes even having closed for a few hours during the night. Of course, he couldn't sleep with the boy truly, not unless he consumed an ungodly amount of alcohol first, but it was nice enough to just be in the moment with him. That was enough.

Emeri had intended to work during the night, as he often did, however, Arlo was just too much of a distraction. Too many times during the evening had the man found himself drifting into some serene place in his mind whilst he gazed at the slumbering human. In the end, he gave in. His laptop sat forgotten on the bed by his feet, whilst Emeri merely watched Arlo, gazing down at him with an expression he hoped wasn't too severe.

He had thought about waking the boy a few hours ago, since he could feel his thirst clawing at the base of his throat, but decided against it. Of course, he had then scrutinised his decision for a long time, wondering why he had acted so selflessly. He shouldn't have cared about Arlo's slumber, he should have simply bitten the boy and not bothered as to whether he woke or not. However, he just couldn't.

He didn't want to disturb him, not when he was like that. He needed the sleep, and that was how Emeri rationalised his decision. He didn't want to push the boy to that same place he had before, he didn't want to risk hurting him seriously. He still remembered the fear that consumed him when Arlo had collapsed, the guilt that threatened to drown him afterwards too left just as much impression. He wouldn't forget that, it would haunt him.

"Hush, kitten," Emeri murmured when Arlo muttered something indiscernible in his sleep, running a hand through the boy's silken curls to soothe him. He had uttered phrases here and there throughout the night, which Emeri didn't find as irritating as he had assumed. It was almost endearing when the boy murmured his name too, he was dreaming of him, and Emeri hoped it was a pleasant experience.

Emeri wondered what his family would think, what his subjects and staff would wonder when they found out about his newfound relationship. His brothers would likely be pleased, Rourke and Keanu anyway, Mali might take some convincing. He had been scorned by love, he didn't have the heart to believe that it could last. Emeri could understand that, hence why he kept the man on a longer leash, compared to his other brothers anyway.

Rourke would want to know everything, he would babble on like an excited child, intent on learning the details of his brother's 'first love'. He was melodramatic like that, if the word could even really compare. Keanu would take it calmer. He was quiet in himself, and Emeri imagined that would follow through during the revelation. He hoped so anyway, Emeri would have enough to deal with with his other brothers, he didn't need all three overreacting.

"Were you here all night?" Emeri was roused from his thoughts by Arlo's drowsy voice, looking down at the boy to find his eyes open, yet still looking awfully tired.

"Mhmm," Arlo's lips curled into a lazy smile, a content sigh passing over them as he moved closer to Emeri, if that was even possible. He covered his mouth whilst he yawned, nuzzling his cheek against Emeri's thigh like some sort of dog, only broadening the man's smile.

"That's sweet," Arlo tugged on the covers around him, drawing them further up to his chin so they covered his shoulder too. Emeri had tried to keep him covered all night but it was quite the task when the boy squirmed about so much in his sleep.

"Why don't you sleep?"

"I'm not sure, it's the demonic side of me. I just have no need to sleep, maybe because my soul is impaired," Emeri had spoken to Sioux about it some time ago, however, the witch didn't have much of an answer for him either. It was simply nature, maybe the punishment for being such a dark being, never being allowed to truly feel peace. Emeri doubted anyone would ever really know.

"Are you dead?" Clearly Arlo had been harbouring these questions for a long time, since they seemed to be leaving his lips so easily. Emeri didn't mind, he had always found it rather bizarre that Arlo hadn't asked much when he was first brought to De Inferis, he had been expecting the interrogation at some point.

"It's complicated, I breathe air and my heart beats, but I'm not dead. I'm not decaying or fading away, I'm stuck in some limbo between. I'm not sure there's a word for it," even though so many believed Emeri didn't have a heart, it did in fact beat. Anatomically, he was human, it was simply the rest of him that was corrupted so severely.

"But you would die if there was no air? Or if your heart stopped?" If Emeri didn't trust Arlo as he did, he might think that the boy was plotting something against him.

"Only plumeria and devil's snare can kill me. Although, I don't think it would be pleasant to suffocate anyway."

"Has it ever happened? Have you ever tried something like that? Just to find out?" Arlo rolled over onto his back, his eyes opening, fatigue seeming to have disappeared from his expression only to be replaced with intrigue.

"You're the masochist, my kitten, I prefer to inflict the pain, rather than receive it," Emeri brushed a stray curl out of Arlo's face, sharing in a soft smile with the boy. He looked pretty in the morning, with a dishevelled appearance despite the light in his eyes. Refreshed, was probably the best word to use.

"Well, if you ever turn me, I'll do it. Just to see what happens," Emeri chuckled, he should have expected as much. Arlo, ever curious, even into aspects that might actually cause him injury. Maybe that should have worried the man, yet, instead, it simply made him enjoy the boy more. He was unique, brave, and Emeri found that awfully attractive.

"You really are sick," Arlo giggled, sitting up then, moving to straddle Emeri's thighs. He had a feeling the boy did that to feel close to him, their chests brushing together, although he could have a more sinister motive. In that position, he could feel every physical reaction the man had to him, every twitch of Emeri's cock, he could know exactly what set him off. Cheating, in some aspects, despite being so ingenious.

"Thirsty?" Arlo offered his wrist, which Emeri merely batted away. He had a taste for the boy's neck, hence why he had removed the collar the boy had previously been wearing constantly. In any other case, that would mean Emeri was planning on killing Arlo, yet it was the opposite. He didn't want the strap of leather impairing his access to his boy's throat, he actually had something much better in mind.

"I want to drink from you, my kitten," Emeri purred, leaning close to flick his tongue over the shell of the boy's ear, hearing his breath hitch in his throat, "when I'm buried deep inside you. Your blood tastes sweeter when you're cumming," Emeri smirked when Arlo ground his hips down on him, their cocks grazing against one another, the friction being nowhere enough. Sadly, the boy would have to wait, Emeri had another agenda to begin with.

"Please..." as much as Emeri adored Arlo's begging, he stilled the boy's hands as they fumbled with his belt, "Em, come on, I want to," for others, the first time might have some sort of symbolic sentimentality. Emeri didn't care for that, and he knew Arlo didn't either. They didn't need candles or rose petals, they didn't even need to go slow. It would be rough, and lewd, and bloody. Arlo would just have to wait a few more moments.

"I have a gift for you," Arlo let out a frustrated whine, a pout on his lips, yet he remained silent and still whilst Emeri collected a black box from the top drawer of his bedside table.

"God, you're not proposing, are you?" Although Arlo was joking, there was a twinge of fear in his tone. Emeri merely chuckled, handing the box to the boy without a word. One day, maybe, it would be a ring. For now, the box contained a beautiful silver necklace, made of delicate chain loops.

"A gift from my mother when I was crowned, I wore it for a few years but it didn't fit well with me. I like to see something around your ne-" Emeri was cut off when Arlo's lips crashed into his, the boy's hands already working away at the buttons of his shirt, splaying out over the man's stomach and chest. Emeri smiled into the kiss, fisting a hand into the boy's hair to tip his head back as he dragged his lips down over Arlo's throat, the tip of his fangs and tongue lining the path he was taking.

"It's- fuck- it's beautiful- ah- Em," Arlo panted out, each word punctuated with those cute little moans he made as he unbuckled Emeri's belt.

There was no slowing the two down now, the desperation having billowed over into something insurmountable. Lips connected over and over whilst hands worked at one another's clothing. Emeri had an easier job, simply able to tear through the shirt draped over Arlo's shoulders with his claws, tossing aside the shreds of fabric whilst he repeated the action with the boy's boxers. Arlo seemed to give up with undressing Emeri more than pulling the man's cock out of his slacks and unbuttoning his shirt. They didn't need to waste the time.

"Ride me," Emeri commanded, his sight enhancing as the mask around him slipped away. Arlo froze for a moment, his eyes flickering over the man's chest, catching on each of the markings covering him as they glowed red under his touch, fading back to black once the heat of his fingertips passed. Emeri allowed him the time, collecting the lube from his bedside table and coating his fingers with it. However, when he reached around to begin stretching the boy, Arlo gripped his wrist.

"No, don't do that," Arlo breathed, taking the lube from Emeri and pouring a considerable amount over the man's cock instead, working it to cover him with his hand. Emeri let out a soft groan at the contact, not bothering to stifle his moans as he usually did. He knew it made Arlo work harder to please him, he simply didn't care to anymore. The boy was enough, he didn't need him to work anymore.

"Arlo, I know you like pain but that's too much," Emeri had never thought he would find himself stopping to care about the comfort of his partner when all he used to view them as before was cocksleeves. They were there to please him, he shouldn't have care if he caused lasting damage. And, yet, he couldn't bear to do such a thing to Arlo.

"Just go slow," Emeri rested his hands on Arlo's hips whilst the boy positioned himself above his member, "stay still, let me," Arlo was looking to Emeri for permission, allowing only the head of the man's cock to press against his hole until he had the OK from him. Emeri thought about arguing more, but knew Arlo wouldn't change his mind.

Emeri nodded to the boy, gasping at the tightness of his hole when Arlo began to lower himself down slowly onto the man's length. Arlo let out a slurry of curses, whining too when Emeri's claws punctured the flesh on his hips. Emeri's gritted his teeth, focusing on continuing with some semblance of level breathing even though he felt as though he was completely consumed in the feeling of Arlo's insides. Warm and tight and unlike anything he had ever experienced, it was his own form of heaven.

"You don't need to-" before Emeri even had chance to finish, Arlo dropped down swiftly, taking the remaining inches of the man's length with a cry of pain. Tears streaked down his cheeks, a soft sob rolling over his trembling lips, yet his cock was still hard and leaking. He was enjoying every moment, every spike of pain, every tear, he loved it. He was perfect.

"Just take a minute," Emeri whispered, cupping Arlo's cheek and brushing away the tears despite more taking their place in an instant, "my beautiful kitten," he added in a soft voice, peppering tender kisses to his shoulder and collarbone, sucking dark marks on his flesh. He wanted to inflict his own pain on the boy, yet he knew there was a chance it could be too much with what he was already feeling. Instead, he chose to show some sense of affection, and Arlo seemed to appreciate it, moaning on as he rolled his hips slightly.

"Feels good," the boy uttered through gritted teeth, starting to bounce gingerly. The movements were slow at first, something that Emeri was used to, however, he slowly found himself falling in love with. The room was filled with their moans, mingling in with obscene noises as they kissed and the slapping of their skin together as Arlo increased the pace. Emeri knew neither would last long, not this time.

Feeling Arlo clench around him, Emeri moved his hands to the boy's back, resting his claws over his shoulder blades. Just as Arlo came, crying out his name, Emeri sank his fangs into the flushed skin of his throat, tearing through his back in two long swipes of his claws simultaneously. He groaned, albeit muffled through the blood and muscle, as he released deep within the boy in an orgasm so intense he actually thought he might pass out. It was perfect.

"If I'd known sex with you was gonna be so good, I'd have agreed weeks ago," Arlo murmured in soft voice, his face buried in the crook of Emeri's neck as they laid together in the bath. Every so often, the boy would grimace when the pinkish water would lap against the wounds on his back but, other than that, there was a stillness between them in the room.

"Mmm, I doubt you would have believed me if I had told you. You already thought I was an arrogant ass to begin with," Emeri glanced down at the eight deep gashes streaking Arlo's back, still debating whether he should have them stitched before he had someone perform a healing ritual. He had never cut Arlo so deep before, nor had it been his intention. He had gotten carried away, which was rather unheard of for himself. He tended to keep a good grip over his control, the pleasure had just been too much.

"An arrogant ass who knows how to fuck, I think I can overlook the lesser aspects of you for that," Emeri smiled at Arlo's brief laughter, moving the boy to what he hoped was a more comfortable position laid over him when he grimaced once again. The aftereffects of the pain Emeri inflicted did nothing for him. It would be significantly better if he could just bring himself to turn the boy then he wouldn't have to deal with them for so long.

"I want you to come to dinner with me tonight," Emeri had been debating the notion for the past half an hour whilst he had reclined with Arlo in their silence together. It had begun as only a fleeting thought, however, it managed to root itself in Emeri's mind and it seemed like a good one.

"Eat with you? Where? Up there?"

"No, with my family, in the dining hall," Emeri was breaking a lot of his own rules with Arlo, creating many firsts for them to share together. Yet, this law, this wasn't one of his own. Meals were permitted only to blood relatives, it was Caedes' choice, had been for millennia. Emeri could get into some serious trouble for breaking such a tradition.

"Are you sure? I thought staff wasn't allowed in there with you unless it was an emergency or something," Emeri clicked his tongue slightly, a frown darkening his expression at Arlo's comment.

"You're not staff, Arlo, you never have been."

"Yeah, I'm beneath them, I get it," even though Arlo spoke with a humorous tone, Emeri could hear a pained edge to his voice.

"You are my lover, Arlo, my boyfriend. You and I are equals now," Arlo laughed bitterly, only worsening Emeri's frown, "you are family, Arlo, therefore you come to dinner tonight with me. It wasn't an option for you, kitten, I just thought I'd phrase it as so since that tends to make you more compliant," Emeri had figured out many of Arlo's tics, and many subtle ways to get what he wanted with the boy without beginning an argument. He liked to think he had free will in many of the matters that were non-negotiable with Emeri, simple enough really.

"And your brothers will be there? Your dad too?"

"Family tends to be present at a family dinner, Arlo," Emeri's tone was playful, meaning he was cheerful enough even to smile when Arlo rolled his eyes. Bizarre, really, how little he cared for the boy's disobedience. There was something awfully alluring about it.

"So this is your way of introducing me to them? Don't you think it's a little rash?"

"No, I think it's a better idea to do it swiftly. There will be some form of conflict no matter how I explain the change in our situation," Emeri glanced down at Arlo, finding a sheepish expression on the boy's face, "what is it, kitten?"

"I've never been to a family dinner, I've never done the rounds with meeting the parents. I don't really know how to act," a smile crept onto Emeri's lips, followed by a chuckle as he settled his gaze back at the wall opposite.

"Be yourself, Arlo, you've already won Rourke over like that. And it will amuse me greatly to watch Mali squirm at your presence. The evening will be interesting," Emeri's smile broadened to something bordering on sinister, "I've never brought a boy to dinner. Scandalous." 

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