Imposter (Ticci-Toby X Reader)

By VikingMetalToby

85.5K 3.1K 3.3K

This story is also available in its partially edited form on Quotev: More

(Y/N) 1
Ticci Toby 1
(Y/N) 2
Ticci Toby 2
(Y/N) 3
Ticci Toby 3
(Y/N) 𝟒
(Y/N) 𝟓
Ticci Toby 4
(Y/N) 6
(Y/N) 7
Ticci Toby 5
(Y/N̶͎̫̉̍͘͝) 8
(Y/N̶͎̫̉̍͘͝) 9̷̡͈͇̗̘̐̔́
Ticci Toby 6
Jane 1
(Y/N̶͎̫̉̍͘͝) 1̴̨͍̩̱̓̿͋͌0
Ticci Toby 7
Ticci Toby 8
Masky 1
(Y̸̢̨̭̟͍̫͉͊/N̶͎̫̉̍͘͝) 1̴̨͍̩̱̓̿͋͌1̴̨͍̩̱̓̿͋͌
Ticci Toby 9
Jane 2
(Y̸̢̨̭̟͍̫͉͊/N̶͎̫̉̍͘͝) 1̴̨͍̩̱̓̿͋͌2̸̧͙͉̹̮͕͈͕̻̙̓́̈͊̈̽̓̎͘
Ticci Toby 10
Ticci Toby
Reality ?
End ?
This Isn't An Update But...
Changing the... story genre?


1.4K 64 144
By VikingMetalToby

Someone please help me.

This is the loudest I've ever wanted to scream in my life.

I felt like tearing my eyes out of their sockets.

My arms no longer needed to be attached to my body, I thought vehemently.

I don't need these things anymore—not after the awful things I've done.

I think especially of BEN and how I'd mercilessly caused him to suffer...I remember seeing little Nina's body slumped on the ground...Jane's scarred face twisted in a broken panic as she spent her last moments contemplating what I'd done to her after all she'd did to try to help me...

...No, she didn't help. This happened because of her. This happened because of...all of them!

They're murderers and I...I did the right thing. I stopped...most them from committing more crimes ever again, right? Or was it all still WRONG?

My mind raced constantly with confusing and disturbing thoughts as I ran through the woods, trying to find my way out. I just wanted to go home...I wanted it all to be over with. I'm not sure how long I'd even last if I even make it home to be honest...

I don't know if I can live out the rest of my life with these memories...

Thinking about all the pain this might end up causing my Dads wracks my heart. I knew deep down they were gonna pay for my fuck up somehow. These thoughts might drive me to the point of ending it all. They'll suffer with the pain of losing me, their only child. One of the fuckers who were left alive might try and hunt me and my Dads down for revenge...

I knew I should've killed Toby right as he had shown up...but now I'm nothing without those pills.

And to be honest, now that I'm back to my normal state of mind...which isn't so normal, I don't think I would've wanted to kill Toby. I didn't want to kill anyone—I was scared and didn't know what to do.

I regret everything...

I hear the sound of leaves crackling and heavy footsteps pounding behind me. I turn slightly and see Toby trailing behind me. He's getting faster and faster by the second.

I face forwards again and push myself to run faster, even though the strain I was putting on my body starts to kick in and the fact that I had no more help from the pills left me even more drained. My throat starts burning and I could just faintly taste the irony sharpness of blood.

I only gain a few steps more before my legs starts giving way and I start tripping while still attempting to flee.

"Just give it up already!" I heard Toby yell harshly from in the distance behind. His voice clearly sounded strained from consistent shouting. "You c-can't run from wh-what you did! Give it-t the fuck up! (Y/N)!!"

His sudden angered roar catches me off guard and my knee buckles after my foot connects with the ground at an awkward angle. This causes me to collapse to one of my knees, and I wince in pain from the impact. Despite this, I suck in all my willpower and I quickly push myself up and try to start running again, but Toby catches up and roughly grabs my arm, pulling me back.

I don't say anything, nor do I try to fight back now that he has me in his grasp; I'm just too worn at this point, and being held back makes me realize that. Toby shoves me forwards on the ground back onto my knees and I feel the nozzle of the gun he was carrying around press against the back of my skull. I can hear his choppy breathing reverberating from behind me.

I avoid even turning to look at my look alike and stare forwards at the vast thicket of woods spread before me while I try to catch my breath. It stays silent between the two of us for a long stretch; me there on my knees exhausted with my head bowed to the ground and Toby probably weighing the thought of wether he should gun me down or not.

After a long enough wait, I finally decide to speak up.

"I'm going h-home..." I mutter stiffly, only barely twisting my head and straining my eyes to gaze at him behind these blood-stained goggles. "I just w-want to see my Dads again...I saw you with them...I want to make sure th-they're okay."

"They're fine." Toby's retort was abrupt and  harsh.

The way he responded, like he knew my parents. It sort of pissed me off.

I make a move to get up from the ground and he fidgets with the gun against my scalp. At this point, I don't care anymore, wether he shoots or not. My emotions were beginning to swell again. "I saw you with them...pretending to be me. Trying to steal my life..." I mumble, my voice becoming a cold growl.

"You'd best be grateful I didn't kill them wh-when I could've," Toby sneered, "I could've t-t-taken them out at-t any moment I wi-wished."

"Then why didn't you?? What were you doing?? Why were you pretending to be me? Meanwhile I had to sp-spend every hour in that mansion in fear that someone would figure I wasn't you and risk being torn apart in the most ...g-gruesome ways possible!"

I turn my head more and see his mouth gaped open, but he quickly shuts it and says nothing in response to my questions; he instead remained looking lost for words, like he was holding back and didn't want to reveal his reasonings for lying to my Dads and faking as me.

I scoffed at this and face forwards again, warily and slowly bringing myself to stand. I was wobbly a bit, and my legs were still burning from my previous run, but I was determined enough to stand for myself and continue on.

"Please... let me go," I muttered, "I'll g-g-get to go back home and pretend none of th-this ever happened. I can...I can live with my Dads and be happy again..."

Ticci-Toby's p. o. v.

"I'll g-g-get to go back home and pretend none of th-this ever happened. I can...I can live with my Dads and be happy again..."

(Y/N)'s remark cuts into my brief moment of thinking of Ryan and Steven, and I snap back to attention. I shake my head at them.

"...You do u-understand I can't let you le-leave these woods alive, correct?"

My response was gruff, as I'd needed it to be. I don't care if this all spiraled because of my idiocy of not coming back home—this absolute moron was going to have to pay for murdering the killers, one way or another. I'm not letting them off the hook.

Another wave of silence fell upon us. Then, I noticed (Y/N) had started to shudder rather violently.

"I-I just wanna go home...hahah...god I just want to go home, please..." (Y/N)'s hands slowly raise to their head and they start breathing heavier, "that's all...that's all I wanted from the BEGINNING. That's...that's all I freaking ASKED for...I wanted to FUCKING GO HOME!

Their head suddenly spun around at me and they flung the goggles off of their eyes and onto the ground before them—I could see their wide, bloodshot eyes in their full nature now, looking at me in a tortured confusion, "why...didn' just... kill me!? Why didn't Jane just...kill me?"

(Y/N) continued to clutch their head and panic while I remained still. ...Everything they must've been through to get to this ...breaking was almost a bit hard for me to watch.

"I don't think yo-you understand the gravity of wh-what you've done..." I utter, trying to sound patient with them—at the same time I was shamefully trying to avoid the fact that (Y/N) had every right to be enraged with me for taking over their life and allowing things to escalate this far.

"It's not FAIR. I wouldn't have don't this if...if...if..."

They continued to stumble over their words and their voice remained in a petrified pitch. Mucus was falling from their nose and tears stained their pale face. They looked like a miserable wreck. They appeared just like me...that face of hopelessness, terror, and was all the things I displayed when my life first began to fall apart.

My mind was slacking on coming up with things to say. For some ludicrous reason, I felt sympathy for (Y/N). They only did all of this out of fear of the safety of their Dads. Fear for themself. It doesn't excuse the fact that they murdered my comrades...but I couldn't godamn blame them.

I sigh heavily and think to myself for a bit before slowly striding up to them. I rest my hand on their shoulder and they immediately tense up in reaction, dropping their hands from their head and staring at me with widened eyes.

"Listen to me," I start, trying to keep my voice calm, "I know this...this is partly my f-fault...but you...I can't le-et you go h-home...I swear y-our Dads are safe..."

"Have...have to see them with—with my own eyes..."

"I can't... let-t you do that."


I give off a pained exhale and think to myself for a moment. I felt horrible about even feeling this way, but I didn't want to kill my doppelgänger. Something was holding me back from ending them right then and there, despite what they did. However, I still couldn't let them leave. I had to make them pay for the others' sake, somehow.

"You're going t-to stay here—with me. In the woods..." I say in a resolute tone. "I'll merciful t-to you but yo-you'll have t-t-to face my mas-ster..."

(Y/N) blinked at me. Slowly, a faltered, crazed smile forms on their face and they scoff at me in an unhinged accent, "Face him? I-I-I already 'faced' that faceless...faceless bastard... I already told him I want nothing—nothing to do with him or any of you. I don't care if he admires what I did...I don't c-care if he thinks I'm fit to be a killer...I'll never be like any of you."

It took me a while to run through and process what (Y/N) said in my head. "W-Wait a mi-minute..." I breathe out after a bit, my heart starting to pound a tad faster in my chest. "What do y-you mean he 'admires' wha-a-at you d-di-id...."

"Of course you don't know," (Y/N) hissed, their eyes now narrowing at me, "I'll tell it to you straight then. Toby, your so-called 'master' doesn't give a shit about any of you! He watched me kill all your friends and didn't intervene once—he told me this himself! Instead, he wanted me to join him, become a replacement and serve him as a killer. Imagine that. Your own boss isn't even loyal to you. You peopl—you killers are loathsome."

At this point I was clutching my chest in a rising panic. " no, you're wrong, Sl-Slender wou-would never...he would'nt-t!"

I started hyperventilating uncontrollably, feeling a mixture of anger and betrayal boiling inside of me. Slender...LET everyone...die? The only one who could've stopped this...the one everyone looked up to an-and trusted?? HE let them die!

"Say it's n-not real...say it's all a l-lie..." I stammer through clenched teeth. "P-Please (Y/N) tell-l me you'r—"


(Y/N)'s p. o. v.

My head spins around when Toby's horrified trembling gets cut off by a man's familiar voice.

I see someone limping and shuffling through some bushes in the distance; a man with untidy dark brown hair and ...he was wearing one of my jackets and a pair of my jeans as well as one of my sets of boots. You could tell something was off about one of his arms, considering some of the sleeve of the jacket looked ...empty. His face was very familiar, however.


"M-Masky....God Mask-ky, wh-what are you doing here—e!?" Toby snapped out of his hysterics, immediately rushing from me and to the man that was limping forwards. "You left me, you absolute dumbass, you left me in that house," Masky growled as Toby approached him. I watch the two of them as they begin converse in a rather...quarrelsome manner... yet my mind begins to slip away.

I wanted to go home. I wanted to see my Steven and my Ryan again...even if I had to die trying. I knew that more than likely I would die trying, considering Toby claims that I won't be leaving these woods alive, but I'll just have to fight till the last moment. To prove that I would do anything for the two men that took care of me and raised me my whole life.

I turn my attention away from Toby and Masky and start walking again.

"Wait...wait a minute—Toby, whose that? You weren't making shit up, were you? That's that imposter you were talking  about, isn't it?"

I flinched hearing Masky's discovery echo in my direction, yet I keep walking.

Next thing I know, I hear heavy steps approaching behind me and I quickly turn to see Masky tripping over himself trying to run after me. His face is twisted in a furious, resentful scowl as he starts shouting at me. "I'll kill you motherfucker! I'll kill you for what you've done!"

I break into a sprint as he somehow manages to catch up with me despite running like he was eventually going to collapse on himself. My vision starts to go blurry as I push myself to run again; the sounds of Toby and Masky yelling after me were only a distant ringing in my ears.

I'm only able to get a few feet ahead when Toby finally catches up with me before Masky does. I feel him grabbing onto my arm again like before but this time I wasn't going to be held back so easily. Despite having practically zero strength compared to when I had been on those pills, I force myself to take ahold of one of the hatchets on the harness and I swing with all my might at Toby. Toby cursed loudly and quickly ducked, just in time for the blade to just barely slice his face.

"I'm sorry Toby," I muttered, holding the axe before myself defensively. "I'm sorry this all happened...and that Slender betrayed you—all of you. But I did it all for family..."

Masky finally stumbles up to Toby's side and roughly grasps his hand which held the gun, forcing him to aim at me. "Shoot them Rogers, fucking end them already," Masky hissed, while Toby seemed to struggle out of Masky's hold. "Ma-Masky, I—I can't..." Toby choked in response, trying to lower the gun while Masky continued to hassle with him. "You-u don't und-understand...Sl-Slender allowed all o-of this—...he betrayed us!"

"...Don't screw with me Toby, don't you hear yourself? Either use the damn gun or I'll shoot them myself!"

My eyes darted between the two frantically as they started to scuffle with each other for the gun. I was so focused on them fighting that I barely noticed the silhouettes of what looked to be people advancing in our direction from the trees in the distance. A familiar voice then calls out and Toby and Masky's attention were quickly grasped, as well as mine. All three of us immediately spotted who we were being approached by.

I felt my heart skip more than a beat at the sight of none other than my own fathers.

My Ryan and Steven.

Their heavy trekking was accompanied by the sounds of sticks and leaves crunching below the soles of their boots as they drew near. My Ryan lead the way, gripping his personal AK-47 in an offensive stance as he now pointed his aim in Masky's specific direction, and Masky quickly unhandled Toby. "(Y/N)!" My Steven's terrified voice rang in my ears, sending a wave of security and calmness through my body.

I wasn't going to wait anymore. I was finally freed from this mess. My Dads came looking for me.

Only God knows how they found out I was here in the woods, or how they even tracked me this far in.

But none of it mattered to me now. I was going home, I was going to be with them again.

I grip the hatchet in my hand and shove past Toby and Masky who blocked me from my Dads' view.

I run towards my them, a new rush of adrenaline surging throughout my body at just witnessing the sight of them.

My breathing quickened and I felt my heart racing inside of my body.

Everything I did was for them. I murdered the Creepypastas so that no harm would ever come to them.

I loved them so much and I was going to let them know at last.

I get ready to rip off the mask covering my mouth to greet them and finally bring relief to us all.

Ryan instantly shifts his aim on me and lets loose a barrage of rounds in my direction. I feel the fire of multiple bullets pierce my torso and continue straight up to the bottom of my neck before everything completely stopped.

My consciousness doesn't even allow me one more second to take in a last glimpse of my parents. Just like that, it all ends.




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