Below the surface- YeonKai

By lonely_moa

3.4K 301 370

Are you feeling nervous? Does my voice deceive you? Does my voice lead you? I only want to become something t... More

Character info and important notes
Intro- Into the terrors
Chapter 1- No time for introductions
Chapter 3- Strangers
Chapter 4- Useless
Chapter 5- Left forgotten forever
Chapter 6- Your issue is?
Chapter 7- Who I was before
Chapter 8- A story or a lie?
Chapter 9- My rules
Chapter 10- He means what he says
Chapter 11- Don't blink
Chapter 12- Just answer
Chapter 13- Accident?
Chapter 14- To be or not to be?
Chapter 15- WHY NOT ME?
Chapter 16- All I can see is her
Chapter 17- I am his and he is mine
Chapter 18- Every Body
Chatper 19- You don't understand
How i met you

Chapter 2- Believe ME

174 20 20
By lonely_moa


The next morning Kai awoke to the darkness of the same old winter morning. The windows edges were frosted over, the room feeling smaller than it had the night before.

It was simple. Three white walls and one small pale pink wall, the colour so light it was easy to miss. Maybe the room had been a girls before it was his. There were a few shelves on the walls and a chest of drawers with a set of white candles on top. Other than that the room was bare, an empty place.

Kai got up, putting himself together before heading downstairs.

It was deadly quiet, not a creak or noise came from the place as if no one were even here. The full house was in darkness, Kai not bothering to turn any lights on as he walked down the thin moody corridors of the house.

He opened the door to the living room, the only room he had actually seen before.

As the door swept open the eyes of Beomgyu locked with Kai's. He looked as if he hadn't slept, his face sunken and sad.

"Beomgyu? Are you okay?" Kai asked worriedly, noticing the boy's fast breathing and shaky frame.

Of course, Beomgyu didn't answer. He was mute, of course he would stay silent.

Kai noticed his mistake, rushing over to him and sitting beside him instead. He put his hand in Beomgyu's, the boy's face shifting to confusion.

"Beomgyu, squeeze my hand if you're okay," Kai instructed calmly.

Beomgyu didn't move his hand, staying deadly still so his message was clear.

"Are you frightened of something?" Kai asked. He was shooting in the dark without a clue but it was a start.

Beomgyu's hand hesitated, a slight squeeze before resorting back to stillness, his head shaking.

"Someone?" Kai hesitated to ask. Inferring he was scared of someone would make it someone within the walls of this house and frankly, they were all scary, narrowing it down would be impossible.

Beomgyu nodded profusely, his eyes desperate as his hand tightened around Kai's.

Suddenly, a second person appeared in the doorway, Kai and Beomgyu's eyes meeting with the fox-like eyes of Yeonjun.

"Am I interrupting something?" He asked, an eyebrow raised. He looked unimpressed, annoyed almost. Like he wanted to snatch the pair apart and keep one all to himself.

"No no, not at all. He just didn't seem right" Kai rushed to answer, removing his hand from Beomgyu's, the other not attempting to hold on.

"He's like that a lot, it can get really annoying. Anyways, breakfast?" Yeonjun offered, dismissing Beomgyu's behaviour in an instant.

"Without the others?" Kai asked questioningly.

"They sleep in late, you'd starve waiting for them" Yeonjun said, stifling a laugh before wandering off.

Kai looked back at Beomgyu who was now standing. He shot him a sympathetic look before following Yeonjun out. Beomgyu followed him in uncomfortable silence. Kai felt bad for dismissing Beomgyu in a way but it was so easy to believe what Yeonjun said, he seemed to know everything about everyone as if they were characters with only a few traits to their names.

To the surprise of both, Yeonjun had already made breakfast.

It was pleasant yet undefinable. It was normal to a certain extent. Toast, cereal and all that but accompanied by some form of meat that Kai just couldn't pinpoint.

Kai also noticed how Beomgyu only drank and didn't eat anything before disappearing again as if he were never there. He had something that looked like a strawberry smoothie that looked nicer than what he had but he felt in no place to complain.

"So, how do you like it here?" Yeonjun asked as he sat back in his chair, the pair alone once again.

"It's nice, the others did creep me out a bit at first but I'm sure they're nice" Kai smiled, trying to subtly lay his concerns out.

"They're alright once you settle in but let me tell you...Soobin don't believe anything he says to you" Yeonjun said almost warningly.

"Why not? He seemed alright after his sudden shouting" Kai questioned as his face contorted.

"He's a pathological liar. Addicted to it. He never stops" Yeonjun explained blankly.

That could explain...what could that explain? He's not really spoken so far.

Kai wanted to believe Yeonjun but without seeing it for himself he didn't want to jump to conclusions.

"Believe me" Yeonjun said enticingly as his eyes captured Kai's.

"Okay I'll be careful with him," Kai assured with a weak smile.

"That's good. Even though I've not known you long I wouldn't want to see you get hurt" Yeonjun smiled, small dimples forming at the corners of his mouth.

Suddenly the door opened, Taehyun and Soobin appearing in the narrow wooden frame.

Yeonjun's smile faded quickly, his alone time with his 'darling' cut short.

"I thought you said they slept until late," Kai whispered to Yeonjun, not paying attention to his change in attitude.

"They normally do," Yeonjun whispered back, his tone irritated but not enough to stir anything.

Yeonjun was someone Kai couldn't figure out. Some things he said in such a short period of time just didn't add up.

Asking about Kai's life and then saying he knew everything.

Telling him the others slept till late when really they're awake rather early.

Maybe it was Kai being paranoid.

"Oh, morning" Taehyun groaned as he rubbed his eyes.

Kai smiled, bowing his head slightly.

"I'm going to work, now behave," Yeonjun said abruptly. His tone suddenly turning almost nasty.

Something about the way Yeonjun emphasised certain words was strange. It made Kai want to question him, to find out more about why he was the way he was. 

The full group never seemed to spend a long time together. When Yeonjun was around, the others left and vice versa.

"You work?" Kai asked.

"I can do many jobs darling. Some better than others" Yeonjun smirked, leaving the room immediately without another word.

The instant he left the room Soobin and Taehyun scrambled towards the table, eyes wide like once before.

"I'm not trying to sound rude but what is it with you guys staring at me?" Kai asked, slightly creeped out at the repetition of the night before.

"You really have no idea," Taehyun sighed.

"Maybe if you told me I would know" Kai replied half annoyed. If something was so wrong it made no sense as to why they just wouldn't tell him.

"Yeonjun. He's a pathological liar. Don't believe a word he says, he can't help but lie. That's all I can say" Soobin whispered as if he could still be heard.

"Are you sure about that?" Kai asked.

Technically it could make sense. Maybe Yeonjun didn't know everything about him. Maybe he just couldn't help but lie.

"Believe me" Soobin practically pleaded.

Believe me




Man idk. Yes. Kai's mixed emotions and everyone's mixed signals. What a mess.

Votes and comments are appreciated :)

Lots and lots of love <3

~Author C

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