Of Roses and Daisies | Rawoon...

By likeasky21

738 39 21

Everything is ready in the Kingdom of Roses to host the most important sword tournament of the year but the p... More

A Chance
Just This Once
A Beautiful Knight
Rose Petals
My Love
A Wish

A Kiss

77 4 2
By likeasky21

Hello my beautiful people ❤ Another chapter, another amazing fan art created by my incredible friend D! Here's the link to the full, uncensored drawing (sometimes I had to due to Wattpad's rules): https://www.deviantart.com/shineunderthemoon/art/OF-ROSES-AND-DAISIES-fic-on-Ao3-fanart-Chapter2-922904740 Please, always support artists like this


"You might not be the winner, but you were the greatest opponent I have ever had for sure!" Youngjo said before drinking from his own glass. "You were the first one whose blade ever touched my skin."

Hwanwoong's eyes followed the other prince's hand as he pointed at the bandage on his own arm.

"You know it wasn't my intention to leave just a scratch on you, Your Majesty." He bitterly commented, mentally cursing at his poor skills at holding his liquor when he realized he was dizzy. "You should have killed me."

Youngjo put his glass down and made a sign to him so the knight had to pour some more wine: "You're such a young and skillful knight, Ser Yeo. Why do you want to die so much by my hand?"

Hwanwoong couldn't help looking down, remembering he had said a similar thing during their battle. "You flatter me, Your Majesty, but I had a purpose and I should have paid the right price for failing."

"Don't you think there's so much more in our lives than winning a sword competition?" Youngjo mindlessly said out loud after emptying the content of his cup, finally starting to feel lightheaded. "We all need to make mistakes to learn so, please, don't let me hear about failure. You did better than any knight I have fought against during the previous tournaments, Ser Yeo." He looked around as he was speaking, spotting his father loudly bragging about his son's achievements with the three most beautiful ladies of the court. "Imagine not being able to be who you want to be because you are constantly reminded of the fact you have duties you can't escape from. There are so many more and much valuable things in life to let the fear of failing block us before we can even try."

Youngjo was talking about himself. He really didn't like when his father acted that way but he was his son, his only son, the only prince, and heir of the Kingdom of Roses. He had promised his dear mother he would have become the good boy she used to tell him he was, a fair and good king who would have changed a lot of things about his father's current way of ruling. That was the reason why Youngjo had been stuck in between doing what he wanted to and following his father's orders.

"What do you mean?" Hwanwoong asked, realizing that who has just spoken beside him wasn't the popular knight Ravn who everyone admired and loved but just a young prince like himself.

"I simply believe we can always learn something important from our mistakes. You see, even the most beautiful of roses has thorns. I think the same goes for every single person in this room: we all experience moments of joy and success as well as sadness and disappointment but-" He kindly asked for more wine to be poured in his glass before continuing. "I think what makes it really worth it is the travel towards the destination, not the destination itself." He took a sip from his cup. "Believe me when I say that I really enjoyed fighting against you, Ser Yeo. Why can't we just feel happy about finding a great opponent in front of us instead of focusing on who has won?"

Hwanwoong frowned. He couldn't believe those wise words were coming straight from the winner. "You... You enjoyed it?"

Youngjo rested his elbow on the table and he held his head on his hand, looking at the other closely: "Didn't you, Ser Yeo? I saw you smiling throughout the match so I figured you were as well..." He left his sentence hanging in the air and he took the chance to drink a bit more wine.

"I..." What did Hwanwoong wanted to say? He had been sent there on a mission he had failed. There was no way he had enjoyed fighting against the other prince, feeling like his life was hanging on a thread while trying to predict the other's moves. "I did..." His eyes widened at his own words and he looked down at his own cup filled with the red nectar, deciding he would have stopped drinking for that night or he would have ended up saying even more nonsense than he already had.

The prince of Roses made their cups click together, raising his own for the knight before drinking. "That is what I'm talking about! We are young, we are handsome and to me we are all brothers." He surrounded the other's neck with his arm, pulling him slightly closer. "No hard feelings!"

Hwanwoong found himself unable to believe what the other had just told him. He had heard many stories about Prince Youngjo and he had just come to the conclusion none of those were true, except for the ones about his very good sword fighting skills. Unless the prince of the Kingdom of Roses had a twin whose personality was the opposite, Youngjo didn't sound full of himself nor narcissistic at all. Hwanwoong had to admit he even seemed like a pretty nice person, talking about brotherhood, and enjoying the process rather than focusing on the finish line only. He was speechless.

"You know..." The prince suddenly spoke again, slowly this time as if alcohol was kicking in. "Fighting with you felt the same way as doing it with my knights friends! You must have prepared yourself very well for the tournament. I would love to practice with you some other time!"

Hwanwoong was looking at the other's hand hanging on his shoulder as a new shocking discovery sank in his brain: his father had lied to him. Prince Youngjo had just befriended him, addressing his knights as if they were brothers and proposing him to fight together like an old friend would have. He had been honorable during their fight and he had been nothing but kind to him even if Hwanwoong was practically a stranger. A clear, loud, question appeared inside the prince of the Kingdom of Daisies head: why the king had created in his son's mind a completely wrong idea of prince Youngjo?

"I'm sorry, I tend to get very talkative when I drink a good wine like this one!" Youngjo apologized, giving the other such a sweet and innocent smile Hwanwoong didn't know how to react.

"N-Not at all, Your Majesty. This wine is truly delicious!" He quickly said, his cheeks feeling hot.

Prince Youngjo laughed: "Let's play a game so you can stop staring at me from here and you can forget about the bitter taste of defeat." He whispered close to Hwanwoong's ear, giving him unexpected goosebumps. "Who wants to play a game with the winner of the tournament?" He asked out loud right after, catching all the guests attention.

Hwanwoong watched many knights and ladies crowd excitedly around them at the prince's call.

"Does anyone of you know a good game we could play?" Youngjo asked and everyone started proposing different options to him. "Oh yes, we should go with that one! Do you know how to play, Ser Yeo?" He asked the knight, tightening the grip of his arm around the other's neck.

"Y-Yes." Hwanwoong's body tensed when the prince's hot breath reached his cheek. He was suddenly feeling extremely shy and awkward now that they weren't alone at the table anymore.

"Great! Everyone, let's play!" Prince Youngjo said to the others cheerfully.

"What's the prize though, Your Majesty?" One of the ladies of the court asked in a quite witty way.

"You know what we want from you, right?" Another one asked with a quite sultry voice as she stole the bottle from Hwanwoong's hands to pour the prince of Roses some more wine.

Youngjo knew exactly what she was talking about, especially because he had already let himself indulge in occasional affairs with court's ladies like her when he had felt the need for a distraction. He smiled charmingly: "The prize is a kiss from your prince. Is that enough for you, my lady?"

The other knights laughed loudly while the ladies squeaked in joy at the great news. Hwanwoong still didn't know how to react at everything that was happening to him but he smiled when they finally started playing, enjoying that subtle feeling of comfort wine had left in his heart after his confusing conversation with the other prince. They had chosen a simple game to see who could drink more while singing a song and doing funny gestures with their hands. Hwanwoong took a sip from his cup, noting to himself to lose on purpose not to get drunk beside the son of his kingdom's mortal enemy.

Before he knew what he was doing, Hwanwoong was singing with them and trying to drink more than the prince to win at least that competition. When he lost, he let his head fall on the table and everyone laughed at him while the prince congratulated with the same bold lady who had proposed the prize. Youngjo waited for the girl to come near him, not expecting her to take a sit on his lap.

"Your face is red, Your Majesty. Do you feel hot?" She asked as her fingers started playing with the strings of the prince's preciously adorned shirt he had worn for the occasion. "Let me help you..." She added before Youngjo caught her wrists to make their lips connect in a passionate kiss.

When Hwanwoong managed to lift his head up, his eyes fell on the prince's Adam's apple moving up and down as he was pushing his tongue inside the lady's mouth. He could clearly hear her shamelessly sighs in front of everyone else who was cheering and whistling to encourage the couple.

Hwanwoong suddenly hit the table with one of his fists, making everyone turn their heads out of surprise, including the prince who stopped what he was doing with the lady. He had been drinking a bit more than he was used to and it took him more than he had expected to stand up and look at Youngjo in the eyes, pointing at him with his empty glass: "I demand a rematch, Your Majesty."

Prince Youngjo's cheeks were red and his eyes slightly unfocused when he smiled at him: "So, you really want to win against me, shortie." He said before briefly kissing the girl once again.

Hwanwoong stood up at the annoying nickname the other had already used with him before their fight: "That is not the way I would prefer to be addressed, Your Majesty." He pointed out, trying to stay still on his feet even though the room had suddenly started spinning around him.

Prince Youngjo gave the lady a light slap on the ass she seemed to particularly enjoy to make her leave her seat on his thighs. Then, he stood up as well, putting his arm around the knight's neck again. "Anything for the prettiest knight of this tournament." He said and everyone laughed at Hwanwoong. "You can choose the game and the rules and I will play with you again."

Hwanwoong felt his blood boiling in his veins and his face on fire at the prince's words. He looked around to find any kind of tool they could have used to compete. Then, the shape of a horse on one of the flags adorning the walls of the majestic hall where they were celebrating caught his attention.

"A horse ride." He abruptly said. "I want to compete with Your Majesty in a horse ride."


Hwanwoong had no idea how they had all managed to reach the entrance of the forest surrounding the castle of the Kingdom of Roses walls alongside other five knights and three ladies of the court who definitely wanted to enjoy the funny competition. One of the knights, who was also a dear friend of Youngjo's, showcased a very fun impersonation of the king announcing the beginning of another special tournament while the others helped a tipsy prince Youngjo and a quite drunk Hwanwoong get on their horses backs. They were all too inebriated to even think about any possible risk what they were about to do might have implied: it was just a game.

When they were both well seated, they looked at each other and Youngjo smiled, even if he had no particular reason to do so, before speaking: "So, what do we have to do, shortie?"

"Don't call me like that!!" Hwanwoong replied, unable to hide the fact his patience was running short. "The first who arrives at the wheat field wins. That's it."

"Good, my dear knights!" Their replica of the king said. "Three... Two... One... Go!!"

Youngjo's black horse and Hwanwoong's white one moved at the same time at their commands, quickly disappearing in between the trees. Hwanwoong knew how fast his horse was and the fact he was slightly smaller in size than the prince's was an advantage, making him visibly faster. The prince of the Kingdom of Daisies had no idea how he was riding it in the first place, completely trusting his quadruped friend to avoid hitting a trunk because his eyes saw the double of the trees in front of him.

In a blink of an eye, he found himself exiting the forest, just on time to remember that was their finish line and he had been the first one to reach it. He turned around, ready to brag about it, but no one was behind him and his face dropped, immediately considering the idea the others could have fooled him.

His suspects turned out to be unfounded when he heard a horse neighing closely and he saw the shadow of Prince Youngjo appearing from the trees right after. Hwanwoong watched the other trying to steady his horse but the animal seemed to be very angry at him when he lifted himself up on his back legs, unsaddling the prince who fell on the ground.

Youngjo started laughing uncontrollably: it had been a long time since he had felt so carefree.

"Are you alright, Your Majesty?" Hwanwoong couldn't help asking as he jumped off his own horse. The prince wouldn't stop laughing and he had to admit it was starting to get contagious because he found himself smiling too when he approached him. "Your Maj-" He was interrupted when Youngjo abruptly grabbed his wrist, pulling him down so that he could have laid beside him on the comfortable bed the ears of wheat naturally made under them. "Your Majesty?"

Hwanwoong had to wait a bit longer for the prince to finally stop laughing but he didn't mind.

"I'm very good, Ser Yeo." Youngjo replied, putting his hands behind his own head to act as a pillow while he focused his eyes on the magnificent clear night sky above them. "Look at those stars. Aren't they beautiful? I think they are so beautiful if I look at them from here and not from one of the castle's windows." He took a deep breath, enjoying that feeling of freedom suddenly washing over him.

Hwanwoong couldn't bring himself to look up as well because the prince's eyes were shining even more brightly than the stars, inevitably catching his attention. He shook his head a couple of times in the attempt to knock some sense back into his brain, but the thought of being there, just two young men like them, laying in the middle of a golden sea, under a bright full moon, made him feel so small. "Beautiful indeed, Your Majesty." He finally answered, although it wasn't clear if he was talking about the stars or about their reflection in the prince's irises. That being said, he finally let himself to lay down in the same position as Youngjo to actually enjoy the view as well.

They stood in a comfortable silence for an undefined amount of time before Hwanwoong suddenly remembered why they were there in the first place. "I won." He lifted himself up to sit cross-legged. "I won the challenge, Your Majesty. I'm the winner!!" He cheerfully said as the other sat up as well. "I defeated you!" He couldn't help laughing but he stopped when he noticed Youngjo hadn't said a thing and he was just looking at him in a weird mocking way. "What?"

The prince of the Kingdom of Roses gave him a sweet smile: "Nothing. I was just thinking that I would have let you win sooner if had known you had such an endearing smile, Ser Yeo."

Hwanwoong found himself wondering how strong the wine they had must had been because the prince's comment had just made his entire body feel as if he were being roasted on a fire.

Youngjo's laugh echoed in the air again: "C'mon! Your cheeks are redder than a lady of the court's!" He commented, casually slapping one of the other's thighs. "Which makes me think..." His hand stopped there where it was, his fingers still grasping the other's skin. "A winner deserves a prize."

"Of course he does!!" Hwanwoong immediately said, genuinely happy he had won against him.

He hadn't been expecting Youngjo to close the distance between them, connecting their lips in a kiss.

Hwanwoong gasped as soon as he realized what the other had just done, instinctively putting his hands on Youngjo's arms to push him away but the prince's tongue slowly crept in between his parted lips, stealing his breath away as he gently caressed the back of his neck with one of his hands.

When Youngjo moved away, their unfocused eyes met: "A kiss from your prince. Congratulations to the prettiest knight who has won the challenge." He said, smiling widely.

Hwanwoong's mind was a blank space, an endless expanse of nothing just as the wheat field they were sitting on. The prince of the Kingdom of Roses, another man, had kissed him as he had done with that court lady moments before and Hwanwoong's heart was beating so fast he thought he was about to have a stroke. He knew how good adrenaline felt when he wandered alone in the forest: he had always loved go hunting exactly for that reason, for that indescribable thrill of the chase. The other young man's lips on his own had just made him feel something inexplicably even stronger.

Youngjo moved away to go back laying on the ground and his eyes widened when one of the knight's hands tightened around the bandage surrounding his arm, keeping him from getting any further. Hwanwoong's ribcage was frenetically moving up and down as if he had just stopped after running for miles. The prince looked down at the other's hand, almost desperately grasping his arm, and he barely managed to lift his eyes up before Hwanwoong unexpectedly pulled him in another kiss, placing his free hand on one of his cheeks in a delicate touch.

Prince Youngjo had to admit that, as much as he had enjoyed the company of several ladies of the court, he had also had a couple of secret encounters with one of his stable's young men when he had felt like discovering unknown territories. Ser Yeo was most certainly a beautiful knight who seemed to be interested in doing something different with him and Youngjo wasn't letting him down for sure.

When the prince of the Kingdom of Daisies felt Youngjo's fingers slowly surrounding his waist, the tiny spark that had lit up inside his body suddenly turned into a fire, eager to burn down everything that was on its way. Hwanwoong instinctively slid his arms around Youngjo's neck to deepen their kiss and let their tongues start a sinuous dance just until they had to part again, both out of breath.

Youngjo's eyes were much darker when he tilted his head to the side and started kissing the knight's neck from his chin to his right ear. "What kind of perfumed oil is this? I love your scent, Ser Yeo..." He whispered, sensing the other's body tense and goosebumps showing on his skin before his tongue rolled out of his parted lips to take the knight's earlobe in his mouth.

Hwanwoong gasped: "Y-Your Majesty—" His head fell back as if it were so much heavier than usual although it felt so light it could have started floating any minute. The prince of the Kingdom of Daisies was suddenly, hopelessly, melting in the other's touch and he was unable to explain why: there was something so calming, so soothing about the way Youngjo was touching, kissing, and whispering to him, almost as if he were casting a spell on him.

Those sweet attentions made Hwanwoong's dizzy mind go back to when he was a kid and his mother would tickle him and shower him with kisses the same gentle way. A very far part of his brain reminded him that what he was doing was so wrong and that his father would have been so ashamed of him but it was becoming more and more difficult to hear those voices in his head the more his sighs were tuning into moans: "Y-Your- Ah—" He hissed when the prince bit down right beside his Adam's apple, making him incredibly aware of his own member awakening in his trousers.

He felt Youngjo's tongue softly licking on the same spot right after as if he were even apologizing for hurting him but what Hwanwoong found insane was that he couldn't see anything the other should have said sorry for: as much as it was hard for him to admit it, he had enjoyed the other had hurt him.

"Ser Yeo..." The prince whispered again on Hwanwoong's lips as he slowly pushed him down until he was resting on the wheat plants before straddling his hips. "Would you allow me to..." He began asking as his fingers started playing with the series of buttons securing Hwanwoong's beautifully decorated white and silver ceremonial shirt he was wearing. "...to see you?"

The prince of the Kingdom of Daisies looked down at the other's hand before staring back at his eyes without sharing a word, unable to win against his curiosity and the adrenaline taking over his body because of what the other was clearly hinting at. He couldn't take his eyes off Youngjo as he skillfully unbuttoned his shirt, finally exposing Hwanwoong's bare chest.

The prince of the Kingdom of Roses looked down in complete admiration and he took a moment to stare at Hwanwoong's well-built chest and hard looking abs, contracting and relaxing in anticipation. His own member twitched out of the same feeling. "I figured you had a beautiful body, Ser Yeo, but I have to say this is beyond my expectations." He commented, mindlessly licking his own lips.

Hwanwoong struggled to hold back a whine both because he felt so vulnerable but also somehow flattered in front of the other. He instinctively pulled the prince of Roses down by the strings of his shirt, dragging him in another sloppy kiss full of all that desire he was feeling for the first time.

The two of them were suddenly back on the battlefield, stuck in a passionate fight for dominance in which Youngjo decided to attack first, breaking the kiss to draw a long path of open mouth wet kisses all over the other's torso. He paused on the knight's collarbones before continuing his travel to focus on one of his hard nipples, taking it in his mouth with no hesitation to suck at it eagerly.

"Aah— Y-Your Majesty—" Hwanwoong moaned loudly as his hands found their way towards the prince's dark locks to at least hold onto something while falling apart. "It- Ah—"

At those words, Youngjo moved away with a loud smack sound: "What did you say, Ser Yeo?" He asked and the other didn't miss the small smirk of satisfaction on his face.

Hwanwoong was so lightheaded he found the task of replying more difficult than necessary. He could just stay still and silent while watching as the prince of the Kingdom of Roses started sucking on his other nipple, never breaking their eye contact, with such boldness his hard member physically ached.

The knight's moans were like a new kind of music for the prince's ears. He was tired after fighting for an entire day at the tournament but he felt restless as soon as his lips touched Hwanwoong's skin. Youngjo kept moving down and he couldn't help groaning when he acknowledged how hard the other's member was brushing against his lower chest. He took a sit on his knees for a moment to quickly get rid of his own shirt but the knight surprised him, taking the chance to abruptly lift himself up and push the prince down, inverting their positions to find himself on top.

It came incredibly natural for Youngjo to caress the other's thighs as he let the knight stare at his bare chest until he got impatient and decided to grab Hwanwoong's wrist to place his right hand on the left side of his chest. "You beat me again, Ser Yeo..." He said, enjoying how Hwanwoong's chest visibly swelled up with pride. "Now you can touch your prince wherever you want, if you want."

Hwanwoong's fingers moved on their own, caressing, brushing, squeezing, exploring every corner of the prince's marvelous body everyone in the kingdom and even outside the kingdom admired and wrote poems about. That was the same body that had allowed Ravn to become the legend every lady desired and every knight craved to beat and it was right there, under the palm of Hwanwoong's hands.

When he experimentally pressed his thumbs over Youngjo's hard nipples and he watched his charming face contracting in pleasure, Hwanwoong felt a rush of power taking over. Before he knew what he was doing, he was fumbling with the hem of the prince's trousers to pull them down and finally look at his completely naked body. "You are..." He licked his very dry lips before continuing. "Your Majesty... You are..." He stopped again when the prince started laughing. "What?"

"I know I'm handsome but I have never seen someone becoming so speechless because of my body before!" Youngjo said, trying to hold himself together as the other's eyes got lost at the corner of the prince's lips curving up, his big eyes becoming two moon-shaped lines in the process. "Ser Yeo..." Youngjo spoke again, grabbing the other's hand again to move it the closest to his own member without touching it yet. "Do you have any idea about what you could do for me now?"

The prince's question made Hwanwoong feel suddenly very aware of the fact he had never lied with another man ever before that moment and he indeed didn't know how he could have focused his desire the right way. "Your Majesty I..." He started speaking but words died in his throat when Youngjo decided to give him one last push, letting the knight's fingers take a hold of his member.

"It's..." Youngjo moaned when he slowly moved the other's hand from the base to the tip and back. "It's really n-not that difficult, Ser Yeo..." He took a shaky breath before doing the same thing again. "You see? Just like you do with yours..." He mindlessly licked his own lips. "You are doing great..."

When Hwanwoong could clearly hear the sound of his own heavy breaths coming out of his mouth, he realized he was practically panting because of the other's deep eyes never moving away from his semi-closed own as he was letting the knight slowly masturbate him.

"Hmm... K-Keep going exactly like that, S-Ser Yeo..." Youngjo's moans where high pitched and overflowing with lust as his hands found their way towards Hwanwoong's ass cheeks, squeezing them tightly over his velvet trousers.

The prince of the Kingdom of Daisies had never thought he would have enjoyed both that melodious sound and that touch on his skin as much as he was. He bit down on his own lip when he broke their eye contact to check on his own member, now fully erected and tightly pressed inside his trousers.

"Ser Y-Yeo..." They eyes met again as soon as he heard the other's raspy voice. "I-I can show you if you want..." He gulped, stroking the other's thighs to go back on his bottom and then repeating the same action. "What you could do for me and..." He abruptly grabbed the back of the knight's legs, switching their positions again to go back on top. "What I would really love to do to you right now..." He whispered, tugging the other in a steamy kiss before moving down, marking the knight's skin with his saliva along the way until he reached the button securing Hwanwoong's precious trousers.

A loud whine escaped Hwanwoong's mouth when the prince of Roses quickly pulled them down, leaving the two of them as Mother Nature had given them birth. They exchanged one last look under the moon – their only source of light in the darkness of the wheat field by night – before Youngjo slowly kissed the knight's thick thighs, soon reaching the base of his impressive hard member.

Hwanwoong could feel his own cheeks burning because of how the other was staring at it with his semi-closed eyes and red parted lips. "O-Oh—" He screamed when the prince took the knight's member in his mouth. Youngjo immediately started moving his head up and down, enjoying the sight of Hwanwoong's beautiful face displaying how good he was making him feel. "Y-Your Majesty—" The knight moaned again, throwing his head backwards and closing his eyes.

That was the moment Youngjo briefly moved away from his member, making an obscene sound. "Why are you calling your prince so desperately, Ser Yeo?" He unexpectedly asked to mock him.

The way Hwanwoong looked down at him when he managed to open his eyes made the prince of the Kingdom of Roses shiver: he looked so beautiful and inexplicably powerful despite he was under him and that made Youngjo's skin tingle in anticipation, almost need, to bring the knight to his climax.

Hwanwoong tightened both his fists around the ears of wheat under him: "I am not, Your Majesty. I'm just..." He looked up at the sky full of stars, reminding him that was probably a crazy dream and that, for the same reason, he could have simply said what was going on inside his head with no filters. "I just felt the need to... If you want me to stay silent I can-"

"N-No!" The prince suddenly raised his voice betraying the fact he had been loving the other's reactions even more than he would have ever admitted. "On the contrary... I would love you to tell me everything... You want." He suddenly felt shy for no reason and he looked down, his head slightly spinning both because of alcohol and how embarrassed it felt to confess such a thing to a knight.

"Then, I won't hold anything back from now on..." Hwanwoong finally said, slightly pulling at the other's hair to move his head back on his own member. "Please, keep going...Your Majesty."

The prince of the Kingdom of Roses lips were parted out of surprise, acknowledging the honesty in Ser Yeo's words, and he decided to quickly fill his mouth with the other's member again.

Hwanwoong's head fell back on the wheat behind him as he moaned the loudest: "Ah—Your mouth is burning hot, Your Majesty-" He was quite sure he felt the other's lips tightening around his member as he said so, therefore he continued talking. "P-Please don't stop, it feels s-so good—"

At some point, Youngjo started moaning as well, making his throat vibrate and passing those vibrations to the knight's member. "Y-Your Majesty, I'm close- I'm—" Hwanwoong tried to warn but the prince fastened his pace, making him feel as if he were a bomb about to explode. "Ah, yes— Your Majesty—" Hwanwoong's body started meeting the other's movements without him realizing. "D-Don't stop— P-Please— Hmm—" He groaned when he felt the tip of his own member brushing the back of the other's throat, the thought the prince of the Kingdom of Roses was right there, holding his member in such an intimate embrace, made Hwanwoong lose his last crumble of self-control.

The knight screamed one last time before his warm nectar filled Youngjo's mouth. The prince drank it all eagerly, enjoying the sight of utter pleasure taking over Ser Yeo's body, a moment before he finally lied still and silent. That was the moment the prince of the Kingdom of Roses couldn't stop his own left hand from surrounding his aching hard member that had been ignored until then. He moved his wrist up and down, his eyes focused on the sleeping knight. "Ser Yeo..." He groaned loudly as he came as well not long after, showering one of the knight's thighs with his sinful cum.

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