Arrangement of Peace | Daemon...

Von miazetomer

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Megaera Tyrell and Daemon Targaryen were thrown into a loveless arranged marriage when they both came of age... Mehr



936 31 11
Von miazetomer

It was the first day of the wedding week. A night full of feasting and dancing. Daemon and I were standing outside waiting to make our appearance. We haven't spoken in days.

  "You look lovely." Daemon said to break silence.

  "Thank you." I responded begrudgingly. "You look nice enough yourself. Do something different with your hair?"


  "How's my dragon doing?"

  "You would know how Cerse' was doing if you actually came to King's Landing."

  "The only reason why I have not been in King's Landing as of late is because you 'professed' your fake love to me."

  "Fake love? My love is not fake Lady Megaera."

  "Daemon, you will not hesitate to do anything to have more power, even if that means faking love. You can not manipulate me the way you have everyone else."


"Lady Megaera, Prince Daemon. It's time for your arrival." The knight said.

  "Thank you, Ser Lucious." Daemon responded, offering me his arm. We had done this a dozen times over but now this time, it felt more real. I was nervous. This time I took Daemon's arm without hesitation, I was starting to understand the importance of appearances.

  "Are you nervous?" Daemon asked after we walked into the hall and sat at the table.

  "Yes." I answered looking ahead at the people who sat in front of us, feasting. They were all here for us.  "Are you?"

  "Yes." Daemon responded. His answer made me feel slightly better. I was glad I wasn't the only one. "We shan't worry though. We are strong people. We can do this."

  "We are rather young, Daemon. Do you not wish to see the world? Fight some wars? Grow your riches?"

  "I would like to do all those things, however, the younger we get married the sooner we may produce an heir."

  "I would also wish to do all those things. But I can't if I have children to look after. If we consummate our marriage, I may not bleed and I can fall with child. If that happens, I can never fulfill my dreams."

  "What if I said there was a way to consummate the marriage without falling with child?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "The Grand Maester can produce a tea that can prevent you from becoming with child that night. It's a single use remedy, it shan't prevent us from becoming with child when we are ready."

  "And you can get the Grand Maester to make this tea?"

  "He's done it before for me."

  "Of course he has." I sighed, looking away from Daemon and out towards the crowds.

  "Oh please, you would have expected it." Daemon responded, sipping his wine. "Besides there are secrets you're still hiding from me."

  "Like what?" I asked, turning back towards him.

  "How your father is able to ride a dragon. Sure your brother, your mother, and you may be of old Valyrian blood, but your father must be as well in order to be able to ride. What are you still hiding from me Lady Megaera?"

"Unfortunately, I'm not permitted to say until our marriage night, Prince Daemon."

  "You could tell me, perhaps you don't want to. Perhaps you're protecting some dark family secret that if anyone found out House Tyrell would come crashing down."

  "Why do I have a feeling you already know?"

  "And if I did?"

  "What are you conspiring, Daemon?"

  "It's time for the dance, brother." King Viserys said, breaking into the conversation.

Daemon and I were required to partake in at least one dance. Preferably at the height of the party so that everyone would have their eyes on us. The betrothed. The reasons why there even was a party. So, we stood, took each other's hands, made our way down the steps to the floor, and watched as people parted for us.

Daemon and I started the dance. I trusted him in leading, following his lead never looking anywhere but into his eyes. I needed to seem like I knew what I was doing, like I wasn't weak and was ready for this. Eventually other people joined and Daemon and I broke to return to our seats.

  "You did fantastic." My mother mentioned to me when we returned, holding my hand.

  "Thank you, Mother." I said with a smile, relaxing into my seat a bit.

  "You looked gorgeous." Queen Aemma followed up. My mother and her were extremely close. They grew up together, each others favourites. Aemma had been like my second mother.

  "Thank you, Your Grace."

  "Grace? Don't you mean cousin?" Daemon whispered to me, making my stomach drop and my head whip towards him. "You knew I had it figured out, why are you looking at me like that?"


  "Viserys, the raven has flown in." My father said to the king overhearing Daemon. Viserys whispered to Otto, his hand, and we watched as Otto stood, causing the band to stop playing.

  "Everyone, the king his grace, the queen regent her grace, and the betrothed couple all thank you for coming. Unfortunately the king has become quite tired and is returning to his chambers. Everyone's carriages..."

Otto carried on as my mother, father brother, the king and queen,Daemon and I, and Princess Rhaenys made our way to the King's apartments.

  "Father, why is everyone going into a frenzy. So Daemon has it figured out, why must we stop the party?" I asked as we continued walking.

  "Because this is not a matter that is to be taken lightly, you of all people know that." He responded.

  "Ser Joffery." The king said, calling out for the nearest knight. "Make sure the castle is clear and the gates are closed. No one must enter, not even Otto."

  "Brother, why must we shut down the castle?" Daemon asked as we rushed to the king's apartments. The king ignored him as we continued to walk.

  "Ser Samwell, make sure no one stands by this door for the rest of the night no one must come close to it." The queen regent ordered once we reached the king's apartments. I watched as handmaidens were ushered out and sent far away.

  "Everyone sit." The king demanded and we did. Daemon next to me, my father, mother, and brother across from us, the queen beside the fire with Princess Rhaenys beside her, and the king stood. "Since my brother, Prince Dameon, has figured out our families biggest secret, we figured it's time to tell you the complete truth. Lord Matthos Tyrell, or as I know him, Prince Aemon Targaryen, son of Prince Aemon Targaryen and Margery Tyrell, half-brother to Princess Rhaenys."

I looked over at Daemon who had the same confused look on his face as I did.

"You said you knew your family's biggest secret." He said to me.

"I never knew who his father was, Daemon. I figured it would be some lowly Targaryen that no one knew. A Targaryen no one would care about, not a man who has a claim to the throne."

"I do not wish to claim the throne." My father said. "When Aegon the Conqueror came to my ancestor Lord Harlen Tyrell, he did give him three dragon eggs so when the time came they could be used in battle. However, Harlen Tyrell was not of old Valyrian blood so he could not bond with the dragons. Aegon knew this and instead bedded with Harlen's wife so that the dragon eggs may be used. His wife fell pregnant and the first Tyrell/Targaryen was born. Since then, Targaryens have secretly bedded with Tyrells so that they may bond with dragons. Each Tyrell man has claimed these children as their own so that they may have heirs to the Tyrell name. I, however, did not wish to have bastards for children, so I married your mother. Her people are of old Valyrian blood and can bond with dragons. Megaera, your marriage to Prince Daemon can insure that House Tyrell can no longer be a house of bastards. That is why this marriage is so important."

  "So is anything about this arrangement truthful?" I asked standing. "At first you told us it was so our houses didn't go to war. Then, we were told it was so we could go to war with Dorne to successfully unite the Seven Kingdoms. Now you're telling us it's so you don't have bastards for grandchildren."

Daemon looked at Megaera and saw the hurt in her eyes. He truly felt sorry for her. To be lied to over and over again, when she was strong enough for the truth. Daemon knew his betrothed wasn't a weak woman and as did her father.

  "Megaera sit down." Daemon said, attempting to take my hand.

  "No, I was lied to continuously by my father, a-and people who I'm supposed to trust most in this world. My own family. My cousins, my brother, my mother."

  "Megaera you were aware of our lineage." My father said, at an attempt to calm me.

  "Not to this extent. I did not think I was to marry my cousin."

  "This isn't anything abnormal, Megaera." Aemma said. "Viserys and I are cousins, just as you and Daemon are."

  "No, I shan't listen to you. You were the one person I trusted the most. You should've told me Aemma."

  "Megaera you must understand, I couldn't. This is something our family is sworn to oath to protect. If the other houses were to find out, it would end us. All of the dragons. Daemon wondered why you were so much like Queen Rhaenys, this is why. Why do you think you were able to bond with Ceres so strongly and so easily? I love your mother as my own but her blood is not strong enough to claim a dragon like Ceres. Being a direct descendant of Aegon the Conqueror is nothing to be upset about. Be proud, quietly, but be proud."


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