Raven's DarkNess | ✔

By Eminavi

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"Your hair looks like night but your eyes shine like day. You are a walking contrast. Who exactly are you?" ... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Pack Fashion
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen Part I
Chapter Eighteen Part II
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five - Part I
Chapter Thirty Five - Part II
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
What's Next?

Chapter Forty One

221 15 76
By Eminavi

When Enzo's hands slid down my side onto my hips, I didn't protest. Waking up from the daze that was sleep, I felt his hot breath against my neck and shudders trailed down my spine.

I brought my fingers to cup his face as his lips began to kiss the skin on my neck feverently. The hold on my hip was tighter and I moaned out, not wanting him to stop. He didn't.

When he brought his lips to mine, I kissed them greedily, happy that this moment finally came. I have wanted to do this for so long. When he pulled away, I stared into Enzo's eyes. They were darkened with lust. He pulled me into the kiss once more.

As the kiss deepened, I found myself straddling him. I broke away from the kiss to pull my chemise off of myself. Enzo tossed it away without a second thought and took hold of the back of my head to pull me down back to the kiss.

We kept kissing until suddenly, a sharp pain ripple through me. I pulled away and stared down at Enzo. Enzo's eyes were completely golden by this point but my fingers felt wet. When I looked down, there was blood everywhere.

Enzo sat up as I watched him continuously plunge my dagger into me. My eyes widened in shock. Enzo's lips reached my ears as he kissed my cheeks.

"You always lied to me, always deceived me but I told you from day one Raven - I am no fool,"

I screamed so loudly, thrashing around fiercely as fear pierced through me. A hand cupped my cheeks and I kept shouting. Then the hand clapped over my mouth.

"Ssh, it's just a nightmare. Calm down," I heard Enzo's voice and I opened my eyes.

I was breathing heavily. Every inch of my skin was covered in sweat, so much so that my chemise had become drenched in it. When I reached down to my belly, there was nothing. No dagger, no feeling of blood. It was too dark for me to see and confirm that I wasn't covered in blood.

I sat up and Enzo sat beside me, his hands were over my shoulders as a show of support. I inhaled harshly and he reached for a glass of water beside the bed. He lifted the glass to my lips. I drank it so fast, it was like my life depended on it.

"Are you okay?" Enzo said beside me as he rubbed my back through my chemise and pushed my hair behind my ear.

All I could think about was the dagger that he had plunged through my belly and my chemise stained red. All I could focus on was the hate in his eyes as he stabbed me.

"Aoife, it was just a nightmare. Calm down," I shook my head and Enzo pulled my face up to meet his. His eyes were soft as he stroked my temples with both of his hands. "You're safe,"

"I-I-," I started but words were stuck in my throat.

"Try to go back to sleep," Enzo said and I held on to his arms and shook my head.

In the dream, Enzo had so much hate for me in his eyes. Would that be my fate when he finds out that I'm not Aoife? When he finds out that my real name is Raven and that I'm an Assassin? That I only got close to him to steal from him for my own selfish interest? Would he hate me?

"Aoife, calm down. Just try to sleep. Come," Enzo pulled me into him. He tucked my head beneath his chin and my face faced his chest. He had both of his arms wrapped around me and pulled the blanket over us.

"I'm scared," I said honestly because I was. I didn't want Enzo to hate me. The thought itself hurt me more than it should have.

"That you'll die?" He asked. I shook my head against him. "Then of what?"

"That I'll lose you,"

It was complete silence after that. All I heard was Enzo breathing. All I felt was his body pressed against mine as more heat seeped into me. I took my hand to his chest. His heart beat was so steady against me. I moved closer into Enzo. I wanted him to hold me harder. I wanted him to hold me until I couldn't breathe.

"You should sleep," Enzo repeated again.

"I can't. I'm too agitated," I said honestly and then Enzo moved away so that he could pull my chin up to meet my eyes. They were so dark in the darkness. They complemented each other so well.

"Look at me," Enzo started, his fingers on my chin refusing to let me look away. "Just focus on my eyes,"

I looked into Enzo's eyes. They were so dark, so beautiful. I couldn't imagine that they were the same eyes in the dream that hated me so. Enzo moved his lips to say something but it was either not audible or I just simply didn't hear. Suddenly, it was like a trance fell upon me and I felt myself become drowsy. I tried to fight it but the more I looked at him, the sleepier I became until I let myself go.

It was only after I was half- asleep that Enzo let go of my chin. I felt his lips kiss my forehead gently.

"Goodnight, Aoife,"


Fingertips stroked my cheek as my eyes fluttered open. The light was blinding but I accommodated fairly quickly. I was huddled with a blanket over me and Enzo was seated right next to me, on his bed.

"Good morning," Enzo greeted me. He was already dressed for the day in his usual large white shirt and dark coloured pants.

"Good morning," I responded as I sat up and stretched.

"Your hypothermia is fine now although you suffered a fever throughout the night. You seem to still have a slight fever now, still. So I am not sure whether you have recovered fully or not. How do you feel?" Enzo asked me as he pulled his hand back to himself.

"I feel fine. A bit sour and groggy but besides that, I feel fine. I don't feel cold anymore. Only a bit warm," I answered honestly and he smiled at me.

"You should go to your room now, if you feel better," Enzo told me and then something occurred to me.

"What time is it?" I asked because with the way the sun was shining, it felt like afternoon instead of morning.

"Almost midday. I didn't want to wake you so I let you sleep. No one noticed your absence because ever since Tinley left and the incident with Indigo and Ronan, no one really likes to sit downstairs to eat anymore. I even had breakfast in my room today. I saved some for you because I knew that you would wake up hungry," I smiled up at Enzo as he got up. He got the tray from the table and placed it in front of me. Looking down at the tray, I felt hungry instantly.

He took the lid off and I stared down at the omelette which I was sure was cold by now and bowl of fresh berries with plain yoghurt by the side. He says that he saved food for me but it looks to me like he didn't even eat anything.

"Did you even eat, Enzo?"

"I had the sausages and peas because I know that you don't like then," I wish I could conceal the blush that crept onto my cheeks. I didn't realise that he had noticed the things which I struggled to eat on my plate. It was a sweet gesture.

"Is there anything else that you noticed about me?" I asked as I dug into the omelette.

"Alot," He responded.

"How are Ronan and Indigo now?" I changed the topic because I felt nervous thinking about what he might or might not have noticed about me. I started to eat. I was curious about Ronan and Indigo since that night. Enzo sighed deeply.

"That pairing wasn't ideal," Enzo stated and I nodded. Considering Ronan's reaction, he can definitely repeat that again. "Ronan doesn't want a mate now. He wants to enjoy his life. He would have reacted tha way to any female, unfortunately that female just had to be Indigo. Finding his mate now means that his father might force him to marry her in order to get Ronan on the right track because Ronan is extremely irresponsible,"

"Why make him marry though?"

"Ronan is going to be Alpha of his pack one day and he is extremely irresponsible and carefree. You have seen him. If he becomes Alpha now then his pack will go haywire. His father just wants him to become a better man so in turn, he can become a good Alpha but when Ronan thinks Alpha, he thinks power which he can misuse for his own pleasure. He doesn't understand that being Alpha is the opposite, you have to sacrifice your own happiness for everyone else," Enzo's eyes lingered on me as he said the last part and I gave him a sad smile.

"So his father is afraid for him and the future of the pack if Ronan keeps spiralling out of control and indulging in his impulses. Ronan also has a younger sister so Ronan's father is considering disinheriting Ronan and giving his sister Ronan's birthright as firstborn to become Alpha if Ronan doesn't get his act together,"

"That's why Ronan is here. He's trying to prove to his father that he can do better and be worthy of being Alpha. His mate comes in, in that Ronan is a chronic womaniser. That's his biggest flaw. He's so young but he can't resist females. He'll end up assassinated that way or doing something stupid for a female that will put his pack in danger. So logically, his father thinks that if he'll marry especially if the girl is his mate and if he loves her then he'll leave at least half of his habits behind. He'll feel some sense of responsibility towards the girl and maybe change or at least improve greatly. Especially when they have a child together,"

"If he wants to cheat on a girl he marks, Enzo, he will. I don't think mate bonds or marks really changes anything," I shared my opinion honestly as I dug away at the berries. They tasted so good. So fresh. My father was with his mate and they both had me but still, my father never changed. This plan made sense ideally but in reality, it wasn't foolproof.

"I know that. Even his father knows that. We all know that but you can't blame the man for trying. He loves his son. He just wants him to take his life seriously, study something and become someone who can lead their pack,"

I never saw Ronan becoming that kind of Alpha, if I would be honest. He was just too unserious for the position. He didn't even give me the energy of an Alphaborn. Unlike Enzo. When I was with Enzo, his power just radiated off of him. But then again, apparently, Enzo reformed so what can I say?

"So he's going to marry Indigo?" Enzo shook his head. "Then?"

"Neither Ronan nor Indigo like the other. Their pairing is so sudden that it's expected. It will take time for the both of them to adjust. So Ronan's father and Indigo's grandfather are discussing about the best way forward. Maybe they'll convince Ronan to agree to an engagement while Indigo studies. She always wanted to study. And they can get married years down the line once they are both more mature. Ronan is still a child and Indigo isn't much better. That was my suggestion to Ronan's father and he seemed to agree with it. He mentioned searching for a University that would suit Indigo in his pack. They have alot of universities so maybe an all girls university or something more conservative that won't be too much of a culture shock to her because she's never left this pack,"

I thought that, that was actually very thoughtful of Enzo to put forth what Indigo would want in a compromise about her future. I thought it was also really nice that Ronan's father cared enough to consider it instead of maybe going down the route of trying to force his son to place a mark on Indigo's neck. Something I didn't doubt was a possibility and Indigo was powerless to stop if that was what Ronan or his father agreed to. Maybe Enzo could stop it but why would he ruin his good relationship with Ronan's father over Indigo?

"And what do Indigo and Ronan want? Apart from not being mated to each other, of course," I pushed further and I dipped my blueberries into the yoghurt. I loved berries and yoghurt.

"Indigo is willing to compromise if they postpone the wedding and let her study what she wants. Ronan's father has no objection to that but her grandfather is a bit reluctant about letting her leave this pack unmarked. He wants Ronan to mark her and only then she can study,"

I had to force myself not to roll my eyes. Of course that was what he wanted! Why would he ever let his granddaughter leave this pack without some form of security? Ronan was going to be Alpha for the most part. If he marked someone else then their mate bond lost any leverage.

"Ronan doesn't want to mark her or get engaged or anything related to forging a relationship with Indigo. But I suspect he's willing to compromise to the engagement if his father gives him something else in return. What that is? I'm not so sure,"

What could Ronan possibly want? I wondered. Surely, he had everything already.

"What do you think that he would want?" I asked Enzo, pushing just a bit. Maybe he might have an idea if he thought deeper. He wasn't the type to be clueless anyway.

"I should be asking you that. Aren't you guys good friends?" The way he said that made my jaw hang just a bit. It was a not so subtle taunt or tease. I couldn't decide. He looked away from me.

"At least things are looking up for them, considering," I changed the topic as I finished the last bit of my yoghurt and Enzo nodded in agreement. "What's Leilani's take on this?"

Enzo smirked and looked away from me. I pushed the tray towards him to call back his attention to me.

"Leilani just wants her sister to be happy," He told me and I faked a smile.

I reached for Enzo's hand and squeezed it. "Thank you for taking care of me, Enzo,"

"You're welcome," he said as he lifted his hand to my forehead to feel it. "I think that you are much better now,"

"It's all because of you," I smiled up at him. He nodded.

"Now please, refrain from swimming in unknown ponds. Not all rules here are non-sensical," Enzo sat up straighter and slipped something into my hands. I looked at his hair. I wondered how her always made it look so perfect. "When you get to your room, take a bath and empty the contents of the vial into the bathwater. When you do, check your chest to see if there is still some blueness. When you are fully healed, that part of your skin will fully return to it's normal colour,"

"Okay, thank you," Enzo stood up and so did I. "Enzo, don't worry about Tinley. I'm sure that wherever she is with her mate, she's fine,"

"I can't not worry about her, Aoife. She's my cousin. She's like my younger sister. I'm responsible for her. She runs through my thoughts every moment because I don't know what condition she's in," He looked at me fiercely and I watched his eyes soften. In that moment, guilt wrapped around me.

I wish Tinley had never discovered who I was. I didn't want to have to hurt her or take her away from her family like this but she forced my hand.

I took Enzo's hand into mine and invaded his space. He stared down at me cautiously.

"Enzo, don't blame yourself, okay?" I said up to him. I didn't want him feeling guilty. The thought didn't sit right with me. "And don't isolate yourself from everyone. Only when you are strong will your pack fall in line. Being upset only makes people anxious around you,"

Enzo pulled his hand to my face and pushed my no doubt messy horrible looking atrocious blonde hair behind my ear then he traced his two fingers meticulously over my cheek, stopping at my chin. He pulled it upward. This seemed to be a new habit of his - taking hold of my chin.

"Are you anxious around me?" He asked as he lifted his face a bit lower so he could stare into my eyes. I blinked hard.

"Don't ask questions you already know the answer to, Enzo," was my only response and Enzo smirked.

"Maybe, just maybe I'd like you to say it," He released my chin.

What would I get by saying it, Enzo? You're engaged to that flower head - Leilani. Why are you doing this to me? Why?

"I think that I should leave now," I pulled away from him and swallowed my annoyance. What did Enzo even want? He said he didn't want a mistress but it didn't exactly feel that way just now.

Enzo nodded. "Take care of yourself and get well soon," I walked towards the door. "Be careful when you leave,"

I understood what he truly meant. It was just a polite and indirect way of saying; "don't let anyone see you leave my room when you leave,"


The bath was heaven. The minute I got to my bedroom, I had fallen asleep again and only woke up several hours later. It was already evening by the time I woke up and close to dinner time when I ran my bath. I emptied the vial which Enzo had given me into the bathwater and soaked in it. I felt so relaxed. I still had a small bluish tint next to my left breast but it was less than last night. It was disappearing.

My mind drifted to Enzo as I wrapped my hair in a towel and dried my body with a second towel. He spent the whole night and morning taking care of me. He held me and spoke to me. If he was letting himself do all these things with me then what did it even mean to him?

Just because he hadn't kissed me properly, touched me or slept with me didn't mean that he hadn't crossed any lines with me. He had crossed lines. He had crossed several. Intimacy was more than just sex. Sex didn't even begin to cut what true intimacy was.

I would know. I'd had alot of sex but I've only ever been truly intimate with Robin.

And in a way, Enzo had already been intimate with me.

But whenever Enzo took steps forward with me, he took a million back and left me completely flustered. It was like he was constantly doing a very poor job of reminding himself that he was engaged. Reminding himself that he couldn't indulge me and I hated it. It was like by the time he remembered, he had already gone too far.

I wrapped the second towel over me and got to my room to get dressed. I had worn my black tunic and large pants when I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

It was probably Enzo checking up on me, maybe.

When I opened it, it wasn't Enzo. It was Erica.

"Hi, may I come in?" Erica greeted me and I opened my door wide for her. Her face was straight, not like its usual bubbliness.

"Yea, sure," I answered although she was already inside. "Is everything alright?"

Erica shook her head from the middle of my bedroom.

"No, nothing's alright, Aoife. How long have you been sleeping with my brother?"


Wellllll that was unexpected.... Or was it?

Where do you thing this conversation will go?

Thanks to everyone for reading 💜. Please keep supporting me💜 thank you 💜


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