Isuke Uchiha: Tales of an Uch...

By UchihaToxicCry

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The world of Naruto had evolved since the Fourth Great Ninja War. Now, a new era had begun, and the village o... More

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Genin Test
Special Chapter: Itachi Uchiha Part 1
Chapter 3: First Mission
Chapter 4: Hot Spring Paradise
Special Chapter: The New Ino-Shika-Cho Formation
Chapter 5: Hidden Rain Village (Part 1)
Chapter 6: Hidden Rain Village (Part 2)
Chapter 8: Hanae's Resolve
Chapter 9: A Distant Future

Chapter 7: Cursed Child

97 11 0
By UchihaToxicCry

Updated on October 18

"Take this!" Itachi's battle cry echoed through the training ground as he hurled a left punch with all his might, aiming directly for Kenzō's face. The intensity of the attack was palpable in the air.

With a thunderous impact, Itachi's fist met Kenzō's cheek, causing an eruption of smoke that swiftly enshrouded the young Uchiha. The mist swirled and concealed him from view.

Itachi's eyes widened with realization as the veil of smoke dissipated, revealing that he had struck a mere shadow clone, a cunning mirage conjured by Kenzō.

Amidst the fading mist, the true Kenzō materialized, his Katana held delicately against Itachi's back, the cold steel lightly pressing on the fabric of his ninja attire. A wry, victorious smile danced across Kenzō's lips as he declared, "This match is over."

Itachi turned to face Kenzō, who had already sheathed his sword, weariness etched into his expression. "I've got a long way to go with my taijutsu," he admitted, a hint of frustration in his voice.

Kenzō, though, shook his head slowly, his wisdom apparent. "Your issue isn't your taijutsu, Itachi. You've grown reliant on your Sharingan in battle."

"I see..." Itachi replied, the shadow of a smirk crossing his lips. But then, to Kenzō's astonishment, a flock of crows materialized from Itachi's form.

Kenzō's eyes widened in disbelief. "A crow clone?"

From a safe distance, Itachi began to weave hand signs with a sense of mastery.

"Release," he commanded, and the world around Kenzō warped.

Kenzō's voice wavered as he managed to utter, "When..." The realization that he had fallen into Itachi's genjutsu, with the wires coiled around him, sent a shiver down his spine... a testament to his uncle's unparalleled skills.

Itachi's chuckle echoed through the training ground as he explained, "Right before I turned to look at you, my genjutsu provided the perfect cover for me to escape and set those wires around you." With a flick of his fingers, he released the binding wires and moved closer to Kenzō.

Extending his hand in a gesture of camaraderie, Itachi offered to help Kenzō to his feet. "You're correct that I often rely on my visual prowess to enhance my taijutsu and anticipate my opponents' movements. But I've honed my skills to cast genjutsu without it," he added with a hint of pride, underlining the versatility of his abilities due to his intense training.

Kenzō grasped Itachi's proffered hand and pulled himself to his feet. "I tend to forget you were always the top student at the academy when it came to genjutsu," he admitted with a mixture of respect and self-reflection.

Before Itachi could respond, a boy with striking white eyes and a girl with periwinkle-colored, flowing hair approached them. The boy, who had been looking at Kenzō, shifted his gaze toward Itachi. -So this is the cursed child?- his thoughts whispered as he inhaled deeply.

With a measured tone, the boy introduced himself, "My name is Kōsuke Hyūga, and this is Misaki Tatsuyomi. We're members of Team 8." His demeanor exuded an air of curiosity and coldness camaraderie, setting the stage for a new chapter in their journey as genin.

Misaki's warm smile graced her features as she looked at Kenzō and Itachi. In her thoughts, she couldn't help but appreciate their striking appearance. -They're both incredibly handsome,- she mused privately.

"We've been eager to meet the genin ninja who've been the talk of the village," she said, her friendly and curious demeanor making it clear that they were intrigued to get to know them.

Kenzō and Itachi exchanged puzzled glances at Misaki's explanation. The notion that they had become the center of attention in the village was unexpected to them.

Misaki seemed to sense their confusion and clarified, "The moment your team departed for that C-rank mission, you became the talk of the village. Many believe your team may well be the strongest group of genin ninja, and, well, we were eager to see for ourselves... what your kind has to offer." A smirk appeared on her face.

The realization that their reputation had preceded them left a touch of surprise in Kenzō and Itachi's expressions.

"I'm sorry but we're not going to entertain the likes of you." As Kenzō made it clear that they wouldn't engage with the newcomers, Kōsuke swiftly activated his Byakugan, moving at a blinding speed. His palm radiated with a concentrated thread of chakra, ready to strike.

However, with his Sharingan active, Itachi reacted just in time to interpose himself between Kōsuke and Kenzō, blocking the impending attack. His voice remained surprisingly calm despite the tense situation. "Did you not hear? We refuse to fight you," he emphasized, though his Sharingan eyes burned with a cold intensity that conveyed his readiness for action and his desire to avoid unnecessary conflict.

Disregarding Itachi's verbal plea, Kōsuke's movements were a blur of controlled speed and precision. His left palm pulsed with a surge of chakra as it found its target against Itachi's ribs, striking with pinpoint accuracy to affect the vulnerable chakra points near his liver and right lung.

Reacting swiftly, Itachi leaped backward, creating a deliberate chasm between himself and the oncoming assault. His Sharingan eyes blazed with intensity as he shifted his focus to self-defense. he moves his right hand to the exact spot where Kōsuke's attack had made contact, the tension in the air reaching a fever pitch as they teetered on the brink of conflict.

Kenzō's initial impulse was to confront Kōsuke aggressively, his Katana poised for a strike, but he wisely reined in his attack. Instead, he assumed a defensive posture just in time to defend against a barrage of paper shuriken hurtling towards him.

Meanwhile, Misaki couldn't contain her laughter, her amusement evident as she covered her mouth with a hand. She decided to step into the fray, announcing, "I'll be your opponent, but first, let's enjoy watching how their match unfolds."

The stage was set for a potentially explosive clash between two groups of genin, with the outcome hanging in the balance.

Kenzō clenched his teeth in restraint and resheathed his katana, taking the decision not to engage in combat for the moment.

Kōsuke, with a cocky grin, taunted, "So the cursed child will be my opponent? This is going to be exciting."

Itachi, on the other hand, found himself puzzled by the reference to the "cursed child." Thoughts swirled within him, questioning what this epithet meant and why Kōsuke had used it. The anticipation for the upcoming confrontation grew, tinged with a sense of mystery.

Kōsuke's confident declaration echoed through the training ground. "I will defeat you using only my gentle fist."

Itachi's anger simmered beneath the surface as he realized not only had they been drawn into an unwanted battle, but he was also being condescendingly looked down upon. His Sharingan eyes, usually calm and calculating, now burned with a fierce determination as he readied himself for the challenge ahead.

In the midst of the brewing confrontation, Itachi's thoughts raced as he grappled with the strategic challenge at hand. -Using genjutsu against him is futile; his Byakugan would easily pierce through it. My taijutsu could be countered by his gentle fist, even with my Sharingan...- Tension gripped him as he calculated the odds and considered how best to face this formidable opponent.

Kōsuke's swift assault surged forward, and Itachi had no choice but to evade each attack with nimble maneuvers. The barrage of palm strikes kept him on the defensive, and it was clear that Kōsuke's speed was a formidable challenge.

-He's fast... If I allow any of his attacks to hit a vital point, it's all over for me,- Itachi reasoned. The tension in the confrontation weighed heavily on him. His mind raced, seeking a solution amid the onslaught. -Think, Itachi... how can you possibly overcome him?- He ruminated, searching for a strategy that would tip the scales in his favor.

Kōsuke persisted in his relentless assault, his strikes aimed at exploiting any potential opening in Itachi's evasive maneuvers. Amid the battle, he couldn't help but offer a backhanded compliment, saying, "Not bad, cursed child! It looks like that Sharingan is more than just for show!"

Itachi's determination only intensified with Kōsuke's words.

—Itachi, you can do this.— Kenzō encouraged within his thoughts, The fight raged on, the outcome hanging in the balance.

The struggle was beginning to take its toll on Itachi as he danced on the precipice of exhaustion. As his mind raced for a solution, a faint but poignant memory of his mother's serious expression flashed before his eyes.

Drawing from his inner well of strength, Itachi made a bold move. He leaped high into the air, his body rotating with calculated precision. With a resounding cry, "Cha!" he struck the ground with all his might. The earth beneath him responded to his power, shattering and upheaving, creating a chaotic terrain that caught Kōsuke off guard. The Hyūga retreated hastily, losing his footing and jumping back to establish a safe distance. Itachi had managed to turn the tide, even if only temporarily, in this fierce battle.

Itachi's landing was executed with precision and grace. Without a moment's hesitation, he sprinted towards Kōsuke, his hands weaving intricate hand signs with fluid, practiced movements. His lungs filled with air, drawing in as deep a breath as he could muster.

As Itachi completed the hand signs, a palpable surge of chakra filled the space between them, giving rise to a substantial body of water. The liquid mass materialized with a powerful presence, the tension of the moment hanging heavy in the air.

Seizing the opportunity, Itachi nimbly circled around Kōsuke, closing in from behind him. With a fierce battle cry, he struck, yelling, "Take this!" The element of surprise was his ally as he aimed to gain the upper hand in the intense skirmish.

Kōsuke's smirk remained as he expertly shifted his hip to the right, executing a swift and well-timed kick that connected with Itachi's ribs, causing a sharp, jolting pain.

Undeterred, Itachi gritted his teeth and attempted to retaliate with another punch, but Kōsuke was quick to block it with precision. Seizing the opportunity, Kōsuke launched a swift series of strikes, targeting the chakra points in Itachi's arms. His attacks were precise and efficient, temporarily disabling Itachi's ability to fight back.

With a final, powerful kick, Kōsuke sent Itachi sprawling backward, effectively creating distance between them. The battle raged on, but Itachi had encountered yet another challenge in his effort to prevail against his formidable opponent.

Kenzo's concern for Itachi was evident as he yelled out his name and moved to intervene, but his progress was halted by the firm grip of Misaki.

Her words held a note of caution as she declared, "Do not interfere. Their battle isn't concluded yet." Misaki's experience and wisdom guided her judgment, and they continued to watch the fierce contest unfold.

Itachi's struggle became more evident as he coughed up blood while attempting to regain his footing. Desperation etched his features as he tried to initiate healing jutsu, only to find himself incapable of doing so.

The harsh reality set in as he noticed the dark spots on his arms. Itachi had been rendered powerless, and it was then that Kōsuke cruelly revealed his tactic. "I stopped the chakra flow from your arms," he declared with a hint of triumph, "you won't be able to use any jutsu for the time being."

Itachi's situation grew increasingly dire as the battle continued to take a heavy toll on him.

As pain coursed through him and the realization of his disabled ninjutsu abilities weighed heavily, Itachi couldn't help but groan in despair. -This is useless. I have no chance now that I'm unable to perform ninjutsu...- He couldn't escape the gravity of the situation, compounded by multiple injuries.

Summoning his dwindling strength, Itachi managed to find his voice and questioned Kōsuke through the pain, "Answer me this, Kōsuke... why do you keep calling me a cursed child?" His curiosity overcame the agony, a glimpse of the mystery that shrouded him surfacing amidst the battle's turmoil.

Kōsuke's words held a chilling weight as he responded to Itachi's inquiry, revealing the grim truth. "You don't know? Your clan is the embodiment of death and suffering, yet you're unaware... Those who associate with your clan are destined to meet death's embrace before they even recognize it. This is the fate that has dogged your clan, and all who align themselves with it."

The harsh revelation only deepened the enigma surrounding Itachi's clan and the dark reputation that encircled it. As the battle wore on and the pain continued to gnaw at Itachi, the weight of his heritage and the curse that seemingly clung to it loomed heavy.

Consumed by rage and desperation, Itachi couldn't contain himself any longer. "Shut up!" he bellowed, his fury overshadowing his pain as he charged toward Kōsuke, his vision clouded by anger.

Kōsuke, however, remained calm and calculated. He effortlessly dodged Itachi's incoming left punch, capitalizing on the opening to strike multiple chakra points on Itachi's chest. The swift and precise attack left Itachi incapacitated and vulnerable once again as he was forcefully thrown aside, his body taking another brutal hit in the intense battle.

Struggling to regain his footing, Itachi's body bore the weight of his injuries, making every movement agonizing.

Kōsuke's voice cut through the air, warning Itachi to give up. "Don't try to fight anymore. You can't defeat me."

The indomitable spirit within Itachi was rekindled by Kōsuke's arrogance and his insults to Itachi's clan. Gritting his teeth, Itachi declared, "You forced me into fighting, and you dared to look down on me... I can forgive that. But insulting my clan? Unforgivable!"

Though battered and beaten, Itachi's determination burned brighter than ever as he refused to let the honor of his clan be besmirched. The fierce willpower that had carried him this far was undiminished, and he would not relent.

Kōsuke's mastery over the situation was clear as he made a single hand sign and invoked the word "Release." A sudden, unrelenting pressure constricted around Itachi's abdomen, prompting another painful coughing fit that culminated in his collapse to the ground, unconscious and defeated.

The battle had reached its bitter conclusion, with Kōsuke's formidable skills prevailing over Itachi's indomitable spirit.

Kenzō, having freed himself from Misaki's grasp, rushed to Itachi's side with a mixture of worry and determination. Seeing that Itachi was still breathing brought a sense of relief, and he encouraged his fallen comrade, saying, "Hang in there!"

But the tide of his emotions soon turned to rage as he directed his intense glare toward Kōsuke. "You monster!" The hatred in his eyes was palpable, a reflection of the pain and anger that Kōsuke's actions had wrought. The battle had taken a heavy toll on them all, leaving a lingering sense of loss and fury.

Kōsuke's words held a sense of detachment as he explained his actions, assuring Kenzō that Itachi would recover. "He will be alright. I did that only to stop him from continuing to make a fool of himself."

His glance shifted between Misaki and Kenzō, and he concluded, "There's no need for you to fight him, Misaki. Judging from this battle, it's safe to say that his comrade won't do any better... let's go."

Misaki concurred and followed Kōsuke as they began to walk away, leaving the scene behind. However, Kōsuke paused for a moment and offered Kenzō a final, cryptic piece of advice. "If you're wise... you will listen to what I will say and save yourself."

Kenzō's eyes fixed on Kōsuke's figure.

"If you value your life, you'll stay away from him before he has the chance to take it away from you." As the two left, the training grounds fell into an uneasy silence.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I loved writing it!

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