Pessimistic Wizard

By SpiralQuill

1.7K 63 37

Author Note: Welcome, welcome everyone! So, as you all know and can probably guess - this is another Izuku Ya... More

Chapter 1: Erasing vermin

Prologue: Idiots all of you

1K 37 24
By SpiralQuill

Author: Before we get into the story, I want to explain some of the magic Izuku will be using.

So after sone consideration, Izuku will be using two types of magic: Wand magic from the Harry Potter series (yes, I like HP sue me) and the magic system from Overlord as Wandless magic.

Wand Magic would be taught to him by the journal he gets (ya'll know which one I mean)

Wandless Magic would be taught by Izuku reading it in the ornate book he gets.

I know this seems a little rough but that's all I can really give out without going too in depth and spoiling the story.


Izuku ignored the banging at his door, the teenager idly writing in the black leather bound journal he had since he was a toddler.

He was eating a bowl of instant ramen, slurping silently as he briefly looked at the door of his bedroom, someone banging against it. For god's sake, those idiots truly are trying his patience. He set his half-empty bowl down and set his ink pen between the pages of his journal. He stood up, walking towards the door and opening it.

Izuku: What?

He asked sharply. In front of him were possibly the more annoying people he's had the displeasure of meeting. There was his 'sister' Izumi, her friend (and his disdain manifested) Katsuki Bakugou and the stoic asshat Shoto Todoroki.

Izumi: Deku-

Izuku: My name is Izuku, it illiterate fuck. Now. What. Do. You. Want!?

Izuku snapped sharply, causing the girl to take a step back, flinching at his tone. Katsuki growled and stepped forward.

Katsuki: Fuckin' get out here so we can beat your ass, worthless De-

Izuku's eyes sharpened their glare before he flung his door open. Before any of them could react, he pulled the wand he made out and pointed it at the rabid dog's chest.

Izuku: Flipendo Duo!

Author: The Flipendo Jinx is a knockback spell in Harry Potter. Flipendo Duo is a stronger version of it.

A powerful burst of blue shot out from the tip of his wand, the impact and power behind the spell was clear. Katsuki was practically flattened against the wall that was across from his bedroom, the force caused the foundation of the house to tremble slightly.

Izumi and Shoto were shocked at the retaliation Izuku portrayed, the teen glared down at the three his nose scrunched as if he were staring at a pile of vile filth.

Izuku: I said, my name is Izuku. If you can't even muster the mere smidge of brain cells you have to commit that to memory, I fear for your future.

Katsuki peeled himself off the wall, his hand gripping his chest as the pain he felt was unreal. His eyes were bloodshot as he stared at his attacker.

Katsuki: What the fuck was that!? You have a quirk!?

Izumi: Dek- Izuku, why didn't you tell anyone!?

Izuku stowed his wand away, already going to close the door.

Izuku: Why on this godforsaken planet would I waste my breath explaining anything to you insufferable mouth breathers?

Izuku said snidely, slamming the door in their faces. He took a couple steps towards his book before hearing the door knob of his door began to jiggle. He sighed before pulling his wand out again and pointed it at the door.

Izuku: Protega Maxima, Fianto Duri.

Author: These two spells were two of the three that created that massive shield around Hogwarts in the final battle against Voldemort.

Izuku fired off two protection spells at the door of his room. A pure white light enveloped the door before it mellowed into a bright blue. The jiggling stopped as the barrier spell was instated, Izuku sighing as he finally got sine piece of mind.

Sitting down again, he picked up his ink pen and began writing in the journal again, the black ink spreading into the paper.

Izuku: Sorry about our conversation being interrupted but I am surrounded by idiots.

The ink slowly disappeared into the pages of the journal and vanishing. Moments later, a response was shown on the pages.

Writing: I pity you, Izuku. Being in an environment such as that, I worry for your sanity. How is it that you are still sane?

The question got Izuku to chuckle at that, always finding the journal's tenant to have a good sense of humour.

Izuku: Having good company always helps, especially if they understand my plight.

Izuku wrote back. The being inside the journal had revealed himself to be a wizard named Tom Marvolo Riddle.

At the age of five, Tom explained everything about the Wizarding world to an impressionable young Izuku, granted Izuku was already self aware about everything and his disdain for life was palpable.

Tom felt a kindred connection to the boy, feeling that hate and pessimistic vibe the child exuded even at such a young age. He could tell that this child was wise well beyond his years and that his future bore power.

With Izuku now being fourteen, he could already feel that the boy's magical powers far surpassed his own, even at the peak of his reign.

Tom: Well, I hardly can do much besides talk. Alas, this last decade of teaching you was quite an enjoyable one. I never would have pegged myself a teacher.

Izuku: I hope I lived up to your expectations.

Tom: Far beyond it, my student. Only at the age of being in your fourth year of school, you managed to learn and master even seventh year spells and studies, possibly making you the youngest wizard to surpass the masses.

Izuku gave a genuine smile at the praise. He truly felt as if Tom was the only person he could trust in this world with Tom feeling the same, the both having no one but each other.

Izuku because he never had anyone to begin with and Tom because everything and everyone he knew was long dead. When Izuku told him it's been a couple hundred years, he knew his reign of being the Dark Lord was over.

He had no subjects, the magic he felt in the air was almost nonexistent and the Wizarding community had died off. He was also informed that s vast amount of humans had gained genetic powers called 'Quirks'. This both scared and pissed Tom off, knowing that if everyone had power, no one was truly ever safe as he knew humans well enough to know they'd abuse their gifts.

Izuku: I am still trying to get your body back. Turns out, a majority of the things needed can be found quite easily now. I already have the Philosopher's Stone thanks to that tracking spell and nothing to counter it. All I need is to get you a proper vessel to transfer your consciousness into.

Tom, if he had one, felt his heart leap in anticipation. He had longed for his body and youth again, aiming to actually live a promising life for once. No prophecy to fear, no community that'd hunt him down, he could just be himself now.

And he aimed to live it with Izuku.

Tom was, in a sense, still fifteen years old, at least the physical age would be. When he sealed himself inside the journal, he stopped aging. So, the prospect of him living a life with his student and the only person he cares about, it isn't so far fetched right?

The two continued their conversation into the evening, Izuku's plans of reviving Tom formulating clearly in his mind. Of course, he'd need a vessel for the ritual and he knows exactly where he'd find one. But not now, it wasn't the right time.


Izuku had been ignoring the three stains of his life ever since he blasted the rabid shit with a spell. Questions, demands, threats were thrown at him since then but it wasn't like they could really do anything to him. He proved it already.

He sat in class, dutifully ignoring the stares and whispers about him as he wrote in Tom's diary. Today was the last day, thank god, as he merely tuned everything out.

Apparently, instead of actually teaching the last period of class, the clearly unqualified simpleton raved about hero studies and school, quirks and the things that made Izuku want to barf.

Female Student: Gee Izumi, U.A? Is your brother going too?

Katsuki: That worthless nerd? No hero school would accept him!

Izumi: I'd rather DIE then go to the same school as him.

Izumi spat, glaring at her brother hatefully. First he fights back, doesn't tell them about his powers and then ignores them!

Izuku: Then why aren't you dead yet, bitch? We're literally going to the same school right now.

Izuku said coldly and passively, eyes never leaving the pages of the dairy. He ignored the gasps of shock at his words, not seeing Izumi literally pale and her eyes beginning to water.


Izuku: Oh, are you going to follow her too? Make sure to do it right the first time, I'm so sick of seeing both of you breathe in the air I do, tainting it.

Izuku said sharply, his tone really clarifying his hate for them. He truly didn't care for any of them.

Teacher: That is enough! Yagi! Apologize to-

Izuku: I don't think you're getting paid enough to act like you have authority over me.

Izuku said to the teacher, shutting him up as his eyes widened. The low-blow comment made the teacher silent as Izuku finally looked up from his dairy, closing it and glaring at everyone in the class.

Izuku: Let me make this clear, I would say I hate all of you but then I'd actually have to have a small amount of care to actually hate. I simply do not care what happens to any of you after today. The years attending this back-water school made me realize you people are lower then dirt.

A student suddenly had enough of Izuku's words and charged at him, his hands getting incased in rocks in an attempt to deal a heavy attack to Izuku.

Izuku: Magic Shield

Author: Izuku's first wandless magic. If you need a guide on what spell he used, there is a wiki guide in Overlord spells.

Izuku said simply, an iridescent green sphere forming around him. The moment the student's fist connected to the sphere, he was shot back with such force, he ended up slamming into a wall that got students to scream in shock.

Izuku: Do you get it now, you worthless mouth breathers. At any time, any moment, I could have hurt you all should you annoy me.

Izuku then got his belongings, putting them into his school bag before beginning to walk out.

Izuku: It was hell being around you all, I am thankful it's finally over. All of you burn.

He said before leaving the classroom, leaving shell-shock and scared students in his wake.

Izumi couldn't believe that Izuku actually said that to her. He was supposed to be her brother, protect her no matter what she did. He hates her so much, he didn't even care if she died. The first clue was probably when he didn't hesitate to blast Katsuki with that powerful attack.

Izumi: He hates us... he doesn't care...


Izuku made a pitstop of sorts before heading back to his room at the Yagi House. He was going to a warehouse near the outskirts of the residential district of Musutafu.

What was Izuku doing, going to a warehouse for? Simple. He had everything he needed.

He opened the side door of the warehouse, stepping in and shutting the door behind him. In the centre of the warehouse, was a large cauldron that had a fire roaring under it with unknown brew boiling inside. Beside the cauldron was a bound up person.

Izuku approached the man, the captive shivering in fear behind a plague doctor mask. He kneeled down, looking into the man's eyes and he chuckled darkly.

Izuku: The time has come, your life will serve it's purpose.

Izuku had actually come across this man when he was trying to do a drug deal toward a quirkless kid, promising that the drugs would give him 'powers'. So Izuku caught him, watching the kid panic and run off before dragging the man to the warehouse.

From what he could tell, the plague doctor mask was actually a staple of some Yakuza group that went silent a few years back. A perfect sacrifice to bring Tom back.

Izuku took the wand out of his school bag and pointed it at the man.

Izuku: Wingardium Leviosa

The man instantly began to levitate, controlled by the wand. Izuku positioned the man above the cauldron, keeping him there while he approached it. He reached into his pocket, revealing the philosopher's stone.

Izuku: With the power of the stone, I access the ability to transcend death and bring back who was lost. Take the man's life and make it his own, come back to the land of living: Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Izuku recited, dropping the stone into cauldron, Izuku took a page that was ripped out of Tom's Diary and tossed it in as well. He stepped back, ignoring the man's pleads for his life.

In fascination, he watched the cauldron glow and billowing smoke swirling out of it. The man began to scream in agony as he felt his literal soul get ripped out of him, tearing it out if his body. A sphere of toxic green and white slowly emerged from the cauldron, floating up towards the now soulless body and disappearing into it.

The changes were instant. The body shrunk slightly by a couple inches, the hair turned glossy brown, the skin became more fair. The plague doctor mask fell to the floor as it was now ill fitting on the face, revealing a handsome visage of someone from English descent.

When the transfer was complete, Izuku lowered the body down onto the warehouse floor and walked over, the cauldron ceasing all activity as he knelt down.

Izuku: Tom? Is that you?

The figure in the ground slowly straightened up, resting in his knees and looking at his hands. Confusion slowly turned into exuberance as he smiled, facing Izuku.

Tom: You did it.. I'm... I'm back. You returned my body to me, Izuku.

Izuku stared, captivated by the man's foreign beauty. He was nothing like the other males he's seen in Japan, all were handsome sure but none could quite compare to Tom.

Izuku: You're beautiful...

Izuku mumbled out, possibly before he realized what he said. He quickly stood up and held a hand out to Tom, aiming to help him to his feet.

Tom gave a mirthful chuckle and was helped to his feet, holding Izuku's hand before standing to his full height. He stood above Izuku, a good few inches taller than the admittedly smaller teen. He sighed, his own hands patting himself down.

Tom: I have my youth back, it certainly has been some time.

Tom said to himself mostly, looking at Izuku and nodding.

Tom: Now since you brought me back, exactly what is it you intend to do?

Izuku: Simple, I'm moving out of the god forsaken house. I found a small apartment that's above a small restaurant that went out of business. I think I could probably turn a profit for myself by running a cafe of sorts.

Tom: Menial labour? Didn't think you'd even want to do that.

The two left the warehouse, of course not after adjusting Tom's clothes to make it fit better in his person. They stepped out into the evening sky before making his way back to the Yagi Household.

Izuku: Well with magic, it'd be a cinch for me. Besides, i'll also place a charm on the store so that only the decent people can see it and enter.

The teen adds, walking the street with his newly returned partner.

Tom: And I assume I'll be living with you?

Izuku: You think i'd bring you back just to leave you on your own? We discussed this since I was ten, we're sticking together Mr. Riddle.

Izuku teased with a smile, Tom returning one of his own.

Two kindred souls finally together against a world that hated them for so long. Now, they'd never be alone.


Izuku entered his household through the front door, Tom waiting upstairs since he went in through the window. He was greeted with the sight of two angry people - Inko and Toshinori Yagi.

Inko: What did you say to your sister?

Izuku: Oh, you mean that cur. She said she'd rather be dead then go to the same school as me. I replied by asking why she wasn't dead yet since we attended the same Junior High.

Toshinori: Why would you ever say that to her!?

Izuku: You should ask why she would ever say it at all. She has two eyes, she clearly sees we're in a classroom, at a school, together. I merely asked why.

Inko: Still! You can-

Izuku: But I can. Despite how neglectful you two sorry excused as parental figures have been, you know well enough I don't take stupidity lightly.

Izuku sneered at them. Toshinori at least looked ashamed slightly at that but Inko merely huffed. She went to slap Izuku, aiming to make him see the wrongs of his words.

Izuku merely rolled his eyes before his hand shot out and gripped her wrist tightly, making the woman wince.

Izuku: Now you listen to me you worthless incubation chamber.

Inko stared right into his eyes and saw the unadulterated hatred swimming in them.

Izuku: If you think I'd ever allow you to harm me, a worthless woman who can't even be a parent right, you are sorely mistaken.

Izuku said venomously, released her wrist and shoving her to the floor roughly.

Izumi: Mom!

The girl ran to the downed woman who had tears streaming down her face. She knew that her own son had nothing but vile hatred for her and the family.

Toshinori: Izuku, I know we haven't been the best but you cannot hurt your family!

Izuku: Family? FAMILY!?

Izuku roared as his magic spiked, shaking the very house he was in. He glared at the blonde gorilla man.

Izuku: This household has been nothing but a nightmare for me! Two useless sperm and egg donors and a whiny abusive CUNT for a sister!!!

Izuku then walked past them, ignoring the calls for him to come back. Honestly, he's been around such idiotic people that it's like they were born without the ability to use common sense.

He entered his room, finding Tom at his desk and fiddling with his computer.

Tom: You've told me about computers and Television before but this... is completely different experience it.

Tom said with awe in his voice. He looked back to see Izuku and got up. He felt the teen's distressed nature and walked over, hugging him.

Tom: What is wrong, my student?

Izuku was about to say 'you didn't hear all that' but realized the protection spell he place on his room probably prevented that. He simply shook his head and just hugged Tom back.

Tom was concerned, never seeing his student in such distress. He deduced it had something to do with those vile vermin downstairs - that familiar twinge of dark magic welling up in his chest. How dare those vermin upset his student so?

Tom: Izuku, we are leaving. Now.

Tom said, raising a hand and snapping his fingers. Things around his room began to blink out of existence in a flash of light, the slight crack of magic signalling their disappearance.

Soon the room became bare, nothing left. Tom looked down at Izuku before vanishing as well with him.

Author: So the spell Tom used is call Apparate. It's an instant transport spell that is shown in the last movies of Harry Potter.

And they were gone. The protection spells on Izuku's room vanished. Moments later, the door was flung open, Toshinori standing there and looking around the room.

He was greeted to an empty room, no one in sight.

He fell to his knees, his son was gone and now know one would ever know where he was.



Author: And done!! So yes, I'm doing this because I feel as if this story would do better than my Izuku the Magnificent one.

That and I aim to have a more realistic Izuku who was mistreated for so long

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