Neo Gear

By thedoctorgonepale

7.2K 364 189

The Year is 6022... 1000 years since a planet-sized supercomputer was stolen by an A.I named Aiba. For all th... More

(Prologue): A Neo Era
No rest for the best
Calm before the games
The entry battle
Let The Olympics Begin
Let The Olympics Begin: Act 2
Threat Confirmed
The Error
Range Of Uranus
Range Of Uranus: Act 2
Famed Backlash
Duel Break, Saturn Race
Duel Break, Saturn Race: Act 2
Everything Is OKAY!
Spa The Spy
The Jupiter Power Move
It's About Teamwork
The Mars Stand
The Big Bang Over
The Big Bang Over: Act 2
The Nomadic Gear
Reluctantly Unwanted
The Deadly West
Coalition Of The Manipulated: Act 2
Hot Topics
Brothers Through Space
Guess Who's Back
Fight Night
Red Moon
Red Moon: Act 2
Red Moon: Act 3
Brawl Of The Brotherhood
Dark Matters
Dark Matters: Act 2
Dark Matters: Act 3
Countdown To Genesis
(Bonus): Stars On The Mind
(Bonus): A New Moon
Countdown To Genesis: Act 2
Countdown To Genesis: Act 3
(Epilogue): The Gears Alway Turn

Coalition Of The Manipulated

114 6 5
By thedoctorgonepale

3rd Person POV:

Lucifx walked with its hand, held to its open cockpit so Bae can look through the stuff Yn took from the store.

Bae:(cough, cough)

Bae: Oh Swick! Candy! I heard legends about this stuff!

Yn: Hopefully you aren't diabetic.

Bae:(munches on candy) Dia-what?

In: Diabetic. Basically death by sugar.

Bae:(munches on candy)...

Bae: Seems fine.

Yn:(rolls eyes)

He continues to work on regaining any ability he could, but was having no luck.

Yn:(tosses tools aside) Worthless.

Tony: What's the problem?

Yn: I'm too well built. I need admin privileges because these wires and circuit boards here are only going to affect the cockpit controls.

Yn: I can only send pilot signals. I cannot access anything else. Let alone receive anything back.

Tony: Would you like help?

Yn:(sigh)... Are you doubting my intelligence?

Bae: Who are-

Yn: A simulation gained sentience, now continue eating your candy.

Tony: I'm simply suggesting that I'm something of an engineer myself.

Yn: An engineer unfamiliar with the technology of the present day.

Tony: I learn quickly.

Yn: It doesn't matter. We're almost there.

Bae: Almost where?

Yn: My destination.

Bae: Right... Your house or something?

Yn: Or something.

(Opening theme)

In a dim-lit room in resistance territory, Lisa was trying to convince the AI she captured that there was a peaceful solution.

But she had no luck. They didn't want to hear it.

Felicia then entered the room.

Lisa: We've been given a mission?

Felicia: Yes. Let's go.

Zipping up her pilot suit, Lisa follows Felicia who led the way to the hanger.

There they met up with Bob and Mick. With the Earth armor destroyed, Bob was stuck in the basic Core Gear.

Mick on the other hand had gotten himself Neon.

(Neon: Red Rebellion)

With Yn being the pilot, the Gear didn't have any AI hiding in it, leaving it free for the taking.

Jen the announcer, and Tifa, the reporter then arrived.

Jen: It's a simple scout mission to a warehouse.

Tifa: Simply secure it and backup will arrive to help take it all.

Felicia: Question. Why does Mick get Neon?

Felicia: No offense, Mick. But I'm the better pilot.

Jen: There's something else I want to give you. But ya gotta earn it.

Felicia: Is now really the time to earn something?

Jen: Multiple candidates are potentially compatible with it.

Jen: If I half-heartedly gave it to you, it would be worthless.

Felicia: Fine, whatever...

She enters Patriot, her old Gear.

In their Gears, they launch out and trek their way across the earth.

A few days later, they arrived, a few miles from the location. Outside their Gears which were left hidden behind a few hills, the team scouted out the building.

It was a warehouse, in the middle of nowhere. It had a good mile of flat gravel and stone surrounding it.

Beyond that was a normal hilly meadow.

Mick: Stardust, this looks like a trap...

Felicia: A warehouse with no roads or paths leading to it? No scrap.

Lisa: If it was a trap then why would they send us like this?

Felicia: Either way, something is off.

Bob:(speaker) There's a Gear in the area.

With their binoculars, they search for it as Bob doesn't move to make sure not to give away their location.

Mick: Where...


She is the first to spot the Nomadic but familiar Gear.

Lisa: Lucifx...

Mick: That piece of-

Felicia: Watch and observe. We can't just go gung-ho in and attack.



The four watch as Lucifx walks up to the factory and pry the doors open. He enters, closing the doors behind him.

Bae: Whoa! What are those things...?

She referred to the Armor auxiliary units for Core which were abandoned here, among other things.

Yn: Don't worry about those things. We're here for something else.

Raising his Gear Buster, Lucifx stabbed the floor at the end of the facility.

The floor crumbled and revealed a shaft going down.

Exiting his Gear self, Yn and Bae looked down the hole.

Yn: What I need should be in there.

Bae: How are we going to get down?

Yn: By jumping.

Picking Bae up, Yn leaps into the pit, stabbing a screwdriver into the wall and grinding it "safely" down.


At the bottom, Yn and Bae found a base that should have the necessary things for Lucifx to rise again.

Yn: Stay behind me.

They explore the complex.


Felicia: Alright. Let's check it out.

Lisa: But it could be a trap.

Felicia: That's why we'll be careful.

Lisa: This isn't careful.

Mick: Two against one.

Lisa: Bob?

Bob:(speaker) Do I get a vote?

Felicia: Never said any of you did.

Taking their Gears, the four enter the facility, weapons aimed at Lucifx.

But to their confusion, he didn't move.

Mick:(coms) He's deactivated...

Looking over his shoulder, they find the hole he made.

Felicia:(coms) Must of went down there...

Bob:(coms) Hey, these are my auxiliary units! Sweet!

Felicia:(coms) Forget about them for a second. Bob, you're small enough to fit in the hole.

Felicia:(coms) Take us down.

Bob:(coms) Got it.

Exiting their Gears to enter Core, the team descended down into the hole.

Yn could easily hear the echoes of something going down the hole.

Yn: Hmph.

But he had already arrived at the door he needed to go to.

Attempting to pry this door open, Yn found it to be too much even for him.

Yn: Tch.

Bae: What now? Home?

Yn: I must restore power to this place. Doing so might alert Mother.

Yn: Time will be limited... I'll look for an alternative...

Yn:(looks back) After I deal with them.

Yn: Stay here.


Core arrived at the bottom where he let the three humans into the facility.

Bob:(Speaker/Whisper) Be careful.

Felicia pulled out a gun and led the way.

Mick: What is this place?

Lisa: Who knows?

Felicia: Quiet. I see something up ahead.

Sneaking forward, they flashed a light to find a small girl.

Bae: Hi.

Mick: Uhhhh...

Felicia: Sweetheart, how did you get in here?

Bae: My dad brought me.

Felicia: Your dad?

Lisa: Who's your dad?

Bae: His name is Yn.


Dropping down from the ceiling, Yn split kicks, Lisa and Mick, in the head, knocking them over as he landed between the two.

Felicia spun around, trying to aim her gun, but Yn catches her wrist and punches her throat.

As she chokes, Yn flips her onto her back. Ripping the gun out of Felicia's hand, he unloads and disassembles it.

Yn: You three? How did you find me- no. You were sent to this location.

Yn: Obviously, you all are part of that worthless resistance.

Yn: Who's in charge? How do they know of this place?


Mick: We aren't going to tell you scrap!

He charges at Yn who takes his punch without flinching.


Mick: GHAA!

He fractured a bone with his punch.

Yn: Tch.

Grabbing him by the throat, Yn lifts Mick off the floor.

Yn: I can crush your windpipe with ease. Answer my question!

Lisa: Jane and Tifa Direx!


Releasing Mick, Yn walks away from the trio.

Yn: Annoying little nieces...

He heads back to the shaft where he found Bob.


Yn: You have a beam saber. Should be long enough to pierce the door.

Yn: You can either help me or help your resistance. Or I open the door in a way that will have the entire complex destroyed before you can leave.

With that, he leaves.

Bob:(speaker) W-WAIT YOU CAN'T JUST-(Sigh)...

Yn: Move if you don't want to die.

He walks around a corner with Bae as the other three quickly follow to try and question him.

Yn: NOW!


Mick: What the!?

When the beam saber was put out, a large hole was in the door Yn wanted to open. He goes to approach but Felicia stands in his way.

Felicia: You aren't taking another-

Grabbing her head, Yn pushes her aside. Entering the room, he and the others discover what seems to be a hanger.


It was abandoned. Based on the dust prints, there were five to seven Gears at some point.

Yn: Tch!

Yn: He moved them!

Tony: Moved who?

Yn:(mumbles) You of all people should be familiar with them...


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