The Rival | Wrench X Reader

By Vo0do0_Qu33n

15.2K 387 77

Y/N has been a solo hacker for a while now, doing odd jobs to earn enough money to support herself and her si... More

The Call
The Hack
The Message
The Meeting
The Deal
The Breakfast
The Sick Sister
The Attack
The Patch Up
The Party
The Interrogation
The Rainfall
The Morning
The Dad Problem
The Arrangement
The Hackerspace
The Kind Of Date
The Sleepover
The Mole
The Capture
The Confession
The Plan
The Preparation
The Rescue
The Celebration (smut)
The Ending

The Initiation

676 15 5
By Vo0do0_Qu33n

I begin to panic, but remind myself that I need to take care of myself before I can solve anything, so I take a quick nap which turns into a six hours. Shit, I must've been tired.

I wake, yet again, to my phone buzzing. This time I shoot up from my uncomfortable position on the bed and check my phone, seeing a message from DedSec.

Meet us at Baker Beach, 5 PM.

I get up and quickly have a shower, and get dressed before heading into the living room, my sister stands on a yoga mat, arms up in the air.

"Hey, what is this, like day thirty five?" I smile as my sister exhales.

"Day forty one." She corrects me, and I hum, before going to the freezer and grabbing some ingredients to cook dinner.

I decide on lasagne, and an hour later I take it out of the oven.

"Dinner is ready, I've got to quickly run out, but I should be back within an hour." I say, grabbing my leather jacket as I ruffle her hair.

"Okay, want me to wait for you?" She asks, holding out a fork.

"Nah, you go ahead and eat, just leave me a little you dinosaur" I laugh, she laughs back and does a little 'roar' as I leave.

Twenty minutes later, I arrive at Baker Beach, seeing a crowd of party goers as I  get out of the 'borrowed' car.

I head over to the people, my anxiety rising since I'm not a people person, and let out an exhale when I see Marcus, Wrench and two other people.

"Hey Biscuit." Wrench drawls at me, I give him a scowl and ignore him, turning to Marcus as he introduces me to the two other people.

Josh stares at me as if I'm a rabid animal, and Sitara walks up to me, coming face to face as she threatens "If you screw us over I'll ruin you and your first borns lives."

I nod, tilting my head as I reply with equal coolness "And if you screw me over, you'll wish your dad pulled out."

We both stare at each other for a beat longer until she breaks a smile, I follow soon after as we grin. I've never had many girl friends before, and Sitara seems like someone who would have my back.

I shut the thought down as quickly as it comes. I'm not here to be friends. I'm here to get the job done to protect my sister and myself.

We all sit around a fire, and I pass Marcus the USB, "It's all gone, I checked this morning right after our meeting. Someone managed to hack me and steal the information." I admit.

All eyes turn to me and I stiffen, "I don't know how, my security is tighter than-"

"Okay. Well you're gonna help us get it back." Marcus says, but it sounds more like a threat.

I nod, picking at the laces of my boots.

"So we'll start with tracing whoever stole it and work from there. Right now, I need a beer." Marcus says, getting up with Sitara in tow and heading to a cooler nearby.

I sit still, watching the waves a few meters away.

"Why'd you take on the protection so quick?" Wrench mumbles from beside me.

I turn my head and look at him, he sits with his knees up to his chest, arms hugging them. He looks as uncomfortable as I feel.

"I had to," I say quickly, looking away as his mask stares at me, "I have a little sister to look after. If it was just me then I wouldn't have, but it's not, so I've gotta do whatever it takes to protect her."

I mentally slap myself for sharing so much, but Wrench doesn't seem to bother, he just "Hmm's" and lets out a dramatic sigh.

"I don't want to pry, so I'll give you a truth first; my parents hated me, that's why I turned to hacking so I could get away from them as soon as I could, what's the story with your parents?" He earnestly says, his voice taking on a low tone as if he's holding a lot of baggage.

"My mom left when my sister was just a year old, she was quite young so I think she just couldn't take the pressure and decided to up and go. My dad...he was an asshole who was hardly home and worked way too much, when he was home it was like living with a boss rather than a dad. It turned toxic pretty quick so I grabbed my sister and ran as soon as I turned eighteen." I admit.

Once again, I'm awarding myself a first place trophy for over-sharer of the year. This is dangerous, I don't ever share these things, shit why am I even saying all of this?

My phone buzzes as I get a text from my sister:

I've been sick. Come home, please.

"Shit." I mumble to myself, knowing my sister has a phobia of being sick.

"Everything okay?" Wrench asks, real concern in his voice as I quickly get up and brush sand from my jeans.

"Yeah, well no. I've got to go, I'll meet you all tomorrow morning if I can." I rush out, nodding at the others who sip beers and stand near the cooler.

Before Wrench can reply, I'm already dashing for the car, not bothering to wait for a reply.

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