Lost Memories

By TheNewLunaRose

5.5K 111 36

When the Oni attacked the monastery, one of them hit Lloyd with a memory spell, but because of his oni blood... More

Chapter 1 Who are you?
Chapter 2 Where'd Garmadon and Lloyd go!?
Chapter 3 Kai calm down
Chapter 5 Is it so bad to be cautious?
Chapter 6 I will take your fire
Chapter 7 Just without the insanity
Chapter 8 Do we have to?
Chapter 9 Ninja Never Quit
Chapter 10 Hi, Wu
Chapter 10 Who are you?!

Chapter 4 Either, I'm hallucinating or I see Harumi

392 10 1
By TheNewLunaRose


Nya and I are searching around Ninjago City closest to the labyrinth to see if he's over here. It's a far stretch, Zane even agrees, but this way we can try to calm down Kai a bit more. We've been searching for the better part of the past hour and not even a hinted sign of anything has appeared.

"Ugh, I hate to say it but we're not finding anything!" I say, throwing my hand up.

"Yeah, I know, but you know my brother. Hey, Zane asked if we could grab a few things from the store while we're here. Why not take a break and do that?" Nya said, looking down at her modified Samurai X watch.

"Yes! Please."

We walk to the grocery store as Nya tells me the list of a few basic medical stuff and the ingredients for Kai's favorite dinner.

"Alright, divide and conquer or slow and avoidant? Personally I'd like to be slow and avoidant."

Nya shakes her head and kisses my cheek, telling me she's getting the medical and to get cold foods last. Sighing half solemnly, I go over the list and start shopping.

"Ok, most are done, now veggies." I say to myself, walking to the vegetable idle

Grabbing a few carrots, I hear a familiar laugh. I couldn't figure out who it was, so I turned around to look for the origin. Searching for a few seconds, I see a Very familiar set of white hair put up in a ponytail with a pair of chopsticks in between pop out from an idle before disappearing behind it. Slowly, I grab my phone and call Nya.

"Hey, Jay. Are you done? I haven't seen you yet, give me a second."

"Nya?" I ask, voice noticeably going up an octave.

"What happened? I'm tracking you now." She asks, protective and stern voice replacing the friendly one from a second ago.

"Either, I'm hallucinating or I see Harumi. Like hair before the Quiet One and kind smile looking Harumi."

"......Give me two minutes."

After Nya hung up, I slowly creeped over to try to see her better. Listening in, I hear her talking to someone.

"Well, maybe if you didn't continuously try to sneak food in the cart, I would need to take them out. And NO we are not baking a cake! Put it back!" She's play-fighting?

"But, if we make a cake we won't have to have all the candy. Wouldn't you prefer that?" An Extremely recognizable male voice responded to her, making her huff.

"Fine. But you're putting all the candy back. And I'm not letting you seek any past alright?"

"Yes, your majesty." Lloyd responds mockingly, walking past me, holding the mentioned candy in his hands. He saw me, but didn't react, as if he didn't recognize me.

"Don't call me that!" Harumi yells to his retreating form.

In around five seconds or less, there was a knife against my throat and a throwing knife against hers.

"What have you done with him?" I ask, voice threateningly low.

"Absolutely nothing. Everything he is doing is his choice." She says, as if there was no threat.

After a second she drops her knife and places it back where it was stored under her shirt. A few seconds after that I did the same. Still glaring at her, I move back a few steps.

"If it really is his choice, why is he with you? He hates you after you broke his heart."

"First off, he doesn't hate me. Second, I said that I didn't do anything, but I was informed that something did happen before I saw him."

"Rumi? W-what's happening?" Lloyd asks, hands empty.

"Nothing bad Lloyd, just discussing with one of my former allies." Snapping me head back towards her, I was about to argue that we were never allies when Lloyd said something.

"Former ally as in enemy now?" He questions, standing to the side in between us, facing Harumi.

"I never said that." She says innocently

"Right. So one of my allies? or an enemy on both sides?" He asks.

'What is he talking about? He knows me.'

"Mh, you decide."

"Right. Uh, h-hi sorry, I, uh I'm having a hard time remembering people, h-how do I know you?"

"Wah, Lloyd, I'm your teammate! And what do you mean having a hard time remembering? What'd she do to you? Oh she probably cursed you or poisoned or enchanted you didn't she! How dare you do that to Lloyd!"

"I didn't do anything to him!" Harumi whisper yells, glaring at me.

Lloyd looks taken aback by my yelling. Harumi definitely did something. He looks confused and about to say something, when he yelps and gets pulled towards me. Looking behind me, I guessed Nya had pulled Lloyd behind her and was now glaring at Harumi. Getting in a calm fighting stance, I start planning how to take her down without her escaping.

"S-stop! Just Stop!" Lloyd yells from behind Nya, moving to be in between the three of us again.

"C-can we just, finish shopping? You can follow us the whole time, we were almost done anyway." He looks put out, almost uncomfortable.

"Fine, but you're explaining everything Lloyd." Nya huffs, looking as if she plans on stabbing Harumi in the back. Literally.

"As long as you answer me too, ok?" Harumi rolls her eyes, but is fondly smiling at Lloyd.

"Sure, but I'm contacting the others." I pull out my phone and call Zane, giving him a rundown of what just happened.

Lloyd POV

The girl, Nya, had asked me a lot of questions about where I've been and why I didn't come back or at least contact the others. I gave her a decently vague answer to both, especially when I said I had followed my father out of the monastery. She didn't seem to like that answer. I mostly asked Rumi for information about the two here and help on answers I didn't know how to answer.

When we got out of the store and walked to Rumi's Jeep, Jay had asked us what we're doing. Rumi thought for a second before saying we're going back to where we were staying, and offered to take them with us. Without a second thought they both said they were and, after putting the groceries in the back, climbed into the backseat.

"Could you call your dad and say we're bringing two people home?" Rumi asks, when she starts backing out of the parking lot.

Pulling out my phone, I go to my contacts and press the newly added number of my dad. After two rings it picked up to Morro's voice.

"Heyya green bean, what do you need?"

"Hey, can you give the phone to dad?"

"I can relay a message-" Muffled noise and yelling came through for a few seconds.

"What's happening?" Rumi asks

"My idiotic cousin took dad's phone."

"-I heard that-" Came from the phone.

"Hello, sorry Lloyd. What was it that you needed?"

"Hey dad, we are having two visitors join us for a bit, and it was suggested to call you guys."

"Who are they?"

"I can't believe he's so okay with calling him, let alone calling him Dad." Jay loudly whispers to Nya.

"A Jay and Nya, people I work with apparently." I can feel the two pairs of eyes on me, I'm assuming, questionably.

"Ah, the lightning and Water ninja."

"Oh f— no!! OW!!" can be heard, partially muffled in the background of the phone call.

"We'll prepare for them to come, we'll see you when you come back. Goodbye."

Saying bye myself, I turn around to see Jay and Nya still staring at me.

"Well? What're your questions?" I ask

"Do you not remember us?" Jay asks, sounding hurt.

"Uh... I'm not fully qualified to answer that." Rumi snorts at my answer

"I don't remember what happened so I have to go off of outside information, but I've been told that I got amnesia from one of the.. Oni?" Rumi nods "Oni's that hit me with some sort of spell that made me have amnesia or something, and yeah. That's what basically happened, or as far as I know."

They're staring at me now. It's like some sort of trans since neither are reacting when I try and snap them out of it.

"I think I broke my, uh, teammates." Sitting correctly, I can see we're almost at the treeline.

"They'll be fine, just give them a minute."

"Any info I can get about them?Other than name and title?"

"Nya, Elemental Master of Water, older brother Kai is the Master of Fire. They both lived on their own believing that their parents died until they and the other ninja- including you- defeated the parents' captors. Nya was the previous Samurai X, title has moved onto someone else, yet still continues to make vehicles and keeps the bases she had. Kind, protective, stronger than she appears, feminist in the best way, anger issues, tends to want to do things herself. She is currently with Jay.

Jay, Elemental Master of Lightning, no siblings. He lived with his parents, who I believe own a junkyard, until Wu found him. Very talkative and tends to ramble, electric -no pun intended, cracks jokes when scared, jokes or is enthusiastic most of the time."

"Huh, you know a lot."

"I lived with them, including you, for a while before anyone knew me as 'The Quiet One'."

"Where are we going? Isn't this Hiroshi's Labyrinth?" Jay asks, his head sticking out from in between Rumi and I, looking ahead.

"Back home, remember? And yes this is Hiroshi's Labyrinth." Rumi answers him. Jay moves back into his seat before crossing his arms and proudly announcing.

"Hah! I knew you were insane, same as me." Rumi rolls her eyes at that.

"You're dating Nya right?" I ask, wanting to double check the information I had just received.

"How did you- Right, Harumi I'm guessing." I nod. "Okay, well she's right but outdated. I'm engaged to Nya now."

"What? When did that happen?" Rumi asks, slowing down when we got close to the garage opening.

"Right before the Oni attack that you're saying Lloyd got amnesia from."

"Speaking of which, we still don't know if that is really true." Nya says from where she's looking out the window.

"What do you mean?" I shift to look at her.

"You were told that that spell made you forget, what if it was really one of them?"

"Well it would seem highly unlikely, since the first thing I remember when waking up was being surrounded by a bunch of people in gis and watching a black creature waking up."

"Did you just call Garm a black creature?" Rumi asks, driving into the garage.

"Yes I did, and I don't have any regrets."

"Where are we now?"

"A garage, I stole the idea from you."

"That explains it."

"Help with groceries, we'll keep yours in the fridge inside."

Grabbing everything and climbing up the ladder, we were greeted by the sight of Morro hanging upside down by a branch above us.

"When you said you were bringing back those two I was really hoping you weren't."

"Morro?!" Jay's hiding behind Nya as she's in a fighting stance, still holding the bags.

"Groceries now complain later, and you're telling me how you know them."

"Rather not but ok." Morro shrugs.

He flips down and grabs half of what I'm holding before disappearing towards the kitchen. Beckoning Nya and Jay to follow, I walk over to the kitchen as well. We placed most of the stuff away before dad walked into the room, scaring Jay, cueing Nya to start glaring.

"Could you stop Nya? Or at least explain why you wish to murder my father?" She turns the glare on me, before softening.

"Your amnesia is going to get annoying, isn't it." I shrug at that.

"Hasn't annoyed any of these guys yet."

"Uh, is it a bad time to say that Zane has apparently been tracking me?" Jay asks, looking at his phone.

"No, that's a good thing, Jay." Nya tells him, backing towards him.

"I guess there are more visitors." 

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