Journey 2: Ocean's Daughter

By CrimsonLioness_Eve21

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My first story ever and I had a thought of why not make the original Journey 2 more interesting With my own... More

Get to Know the Character
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513 5 0
By CrimsonLioness_Eve21

Evelyn's PoV

Once everything was ready, Hank is outside of the Nautilus with the harpoon in hand and started banging it against the hatch
"It's not working Evelyn, the eel's swimming away" Sean tells me
"It's gonna work Sean, just trust me" I tell him, sitting on Nemo's chair
"Time to give Goliath the signal" I continued, closing my eyes taking a deep breath and putting my pointer and middle fingers to my temple
'Alright Goliath it's time for you lure the eel out of hiding' I tell him telepathically
'On it Evie or should I call you shorty?' He responds back to me and I can imagine that he was smirking but before I could respond he blocked me and started doing his part as I see him swim away with his shoulders shaking like he's laughing
"Oh! That cocky little ugh!" I exclaimed opening my eyes while getting up from the chair and started to pace around

"Woah hey! Are you okay?" Sean said to me walking or limped towards me and holding my shoulders holding me in place
"Yeah I'm fine it's just that Goliath made me remember a conversation we had when we were younger. Sometimes I would and our parents would tease us about our height difference because at the time I was seven inches taller than him and he would always say 'wait until we get older, then we'll see who's gonna be calling who shorty' and now he's just rubbing it in" I explained, crossing my arms with a pout, looking down
"Alright put the pout away you're starting to get even more adorable" Sean said as he gives me hug

Making me blush at the sudden action and before I could hug back he let go but held my left hand and held me at my waist with his right hand as I rest my hands on his shoulders, making me blush more at his sudden burst of confidence and closeness

"Once we're away from the island you can do whatever you have to do to Goliath to get the aggressiveness out of your system, alright?" Sean tells me softly, looking at me in the eyes
"Mhm" I hummed not trusting my voice looking into his eyes
"Words, my sweet mermaid, words" He said firmly to me, almost making me weak in the knees not noticing he was lean in and looking at my lips
"Alright" I said in a small voice, his nose brushing against mine as his lips almost come close to mine...
When suddenly...

THE SHIP SHOOKED! Making Sean and I lose balance but we held each other up regaining our balance, the eel suddenly appeared and started to bang around the sub then it took a small break, Sean and I look into each other's eyes as I felt my confidence returning, wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him close I lean in close to his ear
"To be continued on later, sweetheart" I whispered then kitten licked the shell of his ear making him shiver and holding my waist a bit more firmly then leaning back enough to kiss him on the cheek then slowly made my way to kiss the corner of his lips. Pulling back I look into his eyes as my hands slowly moved to his chest making him shiver again and winked at him with a small flirty smile
"Come on hot lips, we still have work to do" I said biting my lip I turning around I bent over to pick up the flash light from the floor and standing back up I walked away with a smirk while swaying my hips to tease him, leaving him in a blushing mess.

Sean's PoV

'W-what just happened?! Did she just?! Ooh she's gonna be the death of me. Well her and her wild spirit' I thought as I ran my right hand through my hair and take some deep breaths to calm down
'I definitely need to ask her out soon and hopefully she says yes, I really want to get to know her. Because I feel like there's more to her than meets the eye especially her singing voice, it sounds familiar like I heard it somewhere before' I thought as I started to walk or limp towards where she is

Evelyn's PoV

I made my way towards the other big window and shined the flashlight through in hopes it'll take the bait and be here faster as the light shined through behind Hank making it agitated against the light as it swims this way faster with Goliath on his head riding it making me laugh at the scene
"What's so funny baby doll?" Sean whispered in my ear making me shiver as he hugged me from behind and rested his head on my right shoulder
"Goliath is on the eels head basically riding it this way" I tell him as I gestured the scene with the flashlight and pointing it straight into the eel's eye making Sean chuckle.

"Come on Hank, come on" Sean mumbled as he and I noticed it's coming closer making me rub his arms in comfort as we continue to watch in anticipation but when the eel started to swimming faster towards Hank in a alarming rate making Sean and I worry,
well making me worry more especially because of the destruction of the island that's going on in front of me
'We're almost out of time' I thought sadly
"Do it now!" Sean exclaimed as he took his head off my shoulder but still held me in his arms, unknown to either Sean nor I was that me and my bracelet started to glow as a dim light surrounded me

We watched Hank as he raised the harpoon and threw it towards the eel as the harpoon pierced it in the mouth but it kept coming and Hank doesn't have second to move and I could feel Sean started tense and shake up 'no no no no I am NOT LOSING ANYONE WHO I VIEW AS FAMILY' I thought angrily as my hair and eyes turned red, I thrusted my arms forward touching the glass the glowing light goes through the glass towards Hank and surrounded him as it revealed to be a field around him protecting him.

As the eel was going to hit Hank it was blocked away by the field making it swim away in anger with Goliath leading it away, the light around me faded away as did the field around Hank fade away, I released myself from Sean's arms gently and quickly ran to the power button and pressed it making me smile big as everything comes back alive
"Evelyn what was that?" Sean asked me, appearing to be in shock to what happened to me and I would be too but I'm running on adrenaline
"It looked like I discovered a new power and we can talk about once we get everyone and out of here" I tell him as I sit on the chair and pressing a button to bring up the anchor

"You sure you don't want to talk about it?" Sean asked me as he stood on the left side of the chair as I press certain buttons to check if everything is working properly and if anything needs some repairs for me to fix later
"Yes I'm sure Sean" I say to him
"Talk about what?" Hank said as he comes up the stairs making Sean jump a little as he wasn't expecting his voice and before I could answer
"Evelyn just got a new power and it protected you against the eel when it was getting too close to you" Sean explained to him still in shock about what I did
"Wait that was her?! I thought it was Goliath!" Hank exclaimed feeling shocked as I was done with the tests, I flicked few switches to turn on the propellers and locking the hatch, grabbed the throttle. And before I could answer Hank there was urgent knocking on the glass making me and the guys look up

"Let me in so we can talk, you're not escaping this talk missy" Goliath firmly said making me sigh as flicked the switch unlocking the hatch for him and wait around two or three minutes for him
"Wait how is he gonna..." Hank trailed off not knowing how to say it
"Don't worry about him, he knows what to do. And he's like me when his fin dries up, plus it's not his first time in the Nautilus" I explained waving off their concerns as we hear a dragging sound making the us turn around

"Um some help here Evie?" We hear Goliath's voice at the bottom of the stairs, waving my hand I levitate him up the ground and set him down on the ground on my right
"Alright everyone hold on" I said with a smirk as I push the throttle forward making it steer forward making the guys grab on to the railing or in Goliath's case he wrapped his arms around my waist including the chair, at the sudden action and his tail curved around the chair.

"You scare me whenever you drive this thing, you know that right?" Goliath asks me making me chuckle
"Like the time I made this bad boy go in loop-de-loops 4 times in a row?" I asked him with a smirk remembering that day, oh his reaction was hilarious
"Unless you want me to barf on your lap I suggest you don't remind me of that horrible day" Goliath said as he rested his head on my thigh supposedly remembering the dizziness he felt that day

"But the adrenaline though! It's how we know we're alive!" I exclaimed then chuckling as he tightened his grip a bit
"You and your thrills and adrenaline would get us into trouble or worse, like death one of these days" He mumbled into my thigh as I made a few turns avoiding falling rock
"Hey Evelyn sorry to interrupt you guy's conversation but you do know where the others are right?" Hank asks me from my left
"Yeah I know except where they are, Goliath and I know these waters like the back of our hand or tails" I tell them chuckling. When we made it to the cliffs' location only to see that they were falling apart and destruction was everywhere

"Are we too late?" Sean said afraid of the possibility of losing his grandfather
"No we're not, keep an eye out boys" I tell them as I slow the sub down a bit yet being careful around our surroundings
"There they are!" Hank exclaimed pointed where they were and we see that they were pointing at our direction, reaching over on the left side I flipped the switch to open the hatch below sense there's no time to stop and take our time. I made my way above them and caught them, flipping two other switches to close the hatch and to drain the water from the chamber and when the I noticed the green light turned on I flipped another switch to unlock the door and began to speed up.

"Hank, Sean, go help them up" I told them
"Got it Captain" Hank said as he and Sean quickly went over to them and help them as I steered away from the falling debris and telepathically told Goliath their names
"We made it!" We heard Gabato breath out
"Not yet, we haven't! Everyone hang on tight" I warned them already feeling Goliath's grip getting a bit more tighter
"Uhh Evelyn? What's or who's that around you?" Kailani asked me as Goliath and I could sense her, Gabato and Alexander are feeling wary and cautious about him. Suddenly Goliath was surrounded by sparkling bubbles

Everyone takes notice to what he's wearing as his armor and sword were set down nicely on the ground next to him

Once he felt that he had his legs he wrapped them around mine making me sigh, rubbing his his head with my right hand hopefully it'll calm him down
"Alexander, Kailani, and Gabato meet my best friend slash brother figure from childhood and he's a mershark. Don't worry about him at the moment he always gets scared whenever he's with me when I'm driving this bad boy. Everyone hang on to something " I tell them then warned them as I tilt the sun to avoid getting hit and right when I thought we made it suddenly a rock hit the right wing making us unbalanced and making the other wing go against the falling rocks.

"Up ahead! We're gonna be blocked" Kailani warned me pointing forward at the giant rock that just fell into the water
"Wait what?!" Goliath exclaimed while he lifted his head from my thigh and looked ahead with wide eyes he screams as his rolled in the back of his head and fainted on my thigh
'Ah geez every time he faints or passes out and if I'm around he'll have a hold on me in his iron grip which really hard to get out of so at one point I just accepted it' I thought worried about him sense it used to takes a couple of hours for him to wake up but I don't know if he's worked on that issue over the years
"Thank you for that Kailani" I said sarcastically to her

"Alright boys listen up. Hank, I need you to at the back and load in a torpedo into the cannon. Sean, there's a weight sensor on your left so when Hank puts it in you have to tell him when it's in the right spot behind the red line" I ordered them
"Got it Eve/Captain" Sean and Hank responded before Hank took off to the back and Sean looked towards the sensor
"I'll buy us some time so we don't hit the rocks" I said pulling back on the throttle making it slow down just enough
"HANK, YOU'RE BEHIND THE LINE" Sean yelled to him as he looks at the sensor
"HANK CLOSE UP THE HATCH THEN GET BACK UP HERE" I yelled out to him as Sean came back to his spot at my side and the button to fire the torpedo lit up but we had to be closer to take the shot. My right hand goes back to the throttle so with my left I put my finger over the torpedo button, pushing the throttle forward to speed us up and wait for the perfect shot.

"NOT YET! WE GET ONE SHOT AND IF I SHOOT TOO EARLY THEN THE ROCKS WOULD EITHER TRAP US OR CRUSH US!" I yelled back at him, focusing on the target, pushing the throttle more making us speed up more but also setting the alarms off about the upcoming danger. We were getting closer to the rocks by the second but we're not close enough for me to take the shot
"EVELYN!" Alexander yelled at me
"SHOOT IT NOW!" Kailani yelled at me
I take a deep and calming breaths
"Not yet" I said firmly while aiming dead center of the rock
"Evelyn" Sean warning me

"Just trust me" I tell him firmly noticing I have the perfect shot I pressed the button as the torpedo shot out and made impact right on the center of rock making it explode in big bang as I steer us through
"WE MADE IT!" Alex cheered, soon everyone followed after him and soon I've received pats on my back and kisses on my head by who knows who, as I smile at the open ocean in front of me.

Once we're close to where I need to be I slow down the sub and flipped two switches one to turn off the propellers and the other to drop the anchor allowing everyone to relax and take a breather but Goliath was still out so there's only one of a few ways for me to wake him up right now. With some difficulty I now carry him on my back acting like a koala bear with his head deep in my neck, I walk towards the others in time to hear.

"Nice work, man" Sean said to Hank
"You too Sean" Hank said to Sean then bringing him to a hug
"I can't believe we actually made it off the island" Kailani said before hugging her dad tight
"Impressive command and leadership, Captain Evelyn" Alexander said to me as he tipped his hat to me in a form of respect
"It's Captain Shell actually that's what Nemo always called me" I tell Alex smiling at the memory
"Is Goliath alright Evelyn? He hasn't woken up" Hank tells me getting worried about him sense he means a lot to me

"Oh yeah he's fine, this always happens whenever he faints or passes out and when if I'm around he'll cling on to me but right now there's something I need to do" I explained then made my way to the chamber and pick up the grave stone I had hidden here
"Where are you going? What's that?" I hear Sean ask from behind me turning around I held up the stone for him to read
"'Here lies Captain Nemo also known as Prince Dakkar he was an amazing captain, friend and explorer, his passion and love for the sea is here where shall always be' But isn't he buried in the grotto?" Sean read out then asked me
"You and the others can see from the window what I'm about to do" I tell him then walking into the chamber while closing the door behind me then opening up the hatch allowing water to come which turned Goliath and I grow out our fins. Swimming out of the chamber I swim towards the front of the Nautilus waving at the others after seeing them at the window and smiling at Alexander, Gabato and Kailani's shocked expressions, turning around I see the coral reef Nemo always spend his time enjoying it's beauty. I pressed on a specific piece of coral making a small crypt open up slowly after a minute it fully opened up and Goliath started to stir awake.

(A/N: The crypt would be a bit smaller, I couldn't find a good one)

"Huh? Evie what's going on?" He groaned as he took his arms off of my neck and rubbed his eyes, I turn him around to face me
"I'm burying Nemo where he should have been buried" I tell him softly putting a hand on his right shoulder, he turned around looking at the chamber that he and I worked hard on to make it perfect and it still is
"You brought him in your bracelet, didn't you?" He asks me softly

"Well of course I have, he needed a proper burial place and this is his favorite spot" I tell him as I take his hands in one hand and put the grave stone in his hands
"Let's get on with this, shall we?" I tell him as I raise my arm and press the red stone again making it release Nemo's body in front of me, now wrapped in a waterproof bandage.
"We shall" He said as I begin to carry the body gently and swam inside the small crypt to lay him down gently, existing out of the chamber I see Goliath thinking about something still holding on to the grave stone

"Are you alright?" I asked him
"I was thinking that if maybe you could sing something for him? I know he would appreciate it because he did loved watching you sing" He asks me
"That's actually a good idea Goliath" I said to him with a sad smile, my hair and eyes turn blue remembering him always complimenting me about my singing. I close my eyes and take a deep breath I press on the big blue stone on my bracelet and begin to sing, unknown to us is that everyone in the sub has been listening in the whole time...

🎵 Loo-li, loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay
Loo-li, loo-li, loo-li lai-lay
Lay down your head and I'll sing you a lullaby
Back to the years of loo-li lai-lay
And I'll sing you to sleep and I'll sing you tomorrow
Bless you with love for the road that you go
May you sail far to the far fields of fortune
With diamonds and pearls at your head and your feet
And may you need never to banish misfortune
May you find kindness in all that you meet
May there always be angels to watch over you
To guide you each step of the way
To guard you and keep you safe from all harm
Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay
May you bring love and may you bring happiness
Be loved in return to the end of your days
Now fall off to sleep, I'm not meaning to keep you
I'll just sit for a while and sing loo-li, lai-lay
May there always be angels to watch over you
To guide you each step of the way
To guard you and keep you safe from all harm
Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay, loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay
Loo-li, loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay
Loo-li, loo-li, loo-li lai-lay
Loo-li, loo-li, loo-li lai-lay
Loo-li, loo-li, loo-li lai-lay
Loo-li, lai-lay🎵

As I finished singing I closed the crypt and when it finished closing, Goliath put down the grave stone in a perfect spot and gave me a side hug
"Beautiful singing as always and that song was beautiful Evie" He complimented to me
"Do you think they heard?" I asked him
"If your talking about Nemo and your mother then yes I'm sure they did and you'll know it too because you'll feel it in your heart" He tells me
"Now come on, let's get your friends home" He says to me as he pulls me by the arm taking us back to the sub

"Wait you want to come? But what about your kingdom? What's gonna happen to them while your gone?" I questioned him, he tensed and came to a sudden stop for a minute then brought us to the hatch
"There's a lot of things that need to be said when we have our talk later" He said softly giving me the feeling that one of things wasn't good, he opened the hatch and allowed me to go in first then with him coming in behind me and I closed it behind him. He drained the water and I levitated both of us before we could hit the ground, we exited out of the chamber but stopped when we see everyone everyone standing up at the top of the stairs.

"Are you guys alright?" I questioned them wondering what the is going on
"We watched what you guys were doing and that song you sang was beautiful" Sean said feeling a bit emotional like what everyone else is feeling
"Oh, thank you" I tell him with a smile, Goliath and I went forward as everyone made room for us to pass by
"But what was that?" Kailani asked us
"That was me putting Nemo's body in the crypt, basically a small funeral ceremony. He spent lots of his time at this coral reef admiring it's beauty that he made it his favorite spot" I explained to them, turning around to face them

"It's only right that he should be buried in a special spot where he loves and spends his time in" Goliath continued as I made us sit on the table, taking off my backpack and laid it on my lap
"Well it was a beautiful ceremony and extraordinary tail you have Evelyn" Alexander tells me with a warm smile
"I agree with Alexander, it was a beautiful ceremony that I'm sure Nemo would love and appreciate the gesture" Hank says to Goliath and I making us smile but suddenly I felt something overwhelming me making me dizzy

"Thank you Hank" Goliath thanks him
"Um Evelyn are you okay? You look a little dizzy?" Gabato speaks up after calming down his tears from the funeral ceremony and song
"Y-yeah....I-I feel...fin...." I trailed off feeling faint, sliding off the table and onto the floor with a thud leaning against something or someone as my eyes began to close
"EVELYN!" I hear Sean and Goliath exclaim in unison, closing my eyes falling into darkness...

Goliath's PoV

"EVELYN!" Sean and I exclaimed in unison as I caught her in my arms before she can hit her head on the ground, though Hank and Gabato grabbed a hold on both of us and put us down on the ground
"What happened to her?" Sean asked me worried, as everyone else began to gather around
"I don't kn..." I cut myself off, noticing her ember necklace and bracelet were glowing
"Someone from the spirit realm called her" I muttered in shock
"What was that Goliath?" Hank asked me
"Someone from the spirit realm called her, she'll wake up on her own once she's done talking to whoever called her" I repeated louder for them to hear

"Are you sure we can't just wake her up?" Kailani asked 'a ridiculous question in my opinion' I thought holding back an eye roll
"Yes I'm sure, it's dangerous to wake someone up when their in this state we'll just have to wait" I explained as we all looked at her hopefully she'll wake up soon

Evelyn's PoV

I open my eyes just to feel grass at my fingertips and see a cloudy yet sunny sky? 'What the heck?' I thought as I stood up and looked around my surroundings. Seeing a couple of trees, waterfalls and a beautiful river surrounding this area, suddenly a hear something twinkle a tune and it repeats all over again making me remember song my mother once sang to me a long time ago. I began to sing unknowingly someone was watching from behind a tree or that my bracelet was recording the moment...

(Looking up at the sky)
Sun goes down
And we are here
Glow like a thousand charms

Stay with me

(I turned around at the sudden voice and surprised to see...)

And you can dream forever

(My mother! I start to tear up especially seeing her and hearing her again after all this time)

Right here in my arms

(Walking towards her and hug her close, feeling her hug me just as tight )

Sounds of day
Fade away

(We hold each other at arms length)

Stars begin to climb

Fill the Breeze
Sweeter all the time

Sun goes down

My love

And we are here together

Is always with you

Fireflies glow
Like a thousand charms

Whether near or far

Stay with me

How sweet

And you can dream forever

To hold you

Right here in
My arms
(As we began to hug each other again)

"Oh mom, I miss you so much" I tell her as we released from the hug and I wipe away my tears or tried to
"Oh darling, look how much you've grown. Such a beautiful young lady you're growing up to be" She said as she twirled me around making me laugh
"Even you mom, that dress you have on is beautiful just like you as always" I tell her looking at her dress

"But where are we? And how am I here?" I questioned her as we took a walk by the river
"We're in the spirit realm my seashell, and how you're here? Let's just say that me and a friend of ours summoned you here to have a talk with you" She explained winking at me
"But who?" I asked secretly hoping it isn't one of my unique creature friends not being there for them before they died

"You didn't really forget about me, did you Captain Shell?" I hear a voice behind me, making me turn around and see NEMO?!
"Now how can I forget about you? When you taught me everything you and Jason know" I teased as he gave me a big hug which I gladly returned
"Wait so both of you summoned me here? Why?" I questioned them as we released from the hug and I looked between them confused

"We want to talk to you for our own reasons but I'll make what I have to say quick so your mother can have more time with you" Nemo said making me look at him so he'll continue
"I just want to thank you and Goliath for the ceremony and giving me a proper burial. You both know me so well that both of you knew where I really wanted to be buried and for that I'll always be grateful especially for that beautiful song you sang. Your mother and I heard it and we're so proud of you" He said making me tear up and hug him tight again which he returned
"Alright your highness, your turn" Nemo said to mom as we released from the hug, I turned to mom and gave her a warm smile feeling like a young girl again

"My beautiful girl, I know I should have told you and your father when I was still around but..." She trailed off, looking down and playing a strand of her hair
"Mom whatever it is, I can handle it" I said while grabbing her hands and looked into her eyes
"I have...I have a twin sister who I haven't seen nor heard from in years because we haven't talked since we were younger. We used to be close but one day she was mad at me for something that I don't know what I did, and when my time came I regret not talking about it to her sooner.." She trailed off not being able to continue, I hugged her tight to comfort her which she hugged back and started to sob on my shoulder 'I never seen her like this, it breaks my heart seeing her like this' I thought sadly

"Mom I promise you that I'll find her one day and have a talk with her and tell her what you told me" I tell her in hopes to ease her pain and mind
"Are you sure sweetheart?" She questioned as we released from the hug
"I'm definitely sure mom and I don't care how long it takes to find her" I said
"Still my adventurous girl" She said looking fondly at me
"Oh and before I forget" She continued while waving a hand around then pointed at her other hand making two small gift boxes appear and hand them to me
"Open these on your birthday in front of your father and here" She said then taking off her locket and put it around my neck clipping it on

"Are you sure mom?" I questioned her
'She never takes her locket off, it means too much to her' I thought
"I'm sure sweetheart, and the gem is almost the same as your bracelet. When you press on it a holographic photo album will appear containing all sorts of photos and videos. And when you open it the locket a special will play, it's a special song between my sister and I" She explained with a sad smile when she mentioned my mystery aunt
"Thank you mom, I'll protect it with my life" I said holding it close to my heart
"My darling girl my time with you in the living felt so short that it saddens me that I'm not there physically so see you grow. I wish I could be there physically but we both know that I can't" She said resting her hands on my cheek as a tear shed from her eye and gave me a forehead kiss

Suddenly there's a howl in the distance

We hear something coming this way...
There's a howl again but this time it's closer like it's right next to us making the three of us look at it's direction and see what appears to be a bird-winged male dire wolf with grey fur, and a prominent x-shaped scar on his chest, when it stopped howling it looked down at us and made eye contact with me. Locking his gold eyes filled with curiosity to my brown ones just as filled with curiosity like his, after two minutes he started to come this way towards me. Once he came close enough I stood straight with my arms at my sides as he started to circled around me making my now shocked mother and Nemo back away from the wolf and he appears to be sniffing me?

"Um mom? What's going on?" I asked feeling surprisingly calm and relaxed by the wolf's presence
"He's a spirit animal sweetheart and most of the spirit animals live together especially the other wolves except this one" She explained
"Why not? Doesn't the pack like him?" I asked, when I started to feel him sniff my neck making me giggle
"It's not that the pack doesn't like him, he prefers to be a lone wolf and he's sniffing you to decide either if he likes you or not" She said wondering what the results would be

"And what would happen if he does like me?" I questioned suddenly I felt a heavy weight on my shoulders, something around my neck and on top of my head making me look around just to see that the he's on his hind legs, his head on top of mine and his front paws around my neck like he's hugging me from behind
"Now that it's confirmed that he likes you, it means that he chooses you to be your spirit guide. That is if you accept so to seal the bond between the two of you" She explained with a fond yet proud smile

"I accept him and the bond.." I got cut off by the cute wolfie pulling away from me and started run around me in a couple circles until he stopped in front of me and rubbed his head against my belly making laugh
"Haha yes I accept you, big boy" I said laughing and gave him some head scratches making his tail wag happily
"Does he have a name yet mom?" I continued to question

"No, he and just like the other animals don't have names. So what would you name him to officially seal the bond?" She asked
"Hmmm" I hummed thinking as he rolled on his back asking for belly scratches which I happily did. Kneeling down I rubbed his belly with my left hand and with my right I gently grabbed his left paw for a closer look

'Huh it was like he didn't make a sound while he running. He's the sneakiest wolf I've ever seen!' I thought as I left his paw alone, standing up I hold a hand out silently asking for his paw which he did the trick with no hesitation
"I'm calling you Padfoot" I tell him with a smile hoping he'll like the name, to which he responded by howling and spreading out his wings. Suddenly my bracelet started to glow and a cool studded leather appeared around his neck with a tag, crouching down to his height I take a look at the tag and it says 'Padfoot' on the front and the back side says 'don't mess with me my owner is a Badass Queen' making me laugh as I scratch his ears and stand up.

"Now your bonded together, usually the spirit guide can transform into a yellow and magenta-like beaded necklace but it seems sense he also chose to be in your bracelet..." She tells me feeling unsure (A/N: Basically on how it works in the Tara Duncan animated show)

"It's fine mom and if your worried about me not knowing how the bond or about spirit guides, then don't. I know all about it and I know that the spirit guides are animals but I didn't know what kind there were" I tell her as I put the two gift boxes inside my bracelet for storage
"It's not that sweetheart, it's just your time here is running out" She said sadly
"Five minutes or less little one, you can't stay here much longer" Nemo tells me laying a comforting hand on my shoulder as Padfoot sits on my left side and I start to give him some head rubs

"It's alright mom, I carry you, dad and Nemo in my heart and I know you three are always there watching over me" I tell them with a sad smile, mom and Nemo smile back but then mom looked at Padfoot and made eye contact
"Look after my daughter would you?" She asked him gently, which he nodded in response suddenly a blue glowing portal opened making Padfoot nudge me in my hip towards it
"Time to go already bud?" I asked Padfoot making him nod in response, he walked towards the portal and stood beside it waiting for me, I turned towards mom and Nemo

"Before you go sweetheart I want to you to know that I'm proud of you and always will be. You are my love, my life, my little songbird, remember to always sing from the heart" She fondly said with a warm smile pulling me in for a hug which I glad returned just as tight and when we released from the hug Nemo pulled me in and hugged me tight
"And you remember to always speak your mind, don't let anyone put you down because if they push you then you push them back just as hard" He tells me while pulling away from the hug then gently push me towards the portal all while he trying not to cry

"I love both you and mom, thank you for the music" I tell them with a smile as I turned around and began to walk towards the portal then stood next to Padfoot
"You ready for your new beginning boy?" I asked him, he responded with a small woof and with that we walked in as a bright light shined around us...

Goliath's PoV

At one point our tails dried up so I laid her down on the table and sat down on her left side holding onto her hand and keeping a close eye on her for any changes
"When is she gonna wake up?" Sean asked getting more worried at her state
"Be patient Sean, let her talk to whomever she's talking to" Hank assures him though he's just as worried but has to stay calm
"Yeah Sean be patient, it's only been two minutes and thirty seconds" I said looking at him, 'I could tell he likes her, if they get together would she leave me behind and forget about me? Nah I'm thinking crazy she wouldn't do that' I thought as I played with her fingers

"Are you not worried about her?" Sean asked me hastily making a jab at me, sensing a bit of attitude
"Dude she's my sister figure and we've been best friends since we were pups or babies as you say, there were many times I would worry about her especially when she acted hastily but right now I'm not. You wanna know why? It's because she's only talking to someone in spirit realm, when it's the most peaceful realm ever. Shall I continue?" I asked deadly calm, suddenly a familiar necklace appeared around Evelyn's neck making me realize that she's talking to her mom.

"Hey, what's that?" Kailani questioned as she gently reached for the necklace
"Wait Kailani, don't..." I urgently said until I got cut off by a small scream once she touched it
"OW!" She screamed letting go of the necklace
"Touch it" I continued letting out a sigh
"What happened to my baby's hand?!" Gabato exclaimed as he checks her hand as Alexander takes a look at the necklace without touching it

"That was a part of necklace's security system to prevent anyone from stealing it. Back then whenever us royals went out to visit the locals or traveled anywhere there was always rouge bandits out stealing from anyone which was a big problem. So Evelyn and I came up with the solution to put up a security system enchantment, if it doesn't belong to you then the system which can go off in many different ways" I explained with a small smirk seeing it still works
"And your smirking because you find my pain funny or something?!" She exclaimed making a fuss 'oh honestly it was a small shock and she's acting like it was a big one' I thought holding back an eye roll

"I was smirking because that necklace came from the spirit realm and I'm surprised that the security system still works. Stop being over dramatic, it was a small shock and it didn't even leave a mark and don't be touching what doesn't belong to you" I said looking at her with a small glare
"Ok ok everyone relax, Kailani, Goliath's right you shouldn't be touching what isn't yours that's why you ask and you should have let him finish what he's saying so this kind of problem doesn't happen" Hank tells her being serious, unknowingly Sean moved to sit down on my right.

"She's gonna alright, right Goliath?" Sean whispered to me making me look at him
"Yeah she's gonna fine" I tell him with a small smile, suddenly I heard a faint gasp coming from someone making me look around until I noticed a calm looking dire wolf with wings sitting on Evelyn's right and looking at her? I subtly looked at her bracelet and noticed the glow from her ember and bracelet are slowly fading away which means she's waking up
"WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!" Kailani and Gabato exclaimed in unison backing away from it while Hank and Alexander just slowly rushed over to Sean and the dire wolf wasn't fazed by their reaction

"Um Goliath, what is that?" Hank and Sean said in unison but before I could answer someone else did...

Evelyn's PoV

When I regained consciousness but kept my eyes closed, I heard screaming and heard Hank and Sean ask
"Um Goliath, what is that?" In unison and before he could answer
"That's my new spirit guide" I said while opening my eyes and looking at their direction
"EVELYN!" Sean and Goliath exclaimed as I sat up and looked down noticing that I'm on top of the table so I got hopped off of it and got pulled into a group hug by Sean and Goliath
"Glad to see your alright Evelyn" Hank tells me while rubbing my head like my father used to do

"Who were you talking to in the spirit realm dearie?" Alexander asked me
Goliath, Sean and I released from the hug and I went to stand in front of the group as Padfoot followed and sat down at my side
"Yeah I'm alright Hank thanks and in the spirit realm, I was talking to my mom and Captain Nemo" I tell them with a smile then looked at Goliath when I mentioned my mom and Nemo
"I figured you were talking to her when her necklace appeared around your neck" Goliath said with a smile while gesturing to my neck

"But what's up with the wolf with wings? And what's a spirit guide?" Kailani asked hastily making me raise an eyebrow at her 'what heck is her problem' I thought as I made my way to grab my backpack, grabbing it I walk towards captain's chair and flipped the switches to bring up the anchor and turn on the propellers
"A spirit guide is creature that shares its spirit with anyone they see as worthy or if the person worked so hard that they deserved one like a reward. The two are almost inseparable and even without verbal communication, should understand each other" I explained while taking a hold of the throttle making the sub go in reverse then steer it away from the coral reef.

"The bond between the person and spirit guide share is precious such as when a spirit guide is unwell, physically or mentally, theif pain is felt by their owner. A spirit guide's death can result
in the person feeling like their missing a part of themselves and later on fall into depression, they were bound to, only the psychologically strong person and strong willed can overcome the death of their spirit guide" Goliath continued for me as Padfoot walked towards my backpack and sniffed it.

"What did you name him Evelyn?" Hank asked sensing him, Sean, Alexander and Goliath walking cautiously towards Padfoot
"I named him Padfoot because he's really sneaky and he likes the name, you guys can pet him if you like he won't bite or attack cause he listens to command" I tell them, suddenly I felt something drop on my lap making me look down just to see it's my phone and looking over I see that it was Padfoot who dropped it and seeing everyone's questioning yet very confused stares

"Alright truth is I have left the island and made a life for myself doing what I love, I've traveled around the world to sing my music, making friends and connections, stopping poachers from killing animals for sport and to prevent the species from extinction, also bringing injured animals to my sanctuary to heal then release them, and even though when water touches my skin my tail pops out, I figured out a trick to prevent that so it was possible for me to be surfer. Though when when I preform my music I wear a disguise so people won't stalk me, and at the end of the day I would be either at the island or with my foster dad" I explained and when I was done I felt the phone vibrate, I grabbed it looked at the screen seeing old notifications of texts and missed calls from my ex friends though I noticed more recent message from Steroids saying 'if you don't text back I'm gonna call you. You have two minutes' so I don't text back doubting he would.

"Is everything ok?" Sean asked me after taking in the truth about my life
"I don't know and the texts and missed calls are from people who I thought were my friends and some were my bestest friends but they're not. A gold digger who was mentally unstable that constantly caused drama, is extremely possessive, needy and made everything about her took my friends from me. Though no one believed me when I tried showing evidence and a voice recording of her admitting that she was after their money, so I packed up everything and left" I said as my hair and eyes turned red and blue, Goliath lays a comforting hand on my shoulder sense he already knows what happened.

"Sorry to hear that Evelyn, it's a real shitty thing for them to do that to you. If they really were your friends they should have listened" Hank tells me
"Oh definitely really shitty, but are you really gonna talk to them?" Sean agreed with Hank then asked me as he gestured to my phone once it started to vibrate 'huh he was deadass serious when he said that' I thought

"Yeah I'm gonna answer to tell them to leave me alone, if they didn't wanted to hear me out then why should I hear them out. Can you guys give me a minute?" I asked them
"Take your time Eve" Sean says before walking away
"Give them hell dearie" Alexander said chuckling before following after Sean
"Are you gonna be alright?" Hank asked
"Yeah Hank" I said chuckling when Padfoot gently pushed Goliath and Hank away to give some space, taking a deep breath I answer the call

In Call

Evelyn: Hello?

Steroids: EVELYN! Thank goodness you finally answered, we need to talk

Evelyn: No you listen here along with the other traitors/abandoners, I only answered for one reason and that's to say this. Stop calling I don't ever want to talk you guys ever again, I'm not taking calls or messages from you and the family. You guys didn't want to listen me so now you and everyone else can lie in the bed you've made yourselves

Steroids: Please give me and the others a chance to talk, to explain. Don't do what I think you're gonna do, please come back so we can do this face to face

Evelyn: I would rather hang myself than visit the town when that GD is there and you traitors. If I'd known this where our friendships were gonna be in the beginning I would have avoided everyone like a plague. Know this you jerk, this isn't the first time this happened to me and I didn't think it would happen again especially with you guys. Bye

Call End

With that I hung up then went into my contact list and blocked the whole family's number but I couldn't bring myself to block Steroids number, Texas number and Mama Bear so I just left their numbers alone and started to delete the texts and missed calls from the family but then I noticed I also have  missed calls, texts and my voicemail is full from my other friends, 'I'll probably listen to those later' I thought as I put away my phone and as Padfoot lays his head on my lap with a small whine so I give him some head rubs.

"How are you feeling Evelyn?" I hear Goliath's voice in my head
"I'll be fine, but now is the time to bring them home" I tell him
"Hey Evelyn can I talk to you for a minute?" Sean says seeing him walking towards me seeing him  from the reflection
"Um yeah sure. Hey Goliath? Can you take over for a minute?" I tell him while standing up and grabbing my backpack
"Sure but when are we gonna have our talk?" Goliath says as he takes my spot and holding on to the throttle
"After when I'm done talking to Sean" I tell him, gesturing to Sean to follow me, I led him down a hallway and a few turns as we arrived at my room.

"We can talk here" I said opening the door letting Padfoot in with Sean on his tail then close the door
"What room is this?" Sean asked, I flipped the the light switch
"My room" I said while putting my backpack on the table and as Padfoot went up to my lovesac bean bag getting comfortable making Sean and I chuckle

I take Sean's hand and lead him to my bed, we sit down next to each other and faced each other
"I was worried when you just passed out of nowhere, and when Goliath said that you were in the spirit realm I got more worried because I don't know if there was a possibility of you staying there or not" He tells me softly looking into my eyes
"Oh Sean, I'm sorry I worried you and there's a time limit for souls visiting the spirit realm so no one could get trapped ever again because it happened to a friend of mine luckily I managed to get his spirit back into his body in time" I tell while grabbing his hand and held it

"Besides as if I would leave you, Goliath and the others behind" I continued with a soft smile
"Oh really? Why's that?" He said smiling and scooted closer to me until there wasn't any room
"Because you still owe me date hot lips" I said smirking leaning a bit closer
"You're right, my sweet mermaid. How about we go on one when we.." I interrupted him by pressing my lips to his

His hands went around my waist holding me tight as mine went around his neck, slowly I started straddling his lap pushing him down against the bed post beginning to passionately kiss. Your tongues ventured into your mouths slowly tasting every inch of it, I pulled away from the kiss then leaning down to kiss his neck lightly sucking it making Sean moan slightly, threading his fingers in my hair. I then trailed my  kisses up to his ear to give it a lick and a few playful bites leaving a few marks. I realized it was getting heated between us and I wanted to continue but then I remembered where we are and about the others so I pulled away and heard a small little moan come from him making me giggle.

He rested his forehead against mine, give me a final soft kiss on my lips making me smile
"How about we have that date this Saturday my sweet mermaid?" He asked with a smirk
"That sounds good and as much as I want to stay like this I still promised Goliath to talk about whatever he needs to say" I said with a small frown resting my hands on his chest rubbing him gently

"It's alright sweetheart I understand, it seems that he has a lot on his mind and  it looks like it's really bothering him" He said rubbing my back then I get off his lap suddenly I get an idea.
"I just thought of something" I said while looking around my walls for a key
"What's wrong and what are you doing?" Sean asked sitting at the edge of the bed
"I have a boat that I barely even use back at the docks of Palau that I want to give to Gabato as a replacement for his helicopter. It's big enough for his tours and it's lower deck has reinforced glass floors and walls with lights around them to see in the water better in the dark" I said while looking around my shelves

"That's really generous of you Eve" Sean said right when I found the key on a hook at the end of my bed
"Ha! Found it, Sean can you pass me my checkbook please it's right next to you" I said while going through my drawers for a small empty present box
"Um sure? What for?" He asked while grabbing it and leaving it on the table, finally finding the right box grabbing it then bring it to the table as Sean stands at my side
"Just a little something for Kailani's college fund" I said while writing on the check for ten hundred thousand dollars
"Woah that's a lot! How do you have that much?" He exclaimed in shock then questioned at the amount

"Well I have been around traveling earning money whenever I preform my music, gotten jobs that people tipped me generously for the great service and my kindness, winning surfing competitions and other stuff I don't have time to mention" I explained while folding it two times then placing the check in the box with the key on top of it, closing it
"Come on let's go rejoin the others, Padfoot, you can stay in here if you like?" I asked him as Sean and I stood near the door looking at him, he responded by retracting his wings

Then rolled over to lay on his back with his tongue hanging out making Sean and I laugh at his actions
"Huh, did not know he could do that, come on Sean" I said opening the door, stepping out as Sean closes the door behind him. We walked back to where everyone hand in hand and the gift in my other hand, when we got back everyone was talking though I could hear Hank and Alexander asking Goliath questions making me chuckle as we walked up the steps.

"FINALLY!" Alexander shouted from his spot at the railing once he saw Sean and I gaining everyone's attention, making Sean chuckle letting go of my hand only to put his arm around my shoulder and kiss me on my temple, we stopped walking once we got to the table
"Gabato and Kailani, can you guys come here for a minute?" I asked them, they got up from the floor from leaning against the wall and walked over here, they see Sean and I smiling
"What's going on?" Gabato said getting curious yet suspicious, I hand out the box towards them, Gabato grabbed it reluctantly

"Don't worry it's nothing bad, though with this gift I give you I hope you like it. It's just a little something to help you and Kailani to continue doing with what you love and to do something you've always wanted to do" I said gesturing him to open it, by now everyone has gathered around. Gabato carefully opened it and questioned it
"A key and a piece of paper?" Gabato and Kailani questioned as he grabbed the two out of the box

"Not just any key and piece of paper, I have a boat that I barely even use back at the docks of Palau that I want to give to you as a replacement for your helicopter. It's big enough for your tours and it's lower deck has reinforced glass floors and walls with lights around them to see in the water better in the dark and with all the time I had with it I even modified it so it can go underwater. And unfold that piece of paper" I explained smiling, Gabato and Kailani started to tear up in happiness while I was explaining and when he started to unfold it he let the tears shed once he realized what it was

"Papa what is it?" She questioned holding in the tears
"IT'S A CHECK FOR TEN HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS BABY!" He exclaimed bringing his daughter in for a tight hug
"WAIT WHAT?!" She exclaimed in disbelief as everyone else stared in shock
"It's for you to go to college anywhere you want and both of you don't have to worry about paying me back" I tell them then they suddenly Gabato brought me into tight hug and kept saying thank yous

"That's really generous of you Evelyn, but are you sure we don't have to pay you back?" Kailani asked me once Gabato pulled away
"Yeah I'm sure" I tell her, looking over at Goliath I noticed that he's hunched over and that we were steering off course, I rushed over to him grabbing on to the throttle and steered us back on course before we could crash into anything
"Ok your time is up" I said gently taking his hand off the throttle
"Hey Hank? Can you take over so I can take Goliath to my room? He looks like he's gonna pass out" I said while gently levitating Goliath out of the seat

"Yeah sure" Hank said taking Goliath's spot so I let go of the throttle and levitating him in front of me making my way back to my room. Making it to my room I close the door behind me and walk towards my bed then lay him down, sitting sideways at the edge facing him
"Alright I know your awake" I said poking him in his stomach making him chuckle and open his eyes
"What did you wanted to talk about?" I continued

"It was around when I finished the training the royal guard taught me so I went looking for your cousins to train me and it took longer than expected because things kept popping up, I think it took around almost two years and I when returned home I was expecting a welcome back home from my parents or anyone but all I heard was silence. And when I looked around the whole area and there was a battle, broken weapons in some parts and slaughtered bodies, everywhere was covered in blood. So I rushed to the castle looking for my parents but I only found them tied up and slaughtered...
I don't blame you Evie for not being there because if you were, you would either be in the same state or alive but badly scarred. I barely live with myself for not being there for my parents but if you were there I would be alone, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. So from then on I went looking for whoever did it but wasn't successful, when you saw me earlier I just came back from searching when I smelled your scent close by and that's when I saw the eel coming towards you" He says, my eyes and hair turn blue as I shed a few tears though he brings a hand to my face wiping away the tears

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you" I whispered out as more tears shed looking down closing my eyes, I feel him hug me from behind by my neck feeling him rest his head on mine and suddenly felt Padfoot's head on my lap whining
"It's alright Evie, I made peace with it long ago. There's nothing for me to go back to you so your all I have so of course I'm staying with you if you let me?" I heard him say

"Of course, we're best friends and we look out for each other" I said turning around returning his hug, out of nowhere a pair of wings wrap around us making me chuckle as I pull back from the hug a see Padfoot wanting to be a part of it, I lay my hands on his face and give him a couple of kisses on his head
"Ok Goliath, you lay back down and rest up and don't argue. I know your exhausted" I firmly tell him which he complied "Padfoot, make sure he actually gets some sleep" I continued, he nodded in response then grabbed the extra blanket and put it on Goliath making me chuckle as I left the room and wiped away any remaining tears.

"Alright everyone, let's get you guys home" I said walking to the Captain's chair, Hank got up moving to the side and I gave him a thankful smile as I took control 'who knows when my next adventure would come' I thought to myself...

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