All Roads Lead to You (Trafal...

By Chaapanya

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You've been with your boyfriend, Trafalgar Law, for two peaceful years. Med school is going well for him and... More

Day Off
Another Year of You
Silence and Motion
The Hoodie
His First Happiness
Over the Spider Lilies
White Rabbit
One Man Army
Long Fall
Clipping His Wings

Freedom's Call

238 20 3
By Chaapanya

The time went by quickly as you were kept busy by all of Mugiwara and the Hearts. No one was giving you any time to fall into a depressive pit and despite also not getting much time to grieve, you were thankful. When you weren't spending time with Shachi and Penguin, you were off with Nami getting tea or discussing plans for the future. Sometimes you accompanied Sanji and Zoro into the city to buy more food supplies for the kitchen. Your job was to keep the two from fighting and Zoro from getting lost. The latter was easy, you just tied a lanyard around his and your wrists. The former? Not so easy, Sanji and Zoro always seemed to be butting heads.

Sometimes you'd go up to the roof of the tall building with Usopp and listen to his stories while you enjoyed the view. The tanned man with the bushy black hair had an imagination so vast, it rivaled your own and made you want to write. Your writer's block had finally, finally, passed. With all the events, both tragic and wonderful, that had happened to you within the past two months, you were struck with inspiration and a story had bloomed within your mind. It was one you were finally happy with.

While you worked on your writing, you would go sit with Robin. The gentle sounds of her flipping through a book or the scratch of her pen while she jotted down notes was comforting. The two of you enjoyed your company. Franky was always busy tinkering with his new gadgets, but he did let you test out a new remote controlled mini robot. You were amazed when it actually shot little lasers from its eyes.

Chopper and Isha were constantly moving around, checking on Shachi and Penguin and Law. Chopper took care of the three during the day while Isha was at med school; he really was just a little guy. He was shorter than you and had a mop of brown hair that poked out from under his big blue and pink hat. At first you thought he was a child, but no. Just a little person with wide brown eyes and a cute button nose. And he was so kind and patient with you over all your questions. You couldn't help but thank him which earned you a very bashful, almost rude remark from him. While Isha was at class, he took care of all of Law's loose ends there as well. He explained to the teachers that Law had become deathly ill and was currently being hospitalized, handing them a signed medical sheet from Chopper as proof. You were shocked when Isha returned and did all of Law's work for him to turn in under the guise that he was just bed ridden.

"He already knows all of this." Isha had said, twiddling a pen while he did two copies of the homework. "I hate to admit it, but Law is a better doctor than I am. Better than I'll ever be. Just...don't tell him I said that."

You were grateful to everyone, but no one more than Luffy. Luffy went out of his way to make you smile. He took you out for food and across the city for adventures. His smile was contagious and his energy swept you away with him. And if a frown ever dared show up on your features, Luffy was there to plop his straw hat on your head with a giant grin before dragging you off to do something else. He never said anything, but he knew you were hurting. He wasn't going to stand by idly and let you suffer.

The hardest part of it all though was at night. You hadn't slept alone for years; suddenly being all on your own in the big bed you were given was rough. The first few days, you didn't sleep any more than a few hours. You had no energy, even after going through multiple coffees. Finally, on the fourth day of little to no sleep, you passed out in the middle of the hallway. Sanji carried you to one of the beds in the med ward and when Chopper examined you, he said it was over exertion. You didn't argue, you knew you hadn't been sleeping well at all. That night, when you attempted to sleep again, you were startled out of your calm stupor by Shachi and Penguin.

"We haven't been sleeping very well either." Penguin admitted with a vague smile.

Shachi sat on the bed next to you and smiled. "If you can tolerate Peng's terrible snoring, would you like us to stay with you until Law wakes up?"

"My snoring?! What about your restlessness?!"

Regardless of Penguin's arguments over him snoring and Shachi's slight twitchiness, you gratefully accepted their company. From that point onward, the three of you slept in the same bed, Shachi's limbs often splayed out in every direction and Penguin's soft snores helping you drift off yourself. They never touched you in an inappropriate way, never flirted with you again. They merely wished to stay close to provide a sense of security while their beloved brother slept the days away. So much sweeter were they than your original interpretation had been. You appreciated these two more than you could ever say for the brotherly love they showed you.

By the time you realized it, a month had passed and there was still no change in Law. You were told that coma patients didn't sleep longer than a few weeks; any longer and the brain started to suffer irreversible damage. Yet still Law slept, heavy lashes resting against tanned cheeks and the subtle rise and fall of his chest with each breath. There was no other moment or signs of life from him, not even the tiniest twitch of his fingers. You were beginning to lose hope.

Shachi grunted as your foot connected with his side and he countered with a quick jab that you blocked. Over the time spent waiting, Shachi and Penguin had both healed up and you and Shachi returned to training. You'd been getting better every day and lasting longer and longer. You stopped going to bed with so many bruises and started sharing the amount with Shachi; it was very exciting.

You launched another punch at Shachi and he dodged it, grabbing your wrist to continue sending you past as he tripped you. You tucked your body and rolled into the fall, springing back to your feet to pivot on your heel and kick him again. A small squeak of surprise escaped you as he caught your ankle and lifted you and spun your entire small frame, the same thing he'd done a week ago and almost sprained your wrist. But you were prepared this time. This time you leaned into it, accelerating and pushing off the ground with your palm to catch Shachi off guard with your heel that connected with the underside of his chin. He gasped in shock and flew backwards a little, landing on the floor flat on his back while you landed on your feet and fell on your knees, straddling him with your fist poised above his head. The two of you stayed like that, panting and lightly sweating from the work out.

"Well!" Shachi huffed and gave you a beaming sunshine smile. "You finally did it."

You blinked at him owlishly in shock. "I-I did it?" Your expression melted to elated joy when he nodded. "I did it! I beat you! I really did it!"

You pulled yourself off him and jumped for joy as he sat up, readjusting his orca hat and giggling at your reaction. "You did really well. I wasn't expecting that last kick! That was good thinking!"

"I can't believe I did it! Wait till Law hears..." You stopped celebrating and went still, the smile fading from your face.

Up till now, you'd had no time to grieve or feel too much pain. But time was ticking away and every day it seemed more and more like Law wasn't coming back. Your bottom lip quivered and you dug your nails into your palms to keep from crying. You'd been putting on a happy face for so long, you couldn't give in now.

You felt Shachi's warm hand close around your wrist and he pulled you down to him. His sunshine smile was still there, but you could see unsettled amber eyes behind his sunglasses. He was in just as much pain over Law as you were.

"You can take a little time to feel, if you need to." Shachi grinned. "I won't tell anyone."

A sniffle escaped you and you leaned in for a hug. Shachi was all too happy to return it and as you sat there, you could feel tiny, almost unnoticeable quivers run through him. As if he were silently crying. Maybe you weren't the only one grief stricken over Law to the extent you were. Shachi's sunshine had become so common to you that you forgot how much he was willing to fight to save Law and just how bad his failure had stuck him. You reached up and lowered his head to your shoulder. You could comfort each other, just for now, right? Later you would go find Penguin and do the same for him. He was probably hurting just as badly.

"What do we do if Law doesn't wake up?" Shachi's muffled voice came from your shoulder.

"I'm not sure." You said quietly and leaned your head against his. You narrowed your eyes and clenched a fist. "First we go after Doflamingo. Rosinante was my father and I love Law so much. He's taken two of my most cherished people from me. I'll never forgive him."

Shachi sat up and gave you a hard stare with a devious grin. "We'll go with you, Penguin and I. We have to return the favor."

You beamed at him. "I wouldn't dream of going without you. I want us to stay together anyway. I think Law would have liked that."

"Penguin and I talked actually." Shachi put his hands in his lap after adjusting the brim of Law's hat on your head. "Whether Law wakes up or not, we want to stick around you guys more. We're a family now, after all. Penguin wants to be an engineer and I kinda want to be a mechanic. We could live normal lives and just be happy. Is that okay?"

You laughed and pulled the brim of his hat down over his eyes. "Of course that's okay! I would miss you guys too much if you disappeared now." You reached forward and patted his cheeks with your finger tips. "We are a family. And you can be my stupid little brother."

"Little?!" Shachi laughed at you. "But I'm 30!"

"Nope, too bad! You give off little brother energy, sorry!"

"And that isn't bratty little sister energy?!"

You both laughed. You were so tied up in your desperate clutch at happiness that you didn't hear the door to the gym open.

"Hey!" Isha stood there, panting like he'd just sprinted through the entire building. "(Y/n)! He's awake!"

You froze and just stared. The words sounded like a dream; far too good to be true. He couldn't have said what you thought he did. Shachi was in just as much shock. All he could do was sit there and blink.

"Didn't you hear me?!" Isha exclaimed and waved his arm behind him. "Law is awake! He's looking for you!"

Your eyes widened and instantly watered. You didn't think, you just acted. Scrambling to your feet, you pushed Isha out of the way and flew out of the door. You ran so fast to the medical ward that your feet hardly touched the floor. Behind you, you could hear Shachi racing to keep up with you and Isha shouting not to be rough. But you didn't care. You needed to see him, see that smile right now.

You stopped and pulled the door open, lunging inside and freezing in the doorway. Law sat there in bed, blinking and still slightly confused. His raven hair was ruffled and he'd been disconnected from all of the IVs and oxygen tubes. At the sound of your entrance, Law turned steel gray eyes on you and then it appeared. That genuine smile that pulled at your heartstrings; the smile you'd desperately craved like a breath of fresh air.

"G'morning, (Y/n)-ya." Law murmured, his voice low and raspy from misuse.

A sob broke free from the depths of your chest and you ran to him, lunging at him and wrapping your arms around his neck. Law wrapped you in his arms, squeezing you tight and burying his face in your hair. He didn't let go even when Shachi and Penguin burst into the room, didn't let go when they both tackled the two of you to add to the tangled mess of overjoyed bodies, didn't let go when Isha came in and yelled to stop bombarding him. Confused and lost for a month, he'd come back to you. He'd come back to all of you and god, how much you had missed him. You were so thankful that he'd healed in the time he'd been asleep because you couldn't find it in yourself to be gentle. Your hug was desperate and you clung to him as if he'd slip through your fingers and be lost forever again.

"I missed you!" You sobbed into the crook of his neck. "I missed you so much! I never got to say goodbye or tell you I love you! I was so scared I'd never see you again!"

"Well I'm here now, aren't I?" Law leaned you back a little and cupped your cheek. "You can tell me now. I'm listening."

"I lo-"


Law flinched and frowned slightly. "Get off! Quickly! He's not gunna stop." He warned and reluctantly pushed you, Shachi, and Penguin off.

You almost didn't move fast enough. The second you left the bed, Luffy burst into the room and practically threw Isha out of the way, leaping and flying at Law. Poor Law looked like his soul fled his body as he was pinned to the bed by the explosion of energy that was Luffy.

"Luffy!" Isha shouted, steadying himself from the whiplash. "Get off him! You're gunna put him back into a coma!"

"Shishishi! Torao! You're awake!" Luffy said and shook the grumpy man by his shoulders, still clung to him like a piece of lint.

Law blinked the stars from his eyes. "Regretfully."

"Now we can go to war against Mingo!"

You gave Luffy a strained smile. "Luffy, give him a little time first."

"No." Law pressed his palm into Luffy's forehead and pushed him back on the bed with a serious expression. "I want to discuss this. Where is Nami?"

"I'm right here!" Nami said, quickly scurrying into the room. She beamed at Law. "Good to see you up. We were worried."

Law gave her a casual smirk. "I'd like to go over the plan to take down Doflamingo. This was something I discussed briefly with Isha before going into hiding and was to be a worst case scenario plan. Seems like that qualifies now so let's put it into action."

Isha nodded. "Right. Nami you broke into Doflamingo's place and got the schematics for the building layout, right?" He grinned when Nami nodded. "Great, we'll use those to find the record room. Those records hold all the deals, hits, and financial distribution he's ever gotten up to with his family. With those files, we could turn them into the police and lock the bird and all his chicks away for life."

You looked at Law in confusion. "You don't want to kill him?"

Law narrowed his eyes. He looked like he was still fighting a war in his head. "I do. After everything he's done, I want to put him in the ground. But..." He sighed and looked at you. "That's not what Cora-san would have wanted."

"Shishishi! Okay we'll kick his ass then!" Luffy declared.

"Mugiwara-ya, you and I will provoke Doflamingo into attacking us first. Once the first gunshot goes off, that will be the signal for Nami to break in and steal the files. Usopp will kill the cameras and the rest of you will keep his men busy." Law explained succinctly.

"Alright!" You said and frowned when Law shook his head.

"You're not coming." Law spoke clearly. He tapped the underside of your chin gently. "I'm sending you to stay with Sengoku until this is all over. I want you to be safe."

You looked ready to protest and, to your surprise, Shachi and Penguin looked ready to protest with you. Isha looked between the four of you and glanced at Nami, who nodded.

"Luffy!" Nami scolded and took Luffy by his cheek. "Give them some room! Come on, we have to go explain the plan to the others. You're supposed to be a boss around here, it's time you acted like it!"

"Waaaah!!! Nami, let go!!" Luffy protested but followed along anyway.

Isha plucked Shachi and Penguin by their ears with a menacing grin. "I have a job for you two. Come along now." He chuckled and dragged them out the door, shutting it behind them.

You and Law were left alone. For a moment, you both stayed quiet. It was strange how a single month apart could put butterflies back in your stomach from being alone with him again. You felt a little shy, but you wanted to stay. You knew it was safer with Grandad, you knew Law wanted you to stay safe. But you wanted to stay so desperately. You wanted to be by his side no matter the outcome.

"Law, I-"

"Come here." He held an arm out and you listened, climbing into his lap.

He was warm. He held you in a sweet embrace and kissed your forehead, just savoring your presence. You wanted to stay here, like this, forever. You wanted to forget about Doflamingo, shut away the world and just be with your lover. He who brought you the most comfort and joy. And of course the most headaches and frustrations too. But you adored them, almost looked forward to them. Everything about Law made you feel loved and appreciated; genuinely desired.

"You don't trust that I'll come back to you?" He whispered.

You weren't sure how to answer. You'd already experienced plans going terribly wrong. Even with Luffy and all of Mugiwara, everything could still go wrong.

"I trust you." You spoke carefully. "But even if I do, things can still go all wrong. They did last time and I was too inexperienced to help. But I'm stronger now. I took Shachi down all by myself. I've steeled my resolve. Whether we win or lose, I'm prepared to go down with you because I love you. I want to support you with my hand in yours, not from the sidelines."

Law chuckled and stroked your hair. "You always were so reluctant to let go. No matter how mean I was to you, you still latched on to me and insisted." He rested his cheek on the top of your head and brought your hand up to kiss it. "I'm glad you did. Cora-san gave me my smile, but you gave me my hope."

You hummed and nuzzled deeper into his neck. Your heart throbbed from his honeyed words and gentle touch. Law brought you the highest joy you've ever experienced.

"Alright, (Y/n)-ya. You don't have to go with Sengoku. I'll stay by your side, just like you wanted from the day we met." Law murmured. He tilted your chin up and locked his steel gray eyes with yours. Right now, they sparkled with a depth of assured love you'd only ever seen once. "When this is over and Doflamingo is done being a threat to us, I want to propose to you."

Your eyes widened and a deep blush swept into your cheeks as the breath caught in your throat. His words made your heart race; you could feel the butterflies threatening to burst. "You mean...?"

"If you would have me stay by your side for the rest of our lives, that is." Law smirked and leaned his forehead against yours. "There is no other I'd prefer to have."

Your eyes glistened and you could feel your face burning from the blush. You wanted to speak but again and again the words caught in your throat. Rather than words, you showed him your answer. Leaning up, you pressed your lips against his, savoring the pressure he supplied back. So soft and tender his kiss, the feeling of genuine love between you. Never would you ever have to wait for this again.

"Out of all my choices and decisions in life." Law murmured into your lips, his warm breath dappling your skin and making you shiver. "All my roads have only ever led to you."

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