A Call to Arms

By TheQuietHufflepuff

415 24 0

A Mad Titan intends to wipe out half of the population and it's a race against time for the heroes to stop hi... More



9 2 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff


Wanda and Vision were sharing a room. Wanda was in bed while Vision, in a human form, watched out a window.

A high-pitched trilling sounded.

Vision gasped and held his head to the Mind Stone in pain.

"Vis?" Wanda called. "Is is the Stone again?"

"It's as if it's speaking to me," Vision replied.

"What does it say?"

"I don't... I don't know. But something..."

The stone trilled again and Vision flinched. Wanda took his face in her hands. Vision turned his head so he could kiss her left palm, then pressed Wanda's hand to the Mind Stone.

"Tell me what you feel," Vision told her.

Wanda gestured, her hand emanating her red swirling energy and said in a confused tone, "I just feel you."

The two kissed.


Wanda and Vision were on a stroll.

"So there's a 10 AM to Glasgow to give us more time together before you went back," Wanda said.

"What if I miss that train?" Vision asked.

"There is an 11."

"What if I missed all the trains? What if this time, I didn't go back?"

"You gave Stark your word."

"I'd rather give it to you."

"There are people who are expecting me too, you know. We both made promises."

"Not to each other." He put his hands on her shoulders. "Wanda... for two years, we've stolen these moments, trying to see if this could work. And... I don't know." He stammered. "You know what, I'm just gonna speak for myself -- I, I... I think..."

"It works."

"It works."

"Then stay. Stay with me." She looked down, but then her eyes and attention drifted to her left.

Vision grew uncertain. "Or not. If I'm overstepping..."

Wanda stepped over to a better view of the TV in the kebab shop at which they'd stopped, drawing Vision with her. The TV showed coverage of the invasion of New York, the alien antagonists, and the disappearance of Tony and Ben Stark.

Wanda, in a fearful tone, asked, "What are they?"

"What the Stone was warning me about," Vision replied, kissing her hand. "I have to go."

"No, Vision. Vision, if that's true... then maybe going isn't the best idea."

"Wanda... I-"

Corvus Glaive suddenly appeared behind Vision and stabbed him through the back. Vision screamed, lost his glamour to return to his green, red and gold appearance, and was thrown into the street.

"Vision!" Wanda cried. She circled her hands, gathering up energy for a counterattack when Proxima Midnight blasted her from behind, knocking Scarlet Witch across the street and through a bistro's window.

Glaive pinned Vision down and dug the point of his high-tech glaive into Vision's forehead in an attempt to extract the Mind Stone.

Scarlet Witch committed her own surprise attack, blasting both aliens away, then lifted Vision and herself into a nearby courtyard, from where Scarlet Witch dragged him to rest in a concealed alleyway.

"The blade," Vision said. "It stopped me from phasing."

"Is that even possible?" Wanda asked.

"It isn't supposed to be." His voice distorted electronically. "My systems are failing." Scarlet Witch gestured over his gaping wound, using her magic to knit him back together. Vision continued in a gaping, wry tone. "I'm beginning to think... we should have stayed in bed."

Glaive arrived, knocking Scarlet Witch aside and grabbed Vision in the air.

"Vis!" Wanda cried.

Glaive flew away with Vision, slamming him against several walls. Meanwhile, Proxima engaged Scarlet Witch with her staff weapon, and they too began to fight.

Glaive said to Vision, "Give up the Stone, and she lives."

Vision flew with Glaive to the roof of what seemed to be a church, ricocheting off the stone church tower and onto the metal-clad roof.

Simultaneously, Proxima and Scarlet Witch fought below, staff weapon versus magic energy hands until Proxima used the blaster effect of her weapon to knock Scarlet Witch meters away, stunning her as Proxima leapt down, brandishing her weapon within bare inches of Scarlet Witch's face, only to be held back by Scarlet Witch's powers.

Furiously, Vision pummeled Glaive, then threw him across the roof, firing a beam from the Mind Stone. Glaive used his glaive to deflect the beam, splitting it into several beams, cutting up Edinburgh's ancient stone like butter, until one branch finally reflected back at Vision, slamming him into the wall behind him.

Below, Scarlet Witch had blocked Proxima's staff once again when she heard an agonized cry from Vision. Desperation strengthened her to throw Proxima through the burning torry sliced in half by the split Stone beam, stunning the alien. Scarlet Witch flew up to the roof where Glaive had pinned Vision and was again attempting to remove the Mind Stone.

"Hands off," Wanda ordered.

Scarlet Witch casted a bolt of magic which threw Glaive back through the wall and down a shaft, then flew the two of them away again. Proxima, who had recovered, shot a bolt from her weapon, causing them to fall from the air and down through the roof of Edinburgh Waverley Train Station. Wanda crawled towards Vision, who could not muster the strength to stand.

Wanda spoke in a hushed, pleading voice. "Come on. Come on. Come on, you gotta get up. You gotta get up. Come on. Hey. Hey. We have to go."

"Please. Please leave," Vision told her.

"You asked me to stay... I'm staying."


"Get up."

Behind them, Proxima and Glaive crashed through the roof and advanced on them, brandishing their weapons. Scarlet Witch moved protectively in front of Vision, building power in her hands.

An express train passed behind Wanda, and Proxima cocked her head as though she were aware of another couple presences. Confused, Scarlet Witch also turned and looked over her left shoulder. As the last train car passed, two silhouettes stood on the far side of the platform. Proxima threw her weapon at the shadowy figures, but it was deftly caught just before the figures stepped from the shadows.

Steve and Dakota stepped into the light. Vision and Scarlet Witch looked hopeful and relieved. While all parties were distracted, Sam swooped in and kicked Proxima across the platform and through the closed cafe's security gate and furniture. Swooping around, he fired on Glaive.

At the same time, Captain America threw Proxima's weapon to Natasha who engaged Glaive, ducking under his swing, stabbing him in the gut and he executed a flying kick to knock him backwards.

Proxima, who had rushed back to the fight, summoned her weapon back to her hand and attacked Black Widow. Captain America and Agent Pierce leapt forward, rolled, the former scooped up Glaive's dropped glaive and held her off. Black Widow joined in with her escrima sticks. While the four were fighting, Falcon returned and again kicked Proxima backwards; she scuttled over to the prone Glaive. Falcon drew both of his Steyr SPP submachine pistols on the couple.

"Get up," Proxima told Glaive.

"I can't," Glaive replied.

Natasha said coolly, "We don't wanna kill you. But we will."

"You'll never get the chance again," Proxima retorted.

Proxima and Glaive departed as they were beamed up. The glaive was snatched from Captain America's hand as well.

Wanda asked Vision, "Can you stand?"

Electricity shimmered over Vision's surface and his voice distorted as he said, "Thank you, Captain. Thank you, Miss Pierce."

Steve and Dakota nodded. "Let's get you on the jet."

Natasha closed the doors to the Quinjet before saying to Wanda, "I thought we had a deal. Stay close, check in. Don't take any chances."

"I'm sorry," Wanda apologized. "We just wanted time."

"Where to, Cap, Agent Pierce?" Sam asked.

Steve and Dakota replied, "Home."

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