A Call to Arms

By TheQuietHufflepuff

413 24 0

A Mad Titan intends to wipe out half of the population and it's a race against time for the heroes to stop hi... More



13 1 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff

As Obsidian approached the team, Tony and Ben donned the nanotech Iron Man and Steel Iron suits in the space of three steps. They grew a shield on one arm to protect themselves, then grew a set of blasters that easily threw the Dwarf back to Maw, who gestured and deflected his massive companion into some cars.

"Where'd that come from?" Bruce asked.

"It's nanotech," Tony answered. "You like it? A little someth-"

Maw created a spike of earth that threw Iron Man far up and attacked the rest of the team with uprooted trees and other debris. Wong summoned the Shield of the Seraphim.

"Dr. Banner, if the rest of your green friend won't be joining us..." Doctor Strange trailed, teleporting Bruce to a nearby park along with a taxi. Iron Man and Steel Iron returned and joined the fight, pushing a car thrown by Maw back at him. Maw cut it in half and let the pieces fly past him, untouched.

"Gotta get that Stone outta here, now," Tony said.

"It stays with me," Doctor Strange argued.

"Exactly. Bye."

Iron Man flew through Maw's obstacle course but was cut short by Obsidian's hammer, sending him through a building and into the park at high speed, plowing into the ground and fetched up against a tree.

Bruce rushed over to his friend and asked. "Tony, you okay? How we doing? Good? Bad?"

"Really, really good," Tony replied. "Do you plan on helping out?"

"I'm trying. He won't come out."

Obsidian arrived at the park and threw his hammer at Bruce and Iron Man.

"Hammer," Tony warned, pushing Bruce out of the way.

Iron Man's energy beam deflected off Obsidian's shield, slicing down trees and Bruce barely evaded one.

Steel Iron barely managed to avoid one as he ran up. "These evil wizards are really pissing me off."

Bruce crawled out from under the branches, desperate and confused as he said, "Come on, Hulk. What are you doing to me?" He started slapping himself multiple times. "Come out! Come out! Come out!"

Half of Bruce's face became Hulk and Hulk cried, "Nooooooo!"

Bruce fell back exhausted into his tree. "What do you mean, "no"?!"

Iron Man was knocked down by Obsidian who was about to deliver a decisive blow, but the alien's hammer was caught by Spider-Man.

"Hey, man," Peter greeted. "What's up, Mr. Stark?"

"Kid, where'd you come from?" Tony asked.

"Field trip to MoMA," Nightwave replied. "Artemis and Tempest are here too."

"I can see that."

Obsidian grabbed Spider-Man and threw him away.

"What is this guy's problem, Mr. Stark?" Peter wondered.

"He's from space," Tony answered. "He came here to steal a necklace from a wizard."

Wong, Madison and Doctor Strange fought Maw who lifted several bricks and turned them into harpy points. He sent them towards Wong, Madison and Doctor Strange. The two made portals and boomeranged them back towards Maw who moved a car to protect himself, but one spike hit his head, creating a cut. Angered, Maw used a broken fire hydrant's water stream to knock Wong back several meters, rendering him unconscious.

Doctor Strange snapped a whip of magical energy to bind Maw's hands and yanked, but Maw flew forward with the pull and pinned Doctor Strange upside-down against a building, using the bricks to trap the Sorcerer Supreme.

"Your powers are quaint," Maw said. "You must be popular with children."

Maw tried to grab the amulet holding the Time Stone, but jerked back when it burned his hand.

"It's a simple spell but quite unbreakable," Doctor Strange told him.

Maw said vehemently, "Then I'll take it off your corpse."

Maw pulled Doctor Strange away from the building and threw him to the ground. Doctor Strange started the gestures to use the Eye of Agamotto, but utility cables first pinned Doctor Strange's arms, interrupting the spell and closed the Eye, while another cable wound around his torso, then tightened around his throat.

"You'll find... removing a dead man's spell... troublesome," Doctor Strange retorted.

"You'll only wish you were dead," Maw said. Doctor Strange fell unconscious and to the ground; Maw raised a portion of street pavement to use as a carrier, but the Cloak of Levitation worked its master loose of the cable spiral and flew Doctor Strange and Madison, who grabbed hold of her husband, away. "NO!"

Tony and Ben were still fighting Obsidian as Doctor Strange and Madison passed through the park and the former Avenger said, "Kids, that's the wizard. Get on it."

"On it!" Peter and Nathan cried.

Artemis and Lady Tempest chose to stay and help.

Spider-Man and Nightwave chased Maw, floating speedily and upright on a small platform of burbling debris leaving a deep rut in the streets, who in turn chased the Cloak-driven Doctor Strange and Madison through Manhattan; Maw attacked him, throwing a Rocket Mortgage billboard at Spider-Man and Nightwave to be rid of them.

Peter and Nathan untangled themselves and said, "Not cool!"

Maw bent all the utility poles in the path of the fleeing Cloak, finally snagging the loyal garment and ripped it loose of its master and his wife. Spider-Man and Nightwave scooped up Doctor Strange and Madison before they hit the pavement, but before they could get away with the unconscious Doctor Strange and Madison, a cone of blue light started pulling the mages inexorably upwards. Spider-Man and Nightwave grabbed a light pole to anchor himself, but Maw uprooted it, sending Doctor Strange, Madison, Cloak and teenagers on their way to his ship.

"Uhhh, Mr. Stark?" Peter called. "Nathan and I are being beamed up!"

"Hang on, kid," Tony said. Obsidian's hammer doubled as a claw, pinning Iron Man to the ground and shorted his suit. As Obsidian jumped towards Iron Man, blades ready to end the fight, he was sent through the portal instead. The alien turned and leapt to return the same way, but Wong closed it rapidly -- only Obsidian's hand made it back to the park. Bruce kicked the hand away with a noise of disgust.

Tony shook himself free of the Dwarf's weapon, powerless, and said, "Wong, you're invited to my wedding." He began flying towards the large ship. "Give me a little juice, F.R.I.D.A.Y." His foot thrusters morphed together into a single larger jet and increased his speed considerably.

Maw walked towards the controls of the ship, Doctor Strange and Madison's unconscious bodies floating face-down behind him, and prepared to leave Earth's atmosphere.

Tony and Ben, still in pursuit of the ship and the former's protégés, said, "Unlock 17-A." A pod launched from the upstate Avengers headquarters and curved up to the accelerating circular ship. "Pete, Nate, you gotta let go. Ben and I are gonna catch you."

"But you said save the wizards!" Peter and Nathan remembered, gasping from lack of oxygen and pulled off his mask. "I can't breathe!"

"You're too high up," Ben told them. "You're both running out of air."

"Yeah! That makes sense."

Peter and Nathan passed out, free-falling, but not for long before the pods reached them. They attached themselves to them, becoming the Iron Spider and the Ironwave suits. Now able to breathe, Spider-Man and Nightwave landed on a bottom part of the ship, standing heroically.

"Mr. Stark, it smells like a new car in here!" Peter said.

"Happy trails, kid," Tony told them. "F.R.I.D.A.Y., send them home."

"Yep," F.R.I.D.A.Y. replied.

A large parachute extended from the new suits, snatching Spider-Man and Nightwave free of the ship's hull and they spiraled back to Earth.

"Oh, come on!" Peter and Nathan cried.

Tony and Ben latched onto the hull and cut a hole to board the ship, looking for wherever Doctor Strange, Madison and Maw had gone.

"Boss, incoming call from Miss Potts," F.R.I.D.A.Y. informed.

Pepper sounded heavily worried. "Tony? Oh, my God. Are you and Ben all right? What's going on?"

"Yeah, we're fine," Tony replied. "I just think we might have to push our 8:30 res."


Tony looked at the ship around him. "Just 'cause I'll... probably not make it back for awhile."

"Tell me you and your son are not on that ship."


"God, no. Please tell me you two aren't on that ship."

"Honey, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I don't know what to say."

"Come back here, Tony. I swear to God..."


"Come back here right now! Come back!"

"Boss, we're losing her," F.R.I.D.A.Y. said. "I'm going, too..."

Spider-Man had managed to shoot a web to the outside of the ship, foiling his parachute, and clambered inside a slowly-closing chamber.

"Oh my God!" Peter exclaimed, looking at the rapidly-receding planet behind him. "Nathan and I should have stayed on that bus..."

Nathan looked around and nodded. "That is... Yeah. Definitely."

Maw, hands engaged in the ship's steering mechanism, accelerated into hyperspace.


Bruce found Tony's flip phone in the debris on the street and picked it up thoughtfully. Wong opened a portal back to the Sanctum.

"Where you going?" Bruce asked.

"The Time Stone's been taken," Wong answered. "The Sanctum remains unguarded. What will you do?"

Bruce held Rogers' cell phone. "I'm gonna make a call."

Wong nodded in understanding and closed the portal. Bruce held the cell phone and made a call.

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