By Arpharias

33.8K 941 54

➜In which, Sierra, the fifth raptor, gets pushed to her utmost limits while protecting herself, her family, a... More

000 ➜ NOTES
001 ➜ SIERRA
002 ➜ SIERRA
003 ➜ SIERRA
004 ➜ SEIRRA
005 ➜ SIERRA
006 ➜ SIERRA
008 ➜ SIERRA
009 ➜ SIERRA
010 ➜ FINALE
thank you for reading + book 2
book two now released

007 ➜ SIERRA

2K 62 1
By Arpharias

A RAT WAS THROWN AT ME WITH PRECISE ACCURACY. As normal, I opened my mouth to try swallow it whole. However, Delta jumped forwards in an attempt to steal it off me, I grabbed the rat immediately and pulled myself back causing Delta to crash into Blue who gave her a hiss. Instantly, Delta turned towards me and roared in annoyance, I knew what this meant, I spun around and gave a cry of laughter before sprinting off into the trees, Delta followed close behind. This was going to be fun.

I ran towards a large tree not slowing down, "what are you doing?" Delta squinted her eyes at me but didn't stop either. "Why would I tell you?" I sassily answered. I was only around one stride away, Delta two, when I made a sudden U-turn and slammed my brakes causing me to skid. Delta, however, wasn't that lucky as she continued running straight into the tree. Owen was right, I was the smartest. Not looking back, I shook my head, snorted, and ran away.

I had lost Delta a while ago, well, when I had made her crash into the tree and was now with my sisters. "How fast can they run?" I heard Vic Hoskins ask on the railings watching me and Blue who chased each other playfully, he was talking to Barry about something before he had asked that question.

Barry tilted his head, "Hm, forty? Fifty when hungry probably," Vic widened his eyes then quickly made them normal again, "from our data, Blue and Sierra can run faster than the rest of the pack, was never ticked in how fast though," Barry added as he watched Blue drop on the ground as I placed one leg on her stomach. I had won this play fight.

"Ooh! You ever going to open the enclosure, see what they can do?" Vic laughed, I did not like his laugh. Anyway, it was a death wish for everyone if we were released.

Barry retorted, "No," and turned his head away from Vic so he could roll his eyes.

"Awh, you bore me," Vic patted his back.

Barry looked Vic up and down before he gave Vic a grin, "What do you think? Want to take one home?" Barry smiled at Vic.

"Hey, don't joke. When I was your age, I rescued a wolf pup. It was, like, two months old? It could barely walk, It used to sleep by my bed, Watch over me. My wife, she came at me with a steak knife once. It took a chunk out of her arm, funny times," Vic randomly spurts out, Barry had a confused look on his face, I did too.

"...did you put him down?" Barry finally asked.

"Hell, no. We had an unshakeable bond, you know? Just like you and... ah, What's his name?"

"Delta. And she's a girl," Barry corrected. I thought it was obvious we were all girls. I stalked them with my eyes as the duo walked down the creaky stairs, I guessed they were going to the gate. I sniffed the ground, Delta was by the gate... and Charlie? Or is that also Delta? I decided to find out and go to the gate too.

"Can I...?" Vic asked Barry signalling to petting Delta. Barry shrugged and Vic walked smugly towards her, "bite his head off," I whispered in the bushes. She laughed, "I'll try," she side glanced me and tried not to smile. Vic placed his hand on Delta who pretended to be calm, she waited until he relaxed completely before she suddenly snarled at Vic and snapped her jaws. I left the bushes and rubbed my body on hers as I watched Vic complain to Barry about how we should be 'put down'.

"Code 19," a strange voice appeared out of nowhere. It did not sound human or like any animal I've encountered either.

"Shit," Barry cursed, whatever this 'code 19' thing is, it seemed bad. "That's the new one isn't it? They said we lost two guys, That's crazy," Barry reacted negatively, what's the so called 'new' thing? Is it a new raptor?

"What's a Code 19?" Vic asked, so he didn't know either. Interesting.

Barry seemed stressed, his feet pounded the floor with every step he took, my body instinctively complied with his emotions and I started pacing left and right too, "That's the Indominous Rex's signal! It means the Asset is out of containment... These people, they never learn," whatever the 'Indominous Rex' was, it didn't sound good. Vic knew what the Asset was I guessed as his body stopped and he closed his eyes for a second too long.

"Well, They're gonna learn all kinds of things about their new asset now," Vic laughed nervously; his old demeanour had completely vanished, Rightfully so. What does this mean for us? For the pack and for Owen?

Vic Hoskins pulled something, a phone, from his trousers and a ringing sound invaded the patters of mine and Barry's feet. "Hello? Yeah, it's me. Look, We might have an opportunity here," he paused for a few seconds, "nonono, you're not getting me," he paused again, his face contorted in annoyance, "look, it's obvious you ain't getting me so, you just follow what I tell you? Okay?... perfect," he removed the phone from his face and said his goodbyes to Barry.

* * * *

THE SECURITY GUARD PUSHED BACK OWEN WITH A GRUNT, "I need to see a badge. Sir, I need to see a badge," the guard kept repeating. Claire stood behind Owen, the guard blocked the door.

"What happened out there!?" Owen asked with a tint of anger. He wanted to know what the Indominous did, he knew Sierra could mildly control body temperature but Sierra is small and missable; the Indominous Rex however was the opposite.

The man stayed in his spot, "sir," he stared at Owen. Masrani appeared out of nowhere and said something to the guard, "ten minutes," he glared at Claire and Owen.

"There are thermal cameras all over that paddock. She did not just disappear! Even with Sierra we can still see faint outlines!" Owen argued, "she's massive! She don't just dissolve into nothing," Owens words blurred together with how fast he was speaking.

"It must have been some kind of a technical malfunction..." Claire spoke up slowly and refined but she knew the tech that they have doesn't just 'mess up'.

"Were you not watching? She marked up that wall as distraction. She wanted us to think she escaped!" Owen responded his body urging him to hit something. Not a person but something.

"Hold on. We are talking about an animal here," Claire stopped his thoughts.

"Well, they did it with Sierra. Why cant they do it with a creature ten times her height?!" Owen laughed, "Crazy bastards,"

"Four hundred metres to the beacon," Vivian robotically said, her eyes locked onto her computer screen. The bigger screen next to Owen suddenly turned on and it showed a group of men with weapons they have on them next to each persons photo. Owen looked at it silently before his whole body contorted with shock.

He lowered his arms that were crossed by his stomach, "You're going after her with non-lethals..." he almost whispered. It was a suicide mission.

Masrani shook his head, "We have $26 million invested in that asset. We can't just kill it," he sighed but no regret lingered.

"...Those men are gonna die," Owen stated leaving no room to refuse his words. They were right after all.

Vivian stirred in her chair, "Sir, three hundred metres away from the beacon,"

"You need to call this mission off right now," Owen pleaded, he didn't want any more people to die.

"Two hundred metres," she held her breath.

Owen watched the screen in pain, "Call it off," He told Masrani.

"Hundred metres," a faded voice spoke.

"Masrani," Was all Owen said. He couldn't say anymore.

"...sir, They're right on top of it," Vivian whispered, she was scared too.

"Call it off right now!" Owen snapped.

Claire nudged him with her elbow, "you're not in control here," she whisper-yelled.

"Blood's not clotted yet. It's close," A cloudy voice spoke from the large screen. The commander. A picture of flesh entered the picture where the people's faces were.

"What is that?" Masrani asked horrified.

Owen took a step closer and skimmed his hand over the photo, "That's her tracking implant. She clawed it out,"

"...How would it know to do that?" Claire asked worriedly taking a step back. Owen shrugged, "guess she knew or maybe remembered where they placed it," Claire realised at that moment that this was an actual threat. No dinosaur of this scale had ever escaped before.

The screen turned black while on the other side of the island, the commander looked around anxiously. He raised his hand to his face to help his breathing but noticed a red splodge on it, the commander instantly stopped and slowly moved his head upwards shaking before keeping his crouched stance and stumbling backwards. A large white figure was above him, drooling red pools of blood, tears rolled down his face as his body shook uncontrollably.

A low growl, that was all it took for the white creature to turn green. The commander sighed mentally, this was way above his pay grade. He clicked something on his belt and brought it to his lips, it was dangerous and the chance he would survive this was slim. So, he might as well make his last moments worth it.

"She can camouflage!" He yelled at the walkie-talkie causing the dinosaur to look down and launch her head down. The commander rolled to the left and ran. He ran as fast as he could. He ran between trees, stones, bushes. He ran for his life.

The man ran fast but The Indominous Rex ran faster, she quickly gained speed on him and when she was barley a stride away, slammed her head forward and picked him up.

Leaving only a scream . . . and blood.

* * * *

"WHAT THE FUCK." WAS THE FIRST THING SAID, Owen was the one to break the sickening silence. But it didn't end there, of course it didn't, they weren't that lucky.

Lee let out a deafening yelp as the Indominous' tail whipped him against a tree, his body folded in half.

Mayers fired his puny shotgun at the beast before being fully engulfed by her bloody mouth.

Craig got crushed by the Indominous Rex's foot, leaving only a loud 'squelch' in the speakers.

Stephen had his head bitten clean off when he was hiding behind a tree.

The entire room watched in silence and horror as they heard what seemed to be hell incarnate. "Evacuate the island," Owen spoke again which broke the spell of silence that was cast on the whole team.

Claire looked at him, "We'd never be able to reopen," she regretted.

"You made a genetic hybrid, raised it in captivity. She is seeing all of this for the first time. She does not even know what she is. She will kill everything that moves," Owen explained slowly, Masrani still somehow didn't understand but he was getting there.

Masrani wrote something down in his notepad, "So, you think the animal is contemplating its own existence?" He noted it down anyway not waiting for an answer.

Owen nodded, "She is learning where she fits in the food chain, and I'm not sure you want her to figure that out. Now, Asset Containment can use live ammunition in an emergency situation. You have an M134 in your armory. Put it on a chopper and smoke this thing!" He itched his head hoping they would comply. If they didn't, Owen knew his raptors would be forced to attack.

Claire looked fuming now, "We have families here. I'm not gonna turn this place into some kind of a war zone!" She lashed out.

"Yeah. Well, you already have! So good luck on that!" Owen laughed shaking his head at how stupid they could be.

"Mr. Grady, if you're not gonna help, there's no reason for you to be in here," Claire tilted her head to the door.

Owen closed his eyes and sighed. His Frustration had been pent up to an extreme and he really needed to leave. He walked to Vivian's desk and knocked something with his hand into the bin 'accidentally'. "I would have a word with your people in the lab. That thing out there, that's no dinosaur," he whispered to Masrani with exasperation.

With a slam, Owen had gone.

"Okay. I'm going to close everything north of the resort. This is a Phase One, real world. Bring everyone in," Claire said to Vivian who was searching the bin for her missing object.

She pulled her hand out of the bin and started typing away, "This is a Phase One, real world. I repeat, this is a Phase One. Bring everyone back in," Vivian repeated what Claire told her.

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