The unpredictable Avenger(On...

By PiratePhox4

220K 5.4K 2.8K

Follow the story of one young y/n tennyson. As he goes through the struggle of being a normal kid, and superh... More

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Avengers: Endgame(2)

2.7K 80 78
By PiratePhox4

It begins with y/n, inside Tony's old lab in the avengers Compound. The reason he was there was to repair, upgrade, and enhance his grandfather's weapons. At the entrance, Tony himself starts to walk in, and looks over y/n's shoulder.

Tony: "whatcha got there apple watch?

Y/n: " did not just call me apple watch"

Tony: "I did. Now if you don't mind, answer the question"

Y/n: "I'm fixing up my grandpa's stuff"

Tony picks up the energy sword confused.

Y/n: "a high density light construct energy sword. Grandpa got it from an old friend of his"

Tony puts it down, and then picks up the shield.

Y/n: "hard light construct barrier"

Tony puts it down, then reaches for the pistol, but y/n sighs.

Y/n: "can you stop? Im working"

Tony: "come on kid. We haven't had an actual conversation in eight years"

Y/n: "I know that, but I want to try and fix this"

Tony: "then let me help you"

Y/n: "absolutely not!"

Y/n slams his hands on the table, as a mix of green and pink sparks fly off his arms. Neither notice, as Tony sighs.

Y/n: "sorry.. it's just-"

Tony: "I get it. It's Max's stuff, and he's a sensitive topic right now"

Y/n nods. Tony walks by y/n, and pats his shoulder.

Tony: "take it easy apple watch"

Y/n: "you aren't letting that go, are you?"

Tony: "nope"

Y/n chuckles, and went back to work on the rifle, and almost got it completed, when Bruce walked in with a bipedal raccoon in clothes beside him.

Bruce: "there you are! I was looking for you"

Y/n: "hey Bruce.. what's up?"

Bruce: "well, I was thinking if you could take a bit of a road trip with me and rocket?"

Y/n: "rocket? pfft-"

Rocket: "what's so funny?"

Y/n: "nothing! It's nothing.. but the name rocket raccoon is definitely a name.."

Rocket: "I'm not!- I'm not a raccoon"

Y/n: "right. You're definitely right. Your rocket. Not raccoon. So, what kind of road trip are we talking about Bruce?"

Bruce: "a road trip to Asgard!"

Y/n: "uh.. isn't Asgard like.. in space?"

Bruce: "w-well, uh-"

Y/n: "I mean, rocket probably has a spaceship. I know a few places with spaceships. Some damn good ones too-"

Rocket: "Asgard is gone"

Y/n: "w-what?"

Bruce: "yea... Forgot to tell you that Asgard was destroyed by Ragnarok"

Y/n: "oh God. I feel bad for Thor.."

Bruce: "don't worry! Cause there's a new Asgard!"

Y/n: "new Asgard? Where the hell is that?"


The next thing y/n knew, himself, Bruce, and rocket were in the rust bucket. Apparently Steve had the heart to go out and get it to put it in the avengers Compound.

Y/n: "I can't believe you tricked me in using the rust bucket"

Bruce: "I can't believe you can drive"

Rocket: "I can't believe this hunk of junk can carry big greens weight"

Y/n peers over at Bruce, who sat in the back, then turned to rocket in the passenger seat.

Y/n: "he's not as big as four arms, so he's fine"

Rocket: "four arms?"

Y/n: "tetramand"

Rocket: "you got tetramand DNA? damn, wonder what else you got in that watch"

Y/n: "apparently more that I thought. You sure this is the right way Bruce?"

Bruce: "yea! Just keep following this road!"

Y/n: "there's nothing here dude! We're in the middle of nowhere in Norway!-"

Y/n looks forward, and spots a sign titled ”New Asgard”. And under it says ”Please drive slowly”

Y/n: "I stand corrected"

Y/n pulls into new Asgard, and parks near the edge of the town. The three got up, and climbed out of the RV, just as a woman started walking towards them.

???: "You shouldn't have come!"

bruce: "Ah, Valkyrie! Great to see you, Angry Girl"

valkyrie: "I think I liked you better either of the other ways"

bruce: "This is Rocket, and that's y/n"

Y/n: "sup"

rocket: "How you doin'?"

valkyrie: "He won't see you"

Y/n: "ok then, ignore us"

Y/n looks down at rocket, and shrugs, to which rocket shrugs back.

bruce: "That bad, huh?"

valkyrie: "We only see him once a month, when he comes for.."

She looks over to the side, showing off an impressively large pile of beer cans.

Valkyrie: ""

bruce: "It's that bad"

valkyrie: "Yeah"

Y/n: "I know Asgardians like to drink, but that's a little excessive"

Valkyrie led them to a house, to which rocket immediately opens, letting himself, y/n, and Bruce inside.

rocket:  "What the... Woo! Something died in here"

Y/n: "I would probably die from the smell alone if I was wildmutt"

bruce: "Hello? Thor?"

From the room over, the voice of Thor calls out, but it sounded different. Almost depressed.
(Been there-)

thor: "Are you here about the cable?"

Thor walks into the room, shirtless. Y/n was expecting the body chiseled by the all father. But instead, he came face to face with Thor's new beer gut.

thor: "The Cinemax ran out about two weeks ago, and the sports were all kind of fuzzy"

Y/n: "Thor, what the hell happened to you?"

Thor turns around immediately, and stares right at y/n.

Thor: "you're here.."

Y/n: "um.. yea. Look, the story of why I'm here is a little complicated, so we'll focus on that later"

Thor: "right! Y/n, you haven't met my friends! Y/n, meet Miek and Korg!"

The bug and rock aliens were sitting on a couch behind Thor, PlayStation controller in hand, playing Fortnite and eating chips.

korg: "Hey boys!"

Y/n: "Fortnite... Not my cup of tea, but hey. You do you. Honestly, I prefer sumo slammers"

Korg: "sumo slammers? then here, you can have this!"

Korg, while trying not to die, picks up a game from the table, and hands it to y/n.

Y/n: "what? What's this- sumo slammers: dynasty?! I thought this game was delayed!"

Korg: "it was. Three years ago. It's out now"

Y/n: "...right... I'm in 2023... Not 2018.."

korg: "uh-oh. Thor, he's back. The kid on the TV that called me a dickhead again"

thor: "NoobMaster"

Y/n: "noobmaster..?"

korg: "Yeah, NoobMaster69. called me a dickhead"

Thor walks over to Korg, takes his headphones, and speaks into the mic.

thor: "NoobMaster. Hey, it's Thor again. You know, the God of Thunder? Listen, buddy. If you don't log off this game immediately, I'm gonna fly over to your house, come down to that basement you're hiding in, rip off your arms and SHOVE THEM UP YOUR BUTT! Oh, that's right, go cry to your father, you little weasel!"

Once Thor was finished, he gave the headset back to korg.

korg: "Thank you, Thor"

thor: "Let me know if he bothers you again, okay?"

korg: "Thank you very much. I will"

thor: "So you guys want a drink? What are you drinking? We have beer, tequila, all sorts of things"

Y/n: "my technicality, I'm still underaged"

Thor: "ah, well, suit yourself!"

Thor uses Stormbreaker to open a bottle of beer and starts drinking. Bruce walks to him and places a hand on his shoulder

bruce: "Buddy, you all right?"

thor: "Yes, I'm fine! Why, don't I look all right?"

rocket: "You look like melted ice cream"

thor: "So, what's up?"

bruce: "We need your help. There might be a chance we could fix everything"

thor: "What, like the cable? Cause that's been driving me bananas for weeks"

bruce: "Like Thanos"

Thor's smile slowly disappears. He puts a shaky hand on Bruce's shoulder and points at him.

thor: "Don't say that name"

Korg stands up and takes off his headphones

korg: "Um, yeah. We don't actually say that name in here"

Y/n: "understood. Don't say the big purple guy's name. Wait, what happened to him anyway?"

Rocket: "after to stabbed him, we eventually found his hideout, then Thor chopped his head off"

Y/n: "oh. Neat"

bruce: "Please take your hand off me. Now, I know that... guy might scare you"

thor: "Why would I be? Why would, why would I be scared of that guy? I'm the one who killed that guy, remember? Anyone else here killed that guy? Nope. Didn't think so. Korg, why don't you, tell everybody who chopped Thanos' big head off"

korg: "Umm... Stormbreaker?"

thor: "No, who's swingin' Stormbreaker?"

bruce: "I get it. You're in a rough spot, okay? I've been there myself. You wanna know who helped me out of it?"

thor: "I don't know. Is it... Natasha?"

Y/n: "can you like.. not bring my mom in this very awkward conversation?"

bruce: "It was you. You helped me"

thor: "Why don't you ask the, Asgardians down there, how much my help was worth. The ones that are left, anyway"

bruce: "I think we can bring them back"

thor: "Stop. stop, okay? I know you think I'm down here wallowing in my own self-pity, waiting to be rescued and and saved. But I'm fine, okay? We're fine, aren't we?"

korg: "Nah, all good here, mate"

thor: "So, whatever it is that you're offering, we're not into it, don't care, couldn't care less. Goodbye"

bruce: "We need you, pal"

Thor shakes his head and ignores Bruce.

Y/n: "can't believe I'm about to say this. Grandpa has a hidden stash of beer in the RV for special occasions. You can have ONE while on the ride back to the compound"

thor: "What kind?"


The next day in the Avenger's Compound, Thor is seen in a hoodie, drinking a beer and walking through the compound's Testing Chamber. Tony is also there, walking in from behind Thor.

tony: "Drifting left. On the side there, Lebowski. Ratchet, How's it going?"

rocket: "It's Rocket. Take it easy. You're only a genius on Earth, pal"

Meanwhile, in a smaller room, Scott Bruce, Steve, y/n, and rhodey we're talking, while Scott was in a suit that seemed to be a mix of the Ant-Man suit, and plumbers uniform.

rhodey: "Time travel suit? Not bad"

Y/n: "right? I say they came out good"

scott: "Hey, hey, hey! Easy, easy!"

bruce: "I'm being very careful"

scott: "No, you're being very Hulky"

bruce: "I'm being careful"

scott: "These are Pym Particles, alright? And ever since Hank Pym got snapped out of existence, this is it. This is what we have. We're not making any more"

rhodey: "Scott, calm down"

scott: "Sorry. We've got enough for one round trip each. That's it. No do-overs. Plus two test runs"

He accidentally presses a button, and shrinks, and then grows back to his normal size.

Scott: "One test run"

Speaking of test run, everyone had gathered in the testing chamber, standing in front of a glass platform.

scott: "All right. I'm not ready for this"

Clint: "I'll go-"

Y/n: "no. I'll go"

Tony: "you sure kid?"

Y/n: "look, apart from Scott, I'm the only one that has any idea what happens on the other side"

Bruce: "alright.. suit up, we'll start this up"

Y/n nods, and walks off to a spare room, then came back shortly in the time travel suit, which was combined with Plumbers tech, and Pym tech. Y/n gets onto the glass platform and takes a breath.

Bruce: "ok y/n, you're gonna feel-"

Y/n: "Bruce, just hit the button"

rhodey: "W-Wait a second, let me ask you something. If we can do this, you know, go back in time, why don't we just find baby Thanos, you know, and.."

he makes a hand gesture suggesting that they strangle baby Thanos with a rope.

bruce: "First of all, that's horrible..."

rhodey: "It's Thanos"

Y/n: "still terrible"

bruce: "...And secondly, time doesn't work that way. Changing the past doesn't change the future"

scott: "Look, we go back, we get the stones before Thanos gets them... Thanos doesn't have the stones. Problem solved"

clint: "Bingo"

nebula: "That's not how it works"

clint: "Well, that's what I heard"

bruce: "What? By who? Who told you that?"

rhodey: "Star Trek, Terminator, TimeCop, Time After Time-"

scott: "Quantum Leap-"

rhodey: "A Wrinkle in Time, Somewhere in Time-"

scott: "Hot Tub Time Machine-"

rhodey: "Hot Tub Time Machine. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Basically, any movie that deals with time travel"

scott: "Die Hard? No, it's not one.."

rhodey: "This is known"

bruce: "I don't know why everyone believes that, but that isn't true. Think about it: If you travel to the past, that past becomes your future. And your former present becomes the past. Which can't now be changed by your new future.."

nebula: "Exactly"

Y/n: "that was a little confusing, but I still got it"

scott: "So... Back To The Future's a bunch of bullshit? wait, y/n, what about predator?"

Y/n: "like.. the species, or their behavior?"

Scott: "either one!"

Y/n: "From what I've read, there's no species with their description. However, there are plenty of aliens that act as they do. Met one myself. He wanted zed. Beat him up. Then became bloodlusted. Almost killed my girlfriends cousin-"

Clint: "what happened why I was gone?"

Y/n: "a lot of things. Bruce, hit the button please"

A helmet, similar in design to the plumbers, folds onto y/n's head, as Bruce gives y/n a nod, then hits the button. To y/n, everything grew, before disappearing, then, everything reappeared, but he was somewhere else, and supposedly, sometime else.

In front of y/n was a completely destroyed car, with two people on the ground. A woman, and a man.

Woman: "I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.."

Looking closer, y/n took notice that the man was dead, and the woman was holding onto him, and something else in her hands.

Woman: "i-i'll give him to your father.. h-he can take care of him.."

The woman was drenched in blood, as was the man. In her arms, was a child, a surprisingly peaceful child, holding onto the woman.

A large alien like creature jumped out from the other side of the car, and prepared to pounce on the woman.

Y/n: "what the hell..?"

He couldn't get a glimpse of the alien to tell, but it definitely had long claws. The woman turns her back to the alien, and cups her hands around the baby, as the baby is suddenly encased in a glowing pink orb.

Woman: "h-hey baby, you're gonna be staying with grandpa, you hear me? I don't know for how long, but grandpa will take care of you- AHH!!"

the alien suddenly stabbed the woman through the chest, and lifted her up. As the woman began to enchant a spell onto the baby.

Woman: "I love you baby.. your father loved you.. d-don't.. don't forget us y/n!"

Y/n: "m-mom?"

Y/n suddenly ran forward, reaching out.

Y/n: "mom!!"

Then, y/n was transported back to the avengers Compound, onto the glass platform. Y/n immediately fell to his knees, and rips the helmet off his head, panting heavily, as tears began falling from his eyes. Everyone looks at him with worry, as Nat runs up, and pulls them into a hug.

Nat: "hey, bud, it's ok! It's ok now"

Y/n: "i-i saw them... I saw them.."

Steve: "kid.. you ok?"

Nat pulls from the hug, and looks down at y/n, seeing some blood splatter on the suit. He was so focused on what was happening, he didn't realize he got blood on him.

Y/n: "m-my parents... I know what happened to my parents..."

Rocket: "isn't the redhead there your parent?"

Nat: "adoptive. Sweetheart, what do you mean you know what happened?"

Y/n: "I.. I saw them die... Something.. something killed them.."

Y/n looks towards Tony, and gave a teary eyed smile.

Y/n: "it worked..."

Tony: "no, we're not talking about that now, you need to calm down. You hear me?"

Scott: "yea, besides, how do you know if it was really the past? How do you know it wasn't a... A flashback!"

Y/n: "I saw myself there too.. m-my.. my mother had some like.. magical powers.."

Tony: "I just said we aren't talking about this! y/n, calm down, go rest. You can join us when you're actually ok"

Y/n nods, and gets to his feet, with the help of Nat, and moves out of the room.

Tony: "did you know about that?"

Steve: "no. I didn't. Max kept everything about y/n's parents to himself. Never told me anything"


It's been a few hours, and y/n had gotten rest, and walked into the briefing room with the other avengers inside.

steve: "Okay, so the "how" works. Now we gotta figure out the when and the where. Almost all of us has had an encounter with at least one of the six Infinity Stones"

tony: "Well I'd substitute the word encounter for damn well near been killed by one of the six Infinity Stones"

scott: "I haven't, I don't even know what the hell you're all talking about"

Y/n: "the Omnitrix has a feedback energy against the stones. I don't know why, but they don't like each other"

Tony: "welcome back yokai watch"

Y/n sighs, and gently pushes Tony.

bruce: "Regardless, we only have enough Pym Particles for one round trip each, and these stones have been in a lot of different places throughout history"

tony: "Our history. So, not a lot of convenient spots to just drop in"

clint: "Which means we have to pick our targets"

tony: "Correct"

steve: "Let's start with the Aether. Thor, what do you know?"

Thor was sitting on a chair with his sunglasses on, making it impossible to tell whether he is awake or asleep.

natasha: "Is he asleep?"

rhodey: "No, I'm pretty sure he's dead"

Y/n: "someone wake him please"

A few minutes later, Thor has been awakened, and currently explaining the aether. Aka, the reality stone.

THOR: "Where to start? Umm... The Aether, first, is not a stone, someone called it a stone before. It's more of a... an angry sludge thing, so... someones gonna need to amend that. Here's an interesting story though, many years ago... My grandfather had to hide the stones from the Dark Elves, Wooooh, scary beings. So Jane-"

An image of Jane Foster pops up on the screen.

Thor: "Oh, there she is. That's Jane... She's... an old flame of mine... She... she stuck her hand inside a rock this one time... and then the Aether stuck itself inside her... And, she became very, very sick. So I had to take her to Asgard, which is where I'm from. And we had to try and fix her. We were dating at the time, you see. I got to introduce her to my Mother... who's dead"

Thor starts to look broken, and seems on the verge of tears.

Thor: "and oh you know, Jane and I aren't even dating anymore, these things happen though you know, nothing last forever"

Tony starts to push him back to his chair.

Thor: "I'm not done yet, the only thing permanent in life is impermanence"

tony: "Awesome. Eggs? Breakfast?"

thor: "I'd like a Bloody Mary, thank you"

Y/n: "nah, help is what you need. And maybe a therapist"

Next, the Avengers were sitting around a table, eating a meal, and Rocket is pacing on the table in front of everyone.

rocket: "Quill said he stole the Power Stone from Morag"

scott: "Is that a person?"

rocket: "Morag's a planet. Quill was a person"

scott: "A planet? Like in outer space?"

rocket: "Oh, look. It's like a little puppy, all happy and everything. Do you wanna go to space? You wanna go to space, puppy? I'll get you to space"

Y/n: "leave the guy alone, he's been kinda stuck around here for a while"

Rocket: "easy for you to say. How many times have you been to space?"

Y/n: "uh.. grandpa took me there for my eleventh birthday. Got a dog. Named her zed. And am currently heartbroken that I may never see her again if we don't fix this mess. Can we get back on track please?"

Next, everyone was facing Nebula in the planning room, and Nat writing notes for their plan.

nebula: "Thanos found the Soul Stone on Vormir"

natasha: "What is Vormir?"

nebula: "A dominion of death, at the very center of Celestial existence. It's where... Thanos murdered my sister"

Nat looks up, and an awkward silence falls upon the room. She writes what Nebula has just said, and Scott makes to break the awkward moment.

scott: "Not it"

Y/n: "not the time pal"

Next, Tony and Nat lying on a table surrounded by papers, Bruce lying down on the floor, and y/n half asleep on the couch. The Time Stone pops up on the display.

natasha: "That Time Stone guy..."

Y/n: "doctor stephen strange"

natasha: "Yeah, what kind of doctor was he?"

tony: "Ear-nose-throat meets rabbit from a hat"

bruce: "Nice place in the village, though"

tony: "Yeah. Sullivan Street"

bruce: "Hmm... Bleecker"

natasha: "Wait, he lived in New York?"

tony: "No. He lived in Toronto. Were you even paying attention?"

natasha: "Guys, if you pick the right year, there are three stones in New York"

bruce: "Shut the front door"

Y/n: "yea! Mom the super genius!"

Next up is a hologram displaying the different location, the Soul and Power Stones in space in 2014. the Reality Stone in Asgard, 2013; and the Space, Mind, and Time Stones in New York City, 2012

steve: "All right. We have a plan. Six Stones, three teams. One shot"

He and the other Avengers walk up and look at the screens determinedly. The shot cuts to the Avengers walking in a file to the Quantum Time machine, wearing the Quantum Suits, albeit with some minor differences for different people.

steve: "Five years ago, we lost. All of us. We lost friends... We lost family... We lost a part of ourselves. Today, we have a chance to take it all back. You know your teams, you know your missions. Get the stones, get them back. One round trip each. No mistakes. No do-overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know. But it doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives. And we're gonna win. Whatever it takes. Good luck"

rocket: "He's pretty good at that"

scott: "Right?"

tony: "All right. You heard the man. Stroke those keys, jolly green"

bruce: "Tractors engaged"

rocket: "You promise to bring that back in one piece, right?"

clint: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. I'll do my best"

rocket: "As promises go, that was pretty lame"

natasha: "See you in a minute"

Y/n: "more like a second. Love you mom"

They all shrink and enter the Quantum Realm, and they all split at different intervals, going to a different place at a different time in history.

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