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By vanwinklee

44.4K 1.3K 374

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1| Granger Household
2| Fork
3| Arabic Name
4| Toad Hunters
5| Friends
6| Brooms
7| Ring
8| Stranger
9| Worry
10| Swallowing Snitch
11| Train Ride Home
12| Dinner's
13| Christmas Morning
14| Malfoy's Christmas Ball
15| Area of Peace
16| Twin's
17| Pranking 101
18| Late Night Punishment
19| Thinking by the Lake
20| Frantic Last Day
21| Full Moon & Conversations
22| Dad Fight
23| Mum's Magazine
24| Pixies
25| Imagination
26| The Chamber
27| Bludger
28| Snake Language
29| Behind Smiling Faces
30| Polyjuice
31| Uncovering The Truth
32| School of Sorrow
33| Last Day Joy
34| The Eight Roommates
35| Radio
36| Cheer Up, Malfoy
37| New York
38| New Year's
39| Aunt Marge
40| Black Robes
41| Dementors
42| Tea Reading
43| Hogsmeade
44| Stranger Reveal
45| Lupin's Story
46| Transformation
47| Tips for a Werewolf
48| Astoria Greengrass
49| Talk with Harry
50| Malfoy the Wise
51| Panicked Gryffindor's
52| Another Mystery
53| Map Malfunction
54| Sirius Black
55| Saving the Godfather
56| More Then Expected
57| Diffuse the Tension
58| Waves
59| Camping
60| World Cup
61| Stranger on Burned Ground
62| Trolley Lady
63| New Arrival's
64| The Three Curses
65| Goblet of Fire
66| Theo's Article
67| Hot Chocolate & Cookies
68| Albino Ferret
69| First Task
70| Ballroom Dancing
71| Dress Shopping
72| The Yule Ball
73| Happy Howlidays
74| Happy Howlidays PT.2
75| Barty's Threat
76| Late Night Reading
77| Second Task
78| Harry and the Pensieve
79| Night With Malfoy
80| Third Task
82| The Story of 1983
83| Baby-Sitting
84| 12 Grimmauld Place
85| Heart and Soul
86| Flavored Beans
87| The Pink Toad
88| Umbridge's Class
89| Run, Hide, Panic
90| Everything at Once
91| Thestrals
92| High Inquisitor
93| Possibly Impossible
94| Happy Memories
95| Dumbledore's Army
96| Severus Vs. Dolores
97| Sharing Secrets
98| Melodies for a Werewolf
99| The Letter
100| Reunite
101| Caught Red-handed
102| Apologies
103| Fireworks
104| The Ministry
105| Slughorn
106| Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
107| On the Racks
108| Amortentia
109| Now you Know
110| Cursed?
111| Dinner With Slughorn
112| Ron's First Match
113| Slughorn's Christmas Party
114| Ring of Fire
115| Won-Won and Daft Dimbo
116| Blood in the Water
117| Dumbledore's Downfall
118| Eight Potter's
119| Wedding Day
120| Regulus Arcturus Black
121| Ministry Infiltration
122| On the run
123| Godric's Hollow
124| The Three Brothers
125| Malfoy Manor
126| Lifeless
127| Battle of Hogwarts PT.1
128| Battle of Hogwarts PT.2
1| 19 Years Later
2| New Life
3| Back to King's Cross
4| Permanent Scars
5| Healing Process
6| Back in the World
7| Graves
8| An old Friend
9| Memories of the Past
10| Teddy's Return
11| Unboxing the Past
12| Manor Memories
13| Sleep Over
14| Muggle Cookies
15| Harry and Ron
16| The New Minister
17| A Gift
18| Old History
19| Ghosts
20| Back to Work
21| Dinner for two
22| His Mother
23| Brunch
24| Herbology Professor
25| Muggle Bus
26| The Market
27| New Plan
28| Plan B
29| Teddy's Findings
30| Chase her

81| Barty Crouch Jr.

236 11 10
By vanwinklee

''𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙖 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙮 𝙗𝙖𝙙𝙖𝙨𝙨 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙚.''

𝗪𝗶𝘇𝗮𝗿𝗱𝘀 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝘆 𝗵𝗮𝗱 𝘀𝗼𝗼𝗻 𝗰𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗽𝘂𝘁 𝗖𝗲𝗱𝗿𝗶𝗰'𝘀 𝗯𝗼𝗱𝘆 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗮 𝗰𝗮𝘀𝗸𝗲𝘁, 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘆 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗮 𝗯𝘂𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹. I didn't even know that the Ministry did things like this, not since the whole incident with Barty Crouch in the corridor and him wanting to erase whatever memories he thought was important. 

I already know that they'll be using magic to bury him, but I wanted him to be buried by hand. The Ministry wouldn't listen to me, only saying that it's normal for one to go through something like a loved ones death, speaking incoherent words and giving me time to grief over him. I just huffed and gave up, watching as they carried away Cedric's body. 

Dumbledore then rushed up, turning me around with his hands on my shoulders and looking like he had just seen a ghost. Only if we didn't have ghosts floating around Hogwarts every five steps. 

''Have you seen Harry?'' He asked urgently. 

''Actually, no. Not since Amos took his place beside. . .'' I trailed off, not wanting to mention it. Dumbledore patted my shoulder for reassurance before Hermione came to us. 

''I seen Harry walk off with Professor Moody.'' She informed. As she spoke that, I brought a hand to my head, all three of them turning their attention back on me. Snape was standing behind Dumbledore, with McGonagall beside Snape. 

''Miss. Granger?'' Snape asked. My eyes were shut tight as I tried to calm my mind, but it wasn't working. 

''Potion.'' I coughed out. 

''What was that? Say it again.'' Dumbledore asked, seemingly this was an urgent matter. And now I know why.

''Polyjuice potion.'' I fluttered my eyes open again, looking at the school. ''Harry is in Moody's office, that's where the smell is coming from.'' Dumbledore turned to look behind him, Snape sharing a look with my before Dumbledore thanked me and ran off. I was about to follow before Hermione grabbed my wrist. 

''How did you know that?'' She asked with furrowed brows. ''And are you alright?'' She then gestured to my head, remembering the way I was holding it earlier. 

''Magic.'' I merely shrugged before running off, leaving Hermione standing outside the Quidditch Pitch. Ron had soon walked up to her though, asking if she was alright and why she was just standing there. 

I had found Dumbledore, McGonagall and Snape jogging through the corridors. More like Snape was walking fast with his cape bellowing behind him. He doesn't jog, and I've never seen him to anything remotely close to a run. Without hesitation, I followed behind them, Snape taking note of my presence when he gave me a side-glance. 

When we had made it to Moody's office, Dumbledore used a spell to throw open the door. Apparently, it also threw back Moody, who had landed in a chair. Harry was in the corner of the room, behind a large chest. 

''Severus. . .'' Dumbledore beckons, holding the jacket of Moody. Well, whoever decided to use Polyjuice to shape into Moody. Snape comes out with a vial of veritaserum, pouring some into the mouth of the person in the chair. ''Do you know who I am?'' He furiously asked. 

''Albus Dumbleodre'' He answered to the best he could. 

''Are you Alastor Moody? Are ya?'' Dumbledore urged, awaiting the answer. 


''Is he in this room?'' When Dumbledore didn't receive any answer, it looked like he was about to end the man right then and there. ''Is he in this room?'' He shouted. The magical eye had moved over to the chest, where Harry was practically hiding behind. ''Harry! Get away from there.'' McGonagall leads him over to the side. 

Dumbledore waves his wand at the chest, which opens and shows a bunch of smaller chests. I happened to look over at the man sitting in the chair, who was leaned back and staring at the chest. His magical eye had swerved, skipping over Dumbledore and looking at me, who is standing between Harry and Snape. 

''Are you alright, Alastor?'' Dumbledore looked down into the chest, talking to the real Alastor Moody. 

''I'm sorry, Albus.'' He faintly replied. 

''That's Moody, but then who's. . .'' Harry looked back to the man in the chair.

''Polyjuice Potion.'' I let out, Snape hadn't even opened the flask yet. He gave me a discreet look before handing the flask over to Dumbledore. 

''Now we know who's been stealing from your stores, Severus.'' Harry gave me a questioning look, trying to figure out how I had known before Snape even opened the flask. I just ignored it, since Hermione had given me the same look and I didn't have the time or the need to explain how I had done so. ''We'll get you up in a minute.'' Dumbledore shouted down at the real Moody. 

The man in the chair had started to turn back, his skin bubbling all over. I still remember when we had to do that, I hated every minute of it. And not because I had to be Parkinson, but the overall feeling of being someone else and drinking the potion, disgusting. The man rips off the magical eye, throwing it to the floor before he finishes transforming. 

His head is tilted down towards the ground, his tongue flicking out of his mouth. He had brown shaggy hair, a slight grin on his face as is he wasn't in a room filled with people that just exposed him. His skin was pale and his face was freckled, his brown eyes looking between us all as I subconsciously took a step behind Snape. If anything was to happen, I know that Snape would probably be the last one standing, so he was my shield. 

It looked like a small frown had replaced the grin when I stepped behind Snape, like he was disappointed or saddened by the action. 

''Barty Crouch Jr.'' Dumbledore announces. Harry looks incredulously at the man, holding his arm. 

''I'll show you mine if you show me yours.'' Barty Crouch Jr. then rolls up his sleeve, the familiar marking if the skull and the snake was moving around. 

''Your arm, Harry.'' He grabs the boy, rolling up his sleeve and putting it next to Barty Crouch Jr.'s arm. 

''You know what this means don't you? He's back. Lord Voldemort has returned.'' I gave out a silent gasp, I hadn't heard the news of this. Harry knew, surely he was shouting it when he had came out of the maze with Cedric, but I didn't hear it over my sobs. 

Dumbledore rolled down Harry's sleeve, gently letting go of it. ''Send an owl to Azkaban, think they'll find they're missing a prisoner.'' He then turned around as Snape stepped forward, his wand against the side of Barty Crouch Jr.'s face. 

''I'll be welcomed back like a hero.'' He shouted to Dumbledore from across the room. 

''Perhaps. Personally, I've never had much time for hero's.'' Dumbledore was about to walk out of the office with Harry behind him, before Crouch spoke up again. 

''Granger.'' Everyone suddenly stopped, Harry being the first to turn around and look at the man. I stopped walking, my back still face towards him. ''That's your name, isn't it? Granger.'' Slowly turning around, I saw that his face wasn't holding any humor, only something that he was holding back. 

Dumbledore stood in the doorway, leaning against the side of it. Snape glanced between us two, his wand still against Barty's face. McGonagall was standing beside Dumbledore, Harry standing in-front of the two as he grasps his forearm. 

''They degraded your name, sending you off to some muggle-born family.'' He then scoffed, shaking his head. Snape pulled his wand back a bit, glancing at me to see what I would do. 

''What are you talking about?'' I asked with furrowed brows, my whole body now facing the man. Snape backed away and moved behind me, his wand still out and ready to be used whenever needed. 

''I'm not talking with these maggots around. They don't need to know any of this.'' I shoved my hands into my pockets with a sigh, my head tilted towards the ground. Barty had a small grin come across his face, awaiting to see what I would do next. 

''Y/n, come on. Let's just get out of here, Ron and Hermione are waiting.'' Harry tried to get my to follow, I hadn't moved from my spot, just blinked. 

''Miss. Granger, I think it would be smart for you to come with us.'' Dumbledore then spoke, following Harry's lead of trying to ease me out of the room. McGonagall wanted to say something, but didn't, knowing that I wouldn't change my mind once I was set on it. 

I lifted my head, seeing Barty staring at me, with small glances to the group behind me. Turning around to look at the group, I saw that they all had their wands, except Harry. I believe he dropped his wand at the maze and never picked it up when he landed with Cedric and the cup. 

''Let's go, Y/n. Hermione is worried about us.'' Harry then eased again, taking small steps to the door. I knew my choice, so that's what I stuck with. 

I moved to the door with Harry, Snape walking behind McGonagall, who is walking behind Dumbledore, who is leading the rest of us out of the office. As they all stepped out of the office and started to move down the stairs, I slowly pulled my wand from my pocket. Pulling it out of my pocket, Harry had turned around to look at me and seen what I was doing.

''Y/n, stop!'' But it was too late, I already took their wands and shut the door. They banged their fists against the wooden surface, looking like they were trying to knock the door off it's hinges. I had all three of their wands in my hand, so they wouldn't be able to open the door with their own. 

I turned around to face Barty Crouch Jr. seeing him laughing with a grin on his face. I set the wands on a side table, holding my wand in my right hand and pointing it straight at him. His laughter had faltered, staring at the tip of my wand. I flicked my wand behind me, mumbling a quiet 'Muffliato'. 

''We've only got a short amount of time before either of them have the brightest idea to grab someone else with a wand to open that door. So talk quickly and answer without sarcastic remarks.'' I bring my wand back to him, seeing him looking rather relaxed. 

''Well, what all do you want to know?'' He asked, leaning back against the chair. 

''Everything. I've had questions from the very beginning of the year, but no answers to go with them. Have you been disguised as Moody this whole time?'' Barty hadn't answered, instead he glanced off to the left side of the room. The chest was still open, Moody still sitting at the bottom - looking helpless as ever. 

He gestured for me to close the chest, which I did reluctantly. Then, he had answered. 

''Yes.'' A coy smile came upon his face, like he knew exactly what I wanted to know without me having to ask. 

''What all do you know?'' 

''Starting from the very beginning?'' He raised a brow, amused by this interrogation. I nodded. ''It was a nice, sunny day at St. Mungo's, my mother in the bed while my father sits outside, awaiting the cry of a wailing child-'' 

''Not that far!'' 

''Hey, you asked.'' He shrugged. 

''Tell me what you know about me. What do you mean my name is degrading? And sending me off to a muggle-born family?'' He glanced to the right side of the room, where a stool was set. 

''You might want to sit down for this.'' He gestured to the stool with his head. I looked at him suspiciously, slowly lowering my wand. ''Oh, yes, because like I would do anything to you.'' With a roll of my eyes, I took the stool and sat down in-front of him. 

When I sat down, I didn't bother to point my wand at him again. So, I decided to keep it in my pocket as I listened to him give me answers that I needed. He shifted in his chair, where he was comfortable with his fingers tangled with one another and settled on his stomach. A small smile never left his face, even when I had my wand pointed at him. 

''Start talking.'' I urged, leaning forward so that my elbows were on my knees. 

''Before we start, you have to know that this story includes a lot of information.''

''That's what I'm here for.'' His smile become larger. 

''Good.'' He shifted again, so he was sitting upright, his forearms now leaning against his knees a little like I was sitting. ''Let's start with the date, October 23rd, 1983. The day was mucky, fog everywhere, you could barely see an inch in-front of your face. Terrible, people kept tripping over small pebbles that were buried in the ground, myself included.'' I breathed out a chuckle, which he didn't do anything, but smile at. ''I had been sent by The Dark Lord, as a mission to prove my loyalty to him. It was only a couple hours after I had gotten this.'' He pulled up his sleeve, showing the Dark Mark on his left forearm. 

''He sent me out to retrieve something, something that would most likely decide the fate of his future. . .''



𝑶𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒃𝒆𝒓 23𝒓𝒅, 1983

Fog covered the grounds of the open field, only one house still standing on the lot. A few strangers walked by here and there, Barty Crouch Jr. being one of them. Instead of walking on by like the rest of the lady's and lad's, he stood at the gates of the mansion, looking at the one lit window in the left top corner of the house. 

Just receiving the Dark Mark only a few hours ago, meant that he had to prove his loyalty to The Dark Lord and the Death Eaters that follow behind him. But that also meant that his left forearm hurt like crazy, him having to try and shake off the stinging sensation every now and then. It still didn't work, but he had a job to do. 

The gates were black and rusted, he couldn't squeeze through the fence because of the engravings. They hadn't given enough space between them for him to simply step through, and because he knew that this wouldn't be that simple. The engravings inside the fence were simple twisted lines with a few snakes curling around them, one of them with it's mouth open towards whoever walked up to the fence. 

He couldn't simply walk around the lot either, since the wall wasn't high enough for him to jump over. And he didn't to have to climb up all those bricks and rocks that were put together for the fence. Taking a quick glance around at the empty walkways, half-apparating over the fence without a sound. 

The elegant marbles walkway to the front door was surrounded on each side by little bits of mismatched pebbles around the planted shrubs and bushes in the yard. The house, itself, was white with a few steps up to the front porch. On the front porch were pillars, holding up a black shingled overhang to cover anyone from the rain. 

The door was made of mahogany wood, the door handles have a golden glow, even in the cold and dark weather. With the handles having a certain twirl to them, the engravings on the door were also snakes, both facing each other with their mouths open and fangs on show. Against the mahogany door, their eyes were a ruby red. 

About two floors is how tall the mansion was, all the windows darkened except for that one with the faint glow on the far left, second floor. The curtains were covering the window, so Barty couldn't see what was going on inside. But he could've sworn, he had seen two people walking around up there. And if anything, it was just the homeowners of the mansion. 

Barty couldn't apparate inside, since the homeowners had a certain spell on it. That's why The Dark Lord had picked Barty for this job, one wrong move and he was dead. One noise, dead. One breath, dead. Sure, Barty looked perfectly fine on the outside, but on the inside, he was terrified. He wouldn't tell anyone that thought. 

Ringing the doorbell, he had awaited until someone had opened the door. He took another glance at the window, which still had the light on and the curtains still pulled over the window. The door had clicked, signaling that someone was on the other side. When the door was pulled open, a house elf was standing in the doorway, looking up at Barty with eyes that showed misery. 

''Welcome. How may I help you?'' The elf asked, wringing it's hands in-front of his abdomen. Barty pointed his wand at the elf, using Stupefy to send it across the room and at the opposite wall. The corridor between the front door and the opposite wall would take about a full minute to cross, so the elf was dead at that point. 

Barty didn't bother to look around, just wanted to get his mission done and over with. In a way, he had helped the house elf. Now it doesn't have to serve under the homeowners of this lousy mansion. He didn't look around, instead, he made a beeline for the staircase at the left of the front door, which was carpeted with a red carpet, marbled with a few golden engravings here and there. 

Some bits and pieces of silk hung from the railing of the staircase, which he had thrown off as he passed. The noises from a room close by had reached his ears, sounds like something falling to the floor and things being pushed around. When he had reached the top of the staircase, a woman wrapped in a silk robe had stepped out of one of the doors at the opposite end of the corridor. 

She put a hand over her mouth as she yawned, her eyes closed momentarily so she didn't get a glimpse of Barry. When she opened her eyes, she grabbed the sides of her silk robe and brought them tighter around her thin frame. ''Who are you?'' She asked in a thick Scottish accent, her brows furrowed at Barty. 

''Nobody to be concerned about.'' He raised his wand and used a spell to bind the woman in ropes, along with gagging her in the mean time. She writhed around, trying to free herself from the robes but only failing. Barty had left the woman on the floor and made his way to the far end of the corridor, where the room would be that he needed to go. 

Slowly opening the door, to where it was only a little slit where he could see into the room. A man was standing there with disheveled black hair, which had started to grey. He was wearing a black button-up blouse with an untied tie hanging around his neck, along with trousers and shoes. In his hand was a folded leather belt, a bronze buckle connected to it. 

Below the window was a little girl, hands over her head as she helplessly lays on her side. Tears streamed down her face, sniffling every now and then from the amount she was crying. When the man had moved closer to her, she flinched, holding her hands closer to her head and balling herself up.

Barty almost felt himself tear up from the sight, almost seeing himself in the little girl. He was never wanted by his father, who was disappointed in him from the very beginning. His mother had left, off with another man and leaving the child with the previous husband. That's how Barty ended up in this path, with the Dark Mark on his left forearm, taking orders from The Dark Lord and going on this mission to prove his loyalty. 

The man had tightened the belt in his hand, now facing the little girl again and speaking some words under his breath, to where only the little girl was able to hear them. She cried again, not daring to look up at the man. When the man had crouched down, he grabbed her chin tightly and made her head face him, yelling at her to open her eyes. 

The little girl reluctantly opened her eyes, her bloodshot y/e/c colored eyes. The man stood up again, gripping the belt in his left hand, and bringing up his hand. The girl started sobbing again, wanting to ball herself up and forget that this is ever happening. Before the belt could touch the girl, Barry had thrown open the door, making the man stop in his tracks. 

''Who the hell are you?'' The man seethed, bringing his hand down by his side. When Barry didn't answer, he started getting more irritated. ''Huh? I asked you a question, dick. Who are you?'' He put a finger on Barty's chest, pushing him back a couple of steps. ''Get outta my fucking house.'' 

The man turned back around, not paying attention to Barty. He though that Barty would just leave without another word, but oh, how wrong he was. Just as the man brought the rope back down, it happened to hit the little girls wrist, causing her to scream and hold her head again. 

''Avada Kedavra!'' Barty shouted, his wand pointed at the man. The belt dropped from his hand, and the man fell onto his knees, then onto his face on the ground. The little girl hadn't opened her eyes, still clutching her head with her eyes shut tight. Kicking the man over to the side, Barty crouched down in-front of the little girl. 

''Hey.'' He spoke soothingly, reaching out to lightly touch her shoulder. When his fingers brushed against her shoulder, she flinched and jumped back, scared. ''It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you.'' He opened his arms a little, awaiting for the girl to approach him. 

She hadn't gotten up, but instead she crawled over to him on her hands and knees and sat with him. She was too weak to walk at the moment, her legs in pain. Barty brought the girl into a light hug, not wanting to hurt her from any scars or bruises that could still be in the process of healing. Burying her head in his arms, she felt herself starting to fall asleep. 

''Let's get out of here, shall we?'' He suggested. The little girl weakly nodded. Barty picked up the girl in his arms, bridal style as he walked out of the room. The woman in the silk robe was still tied up and in the floor, watching Barty take her child. She didn't seem to care though, rolling her eyes at the scarred child. 

Barty took the girl outside the house, using Incendio on the building as he walked away and half-apparated with the girl over the fence. She was now asleep in his arms, red tear stains ran all down her face, her arms has cuts and bruises, some of them purple and some of them green, depending on what time she had gotten those bruises. 

He was supposed to take this girl to The Dark Lord, where she was to become a Death Eater when she was of age. But he couldn't see her that way, he couldn't see her taking the same path that he had taken because his father was disappointed in him. He couldn't see this little girl, the one sleeping in his arms, almost dying at the hands of The Dark Lord. 

So instead, he took her to the one place that was close enough for comfort that night. 




''Father never liked the idea of me being a father. Always despised the idea, but he never had an actual reason. I ignored him and went with what I had thought was right.'' Barty shrugged, watching my expression. 

I was more then confused. 

''What does that mean?'' I asked, glancing up from the ground to look at Barty. He had a smile on his face, not a coy one and not a teasing one. A genuine smile, that showed that he adored the answer to that question. 

''Well, it means that. . .'' Barty trailed off, making himself more comfortable in the chair. He hadn't gotten comfortable in the chair, so he had decided to stand up instead. I was still sitting on the stool in-front of his chair, trusting that he wouldn't throw me out the window. ''I am your father.'' 

My eyes widened, and my jaw had dropped about an inch. 

''Adopted, at least. Better then the ugly git that first had you.'' I didn't care if it was adopted or not, I kept thinking back to the story. 

''Why can't I remember then?'' I questioned, turning my head a little to see him looking out a window. 

''Father is a foul fucker. Erased your memories just before I was sent to Azkaban. Anything and everything that had included me, had been erased. Remember the week before the champions were due to be picked?'' I nodded, remembering that I had been out for the week that led up to that event. I didn't know why, but surely Barty did. ''My father had drugged you, planned on taking you the moment you passed out. He couldn't find you, had no record about your moon problem.'' 

''Then how did he find out about me being a Werewolf? I never told him and he seen me in the forest, served Malfoy and I a quick visit to which I almost killed him.'' 

''He would've died anyway. Been planning to for years and finally got the chance after the second task.'' 

''That was you?'' He nodded with a smile. I chuckled at him. 

''He was planning on stealing you away when he got word that I was out of Azkaban, though he didn't know how until he was offered to help host the Tri-Wizard Tournament at Hogwarts. That's when he thought it was the best idea and that's when he also failed. He never wanted me to have possession of you, or even see you again for that matter. But, here we are.'' He raised his arms dramatically, turning around to face his body towards me. 

''Where did you take me that night?'' I asked. He sighed, before looking down at the ground. When he had looked back up, he didn't answer, instead he had dug through his pocket, looking for something. 

''Not this pocket.'' He moved onto another pocket. ''Not this one either.'' He moved to another. ''How many pockets does this man need?'' I laughed, which caused him to do the same. ''Finally. Here.'' He had a vial in his hand, a blue liquid with a black fog to it. ''Take it to a pensieve and pour this in there. That's all you'll need to know.'' 

''Why can't you just tell me?'' 

''I'd rather you see it for yourself.'' He leaned against a desk on the side of the room, his hands in his pockets. I put the vial in my pocket, my wand hanging loosely in my left hand. ''Now that I actually have a good look at you, I can see you aren't the helpless girl that I seen all them years ago.'' He smiled fondly, as if reminiscing something. 

''I'm a Granger now.'' I shook my head, straightening my back. 

''I still don't like them degrading you.'' He looked at the ground with a groan. 

''And I still can't believe I'm not even a muggle-born. Here I was, wondering how I was even related to magic. Now, I found out that I'm actually a witch, and my biological father is dead with my adoptive father being a Death Eater. Sounds like a pretty badass backstory to me.''

''You know I won't be around forever.'' He brought up, sadness sinking in his eyes. 

''Yeah, I know that all too well.'' I spoke, thinking about Cedric. 

''After you look at that memory, I want you to talk to Flint. He'll tell you what I won't be able to.'' He gestured to where I held the vial in my pocket, stuffing his hand back into his pocket. I nodded, not saying anything in reply. ''Is there anyone else that you see as a father? Even if I'm not around, I'd like to know that you will be safe.'' 

I smiled at him before thinking. ''There is the father that I have back at the Granger's place, but he isn't a wizard.'' Barty scrunched his nose a bit, but not saying anything to let me continue. ''But there is one, his name is Remus.'' 

''I know him. The werewolf, right? Heard about Black's breakout and thought that Lupin would have something to do with it.'' Barty shrugged. 

''Yeah, that's him.'' I nodded. ''That was a lot to take in last year, but this year it's a heck ton harder to take in information.'' I rubbed my temples with my index finger and middle fingers, a laugh erupting at the back of my throat. 

''Believe it or not, werewolves are the most loyal of people.'' He informed. ''Greyback, might be an exception, but that's besides the point.'' He waved his hand at me with a chuckle, moving his hand to hold himself against the desk behind him. ''I want you to stick with Lupin, I trust him to protect you more then anyone else here. Flint not included.'' 

''I don't think that'll be a problem.'' I smiled at him. He smiled back, before looking at the floor and breaking eye contact with me. Right now, I could be standing next to Voldemort's side as Harry is dead and Voldemort had taken over the Wizarding World along with the Muggle World. But Barty didn't take me back to Voldemort, instead, he kept me for his own. 

''I can't believe I missed so much.'' Barty mumbled, tapping his fingers against the top of the desk. I looked over at him, seeing a few tears starting to brim his eyes. ''Really, I wish I was there.'' 

I didn't respond, instead, I got up from the stool I was sitting on, placing my wand where I had previously sat. Barty hadn't looked up from the floor, so I stepped towards him and wrapped my arms around his torso. He tensed for a moment, but soon relaxed, wrapping his arms around me in a comforting hug. 

''I don't care how much you missed. And I don't care if you were there or not. You're here now and you told me what I wanted to know, I'll forever be eternally grateful.'' I buried my face into his chest, feeling him placing his forehead on the top of my head. 

''You might not be so helpless, but you are still the same sweet little girl.'' We shared a few minutes of silence, until tears had escaped my eyes. I heard them from down the corridor, rushed footsteps quickly arriving at the door to the office. ''Don't cry.'' Barty tried to soothe me, not letting me out of the hug. 

''They're coming.'' More tears ran down my face, hearing the footsteps getting close and closer. 

''I know, I know. Don't cry, I don't like it when you cry.'' He hugs me tighter to him, burying his face in my hair. The footsteps and mumbled words are right outside the door, until it's finally knocked off it's hinges and laid against the floor. 

Dumbledore stood there, with Snape, McGonagall and Flitwick. Harry was also there still, his arm hadn't been handled. Hermione and Ron were standing by his sides, all seeing the image of me and Barty, hugging. 

''Let's go, Miss. Granger. Surely, you've had enough time.'' Dumbledore urged, lightly grabbing my arm and pulling me away. Barty reluctantly let go, watching as I get dragged away from him by Dumbledore. Tears still visible on his face. He gave me one last smile before he was out of my sight. 

Snape was the only one there to supervise him, picking up and returning the wands to McGonagall and Dumbledore, as Snape stayed in the room with Barty. Hermione, Harry and Ron tried asking me questions about what had happened, a few words coming from Dumbledore. I didn't answer any of their questions, the last few years falling down my face as I was dragged back to the Gryffindor Common Room. 

I didn't want to be here, I wanted to see Malfoy. 

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