Let Me Carve Your Way(Male re...

By ISeeNow809

16.7K 465 103

although he may be blind he is far from being defenseless More

Chapter 1:Student Council's Shadow
Chapter 3: Competition for blind love
Chapter 4: Can A Blind Man Swim?
Chapter 5: Unforgettable Promise
Chapter 6: Tension rising
Chapter 7: A Shadow Wielder's Duty

Chapter 2: Judo Club

2K 65 5
By ISeeNow809


Shiranui"so you can't see a thing?"

(Y/n)"nope. That's why I have my dear friend Eddie to tell me where to go"

Right now (Y/n) was talking with Shiranui outside in the courtyard as she was eating a box of donuts

Shiranui"who's Eddie?"

(Y/n)"he's quite the gentleman when you get to know him. And takes the form of a cat"

Shiranui"can I meet him?"

(Y/n)"maybe another time, I best be meeting up with Medaka-chan and Zenkichi-san"

Shiranui"bye bye, blind buddy"

Shiranui waved at (Y/n) in which he waved back as well as his shadow

Shiranui"what a funny guy"

Location: Studen Council Room

Medaka"Zenkichi, (Y/n) we are going to the Judo club today"

Medaka was in notbing but her bra and panties as she held out two judo uniforms making Zenkichi fall and
(Y/n) stand there with his usual smile

(Y/n)"the judo club? What's the occasion?"

Zenkichi quickly slammed the door locked it, closed the curtains on the window


Medaka"what are you talking about? What's the point if I can't show off my toned body then?"


(Y/n) leaned towards the ground as if he was whispering towards someone

(Y/n)"she has muscles?"

. . .

(Y/n)"Eddie I don't think breast count as muscles..."

. . .

(Y/n)"for only some of them?"

Zenkichi sweat dropped seeing (Y/n) talking to himself again before turning his attention back to Medaka

Zenkichi"so what were you sating about the judo club?"

Medaka"well, are you familiar with the club's captain, third year Nabeshima? There's a request from her"

Zenkichi"Nabeshima? As in the star student Nabeshima Nekomi? The famed Nabeshima? The "queen of foul play" in the judo world?"

(Y/n)"is that so? What may she need help with? From what I've heard from her, she's not the type to worry about things"

Medakak"true. But even so, she's the captain and will be retiring soon so she wants us to help her appoint a successor"

(Y/n)"in that case, shall we get going then?"

Medaka"of course. I might even see some familiar faces there as well"

Upon Medaka saying that Zenkichi looked a bit agitated and wondered off in his head remembering why he didn't try out for the judo club

Location: Judo Club

Nabeshima"well, well. Welcome! I'm captain of the Judo Club, Nabeshima Nekomi. Thanks for coming"

A girl with a judo outfit, with a red shirt underneath it, and short blonde hair greeted Medaka with a handshake in whcih she shook

Medaka"I'm Kurokami from the student council, I will do everything I can do to help you"

Nabeshima"yup, yup! I'm counting on you Kurokami-san!"

While the two talked Zenkichi leaned on the wall nearby while (Y/n) was fiddling with a flower in his hands

Nabeshima"oh that's right! Before we get to finding a successor... There is someone I would like for you to meet. Akune, hey Akune!"

As Nabeshima called out for someone one of the doors in the dojo opened showing a guy with long blonde hair come out of one of the side rooms and walked towards Medaka kneeling in front of her

Akune"my apologies for being out of touch for so long, Medaka. I've been waiting, hoping you haven't forgotten us because of the duties of your new position. I have been eagerly awaiting our reunion"

Medaka"stop your formal act mister second year Akune. I can tell from the other members, it's obvious someone like you arranged this act beforehand"

Medaka had a serious look on her face as she stared down at Akune

Akune"not at all. I simply didn't want to embarass myself by acting too proud. It's thanks to you that I am who I am today. I can never thank you enough, Medaka"

Medaka then proceeded to absolutely grab Akune's head with a tight grip forcing him to look up at her


Akune had a huge blush on hsi face and big smile as if he was a masochist getting turned on by someone yelling at him

Akune"y-yes ma'am! Just like you! I'll do as you say!"

Medaka let go of Akune and told him to go chat with Zenkichi who was anjoyed by the situation and (Y/n) who still calmly stood there with his smile

As soon as Medaka left them alone they started glaring at each other with a pissed off look on both their faces

Akune"long time no see. Umm, what's your name again?"

Zenkichi"it's Hitoyoshi Zenkichi, and who the hell are you?"

Akune"you damn insect! As usual, it seems you're hard at work following Medaka around! Just so you know, it's your fault Medaka's a pproval rating wasn't 100%!"

Zenkichi"hah, please don't say such terrible things! To think that a man of such character. The prince of the judo world, harassed his under classmen!  If your fangirls knew that, wouldn't they just cry?"

Akune"hmph! My mind and body exist to serve Medaka! If it's for her, I'd welcome hatred as if I were a venomous snake!"

Zebkichi"so I'm an insect and you're a venomous snake, huh?"

(Y/n)"what animal would such things make me then?"

Zenkichi and Akune looked over towards (Y/n) who was thinking to hinself as he overheard their conversation

Akune"huh, aren't you that blind guy that somehow got in?"

(Y/n)"mhmm, my name is (Y/n) (L/n). The student council's body guard if you will. It's a pleasure to meet you Akune"

(Y/n) held his hand out for Akune to shake but he swatted the greeting instead

Akune"I have no meaning receiving a greeting from someone like you. You're faking that blindness so you can get closer to Medaka. I'll have you know I won't go easy on you for your fake blind act, you're nothing more than a mole rat"

(Y/n)"a mole rat..?"

(Y/n) was stunned from Akune's words a bit before his smile came back

(Y/n)"a mole rat and black cat? Such an odd duo that it fits perfectly. And I'll have you know my blindness is not a lie, but thank you for telling me you won't hold back"

Akune"you must be much more foolish than I thought. A fake blind guy like you shouldn't be protected Medaka, but me instead"

(Y/n)"are you implying that we switch places?"

Akune"of course I am. You'll never be ablw to protect Medaka without any vision"

(Y/n)"I can see how a judo successor such as yourself can be an amazing guard... But..."

(Y/n)'s smile vanished and was replaced with a serious look

(Y/n)"a Judo user is no match for what I can truly do"

As Akune was glaring at (Y/n), Nabeshima put her hands on both their shoulders catching them off guard

Nabeshima"now now, no fighting. This is the sacred judo hall. You seem to be more capable than a judo user, (Y/n)? In that caae why don't we settle this with some judo? If Akune wins, you'll swap. Akune will join the student council and (Y/n) will join the judo club and become my successor"

Zenkichi"Nabeshima-senpai don't tell me... That's why you wrote the letter in the first place..."

Nabeshima gave Zenkichi a wink who sweat dropped at her antic

Nabeshima"yup! There's somwthing about determined guys like (Y/n). I totally love-em!"

Time Skip

After getting into proper judo training clothing, (Y/n) stood in front of Akune ready to face each other

Nabeshima"wow I must say, for being blind you have some nice muscles"

(Y/n)"well I can't protect the student council being scrawny"

Nabeshima"we're going with house rules, to make this an even match against Akune. It'll be no time plus 10 points vs no time plus 1 point"

(Y/n)"now hold on Nabeshima, 1 point isn't enough. Make me go for 20"

Nabeshima"20? That's absurd of you"

(Y/n)"fine then, how about 15?"

Nabeshima"hmm... All roght then plus 20 points vs plus no time 15 points"

Akune"hmph! I'll give you credit for not putting your tail in between your legs and running away. Oh but now that I think about it, worms have any tails right?"

(Y/n)"I'll have you know that I refuse to run from a fight no matter how uneven it is. But first"

(Y/n) reached for the inside of his judo cloth and pulled out a roll of tape confusing everyone and were even more confused as he proceeded to wrap the tape around his blindfold

(Y/n)"just for some reassurance that I'm not lying to you"

Zenlichi"I don't see why (Y/n) would accept the match. Especially since he's facing one of the best judo members"


Nabeshima"hehehe~ she's pretty tough on you two isn't she? Well, I guess that's fine, when this match is over, our prince will be in the student council. And you'll belong to us"

Nabeshima walked off the mat signaling for Akune and (Y/n) to start the match. Akune took a stance while (Y/n) just crossed his arms leaning back a bit

Akune"this match was already decided before it began"

Akune wasted no time charging towards (Y/n)

(Y/n)"watch it, or Eddie will make you trip"

Akune couldn't comprehend what he said as he was suddenly caught umbling on the ground tripping over

Akune"what the...!?"

Zenkichi, Nabeshima and Medaka watched in shock seeing Akune trip out of nowhere alomg with the rest of the members

Guy"hey, Akune just tripped over"

Guy2"he's never made a wrong mistake in his footing before..!"

Guy3"is he nervous about that guy?"

As they were mubling to themselves Akune got back up with an agitated look on his face

Akune"you got lucky"

(Y/n)"and you're not"

Akune went for another grab but (Y/n) easily dodged it before grabbing Akune and quickly throwing him over his shoulder slamming him onto the mat where he layed upwards

Akune"wait but how did..."

(Y/n)"one point"

Alune got back up again and this time kept his distance to focus

Akunw' just how the hell did he know where I was and slam me so fast!? I'll go for a different approach'

As Akune made up his mind on what his next move should be he caught something on the side of his eye. It was what looked to be a black cat in the back of the dojo walking around

Akune'a cat? How did it get in here?'

(Y/n)"two points"

Akune somehow found himself turned upside down making his face meet the hard mat

Zenkichi"he's actually getting the upperhand"

(Y/n)"three points"

Nabeshima"Akune is really getting handed by a blind guy... How..?"


Zenkichi and Nabeshima looked at Medaka with confusion as the sounf of Akune hitting the mat kept going

Medaka"I can tell that (Y/n) hates it whenever someone thinks they're superior because theit opponent is lacking of a skill or necessity. Akune may be a very skilled judo user..."

(Y/n)"seven points"

Medaka"but (Y/n) has a determined will that I'm not sure anyone can just snuff out by showing he's blind. He knows that he has lost possibly the most important tool to live"

(Y/n)"twelve points"

Nabeshima"so just because he's determined that he's hard to beat?"

Medaka"it's more like. His actions and risks for those actions fuel him"

As Medaka said this she can see (Y/n)'s shadow was wavering a lot as if it was a compass

Zenkichi"it's impressive to see him hold his own so easily and out maneuver someone who has more fighting experience"

Medaka"if you ask me..."

Akune was panting hard as he tried grabbing (Y/n) but was grabbed by his cloth faster by (Y/n) before being slammed onto the mat one more time

Medaka"(Y/n) has a much better fighting experience"

(Y/n)"there it is. Fifteen points"

Finally finishing the match (Y/n) had gotten fifteen points before Akune could even land one on him


(Y/n) walked over towards Akune and stretched his hand out to help him get up in ehich he took

(Y/n)"I hope this will help you understand that you shouldn't underestimate others, Akune-san. And besides, Medaka-chan isn't my type"

Akune". . .-sigh- is that so?"

(Y/n)"mhm. I don't really go for girls that have many great guys going for her. Especially one that truly deserves her"

After the entire judo fight between the two the student council picked the one guy that actually fought Medaka head on as their successor. Even though she slammed him into the ground before he could do anything

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