The World Will Stain Us

Od bvbandwriting

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Life leaves scars. No one understands this better than those people who enjoy rock music―whether that's the b... Více

Author's Note & Warnings
The Spark
We Stitch These Wounds
Youth & Whisky
Fallen Angels
Turnings and Tribulations
Set The World On Fire
Warped Tour
The Accident
And I Wonder How To Move On
Golden Gods, Part II
Legion of the Black
Promotions and Portents
Wretched and Divine
A Little Too Much
The Church of the Wild Ones
The Vow
Golden Gods, Part III

Golden Gods

46 3 9
Od bvbandwriting

CONTENT WARNING: Mentions of epilepsy.


Of all the things Jinxx had thought he'd ever see or do, being nominated at a big awards show hosted by Revolver magazine was not one of them.

He wasn't even sure how it had happened. While it was true that they'd done a few small tours behind We Stitch, he didn't think it had been nearly enough to garner the attention of magazines, much less enough attention to be nominated for an awards show. But then Alternative Press had contacted them, and they'd gotten onto the cover―and now here they were a month later, fresh off the AP Tour and with a nomination for "Best New Band" at the Revolver Golden Gods show.

Jinxx couldn't believe how far they'd come in such a short time. They still hadn't even released the single―mostly, at this point, because everyone had gotten so busy there simply wasn't time to film the accompanying video―but somehow their fanbase had grown exponentially, and Jinxx couldn't fathom how that had happened.

None of the others could, either. Jinxx had walked in on Andy incredulously talking to himself about it more than once since the nomination had come; Jake kept pulling the letter they'd gotten out of his pocket and rereading it, as if expecting to see that the words had changed; CC muttered "holy shit" at random moments when he remembered the nomination. It was new and exciting for all of them.

The album had been almost entirely recorded; now they were just waiting on time to finish the last track, and then for the engineers to mix it all and make it sound like the music they knew it was. This would have led to a lot of downtime had they not gone on the AP Tour and been busy planning a touring cycle for the new album. Though it was only April, they'd received an invitation to join Warped Tour that year―something that Andy in particular had been excited about, since he'd been going since they began. After that they were planning on going abroad―or rather, abroad again, because they'd enthusiastically agreed to play that year's Download Festival in the UK, about a month before Warped.

All the new possibilities opening up to them now that they had a major label, a devoted fanbase, and a second album on the way made Jinxx's head spin. It was more than he'd ever dared dream―music as a career had never entirely seemed possible to him, until now.

They recieved the news that they'd won the category only a few nights before the awards show was supposed to take place, and the look on Andy's face as he read the letter was one of mingled shock and amazement.

"We won!" he announced once he'd finished reading. "We won 'Best New Band'!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing in shock. Jinxx set down his book. Jake put down the blood packet he'd just gotten from the fridge. CC actually dropped his drumsticks, as he'd been tapping out the rhythm of "Love Isn't Always Fair" on the coffee table. They all stared at Andy, letting his words sink in. We won. It didn't seem possible. We won. Had their fanbase really been stronger than any of the other nominees? We won. We won.

"Holy shit," CC said, which in Jinxx's opinion accurately described what those two small words meant. Then, again, louder: "Holy SHIT!"

It was as if a dam had broken; all of them started yelling at once in incredulous amazement.

"We won!" Jake sounded like he couldn't quite believe it, but the grin on his face clearly showed how excited he was.

"Holy fuck―is the Army really that big already?" Jinxx couldn't believe it either, knowing he was wearing a grin just as wide as Jake's, stunned by the reality of the news. They won. They won. 

Andy nodded enthusiastically, his endless blue eyes alight with joy. "We're going places, guys. We fucking won! The only rock-and-metal awards show in the country and we fucking won!"

"Does it say who else won?" Ashley questioned, of all of them the one who'd managed to remain the most stoic, though the grin on his face matched Jake's and Jinxx's.

"It doesn't," Andy shook his head. "We're supposed to find out at the show."

"Then how is anyone supposed to plan an afterparty?" Ashley complained, and they all laughed.

"I'm sure you'll figure something out, Ash," Jinxx chuckled.

"Yeah..." And he wandered off, apparently already planning something.

Jake reached for Jinxx's hand, the action familiar and comforting. "So what does it say we need to do for the ceremony?"

Andy studied the paper again. "All we do is show up, accept the award when we're called, and I think they expect us to give a speech of some sort but it doesn't specify that we have to do that."

"Easy enough!" CC said. "Holy shit, this is so cool!"

"I never expected..." Andy trailed off, his beautiful eyes alight, his smile wide enough to show his fangs. "I mean, I always hoped we'd make it, but getting an actual award before we've even released our second album..."

Jinxx reached for him with his free hand and pulled the younger vampire close; CC, not wanting to miss anything, joined them. "It's a dream come true, alright."

"We're going in full makeup, right?" CC questioned.

Andy looked at him, scandalized. "Obviously."

CC laughed. "Just checking, man, just checking."

"How much you wanna bet there are a bunch of big names there?" asked Jake wryly. "Mötley Crüe, Alice Cooper, Skid Row, Avenged Sevenfold―you know Avenged's going to be there, their fanbase is devoted..."

"Gods," Jinxx realized. "We'll be able to meet them. Backstage at the very least."

CC's eyes lit up. "Hold it, we could potentially be meeting Avenged Sevenfold?"

Andy chuckled. "I guess."

"Fuck, man," CC said, sounding at once awed and pissed off. "If they won 'Best Drummer' I'm going to flip...I had someone I thought was my friend say he could get me in touch with Avenged and get me an audition when they were looking for a new drummer...he never came through." Then CC smiled, and it softened his features, making him look somehow younger―though he couldn't have been more than twenty-five or twenty-six. "Which I guess is a good thing, because if he had I wouldn't have met you guys."

Jinxx very much wanted to kiss him. He was rather startled by the intensity of that desire, and determinedly squashed it―they didn't need to fuck up their dynamic right now, not when they were all still high off the excitement of hearing they'd won, not when CC was smiling at them with that look in his eyes (it was fine, it was okay, they all looked at each other like that sometimes, it was nothing new) and Jinxx's hand was in Jake's (it was normal, for them anyway, it was comfortable, there was nothing special or significant about it) and Andy had pulled their human drummer to his side and buried his smile in CC's hair (that was also perfectly normal, they did shit like that with each other all the time, it meant nothing).

"We're glad your friend never came through, then," Jake said, not unkindly. "I mean―that's a shit thing to do, but it means we get to have you instead."

"Thanks," CC said.

"So glad we found you, Ceese," Andy said into his hair. "We couldn't do this without you."

CC beamed.


The day of the awards came, and they were supposed to be getting ready, still celebrating the fact that they'd won.

Instead, they were rushing Jinxx to the hospital.

Hospitals and vampires usually didn't mix, but they knew of one that had a couple vampires on staff, and that was there they were taking him.

They were infrequent visitors, vampire healing usually meaning trips to the hospital weren't necessary, but the staff recognized them on sight anyway―they were a hard group to forget. They sent for the appropriate doctors, and had Jinxx in a room within minutes.

"What happened?" demanded a doctor from somewhere far above him.

"He's epileptic," Jake's voice replied. "Hasn't had an episode in years, we thought it had gone away, you know, vampire healing―but evidently we were wrong."

"What could have brought it on?" Andy's worried voice sounded next.

"Nerves, maybe," said the doctor, accompanied by the frantic sounds of movement. "Were you about to do anything important?"

"We've got an awards show to go to." CC's voice this time.

"That could be part of it. It could be any number of things, really. We won't know until the fit has subsided."

"How long will that take?" demanded Andy. "We're kind of on a time limit―"

"We don't know," said a nurse's voice. "You may have to attend your award show without him."

"He'll be okay, though?" Jake demanded.

"He will," the doctor assured him. "His vampire healing should kick in at some point to stop it―in the meantime, we'll do all we can to make sure he doesn't hurt himself."

"Guys, we've got to go―the show starts in half an hour and it's at least a fifteen-minute drive, probably twenty with L.A. traffic," said Ashley's voice.

"We can't just leave him!" Andy exclaimed.

"We have to," Jake said quietly. "At least until the show's done."

Jinxx wanted to speak, to tell them it was okay, they could go without him, but he couldn't speak; aware as he was of what was happening, he couldn't move beyond the shaking and spasming of the seizure or force himself to speak.

"We'll be back, Jinxxy," Jake said, his worried face appearing in Jinxx's limited field of vision. "Just hold on."

"You'll be okay." Andy's panic-stricken face joined Jake's. "You'll be okay."

"Hang on to yourself, okay?" CC now, looking just as worried and frankly a little overwhelmed. "We'll be with you again before you know it."

Jinxx wanted to nod, to tell them he'd be fine, but once again found that he couldn't.

Jake, Andy, and CC's faces hovered over him for a few seconds more, and then they disappeared, and Jinxx heard them walk towards the door, Ashley's footsteps joining them. The door closed, and Jinxx was alone with the doctors and his fucked-up brain, wishing for all the world he could be with them instead.


"Nervous" was not the right word to describe how CC felt walking into Club Nokia twenty agonizing minutes of worry about Jinxx and apprehension about the upcoming awards show later. It was more like feeling as if his stomch had turned to lead while his legs had turned to jelly, an uncomfortable combination that he'd rather not have been experiencing.

"Are you okay?" Andy murmured to him as they walked into the building.

"Not really," CC said, acutely aware of their missing member as a security guard directed them backstage.

"Yeah, me neither," Andy agreed as the four of them halted in a shadowy corner. "I feel so out-of-place."

"Me, too," Jake chimed in. "And it feels so wrong not having Jinxx here."

"Gods, I hope he's okay," Andy said.

"He will be," Jake replied firmly, parroting the doctor's words―CC had been surprised that there were vampires working in a hospital, though he didn't really have time for curiosity.

"In the meantime," CC said, "we're actually fucking here."

He looked out into the crowd of people milling about backstage and couldn't help but be intimidated by what he saw.

It seemed everyone here was a rockstar of some sort. A few had come with assembled bands, presumably the award-winners; Avenged Sevenfold were there as predicted, as were Mötley Crüe and Alice Cooper. CC was surprised to see the Murderdolls gathered in a corner as well, talking mostly to each other, though if they recognized someone usually they'd at least exchange greetings. There was another full band there that CC only vaguely recognized; they looked foreign, and he was sure he'd probably never heard of them. Rob Zombie himself was there, talking with Corey Taylor of Slipknot; CC's gut lurched as he noticed Vinnie Paul Abbott of Pantera having an animated conversation with Scott Ian of Anthrax and Steven Adler of Guns N' Roses; he noticed assorted members of Alice in Chains, Slayer, Megadeth, and Machine Head among the crowd; a fresh-faced-looking band was tuning instruments in another corner while members of Volbeat tuned theirs in another; Sebastian Bach of Skid Row (CC's gut lurched again; Skid Row were legends) stood talking with David Coverdale of Whitesnake; a few actors and professional athletes were scattered among the mix as well, including William Shatner, which CC found a little strange―why was he here? This was a music awards show, after all. Stage crew ran around amidst all of it, getting last-minute things set up and occasionally stopping to answer someone's question, completely unperturbed by the sheer amount of rock-and-metal stars around them.

It was all a little overwhelming. CC glanced to the side to see the three vampires all wearing similar expressions of nervous awe.

One of the members of the unknown band that was tuning in the corner wandered over to them, a rather stout man with short ginger hair, a young face, and a beard that matched his hair. "'Ello, mates," he said in a distinctly British accent. "New to the scene too, are yeh?"

CC exchanged nervous glances with the others; he didn't like talking to strangers, and nor, it seemed, did anyone else.

The British man didn't seem too perturbed by their lack of response. "Shy, eh?" he said knowingly. "I get it, mate, I've only ever 'eard of some of these bands before, never dreamed I'd get to meet 'em―and now standing 'ere amidst the lot of 'em, it's a lot to take in."

"Who are you?" asked Jake, apparently deciding to be the brave one and speak up.

The British man looked surprised. "Ah, fuck, I've forgotten to introduce myself―" He held out a hand, and Jake reached for it hesitantly, since his own hand wasn't covered by a glove― "name's Danny Worsnop," continued the Brit, apparently unperturbed by the cold of Jake's hand as the guitarist shook his outstretched one warily. "That's my band back there, Asking Alexandria, we're about the only other band here that's still relatively new, I reckon. And what's your name, mate?"

Jake, looking thoroughly bewildered, replied, "Jake Pitts. I'm the lead guitarist."

"And your band name?" Danny questioned. When Jake hesitated, he added, "Oh, come off it, I told you lot my band's name. Besides, us newbies gotta stick together, right?"

Jake glanced at Andy helplessly. Andy swallowed and stepped forward, rather bravely of him in CC's opinion―Andy had told him about his social anxiety―and said, "We're Black Veil Brides."

Danny looked impressed. "Cool name, mate. You are?"

"Andy B―Sixx. Andy Sixx," Andy said, and CC noticed the switch to the name that had sort of become a stage name for him, though the human thought Andy had been trying to rid himself of the name (admittedly with little success). "I'm the lead singer."

"Wicked, mate, me too," Danny replied.

The British singer's energy was relentless. CC found it rather stimulating, actually, seeming to shake a little life back into him.

"Sixx, eh?" Danny was saying. "Related to Nikki Sixx at all?"

Andy's eyes went wide. "Gods, no, I just―it's a MySpace thing, the name just kind of stuck―"

Danny laughed. "You're funny, mate."

"Not trying to be," mumbled Andy, looking as if he'd very much like to escape this conversation.

Danny's eyes moved to CC. "And what about you, mate?"

"CC," he said, accepting the hand Danny offered him with much less hesitation than the vampires. "I'm the drummer."

"Just the two letters?" Danny questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, it's a nickname, but what's it to you?" CC shot back. "It's what I prefer to be called, alright? Fuck off."

Danny grinned. "I like you, mate," he said. "Sorry, didn't mean to offend you."

He turned his attention to Ashley. "Haven't met you, yet."

"Ashley Purdy," he said. "I'm the bassist."

Danny nodded, choosing not to comment on Ashley's name―wisely, in CC's opinion; he had no idea how the vampire would react.

The Brit looked at Jake again. "You said you were the lead guitarist―so where's your other one, eh?"

"Hospital," Jake said, a little stiffly. "And don't ask―you don't know us, it's none of your business."

"Wasn't going to, mate," Danny said, looking sincerely apologetic. "I'm not trying to be an asshole."

CC was of the opinion that he wasn't, though if he was trying to be friendly that wasn't working too well either, mostly due to the vampires' wariness. Personally, he found himself liking the British singer; he felt a lot more confident in the presence of another new-to-the-scene band. It was like Danny was a reminder that Black Veil Brides weren't alone.

"Why'd you come to talk to us?" Andy asked. "Like Jake said, you don't know us. You have no reason to befriend us. So why come over?"

"Mate," Danny said seriously. "I told yeh. Us newbies to the scene gotta stick together. You see how all these older bands know each other? Well, except those Germans, but you get it. They've known each other their whole careers. That's something we need in the rock scene―if we don't form friendships among ourselves, we're gonna have a tough time of it."

CC glanced again at the others. That had been surprisingly profound.

"I gotta get back to my mates," Danny said. "But I'll see you lot at the party later, yeah?"

"Probably," Andy said, and seemed to come out of his shell a little for the first time in the entire conversation. "We're not really ones to miss a party."

Danny grinned. "Wicked." He leaned in a little, glancing around furtively and dropping his voice. "You boys may wanna be careful with your human. I hear there'll be werewolves there."

He winked once, and before any of them could question him as to that bizarre statement, he'd disappeared. CC caught sight of his ginger head moving back through the crowd towards his bandmates.

"What the hell was that all about?" CC demanded.

Jake shook his head. "I have no idea. How'd he know we were vampires?"

"Keep your voice down!" hissed Ashley. "You want the entire room to know?"

"Why'd he warn us about werewolves is the next question," Andy said. "I get the whole werewolf-vampire enmity thing, but why give us a warning? They're not likely to do anything in the company of so many humans."

"He called me 'your human,'" CC noted. "Almost sounded like he's implying that he's not."

Jake shrugged. "It's possible. I imagine a lot of the rock scene is supernatural in some way, shape, or form."

"That's an alarming thought," CC muttered.

Ashley shook his head. "We should just put it out of our minds. The show's starting."

And indeed, when CC turned his attention sidestage it was to find the host, Chris Jericho, entering to a roar of applause from what sounded like a large crowd. CC's nerves rushed back in a sudden burst.

"Gods, this is real," Andy breathed. "This is actually happening."

CC reached for his hand in the relative darkness that had fallen backstage; Andy took it, and gripped it like a lifeline with his considerable strength, but CC didn't mind.

Jake moved to stand on his other side and took CC's other hand; CC glanced at him sharply in the darkness, but Jake appeared focused solely on the sidestage entrance.

CC only half-paid attention to Chris Jericho's introductory speech, more focused on trying to calm his nerves than on the awards show itself. He paid attention, however, when Alice Cooper and his bandmates walked onstage, called on by Rob Zombie giving them the Golden God. CC glanced at Andy and Jake; no surprises there, that Alice Cooper had won the Golden God―the man was a legend, after all. He played a short set following his acceptance of the award, and then he and his bandmates filed backstage again, amidst many congratulations from the assembled rockstars.

Corey Taylor took Rob Zombie's place to announce the next winner (Mötley Crüe), and to CC's surprise, Alice Cooper detached himself from his bandmates and made his way over to the corner in which the four Black Veil Brides stood.

"You're Black Veil Brides, right?" he said, right off the bat; introductions, of course, were meaningless.

"Holy fuck, you know our name," said Andy, apparently before he could stop himself, and then cursed heartily and ducked his head, embarrassed.

Alice Cooper laughed. "It's alright, kid, that's the general reaction," he said. "Yeah, I know you guys. A friend of a friend told me to check out your song 'Knives and Pens,' said I'd like it―and I did. You guys got a lot of potential. Hell, the fact that you're here shows you've already got a hardcore fanbase dedicated to you, and that's the first step to greatness right there. 'Slong as you got the fans, you're gonna keep going places."

CC exchanged awed glances with the others, which didn't go unnoticed by the legend standing before them. He studied them, then said, "Hey, weren't there five of you?"

"Our other guitarist is in the hospital," Jake said, his voice tender. "He's not gonna be able to make it in time to accept the award with us."

"That's rough," Alice said, not unkindly. "He's alright, though?"

"We hope so," said CC. "We won't know until the doctors contact us."

Alice nodded wisely. "Tell him he's got a godspeed from me. And whatever you do, guys―don't give up on this, or each other. You're going places, and you're gonna need each other every step of the way." He shot a fond glance at his own band members. "You're gonna get sick of each other at times. You're gonna fight, sometimes a lot, sometimes badly. But so long as you stick together and keep making music the fans want to hear, you'll be fine."

CC didn't know what to say. Neither, it seemed, did Andy, Jake, or Ashley. Alice seemed to understand this perfectly.

"See you around, kid," he told Andy, and departed through the crowd.

CC gazed around at each of the others. Andy's brilliantly blue eyes were shining. Jake's expression said he couldn't believe what had just happened, and couldn't wait to tell Jinxx. Even Ashley looked awed, and very little could put that expression on his face.

"Fucking hell," Andy said softly.

"No shit," CC agreed, squeezing his hand gently.

"I would never have expected the Alice Cooper to have heard of us," Jake marveled.

"Much less like our music!" CC agreed. "Holy shit, man!"

"Meet your heroes, indeed," Andy said, his gaze traveling across each of their faces; CC felt a shiver run through him that had nothing to do with the cold of the vampire's skin as that unsettling gaze landed on him. "That was insane."

CC, Jake, and Ashley all nodded agreement.

Jake's phone buzzed all of a sudden with a message. Jake fished it out of his pocket with his free hand, opened it, and read the message, then nearly dropped the phone in surprise.

"He's okay!" Jake exclaimed. "Jinxx is okay!"

Immediately, CC, Andy, and Ashley drew in closer around Jake to hear the rest of the news.

"The doctors just messaged, said the seizure's subsided and he's resting," Jake read. "A little internal bruising, but nothing his vampire healing won't fix within a couple hours. He'll be able to come home tonight."

"Oh, thank god," CC said, endlessly relieved. He felt a small jolt as he realized Jake had said "home" casually enough to suggest that Jinxx's house had become their home―and, CC reflected honestly, it kind of had, what with the amount of time they spent there.

They turned their attention back to the awards show with difficulty. William Shatner had been presented with the Honorary Headbanger Award while they'd been talking to Alice; Avenged Sevenfold had now won two awards, and DevilDriver had played a short set in bwtween Mötley Crüe's award and William Shatner's.

And then, after a short but lively set from Loaded, Duff McKagan's voice rang out through the theater.

"We have a lot of promising young bands jumping into the rock scene, and now we're here to reveal which one is, so far, the best," the Guns N' Roses bassist announced. "Our final nominees were: Asking Alexandria―" A cheer rose from one part of the audience― "Black Veil Brides―" A much louder cheer; it sounded to CC as if half the Army was there― "The Damned Things―" A slightly more halfhearted cheer― "The Pretty Reckless―" Renewed enthusiasm― "Times of Grace―" A slightly less enthusiastic cheer, and CC wondered exactly how many people were in the audience that every one of the nominees had fans there― "and We Are the Fallen!" (The least loud but definitely not least enthusiastic cheer of them all.) "And now, without further ado, the Best New Band of 2011 is...BLACK VEIL BRIDES!"

That was their cue. Andy led the way out onstage, followed by Ashley, then Jake, CC bringing up the rear. The roaring of the crowd was deafening; how many of the Army were here tonight, CC wondered again, that this much noise greeted them?

Andy seemed to become a different person as he accepted both the microphone and the award from McKagan and the four of them took their places center stage. Being no stranger to performances, the lights in his face didn't bother CC, though the fact that he was unable to see half the crowd due to being blinded by a particularly bright spotlight did.

"Thank you!" shouted Andy into the microphone as the Army's cheers and applause died down. "Thank you so much! Before I start, can I just say that being here tonight is fucking awesome!"

The crowd cheered again, and CC took a moment to marvel at the change being onstage with a microphone had wrought in the young vampire. Gone was the shy young man stumbling his way through an awkward (though not altogether unpleasant) encounter with a strange Brit and being embarrassed by his fanboy reaction to Alice Cooper. In his place was the confident singer CC knew him to be, fulll of life and genuine excitement at having proved himself enough that for the first time the music community had acknowledged him.

CC smiled, content to let Andy do the talking as the singer launched into his short acceptance speech. "It is an honor for us to win the Best New Artist award. Thanks to Revolver for nominating us, anyone who has ever believed in us, and most importantly the BVB Army who voted for us. Without them, we wouldn't be where we are today. We owe you everything." The Army gave another great cheer. Andy grinned. "We're gonna stick around for a long while yet―as long as you're always on our side. Thank you all so much!" Yet another cheer, and then Andy took it upon himself to introduce Asking Alexandria to the stage. "Now, I'm sure many of you have heard of one of the other nominees, Asking Alexandria―" He paused as a cheer arose from the fans in the audience― "and tonight, you get a chance to hear these other forerunners of the new rock generation. So throw your fucking fists in the air and make some noise for Asking Alexandria!"

With that, all four of them laid a hand somewhere on the award and hoisted it into the air, then filed back offstage, Andy handing the mic to Danny as he passed. CC distinctly heard the Brit mutter, "Thanks for the intro, mate―and congratulations on winning."

"No problem, man," Andy said over his shoulder. "Go knock 'em dead."

And then Danny had to take the stage, and the four Black Veil Brides were once again safe in the shelter of the darkened backstage.

They were acknowledged, this time, CC noticed as he walked past the other winners that had already recieved their awards. Synester Gates and Zacky Vengeance both gave them their congratulations, as did Mike Portnoy (CC's stomach gave a funny jolt, maybe residual jealousy that the other drummer had managed to join Avenged when he hadn't, though CC quashed the feeling hurriedly). Tommy Lee and Nikki Sixx themselves stepped away from the rest of Mötley Crüe to say their congratulations.

"Holy fuck," Jake muttered under his breath as the legendary bassist and drummer approached. "First Alice Cooper, now Mötley Crüe? Jinxx is gonna be pissed that he missed this."

"Congratulations, guys," Tommy Lee said as they reached where the four of them had paused. "Best New Band so early in your careers―you're gonna go places with that as your track record."

"Thank you," Andy said, looking a little out of his depth again.

"Seriously, dude," CC chimed in, unable to stop himself. "It's such an honor to hear that from you."

Tommy chuckled. "We get that all the time."

"'Cause you're legends," Jake blurted. "Living legends! Everyone knows who you are, your word carries a lot of weight!"

Tommy chuckled again. "He's enthusiastic, this one," he remarked to Nikki, who so far hadn't said anything.

Jake couldn't blush, but CC was sure he saw his face go even more pale than it already was. Tommy didn't seem to notice anything out of the ordinary.

"You are right, though," he told Jake. "We are the living legends that everyone in the rock scene looks up to. It's a hard thing to bear, especially in the moments you really realize it." He smiled. "But strangely, it's always nice to hear. It means we're still inspiring people, making them smile, and that's what does it for me―that's what music's supposed to be about."

CC glanced excitedly at Jake, who wore an expression of pure awe that made him look much younger than his century of life.

"Well, congratulations again, guys," Tommy said. "You deserve it."

He turned to go back to his band, but Nikki lingered, studying the four of them with those inscrutable, color-shifting eyes of his.

"You're the one they call Andy Sixx?" he addressed Andy quietly.

Andy looked about ready to jump out of his skin. "Yeah," he said. "Sorry, is it offensive? It's a MySpace thing, it just sort of stuck, I'm trying to get them to stop but you know how the media is―"

Nikki's silent, contemplative stare cut Andy off far more effectively than speaking up could have. Andy watched the legendary bassist carefully, evidently wondering what he'd do.

"It's alright, kid," he said eventually, his voice still quiet; CC found himself leaning in a little to hear every word, and as he did so he noticed an unnatural chill almost radiating off the legendary bassist. "I'm not offended." He studied Andy a moment more, then added, "You free this coming weekend, kid?"

Andy looked surprised. "I...should be," he said slowly. "We're not going to film our music video for another few weeks yet."

Nikki nodded and produced a pen and sheet of scrap paper from out of nowhere. He hastily scribbed something down, then handed the paper to Andy. "Meet me there Saturday night. We'll talk."

He addressed the four of them together. "Congratulations again," he said, echoing Tommy, and then he too departed, the cold retreating with him.

CC realized he'd been holding his breath and let it out, amazed. "Holy shit," he said.

"What'd he give you?" Ashley questioned.

"An address," Andy replied. "Wherever he wants to meet me, presumably."

"Did you feel that cold?" CC asked, unsure if the vampires could feel cold. "He was practically radiating it."

Andy and Ashley shook their heads, but Jake frowned. "I did, actually―just barely, since I don't feel cold anymore, but he seemed even colder than we are." He looked around at them. "I think..." He trailed off, glanced around, lowered his voice. "I think he's one of us."

"A vampire?" CC asked, making sure to keep his voice low. "That would explain the cold, but―really? Nikki Sixx, a vampire?"

"Why does he look so old, then?" Ashley questioned, puzzled. "He can't have been turned at that age―don't we get colder every time we pass a century?"

"I think so," Andy said, biting his lip in a way that made CC fight back a strong desire to do something he shouldn't. "Maybe it's makeup. Or maybe he really was that old when he was turned―we've got no way of knowing unless we ask, and who's going to ask him something like that?"

CC shook his head. This had definitely been a night of surprises.

And as it would turn out, those surprises weren't over yet.


The next surprise came right at the beginning of the afterparty.

Jake was still reeling from their encounters with Alice Cooper and the Mötley guys, and still slightly exhilarated from the thrill of recieving their award. So much had happened in such a short time―now more than ever he felt like they were really going somewhere.

Ashley and a couple of people that had been at the Golden Gods for no discernible reason had managed to throw together an afterparty. Jake had known he'd figure something out; if anything could be said about the older vampire, it was that he was resourceful.

The four of them had just filed in, leaving their Golden God award in the car, and were greeted by a truly astonishing sight. The house was massive, the land outside even more so; Jake hadn't even realized places like this existed in L.A., then reflected that they might not exactly be in L.A. anymore. Even so, the size of the place was at once daunting and comforting.

"Scott Ian's," Ashley explained with a grin. "He agreed to host."

"He's certainly got the room," Andy muttered, but Ashley either didn't notice or didn't care. He slipped away from them, disappearing into the crowd; Jake watched it swallow him, shaking his head.

"I'm never gonna understand him," he said.

"I don't think anyone will, man," CC agreed.

Jake let his eyes wander over the crowd, picking out familiar faces. It was mostly people who'd been backstage at the show, though Jake could see a few unfamiliar heads―mostly girls―and suspected they were either fans or friends. The spacious room―Jake didn't even know what to call it, since "ballroom" seemed much too formal for someone like Scott Ian―was already packed to the brim with people, old rockstars and new, fans and friends and―

"Jinxx!" Jake exclaimed, and both Andy and CC looked around.

"Where?" Andy asked, his voice sounding slightly odd.

Jake was saved the necessity of answering by Jinxx appearing through the crowd in front of them. "Hey, guys," he said with a soft smile.

Jake all but flung himself into Jinxx's arms, not caring who was watching, burying his face in the other guitarist's shoulder. "You came!" he said, his voice muffled.

Jinxx laughed and hugged him back. "Of course I did, you idiot."

Jake pulled away, his hand absently searching for one of Andy's, his eyes still on Jinxx. "What are you doing here?"

"I wasn't going to miss the party, was I?" Jinxx remarked dryly. "Besides, I was getting lonely. I texted Ash to see where you were."

"So he knows you're here too?" Andy asked.

Jinxx nodded. Jake noticed belatedly that he was in full warpaint too. "Yeah, he knows. Where's he gone off to?"

"Fuck if we know," CC snorted. "He just disappeared."

"Who'd that be?" asked a familiar British drawl, and they all turned to see Danny Worsnop pushing his way through the crowd to where they stood.

"Ashley," answered Andy resolutely. "He fucked off somewhere."

Danny shrugged. "Not surprising, I 'eard he's the one what likes to have fun." He studied Jinxx. "So this is your missing guitarist, eh?"

Jinxx looked a little wary. "Yeah. Jinxx."

"Danny Worsnop," the British singer replied, offering his hand for Jinxx to shake. The oldest vampire reached out hesitantly and shook it; he pulled his hand back after only a few moments and surreptitiously found Jake's free hand with it.

"Your set was great earlier," Andy said.

"Aw, thanks, mate," Danny said brightly. "I'd 'oped we were alright, not used to playin' in the US yet, haven't really had any major tours outside the UK."

"Well, you certainly have plenty of American fans," Jake said. "I heard the way the crowd were singing along."

"That's always nice, isn't it?" Danny sighed happily. "Oh, hey, someone turned Ozzy on."

And indeed―though the Prince of Darkness himself wasn't there (despite multiple nominations, Jake had been told, though as he'd won none of them it sort of made sense), "Bark At the Moon" had just come on; evidently the party had gotten officially started while they were talking.

To Jake's surprise, when the wolf howled in the recording, Danny―as well as a handful of other people scattered about the room―threw back his head and howled with it, a very convincing, very animalistic howl. Something clicked in his head, and Jake subconsciously drew a little closer to CC. He noticed that the other two did, too, protectively.

The British singer was grinning at the vampires when the howl finished. "You alright, mates? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Or a werewolf," Andy said accusingly. "You're one of them!"

Danny stared at him for a moment, then threw back his head again, to laugh this time rather than howl. He slung an arm around Andy's shoulders with minimal difficulty (he wasn't quite as tall as the vampire, but managed) and guffawed, "Well, of course I am! God, are you mental, I thought you'd noticed my hint earlier! I told you lot there'd be werewolves about tonight!"

"None of us thought you meant you!" Jake protested.

"And what was all that warning them to keep me close?" CC demanded.

Danny waved him off. "Calm down, mate, my pack aren't gonna hurt you. It's the others you might wanna watch out for. Crowded with humans as this place is, 'aven't you noticed you're the only human in a whole clan of vampires?" He grinned ruefully. "And 'aven't you noticed by now that werewolves and vampires don't get along? You're a target."

"We get along," Andy protested.

Danny shrugged. "Well, that was before yeh knew what I was, mate. Maybe we're just weird ones, but I don't know how long this friendship'll last―not with the enmity."

"The enmity of our races doesn't mean we have to be," Jinxx said quietly, though he had barely met Danny five minutes before, and Jake felt a rush of gratitude towards him for saying it.

Danny studied Jinxx for a moment. "You don't trust easy, do you, bloodsucker?"

Jinxx held his gaze, then shook his head. "Not for a long time."

Danny nodded once, decisively, and held out his hand again for Jinxx to shake. This time the vampire took it with no hesitation.

"You can trust me," he said simply. "And my pack."

Jinxx nodded. "I believe you."

It was that, for Jake, that cemented the strangeness of the situation. Jinxx really didn't trust easily―but here he was, making friends with a werewolf in the span of a few words. As if I needed a reason to love you more, Jake thought, barely registering that he'd finally let himself think the words he knew had been lingering in the back of his mind for quite some time.

Danny nodded again. "Right. Well, I gotta get back to my mates, Ben's bound to do something stupid again, I just hope he doesn't try and transform in the middle of the party, it wouldn't be pretty...not that it would work anyway, it only 'appens on full moons after all―anyway, see you around, bloodsuckers!"

And just like that, he was gone.

"Can this night get any stranger?" Jake wondered aloud.

CC chuckled. "Don't jinx it."

Jinxx raised an eyebrow. "What's that you're telling me not to do?" The smirk playing about his lips made them all laugh.

Ashley reappeared, then, bearing an actual tray of drinks. Jake decided he wasn't going to question where he'd recieved the tray.

"Well, good new is we don't have to make our own this time," he announced. "They're catering to all sorts of supernaturals back there, vampires included―apparently we've got quite the mix here, they've even got fae food." He handed drinks around, and Jake noted that, indeed, the liquid in his glass looked more like blood, though he could smell the alcohol within it and knew it was spiked.

Ashley looked at CC, continuing. "I didn't know what you wanted and for some reason there isn't a lot of selection for humans, so I kinda just grabbed whatever was closest."

"It's fine, dude," the drummer said. "It's just alcohol, I'm not picky."

Ashley nodded and raised his glass. "To the Golden Gods," he said, "and to the Army."

"To the Army," echoed Andy.

"To the Army," repeated Jake, raising his own glass.

"The Army," Jinxx joined in.

"The Army," added CC, and the five of them touched their glasses together with a dull clink. They drank, and Jake was once again a little stunned by the dichotomy of tasting blood but feeling the burn of the alcohol as it went down. It never failed to amaze him that it worked.

Jake lost track of the others soon after that. Everyone separated to mingle with the rest of the party, and likely to get drunk―they seemed to like doing that, the five of them, Jake reflected. He supposed it was a way to escape their lives―though wasn't that what music was supposed to be?

Maybe it couldn't be an escape when it was your life. Maybe there was a point when a thing you love became so much a part of you that it was no longer a hobby or even a passion, it was your life―and when you needed an escape from life, it was the one thing you could no longer turn to.

Jake found that thought rather depressing. It couldn't be, could it? Maybe, for some people, but Jake didn't think that was the way it should work. Even if something became most of what you did in life, if it got to the point that it was your life, your love of doing that thing shouldn't diminish―and it should remain, always, something you could find comfort in.

That applied to people, too, Jake mused, as the party wore on and the night grew dark around them. Surrounding oneself with the people you loved was essential―for Jake, at least, it was how he survived.

He knew for a fact he'd never have gotten through the rough depression he'd sunk into about fifty years before without Jinxx at his side. They'd helped each other a lot in those days―Jinxx had been suffering from his nightmares, and Jake had very much wanted to give up on life. It was only because they had each other that either of them were still alive. Jake smiled to himself; he hadn't realized it at the time, but it occurred to him now that he'd been in love with the other guitarist almost since the day they'd met, starving and cold in the streets of Chicago.

And Andy―gods, Andy. The singer was a walking paradox, confident but socially awkward, kind-hearted but easily offended. Jake's life had never been the same since Andy walked (or rather stumbled) into it, and he wouldn't want it any other way. The thing about Andy was that he cared―with every fiber of his being, he cared about things. He cared about music, he cared about creating a legacy that would live on even once they eventually had to retire, and he cared about them―that was evident in every moment he spent with them. Jake had long admired that about him―that despite his rough turning, he could still find it within himself to care that much and love that deeply. It was something he'd rarely seen in his century of life, and something he reflected he had better not take for granted.

CC was another matter entirely. Jake had always liked the human, ever since they first met in that previous attempt at a band the two of them and Jinxx had ended up in. His relentless energy, very Californian way of speaking, and casual come-what-may outlook on life were a refreshing break from the intensity of Andy and Jinxx. He was by no means as delicate as some of the other humans Jake had been interested in over the years―there was a reassuring strength about him, not quiet like Jinxx's or impenetrable like Andy's, but solid, unwavering. He was loyal to a fault, and Jake could tell he was like Andy in the respect that he loved deeply, with all his heart. And maybe it was because he was human, but the drummer's sense of humor seemed oddly fatalistic at times, and Jake wasn't going to pretend that even the idea of losing him didn't twist something deep in his gut.

Yes, he loved them. Each for different reasons, each unconditionally―the only way Jake knew how. And he was reasonably certain―though he could always be wrong; he'd been wrong before, after all―that they felt the same way about him. All the affection seemed to indicate it, at least, but it could just be that Jake was reading too much into things.

Well, he decided, there was only one way to find out.


Andy had found a relatively secluded spot near a window to hide in. Well, he wasn't hiding, exactly―but he wasn't drunk enough to feel up to talking to strangers, many of whom were famous rockstars he'd looked up to since the beginings of their careers, so he was trying to be unobtrusive and linger at the edge of the crowd.

The house was beautiful, but Andy wasn't really paying attention to the house. He wanted to be somewhere else―alone with his bandmates, maybe, away from the clamor of the crowded party. Music―notably not anything by the bands currently in attendance―still blasted, filling the room, mingling with the din of chatter among the assembled rockstars, human and supernatural alike. A couple times Andy thought he'd seen Nikki Sixx staring in his direction with those unreadable eyes, but he couldn't be sure as he'd disappeared the second Andy looked away. He'd caught sight of Ashley a few times in various places around the room, and spotted the other three once or twice, but made no move to approach them no matter how much he wanted to just beg one of them to get him out of this situation. They were all much more comfortable here than he was―and knowing there were werewolves in the crowd, Andy didn't want to get himself too drunk.

That didn't stop him drinking, of course, but he was trying to watch it, to make sure he stayed just sober enough to keep most of his wits about him. Andy would have liked to feel safe enough to get wasted like he was sure Ashley at least was doing, but as it stood he would have to settle for lingering by a window and praying no one noticed him.

He stared out said window now. Darkness had fallen over the garden outside, but there were small lamps every few feet, and with Andy's enhanced sight it didn't matter anyway. He could see figures moving in the garden, people who had wanted some air; he couldn't blame them. He'd give anything for a cigarette, but eyeing the throng of people between him and the door he decided against it. Not worth fighting that.

Purple roses bloomed along the windowsill. Andy stared at them, contemplating. Jinxx had had a vase of these on his coffee table; Andy wouldn't admit it, but he rather liked them. They were pretty, a gentle reminder that life didn't have to be all loud music and blood and anxiety, that there were little things to be appreciated too. It was easy to forget that, sometimes, especially when you were immortal.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Jake's voice said from behind him.

Andy turned to see the guitarist emerging from the crowd and smiled, glad to see a familiar face. "Yeah. It is." He wasn't entirely sure if he was talking about the garden view, or Jake.

Jake walked over to join him at the window. Andy leaned against the wall, watching him. Jake faced him, his hazel eyes searching Andy's face.

"The garden's not the most beautiful thing in this place, though," he said softly.

The mood had shifted subtly with those words. Andy couldn't say he hadn't seen it coming, but he was interested to see where Jake would take this conversation. He tilted his head, playing along. "Then...what is?"

Jake studied him a moment more, then reached out to cup Andy's face with his hand, running his thumb across the singer's cheek. Andy leaned into the touch subconsciously.

Jake spoke again, his eyes not leaving Andy's. "Ashley's stars. CC's hair. Jinxx's smile."

Andy looked down, a smile creeping onto his own face; Jake wasn't wrong.

He also wasn't finished. "Your eyes," he said softly.

Andy looked back up at him sharply, surprised. Jake smiled. "I don't know if I've ever told you, but I swear I could drown in the depths of your eyes."

Andy swallowed, aware of the tension in the air, his gaze never leaving Jake's for fear the moment would be broken. "You could?" he breathed.

Jake nodded. "If you let me, I could stand here forever and never need to come up for air."

Andy bit his lip, sure that if his heart still beat it would be racing. Jake's eyes followed the movement. Unbidden, the memory of an early morning secluded in their room at the Compound sprang into his head, a morning Andy had regretted ever since―why couldn't I have been brave? Why couldn't I have swallowed my fear? He'd been sure it was a fluke, that when Jake turned away it was because he'd realized what he was doing and thought better of it.

Without realizing it, he'd averted his eyes again―he did that in uncomfortable situations, Andy was beginning to realize. It was a defense mechanism―look away so they don't see the fear in your eyes. Look away so they can't see your pain. Look away so they can't see who you are―so they can't hurt you.

"Andy," Jake sighed, his hand moving under his chin, gently tilting Andy's face back up to look at him again. "Why do you always look away?"

He'd asked that question that morning, too. Andy thought he'd answered it.

"I'm afraid," he whispered anyway.

"You don't have to be," Jake replied, the same thing he'd said that morning.

You don't have to be. He was afraid of opening his heart, so closely guarded since the day of his turning. He was afraid of being hurt, and afraid of letting people see the scars left behind from the pain he'd already endured. He was afraid that being that close to someone would only end in disaster, the way it had so many times before.

You don't have to be. Andy thought, then―of CC's warm hand in his, the conspiratorial smiles, the light in his eyes. Of Jinxx's quiet support, telling his story through his own fear, his never-ending reassurance. Of Jake, standing before him, giving him a chance, being patient, always patient, waiting to see whether Andy could face his demons and let him in.

You don't have to be.

He didn't have to be. Not with them.

Never with them.

Jake was still watching him, steady, patient, beautiful. Andy swallowed, meeting his eyes again. The noise of the party fell away; it felt like they were the only two people there, the only two that mattered.

"Jake, I―" Andy started, unsure where he was going, unsure how he'd finish the sentence.

"Shh." Jake's fingers gently traced their way up the line of his jaw, over his lips, just like that morning. "I know."

Jake's hazel eyes searched Andy's own, maybe for some sign of resistance, but Andy had none left to give. For the first time, despite his fear, despite the amount of people in the room, he was ready to be brave.

Andy's eyes fluttered closed a split second before Jake's lips were on his, and the world melted away.

He was cold, of course―always cold. But Andy barely registered it; his brain seemed to have stopped functioning. I want this, he realized dimly, I've wanted this for a long time.

Next second he was returning the kiss; if his back hadn't already been against the wall he was sure he would have ended up there. Jake tasted like alcohol and blood and, strangely, cinnamon―a combination that should have been odd but wasn't, lost in the oblivion of his lips on Andy's. Had he still believed in religion, Andy would have sworn this was what heaven felt like.

Jake pulled away first, reluctantly, drawing back to look Andy in the eyes once again. Something passed between them―what, Andy couldn't entirely tell, but he knew it was good.

Jake smiled, showing his fangs, and Andy was seized by the sudden urge to kiss him again. I'm sure he wouldn't object...

It wasn't much of a question. Andy pulled him back, finding suddenly that he liked where this turn of events had taken them. Jake didn't protest, melting into the kiss; a second later, half-surprised by his own daring, Andy flicked his tongue questioningly across Jake's lips. Jake let him in eagerly, and Andy spent the next few minutes thoroughly enjoying exploring Jake's mouth.

Jake pulled away eventually, laughing softly at Andy's attempts to keep kissing him. "The others," he said quietly, and that brought Andy back to reality.

The others. "Where are they, even?" Andy questioned, looking around to see if he could pick out their faces in the crowd.

Jake shook his head. "I think Jinxx is outside. Ashley disappeared somewhere, I doubt we'll find him again tonight. CC...I have no idea."

"I'll find CC," Andy said. "Danny did warn us to stay close to him...gods, I hope he hasn't gotten himself in trouble, I know he can handle himself but even a human as strong as him won't stand much of a chance against drunk werewolves."

Jake smiled at Andy's concern, which Andy thought was valid considering the situation. "I'll find Jinxx, then," he said. "Where do we meet up?"

"Outside," Andy said immediately. "I do not want to be at this party any longer than I have to." He smiled. "And now I have an excuse to leave."

Jake laughed and kissed him once more, lightly this time. "See you in a few minutes, then," he said, and he slipped away towards the doors to the garden, casting a last look back at Andy as he went.

Andy shook his head. Had that really just happened? This night couldn't possibly get any stranger than it already had. Meeting Alice Cooper, being asked to meet Nikki Sixx over the next weekend, Jinxx's return, discovering Danny and his bandmates were werewolves, and now finally kissing Jake―so many strange, but not altogether unpleasant, things had already happened tonight. Things couldn't get much weirder, right?

With that thought in mind, Andy steeled himself, and started to push his way through the crowd looking for their human.


Jinxx had retreated into the garden, because he didn't like parties where he remained sober, and he wasn't intending to get drunk tonight.

He was sure Ashley was―he hadn't seen the bassist since the beginning of the party, and didn't really think he was going to. Maybe Andy, since he'd want a way to manage his social anxiety, but then again after hearing the story of his turning Jinxx wasn't so sure he was that keen on getting drunk around strangers anymore. Though, he reflected, he did it often enough at the Compound―

Jinxx shook his head. He was probably overthinking things. Besides, it didn't matter who was or wasn't getting drunk tonight―Jinxx wasn't, and so he lingered outside, enjoying the night air and trying to just let himself be.

Alone with his thoughts, he couldn't help calling forth the memory of the way Jake's face had lit up at the sight of him when he walked into the party earlier that night. He'd rarely seen Jake that happy, and had a strange sense of pride that he'd been the one to cause it. No, not strange, he realized―natural, easy. When you loved someone that much, everything felt easy.

It was the same with Andy and CC―well, Jinxx thought fairly, not exactly. Similar, in many ways―he loved them both fiercely, and being around them felt as natural and comfortable as anything―but there was something different about it, something a little less close. Maybe it was just that he'd befriended Jake before he met any of the others―Jinxx didn't know. And somehow, he was okay with not knowing.

"There you are," said a familiar voice, and Jinxx turned to see Jake approaching. Jinxx had hidden himself in a corner of the garden where the walls were high, forming a kind of maze; somehow, he wasn't surprised that Jake had found him anyway.

"Hey," Jinxx smiled, accepting the hand Jake reached out with as he came to a stop in front of the older vampire.

"I've been looking all over the garden for you," Jake said. "What are you doing way back here?"

Jinxx shrugged. "Just thinking, I guess. Didn't want to stay inside."

"Too much?" Jake asked sympathetically.

Jinxx nodded. "Too much for when I'm sober, anyway."

"You're allowed to drink, you know," Jake told him, his expression softening.

Jinxx shrugged again. "I know I'm allowed to. But I just...tonight I can't."

Jake's thumb began absently tracing abstract patterns over the back of Jinxx's hand; he found this incredibly distracting, but also incredibly soothing. "Are you okay?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah," Jinxx told him. "I'm alright."

"I'm worried," Jake said, staring at their intertwined hands, not meeting his eyes. "How long has it been since you've had an episode?"

"At least a decade," Jinxx replied. "Maybe more, I've lost track." The doctors had asked him the same thing, and it annoyed Jinxx to no end that he hadn't been able to give them an answer that was more than a guess.

"A decade." Now Jake looked up at him. "Do they have any idea what could have caused it?"

"Jake, they're no closer to understanding why epilepsy occurs than they were a hundred years ago," Jinxx said. "Their working theory is still the stress and nerves of such a big event may have triggered it, but for all the advancements in technology over the last several decades they still can't figure out why my brain decides to have an electrical storm every once in a while." He softened, squeezing Jake's hand gently. "I'm alright," he repeated. "I'm not in any danger. It can't kill me."

"That's not going to stop me from worrying," Jake pointed out, and Jinxx chuckled.

"Fair enough."

Jake was studying him with a small smile on his face. "How can you be so calm about this?"

Jinxx shrugged. "I've lived with it for going on two hundred and forty years. I have no idea why there was a ten-year lapse or why it's back now, but it's something I know how to handle, so it's not nearly as frightening or worrying as it could be."

Something he didn't quite know how to handle, however, was the way Jake was looking at him. There was something impossibly soft in his gaze, a feeling Jinxx was unprepared to describe. Maybe he was drunk.

"I'm not drunk," Jake said, as if reading Jinxx's mind. "Just..." He shook his head, his smile hidden behind his hair. "You," he said eventually.

Jinxx tilted his head, his own hair falling to the side. "What about me?"

Jake took a step closer; Jinxx swallowed at this sudden proximity, aware of his lack of heartbeat and the extra scent clinging to him―Andy's. Ah. So he'd been with the younger vampire before this.

"Everything," Jake breathed. "Everything about you."

Gods, he was so close. Jinxx was torn between the centuries' worth of societal conditioning telling him this was very, very wrong and the fierce desire to close the distance between them. Part of him wanted to run―to escape this situation, to deny what his heart was screaming at him, to obey the messages that had been drilled into him time and time again by a homophobic society. The other part was hyperfocused on Jake's proximity, on the look in his eyes and his endlessly familiar scent and Andy's scent lingering there too and the fangs he could see peeking out from his smile―

There was a question in Jake's eyes. Jinxx forced the turmoil within him to stop long enough to give an answer.

Jake's mouth was on his a second later, and Jinxx no longer had to force the internal turmoil to stop, because he forgot all about it. For a second he couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't think―was this really happening?

And then he was kissing back, and without realizing it Jake had pressed him back into the garden wall near a tangle of vibrant dark purple roses, the same as the ones that climbed the walls of the mansion. Jinxx had his free hand tangled in the other guitarist's hair, letting Jake take the lead, the only thought in his head Finally.

Jake drew back slowly, apparently reluctant to end the kiss. When he did pull away, it was only far enough to be able to look at him again.

"Holy shit," was all Jinxx could say.

Jake smiled. "Took me long enough, didn't it?"

Despite himself, Jinxx smiled back. "Yeah. Though to be fair, I've wanted to do that for a while and haven't been able to work up the courage."

Jake laughed softly. "Andy didn't say it, but he implied the same thing."

Jinxx raised an eyebrow. "You kissed him too?" That explained why the singer's scent lingered.

Jake ducked his head, his smile a little embarrassed now. "Well, yeah. The goal was kind of to seek out all of you tonight."

Jinxx nudged him. "Well, I'm jealous now," he said teasingly. "How'd Andy react?"

"Much the same way you did, actually," Jake said thoughtfully. "I'm going to hazard a guess that you guys haven't had the greatest experiences with relationships before."

"You would be correct," Jinxx remarked wryly.

Jake leaned in and kissed him again, lightly but lingering. "I'm hoping we're able to change that."

Jinxx was seized by a sudden doubt. "This is okay, though?" he asked, and Jake seemed to sense the shift in mood immediately. "Us? This?"

"Oh, Jinxx," Jake sighed, brushing a stray strang of hair out of his face. "It's okay."

Jinxx bit his lip, still uncertain. Everything any of the adults he'd met in his long life had ever said about how being gay was a sin and a crime had come flooding back into his head.

"I know we can't erase two hundred years of homophobia that easily," Jake said softly. "But it's okay, really."

"How are you so cool about this?" Jinxx asked. "You grew up hearing the same shit I did."

Jake shrugged. "I've always been the odd one. My family thought I was insane for accepting my own sexuality and other people's―but it's never been something I've thought to be ashamed of. It's just who I am, homophobic society be damned."

Jinxx offered him a weak smile. "That's something I'm going to have to learn."

"I'll be here for you as you do," Jake promised. "We all will."

Now Jinxx smiled for real. "You always are."

Jake kissed him again, and Jinxx's smile only widened―this was what he'd wanted for a long time. And now he had it, and he didn't know what was ahead of them, but for now, this was enough.


As it turned out, the night could still get stranger.

CC had wandered off on his own―so had the others, and besides this was a party, he wasn't going to stick to their sides all night if they weren't going to participate. In hindsight, this was probably a bad idea―Danny's warning about not wandering off alone in a crowd full of supernatural creatures lingered in the back of his mind, after all―but in the moment, CC didn't particularly care.

He did take a moment as he weaved his way through the crowd looking for someone he would be willing to approach (famous rockstars all gathered in one place were a little intimidating, even for him) to consider the fact that he was pretty sure he was in love with his vampire bandmates. He'd suspected that that was what he'd been feeling about them for a while, but something had clicked tonight during the awards show, and again when they saw Jinxx pushing his way through the crowd to meet them. It was love, all right―and CC wasn't entirely sure what to do with it.

He'd loved before, and gotten hurt a lot, but somehow he knew these four vampires he'd fallen in with would never do anything to intentionally hurt him, not the way past relationships had. Still, that didn't mean he was quite ready to be the one to make the first move―but Jinxx was shy, and Andy was awkward, and Jake always hesitated before things went too far. CC wondered if they'd just be stuck in this endless cycle of dancing around their feelings forever, and thought he couldn't stand to see that happen.

There was also the small matter that they were, in fact, vampires, and while that didn't really freak him out as much as it should, he couldn't deny he was a little concerned that they might try to bite him if they got hungry enough. He hoped that wouldn't happen―they'd all made it pretty clear they despised feeding on humans―but there was that lingering worry that made him a little hesitant to try and take things further than the flirting.

CC shook himself. He was supposed to be having a good time, not talking himself in circles about his overcomplicated love life. He tried to refocus on the party around him; the talking and the music had all become background noise, but the volume seemed to increase as CC focused again, as if his brain was an old radio being tuned.

"Hey, you're the drummer from Black Veil Brides, right?"

CC spun around to see Mike Portnoy lingering near a drinks table with one of said drinks in his hand. CC had barely realized where he was walking.

"Yeah," he said, a little warily.

"Congratulations again on winning that Best New Band award," Portnoy said. "You've gotta be really good to get an award so early in your career."

"The Golden Gods are fan-voted, in case you forgot," CC said shortly, a little bemused as to why this other drummer had set off his temper. "It's everything to do with the fans and nothing to do with how good we are."

"But presumably, you have the number of fans you have because you're good," Portnoy said, with a condescending little smile, as if he was explaining something very simple to someone very stupid. CC resented this tone greatly.

"Yes, of course, I'm sure that's why Avenged won four awards when Iron Maiden was nominated the same number of times and won none of them," CC scowled. "Tell me, are Iron Maiden's fans less vocal than Avenged's? Are they somehow worse than Avenged because their fans just weren't numerous enough to give them the win?"

Portnoy's smirk was even more infuriating now. "Well, Iron Maiden are an older band, aren't they? Maybe they just don't care enough at this point."

That CC took as a personal insult. He liked Iron Maiden, and wouldn't have minded seeing them win at least one award if it meant wiping that smirk off Portnoy's face. "Said the man who was part of Dream Theater for twenty-five fucking years. They're still going, in case you hadn't noticed―without you, I might add."

Portnoy's smirk turned into more of a sneer. "Low blow, kid," he said quietly. "You might want to watch what you say without your vampire friends to protect you."

"I can protect myself just fine, thanks," CC said, knowing Portnoy was challenging him and not caring that he was absolutely rising to the bait.

Portnoy's smirk returned, but before he could say anything else Zacky Vengeance appeared through the crowd. "Mike! There you are, you fucker," he exclaimed. His eyes widened slightly as he took in the situation, and then narrowed as he looked at Portnoy. "You bastard," he said. "Leave the poor kid alone, would you?"

Portnoy frowned. "Get out of here, Vengeance."

"Oh, don't throw a hissy fit," Zacky rolled his eyes. "Go find M. or Synester or Johnny to annoy. Leave the human alone."

Portnoy glared at Zacky for a moment, then stalked away through the crowd.

CC was incredibly confused. Zacky must have read the expression on his face, because he shook his head sympathetically. "Sorry about him," he apologized. "He's usually a very nice guy, but he's hungry, and we've always had a hard time controlling him when he's hungry―we think it's part of the reason he left Dream Theater."

"Dude, what―?" CC shook his head. "Sorry, I'm―really fucking confused, man. You referred to me as a human―does that mean you guys are supernatural creatures, too?"

"Mike is," Zacky replied. "We think M. is, but so far we haven't actually been able to confirm that. Synester and I are both human, and so is Johnny."

"So what's Portnoy?" CC scowled the other drummer's name.

"A psychic vampire," Zacky said, and then at CC's look of alarm hastened to explain, "Not psychic as in reading your mind, and not 'vampire' in the same sense as your friends―he's human enough, but with one crucial difference: he feeds on emotions. He was intentionally antagonizing you―he's got quite the taste for anger, apparently, which is also why we think he left Dream Theater."

CC stared at the Avenged rhythm guitarist for a moment, trying to comprehend this new level of crazy. Normal vampires, he could deal with―he'd already established that he was in love with four of them. Werewolves were a different level, but still tolerable―he'd at least heard stories about them. But psychic vampires? That was something he'd never heard of.

"What the fuck," was all he could think to say.

Zacky chuckled. "Yeah, that's pretty much the general reaction. Between you and me―" and he lowered his voice, though it was so loud in here CC doubted anyone but a real vampire could hear them anyway― "we're thinking about asking him to leave. We've got another drummer, a human one, that we think would be a much better fit, but knowing Mike we're a little hesitant to tell him to fuck off."

"Why are you telling me this?" CC was, if anything, even more confused than ever. "You don't even know me."

Zacky smiled. "Because you managed to withstand him. Not a lot of humans could do it, even Synester, Johnny and I have trouble with him sometimes. But you held your ground. I respect that." He chuckled. "Also, you're the only human in a clan full of vampires. That takes balls."

CC shrugged, a little uncomfortable at the turn the conversation had taken. He didn't really need to be reminded again that he was the only human in the band. "They're not bad," CC protested. "I don't even notice unless they feed in front of me."

Zacky shrugged, saying no more on the subject. "As long as you're happy, kid. You find people you like that much, you do everything in your power to stay with them. Especially if they're your bandmates. They're going to be your life."

CC's expression softened. "They already are." It was as close as he would come to admitting to a near-stranger how he felt about them.

Zacky seemed to understand. "Well, I'll see you around, kid," he said, and turned to head back through the crowd.

"CC," he called after the guitarist. Zacky turned, and CC, feeling a little foolish, elaborated. "My name's CC."

Zacky nodded, and CC didn't miss his smile as he turned away again and vanished into the crowd.

CC stood there for a moment more, trying to fully process what all had just happened, before deciding he wasn't going to understand it and shaking his head to clear it. He started walking again, still turning over Zacky's words about the rest of Black Veil Brides. CC wouldn't have minded seeing one of them right now―he was still incredibly confused, and feeling a little shaken from the encounter with Portnoy. He'd rather have someone he knew and trusted at his side right now than be alone in this crowd.

The problem was, he had no idea where any of them were.

CC's distraction cost him. It wasn't too much longer when, lost in his thoughts and wishing one of the others would turn up to explain shit, CC failed to notice the small knot of people in front of him until he'd literally run into them.

"Hey, watch it!" snarled a voice, and CC looked up, alarmed. He'd crashed into a group of four young-looking men, none of which CC recognized as actors or musicians. Currently, they were all glaring at him―which wouldn't have been intimidating, since he was at least two inches taller than all of them, except that there was almost an animalistic gleam in their glares that unnerved him.

"Sorry, man," he said. "Wasn't paying attention."

"Obviously," growled the one that had spoken.

Another tilted his head, studying CC. "Hold on, aren't you that vampire clan's pet?"

CC bristled. "I'm not a pet, I'm their drummer."

The man raised an eyebrow. "I suppose not. You're too thin to be a pet."

Hey, CC thought angrily. Who the fuck does this guy think he is?

"What's that supposed to mean?" CC challenged aloud.

"Feisty, this one," remarked another of the men.

"Maybe that's why they keep him around," said the last. "Can't be very entertaining."

"I'm not a pet!" CC protested. "I'm their friend!"

"Keep telling yourself that, human," said the second one. "Vampires don't just become friends with stray humans."

"Unless they're planning to use you as a snack," smirked the third. "Though looking at you, I can't fathom why they would."

"Now, now," chastised the second, who appeared to be the leader. "Just because he's thin doesn't mean he can't function as a meal."

"Okay, back up a fucking minute," CC said, extremely uneasy with the way this encounter had gone. "I am not just there to serve as a convenient meal. I'm their drummer, and their friend, no matter what you bigoted assholes think."

The first one who'd spoken narrowed his eyes. "You little―"

"CC! There you are," called Andy's familiar voice from behind him, and CC turned slightly, tremendously relieved to see the singer's pale face approaching through the crowd.

Andy came to a stop beside him and surveyed the four men arranged before him, all of whom had tensed at the sight of the vampire.

"Causing trouble?" Andy asked.

"I'm not―" CC started to protest, but Andy cut him off with a look.

"I was talking about them," he said.

CC read the look in his eyes and understood that from now on it would be a good idea to remain silent. "In that case," CC said, the last he would for the duration of whatever Andy was planning, "yeah, they are."

Andy surveyed the four men, his lips curling into a sneer. "I would have thought they'd realize that fucking with vampires isn't a good idea," he scoffed.

"Or their pets?" sneered the leader of the men.

Andy stared at him disdainfully. "He's not a pet," he said coolly. "Which I believe he's told you." The singer's arm snaked around CC's waist, his cold fingers brushing the skin above his waistband and nearly making CC jump out of his skin. CC wasn't sure what point this was hoping to make, but went along with it anyway―for all that every sense was currently on fire from Andy's touch, he knew it wouldn't be a good idea to show any sign that this wasn't normal.

"Fine, whatever," the third man rolled his eyes.

"Quiet!" snapped the leader, before looking back at Andy, his cold eyes calculating. His gaze caught on where Andy's arm remained around CC's waist, and something like understanding flashed through them. "Ah, I see," he said softly. "What's your point, bloodsucker?"

"The point is," Andy snarled, and CC could see his fangs as he sneered at the now-growling men, "that he is under our protection. You mess with him, you mess with us." His sneer turned into a smirk that was more chilling than his previous expression. "And I assure you, there would not be enough left of you to find once we were through."

The leader stared Andy down for a few more tense moments before beckoning angrily to his friends. The four of them disappeared into the crowd, and Andy visibly relaxed, turning a worried gaze on CC. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," CC said, not quite comprehending what had just happened. "A little shaken, but yeah. Who were they?"

"Werewolves," Andy grumbled. "Probably the ones Danny warned us about. The one looked like he was ready to attack you."

"He probably was," CC pointed out. "I wasn't exactly being friendly."

"Neither were they," chuckled Andy.

CC smiled, relaxing now that he was with the singer again, even if he was still hyperaware of the singer's touch on his waist. "I apparently don't know how to handle myself around supernatural creatures," he said.

Andy raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

CC shook his head. "Ran into a psychic vampire a few minutes ago. Guy was a dick."

Andy scowled. "I've only met a couple of them in my time, but they generally tend to be dicks. He didn't hurt you, did he?"

"Nah, I'm good," CC assured him. "Just really confused."

Andy chuckled. "Yeah, there's a lot about the supernatural world you're not going to understand at first. It'll get easier. What I've learned in the meantime, though, is just to go with it. Act like you know more than you do and often you'll be left alone by creatures that would otherwise see you as a target." He scowled again. "Though based on the way those werewolves acted, you're already a target just for being the only human in the band."

"How does everyone here seem to know you guys are vampires?" CC asked. "I thought you were trying to keep it as quiet as possible?"

Andy sighed. "Ashley, probably."

CC rolled his eyes. "Of course."

Andy removed his arm from around CC's waist, but only to intertwine their fingers. "You know he's drunk. And for all that he hissed at us about keeping it quiet earlier, he tends to talk mroe freely when he'd drunk." He shrugged. "It also doesn't help that half the people in here are  supernatural creatures too."

CC considered that. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense that you can identify each other."

"Damn annoying, though," Andy muttered. He shook his head. "Nothing we can do about it except live with it, I guess. Come on."

Andy led him towards the edge of the crowd, near the doors to the garden. "You're sure you're okay?" he asked as they walked.

"I'm fine, Andy," CC laughed. "Glad to see you, though."

"I'm glad I found you," Andy said. "I was searching half the party for you."

CC felt his stomach jolt at that. "You were?" he asked.

Andy stopped and turned to face him. "Of course," the singer said. "I wanted to see you."

CC's heart skipped a beat at the intense look in Andy's eyes as the singer's gaze roved over him. "I guess it's just lucky I found you in time to stop those wolves," he said.

"I could have handled it," CC said, a little distractedly; Andy's gaze was mesmerizing.

The singer smiled. "I'm sure you could."

And then―CC wasn't ever aware of what had prompted it, or when he'd moved―Andy had stepped forward and captured CC's lips in a kiss that was far more gentle than CC had expected.

Surprised, CC hesitated a fraction of a moment before kissing him back―what the hell, right? He felt Andy smile into the kiss and his heart skipped a beat again. This was new, unfamiliar―but, CC reflected, something he'd wanted, wasn't it?

And it really was. Andy's kiss was slow and deliberate, but impossibly gentle; the taste of alcohol (and a faint trace of butterscotch) lingered on his lips, as well as a metallic something that CC supposed was blood. He took his time, but CC didn't mind; after the months of figuring out exactly what their feelings were, it somehow seemed right to keep it slow. Besides, a pleasant haze seemed to have settled over him that CC didn't really feel like breaking.

Andy pulled away eventually, his blue eyes sparkling. "I wasn't sure I'd have the guts to do that," he admitted.

CC smiled breathlessly. "I wasn't expecting it at all."

"But you're not upset?" Andy questioned.

CC gave the vampire a look. "I kissed back, didn't I? Of course I'm not upset!"

Andy laughed and took his hand again. "Just checking. Come on. The others are waiting for us."

CC raised an eyebrow, then shook his head and allowed Andy to lead him out into the garden, where they found Jake and Jinxx standing hand-in-hand, waiting for them as Andy had said.

"Ah, you found him at last," Jinxx smiled.

"Took you long enough," Jake remarked with a teasing grin.

Andy kissed him; CC wasn't even surprised. "Shut up."

"He's incapable of doing that," Jinxx remarked, and Jake elbowed him. "Ow!"

CC laughed. "He's capable of it," he countered. "Just not when he's being sarcastic."

"That's the point," Jinxx said, "he's always being sarcastic."

"I'm right here, you know," Jake said, and they all laughed.

"Can we please leave?" Andy whined. "Nice as it is standing here with the three of you, we are still technically at the party."

CC gave him a look. "You don't want to be here?"

Andy gave him one right back. "Do I ever?"

"Frequently, actually," Jinxx coughed, and Andy turned a mock-offended gaze on him.

"I take offense to that."


Jake chuckled. "We can leave, Andy."

"We're not waiting for Ash?" CC asked.

"He'll find his own way home," snorted Andy. "He's probably drunk anyway."

CC shrugged; fair enough. "Well, I've got no more complaints."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Andy said, and led the way towards the car.

CC exchanged a look with Jake and Jinxx. All three of them laughed and followed their singer away from the party, content just to be with each other.

After all, CC reflected, at the end of the day, wasn't that all that mattered?


A/N: I had "Love Isn't Always Fair" on while writing Andy and CC's kiss and "Rebel Love Song" going as the four of them met up in the garden. I know that's just the way the album is, but that...feels a little poetic. The slow burn that has been going for the first seven chapters has officially ended now :) I hope you enjoyed this one in all its first-kisses-and-awkwardness glory (and all the band cameos...I am aware that Mike Portnoy is probably a lovely person irl, but for the purpose he needed to serve here he did have to be a bit of a dick). Comments are always sppreciated! :)

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