
By simplyinsolitude

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**trigger warning** "WORTHLESS!" "FAT!" "UGLY!" "GO KILL YOURSELF!" "NOBODY LIKES YOU!"... More



12 0 0
By simplyinsolitude

I shot out of bed when I heard my alarm. I proceeded with my usual morning routine, brushing my teeth and hair, getting dressed, etc. etc. Once I was ready I walked out the door to the bus stop where, you guessed it, the one and only Luke Langley was standing. Great, again!

"Wait, I-" Luke tried.

"You know Luke, I'm really not in the mood right now okay? I just want to get through this day of school. Okay? Can't you just give me one day that all I have to worry about is your stupid friends and school?" before he had time to answer the bus pulled up to the stop.

"Thanks." I spit, jogging onto the bus sitting in the back. I think Luke got the message because today, for once, he didn't sit with me. Don't get me wrong I was glad he didn't sit with me, but I'm also a little sad he didn't even try to put up a fight. Well, I guess that just confirms my thoughts; he doesn't like me, he never has and never will I was just some huge joke to him and his friends. I quickly tried to shake my head to rid myself of the thoughts, only just realizing that I've been staring at the back of his head for the whole bus ride and we are now at the school. I reluctantly grab my backpack and step off the bus rushing to my locker. While grabbing my stuff for class someone walks by and slams my locker. I pull my hand away to try to avoid injury.

"Hi, Claire." It's my science teacher, for some reason she can't be bothered to learn my name.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to close your locker, I just wanted to tell you that we are doing a project in science and you missed the partner assignment so do you want me to find you a partner or do you want to just work alone?"

"I'll just work alone, thank you Mrs. Maggie." I respond quietly.

"Okay, whatever you think is best." She gives me a look of sympathy, which kind of irritates me because I may not have as many friends as other people, or no friends at all, but that doesn't mean that I need special treatment. She slowly walked back to her classroom leaving me to walk to my class before the bell rings. I rush, hoping to get there before Connor, though I barely make it, I, of course also have this period with Luke, I just never noticed and by the look he's giving me now it looks like he didn't either.

"Okay class, so today we're starting a project," I tried my hardest not to groan. In this class too? "I will give an option to work in pairs or in groups of three. You may pick your partners go ahead." I hated when my teachers to this. I looked around and it looked like everyone has already paired up and started discussing the project. I, on the other hand, had no partner. I shifted and walked up to the teacher.

"Would it be okay if I just worked alone?" I asked, looking at me feet.

"Sure sweetie, here's the paper with the instructions on it." She slowly handed me the paper. As soon as it was in my hand I was walking back to my seat. I worked on my project for the rest of the period.

~skip the rest of the day~

I left my last class of the day and walked to my bus quickly. Once I was on safe and sound Luke walked on. I get our houses are to far away to walk but 1. I'm pretty sure that he has a car and 2. Can't one of his pretty boy friends just drive him home. I shrunk down into my seat hoping that he wouldn't see me. Much to my dismay my plan failed and he sat right next to me.

"So I guess we've got some of the same classes together." I simply nod at his attempt to start a conversation with me to break the awkward tension. As soon as the bus pulled up to our stop I rushed off the bus into my house. As soon as I got into my house I locked the door just to turn around and sink down it. I curled my knees into my chest. Breath Clary. Breathe. In. Out. In. Out. Come on. Come on. Not now. I felt the salty tears rushing to my eyes. I tried to breath, not with much success. My head was clogged with so many thoughts. Ugly. Fat. Stupid. Lonely. I can't stop the thoughts. They keep coming. Over and over again. Then I hear my phone start to ring. Not now. No no no no. Crap. I reach over with a shaky hand and look at the caller ID: Unknown Caller. I slowly press the green button to answer the call.

"H-hello?" I shakily answer the call.

"Clary?" I hear a mysterious voice question.

"Uhm... Yes. Who's this?" I shakily ask not totally over my panic attack.

"Connor." I took a sharp intake of breath when I heard his laugh.

"What's wrong sweetie? You sound a little shaken up." I hang up the call and drop my phone to the floor curling up, once again next to my door. This can't be happening. He got my number. I can't do this. Not anymore.

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