Taking My Place || Geroge and...

By Notunbreakable

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Cover made by @SunshineHobi09 on Twitter! George and Eret. They were basically opposites, Eret wanting to be... More

4 years ago...
Chapter 1:
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~

~Chapter 19~

43 2 73
By Notunbreakable

This has insight of everything that happened, as I don't want to make a story.

Fundy's and Eryn's graduation the next year, may

"My boy's graduating at 15!" Eret said, with Foolish and Ant in the audience.

'You're excited aren't you?" Foolish chuckled.

"You can judge him." Ant said.

"True." Foolish smiled.

The names were then listed down, to get their diploma. One by one, those students got their piece of paper. But once it came to the 'n' last names, Fundy wasn't called, and not even Eryn wasn't called.

"They didn't call their name?" Eret asked.

"They put the knights' seperate." Ant said.

"Really?" Foolish asked.

"Yeah, they do all the knights that are graduating for some reason." Ant shrugged.

"That's interesting." Foolish said.

"Yeah." Eret agreed.

It then concluded, the speaker, the principal cleared his throat. "We have two knights in our graduating class, both of them graduating at age 15 and 16. Please step up, Floris Soor Gold and Eryn ****"

"Yeah!" Eret cheered. "Let's go Fundy and Eryn!"

Ant and Foolish smiled at each other as Fundy and Eryn got their diplomas.

Fundy looked at the audience and saw Eret, He waved to him, Fundy smiled and went back to his seat.

"He saw me!" Eret said.

Foolish smiled. "Alright Eret sit down."

Eret sat down. "Sorry, just proud of him."

"You're alright Alastor." Ant said.


"Alright dad, you can stop now." Fundy chuckled, as Eret was hugging him.

"I'm just proud of you." Eret smiled.

"I know but you are embarrassing me." Fundy said.

"Right, sorry." Eret released Fundy.

"Fundy!" Eryn ran over with one of his guardians.

"Hey Eryn!" Fundy greeted.

"Are you two going to take Eret to the palace?" Eryn's guardian asked.

Ant shrugged. "Depends if he would like to."

"Can I go?" Eryn asked.

Eryn guardian chuckled. "Alright, you can, I'll pick you up at 9, sounds good?"

"Yeah!" Eryn said.

"Looks like we're bringing 2 high school graduates with us." Foolish joked.

"Looks like it." Ant agreed.

Sam's pre-proposal

Sam walked up to Eret, talking with George. "Hey Eret?"

Eret turned to Sam. "Yes Sam?"

"So, I've been thinking of proposing to someone." Sam said. "Can you help with that?"

"Sure!" Eret said. "Maybe George can go with you to the city to find a ring."

Why me, I didn't propose." George said.

Sam smiled. "You can still choose a ring and help."

"That's true." George shrugged.
"Hey Ponk?" Sam asked.

"Yeah?" Ponk replied looking at the dishes, washing them.

"Are you able to meet up tonight?" Sam asked.

"Depends." Ponk replied. "Where and when since me and Niki have to do something tonight."

"At around 8 in the garden." Sam replied.

"Yeah, I can do that." Ponk said.

"Alright, I'll see you then Ponky." Sam said hugged behind Ponk.

Ponk smiled up at Sam, "See you Sammy." He pulled down Sam with one his hands and kissed them.

Sam smiled a bit and kissed Ponk back on the cheek. "Bye Ponk."

"Bye!" Ponk said.

Sam went to the door and left. Ponk smiled a bit. "Oh Sam, probably has something planned."
"How did it go?" George asked, when Sam entered the Knights' Quarter, getting his sword.

"Good." Sam smiled.

George smiled. "I wish you luck."

"Heh, thanks." Sam chuckled.

'So, you're aware that Quackity's coming?" George asked.

"Yeah." Sam said. "It's since your two's marriage is coming up and he wants to visit?"

"Yeah." George put on his armor. "I'm ready."

Sam smiled. "Better get ready since we're doing tag teams."

"So basically me fighting multiple people let once?" George said.

"Basically, yeah." Sam said, getting his armor.

"Who am I fighting?" George asked.

"Fundy, Tommy, Purpled, and Eryn." Sam said.

"Oh," George shrugged. "I'll be fine."

"Don't underestimate them, they can fight really well, like you but maybe even better." Sam mentioned.

George looked at the board, between the window and cabinet filled with the armor. It was the ranks. He noticed that Fundy, Tommy and Purpled were ranked pretty high. Only Eryn was ranked a bit lower.

"You aren't kidding-" George let out.

Sam elbowed George. "Told you."

"They really trained a lot before coming here?" George asked.

"Pretty much!" Sam smiled. "Alright, lets go, they're waiting."

"Oh yeah." George tied back his hair. "Ready."

"You need to teach me how to manage long hair." Sam laughed, heading to the door that lead outside.

George followed him. "My hair isn't even that long."

"Well, it's long for my standards." Sam chuckled opening the door and went to the fridge to get out a water bottle.

"Ha, you should see Quackity's." Quackity said.

Sam handed George a water bottle, "His is long than yours I would say." Sam said, taking a sip of water.

"Exactly." Geroge went past Sam. "Come on! Lets go!"

Sam nodded. "Coming!"


"Tommy, that's your third one today." Fundy groaned.

Tommy tossed Purpled the empty coke can, who then crushed it into a flat can, "I'll be fine." Tommy shrugged.

"Yeah, until you get a sugar crash." Eryn said.

"Alright." Sam shouted from the entrance with George beside him. "Are you four ready?!"

"Who wouldn't be?" Tommy shouted back.

George smiled and stood in front of them all. "This will be an interesting team to fight."

"We'll win." Eryn said smuggly.

George gave him a smirk. "We'll see Eryn."

Sam split them both apart. "Alright you two, we'll start soon, but don't beat each other up yet."

"Fine." George said. Eryn rolled his eyes but facing away from Sam.

"Rules are no face shots, we don't want to knock anyone out. And um-" Sam chuckled. "Don't kill each other."

"Got it." Fundy said.
Tommy and Eryn gave a thumbs up.
George nodded as Purpled shrugged.

Sam smiled. He moved out of the way. "Purpled, Tommy, Fundy and Eryn, line up in front of George I want to also see how you four fight."

"We'll see." George chuckled.

The four lined up. "Sam cracked a smile. "May the fighting... Begin!"

Purpled looked at the others and nodded. Tommy glanced at him and slightly nodded back.

George watched, curiously, as Purpled gave him smile. Purpled then sprinted at Geroge, taking out his sword and swung it at George.

George blocked it with his arm covered with the sharp, plated glove. It sent him back but he managed to keep his balance.

Purpled laughed. "Nice one."

George gasped at his sword at his waist, knowing now how serious Purpled gets when fighting.

Purpled then lunged at George. George quickly took out his sword before Purpled's sword his him and their swords then collided.

"We can't stand around." Fundy mumbled.

"Those two are going at it, we'll be fine." Eryn shrugged.


George kicked Purpled in the chest so he can run away. Eryn caught Purpled, before he fell.

"Tommy! Fundy! He's getting away!" Purpled shouted.

Tommy and Fundy chased after him. Purpled got up, "Thanks Eryn." He then clentched his chest. "George kicks hard-"

"I can tell." Eryn said.

Sam glanced at Tommy, Fundy and George. He then went over to Purpled. "Are you alright Purpled?"

Purpled looked at Sam. "Yeah,"

"Eryn, you help Tommy and Fundy at least secure the win." Sam said. "I can be with Purpled."

Eryn nodded. He rushed to the others. Sam looked at Purpled's chest plate, "He kicked pretty hard." Sam said.

"Yeah." Purpled glanced at his sword on the ground.

"Lift off your chest plate, since there could be a chance you have a bruise on your chest." Sam said.

Purpled nodded. He took off his chest plate, revealing his plain purple shirt, "Shit." Purpled mumbled. He clentched his fists, trying to not show pain.

George went over. "Wait, did I kick too hard?"

"Not for sure yet." Sam replied. He looked at Purpled. "I'm going to poke you where he kicked, let me know if there's any pain."

Purpled nodded. The other three ran over, "Hope he didn't bruise a rib." Fundy mumbled.

Sam poked Purpled, "Ack-" Purpled let out.

"Pain?" Sam asked.

Purpled nodded. "A bit."

"Here, lets head inside, I'll check you out." Sam stood up. "You four can continue, let me call over Puffy."

As Sam took out his walkie talkie and tried to get Puffy. Purpled tried to stand up.

Fundy went behind Purpled. "Here, let me lift you up."

Purpled bit his lip and nodded. Fundy turned to George. "Uncle, go in front, just in case he falls forward."

Tommy looked puzzled as George went in front of Purpled. "Uh, Fundy, what do you mean 'uncle'?"

Fundy lifted Purpled up. As he predicted, Purpled fell forward, "I got you." George caught him and helped him stay upright. Fundy turned to Tommy. "To answer your question Tommy, George is also my uncle since, you know, Eret adopted me."

"Oh, that makes more sense." Tommy said.

Puffy then arrived. "So Purpled's injured?"

"A bit, I'll take him inside, the others can continue but you need to watch them, so this doesn't happen again." Sam said.

"Got it." Puffy said.

Sam went over to Purpled. Fundy holding him up, "Here Fundy, I can hold him and take him side." Sam said.

"Alright." Fundy looked at Purpled. "I will quickly let you go, try to stay standing."

"Got it." Purpled said. Fundy released Purpled. He stayed upright. "Alright, now just my chest hurts."

"Let's get it checked out Purpled, let's go." Sam asked.

"Alright." Purpled said.

Sam lead Purpled to the Knights' Quarter. Puffy looked at the others. "Let's see you three continue?"

"Oh yeah-"


"Alright, you may sit down on the couch." Sam said.

Purpled headed to the couch and sat down.

"This is going to sound weird, but can you lift off your shirt?" Sam asked.

"Sure." Purpled replied. He took off his shirt. Sam stared, horrified, "Yeah, it's definitely red where George kicked you." He stood up. "Let me get some ointment for it, to try to relief the pain."

"I think I'll be fine though." Purpled said as Sam went to find some.

"Well, it's pretty red, I'll just add a little bit." Sam then let out. "Finally found it."

"Can I apply it myself?" Purpled asked.

"Of course!" Sam tossed the tube to Purpled. He caught it. "Just don't on too much or little."

Purpled nodded.

"Well, next time I should implement a rule; 'No kicking in the chest too hard since we aren't dealing with it'." Sam joked.

Purpled chuckled. He then applied the ointment, trying to not add a lot.


"Yeah." Purpled then carefully put back on his shirt.

"You can rest a bit since I think they would be -" Sam started saying.

"You cheated!" George said, outside the door.

"Just admit you lost George." Tommy said.

"Andddd here we go." Sam said.

Purpled cracked a smile.


Sam took a breath, he looked at himself in the mirror, then the ring box in his hand. He opened the box, looking at the ring, made of gold with a ruby. Sam closed the box. "I got this."

Ant then 'appeared' behind Sam. "Proposing?"

Sam jumped. "Ah! What the heck?!"

"Hi Sam." Ant smiled.

"Alright, you smiled me." Sam said.

'Sorry." Ant chuckled.

"You're alright Ant." Sam grumbled.

"But anyway, you're proposing to Ponk?" Ant asked.

Sam nodded, "Yeah." He laughed nervously. "Nervous about it, like what if he says no?"

"Sam, you two have been together for basically three years." Ant said. "Don't stress about it."

"Yeah but, what if he says no?" Sam said.

Ant looked at Sam sternly, "Sam, listen, don't overthink it." He then offered something. "Do you want to practice?"

Sam shook his head. "I think I can do it without practice."

Ant nodded. "If you want, you can go to me for help with relationship, I won't mind."

Sam nodded. "Thank you Ant."

Ant gave him a reassuring smile. "You got this Sam."

Sam gave him a smile back, "Thank you Ant." He said again.


Ponk looked around the garden, admiring the sunset. There was then a breeze. Ponk smiled. "The sunset's really pretty to tonight?"

Sam then got outside. He noticed Ponk standing there looking at the sunset. "Ponk got here a bit early."

Sam walked up more closer, "He looks really pretty." He went behind Ponk. "Hey Ponky."

Ponk turned to Sam, "Oh hey Sam!" He hugged Sam.

Sam smiled, "Ponk, can you let me go?"

"Oh yeah, sorry." Ponk released Sam.

Sam looked at the sunset. "The sunset's really nice."

"It is!" Ponk said.

Sam took a breath. "Ponk, can you face me please?"

"Hm?" Ponk faced Sam.

"I've been thinking about this." Sam said. "When we first met, it was- pretty awkward-"

Thoughts of what happened circled back to Ponk. "Ha- Yeah, it was."

Sam gave a small smile, "But, we did manage." He glanced at the sunset. "We got together, became boyfriend and boyfriend. However, I see us more than that."

Ponk felt like he knew what was coming up. "Wait- So-"

Sam went down to one knee, and took out the box and opened it, revealing the ring. "So, Ponk, will you- be the love of my life, and- Marry me?"

Ponk teared up. "Sam- I- I have a surprise for you."

"Huh?" He stood up and looked at him curious.

Ponk then took out a small box as well. Sam was shocked. "Wait, don't tell me-"

"I was going to propose as well." Ponk laughed.

Sam hugged Ponk, tears of happiness flowing down his face. "Well, I say yes to it."

Ponk hugged him back. "And I say yes to yours."

Sam released Ponk. "You want to try it on?"

"Sure, you try mine then." Ponk chuckled.

They then exchanged rings. Sam was the first to comment. "You chose an emerald? It looks really nice."

"Yeah, since when I saw it, I knew I have to buy it." Ponk smiled. He looked at the ring Sam gave him. "I see you chose a ruby?"

Sam chuckled. "Yeah."

Ponk smiled up at Sam. He brushed his hair out of the way and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He hugged Sam. "Love you Sam."

Sam smiled. "Love you too Ponky."


Sam and Ponk turned to where the voice came from, "Ant!?" Sam shouted.

Niki then popped behind Ant and gave a thumbs up. "Nice job Ponk!"

"Niki!" Ponk groaned, but laughed a bit.

Fundy... Catching Something?
The next week, two weeks before George and Quackity's wedding.

[Foolish's office, 9:00pm]

"I'm tell you Punz, crashing Sam and Ponk's wedding isn't a good idea." Foolish said, sitting at his desk.

"But Foolish!" Punz said.

"Remember what I told you?" Foolish said, slamming his fist on his desk. "You still aren't out of the situation where you almost killed Ponk."

"Still holdin git against me?" Punz scoffed.

"Punz, I'm being serious." Foolish said. "I don't want you to get in trouble, trying to crash Sam and Ponk's wedding will not be a good idea! Be happy for Sam for once!"

Punz looked away, trying to hide their guilt.

"Finally understand now?" Foolish asked.

Punz gave him a slight nod, "Yeah." They mumbled.

Foolish took a breath. He stood up and walked over to Punz. "Punz, what made you even like Sam for these past five years? Since I don't think you actually like him for 'love'."

Punz looked at Foolish shocked. "What? No, I did but!-"

Foolish lifted Punz's head up to give direct eye contact. "Tell me the truth, you're now making it obvious that you tried to get with him not for love."

Punz blushed slightly. They pushed Foolish away. "I did try to get with him for love!"

"Really?" Foolish lifted an eyebrow. "It's not since you were basically jealous of the others having some sort of significant others and you knew you had to get with Sam as he was also available but wasn't interested. Plus, you were 'love deprived' with the fact you didn't want to be looked down on because of your rank."

Punz looked at Foolish speechless. Foolish looked back at them with a straight face. "I'm correct?"

"Y-Yes, but how did you know?" Punz let out, a bit shaken up.

"Someone." Foolish then looked at the bulletin board - in his office that he installed, listing everyone in the palace - he specifically looked at a picture of Sam.

Punz noticed where Foolish was looked. "Sam told you?..."

Foolish nodded, "But why?!" Punz asked.

Foolish glanced at Punz. "You really were blinded trying to get with him?"

Punz looked at Foolish confused. "What do you mean?!"

"Can't you see?" Foolish said, "He cared for you, even before you started your crap. Made sure you, and the other knights, got enough sleep putting his own health at risk. Puffy, Dream, Ant, and even you, tried to convince him to sleep. He said, no. Sam wanted you all to not go through it, as he used to get heavily hated on for his past actions." Foolish turned to Punz. "When you started flirting, touching, biting, him, he didn't even tell anyone as you threatened him. He didn't hate you, the only thing he hated that you did it without realizing he wasn't interested. But he still gave you chanced. He could've reported you, get you suspended, but he didn't, he gave you chanced, that I probably wouldn't have given you if I was him."

Punz was silent. Foolish went back to his desk and opened a drawer, then placing a ripped piece of paper on the desk.

Punz looked curiously at it. They went over to it, "Take it, and read it." Foolish said.

Punz carefully took it. They instantly recognized the hand writing.

It was Sam's.

ℌ𝔢𝔶 𝔉𝔬𝔬𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔥!
ℑ 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔰𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔬𝔫𝔢 𝔢𝔩𝔰𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔡𝔢𝔩𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢 ℑ 𝔥𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔲𝔣𝔣 𝔱𝔬 𝔡𝔬
𝔅𝔲𝔱 𝔠𝔞𝔫 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔠𝔨 𝔲𝔭𝔬𝔫 𝔓𝔲𝔫𝔷 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔪𝔢? 𝔗𝔥𝔢𝔶 𝔰𝔢𝔢𝔪 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔢 "𝔬𝔣𝔣 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔡" 𝔰𝔬 𝔧𝔲𝔰𝔱 𝔞𝔰𝔨 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔪 𝔦𝔣 𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔶𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔞𝔩𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱
𝔍𝔲𝔰𝔱 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔡 𝔞𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔪, 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱'𝔰 𝔦𝔱 :]
𝔗𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔨 𝔶𝔬𝔲,

Punz looked up from the note. Foolish sat there. "See what I mean?"

"Yeah-" Punz placed down in the note. "I- I just don't understand-"

"Don't understand what?" Foolish asked.

"He never told me anything about this, caring, I-" Punz started saying.

Foolish stood up and went up to Punz. "He does care, but he can't express it, since what you have done."

Punz looked at Foolish, guilt overcoming him. "I'm- I guess I really was blinded."

Foolish nodded. "Mhm."

Punz hugged Foolish. "I'm sorry!"

"It's alright Punz, you understand." Foolish said.

Punz nodded and released Foolish.

"You can continue hugging me Punz," Foolish said, he went to the bean bag and sat/laid down on it.

"Alright!" Punz went over to him and laid down on Foolish, hugging him.

Foolish gave a small smile, "So, you understood what I meant?"


"Alright." Foolish said.

Punz nodded. They looked at Foolish, a bit interested.

Foolish noticed Punz staring. "Yes Punz?"

They gave Foolish a kiss on the cheek then proceeded to lay their head on Foolish's chest.

"Why- What?" Foolish looked down at Punz, now eyes closed, trying to sleep.

"This is like the second time this week." Foolish let out.

Fundy then entered. "Oh um- sorry Foolish, I'll leave-"

"Wait, no, no, you can stay-" Foolish said.

Fundy cracked a smile. "I think you're busy."

"Fundy, it's not what it looks like!" Foolish said.

Fundy gave a thumbs up, "Alright." He then left.

Foolish felt slight embarrassment, "And now he got the wrong idea." He then looked down at Punz, now lightly snoring.

"He actually looks really peaceful." Foolish said.

He placed a hand on Punz's back and fell asleep as well.

Fundy was nearby. "Misunderstood what happened but they both seem really happy together."

About a few weeks after George and Quackity's wedding, since I want to add something else
Ant's resignation

"Hey Ant!" Velvet said.

Ant turned around. "Oh hey Velvet!"

Puffy then caught up with him. "Velvet, I told you, no running."

"Sorry." Velvet apologized.

"It's fine." Puffy said.

Ant chuckled. "My boyfriend's being a not very good listener?"

"Can't judge me Anty. I want to see you." Velvet said.

Ant smiled, "I know." His smile then faded. "Puffy, can you leave?"

Puffy nodded, "Of course!" She then went inside the knights' quarter.

Velvet looked at Ant concerned. "Ant? Is something wrong?"

"I just didn't want to discuss this in front of anyone." Ant said, ears slightly down (So yeah, he's part cat).

"Well what is it?" Velvet asked, now worried.

"I've been thinking about quitting being a knight." Ant said sheepishly.

"Really?" Velvet exclaimed. "But you've been doing this for almost 10 years! Why stop?"

"That's the problem Velvet." Ant said. "I've been here for almost ten years I have had no time to spend with you. Or my family."

"But it's fine!" Velvet said.

"No it's not!" Ant said. "I missed basically everything! Your college graduation, my siblings, I missed it since we had like five knights, I had to stay."

Velvet looked at Ant, a bit shocked. His face felt bad. "I mean, it's your choice Ant."

Ant took a breath. "Yeah, just been thinking about it and-"

Velvet hugged Ant, holding him close. "It's alright, you can take your time deciding."

"But I also don't want to let the others down." Ant said, head rested on Vlevet's shoulder.

"They will understand dear, it's your choice to quit." Vlevet said. "Talk to Eret and Sam about your thoughts?"

"I guess." Ant said.

Another few weeks later

Ant shook Eret's hand. "Thank you Eret! Thank you!"

Eret smiled. "It's not a problem Ant, I'm glad you'll be happy with Velvet."

Ant was tearing up. He looked at his stuff at the wall. "But thank you again, our king."

Eret nodded. "I hope you have a life with your boyfriend Ant and live a good rest of your life."

"Thank you Alastair." ant said. "And thank you for giving me some of the best years in my life and letting me protect you, your father and everyone else."

"Mhm." Eret gave Ant a salute. "Thank you for you doing so."

Ant stepped out of the 'conference room' with everything and headed to the doors.

Sam was there, with the other knights.

Sam then gave a salute and everyone else followed, "Guys..." Ant smiled.

"You were a really good ally; hope you have a good life." Sam said first.
"Thank you helping me with the beginning of training of training Ant." Puffy smiled, trying to hold back tears.
"I appreciate your comfort on some nights, thank you." Dream said.
Punz tried to not cry. "I- want to thank you for giving me chances, I- really appreciate it."

Ant was now the one trying not to cry again. "You all so sweet-"

The 'older' knights then moved out of the way and revealed the newer knights holding a spread-out paper, saying "We'll miss you!" with all their names signed on it.

"Oh my gosh-" Ant cried. He wiped the tears from his eyes. "I swear, I never expected this from you all I- Thank you."

Fundy then stepped up to Ant, now holding the paper. "This is yours's to keep Ant, I have one last thing for you."

Ant looked at the paper, "Th-Thank you." He cautiously took it and lightly rolled it up. Fundy then gave him a small smile. "Thank you Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy for this gift."

Ant nodded, coked with tears. He closed his eyes. Ant then felt Fundy lifting his other arm, then clipping something around his wrist. "Open."

Ant opened his eyes, he looked down at his wrist and saw a bracelet that said Antfrost in letter beads, with the other beads being everyone's favorite color.

"Where's Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy?" Ant asked.

"They're outside guarding right now, you'll meet them when you head out." Fundy said.

Ant nodded. "Alright Fundy."

Fundy gave a small smile, "Hope you have a good rest of your years." He said giving Ant a bow.

Ant smiled back at him. He looked at the other knights. Holding the rolled-up paper, he shouted, "Thank you!" He then left.

Sam smiled. "I'll miss him."

"Mhm." Puffy said, sniffing.

"Tubbo!" Ant cried out when he got to the gate.

Tubbo turned around. "Oh hey Ant! Here, let me unlock the gate for you."

"Thanks Tubbo." Ant watched as he put in the number code. Tubbo opened the gate. "You want me to help carry your stuff?"

"No, it's fine Tubbo." ant said.

"Sure?" Tubbo pointed behind Ant, where a couple of bags were. "There seems to be a lot back there, I can help."

"I don't know Tubbo, they are a bit." Ant started saying.

Tubbo then dashed past him and picked all of Ant's stuff.

"Oh." Ant then chuckled. "Do you need help?"

"No, I'm fine." Tubbo said.

Tommy then ran over from the East side of the palace. "I think your boyfriends here Antfrost!"

"Alright!" Ant said. He looked at his wrist then at Tubbo and Tommy. "And, thank you for the nbracelet you two, including Ranboo."

"It's not a problem Ant!" Tubbo said.

Tommy nodded. "Alright let's go!"

Ant followed Tommy, Tubbo behind.

"Hey Anty!" Velvet said, opening the car window.

'Hey!" Ant said.

'Let me help Toby over there." Velvet got out of the car.

"Oh no Velvet, I'll be fine." Tubbo said.

"Alright I can help put the stuff in the trunk." Velvet lead Tubbo to the trunk.

"Ant, if I had to be honest, your boyfriend is pretty- hot." Tommy said.

"And you've been saying you aren't attracted to men?" Ant said. "Plus, you flirt with Ranboo a bit."

"I promise I'm not!-" Tommy said.

"Mhm." Ant said.

"Ant, you can go inside the car!" Velvet said, closing the trunk. "And thank you Toby for helping."

"Not a problem." Tubbo went back to Tommy.

"Thank you Tubbo." Ant said. "I will see you two if I can visit, especially for Sam and Ponk's wedding."

"Alright!" Tubbo said.

Tommy nodded. "Good luck big man!"

Ant smiled, went to the passenger seat, entered then Velvet and him drove off.

"Man, I'll miss him." Tubbo said.

"I agree." Tommy replied.

Puffychu hanging out, July 29 (George and Quackity's wedding - June 15, Ant's resignation - 29)

The night before

"So, you're okay making lunch and dinner by yourself?" Niki asked.

Ponk nodded. 'Yeah, plus, I know you want to be with Puffy a bit more now, so it's fine with me."

"So, we work on breakfast together and I can hang out with Puffy after?" Niki asked.

Ponk wrote down on a sticky note about it, "Yep!" She placed it on the recipes they, Ponk and Niki, were going to use the next day.

Niki gave a small smile. "Alright Ponk, thank you."

Ponk smiled back. "It's not a problem Niki."

"Well, I guess I'll go to sleep now." Niki yawned.

"Alright! Have a good night's rest!" Ponk said.

"You too!" Niki said. She then left.

Ponk looked at the recipes, "Guess I should sleep." She stood up and flopped down on her bed.


"So yeah, that's why I'm out here with you." Niki said.

"I'm glad Ponk insisted that we hang out." Puffy chuckled.

Niki smiled. "It does bring me back to the old times."

"Oh, like when we both started our jobs?" Puffy laughed.

"Basically, yeah." Niki chuckled.

"Yeah, it was, interesting." Puffy said.

"Mhm." Niki agreed. She went behind Puffy and started playing with Puffy's hair. "Your hair is really soft!"

"It's not that soft." Puffy said, trying to not smile.

"It is!" Niki said.

"Do you want to style it Niki?" Puffy asked.

"Sure!" Niki exclaimed. "Is a braid okay with you?"

"Yeah, it's fine." Puffy said smiling.

Niki nodded. She began splitting Puffy's hair into three sections then started braiding them.

"You seem to be a good stylist." Puffy chuckled.

'I sued to style Ponk's hair when it was longer." Niki said.

"I see." Puffy smiled.

"Done!" Niki said. She moved the braid to Puffy's shoulder.

Puffy looked at the braid - including a mix of her two hair colors, brown and white. "It looks really good Niki! You also did it pretty fast."

Niki felt proud of herself. "Aw, thank you Puffy."

Puffy hugged Niki. "No, thank you Niki."

"Oh- Na-" Niki was about to say something until Tommy's voice came up on Puffy's walkie talkie. "Puffy, if you're there, can you help over at Sam's room? He doesn't want to get up, I think you can help."

Puffy took it out, "I'll be there in a minute Tommy." She then looked at Niki a bit sad.

Niki assured her it was okay for her to leave. "You can go Puffy, it's alright."

Puffy nodded, "I'll see you Niki." She stood up.

"See you Puffy." Niki stood up as well and hugged her tightly.

Puffy smiled. Niki released Puffy and then she left, waving goodbye.

As she watched Puffy left, Niki sighed. "I can have breaks, but Puffy can't even catch one."

Eret walking in on... Something.

"George, you need to stop drinking a lot of coffee." Eret said.

"Blame Quackity for it." George said, taking a sip off his coffee.

"Hey!" Quackity said. "You're the one that took all of my coffee when you were staying with me."

Quackitythought about it." "Alright, that's true."

Eret shook his head. "You two-"

George handed the cup of coffee to Quackity. "You can drink the rest."

Quackity took the cup. "There literally is barely any left."

George shrugged again. "I let you do the honors of finishing it."

Quackity smiled a bit, "Well, alright." He then drank it all in one gulp.

"George, you married a very hyper man." Eret joked.

"Oh, you should see him with a leaf blower, he goes nuts." George chuckled.

"I'm not that hyper." Quackity rolled his eyes.

"Mhm." George smiled.

"Yeah, you aren't hyper." Eret said sarcastically.

"Ah, like brother like brother." Quackity said.

George chuckled, "Very much so." He gave Quackity a kiss on the cheek.

Eret shook his head again. Fundy then entered the room, which was Eret's. Fundy was holding the hand of an Arctic fox hybrid. "Hey dad! Can we adopt him?"

Eret turned around. "Oh- where did you find him?"

"I found him near the palace, he looked like he was abandoned." Fundy said.

The kid looked at Eret, fearful. He hid behind Fundy, ears down. "Papa, I'm scared."

Fundy kneeled down to the kid's home height. "It's okay Yogurt, he's just my dad."

George went up to Fundy. "Fundy, how old is he?"

Yogurt looked up at George. "I-I'm six."

George and Eret glanced at each other, Fundy gave Yogurt a hug. "Don't feel nervous around them, they won't hurt you."

Eret went up to Yogurt, "Hey buddy." He said, sitting down near him.

Yogurt looked at Eret, "Wh-What's your name?" He let out.

"You can call me either Eret or Alastair." Eret said, making sure to not scare Yogurt.

"I like your name." Yogurt said. He looked at George. "What's your name?"

"George." George replied.

Yogurt nodded. He went to Fundy and cling onto him. Eret looked at Fundy. "We should go to Foolish, seeing if we can contact Yogurt's parents and all of that."

"Alright." Fundy said. He carefully stood up. "Yogurt, let's go."

Yogurt stood up as well and held Fundy's hand.

Eret gave a small smile and lead the way, Fundy and Yogurt followed. George and Quackity glanced at each other.
"Dad, I think you should enter first." Fundy said when they all arrived to the door.

"Wha-Why?" Eret asked.

"Oh, no reason." Fundy smiled.

Eret shrugged and opened the door. Yogurt looked up at Fundy. "Why did you have him enter first?"

Fundy was about to explain until Eret groaned. "Foolish!"

"It's not what it looks like Alastair!" Foolish said.

"Yeah, I definitely can't see that YOU WERE PINNING PUNZ TO THE WALL." Eret said.

Punz stood near Foolish. "Eret, I'm fine."

"Mhm, I totally don't see a bite mark on your neck, Punz." Eret crossed his arms.

Punz covered it with their hand. "Whoops- Haha-"

Foolish tried to change the subject. "Ha- Um- Shat did you need your majesty?"

Eret shook his head. He then took a breath. "But I'm here with Fundy as he found a kid near the palace and they both bonded."

"Oh, alright." Foolish said. "Are they here?" 

"Yeah, we are." Fundy entered with Yogurt behind him.

Eret moved out of the way. Foolish said a kid behind Fundy.

Fundy looked behind him. "Noah's nice, don't worry." 

"I won't bite." Foolish said, kneeling down.

Yogurt peeked out from Fundy. He went to Foolish. "Hi..." 

"Hey!" Foolish said. "Can you introduce yourself?"

"Yogurt, my name's Yogurt." Yogurt said.

Foolish recognized the name. "Who were your parents?" 

"I- I don't know." Yogurt stuttered, nervous. "They made me call them ma'am and sir." 

"Yep, I heard of those two." Foolish sighed, "They got arrested for abusing their 12-year-old, it was in the news." Foolish looked at Yogurt. "The police are trying to find you."

Yogurt went to Fundy, "I don't want to go to another family!" Yogurt shouted, crying. "I want to be with Floris!" 

Foolish and Eret glanced at each other, "Yogurt," Foolish said. "Is it okay they register you in the system and then we come back?"

"O-Only if Floris comes along." Yogurt said.

"Of course Yogurt." Foolish said.

"Are you sure Foolish?" Eret asked.

"Yogurt seems really attached to Fundy, and I think if we take him away, it would be a bit messy." Foolish replied.

"That makes sense." Eret said.

"I'll go with Fundy for this." Foolish glanced at Fundy and Yogurt playing together.

Eret nodded.

A couple hours later

"Alright, fine, he's able to adopt the kid." The officer said, sitting behind the desk at the police station.

"Thank you officer." Fundy said.

"Do you even have a job?" The officer asked.

"I'm a knight officer." Fundy replied.

The police officer looked at Fundy, shocked. They then gave a quick bow. "Sorry." 

Yogurt's tail wagged a bit. "Can we go home?"

Fundy looked down at Yogurt. "We're almost done Yogurt." 

"But I'm bored!" Yogurt complained.

Foolish gave Yogurt a portable pinball machine. "Here Yogurt, you can play with this." 

Yogurt took the contraption. "Thank you!"

Fundy finalized the papers as Foolish helped Yogurt play with the pinball machine.
"Yogurt's so cute!" Tubbo said as Yogurt barely sticked his tongue out at Tubbo.

"Well, he'll be here until he goes to first grade soon." Fundy chuckled.

"Aren't I going to school in a couple of weeks?" Yogurt asked.

"Mhm!" Fundy nodded.

"Aw, I want to hang out with your friends!" Yogurt said.

"Don't worry Yogurt, you'll still hang out with them." Fundy said.

Yogurt looked at him happily. "Okay!" 

Puffy then entered the Knights' Quarter. "I heard Fundy adopted small child?" 

"Yeah, he's right here." Tubbo said.

Yogurt looked at Puffy, he scrambled to Fundy and leapt into his arms.

"It's okay Yogurt, she's nice." Fundy said softly.

Yogurt turned his head to look at Puffy. He let go of Fundy and went up to Puffy. "Hi..." 

"Hi dear." Puffy said, sitting down on her knees.

Yogurt looked up at Puffy and gave a small smile at her. "I like your hair!" 

Puffy smiled back. "I like yours's too!" 

Yogurt looked at Fundy. "Is she your friend papa?" 

Fundy nodded. "You're right Yogurt." 

Yogurt looked back at Puffy then at Fundy, then to Tubbo. He then finally looked at Fundy, "Can we go outside?" Yogurt asked excitedly.

Fundy smiled. "Sure!" 

"Yay!" Yogurt hugged Fundy.

Herobrine's death...
TW: Blood and death

"Our family is growing alright." Herobrine said to Eret as he was playing with Yogurt.

"Very much." Eret smiled. He ruffled Fundy's hair.

Fundy chuckled. "Yeah." 

Herobrine let out a cough, "Sorry Yogurt." He then coughed again.

"Dad, are you sure you aren't sick?" George asked. "You've been coughing a lot lately."

Herobrine shook his head. "So, I'm fine." 

"Sure?" Eret asked.

Herobrine nodded. Yogurt at Herobrine worried. "Grandpa, are you sure you're okay?" 

Herobrine looked at looked at Yogurt and tried to smile. "I'm sure Yogurt." 

"Let me call over Puffy to watch Yogurt, we should talk to your father about this." Fundy whispered.

Eret nodded and George gave a thumbs up in agreement. Fundy quietly left the room.

"Where's Papa going?" Yogurt asked.

"He'll be back, don't worry." George said.

Yogurt nodded. Herobrine took out one of his golden chains, with pins at the end with a picture of Eret and George.

Yogurt looked at it with interest. "What's that?"

"You want to see." Herobrine asked.

Yogurt nodded. Herobrine gave it to him.

"Is that Eret and George?" Yogurt asked.

"Huh?" Eret went up and looked at the chain. "Oh! I remember that!" 

George followed. "Yeah, I recognize that." 

"Yeah, it was your two moms'." Herobrine looked at the picture a bit sadly.

"So, where's grandma?" Yogurt asked.

Eret, George and Herobrine looked at each other. Eret first corrected Yogurt, trying to change the subject. "Well, it would be great-grandma, while Herobrine's your great-grandpa." 

Yogurt blinked in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Well, Floris is your father, right?" Eret said.


"Well, I'm his father, so, what would you call me?" Eret asked.

"Grand- OOH-" Yogurt looked at Herobrine. "Old man." 

"PPFFT-" George tried to hold down his laughter, as Eret was laughing.

"Boys!" Herobrine shouted.

Yogurt looked at them all confused. "Did I say something wrong?" 

"No, no, no," Eret said, "You didn't, don't worry." He stopped laughing a bit, while George was just dying.

"Here Yogurt." Fundy poked his head through the door. "Can you hang out with Puffy for a bit?" 

"Alright." Yogurt scrambled to get up and went past Fundy. They all could hear him say. "Aunt Puffy!"

"He sees Puffy as an Aunt?" Herobrine asked.

"Looks like it." George said as Fundy closed the door and joined them.

Herobrine put away the chain. "So, why did you have Yogurt leave?" 

"Well ,we're just concerned about your health." Eret replied.

"Additionally, you've been coughing a lot." George added.

"With the fact you've been not sleeping." Fundy said.

Herobrine looked at all of them puzzled. "You all- pain attention?"

"We're family, dad, of course we would pay attention." Eret said. "But, are you sick or something?" 

"I don't know." Herobrine replied. "I just had coughing fit for a bit."

"Have you been drinking water?" Fundy asked.

"Yeah." Herobrine nodded.

Eret was about to say something when Yogurt burst in, with a scar over his right eye. "Papa!" 

"Oh my- What happened?" Fundy asked, horrified.

Puffy then entered, also having a scar on his face, but it was over her left eye instead. "When we were out front, someone slashed a kind of knife at Yogurt, I fought them off, but Tommy had to help when I fell to the ground." 

Fundy looked at Puffy, mad. "Where is the person?"

"They ran off after Tommy yelled at them, as well as when I almost lunged after him." Puffy said.

"Good." Fundy turned back at Yogurt. "Are you okay?"

"J-Just hurt's a lot." Yogurt said, holding back his tears.

"I have some eye patches." Herobrine got up to get some in a drawer.

Yogurt was now crying, getting tears mixed with blood on Fundy's shirt.

"Here Puffy." Herobrine handed a couple to Puffy.

Puffy nodded and put it on Herobrine went up to Yogurt and Fundy, Eret and George moving out of the way. "Yogurt, can I clean up your cut?" 

"N-No." Yogurt let out.

"You want me to do it?" Fundy asked softly. "Since we need clean it before we add the bandages."

Yogurt looked up at Fundy. "F-Fine." 

"Close your right eye." Fundy said. Herobrine handed him a wet cloth.

Yogurt barely closed his right eye and Fundy lightly dabbed the scar. "Herobrine, give me the eyepatch, please." 

Herobrine gave Fundy the patch and he carefully put it on over Yogurt's eye, "The scar will heal in a couple of days, we'll change it every day." Fundy said.

Yogurt nodded. He looked at Fundy's shirt. "I-I'm sorry." 

Puffy quietly left, letting them bond. Fundy ran his hand through Yogurt's white, silky hair. "It's alright Yogurt." 

Yogurt nodded. Fundy leaned against the wall. Yogurt wrapped his arms around Fundy's waist and fell asleep.

Fundy looked down at him. "Must've been tired."

"Should we leave?" Eret whispered.

Fundy nodded. George smiled a bit and left, Eret following him.

Herobrine went up to Yogurt and Fundy. "You two alright with staying in here?" 

Fundy nodded. "I just don't want to wake him up when I take him somewhere else, so, sure." 

Herobrine gave a small smile. "Alright, I'll see you then, my grandchild."

Fundy smiled back and Herobrine left. 

Yogurt shuffled a bit. Fundy slowly ran his hand on Yogurt's back.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you safe." Fundy said quietly. He closed his eyes, placing his hand on Yogurt's head carefully.

A couple nights later

"See Yogurt? That's your great-grandmother." Eret pointed at a picture of his mom.

"She looks very pretty." Yogurt commented.

Eret smiled. "Yeah, she was." 

"Dad, how did she even die?" Fundy asked, sitting on the other side of Yogurt.

Eret looked at the picture in silence. "If I had to be honest, I don't really remember. But, I'm pretty sure from blood loss, as Herobrine told me before she died a former knight stabbed her."

Fundy was covering Yogurt's ears when Eret was talking. "That's- Terrible." 

"Yeah." Eret smiled at the picture of her mother as Fundy uncovered Yogurt's ears. "But I think she would be proud of us." 

Fundy smiled a bit. Yogurt the pointed to another picture, "Who's this?" He asked.

"Oh, that's me and George when we were younger." Eret said.

"Even your hair was long when you were younger."

Fundy chuckled.

"Yeah, it was." Eret smiled.

Yogurt yawned. Fundy smiled a bit, "Tired Yogurt?" Fundy asked.

"No." Yogurt said.

Eret glanced at the time, "It's about nine Yogurt." She jumped off the bed. "Let me give this back to Herobrine and you got to bed?" 

"Can I go along?" Yogurt asked.

Fundy chuckled, "Alright Yogurt," He got off as well. "Let's go." 

...About two hours later

Yogurt was up. He was walking to Herobrine's room, as he took it earlier from the room. "I'll just put this back then leave."

As Yogurt got closer, he could hear shuffling in Herobrine's room. Yogurt slowly opened the door.

Herobrine noticed Yogurt. "Yogurt, why are you u- Oh, you took the photo book?" 

Yogurt nodded. "Here!" 

Herobrine went up to Yogurt and took it. "Thank you, but next time don't take it."

"Sorry... It was just interesting to look at." Yogurt apologized.

Herobrine gave a small smile, "It's alright." Herobrine then coughed.

"Are you alright?" Yogurt asked.

Herobrine coughed again, "Yeah." He ruffled Yogurt's hair. "Go head to bed, and get some rest." 

"Fine." Yogurt grumbled.

Herobrine chuckled, holding down his cough. "Alright, night, my great-grandchild."

Yogurt gave a small smile, "BYe!" He then ran out.

Herobrine smiled, "Fundy's raising him curious." He then started coughing terribly.

"Shit." Herobrine went to his nightstand and drank some water. He then started coughing more.

"I should just-" Herobrine then coughed out some blood. He covered his mouth, "What-" He coughed out more, getting it all over his hands and more on the ground. Herobrine then collapsed.

Yogurt ran back in, as he heard a thud. "Gr-Grandpa?"

Herobrine tried to get up, he barely sat up. "Yogurt?"

Yogurt stared at him, his blood mattered shirt, and the ground. "A-Are you okay?"

"Just- Get someone." Herobrine coughed out more blood.

Yogurt was frozen in place. He ran up to him. "A-Are you going to leave?"

Herobrine shook his head. "You are a caring kid.

Yogurt started crying. "Please don't leave!"

Herobrine weakly wiped some blood off of Yogurt. He coughed out more blood.

"No, no, no!" Yogurt cried out. "Stop!"

Herobrine looked at Yogurt and turned a bit to face him. "I will miss you." 

Yogurt started crying louder and gripped on to Herobrine's arm. "No, stop!"

Foolish then burst in, as he noticed earlier that Yogurt was gone in his office - as he sleeps in there - Foolish was shocked. "What happened."

"Call ***!" Yogurt cried. His ears were down as Herobrine was now against the nightstand as he was able to go against it as Yogurt clung onto his arm.

Foolish took out his walkie talkie, "Code blue! Code blue!" He took out his phone as well and called the emergency number.

Fundy, who was at night duty, arrived first. He first noticed the blood puddle, in front of Herobrine and Yogurt.

Yogurt looked up at his father. "Papa!" 

As Foolish was saying the information, Fundy went over to Ygurt, and Herobrine's motionless body.

"W-Will great grandpa die?" Yogurt cried. He went to hug Fundy.

Fundy glanced at Herobrine, shirt covered in blood. "I-I don't know." 

As the chaos continued, and Herobrine was taken to the hospital, all the knights went inside. Ponk and Niki helped clean up the blood.

As the royals were busy.

Foolish entered Eret's room, he was clinging onto Goerge with Quackity beside.

"Hey Foolish." Quackity said quietly.

Foolish gave a small wave and then quietly left, knowing that they wanted to be left alone.

Eret sat up. "We can't visit him until tomorrow." He mumbled.

"Just get some rest, Ali." George said softly.

Eret nodded. He wiped some of his tears and laid down on George's lap.

George held Quackity's hand, gripping onto it.

"Sleep as well dear." Quackity mumbled.

George, eyes, filled with tears, shook hi shead. "It's fine Q."

Quackity slowly nodded.


"A-A-And he just started coughing more out." Yogurt cried as Fundy was helping him clean up the blood on his shirt and face.

Fundy was silent. He could barely put out a word to reply to his traumatized son, "Let me finish, okay?" He said quietly.

Yogurt collapsed in Fundy's arms. "I DON'T WANT GREAT GRANDPA TO DIE!" 

Fundy held Yogurt close. "Shee, it will be okay, he could make it."

Yogurt started crying again. "Can we visit him?" 

"Not yet." Fundy replied. He helped Yogurt stand up. "I promise, tomorrow morning, we visit him."

Yogurt nodded.


"Sam?" Ponk poked his head into the Knights' Quarter.

Sam turned around. "Hey." 

"Do you- want anything?" Ponk asked.

Sam shook his head and went to one of the rooms. From his eyes, Ponk could tell he was in shock and denial.


Yogrut was next to Herobrine. He was barely able to move as he had to get a blood transfusion at that very moment.

Herobrine gave a small smile at Fundy. "You're raising him well Fundy."

Yogurt hugged Herobrine's right arm. Fundy tried to smile. "Thank you."

 Eret then entered, "Dad!" He ran over and gave him a light hug.

Herobrine smiled. "Hey King." 

Yogurt went up to Eret and gave him a hug.

Eret smiled. "Hey buddy."

Yogurt's tail wagged a bit. He looked at his father. "Can we get something to eat?"

Fundy nodded. "But you ate earlier?" 

"I just want a snack." Yogurt said.

Fundy chuckled, "Alright, let's go." He stood up.

Yogurt ran up to him and held Fundy's hand. They then headed out.

Herobrine's smile faded. He looked up at his son. "I don't think I'm going to make it."

"What? Why?" Eret asked.

"Even with the blood transfusion, I'm still missing a bit of blood." Herobrine shook his head. "I cough out more blood as the day continues as well." 

"So you only have a couple hours left?" Eret asked.

"Probably." Herobrine then tried to smile, "But you'll do fine." He tried to laugh, but without coughing out some blood. "I do get to see your mom anyway."

"Dad, it's not the time for jokes!" Eret said.

Herobrine shook his head. "Trying to keep the spirits high. that's it."

"Sorry- I just-" Eret started saying.

"Don't worry, I understand." Herobrine said.

George then entered - With Herobrine's favorite flowers in his hands, white and red rose - alongside with Quackity.

George placed the flowers that were in a vase on the very small table near Herobrine's blood bag. "Hey father." 

"Hey Gogy." Herobrine smiled. He turned to Quackity.

Quackity gave a small wave. George gave Herobrine a small hug. "Are you doing alright?"

"Pretty much, yeah. Herobrine glanced at the blood bag. "Probably they'll come to refill that, since I lost a lot of blood last night.

"Yeah." George nodded.

"Hope you can at lease stand up." 

"Well, I may die in a couple of hours thanks to me coughing blood as the day progresses." Herobrine said.

"Oh..." George looked at Herobrine in silence.

Herobrine tried to smile. "Don't worry George, I'll be making sure you all will be safe." 

"I'm sorry your majesty, he didn't make it."
"Yogurt, don't run in!"
A year later...

Eret walked up to Herobrine's grave, holding a rose, "Hey dad, I hope you're doing well up there." She placed the rose down hear the gravestone.

"I want to give you an update what has happened." Eret said.

"Sam and Ponk got married a couple of months ago, with Punz and Foolish getting together recently. George and Quackity decided to move out, living on their own but George comes to work. Still, Niki and Puffy hang out a lot more. Dream been doing better, Foolish helping him each step of the way." Eret wiped tears away from his eyes.

He took out sheets of paper stapled together, with writing on it, "Here's the rest, since I can't stay for long." He placed it near the rose. "Hope you can read it." 

There were steps behind Eret. "Hello Eret." 

Eret turned around and saw Techno. "Hey Techno." Techno looked at her shocked as Eret turned back to the grave. "You- aren't scared of me?"

"Why would I?" Eret looked at Techno. "I rather not provoke you."

Techno was silent. He sat down next to Eret. "So, you're visiting your father?"

Eret nodded, "Mhm." He stood up, "I need to head back to the palace, have a nice day Technoblade." He walked away, leaving Techno, a bit in shock.

Techno looked at the papers that Eret out down near the rose. "I should just leave, leaving Eret in piece."


So, what was on the papers?"

Well, it was written by Eret, but also George and Fundy.

It was as a final message, before they had to do other stuff.

Eret           Fundy           George

Hey dad, I hope you're doing well, since I'm doing well. A lot of stuff has happened since you passed away and your funeral. Fundy's going to talk about some of it, since I have to quickly do something.

Well, I guess I should take it away. First, I just want to say thank you for letting Alastair adopt me, since it really changed my life, thank you.

But if you want to know, Yogurt's doing better. He is a bit traumatized still but doing better. In fact, during school, he made a drawing of you and talked in front of the class, with the chain and pin. He also wanders in your room and look around, but with me in the area since he fears being alone in there, unfortunately (He got diagnosed with PTSD).

Oh, and a bit of relationships have been started. Punz and Foolish got together, which wasn't a surprise as they both were flirting a lot for the past few months. Sam and Ponk's wedding happened too. I'm pretty sure you know so, yeah. Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy still mischievous as usual, with Purpled and Eryn pretending nothing's wrong, saying "This is fine." 

I also did meet some of the new staff. Just two of them, Harvey - or TapL - and Hannah. Hannah is a new chef and TapL helps Foolish.

TapL also takes care of Yogurt when it's night, as Puffy and Tubbo have the same shifts as ne now.

Time to hand it over to George about his relationship with Quackity since it isn't may duty to tell you about it.

Hi dad. Hope you can read this since I want you to read it, since, you know, my handwriting's a bit messy.

Well, me and Quackity are doing very well. Quackity treats me well, don't worry. I know he is a former criminal, but I promise his is improving. For his partners in crime, same thing.

I do still work at the palace, even though I decided to move in with Quackity. My rank is basically Ant's rank, since he resigned about a year or two ago. But Ant does visit, sometimes even with Velvet.
Alright, time for Eret to finish this up.

Thanks Gogy.

So, yeah, we all do miss you even the knights, especially Sam.
We miss you dad!

Well, that's the end of this fanfic.
I'm writing this out on paper first so I can minimize what I'm going to say.

But I want to say. Thank you.

You have read this entire story and (hopefully) enjoyed it.

Thank you to Cawot, your comments make my day and you're such an amazing online friend.

And to you, reader,

Thank you.

And see you in my next book.
                          -Unbreakable 10/12/2022 (12/10/2022)

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I mean. . . the title. A collection of Merthur one shots. Everything you could ask for! Okay maybe not everything, but!! Don't fret, we have fluff...