I Would Take Every Bullet For...

By Demonofthefridge18

1K 71 178

Naruto is the top hitman who cannot be killed. He would shoot anyone for the right price, but he seems to be... More

Disney Princess
F is for Family


274 19 46
By Demonofthefridge18

Hinata shifted rather uncomfortably on the dark blue couch she sat on. She was in a huge living room with a large T.V, pool tables, arcade machines, and whatever more a man could dream in their personal bat cave. There was even a spot for a hot tub in the floor, but that's not why Hinata was feeling uneasy.
It was the very pale man that was standing in front of her wearing an all-black- shirt, gloves, and shoes.

She wouldn't be surprised if his underwear were black. His skin complexion with the dark colors gave him a ghostly touch. His void eyes staring intently at her. His arm was moving but his gaze stayed glued to her as he scribbled away in his book.

Hinata fiddled with her dress awkwardly, looking down and anywhere else she could look without making eye contact with the pale man. When she had woke up he was standing there drawing her and she was too scared to speak.

"Um..." Hinata mumbled a little, "H-Hello." She looked at the man as he finally stopped scribbling, his face warped in awe. Eyebrows raising but a fracture.

"Say that again." His voice was vacant of expression.
The girl looked confused at his statement.
He sighed with disappointment. "Ok, say 'Yes, Naruto. You are so smart. That is such a fantastic idea.' now you try."

Hinata had to hold back a giggle when he had tried to use a 'high pitch voice' to speak her part. He snapped in her face, getting her to focus.
"Come on now you can speak can't you." He said it as a question but his voice just sounded to drowned out it just sounded like a statement.

Hinata shifted awkwardly, "Y-Yes N-Naruto..-"

"What are you doing Sai?"

Hinata was interrupted by a boisterous voice. Walking around the couch was a tall man with wild hair on par with Naruto's, he had red triangles on his face and a toothy smile. He wore a leather jacket with fur on the top and no shirt on, black ripped jeans with chains on them.

When he caught her looking at him he growled towards her direction.

"Eep-" Hinata squeaked curling into herself.
"I'm on to you lady!" the man continued to growl at her, then there was another growl behind her making her yelp again. Whipping her head around she saw a large white dog, baring its angry teeth at her.

"Kiba, I think she had used her alluring voice to trap him. She sounds close to an angel." The man named Sai stared at her with what she had assumed was an accusing look.

"I-I don't understand." Hinata cowered into the couch trying to get away from the crazy pack, but they came closer corning her into the cushion.
"Oh! D-D-don't TRY to act innocent!" Kiba mocked her stutter, "I know you've probably done something to Naruto to make him go bonkers! With your lovely eyes-" Kiba grabbed her hair feeling it between his fingers with a questioning stare.

"Is it soft?" Sai looked experimentally over his shoulder.

"Hella soft!" Kiba yelled in anger.

"What?" Hinata was getting even more confused, they were making it seem like she was the bad guy for just being alive.

*Sniff sniff!* There was a loud sniffing on top of Hinata's head, blowing the hair into her face and all around. She closed her eyes as her hair moved about wildly. The dog was just too big to be a dog, more like a giant wolf!


"He's right! It smells good too!" Kiba tossed Hinata's hair back at her as if it offended him, smacking his hands together to clean off her dirt.
Hinata's brows scrunched up "Why d-does it matter?"

"Why does it matter? It matters because Naruto didn't take care of the job. I knew he'd fuck it up some way."

"Oh, the job..." Hinata looked down dejectedly. "Are you guys after the money too?"


"T-ten million?!" Hinata lit up in shock. "N-naruto didn't trade me in...for ten million...?"


"Mhm. You are gonna wanna take a look at this Kiba." Sai motioned Kiba over with a finger. Kiba slid over to investigate, eyes growing wide.
"Dear god. It's worse than I expected."

They looked at the drawing then at her and back at the drawing. The dog named Akamaru kept her corner as if she were going to run away.

"Y-You are making it seem like I'm some sort of s-s-"
"SUCCUBUS!" Kiba smacked the book loudly with a flat palm, grabbing it he flipped it around to show a lewd version of herself with horns and a tail, licking her fingers suggestively on top of a Naruto who's eyes looked like spirals. There was even a bowl of ramen that looked like it was heartbroken to see the scene going on before it's very eyes, like some lover.

"Naruto only looks at ramen like this!"

"Explain yourself."



They all leered at her, crowding her space.
She didn't know her head was worth Ten-million! Why would Naruto not take the money?

"Would you guys knock it off." A new voice echoed into the room.

Hinata piped up hoping it was someone with reason. A man walked in with a spiky ponytail and a bowl in his hand, the remote in his other. He had a scar that stretched across his left eye and one earing in both ears. He wore a tight white shirt and some grey sweatpants. If Hinata would have to guess it looked like he just woke up.

He plopped down in an armchair across from them, crossing his leg over as he turned on the television. He shimmied in his chair getting comfortable, eating his bowl of cereal.

"Come on, we know you are curious too Shikamaru." Kiba jumped in the way of the big screen, his body but blocking so much.

Shikamaru rolled his eyes and shooed him away with a wave of his hand.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know."
"How?" Sai questioned.

Hinata looked at him with wonder too.

Shikamaru eyes locked on to hers, calculating. "You offered to fulfill one of Naruto's fantasy, for the price on your head. No woman would ever accept such an offer if it weren't her life involved."

Kiba looked shocked. "You...you don't mean. No way."

"Impossible." Sai sat on the coffee table, even he looked surprised.

Hinata looked at the trio "Did what?"

"Yup. You did it didn't you?"
Hinata's eyes began to enlarge, what was this secret fantasy?

Kiba gulped looking away from her, no longer able to make eye contact.

"Have you no shame..." Sai muttered.

Even Akamaru scooted away from her.

"WHAT!" Hinata slammed her little fist down angrily.

Shikamaru pointed the remote at her, "You had sex with Naruto while he ate ramen off your body."



That was it. Hinata's face lit up red at the mere idea of it. If she weren't worried about her life she would've fainted. She was too embarrassed to answer so she shook her head back and forth in denial.

"You guys are planning it?" He rubbed his chin with the remote, in thought.

Hinata shook her head again, quickly.

"...You like ramen...?" Shikamaru scratched his head with the remote, thoroughly confused now.

"Pfft, no one likes ramen." Kiba rolled his eyes.
Sai snapped his fingers, "But if she does, that would explain..."

Hinata poked her fingers together, "Never had it..."


There was a stretch of quietness among the room, the television was on but not long after Shikamaru had turned it off and sat his bowl and remote down on the table. He clasped his hands in front of him looking up at her in anger.

"Tell us what you've done to him!" Shikamaru, her last hope had stood up with an accusing finger towards her.

"Oh no..." Hinata sighed, and just like that they were back on her like white on rice, demanding she tell them what she had did to their poor foolish Naruto.

Sasuke was sitting on a rock under the bridge. There were some people around that looked 'homeless' but they were apart of his crew. He was currently eating an apple with a blade. Cutting off thin slices before placing it into his mouth.

He was wearing his black and white military outfit and boots. He flicked his wrist, looking at his watch. Just as he did it started to beep. He touched the button on the side with a gloved hand, returning to eating his apple.

Sasuke closed his eyes '3..2..1-'

"SASSSSSSSGAAAAAYYYYYY!" There was a loud yell as the blonde boy jumped from above, screaming the whole way down until he hit the ground, creating dust to fly up in his wake.

The dark-haired male snorted. "Right on time dobe."
"Where is she." Naruto glared at him, fist on his hips.

"Did you bring my money?" Sasuke cut another piece of his apple, sliding it onto his tongue.

"First off Sasuke, do you have to be so extra? Just bite into the apple that's why you have teeth! Secondly, you and I both know I don't got that shit."
Sasuke stopped eating his apple, glaring at his rival and friend.

"So then I supposed I should take Hinata then? Problem solved."

"Nuh uh."

"Hm.. and here I thought you actually might have liked this girl," Sasuke smirked.

"Yeah...I do like her, that jump I did, landed on my feet would've been super cool if she were here but she wasn't here so she didn't see it. Thanks, teme."

"If you truly liked her you would've brought my money." Sasuke stood flicking his head towards him. On cue, the homeless men around them started circling Naruto. They wore long tattered capes with hoods and bandanas around their mouths. A glint of light shined on the blades that were underneath their cape.

Naruto looked at the group as they surrounded him, it was only six of them, he's seen worse odds.
Naruto shifted from one foot to another, "Well teme... if I could shit gold bricks I would've given it to you a long time ago-!"

Naruto ducked as someone came up behind, sweeping a large knife at him. He placed his hands on the ground as he swiped behind him with his right leg.

It hit the assailant's leg sending him toppling over with a grunt. In his squatting position, two more attackers came towards him on both sides with a roaring cry.

"Sasuke, sending your goons to do your dirty work..." Naruto lept high into the air, doing a splits kick to both of the men, successfully kicking them in the face. Both men fell to the ground as two more charged at him.

"Woah there-" Naruto spun around one and kicked him in the back, sending him flying into the other. The two toppled over to the ground as the last one jump into the air to attack from behind. Naruto grabbed his wrist and flung him over his back, slamming him to the ground with his own momentum.

"Sasuke, you really need to get better thugs," *CRACK*
"AHHHHH!" the goon screamed in pain as Naruto twisted the knife out of the man's hand.

"Oh and also," Naruto pouted towards Sasuke who was standing up with his arms crossed, greatly displeased at how quickly Naruto disbanded them.
"Why couldn't you have Hinata here tied up or something! Isn't that what most villains do! She could've been like wow Naruto, so cool! Sasuke sucks!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes picking up an assault rifle.
"Oh shit, don't do that!"

Sasuke aimed it at Naruto.

Naruto ran as Sasuke shot off the rifle, he lept from side to side getting hit for the most part.

"UGH!" Naruto made final dash towards the river and dived in with a splash, but Sasuke was quick on the onslaught.

He shot into the river as Naruto swam around trying to dodge the bullets whizzing past him in the water. He froggy swam around while he got shot.

Sasuke stopped firing seeing the amounts of blood that seeped to the surface. He tried to peer in to see where the blonde was, but he couldn't make out anything with the blood in the way.

Just as he got closer to look, a shadow rushed to the surface. Naruto popped out with a, "TAKE THIS !" and threw a rock at Sasuke's hand, knocking the gun out of his hand.

Naruto lept out of the water, kicking Sasuke before he could recover. Sasuke used the gun to block the kick, sending him flying backward onto his butt, he rolled over promptly getting to his feet.

Naruto pulled out his swords coming at Sasuke with a downward swipe. Using the gun again, Sasuke blocked the attack, holding his position as Naruto pushed into the gun with his swords.

"All this for money, you are like a brother to me!"
"Stop being dramatic, you owe me more than just 2.5 million dobe."


Sasuke pushed the gun to the ground, allowing Naruto to follow through with his cut and ditching the weapon.

"You crashed my car." Sasuke kicked forward and Naruto pulled back barely dodging it.

"I was drunk! Why did you let me drive!" Naruto tried to ready his swords but Sasuke grabbed his wrists.

"And you blew up one of my houses!" Sasuke snapped his head back and then forward, head butting the blonde.

Naruto stumbled letting his swords go. "Ack- I was trying to make waffles! Why is your shit so high tec!"
Sasuke pulled his fist up jabbing at Naruto like a boxer. "You also borrowed twenty of my men, all of which died! Twenty very skilled men!"

Naruto ducked and dodged as Sasuke walked him backward "Not my fault we walked into a trap- I thought you'd be happy I at least survived the blast!"
"Let's not forget all the money I let you borrow!" Sasuke grabbed Naruto by the shoulder, sending a knee to the boy's stomach. Naruto placed both hands out defending himself.

"OK ok! I get it!" Naruto pushed Sasuke back as he backed up with his hands up.

"I Naruto Uzumaki will pay you back. I will sell my cars, some of my houses, some of my ramen, whatever I need to do!" He raised his hands up in defeat.

Sasuke mean mugged him, "You always say that."
"I PROMISE! BLOOD OATH!" At that Naruto picked up his sword and cut into his thumb harshly, producing way more blood than needed. He held it out to show Sasuke.

"Blood Oath." Sasuke crossed his arms.
"What did I said." Naruto waved his bloody thumb in front of him, sending the droplets flying everywhere. "Do I need to cut off my hand!" Naruto went to put his wrist by the sword but Sasuke stopped him.
"Fine. You have three months."
"Deal!" Naruto grabbed Sasuke's hand with his non bleeding limb, and they shook on it.

"By the way... how much money would one of your men cost?" The two separated grabbing their weapons and began to walk towards the hideout.
"Each one of my men are proficient and loyal workes, I'd say each one would cost about 50,000."
"Ugh- seriously, fine."

One of Sasuke's men were calling out to them as they got closer. "Boss!"
"What?" Sasuke stopped in front of the man who was on the ground, the other man on his back with a knife in his chest.
"Ivern is dead sir."
Sasuke slowly looked at Naruto, his eyes lowering into slits.

"OK. That's not on my tab he was coming at me with a knife."

Naruto pointed at the man next to him, waving his finger at him, "He killed him! That's his knife I just kicked him into him!"

Sasuke said nothing as they continued to walk.
"Cut me some slack!"

Sooner than later, they were in the hideout, Naruto starting to get giddy to see his princess.
Sasuke stared at him from the corner of his eyes, the way he bounced happily, "I can't believe you would give up 10,000,000 for a mere girl."

"You would understand too if you had a heart, and it took a lot out of me. The woman is like a fuckin princess. I tried to make her seem evil and shit didn't work."

"You could've had your own ramen shop in a couple of areas."

Naruto pouted raising a fist into the air "Don't you think I thought of that first!?"
"Let me guess...did she agree to your secret fantasy? Was that the trade for her life?"

Naruto gasped in fear, "She can never know about that! YOU HEAR ME! NEVERRR!"

"Tsk. Yeah, she'd probably run for the hills if you told her." Sasuke let out a small snicker as they arrived at the doors. He nodded at the guards pushing it open.

"Hinata!" Naruto ran in stopping in the living room, but no one was there.
"Where is she?" Naruto looked around picking up some pillows.

"I left her here." Sasuke pulled out his phone unlocking it with a few taps.

"What the heck..." Naruto picked up Sai's book, a picture of a lewd Hinata and him were drawn in great detail, with a sexy looking ramen cup crying in the back. How did he even pull that off? "Sai, you perv..."


"What? I don't like that. Hm can mean anything. What is it!" Naruto rushed over to Sasuke to read the text message.

'We've decided to take Hinata to receive the money. This succubus will not take over Naruto. Arph! Akamaru agrees.'
- WolfRain

"THEY! THEY WHAT!" Naruto started pacing around pulling at his blonde hair.
"They didn't go out the front, must of went outback. This was sent ten minutes ago can't be far."

The two ran at full speed out the back, running down the hall and up the stairs, Naruto busted open the door making the guards look at him in confusion.
"WERE DID THEY GO!" Naruto shouted at the guard making him sweat as he pointed a shaky finger behind him.

"Naruto?" A familiar voice called to him.
Naruto whipped around excitedly "HINA...what..."
Just outside of the hideout were Hinata, Kiba, Sai, Akamaru, and of all people Shikamaru. They were sitting on a blanket having a nice little picnic with flower crowns on their head. Akamaru sat comfortably on the side of Hinata with his own crown of flowers. The sun beamed down upon them as some butterflies and wildlife sautered passed the scene.

They were eating cubed sandwiches and drinking tea, the only thing they were missing was the pretty doll dresses.

"What the fuck..." Sasuke was beyond baffled, "I thought you guys were gonna take her for the money."

"SHE'S AN ANGEL!" Kiba cried with tears and sipping his tea with passion.
Naruto began to laugh while elbowing a very confused Sasuke in the side. "Told you so."

AUTHOR NOTE: Thank you guys so much for the love! Glad you guys are liking this silly fic and let me know what part was your favorite. Till next time :)!

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