The Rogue Soldier (COMPLETED)

By janelovesbooks_

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You think your life sucks? Get a load of Lynn's. She's been a good girl her whole life, even thought her moth... More

Chapter 1- Old Friends
Chapter 2- My Wolf Loves Channing Tatum
Chapter 3- Nick
Chapter 4- I'm Your Mate
Chapter 5- This Means War
Chapter 6- A Few Flashbacks
Chapter 7- An Injured Doomsday Prepper
Chapter 8- Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater
Chapter 10- My Private Island Calls To Me
Chapter 11: Return of My Parental Unit
Chapter 12- Die Mother, Die
Chapter 13
Chapter 14- Motor Troubles
Chapter 15- Daddy's Here
Chapter 16- Alpha Jack Vex
Chapter 17- The Conclusion
Final A/N + Sequel Info

Chapter 9

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By janelovesbooks_

Sleepwalking down the road
I'm not waking from these dreams
'Cause it's never dead
It's still my head
It was a warzone in my teens
I'm still standing on that street
Still need an enemy
The worst ones I can't see
But you can, you can

Cedarwood Road -U2

-Tate's POV-

After Lynn left me, all I could do was mope. I love her. She is my mate, but she rejected me. I was kissing that girl... But it felt like Lynn. I knew something was off but I was so happy she was kissing me I just ignored it. Lynn has been betrayed too many times to think I would tell the truth.


I take Lynn's hand and leads her up to the fourth floor. Here, I inserts the key into the doorknob and open it slowly. "This is my room. I was wondering, my mate, if you would like to stay here with me?" I'm a bit nervous to ask her.

"Sure." She says, and shrugs. I feel myself smiling uncontrollable and beaming like an idiot.

"Great!" I exclaim.

Lynn shrugs again. "Lemme just go grab my stuff." She announces.

A little while later, I feel Lynn come into the room. She covers my eyes and turns me around, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. It just feels... off. Like I'm missing something. We're both shirtless, and are continuing our kiss, when someone clears their throat. I look at the girl I was just kissing, and think with my wolf for a second.

Oh shit! My wolf says, glancing at Lynn, who just came up the stairs.

"Like, what do you, like, want?" The girl I was just kissing says in a high pitched, valley girl voice. How did I not notice this before?

"Just coming to tell Tate that I was leaving." Lynn says, looking at me. I put up a wall. My face is completely emotionless.

"And why would we, like, care, like, at all, likeeeee?" She says.

Lynn sneers at her. "Because the rogue in the basement is coming with me." She announces. Turning to me, she says, "I'm not asking for permission. I'm telling you."

I turn to the girl and say, "Babe can we continue this later?"

She nods and walks down the stairs, but no before she tries to knock Lynn's shoulder with hers. Lynn stands like a statue, and I hear fake Lynn rebound off of her. She is absolutely pathetic.

I smile at Lynn. "Isn't she sweet?" I say, because I know the girl is still listening. After this, I'm sure she thinks I'll ask the real Lynn to leave and she'll be Luna. As if.

"Yeah. Just as sweet as salt." She tells me. "I'm taking the rogue. And I, Rogue Lynn Decri, reject you, Alpha Tate."

As she speaks the words, something seems to click in my head. "What? No!"

She just smiles, waves, and tries to walk away. I reach out and grab her shoulder, turning her around.

"What did you do?" I asks her, my voice containing obvious pain.

"I dunno. What did you do?" She asks me. I realize what she thinks I just did, and how betrayed by me she feels.

My voice is exasperated. "She's my ex fiancé Lynn! I was in the room and she kissed me and I thought it was you."

"I'm sure that's true." She says. Under her breath I hear her mumble, "Bitch isn't even smart enough to tie her shoe. No way she's that conniving."

I hear her, and say with a heartbroken voice, "I'm so sorry Lynn."

"You know what sucks?" She asks me. "Being rejected. But you know what sucks more? Being rejected twice, having a shitty mother, a shittier father. Having no friends, and the ones you do have are fake. Being blown up. Waking up in a hospital. Saying I love you, and not having the other person say it back. I've had a pretty shitty life Tate. And you're not making it any easier." She tells me. "Goodbye Tate."

-End of Flashback-

My heart is broken. There is a girl who is going to pay for this somewhere in my pack. My mate rejected me. I love her. My mate has run away, and has another mate chasing her.

Yeah. My life sucks right now.

I can't believe Lynn just left like that. And she took the rogue.

She's probably gonna hunt down her ex-mate. My wolf says. Hopefully she kills him.

Lynn is a strong woman, physically and mentally. She endured a land mine for gods sake! She was rejected, has bad parents she refuses to tell me about, and had fake friends. I recall how she spoke to me before she left. She never once yelled. It was as if she was explaining something to a small child in an extremely oversimplified way.

She broke my heart, and the only thing I can think to do is talk to Hank. He arrived a while ago, then Lynn got her keys back on her way out. I imagine she told him what happened. Maybe even where she's going. I hope he can tell me, I mean, I know he's human so it's hard for him to get werewolves, witches, vampires and other supernaturals, but if I want him to believe me I need him to understand what was happening. Being bewitched is not a pleasant experience.

"Hey Hank!" I call, walking faster to catch him.

"What?" He spits and turns to glare at me.

"Can I talk to you?" I ask him.

"Apparently you're not too good at this. Let me simplify it: Lynn is the strongest person I know. Period. End of debate. She's had a rough life with her parents and the first rejection. She found a home in the military. Then she got blown up. She finds a second mate and is happy for the first time in forever. Lynn is never really happy, it's all just a mask. When she met you, the mask went away and she was genuinely happy. You had to go and ruin it didn't you! Lynn is the kindest person on the inside but her life has been making her bitter. You were supposed to fix that! Make her happy, and she deserves to be happy! But no! You went and kissed another girl in front of of her! IN FUCKING FRONT OF HER! You just lost any trust, respect, or hope I had in you." He is breathing hard by the time he's finished, and my aching heart cracks even more.

"I'm sorry for what I did, and I know I need to tell her that! She left before I could."

He holds up his hand in the universal motion for 'stop'. "You had plenty of chances to apologize, and you didn't take any of them. Why?"

"The person I was kissing was my ex fiancé. She is familiar to me, so my wolf and I both thought it was her." I tell him.

His face softens a bit and he asks, "Why didn't you tell Lynn that?"

"I tried to, but she doesn't believe me." I practically plead with him to believe me.

"Lynn has major trust issues. Probably has something to do with awful parent #1 and #2 and asshole alpha #1 and, now #2." Hank says.

I chuckle at that one. Hank is a nice guy, but now I need to drill him for Lynnformation. (A/n: see what I did there😉)

Hank smiles when he sees the determination enter my face. "She didn't tell me where she was going." He says.

"I didn't think she would. Where do you think she would go though?" I ask him absentmindedly.

"Either to Aly's house, my house, her house, or her beach home. Or she ran." Hank says.

Let's start looking. "Thanks." I tell Hank.

I call all my hunters and trackers together, and tell them to find Lynn. Hank provides us the address for the places she may have gone and all I can do now is wait.

I hope she comes back to me.


-Lynn's POV-

What an asshole. The only thought I can come up with.

In my anger, I speed up my car, tearing down the highway.

The idiot in the backseat chuckles, amused at my anger. "Remember, I can kill you without hesitation. Just a little snap... the neck is so very fragile you know." I say in a disconnected voice. His chuckling is immediately silenced. I slow the car, and pull off the highway. My house is just up here. I need clothes, then I can disappear.

I own an island off of Europe, so it shouldn't be hard to avoid contact.

Should I release my captive? Maybe. Maybe being heartless was overrated. Nah. Being heartless was a defense. My heart was too raw to allow anyone near it anyways.

Especially after the rejection. The rejections. The many, many rejections of my life.

I think I'm depressed.



Love y'all


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