After Crossing, I Marked the...

By Xiaoshuo_

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Once crossing, Shen Han not only became a top alpha in the abo world, but also awakened the fire element abil... More

Chapter 01-10
Chapter 11-20
Chapter 21-30
Chapter 31-40
Chapter 41-50
Chapter 51-60
Chapter 71-80
Chapter 81-90
Chapter 091-100
Chapter 101-110
Chapter 111-120
Chapter 121-130
Chapter 131-140
Chapter 141-150
Chapter 151-160
Chapter 161-170
Chapter 171-180
Chapter 181-190
Chapter 191-200
Chapter 201-210
Chapter 211-220
Chapter 221-225

Chapter 61-70

792 24 7
By Xiaoshuo_

Chapter 61 Come To My Room Tonight

    The van was driving on the not-so-wide streets of the market town.

    Listening to the humming engine noise in his ears, Shen Han couldn't help thinking in his heart: The awesome agents in the movie seem to be able to remember the direction and distance of the vehicle under such circumstances, and finally be able to pass the memory Finding the enemy's base is really amazing.

    You can't do it yourself.

    I can only perform accurate real-time positioning through ear studs. This is probably the way technology changes life.

    I don't know how the progress of classmate Gu is going?

    That annoying and self-righteous Commander's sister, don't let people make any more troubles, right?

    the same moment.

    The student Gu, who was thinking about in Shen Han's mind, was sitting in the simple office in the camp.

    In front of her stood two staff members, one of whom was reporting information.

    "Today, the unannounced visit team went to 6 places, and what they learned was similar to what you had guessed before. None of the 3 households you visited yesterday were really poor households."

    "In some small township enterprises, There is also the case of paying 'member money'. If they resist, the company will be subject to various routine inspections, and then be shut down for rectification. Compared with the losses caused by the suspension of work, they would rather choose to give up their money and avoid disasters. "The

    first staff member finished reporting, and the second person spoke up.

    "Your Majesty, the progress on my side is not very smooth. The three local authorities are cooperating with each other. I'm afraid it will be difficult to conquer in a short time."

    Gu Junwan was silent for a while, then raised her eyes to look at herself the two 'warriors'.

    "Have you heard the allusion 'two peaches kill three scholars'?" The

    two shook their heads honestly.

    Gu Junwan didn't give a shit, just reminded the two of them in her own words a little story that Shen Han had told her.

    "If you want to disintegrate the unity of the other party, sometimes you don't need to work hard to overcome difficulties, come up with something that each of them is very eager to get, and let them fight on the shoulders of the alliance."

    "Three people in the same boat, But only two people have the opportunity to step on the bigger stage, and no one will be willing to be the one who is excluded from the boat."

    "Be good at using conspiracy, you don't have to worry about their intentions being seen by them, as long as the things you give are They don't want to give up no matter what, they just need to wait for a crack to appear between them." After the van of the


    Gang stopped, Wang Wei immediately turned his head and said to the two team leaders, "Don't worry about it first. Take off the hood, wait for a specific location, and then follow the orders." As

    soon as the voice fell, the door of the van was pulled open.

    An arm firmly supported Shen Han's arm and led her out of the car.

    When passing some stairs, the person who led the way would remind her to pay attention to her feet.

    Shen Han followed the other party for 10 minutes before he felt that he had come to a noisy room.

    The hood that blocked the view was gently removed.

    After getting used to the indoor light, Shen Han half-squinted his eyes and began to look around.

    This is a somewhat rudimentary conference room with a projection screen hanging on the wall in front of it, and a few scattered sets of tables and chairs are placed under the projection screen.

    The surrounding walls are a little mottled, and the window lattices also have a feeling of disrepair.

    Shen Han and a group of people stood in the middle of the conference room, and most of them had a trace of novelty and excitement on their faces.

    I guess they don't come here often.

    Eight members, including Wang Wei, stood at the front.

    They should all be deacons.

    Before the main participants were present, several active team leaders began to chat with each other.

    "How long have you been the team leader?"

    "One month and five days, how about you, brother?"

    "My business skills are a little worse. I have been the team leader for three months, and this is the first time I have come back to the branch."

    At this time, a man asked Shen Han with a smile: "This team leader, how about you?"

    Shen Han raised his wrist and looked at his watch, then replied: "Oh, I have been the team leader for 5 hours and 20 hours. It's been a few minutes."

    A group of team leaders: "..."

    Nima, half a day is half a day, is it necessary to calculate so accurately?

    In order to ease the atmosphere, the man who had spoken to Shen Han before quickly changed the subject.

    "By the way, how many tasks have your deacons set for you next month?"




    Everyone talked around, and finally it was Shen Han's turn.

    She looked at Wang Wei who was talking to people in front of her, and said to the group leaders around her, "I plan to set a small goal of 3 million for our group's executives."

    Everyone suddenly A moment of silence.

    Where did this pretender come from? Can you speak well!

    Just embarrassed, a man and two women walked in from the door at this time, and greeted by the deacons, went straight to the front and took their seats.

    To Shen Han's slight surprise, the person sitting in the center seat was an Omega dressed as a lady.

    The other party is about 30 years old, and the skin is well maintained, and there are light blue rhinestones attached to the corner of one eye.

    When she raised her eyes to look at people, the halo at the corner of her eyes would also flicker, giving people a feeling of being paid special attention to by the other party.

    Shen Han turned his wrist calmly, inserted the gap, and aimed the dial straight ahead.

    "Begin the meeting, please report to the executives about your recent work. After that, I will convey the tasks announced by the president."

    Omega, who looked like a lady, was the first to speak, and there was a mature female voice in her voice. Unique grace.

    When she was talking, Shen Han obviously felt that several alhas around him were peeking at each other.

    'It seems that the one who spoke out should be the vice president. I wonder what mission she will convey to everyone later? '

    I was thinking like this when suddenly, Wang Wei's voice came out.

    "Vice President Chen, I'm sorry for interrupting your meeting. I have to report a situation to you first." After speaking

    , Wang Wei turned to look at Shen Han.

    "New team leader, don't you want to take over my position as deacon? Now I'll give you this opportunity, you should stand up and tell the vice president in person."

    Wang Wei put it together, but Shen Han didn't feel it. to get angry.

    She walked out of the team leader's team with a calm expression, and then said to the three people sitting in front: "I am indeed a newcomer, but I feel that as long as I give me a little time, I will definitely be able to do better than Wang Wei. You can give me a chance."

    When Shen Han was talking, Chen Yanjiao was always looking at the other party, and there was a glimmer of gleam in her eyes.

    In fact, from the moment she stepped into this conference room, she had noticed the unusual alha.

    The other party's dress didn't really stand out, and even the matching of the printed shirt and jeans was a little dirty.

    He is quite tall, but his muscles are darker, and his bangs are almost blocking his eyes.

    But some people are like this, no matter how much she hides it, in the eyes of those who care, you can still see the light on her body.

    From Chen Yanjiao's point of view, that alha stood in a group of greedy group members, and his temperament was as clean as a crystal stone in the river sand!

    Shen Han knew that in this situation, the more he said, the more disadvantageous it would be.

    So, she simply followed Wang Wei's routine.

    Look at the reaction of the vice president first, and then you can see the tricks for yourself.

    Chen Yanjiao did not follow her routine.

    The plump and charming Omega leaned forward slightly, put a palm on his cheek, and asked with a smile, "How is your ability?"

    Shen Han immediately replied: "It must be stronger than Wang Wei, Guang Guang It was this afternoon, and I have already completed 40,000."

    Hearing this, Wang Wei couldn't help but scolded his mother in his heart.

    How much water does your 40,000 business have, do you have no idea in your heart? He paid 10,000 yuan by himself, and even grabbed a passbook from the members of the organization!

    Now that you are reporting this to the vice president blatantly, are you embarrassed?

    Chen Yanjiao smiled and shook her head: "I didn't ask about your business ability, I asked about your ability in other areas."

    When she said the last sentence, Chen Yanjiao deliberately slowed down her voice.

    The sexual innuendo contained in that soft voice was too obvious.

    Immediately, the eyes of several alhas shot towards Shen Han enviously.

    Shen Han didn't answer, but secretly cursed his mother in his heart.

    What are you doing? Did I get into a porn organization?

    There is no professional ethics at all. When I look back, I will let my classmate Gu take you out of the nest!

    Seeing the alha in front of him froze in place and didn't make a sound.

    Chen Yanjiao asked again with a smile: "I'll give you two choices now, one is to come to my room tonight and let me see your abilities;

    The second is to spend the night in the warehouse with a group of stinky fish and rotten shrimp. You can answer me after you think it through. "

    Shen Han took out his wallet, slapped his palm and questioned the other party: "You are a dignified vice president, is the pattern so small?"

    I'm here to make money, but you're always talking about all that nonsense. Are you worthy of the members who came to the meeting overnight? "

    Chen Yanjiao crossed her arms around her chest and leaned her body back on the back of the chair.

    Then she turned her head to the left and right alha and instructed: "Take her down and put her in the warehouse." "

    A group of alhas in the venue immediately moved, pulled Shen Han's arm, and escorted her out of the conference room.

    Shen Han did not resist the whole process, and let the people around him push him. On the

    road, he complained indignantly: " You say, is this my problem? Is this how you usually hold meetings? Really disappointed me! "

    Several alhas looked at her as if they were fools. But their

    hearts were inexplicably sour: There are too many people in the rich and noble gang who want to climb on Vice President Chen's bed. Are your brains made of steel bars? But

    they turned around. These people shut Shen Han into the warehouse, and once the iron door was locked, they continued to rush to the conference room for the meeting.

    Shen Han was not idle either, she looked at how many people were closed in this dim room. , adjusted his mind a little, raised his foot and walked towards one of them.

    At noon the next day, the iron door of the warehouse was opened.

    Wearing a light skirt, Chen Yanjiao twisted her waist and walked in, followed by There were several men who looked like bodyguards.

    She walked straight to Shen Han and looked at the alha whose hair was a little messy in front of her. For some reason

    , although she didn't smell the pheromone on her body, she still wanted to get closer each other's impulses.

    "Have you figured it out all night? As long as you nod your head, I'll take you out of here." As Chen Yanjiao said, she stretched out her hand to caress the profile of the person in front of her.

    Shen Han stepped back and directly avoided the opponent's touch.

    She shook her head and said, "I don't want to go out. Everyone here is talented, and they speak nicely. I like them very much."

    Chen Yanjiao: "..."

    A group of bodyguards: "???"
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After crossing, I marked the Empress
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Chapter 62

    Before becoming the vice president of the Fugui Gang, Chen Yanjiao worked in sales for several years.

    She has seen many people of all shapes and sizes, even if she calls herself 'reading countless people', it is no exaggeration.

    But she has never met someone like 'Shen Nuan' in front of her.

    The temperament seems to be so pure and harmless, but the words that are said can really anger people.

    Chen Yanjiao frowned tightly, she felt that if she continued to stay, she would have to get a wrinkle removal needle tomorrow.

    "Since she likes it here so much, let her stay in the warehouse for a few more days."

    After leaving such a sentence, Chen Yanjiao turned around and walked towards the door.

    But when she just stepped out of the iron gate, she suddenly thought of something interesting. After raising her lips and smiling, she returned to the warehouse with the bodyguards.

    Seeing them go and return, Shen Han was a little unsure of each other's intentions for a while.

    She placed her right palm lightly on the side seam of the jeans, where there were several gadgets mainly made of carbon fiber.

    I thought to myself: If my identity was exposed, I would have to end this operation early.

    Chen Yanjiao brought people back to 'Shen Nuan'.

    She raised her chin slightly and stared at the alha in front of her with a half-smile.

    Suddenly, she quickly brought her body closer to the other party, giggled and said: "You deliberately want to get mad at me? Do you dare to be alone with me? Or is there another purpose?"

    Shen Han originally planned to restrain the other party. Give her another anti-knuckle.

    But after hearing what the other party said, she knew that her identity should not have been exposed.

    As a result, she changed her aggressive movements, her body vibrated slightly, resolved her strength, and took two steps back.

    "What other purpose can I have? Didn't I tell you, I came here to make money?"

    Hearing the words of alha in front of him, he looked at the other party's appearance that he was 'scared' by himself.

    Chen Yanjiao suddenly felt happy.

    That feeling is like finding an interesting toy that I haven't played with.

    She winked at the other party, not shy about the existence of other people around her, and said, "If you want to make money, that's ok! Please wait for me first, then I'll let you do it, okay?

    " A mature and charming Omega said such blunt and explicit words.

    Several bodyguards in the warehouse and other people who were detained here suddenly felt dry, wishing that they could replace the ignorant alha.

    Shen Han looked at the scorching eyes of the other party and the shimmering crystal diamonds at the corners of the other party's eyes, and felt that both of his eyeballs were hurting.

    At this moment, Chen Yanjiao stretched out her palm to the side: "Give me your gun."

    The bodyguard standing beside her was stunned for a moment, then quickly took out her pistol from the holster, and handed it to the other party's palm respectfully. .

    Shen Han saw that the gun didn't open the insurance, but he was not in a hurry.

    However, she still showed just the right amount of astonishment: "Vice President, what are you doing?"

    Chen Yanjiao didn't answer her, but said to her bodyguard, "Get everyone else here out for me, Then you all go out too."

    Hearing this order, the bodyguard who gave her the gun just now said hesitantly, "Sister Jiao, her name is alha, you are too dangerous."

    Chen Yanjiao smiled and reached out to open the gun. Insurance.

    Then he held the pistol and pressed the muzzle lightly against the bodyguard's chest: "Really? You are also alha, why don't you come and guess, is your skill faster or my bullet faster?"

    The bodyguard was about to break out in cold sweat.

    He knew that the other party was just frightening him, but no one could guarantee that the gun would suddenly go off.

    In the next minute or so, the idle people in the warehouse retreated cleanly, leaving only Shen Han and Chen Yanjiao.

    After experiencing the scene just now, Shen Han could not help but secretly raise the danger level of the woman in front of him by one level.

    However, the other party drove the rest out, which in disguise increased her safety factor.

    After hearing the sound of the iron door of the warehouse closing, Chen Yanjiao turned off the gun's insurance.

    "What level of alha are you?"

    Shen Han thought for a while and replied, "It's still at the level of team leader."

    Chen Yanjiao rolled her eyes silently, and then began to release her pheromones.

    "It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it, I can try it myself."

    The sweet aroma of peach quickly burst out, and it quickly enveloped the space between alha and Omega.

    The underground warehouse, which was originally full of dullness and dampness, also became fragrant and sweet at this moment.

    Chen Yanjiao stared straight at the prey in front of her.

    She has always been confident in her pheromone attraction.

    In fact, she was able to hold the position of vice president, and her pheromone taste that most alhas could not resist played a decisive role.

    However, Shen Han was not in the ranks of most alhas.

    Omega pheromones below the s level basically don't have much effect on her.

    Not to mention the fact that the escort team also undergoes special willpower training every once in a while.

    Over time, the atmosphere in the warehouse gradually became awkward.

    She didn't know if she was tired or anxious, but Chen Yanjiao's face turned a little red.

    She gritted her silver teeth and said to the alha in front of her: "You're not responding? Is there something wrong with your glands, or" The

    last half of the sentence "You're an S-class" hasn't had time to say.

    Shen Han staggered back a few steps while clutching his chest, and said in pain, "Don't do this to me, I'm so uncomfortable!"

    Seeing the other party act so fake, Chen Yanjiao laughed angrily.

    Just when she was going to continue to tease the super interesting alha in front of her, the voice of the bodyguard suddenly came from outside the door: "Sister Jiao, the president is here, I'm looking for you in a hurry."

    "Understood, I'll be right here. She hurriedly replied to the

    door, and Chen Yanjiao looked at Shen Han with a smile and said, "I'll go and work for a while, and then we'll continue after I'm done."

    After speaking, she didn't dare to delay here, and threw it at Shen Han. With a wink, he quickly left the warehouse.

    Until I heard the sound of a lock coming from outside the iron gate.

    Shen Han took out the head of a screwdriver from the side seam of his jeans.

    She climbed to the top of one of the walls with her bare hands, removed the vent cover, and slipped out down the duct.

    It was not until he climbed up on a roof that Shen Han realized that the place he was in turned out to be a farmhouse.

    There was a faint sound of playing mahjong not far away.

    She pondered to herself while looking for traces of the members of the Fugui Gang.

    My luck is actually quite good. Although I was locked up for one night, now I am waiting for the self-injection of the president.

    As long as he finds valid evidence, he can immediately press another signal transmitter that was agreed in advance, and let Classmate Gu arrange for someone to come and take down this pyramid scheme.

    After looking around, he didn't find any suspected members of the Rich Gang, so Shen Han simply quietly searched next to the room.

    Anyway, this farmhouse is not particularly big, even if you secretly run through every house, it will not take more than half an hour.

    Just when Shen Han 'flying over the eaves and walking the wall' began to look for someone.

    Gu Junwan is sitting in a vehicle that looks ordinary but has reached the bulletproof level.

    The front and rear of the body are protected by the modified car of the escort team, and the team is galloping towards the market town.

    Gu Junwan didn't rest well last night.

    Because the little red dot on her tablet that represents Shen Han's position has been in the same place since a certain moment.

    If it weren't for the fact that the little red dot was still moving in a small area, she would have sent someone to kill it last night.

    And the worry in her heart finally turned into anxiety as it approached noon today.

    Because the little red dot on the tablet is still in the same place.

    Gu Junwan didn't want to sit in the camp passively and wait for news, so she issued a few instructions to let the relevant departments take people to the vicinity where Shen Han and Ma Haoyu were positioned to guard.

    She herself set off secretly with a small group of people and drove towards the location of Shen Han.

    Just now, the little red dot on the tablet finally moved, and the big stone that had been hanging in Gu Junwan's heart for a night was slowly put down.

    Now that the convoy had entered the market town, there was no need to return immediately. She slowed the vehicle down a bit and continued to approach the position indicated by the positioning.

    Xu Zhao, who was sitting in the passenger seat, knew that his daughter-in-law had hardly slept all night, so she turned her head and whispered to the other party: "Your Majesty, or I will come and read the news, you can squint in the car for a while."

    Gu Junwan slightly He lowered his eyes and saw that the little red dot on the tablet had been spinning around in a small area.

    Although he couldn't guess what Shen Han was doing now, he felt that the other party seemed to be very busy.

    Imagining his silly jumping, Omega felt that his fatigue had also eased a lot.

    So she rejected Xu Zhao's proposal.

    Xu Tesuke knew that his daughter-in-law had always been one of the best, so he didn't persuade him any more.

    After sitting up straight, she began to look sideways at the market town street outside the glass window.

    The beta driver in charge of driving is still taciturn, and his heart is unparalleled.

    Your Majesty has worked so hard, not only to keep an eye on national affairs, but also to be distracted to watch this kind of special action in person.

    In other words, it seems that I haven't seen Captain Shen in the past two days. Could it be her who went out to perform the mission this time?

    Oops! His Majesty's attitude towards Captain Shen seems to be very different.


    Shen Han searched for more than 20 minutes, and finally found Chen Yanjiao's figure.

    It was a two-story brick building.

    Shen Han stepped on the fuselage of the air conditioner's outdoor unit and leaned on the edge of a half-opened window.

    A watch with a camera function has been held in her mouth, recording everything that happens in the house.

    In the luxuriously decorated room, a middle-aged man with a pot belly was digging out the contents of the safe.

    Chen Yanjiao sat beside the middle-aged man, lowered her eyes, and summarized and organized the items.

    The two were very busy.

    The middle-aged man stuffed a small pile of gold bars into the briefcase he brought and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

    He looked at the low-brow pleasing appearance of Omega next to him, and his throat couldn't help rolling twice.

    "Why do I always smell a peach scent? Is it because I've been too busy lately to feed you?"

    Chen Yanjiao slapped away the palm of the other party's hand that had been stretched out to her chest, and frowned, "Don't make trouble, let's do business first, I said why are you suddenly transferring these things?" The

    middle-aged man lit a cigarette and lay on his back. On the bed, he said slowly: "I received news last night that the federal government wants to bring two cadres to our place. I've been looking forward to that position for many years. Shouldn't it be prepared in advance?"

    "I'm hiding here. With so much black material from those two dogs, if they dare to join forces to deal with me, I will report all these things anonymously, and no one should think about it!"
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After crossing, I marked the Empress
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Chapter 63 Bring it to you!

    I don't know if the temperature has rebounded or not, but it seems that the pause button has been pressed in the rainy weather for the past few days.

    The lazy sun hangs in the air, the sun is not hot, but it gives people a drowsy feeling.

    A drop of sweat rolled down from his forehead and fell into Shen Han's eyes, bringing out a little soreness and tingling.

    Perhaps it was because he hadn't eaten or had water since last night, so this S-class alha was not at his peak at the moment.

    In fact, it doesn't matter how many meals you are hungry, but if you can't get water for a long time, no one can't bear it.

    Fortunately, the two presidents in the room were 'empathetic'.

    They not only actively exposed a lot of information, but even packaged important materials.

    Shen Han slammed outside the window, slowly blinking his eyes.

    She was a little surprised, because from the information obtained from the middle-aged man, it was not difficult to infer that the other party should be the number one or two leaders in this area.

    'It turns out that the people in power here are also working part-time as MLM chiefs. No wonder the federal government can't afford the thieves' den every year. '

    I was thinking so.

    Not far downstairs, a man's scolding suddenly came: "What are you doing? Are you stealing?"

    Hearing this voice, Chen Yanjiao and the middle-aged man both turned their heads to look at the window.

    at the same time.

    Shen Han kicked his legs and jumped into the house while supporting the windowsill.

    She stuffed the watch camera in her pocket, jumped in front of Chen Yanjiao and the two in three or two steps, and reached out to copy a bulging waterproof backpack beside the bed.

    "Bring it to you!"

    After dropping such a sentence.

    Shen Han was already carrying his backpack and rushed to the window, and flexibly and quickly turned out the window.

    The whole process is a long story, but in fact, it took less than 10 seconds in total from someone making a noise outside the window to Shen Han rummaging into the house to grab a bag and leave.

    The middle-aged man who was half lying on the bed couldn't even recover from this series of changes.

    "No! That alha must be an undercover agent, she can't be allowed to run away!"

    Hearing Chen Yanjiao's cry, the middle-aged man just bounced off the bed with a 'fuck' sound.

    He rolled and crawled to the window and shouted down: "Grab that alha with a waterproof backpack! No matter the cost, hurry up! If you can't catch her, everyone will stop working here!"

    Compared with the big boss who was aware of it later, the bodyguard who found Shen Han downstairs reacted very quickly.

    From the moment Shen Han turned through the window, he pressed the walkie-talkie and started calling.

    Right now, he watched the other party roll over and fall from the window, and while announcing his position on the walkie-talkie, he rushed up with his stick.

    When Shen Han landed, he found that the soles of his feet were faintly weak.

    She didn't dare to stay here and fight with people. After she avoided the swinging stick from the opponent, she continued to bow her waist and rushed towards the main entrance of the farmhouse like a cheetah.

    Halfway through, she quickly raised her hand and twisted the left ear stud, sending a signal to Gu Junwan.

    This is the plan they made early in the morning.

    Sending this signal means that Shen Han needs emergency reinforcements.

    Of course, reinforcements cannot fall from the sky immediately.

    Therefore, Shen Han still needs to solve the current predicament by himself.

    At this time, two bodyguards who came to bite her behind.

    One of them held the walkie-talkie and shouted: "The other party is running towards the gate now, where is Lao Li? Let Lao Li lock the iron door for me!"

    Hearing the roar from behind, Shen Han felt a little bad in his heart.

    She felt that she might be dehydrated. Although her head was still clear, her limbs felt a little frivolous.

    In this case, she couldn't fight with so many people on the other side.

    Quick thinking in my heart: I have to think of a way to get rid of those pursuers far away!

    Long-term special training keeps alha calm and calm.

    While running, she grabbed a bottle of water on the mahjong table, unscrewed the bottle cap and quickly squeezed the water into her mouth.

    The cool mineral water was poured frantically, which relieved the burning sensation in Alha's chest to a great extent.

    Shen Han squinted his eyes, suddenly changed direction, and rushed towards a motorcycle that had not had time to turn off.

    A bodyguard asked on the walkie-talkie: "Lao Li has been notified to close the gate, where is the target person? Report her current situation."

    "She just grabbed a bottle of mineral water, and now she wants to grab a motorcycle."

    "Received! I'm here to prepare vehicles just in case, you continue to intercept."

    Perhaps for the sake of concealment, this farmhouse is really open to the outside world and doing business.

    The bodyguards didn't dare to shoot, and the motorcycle that Shen Han picked belonged to a tourist who just got off the mahjong table and was about to ride.

    When the tourist just saw a group of people chasing a person, he sat happily in the car and smoked.

    I never thought that when I was eating melons, I was involved in the melon fields.

    He hurriedly jumped out of his car and hid away with a cigarette in his mouth.

    Frightened, I didn't forget to take out my phone and plan to take a small video.

    As a result, before the phone could be unlocked, the alha who was being chased rushed to the gate on a motorcycle.

    Old Li, who was in charge of guarding the gate, was still lying in the duty room chasing idol dramas, holding a tissue and crying.

    After hearing the voice from the walkie-talkie, his first reaction was to run to the bathroom and wipe his face with a towel.

    Then he ran out in his slippers and closed the door.

    I prayed in my heart: Don't let acquaintances see what I look like now.

    The big iron gate had just been pushed halfway, and a motorcycle was already roaring out.

    The bodyguard chasing behind was panting.

    Seeing that the person designated by the boss to be arrested ran out, several people rushing in front started scolding Lao Li.

    "If you can't even close a door, it's more useful for the boss to keep a dog than you!"

    "Now we're all done, let's just pack up and leave!" The

    captain of the bodyguard shouted, preventing everyone from this meaningless abuse.

    "I'm going to chase Lao Tzu on a bike, and scolding Lao Li for his uselessness. Lao Tzu tells you that if you can't chase that person back, the boss will make you cry worse than Lao Li!"

    A group of bodyguards chased out on motorcycles. .

    The warm-hearted cleaning aunts rushed over to comfort Lao Li.

    "Let's not cry. I guess they are in a hurry. I heard that the boss dropped something." "Then they can't open their mouths and     scold

    people. It's too bullying."

It's so complicated.

    "I'm not, I didn't cry, stop talking."


    Shen Han rode his motorcycle on the bumpy dirt road, chasing a dozen people behind him.

    Some were riding alone, and several were carrying two people, the one in front was focused on driving, while the one in the back was shouting loudly with a stick.

    Shen Han felt a little tight in his chest.

    She didn't know where she was in the market town now, so she could only drive forward along the dirt road.

    The motorcycle she requisitioned has undergone some modifications. When driving, the body and the rear license plate have colored lights flashing.

    I don't know where the automatic speakers are installed in the car, and a song with a magical rhythm is playing at the moment.

    Shen Han's body was not very comfortable at first, and when she heard the earthy smell coming from her ears, she felt that her temples on both sides also throbbed suddenly.

    Quickly squeeze the handle with one hand, and grope back and forth at the source of the sound with the other.

    It took me a long time to touch something like a pulley.

    She didn't have time to think about it, and turned the small wheel around.

    In an instant, the volume of the speaker was turned to maximum.

    The music that only Shen Han could hear, suddenly spread like waves, shocking the whole field!

    With beads of sweat rolling down his cheeks, Shen Han shivered and hurriedly turned the pulley back.

    Failing to control the strength, the entire pulley was pressed directly into the groove by her.

    The music was completely out of control, switching to the next more dynamic rock.

    The sound waves wrapped around 9 motorcycles in the front and rear, and rushed into the distance 'moving and hitting'.

    From a distance, it looks like a group of lawless and quite disturbing street bombing parties.


    Gu Junwan took the two escort cars and kept approaching the little red dot on the tablet.

    She was still worried that if she went to the wrong intersection, it would be too late to support Shen Han.

    I never thought that after Shen Han sent the signal, the direction of the little red dot was basically a long straight line.

    The movement speed is also very fast, and at a glance, it is known that the other party should be on the road by transportation.

    "Hurry up."

    After hearing the lady's order, the beta driver stepped on the accelerator deeply and steadily.

    Three specially modified bulletproof vehicles lined up in a row, raising a cloud of dust on the dirt road.

    When everyone saw Shen Han appearing one by one in the field of vision.

    The two off-road vehicles that the escort were in immediately rushed out to the left and right, roaring at the group of pursuers behind their captain.

    After confirming that there were no pursuers behind him, Shen Han immediately stopped his motorcycle.

    She felt that if she was tossed by that rock music for a while, she might be about to crash.

    After adjusting her breathing, she patted the backpack behind her with her backhand, and walked towards Gu Junwan's vehicle with a dismal face.

    The beta driver looked at the dust outside the window that had not completely dissipated, and was thinking about whether he should go down to pick up the captain Shen. The rear door of the vehicle had already been opened.

    Gu Junwan took a bottle of water, got out of the car and walked towards the front.

    Seeing this scene, Xu Zhao and the driver hurriedly opened the door and got out of the car.

    Then it was almost overturned by a sudden rock explosion.

    On the open field, the explosive dance music was deafening, and the earthy ra shouted especially loudly.

    The tall and thin alha stepped in the rhythm and walked to his Omega.

    Hehe laughed a few times, then took the water poured out of the Omega mineral water bottle with both palms, and began to stand on the side of the road to wash his face.

    The water that Gu Junwan took out of the car was originally intended for the other party to drink.

    As a result, the idiot had to do the cleaning first.

    Omega had no choice but to help him wash his hands, cheeks, and neck slightly.

    Then he took out a piece of white silk from his pocket, and wiped the water droplets left on his ear for the other party.

    Xu Zhao glanced at the guards who were far away from his side and those outlaws, and gave up the idea of ​​going forward and interrupting the two ladies.

    The beta driver stood at the ridge with his hands down, his whole person seemed to be petrified.

    The scene in front of him is obviously full of absurdity, but there is a trace of inexplicable and inexplicable excitement in his heart.

    He didn't know until later that it turned out to be the feeling when C powder hit the sugar.
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After crossing, I marked the Empress
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Chapter 64

    The arrest team arranged in advance by Gu Junwan was not too far from the farmhouse.

    So, after the escort team subdued all the members of the Fugui Gang, they just came to the end.

    These bodyguards chased out are just scoundrels, and the real 'big fish' may have secretly escaped from the farmhouse.

    But this time, even if they were lucky enough to escape, it would be fine.

    The pictures taken by Shen Han with her watch, as well as the pile of black materials she had just snatched from the enemy, were enough for Gu Junwan to follow the vine and dig out the biggest tumor in this area.

    After the arrest team was in place, Gu Junwan returned with Shen Han.

    The two off-road vehicles of the escort are still one in front and the other behind, dutifully protecting their empress.

    This time, there were only eight members of the escort team who followed Gu Junwan on the mission, and Ning Xi was among them.

    And Ma Haoyu is still in the stronghold of the Fugui Gang and continues to collect information.

    At this moment, a group of guards were very excited, chatting non-stop in the car.

    "I just said that our captain hasn't seen anyone for the past two days. It turned out that he was out on a mission."

    "By the way, why didn't the captain get in our car? I also want to ask her what she has done these two days. What?"

    Ning Xi sat in the passenger seat and didn't bother to participate in their conversation.

    Heart said: The lady came out to pick it up in person, of course the boss won't get in our car.

    "I'll tell you secretly, I just saw Team Shen get into the middle car."

    "Really! It's not like you are wrong, right? Team Shen has made such a messy ride, riding in the same car with the lady. Wouldn't the car be inappropriate?"

    Ning Xi grinned.

    Heart said: generally a fool who has never seen the world! When the boss was even more embarrassed, the lady even rushed over to hug it!


    In the car where Gu Junwan was in, no one spoke for a while.

    The atmosphere was slightly tense.

    Beta drivers always feel that they have just seen something remarkable but should not have seen it.

    My heart fluctuated with joy and sorrow, and I even breathed carefully.

    Xu Zhao thought to himself in his heart that when he arrived at his destination later, he had to take some time to say hello to the driver.

    Matters related to the female gentleman's romance need to be kept secret for the time being.

    Gu Junwan had a lot to say to Shen Han, but because there were other people in the car, she didn't say anything.

    Not long after Shen Han got into the car, he knew something was wrong.

    She found that the conditions in her body were not because of dehydration, but because of the susceptibility period!

    She didn't feel much when she was outside the car just now. Now that she is in the same closed space with Gu Junwan, she feels that all her senses have been magnified several times.

    The cold plum fragrance that seemed to be absent continued to penetrate into the nose, and then it seemed to turn into a fire, burning alha's whole blood to boil.

    Her chest was still a little stuffy, but her cerebral cortex was in an extremely excited state.

    The canine teeth hidden in the lips protruded evilly, clamoring to touch the sweet Leng Mei.

    Shen Han pressed his back tightly against the seat back.

    The back of the hand, which was slightly covered by the cuff, was already a little devil that burst out of cyan.

    Feeling that something was wrong with alha beside her, Gu Junwan quickly turned her head to look at the other side.

    However, he saw Shen Han lowered his head slightly, and looked very serious from the side.

    "What's the matter with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

    Gu Junwan thought that anyway, the driver saw that she was wiping the water on the ear of the person next to her, so she raised her palm and reached directly to Alha's forehead.

    When you start, it's hot.

    "Shen Han, are you okay?"

    Gu Junwan didn't think about the susceptible period at first, she thought that the other party was injured while performing the task.

    After finding that the other person's forehead was hot, she gently placed her palm on Alha's chin.

    Shen Han had been extremely hard to suppress, but when he was touched by his Omega like this, the defensive line in his heart suddenly collapsed in half.

    She slowly turned her head, looking at Omega with eyes full of ** that could not be concealed.

    Cedar scrambled to escape, following its owner's mind, rushing towards the delicious prey.

    Gu Junwan also just went through the fever period two days ago, and now she was hooked by alha's pheromone, and she was suddenly led out of some love trend uncontrollably.

    At this moment, the beta driver turned the steering wheel, moved the vehicle to the side of the road at the fastest speed, and then stepped on the brakes.

    Although he couldn't smell the pheromone in the car, he could clearly hear the increasingly heavy breathing of the alha in the car.

    He didn't dare to wait for special assistant Xu or the queen to speak, and took an urgent response.

    Because, if the lady was injured by the alha in the car, he didn't even dare to imagine the terrible consequences.

    The driver said urgently towards Xu Zhao who was beside him: "Assistant Xu! Captain Shen can't be allowed to stay in the car, she seems to have reached her susceptibility period!"

    But before Xu Zhao could speak, Gu Junwan's voice was like a trickle. A pleasant voice echoed in the car.


    He seemed to have guessed that his mistress would make such a decision. As soon as the other party finished speaking, Xu Zhao hurriedly took out his tablet.

    "There is a clinic 3 kilometers away, and it takes 5 minutes to get there. Hurry up and don't delay." The

    driver turned his head to look at Alha, who was still in good order, stepped on the accelerator, and quickly started the car again.

    He glanced sideways at the location of the clinic connected to the central control screen, and felt a little relieved.

    'At your own driving speed, you should be there in 2 minutes. '

    The two front and rear off-road vehicles where the escort was located also stopped earlier.

    The team members were about to go over and ask what was going on. Unexpectedly, before anyone could get out of the car, the Empress' vehicle was shot out like an arrow.

    The two off-road vehicles hurriedly started chasing.

    At this moment, Shen Han felt uncomfortable and wanted to laugh at the same time.

    She recalled what her Omega had just said to the driver: keep driving.

    I thought to myself, isn't this one of the classic quotations in the boss before he crossed?

    When those overbearing presidents bully the heroine in the back row of the car, this is what they like to say the most.

    And the partition in the middle of the vehicle has risen, the vehicle has circled around the road again and again, and the heroine has been thrown on the side of the road like a rag doll.

    After thinking about it, alha felt that his body was even more uncomfortable.

    Rapid blood flow to the glands breeds intense aggression**.

    I want to throw the delicate and fragrant Omega next to me in the back seat, to absorb the mellow fragrance of the other party, and to possess all the beauty of the other party.

    Gu Junwan took the restraint sticker from the assistant, put it on herself first, and then picked up the long hair on the back of alha's neck beside her, and pressed the restraint sticker on the other party's swollen glands.

    "It's going to the clinic soon, you just have to be patient for a while."

    Omega's clear and gentle voice reached his ears, and Shen Han's body trembled slightly, but he didn't dare to turn his head to look at the other party.

    She clutched the leather seat beside her with both hands, panting and nodded.

    With the restraint stickers, the passions of both alha and Omega have been relieved to a certain extent.

    It's just that the cedar and Lengmei that permeated before are still closely intertwined in the interior space of the car.

    The two people in the front row are both betas.

    Otherwise, the pheromones of the two S-class bosses would chase each other in a small space, and the others in the car would not have been blown up on the spot.

    The vehicle stopped directly in front of the clinic.

    The beta driver ran out first, and he had to buy the inhibitor that the two people in the car needed.

    Special assistant Xu stayed in the car to guard his mistress.

    The guards also ran out of the car one after another and surrounded the driver.

    "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

    "Could it be that Team Shen was injured?" How

    dare the driver tell them what happened in the car, and while walking quickly, he said, "Don't follow me, you all go separately. Be alert, that's what the lady meant."

    Hearing this, the eight guards all stopped, but everyone's expressions were a little out of place.

    Because just in the brief contact with the driver, they felt the existence of two completely different pheromones.

    The domineering cedar dominates, seemingly asserting its own sovereignty and protecting another flavor.

    The alha guards could only clearly smell the presence of the cedar scent, but not the other.

    Ning Xi immediately instructed everyone to disperse and go to a slightly farther place to be on guard, not to approach the Empress' vehicle.

    The driver quickly took back the prepared injection.

    He didn't dare to get into the car again, just ran to the passenger side door and knocked on the window.

    Xu Zhao opened a crack in the door and took in two tubes of injection.

    Then he turned around and knelt on the seat, and quickly completed the injection for his daughter-in-law.

    When she wanted to step directly to the back row to inject that alha.

    Gu Junwan had already whispered to her, "Come on, wait for me outside the car."

    Xu Zhao was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that this was the alha the lady wanted to appease her.

    So she got out of the car quickly.

    As soon as the outsider left, Shen Han, who had been holding on all the way, immediately tilted his body and lay on his Omega's lap.

    She stretched out her arms and hugged Gu Junwan's slender waist tightly, sniffing the elegant fragrance on her body, feeling both comfortable and unbearable.

    Gu Junwan stroked the opponent's head lightly, pushed the long hair on the back of Alha's neck aside, and injected the opponent with an inhibitor.

    The warm liquid relieves the burning of the glands.

    Shen Han quietly waited for the medicine to take effect, and did not move away from his Omega's leg.

    Gu Junwan lowered her eyes and looked at the little lion that was lying on her body and refused to go, and gently smoothed the other side's hair.

    The sound of the air conditioner humming in the car.

    Omega's golden phoenix eyes are full of tenderness.

    She was about to say a few whispers to her alha that only belonged to the two of them, but found that the person lying on her lap had fallen into a drowsy sleep.

    Outside the vehicle, about five meters away.

    Xu Zhao took off his glasses, wiped it gently with a soft velvet cloth, and said in a low voice, "You can pretend that you didn't see what happened between the lady and Captain Shen, and don't tell anyone."

    The driver stared at the window glass, which was specially treated so that he could not see into the car.

    After hearing Xu Zhao's words, he immediately nodded his head like pecking rice, and asked cautiously, "Then am I now an 'inner circle'?"

    Xu Zhao: "..." Or, why don't you just sign up for a boy band?
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After crossing, I marked the Empress
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Chapter 65 Gossip

    Rest in place for 15 minutes.

    Gu Junwan ordered everyone to continue their return journey.

    The smell of pheromones left in the car has long since disappeared from the work of the air conditioning filter system, and there will no longer be the matter of the smell contaminating the two betas like just now.

    Xu Zhao had always stayed beside the vehicle, which was slightly better.

    When the driver rushed into the clinic to buy some suppressants, the two Omega nurses almost knelt on his knees because of their weak legs.

    Now everyone is in their place again, galloping all the way in the direction of the guest house.

    Perhaps it was because he now belonged to the 'inner circle'. When the driver looked at Shen Han sleeping on the lady's leg from the rearview mirror, he was still a little surprised, but the shock was no longer as shocking as before.

    He raised his eyelids and glanced furtively again.

    The heart said: That alha sleeps so boldly!

    At this moment, Shen Han's body was curled up in the back row, and his face was pressed against Gu Junwan's lower abdomen.

    And the tip of the red ear that protruded from the long hair was being gently stroked by Gu Junwan's palm.

    The driver couldn't help thinking: This is how the lady is in front of the person she likes!

    At this time, Xu Zhao, who was sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly made a sound.

    "Your Majesty, the guards may have guessed some truth."

    Gu Junwan's voice was as calm as always: "Let Shen Han handle it himself."

    Two hours later, the convoy returned to the guest house.

    The escort's off-road vehicle stopped at the door, and the one the Empress was in drove directly to the downstairs of the accommodation in the guest house.

    Gu Junwan was also considering whether to wake up Alha, who was sleeping on her lap.

    Unexpectedly, Shen Han opened his eyes and woke up as soon as the vehicle stopped.

    The driver's face shook, and he suddenly lost his calm.

    It's too obvious that you're pretending to be asleep!

    Back in the guest house, there were a lot of people around.

    With Shen Han's current status, she couldn't be too intimate with Gu Junwan in front of people, so she had to obediently prepare to get off the bus.

    "Shen Han."

    Hearing his Omega's call, alha retracted the leg that had just stepped out of the car door.

    A pair of black and white eyes were full of expectations: "What's wrong?"

    Gu Junwan did not say anything like asking the other party to accompany her upstairs.

    She looked at alha's wrinkled shirt, and smiled softly: "Second generation rich in a small town, I don't need to strengthen the guards here for the time being. You go back and have a good rest, and come back to work tomorrow."

    Hearing Gu Junwan's address to himself, Shen Han Immediately he laughed embarrassedly.

    When she was in the car before, she didn't feel very much, but now she suddenly felt uncomfortable with the clothes sticking to her body.

    It's hard for his girlfriend to let him sleep on his pillow all the way.

    Thinking of this, she secretly looked at Gu Junwan again.

    The other party was wearing a thin off-white knitted sweater today. The design of small embroidery with dark patterns was originally designed to perfectly set off the other party's intellectual and elegant side.

    But right now, Gu Junwan's chest and abdomen and the inner elbows of the two slender arms were stained with some gray mud stains.

    It felt like I just hugged a bunch of stray dogs.

    Shen Han scratched his face, quickly retracted his gaze, and answered hesitantly.

    Then he opened the door, jumped out of the car, and fled to the accommodation area where the guards were located.

    She wants to take a shower! She wants to change clothes!

    Get yourself clean and fragrant before going to see your Omega!

    Xu Zhao got out of the car while covering his lips and snickered, walked to the back row and opened the car door for his daughter-in-law.

    Unusually, Gu Junwan didn't get out of the car as usual.

    "Your Majesty, what's the matter with you?"

    Hearing the assistant's question, Gu Junwan raised her hand and tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear.

    He said softly, "Take a rest for a while, my legs are numb." The

    last half of the sentence was as fine as a mosquito.

    Xu Zhao leaned down and gently massaged and invigorated blood for his daughter-in-law.

    She stared at the yellow mud stains on the other's abdomen and legs, feeling both angry and funny.

    Secretly said: That alha is really, she only cares about her sleeping comfortably, and my daughter-in-law was worried that she didn't sleep all night last night!

    Thinking of this time, Xu Zhao sighed in his heart again.

    The lady is really fond of her, she would rather have her legs so numb that she can't walk, and didn't say that she would be pushed awake once in the middle.

    This has reached the destination, and he has to think of a way to quickly send the other party away, so that she does not know about it.


    Shen Han hummed a little song and took a hot bath beautifully.

    She put on a camouflage uniform and walked towards the guard duty room full of energy.

    Although Gu Junwan wanted her to have a good night's rest, she still had something in her heart, and she couldn't fall asleep until it was resolved.

    When she came to the duty room, she did not see the eight team members who had just returned with her.

    "How many of Ning Xi and the others?"

    Hearing the captain's question, one of them immediately saluted and replied, "Report to Team Shen, Ning Xi and the others went to the small conference room."

    "The conference room? What are they doing there?"

    "I don't know about this. Anyway, since the moment they came back, I've seen something wrong, and everyone is mysterious."

    "Okay, I'll go and see, you continue to be on duty."

    When Shen Han was silent When I came to the small conference room where the eight guards were located, I heard that it was really lively inside, like a Chinese New Year.

    He couldn't hear what was going on inside through the door, so Shen Han took out the key and gently opened the door to a gap.

    In an instant, the laughter and laughter of the teammates immediately rushed to the face.

    "I'm so envious of Team Shen! When the Empress' car stopped for the first time, she should have found that Team Shen suddenly had a sign of a susceptible period, right? As a result, the Empress not only did not drive her down, but also went to the clinic to buy her injections. "

    Ah, ah, ah! I really want to have a powerful and beautiful Omega."

    "Can I tell this to my uncle's sister's daughter? She worships the queen." What!"

    "Aren't you curious? When did Team Shen get such favor from the lady?"

    "To tell you the truth, since that day, when Team Shen carried the lady through the road that was washed away by the mudslide, the top of my head was My little radar has already felt something faintly, but I didn't have the embarrassment to gossip with you at that time!"

    "Me, too, although there is no definite evidence, but I can also feel that the lady is different to our team."

    "Damn, you said it earlier, I thought I was the only one who thought so. Do you still remember the time we went to the medicinal material market to protect Teacher Tang? Team Shen is simply carrying his life on the mission. Do you know what that teacher Tang's true identity is? I also heard that she was the mother of Nu Jun's alha."

    "Hey, Ningxi, why don't you speak? You have such a good relationship with Team Shen. Know the inside story!"

    Someone suddenly said such a mouth.

    As a result, the eyes of the seven guards immediately fell on Ning Xi.

    Ning Xi first slowly lit a cigarette for herself.

    Then he laughed twice, but didn't speak.

    When everyone looked at her expression of "I know everything, but I can't say it", they were even more itchy and eager for knowledge.

    "Oh, just talk about it."

    "Yeah, anyway, the relationship between Team Shen and the female gentleman was exposed in our small team. We won't go out and spread the word. You can reveal a little bit. I'm about to die of curiosity."

    Everyone was instigating it.

    A clean and friendly voice suddenly rang from the back of the conference room.

    "Let me tell you, I know more."

    Upon hearing this, one of the team members immediately turned around with a smile and asked, "Haha, finally someone who knows." The

    remaining half of the sentence had not had time to say it. The famous team member choked on the spot with his mouth open.

    Several other people saw his look as if they had seen a ghost, and turned their heads to look.

    But they saw their Captain Shen gently closed the door and reached out to turn the anti-lock knob.

    "Click, click" the

    mechanical locking sound kept coming.

    Except for Ning Xi, the other seven felt their hearts tightened.

    They felt that what their captain was twisting was not the lock, but their heartstrings.

    "Captain, you're here, this mission is really beautiful, and the lady will definitely reward her after she goes back."

    "Yes, yes, we can also be considered to be in the light of Team Shen, oh yes, I I suddenly remembered that it's my turn to be on duty in the next job rotation, so I'll go to work first."

    Shen Han smiled and said to Ning Xi, "Keep the window for me, if one is let go, he will be punished. It's up to you to take the fight."

    Ning Xi rolled her eyes and jumped up from the seat.

    She reached out and grabbed a teammate who was trying to escape by jumping out of the window, and pushed him to the front of Shen Han.

    Then he said with a look of schadenfreude: "Don't worry, boss, none of them can run away!"

    Shen Han put his hands behind his back, and looked around the crowd in an old-fashioned manner.

    Then start to 'learn from' with teammates.

    Although the members of the escort team are not bad at all, how can they be Shen Han's opponents?

    In addition, he was caught talking about gossip behind his back and was caught by the client, so he didn't dare to fight back when he was guilty.

    The small conference room soon rang out one after another of mourning.

    Of course, Shen Han was also careful when he started.

    Let these people have a long lesson that they don't mean to really hit their teammates with black hands.

    Although she understands that paper can never hold fire, under the current situation, Gu Junwan's relationship with herself cannot be made public in public.

    Other people's guesses are one thing, and whether there is a real hammer is another.

    This group of teammates actually had a tea party in the conference room? Why don't you take a loudspeaker and shout in the street!

    The Empress is in charge of the federal government, and her family affairs are also equivalent to state affairs.

    At present, the northern jurisdiction has not been recovered, and there are many hidden dangers at home and abroad. It is really not suitable for publicizing that the female emperor has alha.

    After Shen Han beat up a group of teammates, he asked Ning Xi for a pack of cigarettes and lit everyone in person.

    "Just kidding, but I hope you can all understand the seriousness of the situation."

    "I just let you suffer some flesh and blood, but if your words just now were heard by the lady or someone with ulterior motives, you Think about it for yourself, what will you face?"

    At this time, everyone also woke up from the gossip mentality.

    One by one with a sad face, nodding his head solemnly.

    The next morning, Ma Haoyu returned to the team.

    He looked at the shy brows and drooping eyes of his teammates, and his heart was suddenly startled.

    He hurriedly grabbed one of them and asked, "What's the matter? Did the northern commander arrange someone to do things?"

    All the teammates shook their heads, saying that they had practiced hard in the fighting training class last night. fierce.

    After seeing Ma Haoyu leave, these talents sighed in a low voice: "I'm sorry brother, it's not that we don't want to share with you, there are some things I hope you will never understand."

    When Ning Xi was passing by, he happened to hear them Conversation.

    Can't help humming in my heart: Oh, who do you look down on? The little man knows too much!
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After crossing, I marked the Empress
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Chapter 66

    Due to the key evidence that Shen Han snatched from the Fugui Gang, the secret investigation of the Empress team also made a breakthrough.

    Therefore, the group's itinerary has been slightly adjusted.

    Gu Junwan will stay in the local area for two more days, but instead of moving to a better hotel in the town, she will continue to stay in the guest house in the border area of ​​the third and fourth jurisdictions.


    In a temporary office, two subordinates are reporting their work separately.

    Gu Junwan sat in front of the desk, with only Shen Han standing behind her.

    The two officers did not know the relationship between the Empress and the captain of the guard behind her.

    But since the latter can appear here, the two of them naturally understand that he is someone the Empress can trust.

    So began to take turns to report in detail.

    "Your Majesty, the threatened enterprises and factory owners are willing to cooperate with providing some relevant evidence, but they dare not offend the local scoundrel, and it is difficult to testify in court. After all, these people's wives, children and relatives are in the local area, and it is normal to worry about being hacked. " After the

    first person finished reporting, the second person spoke up.

    "Your Majesty, I have good news on my side! After I disclosed to those three people in power that the government had two quotas for nomination, I actually received some anonymous reporting letters that night."

    "And yesterday you gave us the information. Those evidences, they could directly crucify two of them. The iron evidence is like a mountain. The two of them knew that no matter how much they resisted, it would be futile, so they began to report to each other, in order to bring crimes and meritorious deeds.”

    Shen Han listened to the two generals . Another piece of information feedback.

    It was only then that I suddenly realized in my heart: It turned out that Jun Wan used a trick of 'two peaches to kill three scholars', no wonder that the president of the rich and noble gang suddenly ran out to do those sleazy operations.

    If he hadn't called the vice president Chen away yesterday, and he continued to be entangled by the latter, there is a high probability that he would terminate the mission and escape before his identity was exposed.

    After the feedback from the two cadres.

    Gu Junwan gave them some instructions again, and then let them go down to work.

    Shen Han listened to the footsteps of the two people outside the door walking away, and ran to the door in three or two to lock the door.

    Then she stood behind Gu Junwan again and pinched her shoulders.

    "Jun Wan, you are really amazing! I thought I was lucky and accidentally caught a big fish that hit the door. It turns out that the most critical step is your son!" The

    alha behind him was strong. Heavy, very skillful massage.

    Every time her strength fell, she pinpointed the place where Gu Junwan was most tired.

    Omega squinted comfortably, his neck tilted back slightly.

    She relaxed her slender back and leaned back in the chair to enjoy the intimate service of her alha.

    "It would be impossible without you. The interests of those three people in power are deeply tied, and they want to disintegrate the trust between them, ranging from a few months to a year."

    "If it wasn't for the information you brought back yesterday, I would like to It will take a long time to ferment to reach the current result."

    Omega's voice changed from the coldness in front of outsiders.

    The soft and lazy voice fell into alha's ears behind her, making her ears itch.

    The picture of resting against the other's stomach in the car yesterday reappeared in alha's mind.

    The feeling of warmth and softness surrounded by fragrance made her think of it at first glance, and even her heartbeat began to speed up.

    After massaging and massaging, Shen Han's finger pulps consciously or unintentionally stayed around the glands of the person in front of him.

    Although Gu Junwan had a barrier sticker on the back of her neck, how sensitive is the skin around the Omega glands?

    Gently swiped by her girlfriend's fingertips, her entire back neck felt like an electric current had flowed into her, causing it to tingle.

    I thought that someone would come to the office to report work later.

    How dare Gu Junwan let the alha behind her continue to tease herself?

    However, before she could say anything, Shen Han's warm breath landed on top of her head.

    "Then do I have a reward?"

    When speaking, Shen Han turned the seat in a direction, making Gu Junwan face him.

    Looking at the expectant Alha in front of her, Gu Junwan couldn't say a word of rejection at all.

    The golden phoenix eyes blinked slightly, and the Omega's voice was soft and sweet: "What reward do you want?"

    Shen Han pursed his lips and smiled, then stretched out his arms and directly hugged his Omega from the chair. up.

    She tilted her head slightly forward and whispered in the ear of the person in her arms: "Junwan, I miss your taste." The

    fine electric current swam all the way from the auricle to Gu Junwan's heart lake, inspiring the lake surface. Layers of ripples.

    Her heart started beating wildly, and even her pretty face, which was as white as a beautiful jade, turned red.

    Gu Junwan tilted her head slightly, looked at the locked office door, and whispered, "Someone will come over later."

    Shen Han looked at the other party with burning eyes: "Then let's hurry up."

    Gu Junwan couldn't help it. I said no to the alha in front of me, but I was really worried that the door would suddenly be knocked on.

    In this ambiguous and tense atmosphere, she inexplicably gave birth to a different kind of excitement in the depths of her heart.

    Omega's physical strength is far less abundant than alha.

    Right now, Gu Junwan's body was a little weak again, so she could only stretch her arms around the other's neck and touched her red lips to the other's lips.

    The long-awaited Leng Mei finally fell into her own territory.

    Shen Han felt that his throat was like land that had been dry for a long time, and now it was finally moistened by rain and dew.

    While easing the heat, it also made her want more.

    However, she was just thinking about it in her heart.

    She did not forget that the two of them are still in the office.

    One more point, all of Gu Junwan's shyness and softness, she wants to be alone.

    I don't want anyone to see what the other party looks like now.

    After kissing for more than a minute, Shen Han took the initiative to let go of each other's lips.

    When he looked down, the Omega's cheeks in his arms were obviously flushed, and his breath was a little unsteady.

    That delicious and seductive look makes people want to continue to bully her!

    Shen Han rolled his throat with difficulty, and after kissing the black hair on the other side's ear, he gently put the person back between the chairs.

    There is no fresh air system in the simple guest house.

    Shen Han walked to the window and pushed all the windows to the maximum.

    Although neither of them released their own pheromones just now, there was still a faint aroma in the room.

    When Shen Han opened the window, he couldn't help thinking secretly: should he prepare a small tube of air freshener with him.

    If you encounter such a situation again in the future, spray it afterwards, and the fragrance will leave no trace!

    It was estimated that about 5 minutes passed, and Xu Zhao, who was out to run errands, knocked on the door and entered the office.

    After she reported the new information she had collected to the queen step by step, she became suspicious.

    Assistant Xu first calmly looked left and right, and found that everything was normal.

    A clean and tidy desk, a well-organized portfolio, a lady with a pen and a serious approval, and an alha who stands behind the lady and looks at her nose and heart.

    Everything is exactly the same as before he left.

    Xu Zhao shook his head slightly.

    I thought to myself: Maybe I haven’t rested much these days, okay?

    After the things here are done, after returning to the station, I really have to ask the lady for two days off, and take a good rest.

    So that the nerves are too tight, it feels like a hallucination.


    The Empress' team Thunder took action, and in just a few days, they dug out the largest tumor in the area with its roots in the soil.

    The crowd applauded.

    Many people took the initiative to carry eggs and their own pickled food, ran around the guest house, and when they saw people in military uniforms, they put things at each other's feet.

    "Please help transfer it to the Empress. If it's not possible, you can accept it. We don't know how to thank the Empress for everything she has done. I hope you can convey our little thoughts to her.

    " , the givers turned their heads and ran.

    The security guard stared at this scene in jaw-dropping, looking at the swarm of bees running far away, and at the pile of local specialties under his feet. For some reason, his heart was inexplicably touched.

    It turns out that every thing the lady has done for the people and every heart she cared for has been remembered by everyone.

    Someone took the lead, and more followed.

    The ones with eggs and bacon were actually better, but the guards were a little overwhelmed, because some people tied up live poultry and threw them under their feet.

    Those chickens, geese, and piglets, tied with their legs, limbs, and wings, kept screaming and screaming on the ground.

    Around the hostel, there is a feeling of a vegetable market.

    Of course Gu Junwan would not accept these gifts from the people, but she also did not want to shake their hearts.

    She immediately found a local cadre who was deeply loved by the people, and explained it to the other party in person, and asked the other party to return the things while adding a few words of her own caring words.

    Just when the crowd was beating gongs and drums and cheering and celebrating.

    That night, the area where Gu Junwan's team was located was bombed.

    The location of the blast was not the guest house where the queen was.

    It was a farmers market a few kilometers away from the guest house.

    I don't know if the bomb was planted in advance, and for what reason, I can't verify it right now.

    The loud explosion sounded alarmed all the residents in the third and fourth jurisdictions near the farmers' market.

    The fire soared into the sky, illuminating half of the sky.

    A little further from the blasting point.

    On the roof of the guest house where Gu Yuwei was.

    All the members of the escort followed their commander and stopped to look at the fire.

    Soon, someone rushed to report: "Sir, I just called to verify that the blasting site was a farmers market. The preliminary investigation was caused by someone deliberately detonating the bomb, and the perpetrator is being arrested.

    " Please transfer immediately, you can no longer stay in the building floor here."

    Gu Yu's expression was a little solemn, but there was not much urgency.

    "I don't have to worry about it here. If the other party really has the ability to assassinate, the bomb will be directed at me and her residence, instead of detonating a market and implicated in innocent people."

    "I think it should be her. Some local snakes are in a hurry, and the other party has no ability to directly retaliate against her, so they choose this method to provoke her."

    At this point, she looked at the people in front of her and instructed: "Now immediately divide 70% of the guard force, go over to help put out the fire and save people, and bring my warrant over there, lest they think your motives are impure and delay. Disaster relief."

    Hearing this, the captain of the guard immediately said softly: "Sir, the 70% guard force is too much, I suggest."

    Gu Yuwei waved his hand indifferently, interrupting the other party's speech.

    "Just follow my orders. The rest of the people will be temporarily transferred to the small town with me. There are strict guards there, so don't worry about my safety."
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After crossing, I marked the Empress
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Chapter 67 Ambush in the dark night

    Gu Junwan did not agree to her subordinate's proposal to transfer her to a safe hotel immediately.

    She ordered people to set up a temporary camp nearby, and while dispatching reinforcements from combat troops, she chose to stay on the scene to direct the disaster relief deployment.

    The explosion came very suddenly and caught everyone off guard.

    Fortunately, the casualties were slightly smaller than predicted.

    Because the farmers market is not a concentrated accommodation area, the people most seriously affected by the blast and the fire tonight are the small workers guarding the warehouse and the security guards who watch the night.

    Some of the wounded have been rescued, and the rest may never be rescued.

    Gu Junwan stood quietly in the night wind, red flames beating between her golden eyes.

    It was the reflected fire of the farmers' market not far away, and it was also the anger in her heart at the moment.

    As the instant messages were reported to the Empress, Gu Junwan started a review in her mind based on all the information she had.

    It is the group of people who are most likely to take revenge on themselves for having harassed the interests of the previous group of people in power.

    But there are also several very unreasonable places here.

    First, mentally speaking, under the current situation, the most wanted thing to do is to do everything possible to escape as far as possible.

    They sent such provocations to themselves, and all they could reap was a kind of psychological perverted comfort.

    Second, according to the various contests in the past few days, those local snakes have no ability to retaliate even if they have the intention of revenge.

    Detonating a bomb sounds simple, but in fact, how can it be so easy?

    Even if the security system is not mentioned, many people can't cross the hurdle in their hearts if they want to make a terrorist attack.

    Third, it is extremely abnormal that so many police forces have been dispatched together, but no suspicious person has been caught so far.

    Thinking of this, Gu Junwan suddenly asked Shen Han who was beside her.

    "A guard came to report just now, and Gu Yuwei arranged for people to come to help put out the fire. How many people came?"

    Shen Hanlue thought about it, and immediately replied: "More than 400 people came, and 10 of them were members of her escort team. The others are the soldiers of the army who came with her and the local guards."

    Gu Junwan frowned slightly, and a bad premonition suddenly appeared in her mind.

    It sucks to think that if things are going as expected!

    At this moment, everyone's focus is on putting out fires and saving lives.

    Even the special assistant Xu, who was always paying attention to the state of her daughter-in-law, did not notice the tension in Gu Junwan's heartstrings at this time.

    But Shen Han felt it.

    "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

    Facing her alha, Gu Junwan had nothing to hide.

    She was silent, and then spoke to the person beside her in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "I suspect that the person who caused this chaos, the real goal is to go to Gu Yuwei."

    Hearing such words , Shen Han's expression also became more dignified.

    If the person hiding behind has the ability to plan such a ruckus, then Gu Yuwei is likely to be doomed tonight.

    Because the other party can calculate that she will send a large number of guards to come here to rescue, she must have a deep grasp of her character.

    Compared with the fight with real guns and live ammunition on the frontal battlefield, those who can use their personality characteristics to kill people are more terrifying.

    Deep in Shen Han's heart, he harbored anger towards Gu Yuwei.

    She would never forget the first time she saw Gu Junwan.

    She didn't even dare to think about what Gu Junwan would be like now if she hadn't appeared at that time?

    Thinking of this, Shen Han said softly: "Life and death are fate, and she has a large number of guard forces around her, so it may not really turn into the worst situation."

    Gu Junwan would never hug her . Think about things with an overly optimistic attitude.

    She shook her head lightly, as if she was talking to herself, and she seemed to be asking for help from alha beside her: "Gu Yuwei, she can't die, the Free Federation can't stand the turmoil now." The

    northern commander mobilized guards to assist the queen in disaster relief . However, the death of such a thing is enough to trigger a regional war between the north and the south.

    Shen Han turned slightly, stared at his Omega's profile and asked seriously, "Do you want to save her?" When Gu     Junwan

    raised her eyes to look at her alha, there was a trace of worry in her golden phoenix eyes: "Can you save her?"

After a pause, she added: "If the price is to risk your life, then there is no need to save it."

    Shen Han looked at his Omega's pretty face full of worry, and wanted to reach out and caress it.

    But because there are other people at the moment, she can only wink at the other party: "There is definitely danger, but I can grasp the proportions. If I can save me, I will save it, and if I can't save me, I will withdraw."

    Gu Junwan She was very reluctant to let her alha take risks, but at this moment she had no other choice.

    If things are really as bad as she imagined, then the only person who may and can turn things around is Shen Han.

    Gu Junwan has never been an indecisive person.

    However, at the moment, the different thoughts in her mind were pulling hard, causing her temples to ache.

    Her throat was like a stuck clockwork, so she couldn't say anything to make Shen Han immediately set off to save people.

    Shen Han could clearly feel the inner struggle of his Omega at this time.

    Since the other party can't make a choice for a long time, then he will choose for her.

    In a place that was hard for everyone to see, Shen Han gently held Gu Junwan's slender palm hanging under her sleeve.

    "Don't worry, I think it's too late to beat her, I'll only do what I can for her."

    "Give me Ning Xi and Ma Haoyu, and I also need a sniper master in the group army, order it sooner. When I leave, I have more time to make arrangements."

    Alha's palms were soft and hot, filling Omega's heart with unease.

    Gu Junwan knew that there was no time to sway herself left and right now, so she immediately gave orders according to Shen Han's wishes.

    Since the unknown danger is just a conjecture, it is impossible for Gu Junwan to dispatch a large number of disaster relief fighters or her own security force to rush to Gu Yuwei's side.

    The reason why Shen Han only brought three people there was not that she underestimated the enemy, but that she was worried that Gu Junwan's actions would also be counted by the person behind the scenes.

    If his own departure is the other party's real purpose to move the tiger away from the mountain, then if he leaves with a large group of people, doesn't he push the life of his beloved into a dangerous whirlpool?

    Only when Gu Junwan's side has no problems with security, can she be free to save others.

    5 minutes later.

    Shen Han and his party of 4 set off in an off-road vehicle with equipment.


    As Gu Yuwei, the current head of the northern jurisdiction, she is inferior to her elder sister in many aspects, and she also has many commendable things.

    For example, in this condolence operation, she did not make a show, but really did a lot for the local people.

    Those things may not be as dazzling as Gu Junwan's punishment of officials, but they really calm people's hearts.

    Implemented a number of policies that are beneficial to people's livelihood.

    Gu Yuwei had been living in a hostel with difficult conditions until tonight, when there was an unexpected incident, she began to shift her position and move towards a safer town.

    The guest house is several hours drive from the hotel destination.

    She is not idle on the road, and the rescue progress from the farmers' market is constantly being sent to her tablet.

    From time to time, she will also issue some commands remotely to improve the efficiency of disaster relief fighters.

    When the journey was halfway through, the convoy suddenly stopped.

    "What's the matter?"

    Gu Yuwei didn't need to ask, the captain of the escort who was sitting in the passenger seat was already asking on the walkie-talkie.

    "Report! A rollover gravel truck blocked the road ahead. The guards have now stepped forward to check. If we can't move away, we can only go in another way."

    After listening to the other party's report, the guard captain had a pair of The thick eyebrows twitched tightly.

    People who have undergone long-term high-intensity training have a much higher perception of danger than ordinary people.

    On the other hand, he asked the air team to contact the air team to ask why the reconnaissance helicopter did not report the matter in time.

    While pressing the walkie-talkie, he said, "Come back, no need to check! Let all the vehicles turn around and change lanes."

    Almost at the same moment when the captain's voice fell, there was a violent explosion in front of him.

    Broken iron pieces were ejected from the gravel pile, not only beating the two guards who went to check them into bloody men, but also flying the nearest police motorcycles far away.

    Without waiting for the vehicle to back up or make a U-turn, a flaming heavy truck suddenly rushed out from behind the convoy.

    The specially modified military vehicle could not withstand the impact of this giant. In less than half a minute, Gu Yuwei's convoy was trapped in the center of the road.

    However, this is just the beginning.

    When the guards jumped out of the car and came towards the commander's vehicle for protection.

    A group of drones suddenly appeared in the dark night sky.

    The flashing signal lights glowed dimly in the dark night, like the eyes of beasts.

    They locked onto their prey in an orderly manner, and then began to drop bombs downward.

    Gu Yuwei originally wanted to leave the car with the guards and escape.

    But now there were explosions, and the whole road seemed to be spitting flames, so she didn't dare to get out of the car at will.

    The car she was in was bulletproof and explosion proof.

    As far as the current situation is concerned, the risk factor outside the car is much higher than that in the car.

    "Sir, you just stay in the car. If you don't get rid of those drones, we won't be able to get out of the enemy's fire coverage."

    The two reconnaissance helicopters in the air have lost contact.

    But now no one has the time to investigate.

    Gu Yuwei's escort was not a vegetarian either. With their help, the drones were shot down one after another.

    Although it is still unavoidable that the bomb loaded in it will explode, it is still much better than the passive beating before.

    However, at this moment, a security guard who was shrinking behind the car door and shooting suddenly ran towards the place where the guards were concentrated like crazy.

    The explosion sounded!

    No one expected that the comrade-in-arms who was fighting side by side with him one second later turned into a human bomb and rushed towards his own people.

    Flesh and blood flew, and the air waves spread like a tsunami.

    The five members of the escort wailed as they were swallowed by the waves of fire, and the commander's vehicle was overturned by the air currents.

    The two escorts immediately ran forward to rescue.

    At this moment, a deafening gunshot suddenly sounded.

    The bullet shot out of the darkness and pierced the head of one of the team members.

    The gunshot rang again, and the head of the other person who had just run to the commander's car burst into a cloud of blood, and the body fell to the ground.

    The opponent has prepared a sniper!

    This set of combined attacks, like the scythe of the god of death, recklessly harvested the lives and hopes of everyone.

    When Shen Han arrived here with the team members, it happened that the sniper pulled the trigger for the first time.

    Shen Han and his three comrades hid in the shadow of the building, and did not blindly rush forward to save people.

    The road in front of you is a newly constructed two-way single lane with a narrow surface.

    On one side of the road is a brick house with the word "demolition" sprayed in red, and on the other side is an unfinished self-built small building.

    The outer wall of the small building is exposed with reinforced concrete, and the floor is slightly skewed.

    There may be a problem with the project, and the construction team was not seen at the construction site.

    "Captain Li, is there any problem with handing that sniper to you?"

    "No problem, I have roughly found his location just now, give me 5 minutes, and I will definitely be able to knock him out!"

    Shen Han shook his head: "Gu Yuwei's side It's less than 5 minutes, 3 minutes, if you can't get rid of the other party, then Ning Xi and I will go out to be a target."

    After speaking, she quickly ordered Ma Haoyu.

    "I'll leave the information interference to you. I don't want drones to throw bombs at us when saving people later."
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After crossing, I marked the Empress
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Chapter 68 Then I'm Going?

    Gu Yuwei felt that he would definitely die this time.

    She didn't know why this happened, but she knew very well that this incident was not an accident.

    The man who planned the attack counted everything right.

    The time was chosen the night before the two heads of state were about to return, the flames of the farmers market, the route they had temporarily transferred, the drone swarm, the sniper, and the inner responder who just made the suicide attack.

    Speaking of which, a lot has happened, but from the moment Gu Yuwei's team stopped, it has only been 5 minutes.

    This round of attack after another is like the tightly meshed gears in a mechanical watch.

    It is difficult to dismantle it without preparation in advance.

    Such a professional combat technique is not something that a local snake can plan.

    Gu Yuwei couldn't help but wonder: Could it be her sister who wants to kill herself?

    After all, with the motivation and ability to do all this, all she can think of at the moment is the other party.

    At this time, a gunshot cut through the sky.

    The bullet was like a shooting star, shooting into the slanted building on the side of the road a little further away.

    The sound of shooting and explosions around the convoy was incessant, but the gunshot was extremely prominent.

    As soon as it appeared, it was noticed by everyone.

    At this moment, Shen Han and Ning Xi rushed into the war zone in a tactical formation.

    While raising her gun to shoot the drone in mid-air, she asked in the communication Bluetooth headset: "No. 1, No. 2, report your current situation."

    Team Li's voice sounded first in the communication channel.

    "There is only one sniper on the other side, and I have already solved it. Now I am looking for a suitable sniper spot, and I can join the battle again in 1 minute."

    Ma Haoyu: "Counting down 10 seconds, the information interference will take effect. In addition, I have tracked the position of the drone operator, and I am rushing there now. If the time is right, I will give it directly to the other party."

    Shen Han After saying 'pay attention to safety', he and Ning Xi went through the gap of the fire and ran straight to Gu Yuwei's vehicle.

    As far as the eye can see, almost all the vehicles are burning.

    Some of the soldiers were hit by shrapnel, their clothes were on fire, and they fell to the ground dying. Some of them were faces that Shen Han and the two of them had seen when they were helping at the centralized resettlement point before.

    When these people saw Shen Han and the others suddenly appear and shoot at the drone, they knew that the other party was here to rescue.

    But they did not send a signal to each other for help.

    Everyone's faces were full of anxiety, because their commander was still in the car and did not come out.

    10 seconds are fleeting.

    The drone swarm in mid-air began to recede like a tide.

    When the two of Shen Han ran to the commander's car, the car in front of them had been turned upside down by the air waves.

    The bulletproof glass was also broken by the explosion at close range.

    Shen Han was half-knelt on the ground covered with broken glass slag, bent down and glanced at the back row.

    Then he reached into the carriage, unfastened the safety buckle on Gu Yuwei's body, grabbed her collar, and dragged the person out.

    Gu Yuwei was only slightly injured, with some blood coming out of his forehead, and the rest of his body was fine, which undoubtedly eased the difficulty of Shen Han's rescue.

    Otherwise, if you carry a half-dead wound on your back, it will be difficult to escape in this situation.

    At first Gu Yuwei thought it was his bodyguards who saved him.

    After being dragged out of the carriage, she was immediately surprised: "Why are you? Are you here to save me or kill me?"

    Shen Han squinted his eyes and pressed the opponent's head to push her back.

    Gu Yuwei wasn't really stupid either, she knew that she had said something wrong in a short period of time.

    If the other party came to kill him, wouldn't he just shoot two shots at the back row and be done?

    "Wait a moment! Stop it! Take me out of here quickly, the enemy has made such a big battle, and there may be some back-ups left."

    Shen Han knows the urgency of time better than she does, and doing that just now was just a little angry but.

    She grabbed Gu Yuwei's arm and led him towards the back of the road.

    Ning Xi stood by with a gun on guard.

    At this time, the combatants in the original convoy also surrounded their commander.

    But the captain of the escort was afraid that there were ghosts inside these people.

    He wiped the blood from his face and was about to identify it carefully, but armed men shot and charged in front of the road.

    The captain of the guard waved his hand: "Everyone stays in battle formation and intercepts the enemy with me!"

    After that, he turned his head and shouted at Shen Han's back: "Please!"

    There was a lot of guns behind him. The voice of the captain of the guard was quickly drowned in the noise.

    Shen Han led Gu Yuwei to the end of the road smoothly, but before they could rush out, Team Li's voice came from the communication headset.

    "There are three ghosts in ambush, I can only solve one of them, and the other two are hiding at your corner at 3 o'clock."

    Shen Han made a tactical gesture to Ning Xi, who immediately bent over and jumped into the diagonal side The demolition of the brick house area.

    She continued to lead Gu Yuwei along the original route.

    Gu Yuwei couldn't hear the voice in the other party's Bluetooth headset. Seeing the other person suddenly leave, she couldn't help but ask.

    "Where is the rescue team? Why did that person leave just now?"

    Taking the opportunity to speak, Shen Han deliberately slowed down.

    She turned her head towards the annoying little sister and said, "Isn't the rescue team right in front of you?"

    Gu Yuwei was stunned.

    Just two or three people? It's too little!

    She widened her eyes and said angrily, "What do you mean, ladies? Since she has chosen to save, she should save her seriously!"

    Shen Han let go of the other's arm: "Then I will go. ?"

    Gu Yuwei originally thought that the other party was trying to frighten him, but he never thought that the other party had actually left him behind and walked quickly towards the front.

    Her scalp was numb, and she quickly ran after her.

    While I was shocked and scared, I was also a little confused: Why is Gu Junwan's captain of the guard so temperamental? Can't even say half a sentence!

    I really don't know how someone like this, who is rebellious because of some ability, can endure with her cold and arrogant temperament?

    Just when Gu Yuwei was thinking about things, a sniper gun sounded again.

    At the same time, Shen Han also suddenly started shooting towards the corner of the front.

    Tonight's moonlight is not bright, Gu Yuwei who was walking in the back can only see the continuous splashing of the wall in front of him.

    The shooting lasted about 3 seconds, and a figure suddenly fell to the ground and threw himself at the corner.

    A strong bloody smell permeated.

    Only then did Gu Yuwei know that there were still people in ambush ahead!

    Her muscles tensed up in an instant, followed closely behind Shen Han, and curiously said, "Your sniper companion told you their location, right? But how did you shoot them through the wall? "

    "Is it the use of the trajectory deviation caused by the impact of the bullet?"

    Or did all of your bullets hit the same spot, piercing through thick walls and successfully killing the enemy?

    Shen Han glanced back at her and said lightly, "Have you watched too many anti-Japanese dramas? " "

    Anti-Japanese drama? What is an anti-Japanese drama?"

    Before Gu Yuwei could understand what the other party was talking about, Ning Xi ran out of the corner with a gun.

    Her voice was slightly solemn: "Boss, I'll check it out." After their firearms and combat equipment, they should be mercenaries, we have to leave quickly.

    Gu Yuwei immediately reacted. The enemy at the corner was shot by another person. The

    guard in front of him was just covering fire for his teammates just now!

    Shen Han nodded, pulled Gu Yuwei back and started running.

    "No. 1, No. 2, we are now about to arrive at the location of the vehicle, and then drive away, you can ensure your own safety. "

    Even with military bluetooth headsets, signal transmission is limited by distance.

    Once Shen Han drove away, their instant communication with Ma Haoyu would be disconnected. The

    three soon came to the off-road vehicle that was driving earlier.

    Shen Han directly stuffed Gu Yuwei into the co-pilot, and then said to Ning Xi: "Go drive, if you encounter enemy fire in the middle, drive the car into the unfinished theater venue we just passed by.

    Ning Xi immediately followed suit. The

    off-road vehicle ran all the way!

    Taking advantage of this short respite, Shen Han began to change the magazines for the firearm.

    After thinking for a while, she took off a small gun at her ankle and handed it to the front passenger. "

    Take it, if the melee fights later, if the opportunity is right, you can also contribute. "

    Gu Yuwei has received shooting training.

    She turned around and took the gun, and then comforted the two people in the car: "I think we have escaped the encirclement, and the local reinforcements should be able to arrive soon."

    "You don't have to worry too much, the other party calculates. No matter how comprehensive it is, it is impossible to count every step!"

    As soon as the voice fell, the vehicle where the three were located was illuminated by the high beams.

    As the roar of the engine approached, the two SUVs bit up from the rear.

    Gu Yuwei's heart skipped a beat.

    For some reason, during such a tense escape, she just felt an awkward atmosphere in the car.

    "Head down!"

    Shen Han shouted loudly.

    The two in front immediately began to shrink their necks.

    Ning Xi almost put her entire face on the steering wheel.

    Gu Yuwei was lying on his back and slid his body down. From the side, he looked like a cat with liquid flowing on the seat.

    The sound of gunfire broke the silence of the road, and bullets kept falling on the rear windshield of the off-road vehicle.

    Although the vehicles they are riding in have been specially modified, all defense systems actually have their own upper limits. If they exceed that critical value, no matter how strong they are, they will be shattered.

    The administrative vehicle that Gu Yuwei rode in was like that.

    Now Shen Han's off-road vehicles are the same.

    At the same moment when the rear windshield shattered, Shen Han raised his gun and started fighting back.

    She did not swipe by feeling like the pursuers, but switched the firearm to single-shot mode.

    Pull the trigger twice in succession.

    The first bullet shattered the tempered glass of the vehicle behind.

    The second bullet went directly into the driver's head.

    The pursuer's vehicle suddenly lost control, rushed out towards the guardrail on the side, and finally overturned in a canal by the roadside.

    The remaining car increased its coverage of the car in front.

    The driver did not dare to drive in a straight line anymore, but drove a serpentine line on the road.

    Although that will reduce the speed of the pursuit, it will also block the opponent's means of repeating the old trick.

    that's the truth.

    Under the dense firepower coverage, Shen Han could no longer find a suitable opportunity to shoot at the opponent.

    She could only huddle between the back chairs and asked Ning Xi, "How long will it take to get to that unfinished theater?"

    "Five minutes, I remember the landmark, we are already very close. ."

    The seat of the off-road vehicle is also treated with special bullet-proof treatment, so even if it is hit by a bullet, it is difficult to penetrate.

    Shen Han quickly thought about the battle plan later in his mind.

    At the same time, I also prayed in my heart, hoping that Ning Xi and the vehicle could withstand it.

    If the tire blows out or rolls over at this time, it is basically a dead end!
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After crossing, I marked the Empress
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Chapter 69 Ten Thousand Roads

    When the four of Shen Han set off, they all had system positioning devices on their bodies.

    Right now, while listening to the information fed back from the front line, Gu Junwan stared at the little red dot representing Shen Han on the projection screen.

    Just a few days ago, she had done the same thing.

    But her heartstrings weren't too tight at the time.

    The members of the Rich Gang seek money.

    Even if Shen Han's identity was accidentally exposed and fell into their hands again, he would not necessarily suffer immediate disaster.

    But tonight was a different story.

    Those who shot are professional mercenaries, and they will not have any cowardice or mercy on the battlefield where the bullets are haunted.

    The fire in the farmers' market was finally brought under control, and hundreds of soldiers arranged by Gu Yuwei had already moved towards the commander's accident site.

    Gu Junwan did not stop them, and sent additional fighters and medical staff to go with them.

    At this moment, she looked at the two red dots next to each other on the screen, and the speed suddenly slowed down, and immediately said to the officer on the side: "Track where Shen Han and Ning Xi are now, and call up the surrounding areas around them. The topographic map, and also, let the soldiers from the 11th Brigade of the Army go here for reinforcements."

    The officer immediately passed on the first two orders.

    Then he frowned and saluted the Empress: "Your Majesty, the people of the 11th Brigade cannot be sent to other places to perform tasks. If the situation encountered by the northern commander is to be staged here, we need to maintain enough troops to deal with the enemy's attack. "The

    officer's consideration is actually very reasonable.

    The most terrifying aspect of the attack on Gu Yuwei's side was the speed, violence, and cruelty of the opponent, which made it hard to guard against.

    According to the intelligence, the number of all the enemy's on-site combatants was about 50, but more than 200 people in the commander's team suffered heavy casualties.

    Moreover, in a battle like this that broke out on the edge of a town, the army would not easily use heavy firepower that was too lethal.

    Because that would implicate innocent civilians.

    Gu Junwan was not angry because her subordinates disagreed with her.

    Even her voice was more calm and steady than usual.

    "Two drone operators, a sniper, and more than 40 armed assault personnel. This is the standard configuration of the senior mercenary team on the Fuyang grassland outside the third jurisdiction. It is necessary to mobilize so many personnel and equipment in Here, it is very difficult."

    "There is a ghost in Gu Yuwei's team who detonated the bomb tied to his body. All the information indicates that the opponent's target is the northern head of state. If they are still capable of arranging a match of the same level on my side. Attack, then I don't have to continue to go on, the lady."

    At this moment, Gu Junwan raised her finger and pointed to the unfinished theater that had just been projected on the top of the screen, and quickly ordered.

    "Let the soldiers of the 11th Brigade go directly to this place. All the firepower left by the enemy should be biting Gu Yuwei and walking."

    This time, the officer did not raise any objections, and immediately began to give orders according to the lady's wishes. .

    At the same time, he also secretly exclaimed in his heart: As expected of a lady! She never seemed to panic at any time, and could always make decisions wisely and decisively.

    However, what the officer didn't know was that at this moment, Gu Junwan was more anxious than anyone present.

    This can only be felt by Xu Zhao, who has been with the Empress all the year round.

    Special assistant Xu knew that he couldn't help much at this time, so he could only silently accompany his daughter-in-law to wait for the final result.

    She lowered her eyes slightly, and her eyes fell on Gu Junwan's palm that was hanging under the cuff.

    I saw that blue veins were raised on the skin that was originally like mutton fat jade.

    Those cyan curves are distributed on the back of Gu Junwan's cold and white skin, like a detonator buried under the skin muscles, revealing the owner's current worries and tension to the fullest.


    Next to the township road, a planned land that no one cares about.

    The three of Shen Han finally rushed to their destination before the tire was blown out.

    This place was originally a 'health and wellness holy land' developed by a listed group, but the group exploded just after halfway through the development.

    Developments that were once in full swing turned into hot potatoes overnight and ended up being dumped on the side of the road like rubbish.

    The previously built Fengqing Street and Kangyang Villas have long been demolished to the point where not even the bricks are left.

    Now only a circular open-air theater remains, where the wind and the sun continue to blow.

    The reason why Shen Han chose this place as the final battleground was not only because of the lack of time, but also because it was more suitable for guerrilla warfare.

    The open-air theater is the size of a football field, surrounded by stone steps and some stone piers that are not known for what they are used for.

    After the three of Shen Han entered the theater, she immediately squatted down with the two of them, and walked quietly towards the oblique direction with the help of the cover of the stone pier.

    "The two of you don't shoot for now. The other party's marksmanship is not bad, and there are more people than us. We will suffer a lot

    if we fight head-on ." has stepped into the theater.

    They didn't see the target person, but they knew that the other party must be hiding somewhere, and the distance was not too far away from them.

    "Shoot! Search in tactical formation."

    One of them gave the order, and gunshots immediately spread across the theater area.

    The five people are also arranged in an inverted 'V' shape, each about 3 meters apart, advancing forward like arrows.

    In order to save ammunition, they did not shoot randomly, but from time to time put one or two shots at the empty space.

    It is not only a chance of luck, but also to create psychological pressure on the prey.

    Fortunately, Shen Han and the others were lucky, and the direction of dodging just avoided the enemy's first search range.

    Shen Han took a look at the dim moonlight, and then said to Ning Xi with a voice: "You protect her, I will kill her."

    As soon as the voice fell, she had already jumped to other places along the stone level like a civet cat. .

    This kind of shooting battlefield that can cover up his body has always been the easiest place for Shen Han to use his advantages.

    Like the border jungle battle when she first met Gu Junwan, and the time when she fought the Tiger Tower bandits in Zhixing Mountain, it was a similar environment.

    Although the low stone piers now limit her movement, correspondingly, it is not as convenient for the enemy to hide as trees.

    On the way forward, Shen Han picked up two slap-sized bricks and put them in his arms.

    After choosing the shooting point, she smashed one of the bricks into the grass behind the five-man squad.

    The one who reacted the fastest was not the one closest to the grass, but a tall and thin man walking in the forefront as an arrow.

    The bricks bounced off a small arc from the stone steps below the grass stems.

    Before landing, he was shot to pieces by the tall and thin man.

    After seeing that he had hit a brick, the tall and thin man roared directly: "Everyone, get down!"

    How could Shen Han miss the opportunity created by himself?

    When the other party spoke, she had already jumped out from where she was hiding, and under the rapid fire, she quickly eliminated the two people on the left flank.

    Then, without fighting, he threw himself on a stone stair with lush grass and began to crawl forward.

    When she threw the first brick just now, she had roughly tested the reactions of the five enemies, as well as the accuracy and speed of the gun.

    She knew that if she was greedy to kill one more person, she would have a 70% chance of being shot by the tall and thin man.

    There is no need to take such a risk.

    The tall and thin man led the remaining two men to shoot in the direction of the swaying grass path.

    After a burst of intense firepower, the entire theater fell into a strange silence.

    Gu Yu, who was hiding in the distance, secretly looked at the enemy's location, and then asked Ning Xi in a tone of voice, "Can't we help?"

    Ning Xi shook her head at her.

    His sweaty palms clenched the firearm quietly.

    At this moment, the three enemies surrounded the place where the grass finally stopped shaking.

    One person took the barrel of the gun to open the grass stalk, but found that there was no blood in it, only bricks shattered by bullets.

    The gunshots sounded again, and an enemy screamed and rolled to the ground.

    The tall and thin man fired at the sound, and quickly said to his remaining companion: "Flank from left to right! As long as this person is dealt with, the other two are nothing to be afraid of!" The

    subordinate nodded and immediately went crazy with his gun. Like rushing out.

    However, his captain did not encircle him left and right as promised.

    Instead, he hunched his back while changing the magazine and ran out of the theater.

    "Ning Xi!"

    Shen Han only had time to deal with the enemy in front of her, so she called out her comrades without hesitation.

    Now that the four enemies have been eliminated, and one person is fleeing under his nose, Gu Yuwei's side is safe, and there is no need to divide his forces to guard him at all times.

    Ning Xi couldn't hold back anymore.

    After hearing Shen Han's call, she immediately stood up and shot at the last man.

    Shen Han soon joined the siege.

    Somewhere in the theater, Gu Yu stretched his neck slightly and looked out at the place where the gunfire was dense.

    From her angle, only three vague figures could be seen, as well as the fire that burst out when the child popped out of the chamber.

    Less than half a minute later, the gunshots stopped.

    Gu Yu held her breath slightly, squatting on the stone steps and didn't dare to move.

    It wasn't until she saw two figures walking back that she rushed out in ecstasy.

    It was naturally Shen Han and Ning Xi who came back.

    As Gu Yuwei approached them, she said excitedly, "Thanks to you all today! Do you want to consider coming to my side as a guard? I can give you ten times as much salary as Gu Junwan pays you!

    " At these words, Ning Xi's eyelids twitched suddenly.

    I felt that the commander in front of me was going to suffer!

    ah this? Digging the corners has dug up the owner's instep!

    There are thousands of roads, why do you choose the hardest one!

    Just when Ning Xi was waiting to see how her own captain was going to go crazy.

    But seeing Shen Han shouting 'be careful', the whole person jumped out like a cheetah, pressed Gu Yuwei's head, and then the two fell to the ground side by side.

    Gu Yuwei thought it was an enemy attack. Although her body hurt from being dropped, she just gritted her teeth and didn't shout.

    "Hoo~ I was shocked. I saw a shadow flashing past, and I thought the other party was still in ambush." ​​With

    that, Shen Han quickly took Gu Yuwei's arm and stood up again, saying apologetically, "Yes I overreacted, are you alright?"

    Gu Yu held a half-swollen cheek slightly, and waved his hands sincerely: "It's okay, it's okay! I can understand."

    Ning Xili was stunned in place.

    By the way, I secretly gave Gu Yu a little silence and mourned: No! You have no idea what you just went through!
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After crossing, I marked the Empress
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Chapter 70 Fighting

    It is now 4 am, which is the coldest time period before dawn.

    The waning moon hangs in the sky, reflecting the long-decayed and unfinished theater in front of it to be extraordinarily desolate.

    The three Shen Han, who had just experienced a thrilling escape and a high-intensity battle, were walking towards the location where the off-road vehicle was parked.

    Shen Han and Ning Xi are both well-trained S-level alhas. Apart from feeling very tired, their physical strength is not bad.

    Gu Yuwei was a little uncomfortable.

    Although A-level alha is also a high-level existence, where has she suffered such hardships before?

    On the other hand, her usual energy is mainly focused on studying and dealing with government affairs.

    She had just come back from a circle outside the gate of hell, and she was already exhausted, and her body was still in pain.

    I didn't get hurt when I was attacked and overturned on the road before.

    Unexpectedly, just now, I was made an oolong by my own people and fell a big somersault.

    Gu Yuwei was embarrassed to open her trouser legs and cuffs to check, but she felt that she must be bruised in several places.

    The three of them were walking forward when suddenly, a bright light flashed across the grass in front of them.

    The bright light was extremely fast, and even with Shen Han's reaction, he couldn't see what it was.

    The advantages of the professional special training of the escort team are highlighted at this moment.

    The moment he sensed the danger approaching, Shen Han was already pulling Gu Yuwei and began to step back quickly.

    The firearm is in front of him again, ready to shoot.

    Ningxi had no worries about protecting the target, so she directly chose to attack.

    "Boom bang bang!"

    Small pistols are great for close combat.

    But he never thought that all Ningxi's bullets had hit the empty space.

    Before she pulled the trigger, her wrist was caught by a palm, and the owner of that palm controlled her wrist and neck, changing the direction the muzzle was originally aimed at her.

    At the same time, the attacker's other palm swung straight towards Ning Xi's throat.

    Between the lightning and flint, Ning Xi realized that the bright light he saw before was actually a knife light!

    Seeing that the other party was going to cut her throat with one blow, her pupils shrank suddenly, and her pheromone exploded directly.

    At the same time as he lifted his foot and kicked forward, his head and body also slumped backwards.

    The knife light almost passed by Ning Xi's nose.

    At that moment, she seemed to smell the very faint metal smell on the blade.

    The short knife didn't hit hard, and turned to stab down and plunged into Ning Xi's shoulder blade.

    Severe pain struck, and after Ning Xi fell to the ground, her head knocked on the stone and fainted.

    This fatal fight between the two is a long story, but in fact it only happened in the blink of an eye.

    During this time, Shen Han and Gu Yuwei had just retreated two meters.

    Seeing that Ning Xi was stabbed and fell to the ground, Shen Han immediately pulled the trigger.

    She didn't do this just now because most of the raider's body was hiding behind Ning Xi.

    Now that the two are finally separated, she has no scruples.

    Surprisingly, Shen Han, who rarely misses his shots, failed to maintain his consistent hit rate in front of this spooky raider.

    'not good! The tactical glasses he wears help him avoid ballistics. '

    'Also, he is also a master fighter! '

    Shen Han took Gu Yuwei back towards the theater while shooting.

    She has two considerations at this moment.

    First, Ning Xi was injured and lost his combat effectiveness. He couldn't stand here and fight with his opponent, so as not to let the opponent seize the opportunity to make up for his good friend.

    Second, if the firearms can't solve the opponent, it will inevitably be a close fight in the end, and the broken stage in the theater is more conducive to exerting its own advantages.

    In the short fight, Shen Han could see the appearance of his opponent.

    It was a tall man with a peaked cap on his head.

    Half of the other party's face seemed to have been scorched by fire, and the wound was huge, and it looked like some kind of biochemical monster that had been irradiated.

    On the other half of his face are monocle tactical glasses.

    No matter how specific Shen Han was, he didn't have the time to observe it carefully.

    After all the bullets in the submachine gun were emptied, she had no replacement magazines.

    Shen Han unfastened the strap with one hand, threw the firearm directly aside, then reached out and grabbed Gu Yuwei's back collar and started running towards the stage.

    Escaping with a person in hand will inevitably slow down the speed. This is an iron law that no one can change.

    But if you run away with something, it's different.

    Shen Han walked like a fly, and the pursuers behind him accelerated twice but failed to catch up.

    Gu Yuwei was about to cry at this time.

    She doesn't feel like she is being led away now, but rather like being dragged by a car down the street!

    Her feet were in the air half of the time, and her shoes had already been knocked off.

    Countless stalks of grass were whipping her instep and ankle like vines.

    The saddest thing was her neck.

    At one point, she even felt like she was about to lose her temper!

    But Gu Yuwei knew that his current situation was very dangerous, and if he wanted to pay attention to comfort, he could only exchange his life.

    So she refrained from saying a word, so as not to distract the guards beside her.

    At this moment, the pursuer behind suddenly raised his arm and made a throwing motion.

    Gu Yuwei was thrown into the stars, and he couldn't see anything clearly. He could only hear the sound of breaking wind coming in his direction.

    Shen Han's ear tip moved, he gritted his teeth and rounded his arms, and forcefully threw Gu Yuwei onto the stage in front of him.

    At the same time, she herself took out a pistol from her right waist, turned around in the air and started to shoot quickly towards the rear.

    However, the peaked cap that had been chasing behind her before had disappeared.


    "Oh, do you think I'll be fooled by the way you threw the gun earlier?"

    Gu Yuwei's vomit sounded and the cap's sarcasm sounded at the same time.

    On this hazy theater stage, a slightly absurd effect collided.

    It felt like a ruthless killer was trying to force himself to tell himself, and the background music suddenly booed.     Shen Han ran to Gu Yuwei

    in three or two steps to help her up, and comforted her in a low voice: "Don't be afraid, the other party doesn't seem to plan to use firearms, this is our vitality."

Where did you go, you can't even stand still.

    When she was thrown on the stage just now, although she successfully avoided the enemy's flying knife, she unfortunately knocked out one of her front teeth.

    Talking a little bit now.

    "I won't post, is there anything you want me to do?"

    Shen Han shook his head at her and helped her aside to sit down.

    "You rest for a while and feel if your throat is blocked by any foreign object? If there is, spit it out quickly."

    After speaking, she pulled out the short knife that the enemy had stuck in the wooden floor of the stage, and greeted the person who had just stepped on the stage. Peaked cap.

    The cap's code name is Red Fox.

    He looked at the alha in front of him, old and new grievances surging, and anger flashed in his eyes.

    The last time he performed the task of hunting Tang Yucai, it was because of the existence of the other party that they ended up with a near-annihilation of the entire army.

    It's the same again today!

    Regardless of the mission, the person he wants to kill the most right now is not Gu Yuwei, but the alha in front of him.

    Although Shen Han usually has the most firearm training, her fighting skills have never fallen.

    Before crossing, she was a good player.

    With the blessing of pheromones after crossing, the power and might that burst out are much stronger than many professional killers.

    The red fox pulled out a three-edged army thorn from the side of the boot and pointed it at the opponent's wrist.

    His right hand injured a nerve in the last action, and now he can't pull the trigger with precision.

    That's the main reason why he didn't use firearms.

    The potential of the human body is unlimited, but the vast majority of people in the world can only develop a small part of their potential.

    The Awakened is an exception. They are like darlings who have been given special gifts by God.

    Shen Han can control the fire, and the red fox can sense the trajectory of some metal when it cuts through the air.

    Of course, the abilities of the Awakened will also go through the process of growth and transformation, not that they are invincible.

    Not long after Shen Han played against the opponent, he discovered the unusualness of the peaked cap.

    The opponent's reaction is very quick, and it seems that he can see through all his moves and dodge in advance.

    'Is it because of the tactical glasses? However, according to the latest military intelligence, the function of tactical glasses has not been developed to this extent. '

    'It can predict the ballistic trajectory, relying on the performance analysis of known firearms, but people's reactions are ever-changing. Even if the system can calculate it in a certain way, it will be transmitted to the executor as an instruction, and the final response of the executor. As a result, there are barriers between these major links. '

    'Oh, I can't take care of it anymore, try to get rid of his glasses first, and then you can know if the problem lies in this place! '

    The wooden stage of the theatre is in disrepair, only the edges are sturdy.

    The area in the middle is already somewhat rotten, with broken wooden boards everywhere, and the moss and molds unique to the mountains grow on the fractures.

    Through the cracks between the sections, the grass and stones below the stage can be seen.

    During the fight, the two quickly moved to the area with denser pieces of wood.

    In order to avoid the army thorns swept by the peaked cap, Shen Han subconsciously stepped back, accidentally stepped on a piece of dead wood, the soles of his feet sank, and his body suddenly lost his balance.

    Naturally, the Red Fox would not miss such a good opportunity.

    He suddenly exerted his strength, clenching the army thorns like a tiger pounced on food and stabbing the opponent's heart.

    Not far away, Gu Yuwei looked at this scene and was about to lose her soul.

    There was still a pistol stuck in the belt under her clothes, which she hadn't had a chance to use just now.

    Moreover, even if it is used, it may not be able to hit the enemy.

    Now she can't tolerate any more hesitation!

    Just when Gu Yuwei was about to secretly release the cold shot, the scene of the fight suddenly reversed.

    Shen Han, who originally fell due to his imbalance, supported a broken piece of wood behind him with one hand, and took advantage of the upward spin and kicked to lift the peaked cap three or four meters away.

    The sound of the electromagnetic explosion and the sound of the body hitting the ground came together.

    The cap fell off the top of the man's head, revealing a half-scorched, half-blooded face underneath.

    The man's tactical glasses stuck on the bridge of his nose had been kicked out by Shen Han, blood covering his eyes and side ears.

    Coupled with the messy hair like dry grass on the top of the head, the whole person looks like a ghost that has just crawled out of the grave.

    What was even more shocking was that the man didn't seem to care about his injury.

    After getting up from the ground, he didn't even look at Shen Han, and rushed straight towards Gu Yuwei.

    Gu Yuwei hurriedly raised his gun to shoot.

    However, most of the bullets were successfully dodged by the man.

    Only two shots hit his arms and thighs.

    But that not only failed to stop his footsteps, but made his killing intent even crazier.

    Shen Han, who had just stabilized his body, suddenly tightened his back. Like a cheetah, he also ran in the direction of Gu Yuwei!
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