Be Mine

By aria_34

114K 2.5K 307

Hermione Granger & Charlie Weasley Another Weasley Christmas leads to so much more. As Hermione dances around... More

Another Weasley Christmas
What the Hell?
The First Night
A Somewhat First Date
Sneaking Out
Merry Chrismas
Christmas Night
Christmas Night Pt2
The Morning After
Date Night
Date Night Pt2
A Picnic for Two
Lets Take That Jump
Moving In and Moving On
What do you think?

Time Flies and Memories

4.6K 117 21
By aria_34

2 months later

Charlie's POV:

"Have a good day Charlie!" Steve yells waving at me. I wave back at the older man who I've come to care for. As I pass the pens I stop by to see my favorite dragon before heading home.

"Hey ole girl," I whisper as I come to her pen. The most beautiful Norwegian Ridgeback stared back at me. When I left from Romania to come to this sanctuary, I was overjoyed they wanted me to bring Norberta with me. When I first got her at the Romanian sanctuary, I was beyond excited. She's honestly the biggest least to me she is.

Norberta, or Berta as I like to call her, nuzzles her head under my hand. I listen to her as she purrs like a cat. She really is an odd dragon. When that fateful day happened, she was the one to protect me. Berta is my girl and was my savior that day.

4 years ago....

"Charlie! Charlie!" I turned to see Rueben running to me all red in the face.

"What going on?" I ask as he stops in front of me breathing heavily. He bends over placing his hands on his knees as he huffs. "Rueben what is wrong?"

"Sticky has broken free of his cage!" Instant fear hits my stomach. Sticky is our most vicious and dangerous dragon. He's a Chinese Fireball and a bitch and a half to deal with. I always lose a shoe or two dealing with him. I break out into a sprint with Rueben close behind me. Sure enough when we get to his cage, the metal gates are broken and the enchantments are gone. Someone had to have tampered with it or seriously messed up their enchantments. Before I can even process my next thought, screams come from the south of the sanctuary.

"The muggles..." I whisper. Sprinting towards the broom shed, Rueben gasps for air chasing me.

"Charlie what are doing?! You can't take Sticky on by yourself! We need to wait until the rescue brigade gets here!"

"Wait?! How many muggles will die by then? Huh?! Too many! I can't just sit here and do nothing! Go let Berta out, now!" I screamed grabbing a broom.

"Berta?! We want to let another dragon out?!" He screamed back at me panicked. I rolled my eyes.

"Berta is one of the best trained dragons here. She will be more help than harm. Go let her out now!" Without another argument, Rueben turned and ran in the direction of Berta's pen. Raising from the ground, I kick off and fly towards the screaming.

After flying for a little bit, I come across a sight that makes my heart break. A town engulfed in flames, house falling apart, and Sticky in the middle of it all. Pulling out my wand, I start putting out fires as I fly by them. The ministry can wipe all their minds, but they will still need their homes. I land on the ground in front of Sticky as many muggles run by screaming. Putting two finger between my lips, I whistle bringing his attention to me. The second his head turns, I start to move back toward the sanctuary. If I can just get him close enough, I can get help.

"Come on you ole bastard!" I scream throwing a stinging hex at his leg. He screams and shoots his fireball. I jump out of the way as it flies past me and into more buildings. Moving as fast as I can, I put out the new fire and start running in the direction of the sanctuary. He swipes at me with his claws and narrowly misses me. "Merlin I'm so dead."

I continue to run, my breath slowly growing heavier. I risk a glance back only to see Sticky right on my tail. I jump as he swipes at me again, but I falter with my landing. Because of this, Sticky swipes again and hits me dead on. The strength of his paw flings me into the building on my left. I feel the air leave my lungs as I sink to the ground.

"Shit," I gasp trying to get to my feet. Trying to regain my breath, I push up on my feet. "ARGHHHH!" Instant pain covers my chest and abdomen. It feels as if my body is on fire. Looking down I see red. Blood trickles down my torn shirt from the gaping wounds that have appeared. Sticky fucking got his claws into me. All strength starts to leave my body as I fall back to the ground. Raising my wand, I throw a shield up to protect what it can of the muggle town knowing I won't be of much help anymore. I gasp falling to my back. "Gah....damnit." I look up as Sticky's face gets closer to me. My vision is becoming faint and I know it's only a matter of time before I'm gone. "Mums going to kill me."

From a distance I hear a roar that didn't come from the dragon in front of me. I don't see much of what happens next as my vision fades in and out. All I see is Berta landing in front of me.

"You know girl, you are the only reason I'm alive today," I whispered petting Bertas head. I sniffled as a tear fell down my face. "If you hadn't have saved me, I wouldn't have met Hermione....I wouldn't have learned what it is to love." I wiped my eyes and sat down next to her. "Thank you girl, thank you for saving my life."

Hermione's POV

"He's just been in her cage since he got off work...I'm not entirely sure why." Steve says to me as he leads me to Bertas enclosure. Charlie hadn't gone back to his mothers house and she had owled me worried sick about him. Of course my first thought was the sanctuary. This was pretty much his home away from home.

"Thank you Steve, I'll check it out," I said to the kind man. He waved walking back to the office he had came from. Walking to the door, I slowly pushed it open. Laying in front of me was the sweetest of sights to behold. "Oh Charlie...." I whispered. The man I had come to love laid fast asleep with Norberta curled up around him.

A/n: IM SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED!!!! I actually had to put this on the back burner as life got CRAZY! I recently found out I'm pregnant so my mind has been all over the place! I'm so excited for this new journey and I will continue to update as I can!!! Love you guys!

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