The new job

By Darkztorys

94 3 0

Mary has just started a new job and a completely new career path after being out off a job for a long time. I... More

Chapter 2

Chapter 1: The first day

62 3 0
By Darkztorys

I had just turned 30 and after being out of a job for almost 2 years after the art gallery I used to work at was closed down I was tired of collecting unemployment checks and decided to try something different from art. So when I saw an ad for a renovation company looking for a sales person to work in their store I decided to apply for it since it's still would be working with a kind of exhibits even if it was of housedreams instead of art.  
I didn't expect much at the interview since I had zero experience in house renovations but I tried my best at explaining that I could use my experience of working with art exhibitions and sales of art to my advantage at this work and that I was a quick learner. And apparently I won them over because the next week I got an offer and they wanted me to start as soon as possible. I was super exited and said yes right away.
On my first day my new boss Monica who was the store manager showed me around at the company. We started at the store which had atleast 10 different exhibits depicting different livingspaces and a some decorations, faucets and other hous products. I noticed that
Monica was very kind and inviting to any questions I had which I wasn't at all used to. My earlier bosses had always had a very snobby attitude and been very strict. After going through everything in the store we moved onto the office spaces and cafeteria which was upstairs and covered the whole corporate part of the company. Everyone upstairs was dressed in professional pricy suits and skirts which made me feel very misplaced in my very cheap white blouse and light pink skirt.
-  l can already see Mary fitting in here with us. shes even color matching with our logo. Monica suddenly said to the croup of coworkers she just had introduced me to at the cafeteria.
- Oh yeah right. I said and realized that my pink skirt was matching with the pink details in the company's logo without meaning to.
- Yeah you'll fit right in with our store. The head of HR named Mark said and handed Me a coffee.
- Yeah and it will be great with a new face to greet every day.  Anders the finance manager/accountent said.
I nodded and sipped my coffee. Everyone felt super open and inviting so I started to feel less awkward. After that Monica showed me the companies warehouse where all their construction workers and renovation teams would pick up materials for the houses they were renovating. Most of the construction workers were out on jobs though so I only got to meet a few of them quickly as they were picking up materials. One was named Bruce and was a middle aged man and then there was David a guy in my age actually who took my hand and wished me good luck before hurrying away. I couldn't help but notice how attractive he looked and muscular. I think I got stuck staring after him because suddenly I heard Monica shouting for me as she was walking towards the store again.
- Coming. I said and hurried after her. After that we opened up the store and Monica showed me how their register worked and the store computers system that I needed to learn. After that a couple of customers arrived and I got to see Monica show them around the store and charm them. I tagged along and said a few things but except for color matching I didn't always have the answer for their questions, But luckily Monica did. After they left I made sure to scribble down her answers to their questions in my notebook so that I could learn it for later. Around lunchtime Monica came over to me at the registry where I had just finished up with a customer.
- Some of the colleagues from upstairs and I are going out for lunch, would you like to join us? Monica said.
- Sure that would be great. I said happily knowing that I only had brought a boring sandwich.
Monica told a colleague that was staying to manage the store and then we went out to the companyparkinglot.
- A few of us are going in my coupe car and the others are meeting us their. Luckily i still have one seat left for you in mine. Monica said and showed me to her porsche where Anders and Jenna another saleswoman was standing and waiting for us. I ended up having to climb into the the very small backseat and Anders joined me while Monica and Jenna sat in the front. It was very cramped in the back seat and suddenly while Monica was driving through an intersection Anders lost his balance and grabbed onto my thigh.
- Oh I'm sorry. He said and smiled at me before slowly sliding his hand of my thigh.
- Oh no worries. I said nervously.
Then we arrived at the restaurant and Anders helped me out of the car by reaching out his hand to me. It felt awkward but I really needed the help so I took it. When we came inside I saw that it looked  fancy and it seemed like everyone i was eating with was regulars and like the restaurant was expecting us since they showed us to a table right away. I ended up sitting inbetween Monica and Anders. On the opposite of me Mark was sitting and next to him was Jenna  and the marketing manager named Alec. There was a few more with us their but I didn't know thier names. I started by checking through the menu an realized that it was very expensive. I gulped and tried to find something that wouldn't totally break my budget since Monica never specified if I was paying for my own or not it felt awkward to ask now. I decided to go with this week's salad which was the cheapest I could find. While waiting for the food I learned that the VP of the company called Joan was also sitting with us at the end of the table. As Monica brought me up in the conversation. After that they started to ask me questions.
- So Mary how old are you? Joan asked me.
- Oh I turned 30 last month. I said nervously.
- Okay and what did you do before? Joan said.
- Well my last job was at an art gallery. I said.
- Oh art? What made you leave that world. Alec asked.
- well it wasn't totally my choice. The gallery was closed down during the pandemic and I struggled with finding work after that.
- oh yeah the pandemic was hard for all of us. But now you get to be with us. Anders said and seemed to want to switch the subject as he he continued and brought up last week's soccer game. It felt nice to have the attention lifted of me. But suddenly I noticed that one of Anders hands was slightly touching my leg. It felt awkward but his hands was mostly resting on his own leg and just slightly touching mine so I guessed that it wasn't meant and tried to not think about it and just listened in on the conversation. Then as our food arrived I felt Anders hand stroke my leg from my knee to my upper thigh before putting his hand on the table and starting to eat. It happened very quickly but I was sure I felt it. But when I looked at Anders he just smiled at me and continued to eat as if nothing. I didn't know what to think about it but started to eat and tried to not think about it. After we finished eating Joan the VP paid for the check like it was nothing and then we all started to walk to the cars. I was a little shocked by it but also happy so I didn't comment on it. Anders got into the backseat before me and then I started to climb in but  suddenly lost my balance as I was turning my body and ended halfly on his lap and his hand that had been on his lap got inside my skirt.
- oh my god I'm sorry! I said and felt embarrassed as I moved myself of him.
- Oh don't worry about it. Anders said calmly and smiled. Even though Anders was quite older than me he was handsome and I could feel my heart raise as he smiled at me. I tried to convince myself it just was the embarrassment but I noticed a pulsating feeling in my nether regions. I hadn't had any action for a while since I broke up with my last boyfriend like five months ago and now felt super awkward over my body getting excited. Monica and Jenna didn't seem to notice what had happened though and just got in the car and talked about random stuff as we drove back to work. When we arrived at work I hurried out of the car and into the store. After that I tried to focus on work and forget about it all.
We had alot of customers and I started to feel a bit more confident in handling a few of them by myself. It felt great and I got really into it. After we closed up the store I started to walk against the the bus stop when a car suddenly honked at me. As I looked up at the car i saw that it was a company car the window was rolled down and I saw that it was David.
- Hey, are you on your way home. He asked.
- Yeah we're finished for the day so now I just gotta wait for the bus. I said and pointed towards the bus stop.
- Oh well I'm heading home too, want a ride? David said.
- uhm I don't... I started to say before David interrupted me saying.
- come on its starting to rain, you shouldn't have to end your first day by getting soaked waiting for the bus home.
- okay sure I said and hurried into his car as I felt the rain start to hit me. I gave him the directions to my place and then he started to drive there.
- So how was your first day? David asked.
- It was good, many new things to learn and I managed to sell a few faucets and decorations this afternoon.
- Nice, sounds like your made for the job. David said and smiled at me.
- I don't know about that. It's easy to sell the things we have in the store. But when people wanted renovation inspos I didn't really know what to say.
- oh well don't worry about that, you have plenty of time to learn and Monica and Jenna can probably answer most of your questions but if you have any about the construction work you can just ask me. David said.
- Oh great. Could maybe tell me how a job usually goes from started to end. Some customers might want know that. I said.
- sure, after the project manager has drawn up the plan me, Bruce and a few more usually tear down any stuff and walls they have in the room were renovating and then we started to build it all up from the ground with insulation and...
As he continued talking I tried to listen but felt myself drift away and start to admire his muscular body and calm and confident manner. He clearly knew his stuff and even though I only understood half of the stuff he was say I didn't care and just continued to listen to his voice. I didn't even notice that we almost was at my place, just looked at him until he suddenly parked the car outside of my place.
- So I hope that helps and I you come up with anything else, just write it down and ask me when you see me at work. David said.
- Oh yeah I will, thank you for that and for driving me home. I wish I  could do something back for you. I said and started to get out of the car.
- Oh don't worry about it, I don't live that far away from here actually. David said.
- okay well I guess I'll see you at work then. Bye. I said and started to walk towards my door.

To be continued....

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