๐…๐ข๐ซ๐ž ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐‘๐„๐ƒ๐„๐Œ๐๐“๏ฟฝ...

By lynearose

864K 25.4K 10K

[ BEING REWRITTEN ] ๐๐Ž๐Ž๐Š ๐Ž๐๐„ - ๐…๐ข๐ซ๐ž ๐’๐ž๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ ----- ๐ƒ๐˜๐‹๐€๐ ๐‡๐€๐‘๐‘๐ˆ๐’ I messed up - I mes... More

๐€๐”๐“๐‡๐Ž๐‘'๐ฌ ๐๐Ž๐“๐„๐’ | ๐–๐€๐‘๐๐ˆ๐๐† ๐๐€๐†๐„
Chapter 1 | PHASE ONE: The beginning
Chapter 2 | PHASE ONE: Him?
Chapter 3 | PHASE ONE: Blessing
Chapter 4 | PHASE ONE: First Meeting
Chapter 5 | PHASE ONE: Work
Chapter 6 | PHASE ONE: Torn
Chapter 7 | PHASE ONE: Control
Chapter 8 | PHASE ONE: Rogue problem
Chapter 9 | PHASE ONE: Capture & Betrayal
Chapter 10 | PHASE ONE: Pain & Regret
Chapter 11 | PHASE ONE: Time
Chapter 12 | PHASE ONE: Crippling fear
Chapter 13 | PHASE ONE: Another Feline?!
Chapter 14 | PHASE ONE: Control pt. 2
Chapter 15 | PHASE ONE: Time pt. 2
Chapter 16 | PHASE ONE: Close call
Chapter 17 | PHASE ONE: Hairball
Chapter 18 | PHASE ONE: Ebi
Chapter 19 | PHASE ONE: Squishy & Hairball
Chapter 20 | PHASE ONE: Release
Chapter 21 | PHASE ONE: Roman
Chapter 22 | PHASE TWO: Lies
Chapter 23 | PHASE TWO: Nightmare
Chapter 24 | PHASE TWO: Control pt. 3
Chapter 25 | PHASE TWO: Apologies & Outburst
Chapter 26 | PHASE TWO: Realization
Chapter 27 | PHASE TWO: Suffering
Chapter 28 | PHASE TWO: Punishment
๐‚๐‹๐€๐‘๐ˆ๐…๐ˆ๐‚๐€๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐ ๐๐Ž๐’๐“
Chapter 29 | PHASE TWO: Pain
Chapter 30 | PHASE TWO: Numb
Chapter 31 | PHASE TWO: Conversation
Chapter 32 | PHASE TWO: Laws
Chapter 33 | PHASE TWO: Self awareness
Chapter 34 | PHASE THREE: First date
Chapter 35 | PHASE THREE: Terror
Chapter 36 | PHASE THREE: Progress
Chapter 37 | PHASE THREE: Affection
Chapter 38 | PHASE THREE: Suspicious
๐‘๐„๐€๐ƒ๐„๐‘๐’ ๐‘๐„๐๐”๐„๐’๐“
Chapter 39 | PHASE THREE: Sunset date
Chapter 41 | PHASE THREE: Message
Chapter 42 | PHASE THREE: Reports
Chapter 43 | PHASE THREE: Message #2
Chapter 44 | PHASE THREE: Release ( 18+ ) ๐Ÿฅต
Chapter 45 | PHASE THREE: Pledge
Chapter 46 | PHASE THREE: Family
Chapter 47 | PHASE THREE: Family pt. 2
Chapter 48 | PHASE THREE: Suspicious
Chapter 49 | PHASE THREE: Fear
Chapter 50 | PHASE THREE: Emotion
Chapter 51 | PHASE THREE: Love
Chapter 52 | PHASE THREE: Think
Chapter 53 | PHASE THREE: Plan
Chapter 54 | PHASE THREE: Mission
Chapter 55 | PHASE THREE: Explain
๐๐Ž๐Ž๐Š #3 ๐ˆ๐’ ๐‡๐„๐‘๐„
Chapter 56 | PHASE THREE: Shock
Chapter 57: PHASE FOUR: Bond
Chapter 58 | PHASE FOUR: Reunited
Chapter 59 | PHASE FOUR: Rut
Chapter 61: PHASE FOUR: Taken | 18+ | ๐Ÿฅต
Chapter 62 | PHASE FOUR: Pain
Chapter 63 | PHASE FOUR: Meeting & Triggering
Chapter 64 | PHASE FOUR: Allies
Chapter 65 | PHASE FOUR: Fight for your life
Chapter 66 | PHASE FOUR: Information
Chapter 67 | PHASE FOUR: Hero x Exe pt. 2
Chapter 68 | PHASE FOUR: Emotional
Chapter 69 | PHASE FOUR: Taken pt. 2 | 18+ | ๐Ÿฅต
Chapter 70 | PHASE FOUR: Plan in Action
Chapter 71 | PHASE FOUR: Masterpiece
Chapter 72 | PHASE FOUR: Energy
Chapter 73 | PHASE FOUR: Frozen
Chapter 74 | PHASE FOUR: Dylan or. . . ?
Chapter 75 | PHASE FOUR: Captured. . . again
Chapter 76 | PHASE FIVE: Alone
Chapter 77 | PHASE FIVE: Dark Realm
Chapter 78 | PHASE FIVE: Alone pt. 2
Chapter 79 | PHASE FIVE: Talhana vs. Kalawaii
Chapter 80 | PHASE FIVE: Meeting
Chapter 81 | PHASE FIVE: Trauma pt. 1
Chapter 82 | PHASE FIVE: Plan
Chapter 83 | PHASE FIVE: Trauma bonding
Chapter 84 | PHASE FIVE: Trauma bonding pt. 2
Chapter 85 | PHASE FIVE: Attempt
Chapter 86 | PHASE FIVE: Rescue
Chapter 87 | PHASE SIX: Healing pt. 1
Chapter 88 | PHASE SIX: Summoning
Chapter 89 | PHASE SIX: Summoning pt. 2
Chapter 90 | PHASE SIX: New Alpha
Chapter 91 | PHASE SIX: Healing pt. 2
Chapter 92 | PHASE SIX: Healing pt. 3
Chapter 93 | PHASE SIX: Healing pt. 4
๐๐Ž๐“๐„๐๐Ž๐Ž๐Š - ๐…๐จ๐ซ ๐œ๐จ๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ง๐ญ & ๐จ๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ซ ๐ ๐จ๐จ๐ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐ฎ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ!

Chapter 40 | PHASE THREE: Give in ( 18+ ) ๐Ÿฅต

11.1K 425 67
By lynearose

A little smutty nonsense up ahead ( 18+ content ) Enjoy my nasty besties! 🥵😜😘



Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I hadn't scent marked my mate and I wasn't one of those Alphas who scent marked their pack members, so I didn't have much experience with the shit but I was pretty fucking sure it wasn't supposed to be like this.

I could feel Raiden everywhere.

The fucker barely scented me during our date a few hours ago, but his fingers had almost touched every single fucking gland I had and now I could feel him everywhere and I mean everywhere.

Those pinecone and sandalwood scents were fucking everywhere and I was slowly losing my shit because of it.

"Fuck," I whisper, body trembling uncontrollably atop my sheets.

Every inhale, he was there. Every exhale, he was there. I could feel him through my veins, crushing my lungs, every breath full of nothing but his scent. Chest heaving, I try to get a hold on my breath but it's no use because he's fucking there. Plastered into every fucking organ and I couldn't escape it.

I couldn't fucking think, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move without feeling him everywhere.

Raiden had barely scent marked me, he hadn't forced his scent as deep as he could, but whatever he did, I was fucking done. . . I was so done, all I could think about was getting back to him.

Body writhing, claws extended, I try to get ahold on myself. My dick painfully hard, I close my legs, whimpering at the little bit of relief I get from the friction.

"Fucking shit, man," I groan, one hand still gripping the sheets as I bring the other up to my neck. My scent glands still open and pulsing to my mate's essence flowing through me.

Dropping my hand, I cup myself through my shorts, desperate for any type of relief from this fucking torture.

I could feel Maddox right beneath my skin, his arousal flooding my own, making it increasingly fucking difficult to get a hold on myself.

Clenching my eyes shut, I try to think of something else, anything else but I can't. Images flash of the way Raiden held my hips during our first date as he bent down to get my keys, the way he held onto my waist as he bored into my fucking soul, the way he complimented me, praised me, stared at me like I was the most important fucking person in the world.

The way he held me, the way he accepted me, the way he loved my flaws. . . The way he kissed me.

Fuck, his lips felt so fucking right. His dominance outshining my own scaring my mind but my body melting into it. The way I just gave into him, into his strength and his power. . . Fuck.

A whimper escapes me as my dick hardens even more, the constant images of Raiden's smile, his eyes, his hands, his lips. . . lingering at the forefront.

I can't breathe.

I can't think.

I can't. . . I just fucking can't.


Hearing a knock on my bedroom door, I shake my head as my eyes crack open, my raging thoughts still very much raging. "Give me a minute."

My voice husky and full of desire, I yell to whoever it is to stop knocking on my door, but then I hear my Dad and Uncle Jake telling me about the Alpha meeting in the morning and I groan, not caring less when I felt so fucking stuck on my mate's everything.

Hearing their foot steps growing further in distance, I sigh a heavy breath mixed of relief and frustration as I roll over and grab my cellphone from my night stand.

Dialing Raiden's number, I swallow desperately, waiting for him to answer and finally on the third ring, he does. "Hey, Puppy."

Another relieved sighs escapes me, a needy whine coming out with the use of his name. "Raiden,"

I hear something loud hit some type of surface in the background, his worry coming through the phone, as he asks, "What's wrong?"

"Raiden, I need to see you," I rush my reply. "Like now, please, please."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart, I'm working," His answer makes my heart drop. "I took a late job because I was in a lot of a pain after I dropped you off, but I'm almost done here and I can come see you in maybe three hours."

I frantically shake my head, not liking that answer in the slightest. "No, no, Raiden, I need you like now, you don't understand, I'm freaking the fuck out over here. Please, please let me come to your place."

There was a brief moment of silence on the other end of the phone, my hand tightening around the damn thing until I finally hear him speak again. "Ok, darling, I'll pack up here and I'll meet you at my place."

Oh fuck, thank you. Thank you, thank you.

Not verbalizing my relief, I hang up the phone and quickly stuff it into my pocket. Getting off my bed, I hurry and throw on a shirt, socks and shoes then grab my keys and race out of my bedroom, weaving through the packhouse and out to my car, desperate to get back to my mate.



I hadn't intended to see my beauty again so soon, especially being in such agony myself. Maxx's warning of pain being inflicted through my brandings had become apparent during that beautiful moment between my mate and I but all the more apparent after dropping Dylan off.

I'd spent the last few hours in excruciating pain, my chest, my shoulders, my neck, my arms, my back every part of my body that my brandings laid across had been set ablaze and I needed to do something to help curb the pain.

So I took a late job for one of the nightclubs in the area, but then Dylan called me, his voice strained, hoarse, almost panicked as he quite literally begged to come and see me.

Not wanting to ignore him or brush him off despite being in agony, I agreed to meet him at my place and now as I watch him get out of his car that he parked extremely crooked in my driveway, his appearance shocked me.

I was used to seeing Dylan put together but now as he stalked towards my door, his hair was in disarray atop his head, claws extended, canines descended, a feral look in his eyes as he quite literally jumped on me, smashing his lips into mine.

Our bodies crashing into my halfway opened door, I stumble backwards, his grip tightening on the sides of my neck urging on that raging fire brought on by my brandings.

Struggling to get my lips free, I walk backwards as Dylan attacks my neck, nuzzling his face in the crook where his mark would lie one day, I close my front door and make my way to my bedroom the best I could with him still very much grabbing what he could.

Noticing my scent so strong, seeping from his pores and seeing how desperate he'd become in such a short period of time, realization dawned on me that Dylan hadn't been scared like I initially thought, he was in a rut.

Pulling him back as soon as I forced our bodies into the confines of my bedroom, I see they way his chest rose and fell heavily, the way his eyes had a deepening glow to them, the way he had lost all control over his body.

"Raiden," Dylan whines, his tongue running down on me of his canines as his gaze drops to my lips.

"I know, darling," I whisper my response, walking his body back until his legs hit the frame of my bed. "I'm going to help you."

There were only a few things I know that could help with a rutting male and one of them was to release. Although I knew Dylan wasn't ready for much else, he would be grateful for any type of release I could give him.

Tonight I would scent mark him until all he could taste was me, until all he could think about was him and hopefully being covered in enough of my scent was satisfy his desires.

Forcing him to lay down on my bed with a great deal of struggle, Dylan's body falls and the moment he hits my sheets and I hover him, his body begins trembling with need.

Leaning in to kiss my blessing, softly, gently, I savor the taste of something sweet I find on the tip of his tongue before pulling back just enough to shred my shirt from my body.

Dylan whines at the loss of my skin on his, but I was quick to shush him. "You're ok, just lay here and let me take care of you."

"Fuck," Dylan groans as I rip his shirt from his body, watching his chest jerk with each rip before I throw it over my shoulder, hearing it hit the floor.

Sliding one of my knees between his, I spread his legs and shudder at the perfect fit I find when I inch closer. My hands gently rubbing at the exposed flesh of his inner thighs, forcing my scent there as I feel his glands trembling beneath my fingertips.

When I sit up on my knees, one hand grasping his trembling thigh and with the other, I slide it up his chest, clasping it around his throat and squeezing, forcing my scent into his glands there, Dylan yelps as one of his hands meets my wrist, a string of whimpers escaping him as he lay flat, bare chest exposed. So exquisitely perfect beneath me.

Dylan begins to pant, eyes rolling back into his head as I feel the transfer of our energy shifting yet again. My scent growing stronger on him.

Removing my hand from his thigh, I keep the other wrapped around his throat, keeping him right where I want him while my free hand roams his rock hard chest, the ridges of his ribs, his clenching abs.

Softly applying pressure to his throat, his legs tighten around my waist in response and I gently force my scent into his glands across his upper body, taking my time to savor each little whimper, each little whine, each shudder that rips through him from my simple touch.

I could see the euphoria on Dylan's face, feel the surrender in his aura as more and more of my scent invades everything that he is, his beautifully crafted body shaking beneath me.

His submission so easily given, Dylan looked so breathtaking like this. Body glistening with sweat, shaking beneath me, chest heaving with each breath, sweet little sounds of succumbing escaping him with each new wave of my scent that invades him.

I wanted to deepen my scent even more, forcing it so deep within his glands that he would smell of me for days, weeks to come. So that every wolf in his pack knew that he was taken and that he was mine, but I didn't want to force that on him. I didn't think he was truly ready for that.

"Raiden, please," Dylan whimpers, head shaking the best it could in my unforgiving grip still so perfectly tight around his neck. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

Hearing his little pleas for nothing and everything at the same time, I become a little unhinged myself as a low growl rumbles through my chest and my hips subconsciously grind against his, eyes dropping to the action to see Dylan return my moment of weakness with his own.

His cock painfully strained beneath the fabric of his shorts. Desire slowly taking over my entire frame as I could practically taste Dylan on the tip of my tongue, his scent, my scent flooding from him overriding everything else — everywhere else.

Leaning down, I adjust my grip on his throat as I nuzzle his nape, inhaling his scent mixed with my own as intoxicatingly deepen my scent there and Dylan turns to mush beneath me.

Body slumping, completely surrendering to my hold, I allow my purr to wander. My energy smoothing over every trace of him, relishing in the way his body shivers against mine.

Pressing my body against his, I give him my full weight and Dylan groans, our bond going haywire as sparks rush everywhere his skin touched mine. I found myself breathing heavily under the weight of it all, his scent flowing through my body as if it were apart of my bloodstream, my entire body trembling as my fingers and toes started to tingle, vibrating to his essence.

I could feel Dylan's body starting to heat, my mind going blank, the pain agonizingly clear through my brandings but I don't stop as the only thing that I could focus on was my mate and they way that he felt so right underneath me like this.

My hands finding his hips, I turn my face into the crook of his neck and lose myself just a little, running my tongue along the soft flesh there. My pelvic muscles tightening as I found myself now angling my hips, perfectly rutting against his.

"Raiden, fuck, fuck," Dylan gasps, body tightening, the sound of his voice urging me on, until I hear the panic within as he stutters through his next word, "Oh fuck, I can't, wait, wait."

Hands coming to a halt, eyes cracking open, grip loosening, I pull myself back enough to look into his eyes to indeed find the panic there that matched his tone.

Eyes glued to his, I wait for what I was sure would be Dylan's moment of fragility. I've seen it so many times over the course of these past three months. In the way he carries himself, the way he speaks about being an Alpha and what that means to him, the way he hates whenever I make him feel inferior. . . The fact that he hates feeling so submissive towards me.

He doesn't voice it, but I see it there. I see it, apart of him wants to pull away, apart of him wants to me to stop but a bigger part of him wants me to keep going.

That bigger part of him is what I try to appeal to. "You want this, I know you do. I can see it, feel it, taste it. So why are you fighting me?"

Dylan just shakes his head in response, face heating up as that sweet blush coats every inch of his cheeks, his neck, his ears.

Raising a brow, I challenge him. "I asked you a question, Dylan." He swallows, biting back a whimper. The wickedly submissive little thing, seeing that, I soften my tone. "Talk to me, puppy, what's wrong?"

Again he shakes his head, eyes still glowing with need, body still trembling as his gaze travels south and finally notices our position. "I'm belly up for you."

I was surprised by his answer because Dylan has been belly up for me before, yet this time he seems acutely aware of that fact.

"I'm aware," I dip my head, rubbing my nose against his. "And I love that."

"I don't," Dylan whispers, hands finding my shoulders and giving them a little push.

I oblige by allowing him to move me. Sitting up on my knees, I wait for him to move from beneath me, to move off my bed and run out of here, yet he never does.

Dylan stays right here, legs spread for me, cock painfully strained, almost every inch of him exposed to me as he stares back up at me, face contorting with something I can't decipher as his eyes quickly fill with tears. "Fuck."

I notice his hesitation, the way he wanted this to end, to get up and leave. . .

Body still trembling, he growls, "I'm an Alpha, I hate how submissive I am to you. Whatever this is, whatever my body wants, my mind doesn't want that. I can't handle all of this, it's alot. I'm supposed to be strong and dominant, I'm supposed to be in your place and you're supposed to be belly up for me, not this."

. . . but I also notice the part of him that wants to surrender. The part of him that wants to just give into me, to let go and give me all of his burdens and I would take them all if he let me.

"Puppy, look at me," Whispering my affections for him, Dylan's eyes quickly find mine, obedient as ever despite what that other part of him says. "When we're together, alone, it's just us. Nothing else matters and whatever we do in our bedroom, whatever dynamic we share is solely ours to know."

Hands finding his thighs again, I wait for him to tell me to stop but the words never come, so I gently rub the heated flesh there. "And you want this, you want me."

Dylan doesn't nod but he doesn't shake his head either. Instead he averts his gaze to the ceiling, claws still extended, he digs them into my sheets besides him and growls again, this time a little more aggressive.

Wanting to calm him, my hands continue to rub his exposed thighs and when I lean in, helping his thighs wrap around my waist, Dylan's eyes find mine again, his heart rate spiking.

Lips hovering over his, I whisper. "Just let go, puppy. Give me all of your fears, your anxieties, your burdens, those racing thoughts. I'm strong enough to handle them for the both of us."

When Dylan whines again, I lower my head, shifting from his lips to the crook of his neck, I place a soft kiss there. "Come on, darling, give in to me."

Slowly but steadily, I feel his hands grip my forearms, grip almost bruising as he fights through the torn of his mindset.

Minutes tick by as we stay like this. Dylan fighting through his emotions and me whispering positive thoughts into him, trying to make him more comfortable with me, with giving into me, with feeling submissive because it's not a bad thing.

Giving up all of the tension in your body to another is a beautiful thing and submission should never be seen as a negative thing. . . No matter what fucktards like Dax Kyles or Dean Harris says.

Submission is beautiful, it's strong, it's empowering and that's what I want Dylan to know. That's what I want him to feel.

No matter how much I wanted to watch Dylan squirm beneath my gaze, make him feel things that he's never thought we're possible, wanted to watch him lose control, give in to me and feel overwhelmed in the best of ways, I also wanted him to feel empowered while doing it.

I don't want him to think that submission is weak because he already feels inadequate in everything else.

I wanted him to feel strong because there's no better feeling of being in control and honestly, that kind of control only comes when you're submitting.

There's something so fucking sexy about knowing you're in complete control of the moment, even though you're the one getting railed.

Being the submissive, the one who gives away the control, doesn't mean you lose all power, it's quite the contrary.

Dylan would have all the power while I would have the control, the control that he would give me. The power that he would bestow upon me.

The submissive controls the tempo, the moment, the whole encounter is within the submissive's control because the amount of pleasure or pain taken is up to them.

The dominant may be the one giving the pleasure, but the submissive tells them how.

If you think about it, the dominants have to take more direction and follow their submissive's lead because the submissive says when to start, when to stop, how far things can go, what they like, what they hate, they tell their dominant's what's comfortable and what's not and the dominant must adjust accordingly.

Being the dominant mate in our bond is amazing but it's also more work work and honestly way more nerve wracking because every position, every stroke, every thrust, every lick, suck, nibble or bite is being criticized and I can't just lose control.

I have to stay focused and pay attention to every little cue my submissive little blessing gives to me to make sure I'm doing my job the right way.

Being the bottom is empowering and exhilarating and gives you a whole new level of control.

But because of the misconception that the dominants are the ones with all the power, when in all actuality, they're not, you have men like Dylan who are terrified to accept the fact that they're gay, scared to admit that they actually like dick and scared to actually allow themselves to experience the joys of submission.

Which is why I remove my body from his and lay on my back next to him, catching his entire attention as a frown plasters itself to his face.

Saying nothing, I lean in to capture Dylan's lips with my own, lazily kissing him as my hands find my own raging hard on.

Slipping them beneath the hem of my sweats, I sigh into my Dylan's mouth as I wrap one hand around the base and with the other, twist my wrist around the tip.

"Mm," I moan against his lips, eyes cracking open when I hear Dylan gasp to find his lips now mere inches from mine and his gaze locked onto the way I pleasure myself.

Jaw clenching, I lean in and nibble his chin, pulling back to watch him with heavily hooded eyes, "Join me, Puppy."

Dylan's eyes practically bulge out of his head when he asks, "W-what?"

Growling quietly as I work myself up, I feel my canines descend. "Stroke your cock, I know how worked up you are, I can smell your arousal, so cum with me or lay there and watch me. Your choice."

When it takes far too long for Dylan to listen, I close my eyes and fall into a steady rhythm of pleasure. Bringing myself closer and closer to the edge, twisting my wrist as I stroke my cock painfully slow, wanting to savor the images of Dylan beneath me just a few minutes ago.

But then I hear a little gasp besides me and feel the bed dip as Dylan shifts his weight next to me. Cracking my eyes open, I smile through my heavy breaths as I see Dylan's eyes closed as he works his own swollen cock.

Eyes glued to his actions, I bite my bottom lip, the sight a marvelous thing and as if Dylan could sense my eyes on him, his own open and his head turns, my gaze meeting that wave crashing one of his.

A blush creeps up the side of his neck when he catches my eyes on him and he tries to look away, but I shake my head and take one hand off my cock to grab hold of his chin and keep him right here. "Eyes on me."

Dylan hesitates for a second but than gives into me. He gives into me and it's a beautiful thing to see as his body slumps into the sheets, eyelids falling just a little, never once pulling away.

Then he begins stroking himself again and I smile at his willingness. "Good boy," he whimpers. "That's it, puppy, give into me," he lets out a little breath as his face contorts into pure bliss. "Fuck you're so beautiful when you submit like this."

"Stop," Dylan whines, eyes falling shut.

"So good for me," I continue, whispered breaths, gentle nibbles to his chin. "I love watching you squirm, give me that load, baby."

"Fuck," He growls, eyes reopening to lock onto mine.

I relish in the way our breaths mingle, our moans and groans filling the room, arousal peaking, eyes glowing, canines descending.

Stroking our cocks, lips lazily meeting every once in a while, eyes rolling when they meet, chests heaving, bodies trembling.

And then I hear Dylan curse, a plethora of profanities falling from his lips as I open my eyes to watch him shoot all of his stomach, most of his essence filling his hand but the rest that doesn't, I find myself staring at.

Wanting. . . Needing. . .

Letting go of his chin, I reach my hand out and scoop the sweet cum that landed on his stomach and smear it all over my cock. I falter, my eyes roll and a moan falls from my lips as Dylan's scent invades my most sensitive places, legs shaking from it all.

"Oh my Goddess," I hear Dylan gasp through his post orgasm high. Opening my eyes the best I could, I find him staring at my cock with heavily hooded eyes, watching me stroke myself with his cum.

It feels amazing. . . I want to tell him, but I can't. I can't utter a single word as I feel my balls tighten, stomach clenching, warmth shooting up my spine as I roar through my own orgasm.

It rushes through me without warning, so strong, so powerful that my entire body shakes with the force of it, hips thrusting into my fist as I chase every single sensation.

Then I feel Dylan's head lean against my shoulder, his heavy breaths fanning across my skin. Riding out my orgasm, my body jerks with each passing spurt but then I feel a warmth to the side of me and I open my eyes to see Dylan cumming for a second time, this time all over my sheets, coating my ribs as his body lay on it's side, pressed up against mine.

Seeing that, I shake my head in disbelief, mouth agape as I try to open my eyes even more to play witness to this moment with no success as exhaustion was quickly taking over.

I feel myself barreling towards that deep realm of unconsciousness, but before I do, I tuck my cock back into my sweats and turn on my side.

Taking Dylan's chin in my grip again, I pull his head up to see his post orgasm high written all over his pretty face.

"You came so much for me." Smiling softly, I whisper my next words, "Such a good boy."

And Dylan returns my praise with a little whine of his own before I lean in to place a soft kiss to the lips that would forever be mine and then we both close our eyes and allow sleep to take us, completely worn out and satisfied. . . For tonight.


*Literally jumps in a cold shower*🥵🥵🥵

Chile. . . I am hot and muthafucking bothered! Raiden you sexy fucker. Dylan you submissive little bundle of joy. Ugh! 😍😍

Dylan you better not panic after this shit man, your mate is something else, trust me!!👏🏾

I don't even have much else to say right now. Someone help! I'm so turned on, fuck!

Thoughts on this one??

Share them all and don't forget to comment if you felt the urge and vote if this one got you all hot and shit!

Thanks so much for reading,
Until next chapter,
Byeeeeee Bestiessssssss!!

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โNever mess with the Royals. You'll feel the flames of hell before you even get there.โž Back then, I wasn't anyone special. I wasn't some hero who sa...