By -spacejuice

2.1K 105 13

He stares at her with a sad look in his eyes as she glares at him. She doesn't like him, at all and he knows... More



270 18 7
By -spacejuice

Mitsukuni was in a horrible mood. It has been so since the day of the resort. He tried talking to Naoki but her friend Hana kept blocking him. He likes Hana as a friend, but he's slowly starting to annoy him. The host club could only watch as their senpai went into a sad state. It was sad really. It made them feel guilty since they *cough cough Kyoya* were the ones who ruined the trip for the two.

What's worst is that the guest has started to notice the depressing mood Honey had, even when he tries to pretend that everything's fine, his aura made them sad.

"Poor Honey-senpai..." One girl said as she wipes the tears from her eyes.

"He looks like a kicked puppy"

"I hope he feels happy soon..."


"Naochan, please! Can we talk about this over cake?"

"I told you to stop calling me that you idiot! And no, we can't." She says and turns to him, "Hana is right. Your little groupie almost put my life in danger, and for what? Just to hang out with you? If anything this made me hate you and your group even more!"

Honey's heart broke when he heard that. He isn't sure how his friends knew about his crush when he made sure to be careful as possible. Takashi wouldn't dare snitch on him, so how did they know? When he thinks they are getting closer, they keep returning no matter what. At this point, he's willing to give up. Honey turned to face her but then froze. He couldn't help but stare at Naoki's beautiful face.

'I can't give up!' He thinks to himself.

"I'll take you out to buy some Imagawayaki!"

Naoki stops walking and turns to Honey. Her lips twitch as she tries to contain her smile.

"You'll buy for me? All of it?" Honey nods his head. He smiles when he sees the gleam in her eyes.

"We will go this evening after class" His smile disappears.

"This afternoon? Can't we go this Saturday?"

"If you can't go this evening then don't. I have the stuff to do Saturday" Naoki says and turns to leave but stopped when she heard his response.

"Okay, we can go!" She didn't respond but left.


"Where's Honey-senpai?" One of the guests asks as she twirls the end of her hair. The rest of the said boy's guests looked around for him but realize that he wasn't there.

"Now that you've mentioned...where is senpai? I brought some new desserts for him to try out" The rest of the host club looks around but couldn't see him.

"Is he running late?" Someone asks.

"Can't be! Honey-senpai never goes anywhere without Mori-senpai!"

With his quick thinking, Tamaki quickly came up with a plan.

"I'm sorry ladies but it seems that the host club is closing early! But don't worry! You'll get half off on the limited edition posters!"Without waiting to hear what else the princely type has to say, they quickly head to the table with all the limited edition posters. Once the ladies had left. Tamaki turns to his senpai and asks him a question. His senpai stared at him and replied.

"No, I don't know" Tamaki goes to his little corner to wallow in his sadness. Without Honey, there's no host club! Honey is their second most popular host member and his not showing up is making the customers sad.

What's weird is that this is the first time he has done this. Kyoya looks to Mori to dissect his behaviour. It didn't look like he was worried, if anything he seems calm...too calm.

"Mori-senpai...are you sure you don't know where Honey-senpai is?" He asked but the giant told him what he told his other kouhai. Kyoya nods his head and goes to his laptop. He clicks on Honey's profile and searches for his location. It says that he is at 'Hinata's Delights'. Why would he be at a cafe when the host club has desserts? He closes his laptop and picks up his things.

"Knowing how Tamaki is, we're going to get Honey-senpai."

"And how do you suppose we find him?" Asked Karou. As he walks the door, without looking back he told them about his resources.

"I have a tracker on him" Kyoya didn't stay to hear all of the yellings from his club members.


"Naochan do you like the Imagawayaki?" But all he got was moans and hums. Honey goes back to eating his cake. He was glad to see that Naoki had forgiven him.

Honey goes back to eating his cake. He was glad to see that Naoki had forgiven him. It makes him smile seeing her smile, seeing her happy. He has realised that when he's around he could actually be himself, his true self. Not the cutesy Honey that everyone expects him to be. He can be just himself...and he likes it.

He likes being himself without anyone expecting him to be someone else and not who they want him to be. And he's pretty sure even though Naoki hasn't accepted him as a friend yet, she will soon. He hopes so at least.

Feeling someone staring at her, she looks up with cake in her mouth, "Hey idiot, why are you staring at me?" He looks at her and gave her a soft smile. She puts her fork down and wipes her lips, looking confused.


"Nothing...just, it is're really beautiful Naochan, and I don't mean just by your looks. Honey starts feeling the warmth spread through his chest. Naoki feels her cheeks burn red and turns away from her.

"S-Shut up!"He laughs at her flustered face. She huffs at him and shoves a piece of cake into her mouth. His comment made her feel a sort of way. Sure she knows she could be a handful, and her only friend is Hana so hearing him say that made her feel a sort of way.

Her personality was a lot. She wasn't girly or tried to act like one. She acted like herself and most girls and boys didn't like it, it was 'unladylike'. But also because he didn't seem annoyed or bothered by it.

She wasn't used to people being nice to her except for her family and Hana so this was weird for her. It makes her blush slightly and try not to think too much about it, but she couldn't deny how happy she felt at receiving such compliments.


"What's he doing with her?" The oldest twin questions.

"He's feeding her cake!" The youngest twin commented.

"Maybe he's trying to be her friend?" Haruhi, the most sensible one said. They were currently stalking watching their friend feed Sakamaki-san some cake. They were confused. Why weren't Hana Komori here with their senpai? The blonde pipes up and smiles when he thought of something.

"What if Honey-senpai is taking Sakamaki-san out to get her trust? If you remember Komori-san was really annoyed when she realized her friend got almost hurt, so he's probably trying to buy his way to be her friend! Which would make being Komori-san's friend easier!"

The rest of the host club looked at their leader as if he suddenly had grown a brain.

"Senpai, when did you get a brain?!"

"Haruhi don't insult daddy!"Tamaki says as he cries in the bushes. The twins laugh at the scene while Kyoya observes their senpai.

'Hmm. Strange' Was all he said.


Hello! I updated earlier because I wasn't sure if I would be available to post this weekend. I use the Hiragana version for the titles so that way people can understand and learn Japanese in this way. I can add more Japanese words if you guys would like.

INFO: Imagawa Yaki (今川焼)

Imagawa Yaki or in other words Obanyaki is a dessert often found at Japanese festivals. It can be found in Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea. It has a crispy outer skin while the inside is soft and filled with traditional red bean paste. If it isn't to your liking you can get vanilla, custard, chocolate, matcha, etc flavours.

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