Red Hope! || OT7 x Black OC

By emerald_notes

4.7K 111 3

"Leah," Taehyung called, hoping against hope that she was fine, that it was all just a prank she was playing... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

Part 7

486 14 0
By emerald_notes

I confessed to my mother about getting back most of my past memories. Some of them were still blurry. But I was remembering everything eventually. I told mother I wanted to take a break from school for the day. I was still not prepared to face Jungkook or any of them.

After the school was over, both Jin and Jungkook stopped by my house. My mother told them how overwhelmed I felt as my memories came back and that I didn't want to meet anyone just then.

I had been getting calls after calls from the boys. Some of them even texted me, asking if what my mother said were true. I neither picked up the calls nor replied to them. I had decided it was better to avoid them. I didn't need any fake friends in my life. Nina was enough.

But I knew, deep inside, I was hurting. It pained me to even think about not talking to the boys anymore. All I knew for the past few months were the boys. They had been in everything I was doing. Without them, I wouldn't even be able to recover as fast as I did.

I stayed in my room the whole day and cried. I felt like I was broken into pieces and I would never be able to put them together. Every beautiful experience I had with the boys felt like a lie.

Since Taehyung kept calling me non-stop, I thought it would be better to let them know how I felt about them now.


Taehyung: Finally you've answered. What happened, Leah? Are you okay?

Leah: I'll get straight to the point, Taehyung. It's true that I've got my memories back.

*A pause*

Taehyung: So, you remember everything?

Leah: Everything.

Taehyung: Are you mad at us?

Leah: What do you think, Taehyung? Should I?

Taehyung: Listen, Leah. We're all really sorry for everything, okay?

Leah: Stop it! I don't need your apologies. I just want you to convey the message to the rest of the boys. I don't want you guys near me anymore. Our so called friendship ends here.


The next day in school, I sat with Nina avoiding Jungkook. But he came to sit behind us and started to say how sorry he was for his past actions and that he deeply regretted them now and other stuffs like that.

I said, "You have apologized and I took it. But I still don't want to talk to you anymore."

Jungkook still followed me to the cafeteria at lunch break. I was really annoyed at the way he was acting. "Could you please stop following me?" I almost shouted at his face.

"Please, Leah..."Jungkook tried to say something more when I turned to go. Then, he grabbed my hand.

I looked him dead in the eyes and said boldly, "This is the last time I'm going to tell you this, leave me alone."

Instead of letting go of my hand, Jungkook took a step toward me. That was when I slapped him, really hard on his face. As soon as I did, I regretted it. Some of the students were staring at us by then.

"Leah," Jungkook's voice trembled as he looked at me in disbelieve, "You hate me so much, don't you?"


Jimin had texted me to meet him even if it was the last time I did. I was very upset about the whole school affair. To ease my unsettling brain, I thought it would be better to talk it out.

As I waited for Jimin in the nearby park, I kept replaying in my mind how Jungkook had looked at me after I had hit him. I knew I would never forget that look.

I saw Jimin approaching me from a distance. He brought flowers for me again. He came to me and smiled. Even with the smile on his face, he still looked sad. It was hard to be mad at Jimin. I took the purple flowers from his hand.

"I know how you're feeling, Leah." he said and it sounded like he really did.

I started to cry, "Why did you have to be so cruel to me?"

"We're really sorry, Leah." Jimin's voice broke as he struggled to say the right words. "We were stupid. Trust me, if only we knew just how much you would mean to us, we would have never done that."

"You said you care for me!"

"And we do." Jimin stepped forward and hugged me. There was a feeling of comfort in his arms. I buried my face on his chest as he gently stroked my hair. "Just trust us this one time and we wouldn't let you down."

I nodded. There was no way I could stay away from them. They had become a part of me. As much as I hated to admit it, I knew I loved them.


The boys had arranged a special dinner for me. The reason was obviously to apologize to me officially. I called Nina to ask if she was coming. She said that the dinner was meant for me and she'd better not intrude.

I was having mixed feelings toward the dinner. I kept worrying whether I had made the right decision or not. I felt like I really didn't have any choice. I loved the boys too much to break off the friendship that was so precious to me.

Even if I could now remember everything, most part of my life I had felt empty. These past few months I had spent with the boys were the most exciting part of my life. No matter how terrible they had been to me before the accident, they had been double nice to me afterwards.

I had put on my best dress to go to the dinner party. When my mother saw me, she literally gasped and said that I looked so pretty. Before I got out of the house, she told me that she was glad that I had finally found the friends I deserved and that she had never seen me so happy before.

Jin came to pick me up since I still didn't have the driving license. He was awestricken when he saw me. "Leah," he said, "you look beautiful." Then immediately he added, "even though that's nothing compared to me." I punched him in the arm and got in to the car.

Once I got down from the car, I ran straight to Jungkook and hugged him. "I'm really sorry, Kookie. I didn't mean to hurt you." I said after releasing him from my arms.

Jungkook shook his head and said, "No, Leah. It should be me apologizing to you instead. I AM SORRY!"

"Can we please skip this part?" Yoongi poked his head in between us and gave me his huge gummy smile, melting me right at the spot.

As soon as the other boys saw me they started to shower me with compliments. None of them could deny the fact that I looked beautiful in that dress. I was blushing really hard and told them to stop it.

After some times of talking and fooling around just like the old times, I almost forgot about all the worries I had earlier. Hoseok stood up and declared, "It is now time for the special performance that we've arranged for our precious friend, Leah."

The boys arranged their position to sit facing me. Namjoon said, "This is the song I wrote just for you when you were in the coma."

Then, they started to sing, one by one. It was so beautiful. The music was really soothing. It calmed me right away. And what could I say about the lyrics. It was so heart-warming.

They had admitted their fault of not being good friends to me. They had failed to realize my worth. They had regretted their actions once I was gone. There was nothing in this world that they could ask for other than my forgiveness and the promise of our friendship.

They said those words in the most poetic way and it made me tear up. Once the song was over I hugged them all, one by one. I said that I was so lucky to have them in my life, that I had already forgiven them and that I wished to continue our friendship till death.

We sat at the dinner table and made a toast to our friendship. We ate and drank till our stomachs could no longer take it anymore.

Then, the disco lights were turned on and we danced to the loud music. It was the best night I had spent in my entire life.

Being exhausted, I went to sit beside Jin, who had already given up dancing at that point. We laughed at the other boys doing stupid dance moves.

I rested my head on Jin's shoulder. "See," Jin said, "I promised, we'd make it up to you, didn't I?"


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