Second Chance || Lab Rats

By multiny_

29.5K 705 162

Hundreds of mile away from home. New school. New friends. New life. New feelings? Maybe Everything was bound... More

• Act one •
01: New School
02: Finishing First Day Of School
03: Split Personality
04: First Dance
05: Progress Reports And Shocking News
06: Chessy Picture On The Wall
07: Absent Birthday Boy
08: Forgive And Forget- Cause They Have A Flippin' Lab
09: Alone Time Gone Wrong
10: Beach Day And Old Enemies
11: Magic Shoes
12: Magic Shoes, Not So Magical Experience
13: Parent/Teacher Night
14: Visit From An Old Friend?
15: Day Two Of Building A Lab
16: Finally Friends
17: Marcus Goes To School
18: New Band And Betrayals
19: First Sleepover And A Mission
20: Mission Success
• Act two •
22: A Trip To The Bottom Of The Pacific Ocean
23: Near Death Experience
24: Aftermath
25: First Day Of Parenting
26: Bad Parent(ing)
27: Making Memories
28: I Didn't Even Have Detention
29: What's Wrong With Bree?
30: Hanging Out With Geeks
31: Win Some, Lose Some
32: Vocal Manipulation
33: Close Call
34: Not So Happy Visit
35: Truth's Out
36: New Universe, New Me
37: No Place Like Home
38: First Birthday Together
39: Talent Show
40: Spike's Back
41: Uh Oh
42: Smoothing Things Over
43: Another Dooley In School
44: Loud neighbors
45: The Day Has Come
46: Unexpected Turn
• Act Three •
47: A Year Later
48: An Angry Old Friend
49: First Hero Mission
50: Boyfriend Goes Missing
51: We've Come So Far

21: Wild Assumptions and laser tag gone wrong

395 14 4
By multiny_

I reread the text multiple times getting more and more worried as I read it. There is no way he knows the real reason, does he?

"Hey you okay?" Marcus asked. I put my phone down and nodded. I picked up my controller again focusing back on the game.

Another round went by— I won this one— and I felt my phone vibrate again. I softly sighed hesitant to read what it says. I took my phone from my pocket and faced the screen towards me.

'Can you come over today?' Chase sent.

"What is it?" Marcus asked. He looked down at my phone then at me. I turned the phone over to him. He skimmed through the text and returned it back to me. "You should go."

My eyes widened as I looked at Marcus, "What?! No!"

"See what he thinks he found out then smooth things over. You'll be fine. Chase is weak around you." Marcus sneered.

I clenched my jaw and opened the message back.

'I'll be there soon.'

I regretting it the second it was sent. No, no, no I won't think like this. Chase may be smart but he's oblivious most of the time. He doesn't know, he can't.

"Come on, I'll walk you out." Marcus said, getting up from the floor. I sighed and walked with him downstairs.

"Hey, dad, I'm going over to the Davenport's... can I get a ride? Please?" I asked fidgeting with my necklace. Dougie and dad looked at each other sharing a knowing look. Dad returned his attention on me and nodded. He grabbed his jacket and keys. I followed behind him with Marcus still on my side.

"Before careful, alright." Marcus whispered. He gently squeezed my hand and let it go when dad turned around. He waved at Marcus and Dougie. Dad and I climbed on the bike putting our helmets on.

I really hope Chase doesn't know the truth.


When arriving to the familiar mansion, Chase was already outside sitting on the bench waiting for me.

"Have fun." Dad said. He waved at Chase before backing into the road. It was just Chase and I now. I sheepishly smiled at him and immediately looked down when meeting his eyes.

"Come on. Let's go inside."

Chase took my arm and guided me inside the house. The living room was empty meaning: Tasha was out shopping (probably) and his siblings and dad must be in the lab.

We walked quietly to the elevator and waited to reach the lab. I would say it was awkward... but I can't really tell. He doesn't seem bothered. Hell, if I'm not mistaken he looks smug about something. I'm worried, of course, but I wouldn't say it made the air tense. It was just... quiet.

Speaking of quiet, the lab is eerily silent. I expected some type of explosion, a scream at least, but nothing was heard. We walking further into the lab and no one was there.

"They all went out for some 'bonding' time." Chase explained. I nodded and my brows furrowed realizing something.

"If it's a family 'bonding' thing... Why aren't you with them?"

Chase slightly flattered his pace but carried on soon after. He pulled out a chair for me and himself. He sat on the chair facing me.

"They deliberately forgot about me." Chase breathed out.

"Holy shit. That's so fucked up."

I know they pick on Chase but forgetting about him? That's on a whole level of messed up. Honestly, I've always pitied him. He's has to constantly put up with his siblings and now even his parents. Talk about trauma.

"Yeah. Tell me about it." Chase scoffed. He played with the hem of his shirt.

"Hey. Since they excluded you... how about we have today to ourselves." I offered. Chase stopped and looked up at me. There was a small smile growing on his lips.

"I'd like that." He answered. "Besides it'd be good to hang out with you again." Chase added, standing up from his seat.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, that's actually what I wanted to talk about." Chase said, he crossed his arms and leaned against the panel. "I know why you hang out with Marcus so much."

I felt my hands start to get clammy. I tried to remain calm not wanting to confirm his suspicions. I said nothing waiting for him to further explain.

"You like him."

"...I'm sorry. What?"

Chase snickered, "Yeah. You like him, don't you? Isn't that why you're always with him?"

I'm not sure how to respond to something like that. Does it really appear like to have a crush on him? I shook my head letting out a breathy laugh.

"No, it's not. I don't like M-Marcus." I said, but I just had to stutter.

He smirked and gave me a look. I scratched the back of my neck and looked away.

I cleared my throat, "I mean, I guess I do find him attractive. But it's not like that. We're just... close friends."

"Yeah. Okay. Sure." Chase teased. I rolled my eyes and playfully slapped his chest.

"Be honest with me. Do you like him?" Chase ask sincerely.

I swear I heard a hint of worry but I could be imagining that part. The question was more difficult to answer than I thought. What if I said no and he continues to look for a reason and ends up finding out the truth? What if I say yes and— well I don't know what would happen if I say yes, but it could go wrong, right?

"Maybe. I don't know. I never really thought about my feelings for him. Besides, we've only known each other for little a while." I explained.

"So." Chase shrugged. "People tend to fall in love rather quickly."

"Love?" I muttered. Having a crush is way different than loving someone. Sure, I love Marcus as a friend. I care for him like any friend would. "Anyways, uh, what would you like to do?"

Chase thought for a moment before going to the left side of the lab. I tilted my head watching him rummage through the cabinets. After a while he pulled out a box smiling widely.

"Mr. Davenport's been working on this for a while. I get to finally test it out with someone."

"Isn't that— I don't know, dangerous?"

"I'm the smartest man alive. I know what I'm doing." Chase bragged. He became stiff realizing what he'd said to me. I didn't want him to panic and said the first thing that cross my mind: "Wow. Talk about narcissistic."

Chase nervously laughed and nodded. His laughter stopped and he stood up straight glaring at me. I smirked and covered my mouth to prevent a laugh to come out.

He shook his head and focused back on the box, "This is a—"

"Just letting you know now, it's best if you dumb it down."

He rolled his eyes and nodded, "Basically, it's a form of laser tag."

I beamed at the words laser tag. I've always want to try it out. I took the laser gun from Chase's hands and examined it. While examining the gun I felt something touching me. I looked to the side and saw Chase was in the process of putting on the vest on me. I felt a slight blush creep up to my face.

Chase strapped the last of the vest and backed up. A look of realization crossed his face. He frantically looked around the room avoiding my gaze. It doesn't seem like a big deal. A friend helping out another friend, but it kind of turned into a big deal at the close, very close proximity we were in. Wow, what is it with guys and no personal space? I mean I don't mind it, but it leaves one flustered.

"Okay, so, how do we play?" I asked wanting to skip the few awkward moment where we stand and glance at each other.

"Right. Yeah, um, just turn on the laser gun with this button..." Chase instructed. I pressed the same button he did and the gun lit up.

"This is so awesome."



Today I learned a very valuable lesson.

Never ever play laser tag inside the house.

Especially one that has millions worth of furniture. Let's just say our friendly match of laser tag turned a little too competitive. That then lead to destroying Tasha's new designer couch. Yeah, there is a big burn mark right in the center of the expensive white couch.

Chase and I are pacing around the room trying to come up with different ideas, but naturally, the Davenport's were coming back in less than thirty minutes which added to our stress. Honestly, I was mostly relying on Chase to come up with an idea. Guess the genius was to panicked to come up with anything right now. I don't blame him for not coming up with something clever. Tasha can get scary sometimes. I would be nervous.

"What are we going to do? We have less then twenty minutes now!"

"Okay. Okay, Chase let's calm down. Uh, you know, it's barely noticeable." I said trying to cheer him up. He glared at me still pacing around the couch.

"Uh, wait, it's just a burn mark maybe I can just... paint over it."


"It's better than nothing!"

"Fine. I think there is some paint laying around. Let me get it."

Chase dashed out the room. I looked back at the burn mark and sighed. I ran a hand through my hair and pulled out my phone. Maybe there is a better way to cover this. As I pulled out my phone, I was able to see new messages on the screen from Marcus.

'How are things going?'
'Is everything okay?'

There were three other messages asking the same question over and over. All of them are two-six minutes apart. Hopefully he doesn't whine about not responding right away.

'Hi. Everything fine.
'Gotta go. I'll talk to you later.'

It's dry, I know but what else am I supposed to say? I could've burned down the Davenport's mansion from playing laser tag with Chase. Yeah, that burn mark wasn't the worst part of today. I almost burned down the place when I embarrassingly missed my shot. It was so bad. He was right in front of me and I completely missed, by a lot might I add.

"Okay. I found the paint."


Chase handed me the bucket with the paintbrush. I uncapped the lid and dipped the brush. I placed the bucket next to me as I covered the burned part of the white couch.

"Do you think this would work?" Chase asked. I looked back at him. I stayed quiet for a moment.

"No... Hopefully they don't notice it, though."

I stepped away from the couch letting Chase dry the paint with the hairdryer. I looked back at the door worried if they would come in while we were doing this. Chase turned off the dryer and I went back to add another layer of paint just incase the scorched part gets visible over time. Chase went back in with the dryer. He stepped back next to me where we observed the couch. We looked at each other then back at the destroyed seating area.

"We're so gonna get in trouble." Chase commented. His shoulders slumped and tossed the pink hairdryer on the couch. He plopped himself onto one of the kitchen island chairs.

"Hey, it's not that noticeable. We'll be fine besides, Mr. Davenport can always buy Tasha another one." I tried to reassure him. Chase groaned and put his head between his hands. "If we do end up getting caught. I'm going to take all the blame, alright."

"No. Absolutely not. This is my fault." Chase said, getting up from the chair.

"I'm the one with the terrible aim." I snickered. "This is on me, okay."

Chase wasn't able to reply as the door slammed open. Leo marched inside and slammed open the fridge. He took the juice carton and drank straight from it. I grimaced and looked over at Tasha. She shook her head looking at her son's behavior.

"What's up with him?" Chase asked.

"Leo blew chunks on one of the rides and couldn't eat for the rest of the day." Bree explained.

Adam laughed, "Yeah. It got all over this little girl. It was so gross."

"The girl was in the way. That was not my fault." Leo retorted, shoving cookies into his mouth.

"Oh hi, Lauren." Adam greeted while waving at me. I waved back chuckling at his slow reaction. It appears the rest of the Davenport family just realized I was here as well. They all acknowledged me by either waving, saying hi, or nodding at me.

"Honey, why are you here?" Tasha asked placing her bag on the couch. Chase and I quickly looked at each other. Chase clear his throat and I fidgeted with my necklace.

"Yeah. No one like you. You should leave." Leo commented from behind. I ignored Leo, too worried about Tasha feeling the different textures, considering she sat right in front of the painted area.

"Uh, you know, to... keep Chase company." I managed to say. Chase nodded and laughed nervously.

"Yep. That's why she was here."

"Okay. Well that's very nice of you Lauren, but it's getting late you should head home." Mr. Davenport announced.

"Hold on." Bree began. We all stared at her as she approached Chase and I. "Are we not gonna talk about the fact Lauren willingly chose to stay with Chase."

"You're so right. Did he make you listen to his boring facts all day?" Adam asked.

"Guys, come one. Don't be like that." I said. Adam and Bree looked at each other then at me. They bursted into laughter while walking towards the elevator.

'Wait a minute!' Eddie announced.

Great let's add more to my stress today.
I rolled my eyes hearing his annoying voice. I completely forgot he existed.

'These two did something that they aren't telling you.' Eddie sang.

"Wh-what?" Chase said in a high-pitched voice. "I don't know what he's talking about."

'Here let me show you.'

Although Eddie is not a person, I swear I saw the satisfaction on his face when he showed the clip of me hitting the couch with the laser gun.

Mr. Davenport snickered along with Adam and Bree. Leo mockingly laughed, which was directed to me I asume.

Tasha sat up and examined closely where she sat. She gasped giving that motherly glare at Chase and I.

"You two are in big trouble!" Tasha fumed. "And as punishment you're going to clean the entire hour. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes ma'am."


You know, cleaning the house wasn't that bad. I wouldn't want to do it again, but not as bad as I thought.

"Sorry for today." Chase said breaking the silence.

"Chase there is no need to apologize."

"Yeah I do. I wanted us to have fun today, not get us in trouble." Chase confessed. He leaned against the wall setting down his cleaning supplies next to him.

"Today was fun. Sure, getting a punishment from Tasha wasn't ideal, but nonetheless, I would do this all over again."

It's true. Nothing about today was regrettable. It's been a while since I hanged out with Chase. And it was also refreshing to have someone scold me for something. Dad and Dougie don't do shit when Marcus and I mess around. They don't exactly care as long as we don't screw anything in the lab. It's nice to have some sort of discipline. Specifically from a mother figure. Let's just say mom is in a tough spot right now. From the times Tony goes to check up on her, she seems to be getting worse. Her husband, who I learned is named Victor, is a toxic ass motherfucker.

It's just so nice to feel like a normal kid getting a normal punishment.

"I'm glad you had fun today." Chase said. "I hope we have more times like this."

"So do I."

His gaze softened and smile warmly at me. He opened his arms initiating a hug. I grinned at his gesture as accepted the hug.

"I've miss you." Chase whispered caressing my hair.

"I've miss you too."


A/N: takes after Mission Space.

Also, if you have trouble envisioning any thing here or any other fanfic I recommend watching @mrsmommyreader321 she's a tiktoker that has some vids explaining and demonstrating some book expressions and phrases.

@stickbugss1 also does similar vids.

Word count: 2810

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