Arknights:A Doctor's Journey

By XenicesPad010

5.7K 176 34

*Slow Updates* Follow the journey of Doctor Arata in his misadventures in Terra! There are some slight change... More

Chapter 1:Awakening
Chapter 2:Getting Adjusted
Chapter 3:Do I know you
Chapter 4:The Journey Begins
Chapter 5:Daily Routine
Chapter 6:Operation SK-1
Chapter 8-A Future Partnership
Chapter 9-Perspective
Chapter 10: Assistant
Chapter 11: Ghost
Chapter 12:Before Hand
Chapter 13- Lingering Issues
Chapter 14-An Uneasy Introduction
Chapter 15: A Coming Storm
Chapter 16-Break The Ice Pt.1
Chapter 17-Break The Ice PT.2
Chapter 18: Break The Ice PT.3
Chapter 19: Break The Ice PT.4
Chapter 20: Break The Ice-Epilogue
Chapter 21: Things To Come.....
Chapter 22:Trust Me
Chapter:23 First Impressions
Chapter 24: Hitting The Ground Running
Chapter 25: An Unexpected End To A Journey
Chapter 26:A Whole New Environment
Chapter 27: The Journey Will Continue......

Chapter 7:Questions, Questions...

175 5 1
By XenicesPad010

Amiya POV

Things have been going a lot smoother ever Doktah-I mean Arata came back & improving Rhodes Island by improving it everyday with every operation he goes on to get the materials. Although there have been some problems involving Arata. Like how he likes to stay in his dorm for an unhealthy amount of time. Not to mention that he only leaves his dorm when an important matter occurs. I hope Arata is able to break out his shell-

"Ah Amiya. Good timing. I actually needed your thoughts on this plan that Arata & I prepared for next week's operation." said Saria as she held out a tablet to me

"Oh Miss Saria. Wait....what did you say about Doktah Arata?!" I asked with a shocked expression

"Oh that? I've been meeting with Arata at his dorm to prepare a plan to succeed in any upcoming operation. I thought Doktah Arata made you aware of this?" replied Saria with a surprised expression

"No, I wasn't. Sorry about my reaction, Miss Saria. I'll look over the plan & get back to you as soon as possible." I said as I recomposed myself

"It's alright. If that's all, then I'll be heading to my dorm now" said Saria before she walking off

Well that was surprising.....maybe Doktah Arata is already trying to break out of his shell. I'd think I'll check in on him once I finished going over the plan he & Saria made.

A Few minutes Later Outside Doktah Arata's Dorm....

"Doktah Arata. Are you in there? I wanted to see how you're doing." I said after knocking on his door

"*yawn* A-amiya? Come in." said Doktah Arata with in exhausted tone

Arata sounded really tired when he answered me.....I really hope he's taking care of himself. But when I walked inside..I was faced with Doktah Arata sitting at his desk filled with many stacks of papers from documents, operator files, deals with other organizations, & etc.

"Doktah Arata!? Have you been working on these the entire day?! Please tell me that you at least took a break!?" I asked with a worried expression

"U-um.....what time is it again?" replied Doktah Arata with an exhausted tone as he scratched his head

"It's 7:30pm!" I said with a worried expression

"Oh....since last night. Don't worry....I'" said Arata before passing out on his desk

"Doktah!!!!" I yelled as checked his condition

"Red will call Kal'tsit." said Projekt Red as jumped down from the ceiling & rushing out the door

"Please do Red!!!" I said as continued checking for a pulse

A Few Minutes Later...

"Amiya! How's his condition!?" yelled Kal'sit as rushed inside with a worried expression

"He's got a pulse, but he's not responding!!! What do we do!?" I yelled as tears began to fall from my eyes

"Silence is on her way now. For now, I'll administer a brand new potion into his system that Warfarin & I have been working on." said Kal'sit before she injected said potion into his system

A few moments after Kal'sit injected Doktah Arata with the potion, Doktah Arata jolted awake which both relieved/surprised us. But for now, we're just glad to see Doktah awake.

"Doktath!!! You're alright!!" I yelled with relieved expression as hugged Doktah Arata

"Arata! How are you feeling!? Do you feel any pain!?" yelled Kal'sit as examined Arata closely with a concerned expression

"Kal'sit?! Amiya!? W-what h-happened?! Did I pass out!? Why is Amiya hugging me!?" asked Doktah Arata with a confused expression

Kal'sit & I gave Doktah Arata some space after we saw his reaction. We quickly explained what happened to Doktah & right in that moment, Silence entered the room with extra medical supplies.

"I'm here! How's Doktah Arata's condition!?" said Oliva before noticing the conscious Doktah Arata

"U-umm....hi?" said Doktah Arara with a nervous expression while waving his hand nervously

Kal'sit explained the situation to Silence while I took this time to see how Doktah Arata was doing.

"Ummm, Doktah. How are you feeling right now? Sorry if we've freaked you or made you nervous." I asked with a concerned expression

"I-it's alright, Amiya. I am a bit confused.....sorry for all the trouble I've caused." said Doktah Arata with an apologetic tone of voice

"Thanks Doktah. But please remember to take a break & not push yourself." I said with a relieved/concerned expression

After that, Kal'sit & Silence finished their talk & walked over to talk with Doktah & me. I really hope they found the reason for what happened to Doktah Arata.

Third-Person POV

"Doktah, we have something important to tell you & we need you to pay close attention." said Kal'sit with a serious expression

"Alright. I understand. Please continue Doktah Kal'sit, Silence." said Doktah Arata with a serious expression

"The reason for you passing out had something to do with your sanity. It was massively affected after Amiya & her team recovered you from Chernobog. It's somehow linked to your energy & it's effecting how your body & mind function." said Silence with a serious/concerned expression

"Ahh I see. I'm gonna assume that it'll be a constant thing in my life?" asked Doktah Arata with a serious/intrigued expression

"Yes. To help you monitor this, we'll be installing a device that helps display the level of your sanity in your mask." said Kal'sit with a serious expression

"Wait really!? That's great to hear! When will it be finished?" asked Amiya with a relieved expression

"It'll take a few days. But we'll have it delivered to Doktah Arata once it's finished." said Kal'sit with a more relaxed expression

"I see....." said Doktah Arata before he went into a long-train of thought

"Doktah?" asked Amiya, Kal'sit, & Silence in unison

"I need some time to myself right now. I'll be fine. Plus, I'll have Red watch me-" said Doktah Arata until Projekt Red poked her up from the ceiling

"Red will do her best to watch over you, Doktah." said Red with a small smile


"DOKTAH!!!??" yelled everyone in unison with a shocked expressions

In a matter of seconds, Dotkah Arata passed out due to Projekt Red's sudden appearance. It was no surprise that everyone in the room started to freak out. But it only took a matter of seconds to realize that Doktah Arata was alright. Kal'sit ordered Projekt Red to watch over Doktah Arata while everyone else turned in for the night. Amiya wanted to stay, but Kal'sit managed to reassure her that Projekt Red will do her job.

"Sorry for scaring Doktah, Amiya." said Projekt Red with an apologetic expression

"It's alright Red. I'm not mad." said Amiya with the same expression

"Okay. Goodnight, Amiya." said Projekt Red with a relieved expression

After everyone else left Doktah Arata's dorm, Projekt Red curled up next to Doktah Arata's bed with weapons at the ready. Once Projekt Red was sure that both Doktah was alright & the room was secure, Projekt Red drifted to sleep.

"Arata.....hang in there......" said ghostly voice

In a split-second, Doktah Arata jolted awake to be face to face with the identity of the ghost. What surprised Arata was the identity of the voice was a ghostly woman with a beautiful face, hair, & body.

"W-who are you? H-how do you know my name?" asked Doktah Arata with understandably confused/scared tone of voice

Sadly for Doktah Arata, the ghost faded away before he could get an answer. Doktah Arata pondered what he just saw & decided that he was just seeing things & decided to brush it off. That was when Doktah Arata noticed Projekt Red curled up next to bed & promptly put a pillow under head before drifting to sleep.

Next Day at 4am On Deck of Rhodes Island...

"*sigh* I need to remember to keep my Sanity in check & not be a burden to everyone else." said Doktah Arata aloud with in a somber tone

After Doktah Arata finished his daily routine of waking up at 4am to pounder his thoughts, he began his work for the day. But just as Doktah Arata was heading towards his office, he accidently bumped into someone.

"Oww...." said the black haired female feline

"O-oh! I'm so sorry about that! A-are you okay!?" asked Doktah Arata with a concerned expression

When Doktah Arata looked at the black haired female feline, he was surprised/in awe at the sight of her. She had beautiful blue eyes, a strong fit figure, and he suddenly felt the air around her suddenly feel warmer. Although what surprised Doktah Arata was the humongous chainsaw strapped to her back. Before Doktah Arata could look further, the feline female brought him out of his thoughts.

"I'm alright! No need to be so nervous-" said black hair female feline until she got a closer look at the Doktah Arata

"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong!?" asked Doktah Arata with a nervous expression

"Are you Doktah Arata by any chance?" asked the black hair female feline with a serious expression

"Y-yes?!" replied Doktah Arata with a now terrified expression

"Do you remember the Operators Ace and Scout?" said black hair female feline as she gritted her teeth

For a moment, the memories of Ace and Scout flashed right before Doktah Arata's mind. Even some faint memories that Doktah Arata didn't remember at first resurfaced at that exact moment. The black hair female feline was confused at Dotkah Arata's behavior and right when she was about to say something, Doktah Arata finally spoke up.

"Ace and Scout were the operators involved in the operation to save me in Chernobog when Reunion attacked it. I'm sad to say that even though we knew each other, my memories are still a bit foggy. But....I regret not being able to save him or remember more about him. If you knew them personally....I'm so sorry what happened." said Doktah Arata with an apologetic bow

Doktah Arata's words surprised the black hair female feline because of the rumors she'd heard about the Doktah before his memory loss. She thought that the Doktah was a heartless person...but Doktah Arata's words changed that.

"Thanks for that. I'm sorry if I scared you, Doktah Arata," said the black hair female feline with a small smile

"O-oh r-really? Phew...." said Doktah Arata with in a relieved tone

"Oh yeah, I haven't told you my name. I'm Blaze! Nice to finally meet you!" said Blaze with a big smile

"O-oh! It's n-nice to meet you!" said Doktah Arata with in a nervous tone

"Hey, are you nervous? Come on loosen up! What are you up to right now?" asked Blaze with an intrigued expression

"O-oh, I need to head to my office & see what work I need to work on." replied Doktah Arata in a nervous tone

"Okay then! Let me help you out then! Hang on Doktah!" said Blaze before picking Dotkah up bridal style & rushing towards his office

"W-w-w-what!!!!!!" yelled Doktah Arata in an embraced tone

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