Crimson Eyes {{Katsuki Bakugo...

By CraigGoat

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You, Izuku Midoriya, and Katsuki Bakugo all grew up together. You all lived close together and were friends... More

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By CraigGoat

My chest tightened so much I was surprised i was still able to breathe. Villains? How are they here? whats going on?!  I tried to calm myself down. Mr Aizawa rushed down, starting an attack on the oncoming villains. As we tried to figure out what was going on, and why Kaminari couldn't use his radio, the purple smokey villain appeared behind us, catching us all off guard.

"We are the League of Villains, though it is impolite, we decided to go ahead and invite ourselves in. I believe All Might was supposed to be here as well today, where is he? Well, regardless, my role is the same."  What the hell?! League of Villains?! How is this happening? I focused back in on my surroundings and Kacchan and Kirishima jumped up, attempting to attack the villain. He easily avoided due to his smokey aura, and got angry at the out burst. He yelled he was sending us to our deaths as he pushed the vortex out towards us. I shut my eyes in fear, as i felt myself be grabbed. I quickly opened my eyes to see that the dupli-arms guy in my class, Shoji, and grabbed me and a few others in an attempt to help us not be swallowed up. I quickly checked my surroundings and saw a few other classmates had managed to dodge or be pulled out. The others were... gone. My hands clenched into tight fist seeing Kacchan and Shoto were not there. Were they ok? I felt a hand touch my shoulder I looked beside me and it was Mina. She looked terrified, but was attempting to stay strong. Thirteen ordered us to stand back, activating their quirk. However, the warp villain countered the attack, turning Thirteens black hole against them. Thirteen collapsed to the ground and we rushed over to try and help.

"Iida you have to get help!" someone yelled. I looked up at Iida as he realized he was our only hope. He charged towards the door, but the villain tried to catch him. That's when Uraraka noticed his neck piece that was just barely visable through the thick smoke. She quickly activated her quirk, sending the villain floating. Sero and Sato managed to wrangle him and send him off towards the direction the villains had entered. I focused on the fighting down below, and felt dread as Mr Aizawa was starting to slow.

"(y/n)..." Thirteen gasped out. I snapped my head back to them. "(y/n).. your quirk is best for attack and defense out of the group.. Go back mr Aizawa up.."

"B-but i-" i tried to protest in panic, but was stopped by Mina grabbing my hand. I looked at the faces of my fellow classmates. They were all trying their best, and looking at me with confident eyes.

"You can do this," Mina said, releasing her grip on my hand. I stood up, trying to push the fear in the pit of my stomach out. 

"Watch Thirteen," i said with determination. I activated my Scorpion Tail with my spine, and pushed my bones out of my palms till i had about the length of a sword in each hand. they werent sharp enough to kill, or even cut really, but the impact would still hurt enough to break their bones or knock them out. I knew heros didn't kill, so it was my job to follow that accordingly. I quickly ran down the stairs. Some of the villains were waiting at the bottom to try and ambush me. The ones with quirks that could fire off started the fighting. I used my Scorpion Tail to block and deflect the incoming shrapnel. I reached the bottom and started engaging in combat. I dodged oncoming punches and kicks with ease thanks to my father's help with diligent  training. As i blocked I countered, swinging my sword bones to immobilize them. I was keeping up well, and was suddenly back to back with Mr Aizawa.

"What are you doing here?!" he asked quickly, blocking an incoming punch.

"Thirteen's orders!" I responded, knocking another one out. We fought well together, quickly adapting to each others movements. I got hit here and there, but i could handle it. Just stay focused! I caught a skinny guy covered in hands running straight towards us, and before I could react Mr Aizawa shoved me out of the way, blocking the silver haired villain with his elbow. I watched in horror as he started disintegrating my teacher's elbow, completely ruining his ability to use it. I shook some, fearful i would be next. Mr Aizawa jumped back, continuing his attack on the remaining hoard of villains. I did my best to help, but suddenly a giant bird-like villain appeared behind Mr Aizawa, grabbing his head and slamming it repeatedly into the ground. I watching in helpless terror as his head was pounded more and more. The warp villain appeared beside the hands guy, who was clearly leading the attack. He informed the leader with the hands, Shigaraki, that iida had escaped. Shigaraki became upset, scratching at his neck in frustration.

"Lets go home.." Shigaraki said. "But first..." I blinked and he was in front of me, reaching for my head. "Lets destroy the Symbol of Peace's pride!" He stopped suddenly. "You really are so cool..." he growled, shifting his gaze back to Mr Aizawa. He had activated his erasure quirk, despite being beaten up so badly. Suddenly Izuku appeared, firing a punch at Shigaraki. I shielded my eyes, bracing for the overpowered punch's aftermath, But felt nothing. I opened my eyes to see the Bird villain, Nomu, had blocked the attack. Izuku and I stared in disbelief. The Nomu grabbed my leg, slinging me away quite a few yards. I landed on my back, instantly gasping and feeling a metallic liquid in my mouth. My arm bones retreated back into my body  due to my muscles seizing up. I looked back and He reached grabbed Izuku, ready to fling him as well. I tried to lift myself up, when suddenly the entrance doors blasted open.

All Might. 

I Breathed a sigh of relief, my eyes attempting to water. He quickly jumped down, sweeping up Mr Aizawa faster than my eyes could process. Then in another blink he had me, Izuku, Tsu, and Mineta tucked under his arms. He set us down, ordering us to quickly carry Mr Aizawa up to safety. I wiped the blood from my mouth. Something felt off, and judging from Izuku's look, I was right. We hesitantly picked our unconscious teacher up and started to carry him off, All Might assuring us it was ok. All Might started to fight the Nomu, but it was obvious his punches were doing nothing.

"Izuku.." I said nervously. "his attacks ar-"

"i know," Izuku said in a firm voice. Shigaraki started to brag about the Nomu, like it was a flashy toy or something. All Might grabbed it by the waist, Bringing back to slam it's head into the ground. Only.. the warp villain opened a hole. The Nomu's upper half was coming out under All Might. He had our hero in a tight grasp and was digging he fingers into his side, causing all might to bleed. They both started to slowly sink into the vortexes. Izuku suddenly took off running towards them.

"Izuku no!" I called out chasing after him. I was scared. Im not going to lose my best friend to this! I chased after despite the sharp pain in lungs. My bones may not break easily, but the rest of my body had gotten hit hard from being slung. Just as I was about to grab Izuku's collar, another hole appeared in front of us, both of us about to fall in. Suddenly we were both grabbed and flung backwards. 

"Out of my way you damn nerd!" It was Kacchan, and he had the warp Villain pinned down by the nack armer. Ice started to creep up the Nomu. I looked over and Shoto was walking up.  Kirishima jumped in, swing attacks at Shigaraki, who easily dodged. All Might broke lose, and readied himself.

"You guys!" Izuku gasped in shock. I stood up, my body aching. I was reaching my limit. My arms and back were screaming for me to stop. I retracted my scorpion tail, trying to slow down the oncoming muscle paralysis. We stood around the Nomu and Shigaraki.

"Try to move and i'll blow you to pieces!" Kacchan threatened the warp villain with a devilish smile.

"that's not very heroic," Kirishima pointed out. I wanted to giggle, but this was not the time. I focused my attention back to the attackers in front of us. Shigaraki was almost... calm. It was unsettling. 

"Nomu," he commanded.  Nomu broke himself in half, freeing from the warp gate. He started twitch and trying to stand.

"he can move?!" I gasped. He started regenerating his broken off body.

"I thought you said his quirk was shock absorption?" All might Growled. 

"I didnt say that was his only quirk..." Shigaraki smugly admitted.  All Might clinched onto his bleeding side. Suddenly Nomu focused his attention to me and the guys.  He started charging, and fear hit me like a bullet in the heart. He was headed straight towards Kacchan! I tried to move, but my shaky legs almost dropped me, the muscles being affected by the repercussions of my quirk. Nomu reached for Kacchan, and my stomach dropped as Izuku called his name out. There was a huge blast, knocking me to my knees. I was ready for the worst, when I noticed Kacchan was suddenly beside me.

"Kacchan how did you dodge?!" Izuku asked in pure shock.

"I didn't," he growled. our eyes followed the blast path over to All Might in a blocked position. He had moved Kacchan and taken the impact. He stood up clearly upset. Shigaraki started to taunt all might, taking about how violence always leads to more violence.

"these guys are crazy.. but we can back him up!" Kirishima declared, activating his quirk. Kacchan and Shoto joined him, standing at the ready. Izuku helped me back to feet, shooting me a worried look.

"(y/n)..." he whispered. "You're limit..." I nodded.

"I'll be ok," I said with a determined smile. I had to be ok. 

"Stay back!" All Might said. "This isn't safe." Shoto started to protest, pointing out it was him that froze the Nomu. "I thank you for that, Young Todorki. But this, is different. Don't worry! It'll be fine!" he gave us a thumbs up. Izuku unknowingly tightened his grip on my arm some. All Might started to power up his attack, then he and Nomu charged at each other. The punches being thrown were so fast and powerful, it was blowing us all back. Shigaraki blew backwards, catching himself on the concrete. I was pushed back onto my ass from the shockwaves. I flipped over, trying to stop myself. I pushed my  thigh bones out my knees, digging them into the ground to anchor myself.  All Might's punch kept pounding the Nomu, Pushing him back further and further. In  every hit he was giving it his all to the point it was changing the ground below us! He flung nomu into the concrete, and as he bounce up, All Might punched him with all he had, crying out Plus Ultra! the nomu went flying, bursting through the top of the USJ. It was like an explosion the force was so strong. We stood in awe, know seeing what it meant to be on top.

"I really have grown weaker.." All Might said with an angry chuckle. "In my prime just a few hits would be all I needed." We stood there admiring him in pride, our fears starting to dwindle. I pulled my bones back into my legs, instantly feeling my legs go numb with paralysis. I tried to move, but my body wouldn't listen. 

"(y/n), can you move?" Izuku asked quietly. I shook my head no.

"It's the paralysis," I angrily admitted. I hated my quirks draw back. Izuku looked back to All Might, worry all over his face.

"come on you two," Kirishima called. "We dont want to get in the way now!" Shoto looked down at me and I knew he could see frustration on my face.

"are you ok?" He asked.

"She over used her quirk," Kacchan spat, as if it was obvious. His lack of care stung, but now wasn't the time.

"All might has the main guys," Kirishima pointed out. "Lets help the others and get (y/n) to safety!" he hardened his arms. Shigaraki started running towards a stiffened All Might, and flash backs of Mr Aizawa flashed by in my head, making my feel queezy. Suddenly Izuku jumped out faster than I've ever seen him move, Preparing to punch Shigaraki. It was suddenly like watching in slow motion. A warp hole opened in front of my friend's face, and the hand of Shigaraki was coming out. My breath caught in my throat, not ready for the scene about to unfold. Suddenly a loud gunshot cracked through the USJ, hitting Shigaraki right in the arm. It was the teachers and Iida!  The warp retreated to go around Shigaraki, shielding him. Shigaraki turned to start walking off, when more shots fired. They nailed him in the other arm and both legs. The purple smoke started to surround him to try and absorb him, when Thirteen (who was being supported up) tried to suck in the fog. It was too late though, SHigaraki slipped away, threatening to kill all might next time. 

the teachers dispersed themselves out, helping the rest of the students and rounding up the remaining villains. I looked at Izuku, his legs badly broken. Ironic how were were both immobile, him in his legs and me in my legs and lower back.

"this many heros being here means the rest of the school was not attacked," Shoto observed. I sighed in relief. Kirishima started to head over towards Izuku and All Might, when suddenly Cementos put up a wall. He exchanged a few words with Kirishima, who then ran back towards us.

"Hey! he said join the others!" he called.

"do you need help?" Shoto asked, extending his hand out to me. I heard Kacchan scoff.

"Of coarse she does. He legs are probably in full paralysis right now," he said, walking by with a glare at Shoto. He quickly glanced down at me, his eyes softening slightly, before scowling and walking off. Shoto helped me onto his back and carried me towards the front to met with the others.

"Thanks for this.." I spoke softly to him. I was exhausted.

"Of coarse," He said in his usual calm voice.

"I owe you," I said with a smile of relief.

"We'll figure something out," he mumbled with a slight chuckle. As we approached Mina saw me, running over with tears in her eyes.

"(y/n)!! Are you ok!? I was so worried!!" She stopped at my side, completely ignoring the fact i was on Shoto. I smiled to my friend.

"I'm ok. My quirk can cause temporary Muscle paralysis," i sheepishly admitted. She wrapped her arms around me roughly, causing Shoto to almost drop me.

"You were so brave!" she continued to cry. "You have to teach meeee!" 

"ok, ok," I laughed as i pried her off, much to Shoto's appreciation. We all gathered in front of the building, as a detective counted us all. 

"You sure you don't need to go to see someone?" Shoto asked. I nodded my head.

"It'll subside soon." I was right. By the time our bus got back to school Mina was able to help walk, or rather awkwardly limp, to the changing room. She sat me down on the bench as we all changed. There was silence at first as we all soaked in what had just happened.

"I.. I just wanted to say," I spoke up, gathering their attention. "I'm so glad that everyone is ok." tears started to slip out of my eyes, full relief finally hitting. I looked up and all the other girls had tears too. We quickly embraced in a tight group hug, all thankful we not only survived, but that we grew stronger too.

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