ABIENCE || tokyo rev.

By crownedhades

18K 845 696

โ ๐“ซ๐“ป๐“ฎ๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ ๐“ช๐“ท๐“ญ ๐”‚๐“ธ๐“พ'๐“ต๐“ต ๐“ซ๐“ฎ ๐“ฏ๐“ฒ๐“ท๐“ฎ. โž || ๐™„๐™‰ ๐™’๐™ƒ๐™„๐˜พ๐™ƒ, you, the reader, wake up in the bod... More

[ โœฏ ONE โœฏ ]
[ โœฏ TWO โœฏ ]
[ โœฏ THREE โœฏ ]
[ โœฏ FOUR โœฏ ]
[ โœฏ FIVE โœฏ ]
[ โœฏ SIX โœฏ ]
[ โœฏ SEVEN โœฏ ]
[ โœฏ EIGHT โœฏ ]
[ โ˜พ YOUR DECISION โ˜ฝ ]
[ โœฏ TEN โœฏ ]
[ โœฏ ELEVEN โœฏ ]
[ โœฏ TWELVE โœฏ ]
[ โœฏ THIRTEEN โœฏ ]
[ โ˜พ YOUR DECISION โ˜ฝ ]
[ โœฏ FOURTEEN โœฏ ]
[ โœฏ FIFTEEN โœฏ ]
[ โœฏ SIXTEEN โœฏ ]
[ โœฏ SEVENTEEN โœฏ ]
[ โœฏ EIGHTEEN โœฏ ]
[ โœฏ NINETEEN โœฏ ]
[ โœฏ TWENTY โœฏ ]
[ โœฏ TWENTY-ONE โœฏ ]
editing notice
[ โœฏ TWENTY-TWO โœฏ ]

[ โœฏ NINE โœฏ ]

753 36 39
By crownedhades

Note: I have no idea who the person in the image is, but that is sort of how I imagine Mathew Robins to look like.

"Hey, have you heard? There's a new student coming in today. Apparently someone saw him being toured around the school early this morning." A feminine voice spoke, chatting with her friend before the period began.

The other student blinked upon hearing the news, "really? I had no idea. I wonder what he's like."

"Yeah, and apparently it was the principal who gave him the tour, not one of the students. Do you think he's someone important?"

"No, I don't think so.." She then continued, "sounds more like a delinquent, since he hasn't been paired with a senior yet."

"Ugh, don't we have enough of those already?" The unnamed girl sighed out, pinching the bridge of her nose out of frustration.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" A familiar voice questioned, stepping forward to reveal herself to be none other than Tachibana Hinata.

"Oh, hi, Hinata-chan!" One of them greets, giving their female acquaintance a kind smile. "We were just talking about the new student."

"You mean Kazutora-kun?" Hinata replied, tilting her head curiously at the information.

The other parted her mouth in shock, "you know him?!"

"Ahh, yes. Well, sort of. We met once and became friends." Hinata said, recalling the interactions that she shared with said boy.

"Is he really a delinquent?" The girl that theorized it asked, curiosity lacing her voice.

Hinata shook her head, "I know he said he was, but he honestly did not act like one. Maybe just someone with different views than others?" She didn't want to say that he came out of juvie, thinking that sharing such information would be too intrusive.

"So he's just some rebel? Hopefully he doesn't cause any trouble. It's annoying to have to listen to people crowding in the hallways just to witness a fight."

"I don't know if I can promise anything," Hinata nervously laughed, "but I don't think he'll intentionally disturb any of us." If only you knew, Hinata. If only you knew.

"Soo, what's he like, then?" One of the girls questioned. She was the one that originally shared the rumor.

"I think he's pretty playful overall, but he has good manners. Never once said anything rude or insensitive to me, so I think he's a good guy." Hinata answered, before asking her own question. "Why do you ask, Suzune-chan?"

The girl's name was revealed to be Suzune, full name Himawari Suzune. "Oh, nothing. I was just curious, is all. We don't get too many new students, especially so late in the year."

Suzune then continued, rounding up her notebooks and pens once she noticed that class was about to begin, "what do you think, Nanami-chan?" She looked towards the other girl, the one that correctly theorized that he was a delinquent.

Sasaki Nanami quickly responded, expressing her opinion with dabs of uncertainty, "I don't know, really. What if he's just a player trying to win your heart, Hinata-san?"

"I don't think he would do that..." Hinata thought to herself for a moment, "he didn't seem to mind that I was already dating Takemichi-kun. If anything, he didn't seem to be interested in anything but being my friend."

"Yeah, that's how it could start off as! What if you end up being the female protagonist of some love rivalry!?" Nanami said worriedly.

"Nana-chan, you really need to get your head out of your rom-coms," Suzune commented, sighing in exasperation at her best friend's wild ideas. "If Hinata-chan says that he's not a bad person, then he's not. Don't you trust her?"

"Of course I trust her, it's just.." The Sasaki girl trailed off.

"You don't trust him?" Hinata asked, although her question sounded more like a statement.

Nanami nodded, "yes, exactly! Teenage boys could act one way one moment and then do a complete one-eighty the next!"

"That's quite stereotypical, though, don't you think?" Hinata murmured.

"You only say that because you're already dating a delinquent, Hinata-chan," Suzune spoke aloud, "so you're probably not used to the bad personalities that some degenerate delinquents have."

Suzune then continued, resting her head on her notebook, "buuut, this is you that we're talking about. I don't think anyone would have the balls to disrespect you— especially after that slap you gave Sano Manjirou of all people? That was so cool!"

"Suzune-chan!" Nanami said in a scolding tone, "whhaat? Mad that I said balls?" Suzune snickered, finding her reaction to be hilarious.

"It's inappropriate." Nanami huffed.

"Don't care, didn't ask."

Hinata chuckled, "be nice, Suzune-chan. And besides, that slap was not cool at all.. the way he laughed it off was so embarrassing!"

"Maybe later!" Suzune grinned, giving her friends a playful look. "No matter how embarrassing, it doesn't make it any less cool." She then glanced at the classroom's clock. "Anyway, class is about to start so I think you two should go back to your—" she cut herself off, noticing that the teacher walked in, "—all rise!" She said loudly for everyone to hear, quickly standing up from her lying position.

The two other girls quickly scrambled to their seats, all of the other students present were standing up as well. Once the teacher stood behind her desk, Suzune continued, "—and bow!" Followed by the students bowing to their teacher. It was a Japanese standard custom for students in school, and every district followed it.

"You may sit down," the teacher said, picking up a piece of paper from her desk before skimming over it, "as some of you probably know by now, we have a new student. He will be here in a few minutes, so I expect that everyone will be on their best behavior."

The chattering of the class quietened down upon the teacher's arrival, only to sit back down upon receiving the signal.

Located in the hallway were Hanemiya Kazutora and his new principal, Mr.Fukumoto. The much older male was reviewing the school rules and expectations for him as they walked, heading straight for his homeroom classroom. Kazutora was already shown the direction of his other classes, so Y/N wasn't particularly worried about that. However, Y/N couldn't help but feel nervous about being introduced to a new class, to an entirely new environment. The Japanese school system was much different than the American schools, so Y/N wasn't sure if they would be able to easily blend in. What if there were cultural differences that make Kazutora look weird if Y/N doesn't realize them? Y/N supposed that they could excuse it off as shyness or delinquency, but neither of the two were good personas— shyness because of the tough exterior he's trying to make, and delinquency because of school. Y/N doesn't want Kazutora to become a dropout, after all.

Upon arriving in front of the classroom door, the principal gave Kazutora a quiet 'good luck' before knocking, signaling to the teacher that he had arrived. The teacher then opened the door, smiling at both himself and the principal before leading him inside. Kazutora clenched the hems of his school uniform, taking in a deep breath before bowing in front of the class. He was holding a folded school bag containing his notebooks and other materials needed.

Lifting his head up, he forced a smile, "Hanemiya Kazutora, but please, call me Kazutora."

An array of hushed whispers emerged, a few either pointing out his blonde bangs or his appearance, a few of them even wondering why he wants to go by his first name. It made Y/N feel uneasy, and they weren't sure how to process the people's comments. Nevertheless, after his introduction, the teacher then directed him to an empty desk before calling out roll call.

The class then went on normally; Y/N took as many notes as they could, already being familiar with most of the subjects being taught. After briefly reviewing what they wrote, Y/N doesn't think that they will struggle at all when testing comes. I've already learned this, they would think to themself. As more years go by, the more difficult the content within education facilities become. For example, a fifth grader could be learning something that a high schooler or late middle schooler would be learning ten to twenty years before. It was simply how things worked as more things are required to complete in later years.

Class ended in a breeze, and time went by fairly quickly for Y/N. They weren't even going to attempt to hope that every day would be like this, already knowing that the main cause of the going by fast was because of their prominent curiosity for the room around them. Things were different, and Y/N couldn't help but be amazed that they were even here— in this reality— a different feeling that pulled them away from their rooted pessimism.

Y/N was beginning to think that living in this world wasn't so bad. They've met four different people who were good to him, who treated him with respect and didn't cross him. Any conflicts that has happened so far were all Y/N's fault and Y/N's fault only.

Sighing, Kazutora got up from his seat after the bell rang, having already collected his belongings into his bag. From the corner of his eye, he saw Tachibana Hinata, one of the four people that showed him kindness. Someone who would become one of Y/N's staples of light shining as a beacon during their more edged times.

He smiled, giving her a wave that she returned. "Hi, Kazutora-kun!" Hinata said, walking up to him with that signature, cheerful attitude of hers.

"Hey, Hinata-chan. How are you?" Y/N asked; a sense of genuineness soaking the voice that spoke through Kazutora.

"I'm doing pretty well, thank you for asking. Do you want to eat lunch with me and my friends later?" Hinata replied before following up with her own question.

Kazutora nodded, "yeah, sure. I don't mind at all." Why is it that Hinata always asks the questions that Y/N wants to hear? This way, Y/N won't have to worry about any social awkwardness. Hinata really was a naturally charismatic person.

"Great! See you soon," she smiled, "bye-bye!"

Hinata then left to head to her next class period, Kazutora doing the same once he said goodbye as well. Things were going smoothly— so far, at least, because the next few classes that led up to lunch period were insane. Teachers were annoying and had an attitude (bless his homeroom teacher for being so nice), and Kazutora even shared a class with the glasses-wearing kid named Kazushi Yamagishi, who was known to be part of the Mizo-Middle-Five that was lead by Akkun (Y/N doesn't remember his real name). What an awkward placement, but as long as Y/N avoids drawing attention to themself during the said class period, then all that meets well should end well, right?

Wrong, because as soon as Kazutora arrived for lunch, he was met with none other than Hanagaki Takemichi, who was hanging out with his girlfriend (you guessed it: Hinata) for lunch. This entire situation was exactly what Y/N wanted to avoid. Sure, they wanted to be buddies with the eldest Tachibana, but they sure as hell wanted nothing to do with her boyfriend until Valhalla.

Kazutora's smile was extremely forced, but nonetheless seemed natural to the outside. He was naturally gifted at being fake— something that Y/N is internally praising him for as Hinata walks up, the Hanagaki nuisance in tow.

Now, don't get Y/N wrong— Takemichi is not a bad character. He's basically the eyes of the reader with how he deals with things, yeah? But he's also the one and only person that is also not from this time period— the only difference is that Takemichi belongs to this world while Y/N does not.

"Hinata-chan," Kazutora said, greeting her with a smile, "is this that Hanagaki person that you mentioned before?"

"Hello, Kazutora-kun! And you would be correct, this is Takemichi-kun." She then turned to look at her boyfriend, "Takemichi-kun, this is Hanemiya Kazutora, a new friend of mine. Hopefully you two will get along well!"

Already on a first-name basis? The blue-eyed blonde thought to himself, holding out a hand for Kazutora to shake. "Nice you meet you, Hanemiya-san.."

Kazutora shook his hand with a strong grip, but not one that would hurt him, "Kazutora is fine; and you, too. I'm sure we'll be great friends." Y/N's dripping sarcasm was only noticed by Takemichi— Hinata was too busy looking at the lunch menu while they waited in line.

"Say, Hinata-chan," Kazutora began, gaining her attention, "didn't you say that we would be eating with your friends? I would love to meet them." It was a risky move Y/N wanted to play, curious to see who these 'friends' of hers really were. Seeing as Takemichi was here, there was always the possibility that it could be students from the Mizo-Middle-Five group, or it could be characters that never appear in the manga. Y/N was hoping for the latter.

"Oh, right! I'm pretty sure they've already sat down, so I'll introduce you to them once we get our food." Hinata reassured, stepping closer to the beginning of the line as they drew near.

He nodded, "sounds good to me." Kazutora avoided having direct eye contact with Takemichi, leaving himself closed off from starting a conversation.

Takemichi awkwardly stood there, listening in on what they were saying. As much as he wanted to get to know Kazutora, who was claimed as Hinata's friend, he felt oddly intimidated by the man. His avoidance of even looking at him felt as though Kazutora didn't want anything to do with him, and his intuition couldn't be more right.

Not only that, but Kazutora's presence here was extremely odd and unusual. Takemichi doesn't remember Hinata being friends with him, nor does Takemichi have any recollection of meeting him. Did Takemichi change this with him going back and forth between the future? Did he accidentally unlock a timeline where someone new has entered the picture? From his perspective, that seems to be the case. But what did he do to cause this, he wondered.

"Kazutora-kun," Takemichi began, trying to build a conversation, "how did you meet Hina-chan?" Maybe if he started by asking this, maybe he'll get the answers that he was looking for.

Kazutora raised a brow, although he wasn't looking at him directly. "Met her at a convenience store when I was getting medicine for my mom. Then we just hit off from there."

He glanced at the blue-eyed boy before looking away, "if you're thinking that I'm trying to steal your girl, feel free to erase that thought. She's already sister-zoned." Y/N only said that to make sure that Takemichi didn't get any wrong ideas, speaking in a low volume so that only he could hear.

"Oh, no, not all!" The Hanagaki male waved his hands no, "I was just wondering since it's not every day that she introduces me to any of her new friends."

"Ah, really now." Kazutora dryly replied, watching as Hinata received her food before stepping up behind her, getting his own food after. Y/N couldn't help but be amused, thinking to themself that maybe Takemichi wasn't necessarily approved of by her friends. That or she's only introducing Kazutora out of pity for being new. Either way, it was an entertaining thought.

"Yeah. So which school do you come from?" Takemichi pushed, trying to get as much information as he could. Kazutora's first response wasn't clear enough, because what could have Takemichi done to change whether or not the two meet at a convenience store?

Kazutora sighed, picking up his tray of food, "the 'strict' kind." He hinted, not desiring to be direct with the blonde.

"A private school?"

"God, no."

"Then what district?"

"None of your business, now shush."

By now, the three students had already gathered their trays and were now heading towards whichever table that Hinata was leading them to. Hinata was smiling at their conversation, finding their dynamic to be slightly funny. If only Takemichi knew where he came from, Hinata thought, his reaction would have been more fun.

Takemichi frowned, figuring that he was going nowhere with this dude. He hated how he didn't know anything about him, but maybe that was his fault? He wasn't exactly the best boyfriend in the past, so maybe Hinata just had never introduced Kazutora to him before because of that? Because Takemichi was so irresponsible with their relationship as a kid? And now that he's an adult living in his younger self's body, maybe Hinata intuitively senses that he's a bit more mature and can trust him? It was a frustrating and guilty thought, but it was a possibility.

Y/N knew what Takemichi was doing by asking him such questions, but they wanted to act like they didn't. Y/N knows who Takemichi is, but does not want Takemichi to learn who Y/N is. The reasons were obvious, and Y/N was honestly starting to feel conflicted about their relationship with Hinata. She was a good friend, but this was an immediate meeting of the main character, so it made Y/N feel like everything was being rushed— that the world was rushing, but for what? As usual, Y/N did not know and did not expect to know anytime soon.

Sitting down, Hinata greeted her two friends who were sitting at the table. They were all the same age as Hinata, being in the same grade. "This is Kazutora-kun," Hinata began, introducing the three unknowns to each other, "and this is Himawari Suzune and Sasaki Nanami."

"Nice to meet you all," Kazutora politely smiled, sitting down across from Suzune and right next to Hinata. Takemichi sat on the other side of Hinata and across from Nanami.

"Is it true that you beat up the second year highschoolers!?" Suzune immediately questioned, placing down her chopsticks to give him her full attention.

Takemichi widened his eyes at the question, while Kazutora simply nodded his head. "They were second years? I did not know." A half-lie, feeding into her curiosity.

"So it was true!?" Suzune was a girl with hazel-brown eyes that reflected against the light; and raven black hair that reached her lower back with bangs that covered her brows. Her clear, pale skin showed that she more than likely has a strict skincare routine in the mornings. These were physical traits that Y/N immediately saw, taking note of her neat and well-groomed appearance.

As for Nanami, she had mid-length brown hair with swoopy layers, with evidence of damage from hair products. Maybe she dyed her hair often during school breaks? Her dark brown eyes almost appeared to be black, her stare feeling as though she was looking straight through his soul. Nonetheless, her gentle doey face gave her an innocent look.

"No comment," he said, taking a bite of his food afterward. School food was, as usual, bland, but at least the rice wasn't bad.

"Oh, c'mon. Don't be boring," Suzune sighed, Hinata shooting her a sharp look in return.
"If he doesn't want to answer something, he doesn't have to." The peachy-haired girl said.

Suzune tilted her head, "oh? I've never seen you so defensive before."

"I'm not—" Hinata paused, rethinking her words before continuing, "I have my reasons for it."

Takemichi raised an eyebrow, unsure of how to feel about her slight defensive attitude. Just who was Hanemiya Kazutora? And what did Hinata know that everyone clearly doesn't?

"It's fine, Hinata-chan," Kazutora reassured, finding amusement in their conversation, "they'll know eventually."

Hinata did not find any reassurance in his words, already inferring what he meant by that. However, she nodded, refocusing her attention on the tray of food in front of her.

"'Know what' eventually?" Suzune furthered, trying to get as much information as she could about the man. Drama and rumors were what she lived for, after all— other than her perfect grades and commitment to her after-school activities, of course.

That I just came out from juvie because Kazutora murdered someone, that I have beaten groups up and will continue to do so, that I will probably cause problems in this school, that I do not plan on being nice to Hinata's little boyfriend— the list goes on, but Y/N wouldn't openly speak of them. "Oh, nothing, don't worry about it at all."

"But we'll know eventually?"

"Suzune-chan, quit pestering the poor man and eat your food," Nanami scolded, pointing her chopsticks at her dear friend. It was as rude as someone pointing their finger, but no one at the table bat an eye to it.

Suzune leaned on her arm, teasing her with a whiney voice, "but Nanamii! I wanted to know."

"I know you wanted to know, but like Hinata-chan said, if he doesn't want to answer then he doesn't have to." Said Nanami.

Takemichi was silent during the discussion, too conflicted with his own thoughts to fully pay attention. Even if he wasn't the best boyfriend in the past before time leaping, he should have at least briefly known about the boy. Then again, Takemichi barely remembers Himawari and Sasaki, so maybe Kazutora was around but he just forgot? He felt like this never happened, his intuition leaning him towards that, but he couldn't help but second-guess himself over every little thing. Maybe Hinata wanted to introduce him to Kazutora in the past, but he had initially rejected the offer and went on with his day doing other things? The possibility was there, and he hated it. He hated how much of a bad person he was to Hinata, leading her on and then leaving her behind in the dust just because he was too much of a coward to face reality and push through. Maybe if he wasn't so apologetic, maybe if he didn't always have his head down, maybe if he wasn't such a sore loser that she had broken up with him, maybe if he— a hand was placed on his shoulder, pulling Takemichi out of his trance.

"Are you okay?" Hinata murmured quietly, concern flickering in the pools of her eyes.

Takemichi smiled softly, falling in love with her all over again, "I'm fine, Hina.. thank you."

"Good, I'm glad that you're okay." She said sweetly, her voice hushed in order to not draw the attention of others at the table.

Suzune kept leading the conversation, asking various questions to Kazutora while also adding information about herself, trying hard to get to know him. Kazutora is an attractive person, it's noted in the manga when he first arrived to meet Takemichi (within canon events)— and Suzune could see that; the beauty mark underneath his eye making him all the more alluring.

Takemichi noticed that Kazutora was answering her questions, regardless of whether or not he was being direct or indirect— varying on the question— and thought to himself that maybe now was a good time to see if he can get any more answers out of him, to clear his guilty paranoia.

"Hey, Kazutora-kun.." he drawled, drawing the attention of everyone at the table, "like Suzune has suggested before, there are rumors that you've been into some fights. Why is that?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm a delinquent." Kazutora huffed, stating it like it was plainly obvious.

"I know, but I meant like—" Takemichi wanted to explain, but Kazuora interrupted him.

"You're curious about what I'm involved in?"

"Yes, yes I mean that."

Kazutora made a face that made him look like he was pondering something, when in reality he had already made up his mind about how he should give answers a long time ago. "I don't really think I want to tell you, you know? We barely know each other, and I don't really think asking me about any of this is... well, you know, appropriate."

Y/N tried turning the tables on Takemichi, hoping that if they made it seem like Takemichi was crossing a boundary, then maybe he would shut up. However, despite everything that Y/N desperately wanted to happen, someone had to risk the possibility of them being cornered.

"That's not inappropriate to ask," Suzune blurted, "I've already asked you some pretty tmi subjects like what shampoo brand you use and whether or not you pluck your brows, so I don't think it's an awful thing to ask."

"You only say that because you also want him to answer, so you don't know that, Suzune-chan," Nanami added on, rebutting her words. "You've been asking him so many weird questions, that I wouldn't doubt that you've made him uncomfortable by now."

Suzune rolled her eyes, "have not!"

"You literally just admitted it three seconds ago—"

"Nuh-uh!" Suzune playfully bickered. Obviously she said it, but she just wanted to see Nanami riled up.

"You—" Nanami shook her head, "just what am I going to do with you?"

"Platonically love me, adore me, give me attention, anything a best friend would do—" Suzune listed, sassily inspecting her nails as she did so, "and I do the same for you. It's a mutual exchange, no?"

"You're so arrogant," Nanamiy light-heartedly said, an uncontrollable smile spreading across her lips, "but yes, I know."

"How is band going, Suzune-chan?" Hinata asked, now done with her food.

Thank you, Hinata, for changing the subject. Y/N internally thanked her, about halfway done with their own food. Takemichi, on the other hand, couldn't help but keep his frown, disappointed that his question was not answered.

"Oh, it's going great! We're actually going to start practicing with the choir group in a couple of weeks, so I've been really pumped up for that because then I'll be able to see Nana-chan more!" Suzune doted upon, verbally expressing her affection for the girl. The Sasaki girl was in choir, being fairly good at singing.

"What instrument do you play?" Kazutora asked, connecting a few dots. Y/n knows that Hinata plays the piano, so maybe the trio became friends due to their mutual interest in music? It was a reasonable answer.

"I play the violin," Suzune smiled brightly, "so unfortunately I can't play for any sports teams since it would be odd to have a violin player in the mix. But I go really well with the choir, so I get to listen to them sing every once in a while."

"Suzune and I have even played together as well," Hinata added, "you already know that I play piano."

"That sounds awesome!" Takemichi exclaimed, trying to be included in the conversation. He's barely said a word outside of his prior question.

"What sports do you play?" Suzune asked Kazutora, leaning in to make eye contact.

Sorry, Takemichi, you're kind of a side character right now.

"Just boxing.." Kazutora nervously chuckled, uncertain about whether or not Y/N liked the attention he was receiving.

"Sounds hot—" Suzune flirted, only to be elbowed by Nanami who looked at her like she was insane, "Himawari Suzune! You barely know him!?"

"And you're not my mom? But you can't deny that he's good-looking, right?"

Nanami flushed, "that's not the point!"

"So you agree with me?" Suzune teased.

"No, I don't!" Nanami defended, shaking her head profusely.

Kazutora laughed, "So you think I'm ugly?"

"No, that's not it, either! I just— you know what, I'm done. Not talking to either of you anymore." Nanami said before hiding her face with her hands, feeling completely red and embarrassed.

Suzune broke out into a fit of giggles, a mischievous glint shining in her hazel-brown eyes. "You're so cute, Nana-chan. I swear I could just pinch your cheeks!"

"Please, don't do that.." Nanami mumbled under her breath.

"I thought you didn't want to talk to us anymore?" Suzune playfully retorted.

"Shuut uup!" Nanami whined, giving Suzune a half-hearted glare from the cracks of her fingers.

Kazutora leaned down to Hinata's level, speaking in a barely audible volume. "So, are they into each other? My gay radar is tingling."

Hinata shook her head softly, a knowing smile plastering her face, "Nanami is, not Suzune. I think Nana-chan is bisexual? But Suzune doesn't know."

"Ah," Kazutora hummed, "so a crush. Wonder if it's mutual."

"Probably not," Hinata sighed in pity, "Suzune-chan only ever talks about boys and drama, and I think Nanami-chan knows it."

Kazutora gave a short nod in understanding, "I see."

"What are you two mumbling about over there?" Suzune asked, having briefly noticed them whispering to each other.

"Nothing important," Kazutora said in a normal voice, "anyway, I have a question."

"What is it?" Nanami was the one to ask.

"Do any of you know someone named Mathew? Mathew Robins— Robins being his last name since he's a foreigner." Y/N wanted to know because they have not yet seen him, and Mathew had told them that he also attended the same school.

"Yeah, he's a grade below us. He's kinda weird, though. How do you know him?" Suzune inquired, answering his question with ease. Suzune knows pretty much everyone in the school due to her bubbly personality and being an extrovert.

"Oh, I met him sometime after midnight last night while I was taking a walk. Apparently his dog got out of his backyard and had to search for him."

"Kazutora-kun? Why were you taking a walk so late at night?" Takemichi randomly asked, his interest piqued upon hearing this. Maybe this could finally be the answer that he's looking for.

"Because I can, duh," Kazutora said, snickering at Takemichi's dejected face.

"That's not healthy at all, though," Hinata said worriedly.

The conversation continued from there, but Takemichi couldn't help but lose his focus once more. Why does he keep avoiding my questions? Takemichi wondered, feeling conflicted about Kazutora's vague answers that actually answer nothing about him. Maybe I should ask Naoto-san? Takemichi stared down at his untouched food, his appetite barely holding on.

Takemichi's quiet behavior was a strong red flag to Y/N, already presuming where his thoughts were leading him. Maybe Y/N should have changed their plans with Hinata and joined her some other time just to avoid the blonde nuisance, but that would have been considered extremely rude, and— well— Kazutora didn't have anyone else that he knew, other than Mathew Robins, but who knows where that kid is.

Lunch ended shortly after, and the group of students all threw away their trash before heading to their next class. Suzune and Nanami had given Kazutora their phone numbers along with Hinata's, telling him to give them a call or something. He didn't even have the chance to explain his phone situation before they left. Oh, well, maybe he can add it to the collection of contacts that he'll ask Kokonoi or Seishu about. As for Takemichi, he didn't even give the boy a chance to keep in contact with him. If Y/N needs him, then they'll ask Hinata.

There wasn't anything particularly interesting about the periods after, being two of Y/N's least favorite classes. The bell had rung sometime around 3-4pm, signaling the students that the day was over. However, before Kazutora went home, he decided to wait around the front entrance gate to see if he could run into a certain redhead.

A/N: Did you know? The author of Abience has an intj-a mbti, but a 5w6 enneagram personality. However, Kazu/MC (Y/N) has been tested to be a entj-t and a 6w1 (one point away from being 6w3) personality. MC's personality is solely based on my interpretation on how they handle things. Share your thoughts below!

Also, I am trying to build a semi-realistic world within Japan, so some things that might be deemed too "inappropriate" in the story might be considered "normal" or "okay" in 2022, or if you're American like I am.

If you remember when I gave MC the choice to imagine what Kazutora was wearing, I noted that it has to either be gender-neutral or masculine-leaning. My reasoning is solely because back then, gender norms were a lot more expected, and do you really think canon Kazutora would have a girlish outfit lying around in his closet? It wouldn't be too realistic, now would it?

Finally, just letting you guys know, but I am not throwing OC's around for no reason. Characters unrelated to the main storyline will have reasonable significance to the character growth of MC.

I hope you all have enjoyed this chapter! I have some things planned for that certain redhead...

pay attention to s-- oh, never mind...

[Not Edited.]

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